#he works on a special brand of twisty logic and typical idw luck would keep this unnamed sparkling in the game for a while
transingthoseformers · 7 months
Shockwave with anyone.
1.) had sparkling before empurata and shadowplay
2.) was with sparkling before and throughout. Results up to you on how that effects whatever relationship and the possibility of the sparkling growing up alone with only post-empurata&shadowplay Shockwave as creator and company.
That is of course, if shockwave bothers dumping the resources into care however he sees fit
I feel like both situations would have very different consequences, but I feel like the first one has some seriously horrible moments to it that would be so fucking fun for us to see especially if say the kid is/was old enough to remember what things were like when Shockwave first came home (if he did at all) because I feel like that's horror movie material, considering everything I know of IDW Shockwave
But the second idea makes me wonder how Shockwave would be different if he had a bitlet so soon after a pretty traumatic event, and how it would change his plans. Because I don't think he'd write off an entire new person as illogical to keep. Sure I don't think he'll remain the primary caregiver at that point as to him it would be "logical" to foist parental duties onto someone else, but his plans span for so fucking long and he'd factor offspring into that
(I really like the first option though as there's a very cool scene to be had there, and you can factor in his ex found family students into this I think)
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