#he wouldn't make the same mistakes that sunny and basil did
polaroid-petals · 7 months
I'm this close to writing a fic where a few weeks post-confession, Hero has a dream where he gets the option to stab Basil in order for Mari to have never died, only for his knife to stab not this fictional dream version of Basil, but the real twelve-year-old one, whom he then slowly watches die as he's unable to save him from the gash in his stomach.
To his horror, as he wakes up four years after the murder with no memory of what happened afterwards, he learns that he covered up the murder, and he has no idea how or why he did it.
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aritsukemo · 6 months
Heyyy! I hope the requests are open and im not putting too much work on your shoulders...
Anyways, this is my first ever time requesting... ANYTHING at all so i hope this is a not-so-hard or something that i shouldn't request (if not or you just don't feel like doing this request do NOT respond/do this request. I don't want to cause you burnouts or anything...)
Okay.. so...
May i request OMORI main gang x reader (all separate ofc) how long did it take for them to get comfortable around their s/o fully and how do they act in the developed relationship?
Thank you for your time! ^^
How long would it take the Omori Gang to become comfortable with their s/o? Well..
( @weed-stoner )
Warnings: Spoilers ahead! ( Implied in others and blatantly stated in Aubrey's part )
A/N: I AM SOOOOO INCREDIBLY SORRY THIS TOOK SO LONG!!! I started this shortly after you requested it but then things happened and I had a little dry spout with Omori and forgot about it completely. Nevertheless, I hope you enjoy this! ( And again, I am SOOO sorry, love! 😅)
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I'd say, based on their level of openness, the ranking of how quickly they'd become comfortable with their significant other would look something like this..
And here's why..
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Kel is the type of person who can vibe with anyone as long as they aren't a horrible person. ( Or act like Mikhael. Even then there's a chance. )
I'd say give it maybe a couple weeks? He's never been in any kind of relationship like this one so he may act a little different than usual for a while. Once that's over though, he's pretty much the same eager ball of sunshine! He'll always want to nag them to come out and enjoy the world with him and will do everything in his power to be around them! After all, it's way more fun hanging with them than being at home..
Now this can be up for debate, but I think Mari wouldn't take long at all to grow comfortable with her significant other. In her opinion, communication and trust are key parts to any lasting relationship so she doesn't mind coming to you when she's a little bothered by things. ( Which happens more times than one may think )
I see her taking maybe around a few months ( like three to four ) before completely letting the person in. It's nothing personal, she just wants to gauge their personality and see whether or not this relationship will be able to last.
Now, Mari doesn't act much different when she's comfortable with people. Subtle things do change though. For example, her smile seems more relaxed and she gets less upset when making mistakes around that person. Their presence soothes her and as a result, she's less uptight around them.
For Hero, it really depends on when he got into the relationship. If it was before his relationship with Mari, which is not likely, he's not that much different to Kel. He'll spend a lot time with the person and pretty much tell them anything and everything. If it's after his relationship with Mari, which is more likely, it'll be much different.
You see, Hero has experienced heartbreak in one of the worst possible ways and it'll take time for him to heal. That being said, I really don't see him dating anyone until that happens, but let's say that he does. Realistically, it take quite some time which can vary from a few months to a year to way longer than that.
Now, Hero is still Hero so he'll treat whoever he dates with the kindness and respect that they deserve and will do everything he can to make sure they're happy and healthy, ( both physically and mentally ) however when it comes to verbalizing his own emotions, that's where we hit a nail. Whoever he dates would have to be very patient with him otherwise it may cause him to put even more walls up.
When he's finally comfortable around them, it'll show. He'll start telling them things he wouldn't before and'll even rant to them about his problems occasionally. He'll be way more open with his partner and'll be just a tad bit ( a lot ) more clingy than he used to.
Aubrey is a rather tough cookie. Ever since Mari died and everyone distanced themselves, forcing her to cope with everything alone, she has never truly let her walls down in front of others. And, if someone attempted to break down those walls, she'll grow defensive and even violent towards that person.
How long it would take Aubrey to even be comfortable enough to date someone really depends on the personality. Like, I see her letting her guard down quicker if the person is more kind and patient with her like Mari rather than someone's who's short-tempered or rough around the edges like her.
When Aubrey is comfortable around her significant other, she'll be less afraid to tell them how she feels. She'll vent to them, but because of that, she'll be more shy towards them. Aubrey'll also hold that person in higher regard than others and'll hold them close to her heart. When they scold her, she actually listens and tries to do better. If they're upset, she'll be the first to notice and'll be there to listen to them rant/help them out in any possible way. And, she'll always try to make sure that her little fights and other violent affairs never mesh and disturb the person's daily life. In a way, she sees this relationship as a way to pay them back for putting up with her for so long so she'd pretty much do anything for that person.
Sunny's next and oh boy..
I honestly don't see him indulging in any kind of romance with anyone unless him and that person were like childhood friends—I'm talkin' never leaving each other's side, seen everywhere together type of close childhood friend with someone—and even then, it's hard to imagine post-traumatized him feeling comfortable around anyone besides his former friends, let alone a relationship. But for the sake of this, let's say he does..
I can't put a time limit on how long it'll take him simply because I see it depending on which ending we're talking about. Obviously if we're talking about any of the bad endings, he's pretty much a lost dead cause. He's not going to make any attempt to open up to them and no matter how much they may try, there will always be distance between them. Now, if we're talking about good ending Sunny, the person actually has a chance.
There will be a lot of trial and error simply because Sunny's used to keeping things bottled up. He's not used to being upfront and truthful and he's only used to running away and not facing his problems. That being said, I see the process quickening a bit if the person he's dating is super gentle and patient with him. If they just gave him time, and a tiny push here and there, he'll come around. And when he does, he'd be stuck to them like glue.
I feel like he'd make it known with his body when he's truly comfortable around his partner. Whether his shoulders noticeably slump in their presence or maybe he lets his guard down enough to hold you or lean on you. Just something that'll let the person know that he feels truly safe around them! I see him being sorta touch-hungry and expressing it once he's comfortable with that person by giving them a bunch of hugs and cuddles and such.
And hey, maybe he'll even talk! ( Nah I'm playing BAHAHA- )
Finally, we have our sweet boy Basil. The gardening genius that carries a ginormous bouquet of trauma wherever he goes..
It's easy to say that whether the person was his friend prior to the incident or not, it'll take forever for Basil to truly feel comfortable around them.
If they were his friend prior to the incident, well, it all really depends. Was he close ( closer than he was with the others ) with them before the incident occurred? Did they distance themself from the group like everyone else? Did they stick to him and never let him go? Depending on what the person does all depends on how long it'll take. To me, I definitely feel like Basil would spill everything eventually if the person decided to stick with him when everyone grew apart and, as a result, would become sort of this unhealthy lifeline to Basil. Since they'd be the one he confides in about everything, it would grow to the point that they'd be the one thing keeping him together. He'd be at their mercy, and in a way, they'd be at his and nothing would really change until probably after the truth comes out ( if it were to come out ) and Basil got the proper help he needs.
If they weren't his friend before the incident, good luck. They'd be lucky enough to even get a full conversation from him, much less get him to be their friend and harbor any kind of romantic feelings for them. But let's say that is the case. Let's say that through some stroke of luck they managed to befriend Basil and eventually end up in a relationship with him. The person is going to have to put up with a lot. Basil is a very sensitive person and all it takes is one bad interaction for him to completely shut them out. They'd have to tread very lightly ( but not too lightly; if they don't try enough, the relationship's not getting anywhere ) or else they'll end up back at square one. I see this taking years ( specifically four or more ) and really, I only see him completely growing comfortable with the person after some extensive therapy.
When he's finally, fully comfortable with them, he'll be way more verbal and open. The fear of being rejected/judged would've been less apparent and slowly pushed to the back of his mind. Being with them for so long, ( and having gotten at least some bit of therapy since I literally don't see this happening otherwise ) he's grown to trust them to some extent. He's also grown to love rambling to them about whatever's on his mind. Whether that be about flowers or things much darker. I see him craving their touch and he wouldn't mind asking. ( But not too many times, he's still Basil after all ) I see those two spending so much time together that Polly would see them as an extension of the household. ( She'd fix them dinner every evening and would grow concerned if they didn't show up to get it and say hey to Basil. That's how much they'd be together. )
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Dividers were made by me, pictures used are from Pinterest, post formatting is inspired by @xxsabitoxx
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aromanticannibal · 11 months
I really hate when people try to make characters in OMORI entirely bad or entirely good, or even just define one of their actions as Bad or Good. Because the whole point of the game is nuance!! There isn't a bad guy and there isn't a good guy. (I think this is pretty hilarious given the game is aesthetically very dichotomic).
Sunny pushed his sister down the stairs, and killed her (it was a murder, it was an accident, he regretted it, he forgot it, he didn't apologize for it).
Basil faked his friend's death as a suicide (to protect his best friend, it hurt his other friends, it hurt his best friend, Mari wouldn't have wanted that, he was twelve and it was the only solution then).
Mari pushed Sunny too hard for the recital (she just wanted it to be perfect, she didn't understand her brother, were there other things in her life making her such a perfectionist?).
Hero got mad at his brother (he was depressed, his brother just wanted to help, his brother failed to help, he apologized and never got mad again, he apologized and never got mad again).
Omori kills Basil in increasingly fucked up ways and forces Sunny to forget ("Basil" is a dream, a mere thought, the Truth is bad, the Truth has to be uncovered one day, it's unhealthy, he's just trying to protect Sunny, he's failing, he is Sunny).
Sunny's dad abandoned him (he might have known Sunny killed his sister, he was heartbroken, he has a duty to take care of his child as a father) and his mother left him alone for three days (it's been four years.)
Aubrey is a bully (she's so sure Basil hurt her and Mari's memory, she's so tired of Kel telling her to think about what Mari would think, she's so done with being ignored instead of cared for, she is a bully, she hurt others, she apologized).
Kel is quick to jump to conclusions and doesn't see nuance enough (he's 16, he's neglected, his brother's immediate reaction to lashing out was acting like he was a monster and changing completely, he's digging up past trauma, he's talking for the dead).
Basil hurt Sunny physically and in a way that can't be fixed (he was having a panic attack, he was probably either having hallucinations or was being profoundly delusional, he ripped his friend's eye out oh my god, he didn't mean to, he didn't mean to, he didn't mean to).
Etc. Even the apology at the end is nuanced : it's selfish of Sunny to want to get it out of his chest, and it's going get everyone's trauma out of their chests again, but don't they deserve to know? Don't Sunny and Basil deserve to be honest? It's not about being forgiven, it's about telling the Truth - from there, what happens doesn't matter.
Omori particularly gets a bad rep but he is Sunny. Sunny isn't Omori but Omori is Sunny, the same way everything in Headspace is Sunny in some way. And from there, can we define a defense mechanism as bad? A child's defense mechanism as bad? Is Sunny's desire to just forget about all this and be happy bad? It's not healthy, but most of the alternatives aren't very appealing.
Obviously there's darker shades of grey and lighter ones : Kel and Hero are some of the kindest characters in the game, their actions don't hold the same weight as Aubrey's, and Aubrey's actions don't hold the same weight as Basil's and Sunny's. Basil's and Sunny's actions also don't hold the same weight as each other, and Mari's perfectionism, despite being what jumpstarted everything in a way, doesn't hold the same weight as everything else. What Basil did wasn't right, what Sunny did wasn't right, but circumstances are important : two twelve years old boys (both likely pretty mentally ill) made two consecutive mistakes during increasingly stressful situations.
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cheeriofluff · 2 years
Here's how i like to view Photobomb!
Omori spoilers so avoid reading this it you haven't finished the game yet.
Also some things might be worded horribly and I'm open for other peoples views on it! Whether you agree or disagree i don't really care just as long as you're respectful about it.
And also correct me if i make a mistake.
After the events of the game, when sunny moves away basil isolates himself full of new found guilt and regret over what he did to sunny's eye. He had thought everything would've been fine now that the truth was told, however. That is not the case because the day after sunny moved away, basil was filled with immense guilt over sunny losing his eye and couldn't bare to face the others because of it, Kel being Kel Still checks up on him to make sure he's alright.
After a while (lets say like 3 months or less. Maybe 1 and a half) Basil Gets less Fearful and asks Aubrey to hang out with him because he misses the relationship he had with her (since they were like best friends before sunny) Aubrey at first was extremely hesitant to Come over and gave him a "im busy right now" excuse, Still needing time to be alone. Especially after everything that has happened.
Basil completely understands this and has apologized multiple times to her for bothering her, later She starts to feel a bit better about everything and thinks that it's finally time to talk with him fully. Since kel has also Encouraged it what does she have to lose?
She does indeed go over to check on him at one point and they have a bit of a personal talk, Basil talking about how much he regrets what he has done to everyone and to sunny.
And Aubrey shares her Regrets on the bullying she had caused.
They both make up and continue being close friends And later on she comes by to help gardening and help polly fix dinner for them. They play games, draw together, Watch cartoons. Ya know, kid stuff.
That's when it happened, Aubrey accidentally grew feelings for basil, and the same happened with basil.
"Son of a..." she starts thinking to herself while thinking about these feelings.
Kel being kel teases her playfully like "You like basil don't u Aubrey?" she always punches him in the gut because of it.
I personally wouldn't know who would confess first but that's just how i see them working.
A slow process but in the end they fall in love.
Bada bing bada boom. Simple and happy me thinks. Again this is just how i see it working so if you don't agree with me that's totally ok bestie.
Since i multiship i might do more for sunflower and Cactiflower later. Photobomb is just on the brain as of now.
Thank you for reading!
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misstrashchan · 3 years
"Don't worry..."
"Everything is going to be okay"
"No matter what happens..."
"Promise me that we'll be there for each other"
"Promise me."
Soooo I finished Omori (Sunny's Route) and boi oh boi do I have Some Thoughts. Mainly about the titular Omori, and how smart the symbolism works in the storytelling and themes of the game. And since today is Sunny's birthday (well it was when I started writing this) and I've had a few days to collect my thoughts, I figured I might as well share in my ramblings
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Spoilers, obviously.
The biggest question and mystery is... Why Omori? Yes, he's a manifestation of Sunny's psyche as a coping mechanism for his trauma, guilt, and depression, but... why?
The ignition spark of Omori manifesting isn't Sunny pushing Mari down the stairs and accidentally killing her, but the aftermath, how Sunny is seeing himself through Basil's eyes.
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The only witness to the event, and who helped to make it look like a suicide. How Basil copes with this, as we hear when we confront him on the Last Night in his room, is convinving himself and Sunny that he was not the one who pushed Mari. It wasn't his fault. Because Sunny is a good person. And good people don't do bad things.
"Ah... SUNNY... It's just you... I'm glad you came. It's... it's so good to see you. It came to you that day... The day MARI died. When MARI... When MARI fell... You... you couldn't have done it. It was something behind you... wasn't it? You're a good person, SUNNY. I know you're a good person! A good person wouldn't do something like that..."
"You... you couldn't have done it. It was something behind you... wasn't it?"
And Basil has to believe that, in order to cope with what he did, what he saw, to find meaning and reason in it all. Otherwise how could he find a way to live with himself, or to keep being Sunny's friend otherwise?
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"Everything is going to be okay... Everything is going to be okay... Everything is going to be okay... Everything is going to be okay.."
And so in Basil's insistence on protecting Sunny, that he wasn't at fault for Mari's death, he creates the idea of "Something" behind Sunny. A shadow, a figure, something that was the true "evil" responsible for this. And in doing so obscures the truth of the events and Sunny's agency in them, and his own role. And Sunny himself comes to believe the same. He creates an "otherness" or "monster" within himself to seperate himself from his actions, and deny his own agency and responsibility. His dissociation of... everything, seems to be his main coping mechanism, as we learn in the underground library, even before Mari's death. The fact the game introduces us to that with the first setting being "White Space" is key in establishing Sunny's dissociative mind set.
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But Sunny was in control during these events. No monster, bogeyman or demon possessed him or made him push Mari. That was him. He is not a good person like Basil thinks, but he is also not a monster, which is what "Omori" in his mind, a reflection of part of himself, is. Sunny, in reality is just a person. A person who let their own anger get the better of them for just one moment and made a mistake, like any of us might do. (much like Aubrey who pushed Basil in the lake and nearly killed him as a result) And he is subconsciously aware of that. Hence the reason and motive behind why he pushed Mari is reflected in how Sunny manifests Omori.
His appearance, firstly, is entirely black and white, and it's incredibly difficult to overlook in the Headspace sequences when he lives out an idealized, adventure filled version of Sunny's childhood, with his friends, who are over saturated and colourful in stark comparison.
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And yes, it is a reflection of Sunny's depression and bleakness, but his monochrome appearance also puts one in mind of a piano. Like the piano Mari played.
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And of course, the name "Omori" itself is hardly a coincidence, with it being short for "Hikkikomori" a Japanese term for those who are shut-ins, socially withdrawn and isolated from the rest of the world, which is the embodiment of Omori's existence as a coping mechanism of isolation, dissociation and escapism for Sunny. But it's also the same as the make of piano Mari played, and the violin Sunny received when he wished to continue playing so he could practice with his sister and spend more time with her.
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In essence, their instruments both being of the same make and name, "Omori" and the two practicing them together for the recital, and the hints of Mari pushing Sunny too hard because she wanted everything to be perfect for the recital (we get a few hints to this in Basil's photo album of Mari being a perfectionist with her not believing her flower crown was good enough, being embarrassed when Basil takes a photo of her making a mistake during her piano practice, and Mari's spirit admitting she may have pushed Sunny too hard), hence his anger and the reason for their argument, which esculated to the point of Sunny pushing Mari in an impulsive moment.
The name "Omori" is giving to this otherness or monstrosity in Sunny that he imagines because after all, that was the reason for their fight. The reason behind why he pushed her. That was the "Something" behind him pushing Mari.
And it's also incredibly important to point out that Omori is not actually a monster or great evil trying to control or torture Sunny. He's a coping mechanism. The purpose, like with any coping mechanism, is to master, minimize or tolerate stress and conflict. His purpose is helping Sunny, protecting him, insulating him. Which is made clear in how he embraces him in different endings in a protective manner, or the "Something" following him in Black Space telling Sunny repeatedly that they love him. (Given the Something figure is revealed to be the shadow of Mari hanging from the tree looking out at him though, it may also be a projection of Sunny's guilt).
But coping mechanisms are not all healthy, and we see this very clearly in how toxic and dangerous Omori has grown to be, encouraging self harm and suicidal tendencies, the most common example being having to stab Omori to leave White Space, who is a part of Sunny. Or the final battle when he repeatedly tells Sunny he would be better off killing himself, and if you do not choose to continue after dying, will watch Sunny commit suicide.
Of course with Sunny trying to compartmentalise and repress his grief and guilt through Omori, which risks destroying him if not confronted, it makes sense that the direct confrontation with him in the final battle in the Sunny route, in which he confronts "the truth" of his past and within himself, is all the darkest, ugliest parts of himself and his worst thoughts and fears being spoken through Omori, spilling over after being bottled up for so long. But again, the fight does not end violently or through killing Omori. Because harming Omori is harming Sunny, as a part of himself. Sunny wins by persisting, and remembering Mari, and his friends who care about him, and resolving to face them and be honest with them, and playing his violin and the song he and Mari rehearsed together.
The point is not to kill or exorcise Omori. He is embracing Omori as a part of himself. But it's just a part of him. He does not define him. Sunny can't, and won't forget about the rest of himself. But at the same time that anger, pain, grief, and guilt that Sunny kept locked away through Omori that he spills out has to be acknowledged, because even it too has a life of it's own (quite literally in this case). Even it must be respected, and understood, so that it may be laid to rest in the end.
Nothing illustrates this more clearly than Sunny literally playing his violin, also named "Omori" like Mari's piano rather than fighting Omori in the traditional sense.
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He accepts him as part of himself, and reclaims control and agency of his own life in the process, also symbolised by Sunny narrating himself in first person towards the end of the game, instead of Omori narrating for him in third person. Sunny reclaiming his agency also means accepting his agency and role in Mari's death, and resolving to be honest with himself and his friends about what happened, being the only way he (and Basil) can move forward and live his life.
We also see Omori embraces Sunny after the fight is over and drops the knife while doing so, the knife representing the toxicity of Omori, his more violent and self destructive tendencies that grew as Sunny became more repressed and withdrawn over the years. And so we understand that Omori is no longer a threat or danger to Sunny, but simply another part of him like any other, and is laid to rest.
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