#he’s a little shithead. naturally my brain latched onto him
butterfly-buck · 11 months
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so about that neurodivergent clown show
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still frame
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btswishes · 5 years
I am not good enough.
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Werewolf Au (Wonho)
Part1 / Part2 / Part3 / Part4 / Part5 / Part6 / Part7 /
A/N: This was a major brain fart during my author’s block and aint gonna lie it’s low key dirty as hell, but i fell in love with the idea. XD Sorry for any mistakes made and I hope yall like it.
Word count:  2,739
Warnings: Dirty, flirting, suggestive language, cursing 
   They say words can hurt us more than actions or physical wounds and sometimes that is true. When the words come from someone you care about, they turn into a invisible blade that goes through your body and latches onto your very existence. It may look and feel like it was forgotten, but once the owner walks by ,you feel the stinging pain deep down, where you can’t reach and free yourself.
 You rose your body on the branch and leaned your right hand onto the bark, looking at the brightly lit window. You could see the boys sitting on the floor, enjoying food and talking happily between themselves. 
 Swallowing a few times, you hoped to get rid of the lump stuck in your throat. Who wouldn’t want to join them? It looked so warm and so comforting. You didn’t want to hang out there for too long, since you knew better than to be caught. But no matter what Chang Kyun by chance looked out the glass and noticed you. His body twitched about to get up, but you moved your head side to side slowly with closed eyes.He once more relaxed his body, staring at you with slight notes of pain in his gaze. You fell back slowly into the shadows of the tree crown and the veil of the moon lit night took you far from the warmth.
  The wind was strong as you were speeding through the leaves, to a unknown destination. The smell of water and earth were pulling onto you. Threes and bushes pulled a curtain from in front of your eyes ,showing the open lake that was hidden behind.
“You are early.” spinning onto your heels, you leaned forward and smiled at the familiar voice 
“If you are already here, than I am not early at all.” a little snicker escaped your pink lips
“Shall we start?” the man asked 
“I am as ready as ever.” 
  With a swift move you took off your jacket and kicked off your shoes. Silence was dancing around you. With a gentle push from the wind, a lonely leaf started falling from it’s high home. It was swirling and flying before it hit the ground. It made no sound to humans, but to your senses it was more than noticeable.The leaf didn’t have much time to rest on the ground ,as the backlash you made threw it farther than it landed. Hits, kicks, bites and growls. One hit the other, the ground was cracking, the threes were shaking and the creatures were silent as the battle nurtured the earth with drops of blood.
  How long was this going on for, no one knew. The man found himself on the ground and a pair of white calm eyes looking down at him.
“I never get tired of this color.” you reached out and he took your hand, standing up swiftly 
“So, what is next?” back facing the man, stretching your hands up ,you leaned sideways 
“As much as I enjoy you throwing me around like a rag doll.”he patted his clothes clean from some dirt “I have nothing more.”
“Dean, you know I can’t stop now.” upon hearing his words you stood up looking at the moon ,that peeked thought the clouds 
“I mean it, I have nothing more to teach you as an alpha. Actually ,I feel like you can teach me some things. Knowing you though...” he paused as your head moved slowly towards him. The light of the night turning your frame black to him. Your eyes were slowly looking up towards Dean, now with a certain power flowing from them. The white color in them started trembling, left turning slowly gold and the right silver. “...I don’t think I will be able to learn what you know.”
 “Dean I can’t...I can’t stop now.”Your head moved to the side as he walked closer. His hand onto your cheek pulling your head to look at him with those eyes 
 “Look at you. Those eyes are proof of something dwelling in you.” he leaned closer towards you, but stopped inches from your lips ,almost as if burned by something he can’t possibly have. Dean’s head moved to the side, looking away from you. His hand slowly let go of your skin as he walked back. 
“You should go now, we might both be alphas, but your condition isn’t ideal for us to be alone like this.”his back faced you “Mating season is upon us.” he looked at you with the corner of his eye “Don’t forget that bit of yourself Y/N, men are wolves and bow down fully only to their animal instincts. You were safe till now, but you smell of maturity.And that scent can’t be overlooked.”
“Dean wait!” you grabbed his sleeve “I need this and you know it! You are the only one who knows about....me. You understand better than anyone that right now I need your help the most.” you gripped the fabric harder as your eyes looked in the direction of the pack house “They don’t trust me...” violently you shook your head as your hand hit your chest “I need to prove myself to them, I need to make them see that I am worthy to be followed!” 
“Y/N...” he spoke but you were in a hysteric shock “Y/N!” he cupped your cheeks and howled loud, your knees hit the ground and tears took over the silents, dripping one after the other, mixing with the blood still on your face “Listen to me!” he yelled out again ,pulling your attention towards himself “You don’t need my help anymore! What you need to do is figure yourself out and fast.” 
  Dean stood up “I don’t understand this, I don’t know what to do anymore!” your eyes were pleading for help 
“You don’t get it, do you?”he started walking away from you “Look at yourself. You submitted to me in seconds. If you want to be an alpha ,a true full fledged alpha , stand up from the dirt and claim your pack.Use your damn power and stop trying to hide it! I know if you wish it,you could turn me into minced meat.Either own up to your potential or embrace your third nature...” he flashed his wolf teeth with a wave of anger “...and submit to the ones stronger than you.Lead or be led.” his body disappeared into thin air and you were left in the emptiness of the nature.
                                You chose....
 “I made my choice years ago.” after awhile you gathered yourself up finally“No one wants a mutt...” grabbing your jacket you jumped on a tree and went back home. Trying to leave behind the emotional scene you just made. You were embarrassed and ashamed of what just happened. How could you even submit without noticing it.In the end, it was far more difficult to control nature, while it was fighting within you.
  You reached the pack house in mere seconds. The lights were still on and the boys were sleeping on the ground. You sighed at the scene lightened up your heart, melting away the unpleasant memory from minutes ago.
“Hey!”you yelled out with hands on your waist “Get up!”
“Mmmm.”  Joohoney mumbled under his nose “It’s Y/N!” his hands were wobbly 
“Are you drunk?!” you couldn’t believe your eyes “Shownu!” you looked at the couch, but the boy wasn’t responding at all, knocked out hard
“Leave him be.All are pretty much dead drunk right now.” Hyungwon rolled over from behind a chair 
“How come you are fine then?”
“I fell asleep the moment I arrived pretty much.” he stretched one of his arms above his head “They were getting drunk cus they were lonely or something stupid like that.”
“Lonely? Ohhhh.��you clapped your hands together “Mating season started a week ago.”
“Yeah and you know how things get heated up during that time. Plus the peak is right now anyways.” Hyungwon grabbed his pillow and went to his room “I am going to sleep, night.”
“Wait, are you going to leave me to deal with everyone?” you tried not to be too loud
“Well yeah. You are the pack leader after all. Night.” he waved at you and disappeared. Sighing deeply, you leaned and picked up Shownu first ,taking him to his room, after that Joohoney and everyone that followed.
 It took you less than 5min probably. “Ok, one, two, three, four, five...”you were pointing at the rooms “Hyungwon went to bed by himself already so he is six.Ughh.” you rubbed your eyes “I am still  missing a troublemaker.” you were searching and searching, but he was still missing. It was midnight already and you sure as hell were planning to sleep. 
“He should be fine. Wonho is buff enough to keep himself safe, that undeveloped alpha.”you laughed at your own remark and made your way up the stairs towards your room. You took a quick shower, brushed your teeth and put on your pjs. The bed was just calling out to you. 
 You made sure to lock the door before you were completely comfortable alone in your room. Safety measures during the mating season. You lock on your target and ran towards the bed, jumping on top of it.
“Ugh!”you groaned in discomfort, when you landed on something that wasn’t as soft as you expected “What is this thing?” you moved around to try and identify the mysterious object you were sitting on. As you leaned forward, you suddenly yelped.Something grabbed your thighs tightly and swung you around. Now you were 100% sure it wasn’t something but someone. You reached out and removed the cover, revealing light pink puffy hair.
“Yah!”you hit the man “WONHO! You shithead! Wtf are you doing in my room?!” you grabbed his shoulders about to throw his ass through the window. Your eyes glowed in the dominant alpha golden color. 
“Nah.” he said with a breathy tone, as his hand grabbed both of yours and pinned them above your head. You were so socked that you couldn’t even try to move him. After awhile you took a deep breath and opened your eyes again, ready to finish what you started, but you saw him inches from you. His eyes glowing gold, illuminating your skin. Your hands couldn’t move at all.
“Hey now, what is all of this you half grown alpha?”you tried to mock him, but Wonho tightened his grip on your wrists and came closer. His head was in the crook of your neck. You could hear him sniffing you up and down.
“Smells....smells sweet.” his breath was warm on your neck, sending chills down your spine. You couldn’t move and were shocked at what was happening right now. His tongue licked your neck and that made you look to the side almost immediately. Just for a second you saw yourself in the reflection of the water glass. The gold fading slowly.From a dominate thick color, to a lighter silver and finally a pure white. 
“Wonho...W-Wonho get off me...”you were trying to kick him, but he wasn’t moving 
“Wonho...Wonho...Wonho..”he kept repeating his own name in the shell of your ear. He pulled away and looked in your eyes “I like how it rolls off your tongue, your voice makes it sound like honey.I wonder...” his piercing gaze slowly going down to your lips, before he crashed his own on top of yours. You were wiggling under him for a bit, but started submitting. It wasn’t like with Dean, it was different ,it felt right, like you had to.
 He let go of your hands and swung you onto your stomach. “ This room smells so sweet, it smells like you. I have been trying to stay away from the second floor as much as I can, but I just couldn’t tonight. It was...calling for me.” his hand grabbed onto your eyes and pulled your head off the bed. “I know I am not a fully formed alpha even at my age, but you are just hypnotizing. Walking around us dressed so comfortably, with those shorts and that lose shirt. You think I wouldn’t notice you teasing?”
“I-I wasn’t teasing...”Wonho suddenly ripped off your shirt “Ah!” you jumped shocked by his sudden aggressive move 
“Since you want to be noticed so much, let me give you a little gift.” his right hand was holding your eyes and his left your body flush against the bed.His head came close to your neck, you could feel his muscles on your exposed body. He gently licked the back of your neck. As you were just sitting there you felt something sharp on your skin. Even though your eyes were covered, they were wide open right now. You placed your hands on the bed trying to push him off. From between his fingers glimmered the golden light even if it was faint. 
“Nah baby girl, we don’t do that.” the words rolled off his tongue, when he bit hard. When he released his jaw, he licked the spot a bit to sooth the residual pain. You were panting shocked. 
“Wonho!” you began struggling once you realized how bad things were getting “Stop!”
“I am not done yet.”he turned you on your back “Don’t move.” the words came from between his teeth and the bite on your neck started to heat up. You squinted your eyes. Your left eye tried to turn gold, but it was just a muddy mix between the predominant white. You couldn’t move.
“Be a good girl, I am almost done.”he moved down towards your legs, laying right between them 
“Wonho get a grip on yourself!!!” you tried to sit up, but he put his hand on your stomach and looked up with piercing sharp eyes “What did I tell you.” he meant business.As much as you were resisting you didn’t need his hormones to keep you in check, if you weren’t worried about the alpha position, you would have surrendered already. But you were a pack leader. 
 You felt his strong hands pick your thighs up and smooth his finger over one spot “Who knew you were so soft and vulnerable...I...” he leaned into the skin ”....like it.” he bit down while still speaking. Not even hesitating he turned his head to the other thigh and marked it deep too.
“Now, that wasn’t too bad was it?” he smirked “I like this Y/N a lot.” Wonho’s head was on the same level as yours, his words stirring up the inside of your body as your chest was moving up and down deeply “Hot and bothered, smells like me, reacts only to me.I might get used to th-” your breath stopped the moment his words did. You almost screamed when he dropped on top of you. 
“W-Wonho?” suddenly his body flew and hit the door hard “Wonho!!!”you jumped up, holding the cover in front of your naked chest. You moved fast to see if he was ok.
“I can’t believe this shit.FUCK!” you hard the bed frame make a loud cracking sound “What did I tell you Y/N!? Shit ,shit, SHIT!!!.”the men ran his hand through his hair 
“You didn’t have to try and kill him.”you said standing up from the floor and looking back 
“That is true. It should have been you doing this, not me!” he swung his hand aggressively towards you “I told you to domesticate these dogs and put them in line! Not let this late bloomer mark you!”
“Dean stop yelling at me!” you growled at him flashing your fangs and eyes, pulling a laugh out him
“Oh now you act like an alpha. So you growl at me like you will bite my throat off but you moan at him?What is he?Your mate or some shit?” Dean threw his jacket on top of you “Put that on and come on.” he grabbed you and hocked his arm under your knees, lifting your bridal style “ Better hold on to me and don’t say anything.I am fucking god damn pissed right now. In your state you can’t even try and fight me.” stepping on the window sill he jumped into the night and dashed towards his pack house
“Where are we going?” you asked whispering 
“Shut the fuck up and hold tight.” as much as you didn’t want to listen to him you had to. Your eyes kept noticing how Wonho’s body was getting distant from you too.
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