#he’s cried some but not like. not full on Sobbed. since wembley. and then this.
altschmerzes · 8 months
Violently shaking at the concept of roy looking after baby Jamie 😭😭😭😭
LITERALLY ME TOO and boy howdy is there so much of that to come. im like. climbing the walls looking forward to getting to it abskss
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kasey9395 · 5 years
I’ve decided to start a Top 5 BTS Series because…why not. I have so many thoughts where they’re concerned so why not document it in a way. And since I’m in a very sentimental mood right now, what with having the Love Yourself/Speak Yourself Tour wrapped up last week, I’ve decided to brainstorm the top 5 moments that made me cry with these 7 beautiful humans. It’s in no particular order other than how it came to my brain. And in my attempt to make it genuine, I will limit these moments to what I’ve experienced myself since becoming ARMY in January 2017 (so their first Daesang win won’t make the cut).
I cried. A lot. There have definitely been moments when my eyes have sweated since becoming an ARMY but this was the first time that I was full on sobbing because of Bangtan. Young Forever has always had a special place in my heart for some reason, I always get emotional hearing the passion in their voices during that song, so when watching the 144p livestream (just another day in the life of an ARMY) and seeing the surprise BH had planned, I knew I would feel some type of way. But to see their faces go from confusion to surprise to emotional to something akin to pride/love…I don’t think any ARMY worth his or her salt could hold back tears in that moment. It just felt like such a special moment that we gave to them after having them give so much to us for so long. You could see the appreciation and love they felt. It was tangible.
Listen!...Everything was going great until Jung Hoseok decided to get all emotional, break down and send all of our emotions into chaos. And Hobi isn’t much of a crier usually so when he started, that was it for me. Taehyung and Jin didn’t help the situation either. And on top of all that, to learn a few minutes later that Jin had spoken about the disbandment issue…well…that was truly an emotional day for all of us. It was also kinda funny to me watching the Idols and the host afterward, trying to get back into the celebratory spirit after that Bangtan Bomb of a speech.
The Love Yourself Era had just kicked off and the Wings era was coming to a close. BTS’ popularity in the US was skyrocketing and I think everyone was having a hard time wrapping their minds around that unforeseen happening. It was the final day of the tour and I think a very emotional one because the Wings era was such a pivotal one for BTS’ career and artistry. So to have that end, no matter how bright the future looked, was definitely something. Hobi started their ending ments and his voice broke at the end of his speech so that kinda set me in the mood. Then JK started crying, red nose and all. And that was it for me. But Yoongi broke my heart when he started crying. Yes, these were all tears of happiness but they were flowed from memories of struggle upon struggle to get to that point. And we could all feel that.
Ugh…these final concerts I tell you! Unfortunately, I couldn’t watch this one live but the clips that I did get to see later had my heart aching. Two stand out in my mind. One was Jungkook crying (the bunny struck again!) while Jimin tried consoling him (JK starting Mikrokosmos in a wobbly voice hurt my heart too). The other? Well, let’s just say that Kim Namjoon nearly got me to embarrass myself in front of my colleagues at work cuz I had to try really hard not to cry when I saw the clip of him crying. I did, though when I went home. I don’t think in all of my time knowing and watching BTS, I have ever seen Namjoon cry. He’s been on the verge many times but to see him actually cry told me just how impactful all of this has been to him. Had I been watching real time, it probably might have been a Wembley sequel for me.
While this might not technically be a moment per say, it does involve BTS and me crying because of it so it counts. I’m not going to go into any detail about the T-Shirt controversy because I don’t want my anger rising. I will only speak on what I felt during that time. Helpless. I remember seeing report upon report upon report from legitimate international news outlets, comments upon comments without any informative basis, and I truly felt like the world was suddenly against these boys and I could do nothing to help. On top of that, to have Jimin be the target yet again and with BTS’ first Tokyo Dome show literally days away…I cried. For Jimin, for BTS, for a fandom that had to fight the world for these 7 men. Thankfully everything was eventually settled and kudos to J-ARMY who stood strong by the boys despite everything. I don’t think I’m wrong in saying that that moment will live forever in this fandom’s memory.
So those were my top 5. I’d really love to hear what yours would be. Feel free to share!!!
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