#he’s far from stupid. he has a law degree from an ivy league university. he has a respectable white collar job.
srvphm · 2 years
I’m kind of worried about how my father is turning increasingly right wing and conservative
#ive heard him say he was socially center-left leaning and economically center-right leaning#and im pretty sure he used to consider himself a liberal#but he’s been growing increasingly critical of liberalism and not in a good way#he thinks cishet white men can’t say anything anymore and its all bc woke libs are silencing everyone#refuses to give any concrete example lmao he just thinks it’s an issue in general everywhere right now#thinks that we should always assume everyone has good intentions & that good intentions can do no wrong#funny how he started to shift when he started to listen to fox news#‘its to know what my opponents think’ he said ‘I need to know their full opinion to really argue agaisnt it’#quickly became ‘well during the day fox news is as neutral as any other news outlet and I like to get varied sources’#quickly became him now mainly listening to fox news#he’s far from stupid. he has a law degree from an ivy league university. he has a respectable white collar job.#he also studied in political science and co-wrote a book with an ex-prime minister#he knows he’s not dumb or uneducated and it makes him believe he’s immune to propaganda#like sorry sir but fox news is not ‘just another news channel’ its a far-right propaganda machine designed to radicalize you#and twitter is NOT a good place to get a real understanding of who’s telling who to shut up#sure conservatives get ratio’d on there but they’re still the ones passing the laws by good bitch#tweets about how cishet white men should shut up and listen don’t cancel the fact that no one is actually forcing them to do so irl
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Birthdate: October 23rd, 1985 ( 32 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: Westport, Georgia Neighborhood: Lakewood Shores Occupation: Lawyer / Partner at Coburn and Associates Face-claim: Josh Henderson Trigger Warnings: Car Accident, Death.
When you look at a stranger, do you ever wonder who they are, or what they’ve been through in their life? You might see tiresome eyes, windows that speak volumes of a tainted soul. It might take them a while to warm up to you. Their standoffish demeanour might attempt to mask the darkness within, conveyed only in how cold and callous they might be when in their element. Their undeniable pain is hidden behind sarcasm and witty humour. You never truly know what someone has been through unless they’re willing to share. Some find inexplicable pain in touching on a topic of events that have pained them so deeply in the past, a forever reminder of one’s own mistakes, regrets, and deeply imbedded guilt. Sometimes speaking about one’s own pain is too much to bear, and so they bury it, deep inside; a kind of black void that festers and simmers at their very core. One that is continually pushed down and ignored for fear of being crushed beneath the weight of it all. Akin to that of a volcano, when that pain festers, it builds up for a day where it finally erupts. With striking, mysterious heterochromatic hues and a positively assured demeanour — not to mention undeniable success as a lawyer — it’s no wonder Augustus ‘Gus’ Jonathan Walker regularly finds himself on the cover of magazines. Wealthy, ambitious, intelligent, passionate.. the guy was practically born with success in his veins.
With a politician for a father, a doctor for a mother, and three equally successful siblings, one would never think otherwise. The Walkers were known for their appreciation of academics and politics, and with their father now reigning as the Senator of Georgia, one would never think that there would be a black sheep of the family. Except that there was. There almost always is. Raised in Lakewood Shores in Westport, Georgia, and born into a traditional family, an abundance of expectations and responsibilities weighed upon Gus’ shoulders from the get go. During elementary, the boy was a dream. Kind to others, always polite and respectful, intelligent beyond compare. Then came middle school — and much to his father’s dismay, Gus suddenly became the school clown, the rebel, the one who always landed himself in questionable situations, with horrid reports that rendered excruciating parent teacher interviews. And it was all a result of the weighted expectations to appear ‘perfect’ to the public eye, the pressure to maintain a perfect academic record and to be a ‘responsible young man’. He wasn’t stupid; he saw the way his father treated his siblings. The way he doted upon the girls and the way he praised his brothers. Gus soon realised he was the black sheep, and no matter how much his mother absolutely adored her “little Augustus”, he knew he would never shape up to be the man his father wanted him to be.
This translated into much of high school until Gus realised in his junior year that he wanted success of his own. Success he could attribute to his own smarts and determination; a kind of success that had nothing to do with his father; something nobody expected of him. His ambitious and competitive nature prevailed as he shone through debate class competitions with an academic record so pristine, it was a complete shock for his fellow peers and teachers. Gus was suddenly the top of the grade, president of debate club, and finally, valedictorian. And with those results of his, the young guy was headed straight to the ivy league university of Yale with early entry into an undergraduate degree. Everything was running smoothly and without a hitch. Soon enough, he’d escape the confines of living under his father’s roof, and chase a life of his own. But.. not everything always runs so smoothly. Yale became something of an escape after a heavy tragedy hit the Walker family. You see, Gus was one of five siblings, and then just several days after his high school graduation, he had just four. A few moments changed his world entirely, igniting a deeply imbedded grief he’s never quite gotten over. In the car with his elder sister, Gus and little Eric were being distracting in the back seat despite requests to stop. He was consumed in his need to make Eric laugh.
Moments later, there were an abundance of deafening sounds and then, everything just went black. That was the beginning of the end of Augustus Walker as everyone knew him. The loss of his little brother left him closing up entirely, building walls around his now fragile heart so as to save himself from any torture or pain, ‘cause.. he knew if he addressed it, if he truly allowed himself to feel, he might shatter completely. It was a tragedy that forever changed the lives of the Walker family. As expected, Augustus thrived in Yale — an escape from everything he knew, before thriving during his law degree at Harvard.. even more so as he started working as an associate at a law firm on Wall St, NYC. The city would come to be his home, a place he would most certainly excel in.. and most of all, he’d never look back. Westport and everything that came with it was a memory, ingrained into the back of his mind and most certainly well into his past. When his father requested he return to Westport every so often to make public appearances during his campaign for senator, it was his mother’s pleading that was the catalyst of his ‘giving in’ to such a request. He would join his family in putting forth a strong front, feigning a good relationship with his father to help his campaign, and only for the sake of his mother. It certainly didn’t go without the occasional duplicitous comment with underlying connotations of bitterness towards his old man. Gus couldn’t help himself.. but he was far too smart to be so overtly opposed or let the truth really slip. It was just enough to let his father know that he certainly wasn’t there for his sake.
Now that his sister’s wedding is taking place, his mother has demanded his return to Westport for the week to spend a little family time before the big day. See, it isn’t easy nowadays for Gus to leave the firm considering he’s one of the head lawyers there. But, there’s an opportunity lurking at Coburn & Associates that��s rendered his interest. He’s been attempting for years to gain partnership at his firm in New York, only to be continually given false hope, turned down, and ultimately disappointed. He knows he has a flair for the game of law, strongly intuitive in the way he handles his cases that it practically renders him arrogant. His reputation i continually deemed as near ‘immature’ in his approach to work, tending to bend the rules where need be. But, Gus is never wrong and he knows it. Although his methods are often unorthodox and unprecedented, he rarely, if ever, loses a case. But it is his arrogance that keeps him stagnant in his position, with older partners firmly rendering him immature. You see, Augustus never, ever had the intention of leaving New York; he was excelling there, living the kind of luxurious lifestyle one could only dream of. He likes the faced past atmosphere, the extremely long work hours and lack of sleep. He enjoys walking down Wall St in his designer suits, breathing in the scent of lingering pollution. He likes his penthouse apartment, the women he brings home, the lack of commitment towards anything other than his career. Gus has grown accustomed to it all — but, being a partner? In a law firm? It’s an offer his ambitious self simply cannot help but consider.. and one he, deep down, can’t refuse.
( + ) charismatic, driven, intuitive. ( - ) arrogant, egotistical, stubborn.
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