westportroleplay · 6 years
Hello. I hope you're having a good weekend. :) As the plot is so enticing, it has made me very curious about this RP. However I have become rather a novice at RPing, I was wondering how skilled candidates have to be ? (I've only ever RPed in TV rps). Kiitos.
No skills required! If you have any questions specifically towards the plot or your character, go ahead and IM us and we’d be happy to help!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Hello everyone! Just a heads up, we are doing acceptances today, all day-- and the boat cruise event begins at 5PM EST. We’d love to see what your characters get up to over this weekend of fun in the sun, and keep an eye out for more updates from the main; you never know what is going to happen when the whole town is out at sea.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Hi! I'd love to apply but I wanted to ask first if it's okay for a character to be involved in the subplot like let's say being friends with Alexis but since her murder acting like they barely knew her as to avoid all of the drama?
That sounds great actually! Characters with ties to Alexis are totally welcome, and with the mystery of her death and disappearance– their reactions can be as suspicious as you’d like.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Welcome to Westport, Georgia!
Daphne Davenport
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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The following characters have now been accepted! Please message the main with your account within the next twenty four hours, otherwise your face-claim and spot will be reopened. If you need to extend this, please let us know! Make sure you have read through the checklist, and follow everyone on the follow list.
Daphne Davenport, played by Sam (2).
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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                                      Come one, come all!     To the Annual Policeman’s Benefit of Westport, GA.
This year our annual charity event is being upgraded from the overused city hall accommodations in an effort to drum up both more intrigue and a rather sizable turn out compared to prior years. Sponsored by the town council and a couple well meaning philanthropists, illustrating how everyone’s tax dollars are truly being spent, the concept for this year’s fundraiser is that bigger truly is better. Hosted on a rented cruise liner for a full weekend, the ship will travel up and down the coast while housing various citizens from Westport who reserved themselves a space ahead of time.
Despite efforts to drastically alter the yearly traditions, certain aspects of Westport’s events never actually change. Per usual, the Annual Policeman’s Benefit is done to show the town’s gratitude for their protectors in blue and to raise money for new equipment, software, and vehicles so that they might continue to keep Westport safe. However, this charity drive is particularly controversial due to Alexis Hawthorne’s murder and ongoing investigation. Residents find themselves with mixed opinions on even hosting such a lavish fundraiser when the perpetrator still walks free and the pursuit of bringing them to justice remains slow moving.
Though as is human and gluttonous nature, these concerns are forgotten rather quickly upon boarding the cruise liner and being informed of the various amenities awaiting their use. The ship is essentially a five star floating hotel, impeccably clean from bow to stern and astonishing in its service. The decorations are nothing new to fawn over, but the various activities and room accommodations are definitely enough to take pause with an agape mouth. Everyone’s home for the weekend includes a private room, with one or two beds depending upon your booking and who is with you, and room service on call. There is an outdoor pool and hot tub combination with a swim up bar, a water slide, a black lit indoor karaoke bar, a 3D theater, a spa, exquisite dining, and so much more.
The extravagant features might just be enough to quell everyone’s concerns over hosting the controversial event; perhaps people will even forget that a murderer still walks in their midst.
               Citizens, please enjoy your stay aboard the ship and always check behind you before leaning over the guard rails... 
                After all, every deadly confrontation started with just a little push.
Here it is! Our first big event since the music festival and we hope you all enjoy it! Please don’t be bashful and make sure you’re reaching out to your fellow residents of Westport so that you have plenty to do while aboard the ship. Obviously we are in charge of plot drops and keeping it moving, but we always want to make sure that IC drama is flowing. IC event dates: Friday morning July 13th - Sunday evening July 15th. OOC event dates: Thursday July 12th at 5pm EST - Monday July 16th.
Please tag all starters with wrp.cruise to keep things organized and have a blast!!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Hello potential applicants! Just a reminder, we are holding acceptances tomorrow, JULY 10th, and we’d love to have you with us in time for our next event. Our inbox is open and we’re taking questions if you have any!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
I'm thinking of applying as a member of the Abernathy family, the oldest child, should I message the admins first or just create the bio?
As long as the character fits the criteria for the role as stated on the character page, you should be totally fine to just create the biography as you’d like. We’re here if you have any questions, but there’s no need to check up!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Aside from the Park family, do any of the other have any specifics like certain hair color, eye color, ethnicity, etc.?
The Moretti, Park and Hawthorne families are the only ones that we ask have similar aesthetics and look related– but other than that, the other families are open to any face claims! If you’re unsure if an FC will fit, feel free to pop into our IMs and ask us, we’d love to help you out.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Hey, I'd love to join but I was wondering how active is this rp?
Our dash isn’t the most active right now, during our transition time– but we’ve got a bunch of active members from different timezones, which means you’ll always catch someone online at most times of the day. We’d love to have you with us to build our family, especially for the upcoming event on Friday!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Wow! This rp looks amazing. I just went through all the bios and your members are crazy talented! Looking forward to sending in an application soon!
Thank you so much! We’ve really got a great bunch out here, and we’d love to have you join us as well.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Hello everyone! Just a little note, our acceptances this week will be on Tuesday, July 10th and Thursday, July 12th. We won’t be having acceptances on Friday, in order to accommodate an upcoming event. Stay tuned, and if you’re looking to apply, we’d love to have you for this next twist!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Would anyone want a connection with either Madelaine Petsch or Vanessa Morgan fc?
I’ll post this to let our members comment if they’ve got some things in mind, but you can totally consider using either of those lovely ladies for one of our open roles in one of Westport’s big families!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
Ahhh thank you! Admin Sam’s pal was amazin and nice enough to do it for us!
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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casey roberts –
Birthdate: February 23rd, 1988 ( 30 ) Gender and Pronouns: Male, he/him Hometown: Savannah, Georgia Neighborhood: Midway City Occupation: Lawyer Face-claim: Daniel Sharman Trigger Warnings: Neglect/abuse, car accident, death
biography –
Casey Roberts, born Casey Williams, had far from a normal childhood. Most of his memories before the age of eight are far from pleasant, as he grew up with drug addicted parents in a haze of abuse and extreme neglect. When his parents were arrested, he found himself placed in foster care where he spent years bouncing from home to home. Casey’s preteen years were difficult as he struggled to deal with the aftermath of his neglect, and years were spent in therapy. When he was finally placed with the family that adopted him, Casey was thirteen and though part of him was thrilled, another part was terrified that it would all fall apart. Joanne and Oliver had never been able to have biological children, but were overjoyed to still be able to adopt. They already had one young son, just a couple of years younger then Casey when he was placed with them.
It took most of the first six months for Casey to realize that he would truly be safe and loved with his new family, and he had broken down crying in his room when he did. As he allowed himself to trust his new parents and brother - and soon, a sister- he found himself gaining a real family for the first time in his life. For the next several years, things went so well that Casey could barely believe it. With a stable and safe home life, his grades were some of the best in the school and the girlfriend he met in Junior year was the most amazing girl he had ever seen. Head over heels in love, Casey proposed to Isabelle on Valentine’s Day of their senior year and the two were married that Summer, wanting to start college as man and wife. Though their families had questioned their early marriage, in the end they had decided to support the couple. After the two headed off to college where Casey began to study law as Isabelle studied architecture, it was hard to deny that everything seemed picture perfect.
Isabelle’s pregnancy had come as a shock, the young couple were still in college, but after the initial panic died down, their families had stepped up to try to help them with the baby, and as details began to work themselves out, everyone looked forward to meeting their child. Casey, however, was terrified of being a father. He had heard so many stories about people becoming like their parents, and the last thing he wanted was to treat his child the way he had been treated by his biological parents, never being loved or cared for. However, the moment that Abigail was placed in his arms he knew that he would never be capable of hurting her in any way. In an instant, his world had shifted and the baby girl he held was now the center of it. His new goal in life was simply to keep her safe, healthy, and happy.
Though it wasn’t easy, Isabelle and Casey settled into their new family life. With willing baby-sitters on both sides, they learned to balance raising a family with their classes and jobs, and Casey knew that he wouldn’t have changed anything. Isabelle graduated, and Casey moved on to grad school and life began to stabilize for the two of them as they settled into a new routine. However, his world came crashing down around him when Abby was only a toddler. After visiting with Isabelle’s family before heading back to their apartment to put Abby to bed, they were only ten minutes from home when a drunk driver slammed into the passenger’s side of the car and the next thing that Casey knew, he was waking up in the hospital screaming for his wife and daughter. He was quickly told that Abby was injured, but would ultimately be fine, as her car seat had protected her from any serious injuries. However, the next words out of his doctor’s mouth changed everything; Isabelle was dead.
For the next few months, Casey felt like he was on autopilot. He had taken rest of the semester off, unable to face school in his grief. Isabelle’s family blamed him for the accident, convinced that without Casey in her life, they never would have lost their daughter. He shut himself off from most of the world, focusing only on taking care of his daughter. It was his family that was finally able to get through to him, and with the support of his parents and siblings, he slowly began to cope with the loss. Despite what he knew his family had feared, Casey was able to pick himself back up. He returned to school and his family watched Abby when he had classes while she wasn’t in preschool and slowly but surely, they pieced their lived back together. With his family at his side, he saw Abby entering kindergarten as he graduated law school and passed the bar exam.
The party his family through that night was bittersweet. It was everything he had worked for for years, but the absence of Isabelle still stung. It didn’t take nearly as long as he had expected to get a job with a law firm, and he was lucky enough to get a job that wasn’t far at all from where he had grown up. Life was good for them both, and Casey finally felt like he was finally finding his footing as a single father. He had a few friends, and had made attempts at dating, but finding someone that he clicked with and that understood that Abby was always going to be the center of his world wasn’t exactly easy. His social life was pretty non-existent, but he didn’t really care. He had Disney movie marathons, dance recitals, piano practices, and art projects to keep him busy. Honestly, there wasn’t time for much else, and he would rather give what time he had to Abby. Being there for his little girl and protecting her was the most important thing to him, especially since the scandal of Alexis Hawthorne’s disappearance and murder and concern of if Westport was really as safe as it once seemed.
personality –
( + ) responsible, intelligent, caring. ( - ) awkward, stubborn, disorganized.
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Due to inactivity or personal reasons, please unfollow:
Liam Locke
Prudence Hemingway
Rosie Moretti
Sebastian Velasco
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westportroleplay · 6 years
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Due to inactivity or personal reasons please unfollow the following characters:
Carson Baldwin
Seth Russo
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