#he’s in love with Ophelia but also Johnny lol
sirensskai · 10 months
Ripp, my favourite transmasc bisexual (ft, the trivia of my Fanon for him 😭)
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1000tragicclowns · 8 months
Some other intersting things that happaned in the other families, Tank has a townie boyfriend that I've completely forgotten the name of. I randomized Ripp and he got bisexual, hes in love with two of the la fiesta tech boys, William Williamson and Almeric Davis, who strangely don't care when he kisses either of them infront of the other. I don't remember fiddling with jealousy so that's pretty cool.
Speaking of la fiesta tech, they graduated and are in my strangetown now. Bloom ended up with Klara Vonderstein and they're married now.
Stella and Aldric are together and I have a mod that lets aliens impregnate sims so I'm getting that man pregnant.
ALSO in the Singles household, Kristen and Lola both got together and have recently married!!!!! Erin is still there. I moved Chloe out forever ago bc I got sick of the fighting. She lives in a trailerpark and has a daughter she had after risky woohoo with a townie LOL.
Oh and of course Johnny and Ophelia are happily married. No rolls for kids but they have 2 dogs, scout and leroy.
Jenny and PT couldn't have more children (idk if thats how it works originally or my mods stopped them having more) but I got a mod that adoptions fill the have child want, so they adopted a baby girl whos now a child, named Jamie. PT passed away vry recently and I completely missed it.
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madraynesims · 2 years
Strangetown: In The Sims 3
To continue on my last post about my Sims 3 Strangetown experience, Kayleigh gave birth to a little girl named Janet, and by now they had a second child, another daughter named Francine!
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I mentioned before Kayleigh, Dominic had 3 children with Chloe Curious, here they are! Their eldest daughter, Jolene, is to the right. She’s Evil and Mean Spirited, definitely reminds me of Dominic lol. In the middle is their other daughter Esmeralda, she’s a sweetie. Then their son, Keenan, to the left. Oh! Jolene is currently dating Rex Hogg, the son of Dusty Hogg and Cindy Freebers. Chloe’s sister Lola still lives with them. Kristen Loste and Erin Beaker have both moved out and started families of their own.
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Speaking of Dusty Hogg. This whole playthrough Dusty and Cindy Freebers have been on and off. Ending up with 6 children together before they both rolled the want to get married, just to immediately break up the second I left the household. LOL. From left to right we have their daughters; Stacy, Chana, Judith and their sons Darren, Allan and Rex. Chana is in a relationship with Kelley Beaker, the eldest son of Loki and Circe Beaker!
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Circe and Loki Beaker had two children before ending up in a divorce. On the right is Kelley, not sure why he has black hair? I guess it was randomized. He gets along best with his dad and still lives with him. Their youngest son is named Cecil and he gets along best with his mom. Circe and Cecil both moved out together after the divorce. Loki is romantically interested in Annie Howell now, but she actually just got engaged to Buck Grunt recently! Awhile back Nervous got fed up and moved into his own apartment. He never got involved with Annie, but he was dating Jonas Bragg before Jonas passed away.
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Ophelia and Johnny Smith got married the second they became adults and started a family! They currently live in Olive’s home, which Ophelia inherited, with their daughter Ginny and son Chadrick. Ophelia just got pregnant, so there’s a third on the way! They also have 5 dogs. FIVE. Unfortunately, at this time Johnny is in mourning because both his parents have passed away from old age. This is the part I hate lol when everyone gets too old.
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One of my favorite families to follow are the Fusillis. Ripp Grunt and Ara dated when they were teens and got married when they became unexpectedly pregnant with their oldest son, Jon. They bought a house together and had another child named Stephanie. I just think they’re so cute together.
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The Rossums! Isaac and Roberta Rossum had 3 children together. The oldest son is Vernon, who looks just like Roberta. To the right is Mitchel, spitting image of Isaac tbh. Then their daughter Letitia. Vernon never got along with his parents and moved out once he became a teen and is currently dating Hazel Dente’s eldest daughter Marlana. Unfortunately, while Isaac wasn’t home, Roberta got into Isaac’s inventing bench and caught herself on fire, tragically burning to death.
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Erin and Lazlo Curious got together pretty early on. They had one son together named Jedediah. He turned out pretty cute, and a genius! My favorite thing here was Lazlo was the first sim to adopt a pet. He got Fuzzball when she was a little kitten.
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I love love loveee the Smith family. XY-XY and XHT-F got married right away and had 3 sons together. The eldest son to the left is XCT-U, to the right is XHT-M and their youngest X1-X2. XCT-U is in a relationship with Tycho Curious (who is female in my game) and XHT-M is dating Janis Smith, the youngest daughter of Jenny and Mister Smith. The two Smith families are very close, Mister Smith was always coming over to visit. The two older boys don’t seem to get along, XCT-U actually decided to move out to live with Tycho and Pascal.
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Some honorable mentions: Daddy Bigbucks had a son named Fidel with Pita Florica. Yes. Fidel. Jill Smith hasn’t been able to settle down. She had a son named Andrea with Buck Grunt, then had another son with Jorge Mole. Vidcund Curious had a one time fling with Renee Andrews, resulting in a son named Jabari, whom he complains about child support for every chance he gets. Frankie Fusilli is in a relationship with Crystal Vu. They have two daughters, Charmaine and Dianna. Kristen and Ajay Loner married and have two daughters, Trina and Alisa.
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gutosimmer · 3 years
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YAY! Finally we're in La Fiesta Tech! And i can see Tank already coming out of his dad's ways, AKA flirting with Johnny, and getting rejected.
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I guess this was the first time Tank washed his face in years! He finally got that military face paint off!
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Oh, i forgot to mention that i'll be playing with the LFT premades also! Joining Tank and Johnny, the Davis brothers!
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Gosh, this is literally @budgieflitter fanart of the two of them lol
I love them together, i was also inspired by @thepeasantsimmer uni round with them.
Another couple i want to happened is between Aldric and Stella Terrano! Stella will be coming with Ophelia!
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ACR, you've done it again...
I can't believe it was at the SAME TIME!
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ANYWAYS, just a heads up, these students cannot keep their hands off each other! So expect them making out, ALOT.
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stereotype-a · 4 years
La Fiesta Tech Round 1
I’m deciding to start writing my sims stuff up here instead of my main blog, so the updates at the very beginning are going to be a bit weird. I started Strangetown with the main families then played the uni households for 2 years (w/ 48 hr semester mod)
I played 1 year of each household twice, so everyone is currently on their junior year (more or less) I play uni pretty tightly especially since there weren’t really any “slackers” in this college group, so I aimed for good grades.
Smith-Nigmos 1a
First off is Johnny and Ophelia. They pretty much immediately got engaged since Ophelia was rolling the wants for it.
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Johnny had some pretty scholarly wants at first but they didn’t last very long, lol.
I forget their majors since they don’t matter much to me, but I’m planning for Johnny to go into law enforcement and Ophelia to work in education, at least briefly. She may become a stay at home mom.
Also this girl Stella would later (briefly) date kept staring at him in the dorm room...
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I could only handle so much of this dorm. Everything was just too far apart, and Ophelia had the money anyway from her scholarships + the TV I stashed in her inventory before she left Olive’s home. They moved into their own house pretty quick. I didn’t do any remodeling or nice deco, so no pics.
Both of them became pretty good friends with Stella, though Ophelia more than Johnny.
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Terrano 1a
Stella is currently living in a dorm with no plans to move out - she’s saving her money for Strangetown. Because of how much she hung out and studied at Ophelia and Johnny’s place she had a headstart on her grades and got to hang out at some community lots. She also made friends with Tank Grunt! I love the kiss kiss darling greeting it’s probably my favorite.
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She also got a crush on this girl but, idk, I really wasn’t feeling the relationship. They had excellent chemistry but I just wasn’t getting much from this girl. I also wasn’t a fan of her face template lmao.
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Grunt 1a
I didn’t take very many pictures, Tank basically just got good grades, made friends, etc. I did have Tank see if Stella was at all interested though...
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I was going to leave it at that, honestly, but I just couldn’t get the idea of them getting together out of my head! I set the matter aside to think about though, since it was already time to get back to Johnny and Ophelia. They have a lot more pictures since I spend so much time on 3x speed whenever I have single sims.
Smith-Nigmos 1b
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They eat a lot of goddamn spaghetti since neither of them has more than a handful of cooking points and I make them save all the leftovers.
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They both had their very first woohoo (with eachother of course) this round, just for fun and also for a fun boost.
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I don’t have too many more pictures but they did a LOT of friendship building, Stella hung out here a lot...
Terrano 1b
...So she got another community lot break! I remodeled that building with the instruments but it took a few tries to get more-or-less functional. Stella really wanted to DJ though, she loves building creativity.
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This is the “other” Stella, who I also tried getting her with. They just don’t get along that well though, they never have good chats.
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The dancing is what finally got me to decide, these two WILL get together. They were just cute, and it worked into the story ideas I had - Tank is trans, and one of the things that I think gets her to realise this + stop idolizing her dad (at least so much, she’s still going to go into the military before politics) is meeting and befriending Stella :) Her relationship with Johnny decayed to neutral a lot while I was playing the Grunt household but well, I’m pretending it did that after getting out of the Grunt home. Johnny’s is still at -60 for both daily and lifetime, since he was in the college bin for a long while and I installed a mod regarding relationship changes/decay before starting the uni rounds.
It’s too late to repair the relationship with Ripp (who will be in college next round) but I might try getting her on good terms with Buck.
Story-wise Tank is still closeted exceot to Stella but gameplay wise, I’ve got her set to be treated as female and will be using kestrellyn’s transition potions/mucking around in SimPE senior year.
In any case, Stell’s turn ons and offs were a huge problem. I made her get a senso orb and picked randomized turn ons/offs for her that suited me. I believe now she likes athleticism and unemployment, and hates black hair
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Grunt 1b
Mostly the same as last round, although Tank made a new friend on a community lot who happened to live in the same dorm. Lots of skilling, class, and making friends with randos who show up in her wants panel. I did invite Stella over one night, and after a hug they got red hearts!
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They also had their first kiss. Very cute.
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Not too much gameplay after this, more classwork and friendship building. She did get invited over again for a waterballoon fight though
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simlish-savvy · 5 years
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Strangetown shenanigans!! :) ~ okay, so, true story: Nervous randomly got abducted at the start of their most recent round...so we’ve got a new alien spawn to look forward to!! oh, and Nervous and William Williamson (the boring dude from LFT lol) got married and Nervous took his last name so he’s Nervous Williamson ~ Francis J Worthington III and Klara Vonderstein got both engaged and married (pictures missing because my game borked them) and they’ll hopefully be expecting soon ~ Monica Bratford and DJ Verse got engaged but not yet married but I’ve also got some very fun plans for them coming up besides marriage >:) ~ Guy Wrightley is falling for a lovely blonde downtownie he met in his welcome wagon - her name is Tracy Ryan ~ Chloe is more than okay with allowing Ripp to spend as more time with his daughter as he pleases ~ Johnny and Ophelia are expecting :) ~ another long story: so you know how Loki in TS3 and TS4 has genetically engineered twins named Atom and Ceres? so I basically “forced” Loki to have another alien baby via SimBlender and made some SimPE magic to make the first spawn look like the second and ta-dah! introducing Atom and Ceres Beaker
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keiratheraven · 4 years
Bentley 8 Squad : Couples with Polyamory Relationships
(Okay, so I got 154 pics. But I'm just putting pics of the main couples, instead of their another "relationship" pics. They're not cheating on each other. All of them are polyamorous, LOL 😜)
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Angela Pleasant "The Preppy Girl" x Dustin Broke "The Criminal"
Dustin also hooked up with Angela's twin sister, Lilith. Meanwhile, Angela kissed Dirk and she has a crush on their leader, Johnny.
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Dirk Dreamer "The Brain" x Lilith Pleasant "The Goth Girl"
Dirk slept with Ophelia as well, then he kissed Angela. Meanwhile, Lilith also hooked up with Dustin, Puck, and Ripp.
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Ophelia Nigmos "The Anxious Girl" x Johnny Smith "The Green Leader"
As we know, These two with Ripp are OT3. Ripp is in love (and slept) with both of them, but he has commitment issues, so he keep it casual with Johnny and Ophelia. Ophelia also slept with Dirk, and secretly Johnny likes Angela too.
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Puck Summerdream "The Posh Guy" x Ripp Grunt "The Heartbreaker"
Ripp is such a player. He's in love and slept with Ophelia, Johnny, and Lilith. He flirted with Angela. Then he fell for Puck who also slept with Lilith (Ripp, Johnny, and Puck are bisexual guys in this squad).
At first, Ripp and Puck are BFFs. They went to the bar and got drunk together, then they went home and shared a bed. They woke up in the middle of the night, made out, and hooked up (Just like Ennis Del Mar and Jack Twist of Brokeback Mountain movie). Eventually, they fell for each other, and Puck is moving on from Hermia's death.
My fave couple award goes to Dirk and Lilith :
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Bonus pic : Here's Johnny, the most athletic one among them who has a black belt in karate, training Dirk on a treadmill.
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vampfucker666 · 4 years
Round 1: Grunt
The Grunt household... I know Buzz is supposed to be a bad father, but I can’t stand to do that so I try to make him more... incompetent. He’s trying now. He’s learning how to cook :)
I only managed to get TWO. WHOLE PHOTOS while I was playing because this round was pretty hectic for me. Taking care of everyone’s needs and aspirations while also trying not to impose on their personalities too much was rough. I failed in keeping Ripp as more of a sloppy, uncaring teen as he now cleans up his own dishes and even rolled a want to do his homework.
The first day, especially before I remodeled their house, was pretty bad. I intended on keeping Ripp in his teen career, but frankly even just having Tank in one was bad enough. Tank at least fucking LOVES to skill body points.
I should say this now before I get too deep into the post: Tank comes off kind of eggy to me (IT’S THE FACEPAINT) and I plan on playing her as a trans woman. She’s still going to go into the military and be kind of terrible lol, but I’m having her gradually transition through college. I’m worried about actually going in and  editing things in SimPE while she’s a YA for some reason so it’ll likely be a round or two before she comes out to her dad and everything, but that’s sort of the experience huh? Anyway I wanted to point it out so no one was confused on the pronoun usage.
Tank became an overachiever and received the scholarships for, I believe grades, the one for reaching the top of a teen career, and the one for having a high body skill. She cleaned the house a lot, wrote in her diary, and was going completely nuts on that punching bag upstairs. She got beat up by Johnny Smith the first day I played which was sort of the inciting incident for the building body  skill!
Ripp nearly went into aspiration failure since he’s a romance sim and the only people he knows are Ophelia and Johnny. He would onyl roll wants to either go to college, buy a cellphone (no, but I did buy him a game console), or go on dates. Even if I wanted Ophelia to cheat, Ripp was woefully unattracted to her. Johnny wasn’t an option for similar reasons, although I’m keeping Ripp as straight so I never checked for their chemistry. He talked to every townie teen girl I ran across until he met one walkby who managed to like him somehow. He asked her on a date (they stayed at his house) and it went okay, I ended it early and in the middle fo the night she dropped off some fast food condiments which was nice of her. He invited her over again the next day and they became best friends and kissed etc etc. Now Ripp isn’t in danger of aspiration failure before he gets to college, I hope. While this whole thing was going on Tank had a friend over, some random townie teen who had been generated recently judging by his non-base game hair. I think they’re friends now but I honestly couldn’t bother to make sure -  I was too busy juggling the date and everyone’s needs.
Buck spent most of his time painting and being away from other people. He socialized with both of his brothers and somewhat with his father but he just kept rolling wants to earn creativity points so he was in platnium the entire time. He even grew up and I didn’t realise until the camera moved over to him. Here’s how he grew up!
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I completely adored this dumb surf outfit for him (even though he apparently has a serious personality...) so I kept it, only changing his hair and adding some shades (which I totally didn’t get a pic of)
His dice roll went to a couple different aspirations but I made an executive decision that he should be a family sim. He seems the type, and I sort of have a characterization for him (sort of!) from an apocalypse challenge I read years ago on the exchange. I still re-read it to this day, it was one of the lucky ones to get archived.
This was a cute autonomous action he and Tank did btw! I wanted to add it in since it’s the ONLY other photo I took.
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This was right before school, and Ripp and his father were having a pleasant conversation just a few feet away. It was a nice morning :)
Buzz generally didn’t have problems with his aspiration level but I  found it hard to get him anywhere past low green since he doesn’t have any acquaintances. The only people he knows outside of his family are his enemies! He did start rolling wants to be friends with Johnny but I ignored these since I thought it was too OOC (for several reasons) and kind of weird! This was what made me close the game and go install a community lot, haha. He ended up having  two bolt chemistry for Bella Goth which I thought could be a really interesting sort of story, but they get on like a house drenched in water. He didn’t have any luck with the next woman he talked to  either, but the one after that was a nice townie lady named Marion wearing the world’s brightest pink sweatsuit. I considered having  them date but they have negative chemistry and I don’t want to force romance unless I have good reason! They’re best friends but it took a few days due to work. Buzz also made another friend, a man he brought home from work. I try to finish building the relationship with the sims brought home since they start off with around 20 or 30 points in daily relationship. It worked out well this time and they had very nice, long chats, quickly becoming friends. So now thank god, General Buzz has some friends.
One other thing happened before the end of this round: they got fucking robbed. I had bought the family a big pickup truck (no military vehicles available in vanilla unfortunately) and a pottery wheel, completely forgetting to buy burglar and car alarms. The burglar stole both of the above objects, but I did get insurance to cover it since she went back outside and around the back to grab things, and the phone was really close to Buzz’s bed! I never have emergency phone calls work out!
The insurance money still wasn’t enough to completely cover the cost of a new car, though, so they’re using the smoogo minima. This is my most used car in the game by far. They’ll have enough to replace it soon, but that’ll be next round :)
Right before this one ended, I had to very quickly send Tank off to college. I’m still thinking about how I want to fit in new households and colleges into the rotation, but I do have the 48hr faster college mod so it should be both more challenging and a bit less of a drudge for me now!
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djfatchip · 6 years
DJ Fat Chip Was Tagged! :D)
I was tagged ages ago by the lovely and wonderful @dracoangel​! ♡ ♡ ♡ Thank you so much for the tag! This is just at the top of my head. 
I Tag: @erubadhriell @arideya @a-driftamongopenstars @guidethisonekalahira @vorchagirl @leysendris @ratchsellsfornax @thatonecurlygurl @samfishers @badwolf626 and anyone else who wants to do this, I tag you! ♡ No pressure to those I tagged! ♡
favorite game from the last 5 years?  ‒ Dragon Age: Origins and Mass Effect Trilogy
most nostalgic game? ‒ Tales of Symphonia
game that deserves a sequel?  ‒ Saints Row! (Where is my Saints Row 5 Volition?!)
game that deserves a remaster?  ‒ Saints Row 1 
favorite game series?  ‒ Dragon Age
favorite genre?  ‒ Platformers, Tactical RPG’s, 3rd Person RPG’s, Simulations (like Sims).
least favorite genre?  ‒ Is Multiplayer a genre?
favorite song from a game?  ‒ Dragon Age Origins Main Theme and Saints Row: The Third Theme Song and Connor’s Main Theme and By Firelight by Philip Sheppard and Suicide Mission by Jack Wall and Mass Effect (ME1) Main Theme by Jack Wall and Sam Hulick
favorite character from a game?  ‒ Here are my faves:
Fenris and Carver Hawke (DA2)
Solas, Vivienne, Cullen and Cassandra (DAI)
Garrus Vakarian, Jeff “Joker” Moreau, Ashley Williams, Kaidan Alenko, Urdnot Wrex, David Anderson, Miranda Lawson, Jack, Jacob Taylor, Mordin Solus, Karin Chakwas, Samara, Urdnot Grunt and Tali’Zorah (ME)
Charon, Dogmeat and Butch DeLoria (Fallout 3)
Johnny Gat, Tobias, Lin, Pierce Washington, Matt Miller and Shaundi (Saints Row)
Chrom, Lissa, Frederick, Lon’Qu, Maribelle, Gaius, Flavia, Lucina, Morgan, Owain and Gerome (Fire Emblem: Awakening)
Connor, Markus, Kara, Luther, Alice, Rose, Hank Anderson and Carl Manfred (Detroit: Become Human)
Jakob, Silas, Kaze, Ryoma, Hinoka, Takumi, Sakura, Subaki, Reina, Xander, Camilla, Leo, Elise, Beruka, Odin, Arthur, Nyx, Kana, Shiro, Kiragi, Asugi, Soleil, Siegbert, Hisame, Ophelia and Percy (Fire Emblem Fates)
Professor Hershel Layton, Luke Triton, Emmy Altava and Inspector Chelmey (Professor Layton Series)
favorite ship from a game?  ‒ Same as above I will do: 
Alistair x Amell (DAO)
Shakarian (ME)
Fenris x Hawke (DA2)
Solas x Lavellan (DAI)  
Chrom x Robin (FE: Awakening)
Silas x Corrin (FE: Fates)
Johnny Gat x Boss (Saints Row) 
Butch DeLoria x Lone Wanderer (Fallout 3) 
favorite voice actor from a game?  ‒ Same as above I will do:
Steve Valentine
Brandon Keener
Jennifer Hale
Mark Meer
Claudia Black
Kate Mulgrew
Gideon Emery
Christopher Robin Miller
Daniel Dae Kim
Keith David
Bryan Dechart
Kevin Conroy
favorite cutscene?  ‒ Same as above I will do:
The ending of DAO where the Warden kills the Archdemon! 
The intro to the Magi Origin. 
The intro to Dwarf Commoner and Dwarf Noble Origins. 
Alistair’s Romance ;3
Whenever Shepard gives a speech. 
The intro to ME1.
Garrus Romance ;3
The Suicide Mission where Joker says “give them hell girl” and presses the button and he cheers. (I totally cheer every time LOL)
In Saints Row 1 where the Playa points a gun to Luz to correct her about the shoes and that they were “last season.” 
The moment where the Boss claps slowly as they approach Maro to tell them that they just killed their own girlfriend. 
The most painful part to me but it is a really good one and one of my favorites, Carlos’ mercy death... :( 
Aisha’s funeral and Shogo comes and ruins the ceremony so Johnny kicks his ass and the Boss and Johnny bury him alive. 
Saints Row: The Third Intro
When Pierce, Shaudi and The Boss about to go and and deal with Loren and they do that slow motion walk. (SR2 and SR4 count as well). 
favorite boss?  ‒ I would actually say Saren, Benezia and Saints Row 2 Bosses. Also Bowser from Nintendo LOL. 
first console?  ‒ Nintendo Entertainment System (NES) and Sega Genesis
current console or consoles?  ‒ Play Station 4, Xbox One and Nintendo Switch
console you want?  ‒ I got all the consoles. 
place from a game that you’d like to visit?  ‒ Thedas. Ferelden and Antiva Mostly. 
place from a game that you’d like to live in?  ‒ Put me in Stardew Valley or Animal Crossing LOL 
ridiculous crossover that would never happen but would be super fun?  ‒ Saints Row in Mass Effect. I saw a post about it and oh em gee! It would be great xD 
book that would make a good game?  ‒ Can’t think of one at the moment. 
show/movie that would make a good game?  ‒ Give me a Sailor Moon RPG game after Season 5 of the anime. 
games you want to play?  ‒ For this year? 
Spider Man (September 7th)
Shadow of The Tomb Raider (September 14th)
Spyro Reignited Trilogy (September 21st)
Assassins Creed Odyssey (October 5th)
Super Mario Party (October 5th)
Battlefield 5 (October 16th) 
Red Dead Redemption 2 (October 26th)
Fallout 76 (November 14th)
have you gotten 100% completion in a game?  ‒ Yes I have. Especially in PlayStation as I enjoy collecting the trophies after I beat the game. :) 
have you cried over a game?  ‒ Yes LOL 
what power-up or ability would you want in real life?  ‒ Hm. Good question. Not sure. :P
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katatty · 7 years
for the headcanons, could you do puck, lilith, alex goth, jro, and tybalt?
Sexuality Headcanon: Pansexual, possibly a little demisexualGender Headcanon: Nonbinary. Puck doesn’t really “get” gender and prefers they pronounsA ship I have with said character: Tybalt A BROTP I have with said character: Hermia, but I also ship them romantically sometimesA NOTP I have with said character: I don’t ever see this but Puck/Juliette would be an absolute no for me, lol! A random headcanon: Puck is only half-fae and isn’t immortal. Friendship is super important to them & they have trouble reconciling that with their shy personality  General Opinion over said character: I love Puck but sometimes regret the way I’ve characterised them in PP, it’s a bit all over the place because my headcanons kept changing, haha
(rest under a cut)
Sexuality Headcanon: Straight, but I could see her being bi too Gender Headcanon: Female, but I don’t think Lilith is that attached to her gender, possibly a little genderqueer?A ship I have with said character: RippA BROTP I have with said character: Hermia CappA NOTP I have with said character: Dirk Dreamer, tbh. Short-term I like it but I don’t see her settling down with her high-school sweetheart, she’s too adventurous A random headcanon: Lilith has ADHDGeneral Opinion over said character: She and Angela are very dear to me, I think most of their conflict comes from their parents being incredibly shitty :( 
Sexuality Headcanon: I don’t have a strong sexuality headcanon for any of the kids & generally roll the randomiser. In PP he’s straight. Gender Headcanon: See above. A ship I have with said character: Meadow Thayer A BROTP I have with said character: Jill Smith A NOTP I have with said character: Any of the PV teensA random headcanon: Alex is autistic, optometry is his special interest General Opinion over said character: Honestly I never get SUPER into playing Alex, I can never think of anything really interesting for him to do and he usually ends up following in his father’s footsteps 
Sexuality Headcanon: Mostly straight with some exceptionsGender Headcanon: MaleA ship I have with said character: Ophelia and/or RippA BROTP I have with said character: RippA NOTP I have with said character: Angela Pleasant. NOTP is a little strong maybe but this pairing is such a snoozefest to me lmaoA random headcanon: Acts confident, but very insecure about his heritage and what people think of himGeneral Opinion over said character: Johnny’s fine but honestly not one of my favourite sims he’s dull as a post to me when not with Ripp and/or Ophelia 
Sexuality Headcanon: BisexualGender Headcanon: Mostly male but I could kinda see NB Ripp...A ship I have with said character: Everyone, but Ophelia, Lilith and Jimmy are my current favourites A BROTP I have with said character: Dustin BrokeA NOTP I have with said character: I like Ripp with pretty much anyone, but I’m not wild about him and Gvaudoin?A random headcanon: Isn’t actually poly, but often mistaken for itGeneral Opinion over said character: He’s my favourite, haha! 
Sexuality Headcanon: HeteroGender Headcanon: FemaleA ship I have with said character: Ripp GruntA BROTP I have with said character: Meadow ThayerA NOTP I have with said character: Tank Grunt, ewwwwwA random headcanon: Very interested in mental health & becomes a therapist General Opinion over said character: She’s an interesting blend of extremely chill & extremely neurotic.Wants kids but worries about whether she’ll be a good mom
Sexuality Headcanon: GayGender Headcanon: MaleA ship I have with said character: PuckA BROTP I have with said character: Emily & TomA NOTP I have with said character: Pretty much any ships with women, lolA random headcanon: Very cultured; practices ballet and plays the violin. also a huge weebGeneral Opinion over said character: I used to be totally blase about Tybalt tbh, it’s weird that I’e grown to like him so much! 
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sirensskai · 7 months
My Ripp Grunt headcanons
It was about time I put them all in one place because as you can tell I’m obsessed with him and have a lot😭 Some of them might make no sense whatsoever or sound weird or are probably me just projecting but who cares lol. If I forget any or think of more I’ll add them later. Also it’s going to be really long…
Anyway… “So Kai, how much do you like Ripp???”
I have come up with a birthday for Ripp. December 13, 1988. (Yes I know December 13 is the same date as Taylor Swift lol.) He is a Sagittarius (that’s canon but that’s why I picked that birthday). I see sims 2 Strangetown as starting in 2005 and he was age 16-17 back then. He’s a year and several months younger than Tank and 4 years older than Buck.
Kind of short for a guy, about 5.5. Tank and Johnny are significantly taller and he hates it.
He is bisexual and transmasculine. Maybe non binary too, specifically a non binary man (like a demiboy or something.)
Ripp has always been attracted to all genders. He doesn’t really care about that (can fit pansexual too.) He is open to seeing multiple people at once so is polyamorous too. Which can be one way of explaining the romance aspiration. And yes, he has a crush on both Ophelia and Johnny.
He is transgender and knew something was up from an early age. Like a lot of transmasc people he went down the “tomboy” to trans pipeline. He didn’t fully realise what being trans meant and that that was what he was until he was about 14 though. Ripp chose his name himself, idc. He thought it was cool.
Johnny and Ophelia were very supportive of him being trans. He had them at school when the bullies found something new to pick on. As was his mum Lyla who he is very close to. Buck didn’t fully understand at first because of being really young but is still very supportive. (Also Buck ended up becoming Rebecca and is transfem herself but that’s another character headcanon lol) Lyla helped him start HRT.
General Buzz though… I don’t see General Buzz as entirely transphobic. I think he’s the kind of person to prefer having sons, but is still weird about Ripp being trans. He is kind of against it at first but gets used to it. He would also want Ripp to be a man in the “right” way (based on a Tumblr post I saw.) He messes up pronouns sometimes but at least tries. He still thinks Ripp is a fucking lazy ass disappointment overall though 😭 “yeah you are trans or bi, whatever, but you are still my worst son ever.” I think he would be more concerned if any guy Ripp dated was an alien over the fact they were a guy (oops, he already has a crush on Johnny Smith.) General Buzz’s conflicting views about Ripp with Lyla also contributed to those two’s strained relationship. He sees a lot of Lyla in Ripp, in both appearance and personality and he hates being reminded of her.
Tank was in a similar position of getting used to it over time. Didn’t mean he stopped wanting to beat his ass all the time though. He had some internalised stuff he had to deal with himself though (being his own person with his own wishes and also, gay.)
Ripp took Lyla disappearing very hard, especially since she was the one helping with his transition. He was on his own. Things got complicated because General Buzz was still kind of unsupportive. Ripp snuck out for several days to get top surgery by himself and General Buzz was very angry about that.
He’s a very sweet person overall. He’s friendly with almost everyone and hates conflict, but if he is confronted he loves taking the piss out of them. He’s very positive most of the time despite his terrible life. Very talkative and can go on and on. Tries to make a joke and lighten the mood with just about everything, including himself, even if he does go too far sometimes (which he instantly feels bad about if he makes someone sad.) Definitely swears a lot which his father hates, but he loves annoying his father.
I don’t think he has a bad relationship with his father and Tank forever. They make up at one point and maybe they don’t become really close but they at least get along somewhat again (no horrible PSP ending in my sims game.)
He was very close with Lyla, probably the most out of all three of Lyla’s sons so he was devastated when she left, and even more so when he found out she died. One of the few supportive people in his life and she was gone.
Him and Buck (or Rebecca later) are very close due to them both having a strained relationship with General Buzz. Rebecca looks up to Ripp a lot. Also they end up both being transgender which they make a joke out of later. “I can’t believe we’re both Grunts and trans.)
He’s been friends with Ophelia and Johnny since middle school. He hangs out with them a lot and prefers being with them to being at home. He loves being an idiot with Johnny but is sweet with Ophelia. He fell in love with Ophelia first then Johnny.
He met Lilith after she also ran away from home. The two became close because of that. They love poking fun at each other. He’s afraid Lilith will make fun of him if he tells her he likes her (but Lilith likes him too.)
Self insert time, he’s really sweet around Lana. Ripp talks a lot and Lana barely talks at all due to their extreme shyness but he doesn’t mind. He cares for them a lot. He is the most calm and gentle to them and loves listening to them ramble about their interests. He might want to marry her.
Music Career
Ripp was always interested in music, mostly rock music but he is open to other genres as well. I see him as being very into Nirvana. He started playing guitar at school with Johnny Smith, covering their favourite songs. Lyla got him own guitar, and he also started writing his own songs, uploading them to MySpace or something.
At one point he runs away from home and gets a trailer for himself. Away from his father, he has a lot more freedom to do what he wants with his life. He’s still working at the gas station and going to a lot of music labels and he eventually gets signed to one. He has his first major song released through them.
Ripp is the lead singer and guitarist in a band as well as a soloist, with Johnny Smith, Lilith Pleasant and Mercutio Monty, the last two he meets and befriends at one point. (Idk what to name this band yet lol.) Johnny also plays guitar, Lilith is the bassist and Mercutio plays the drums.
His music style is very diverse. And I’m also going to base them off Lana Del Rey albums and songs because why not. His very early work is very acoustic. The first ep and debut album he releases has influences of grunge, surf rock and psychedelic rock. A lot of guitar sounds. And whatever sounds come out of AKA Lizzy Grant.
He goes through some tough things in life which is why he takes a break between his debut and his second album. The sound of this album is quite different. Still guitar heavy but also very slowed, dark and psychedelic. Probably some of his most depressing songs ever. Definitely has a song calling out General Buzz. His Ultraviolence era. It’s a little bit of a concept album too, there’s some sort of storyline throughout. He wears black eyeliner on stage.
The next album is experimental, a little bit of the style of his first album back with the guitar but also some trap beats in there. If I could describe it in a Lana Del Rey song it would be Freak Like Me Demo. Also the most horny album. Bisexual anthem in there though.
The latest album I’ve imagined for Ripp (idk why I’ve imagined all these albums for a sims 2 premade, please help) he explores pop. Lust for Life era (I’m still drawing that, I have a vision.) It’s a lot more uplifting than his previous work and it changes the world. Also somewhat of a horny album too. He dies the ends of his hair purple.
Ripp moves to Del Sol Valley at one point when he becomes a celebrity and gets a house in the pinnacles.
He is definitely very popular in terms of being attractive. There are people making thirst TikToks of him and writing self insert fanfiction and everything. (Couldn’t be me. /s) Some fans are really obsessed with him. To the point they would leak his unreleased music and post it everywhere which is unfortunate but some of them are so good (I’m writing a fic based on this.)
He also does campaigns and advertisements and things as part of being a celebrity, there’s a billboard or magazine cover somewhere where he’s modelling underwear 🙏 And he also hopes it annoys his dad if he sees it and recognises his face lol
His social medias would be hilarious and he would also own terrible people.
Other random hcs
I think Ripp was an unplanned child. Lyla was happy to have him but General Buzz not so much, he kind of hated Ripp from day 1.
He was a “problem child” at least in General Buzz’s eyes and also the schools he went to where he had behaviour issues and struggled to focus. His dad made him see a psychologist. He’s autistic (or aspergers back in the late 90s-early 2000s, also I don’t think General Buzz is the most up to date) and has ADHD. I don’t think this helped with General Buzz already seeing him as a disappointment. Ripp gets really fixated on music (both certain artists and creating it) or certain tv shows or very unconventional things that are kind of uncomfortable for some people. Like literally just the subject of woohoo interests him and he wants to know everything about it lol. I think he fixates on philosophical stuff too like death and the purpose of life (another thing that can lead to some uncomfortable conversations.) Very unlike the stereotype of autism because he’s really outgoing and social too, but it is a spectrum.
I think he shows a lot of affection through touch.
Really dark hc but… 😭 Although he pretends it doesn’t, I think the terrible relationship he has with General Buzz and Tank, as well as Lyla disappearing and dying did really affect him. Has depression and some self esteem and emotional issues and fears abandonment. He has considered *unaliving* before. Also a weird relationship with food. Although he has max interest in food, and he eats a lot of food (but mostly junk food) he grew up with the pressure to remain thin. The dark period of his life between his first two albums involved that and he may have abused substances too. I’m a terrible person, I’m sorry 😭. The romance sim part of him might have spawned from craving the love he didn’t get at home. He feels undeserving of a real relationship but deep down that’s what he actually wants.
I am sorry to him for giving him all these traumatising hcs but I can’t help myself. He was bullied in his school years 🥲 The psp secret of him being afraid of toilets from “one too many swirlies as a child” is to do with this. Tank was involved too maybe, but I don’t believe it was all down to him and he’s a terrible person. With the trans headcanon, I think he was picked on by both boys and girls. Girls didn’t like him for being “weird” and boys would go out of their way to hurt him for trying to fit in with them.
Due to General Buzz being in the millitary, he travelled to a lot of places and moved around a lot prior to going back to middle school in Strangetown. I think he would become interested in different cultures and pick up some words of different languages. He lived in Tomerang at one point.
Ripp is kind of feminine. He isn’t afraid to like “feminine” things and he loves jewellery and painting his nails.
He has a brow piercing and a septum.
He gets a sleeve tattoo.
Has rarely ever cut his hair in his life, he lets it grow really long and he doesn’t care. He would hate for all of his hair to just be chopped off (and that’s also what his father wants)
Smokes, both cigarettes and weed. Tries to stop smoking the cigarettes later on though. Him, Johnny and Ophelia get stoned together and sometimes Lana if she’s willing.
He’s quite arty (his canonical one true hobby is set to arts and crafts.) Spends a lot of his time drawing anything from animals to horny “anatomy” pictures because why not. He takes art when he attends college.
Ripp is a great father. Idc about that romance aspiration, just because he has that doesn’t mean he’s a deadbeat father 😭 Like I’ve said before, that sounds like Don Lothario but not Ripp. His nice points are too high for that. Also being like his own dad would be the last thing he wants to be. He really cares for any kids he has, and the people pregnant with the kids. He would be a really fun dad, maybe a little permissive. Basically the opposite of General Buzz (and also how I think Lyla was.) He also cares for people in general instead of just wanting woohoo out of them.
Ripp is left handed. Sims 4 actually set him up as left handed for me lol. Left handed guitars are unavailable to him to start with so he’s forced to learn right handed 😰 But later on he gets a left handed guitar and plays amazing.
He has a tooth gap.
Cat person. General Buzz, Tank and Rebecca are all drawn to dogs but Ripp is the only cat lover 😭 He gets a havana or a maine coon (or both.)
I think Ripp fits the pleasure aspiration more than the romance aspiration to be honest. An aspiration that involves some romance but also not being a total sleaze and wanting to relax and have fun sounds more like him. It fits Lyla too (another reason why they were so close is that they had very similar personalities.) Another aspiration that fits is popularity, he’s just a very friendly person who loves making friends.
Songs that remind me of Ripp:
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sirensskai · 8 months
Ripp and Johnny (on the heart shaped bed too because why not 😭😭😭)
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Okay now my headcanons about specifically these two’s dynamic together. I just think they are wholesome. They are like bros and banter with each other but they are also romantic with each other and affectionate too, they are cute together. 🙏 Johnny is a very caring person, both with Ophelia and Ripp, and he looks out for them. Obviously Ripp doesn’t have a good home environment so he feels safe around Johnny and loves being with him. He goes to him when he’s feeling down. They also both play guitar (that’s how they met) and they are in a band together. Johnny doesn’t like singing though lol (Ripp does that.) Johnny is also taller than Ripp and Ophelia, he makes fun of Ripp for being short. 😭I think Johnny had a feeling Ripp was into Ophelia but he had no idea about Ripp being in love with him as well, he doesn’t mind though of course and he started falling for him too. That’s all my cringe ship headcanons for now adddfghghhj
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sirensskai · 6 months
Several updates on Ripp and Lana’s life because I’m cringe. There’s a lot of chaos lol
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You didn’t ask to see pregnant Ripp but I’m posting it anyway 😍 It was Johnny Smith’s child lol (this relationship is a fucking mess but idc lol). Our third child and son, Rain 🙏 (Also yeah, Ophelia was also pregnant at this point. Johnny has also impregnated a few other people, those being both Pleasant Twins. I did say this would be chaos 😭)
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Also speaking of Johnny… Lana wanted to go on a date with him. (This is them before I used the transition potion on them which happened somewhere after this point, that’s a whole other post lol.) See, I was just following their wishes, I didn’t have anything to do with this 😳 We also did end up woohooing. I mean, he got my husband pregnant, so why not lol
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Rain aged up to a toddler. I gave him a green birthmark to show off more of his alien heritage from Johnny :)
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This is actually really cute he loves our kids 😭 All of them, River, Ocean and Rain. And playing dolls with River
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And that’s good he adores our kids because we are about to have another 🤭🤭🤭
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This is a part 1 now because I have way too many photos of my self insert and Ripp Grunt for a sane person lol
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vampfucker666 · 4 years
Round 1: Setup
First post of my Strangetown game!! I love making shit up for my sims but it all stays in my head so I always end up forgetting it... Fair warning these first couple of posts will not have a lot of pictures since I was super focused on playing the game!
This was a fresh install of the sims 2, but I moved all my previous mods and cc over from my last install. My game has a lot of mods for a lot of little things, so I probably won’t mention them unless someone asks or until it comes up! I started the neighborhood with no subhoods or downtown (hoping to build a downtown up myself. I have a concept in mind that it’s the “town” part of Strangetown? The actual main neighborhood itself it pretty bare so I’m thinking it’s not technically within city limits) but I did attach La Fiesta Tech since I knew off the bat I was going to be sending Johnny, Ophelia, and Tank to uni (and Ripp, but he’s going to be sent off next round) I did edit the community lot that had all the shopping areas, adding decorative parking spaces, random decoration stuff, expanding the pool and making it ocean themed for funsies, and I turned half of the grocery store into a diner/restaurant thing! I also added a chess table since I like to have those on my lots :) However while playing the Grunts I was frustrated by the huge size of BOTH community lots, so I downloaded Nighthowl Saloon from MTS and sloppily got rid of the doors to the residential area... I intended for teens to be able to come here too despite it being a saloon but it was very quickly overrun by them, so I used the visitor controller to ban them. I also made a hair salon for some reason but I put it back in the lot bin for now.
I moved in the two bin families, Ajay Loner and the Singles girls. I still need to change at least Erin Singles’ last name back to her actual last name, but I built the girls a shitty little house and only cheated a little bit of money! They have about 2k left which is probably too much, but I’m not too concerned at this point. If I start having economic problems I’ll start looking into mods lol.
At this point I’ve played three families: Beaker, Grunt, and Curious. I’ve editied all of their houses to various degrees as the default configurations suck to play, ESPECIALLY the Curious home. I have it out for whoever thought that was okay! One thing I did just for fun is convert the pseudo-greenhouse into an actual greenhouse. More details when I write up their post :) The Grunt home was also completely fucked, routing wise, so I redid the upstairs entirely and moved some things around downstairs, particularly making that huge bathroom into two smaller ones. The upstairs is still not quite where I’d like it but I wanted to keep some of the interesting-in-concept elements from the original floorplan (like the bathroom right off the gym) The houses in Strangetown all have this obsession with large amounts of doors leading to outside, narrow hallways, and large superfluous structures leading to telescopes. I quite like the latter as it obviously is for storytelling, but I don’t let the telescopes stay up there since I want my sims to actually USE them. I’ll take some pictures next rotation so you can see the changes I made to the homes.
So, that was pretty much all the setup I did for Strangetown. I’m still working on the urban area of the city, and I’d like to build a church for potential community lot weddings and gravestones. I may convert Olive Specter’s home into the cemetary but it’s already pretty full in all honesty...
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katatty · 7 years
recap: Strangetown Round 4 (Spring)
This round took forever to play! Something like a year, LOL? (10 months, apparently). I really enjoyed it though, Strangetown is my favorite neighborhood :)
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Started off with the Curious family, which features Pascal & Tycho, plus Lazlo and his big weird family! 
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He’s dating Erin Beaker and Penny Weiss, both of whom have kids from previous relationships (Darren Dreamer and Rhett Hart, respectively.) They all get on, though!
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There’s some jealousy, briefly, when Penny finds out Erin is pregnant with Lazlo’s baby, but things smooth over quickly enough.
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Tycho and Penny’s kid, Street, are especially cute. They’re basically brothers!
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Pascal’s sorta-boyfriend Nervous agrees to help with with an impregnation experiment.
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Meanwhile, Chester Gieke gets fired from his gamer job and decides to take up writing instead.
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He continues dating Bianca Monty, and finally stops seeing Kent as a third wheel/threat when he learns a little about their history. 
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Ajay’s townie wife, Tara Loner mysteriously disappears one night.
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The police aren’t much help.
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His kids Hannah and Benjamin grow up okay though, and he strikes up a friendship with Lola Curious.
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Johnny Smith moves back into town.
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Jenny grows old and finally decides to retire.
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Jill and Lucy go on another date and confess their feelings for one another. They agree to wait and see what happens at college, though. 
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Johnny joins the police force and gets put on the Tara Loner case.
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Buck & Jill hit the town one more time before Jill heads off to college.
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On Jill’s leaving night, Johnny invites Ophelia over & proposes.
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Sadly P.T. passes away shortly afterward :(
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In another part of town, Lola Curious meets a young runaway, the former test subject of Loki and Circe. I remeber in a previous recap I had her go to school & Jill met her, I’m casually gonna mention here than I’m ret-conning this, haha! Gotta maintain that mystery. 
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The two become close quickly and Lola fosters Testee officially. She also gets promoted a bunch!
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Ophelia also moves home, and gives the Specter place a bit of a makeover.
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She also runs her first couples counseling session, helping out Jennifer & John Burb.
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She shares a few concerns about the future with Johnny. Ophelia kind of worries about the safety of Strangetown sometimes! Johnny tries to reassure her. 
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Nervous, meanwhile, proceeds with the experiment, and has a son with Pascal named Riley.
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Bianca Monty proposes to Chester Gieke, and they move into a new home together along with Kent.
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The wedding happens quickly after!
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Bea catches up with John Burb, while Chloe and Nina hug it out after some unexpected jealousy rears it’s head.
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Isabella Monty comes to visit later, and is still unhappy her daughter is living under the same roof as a Capp.
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Bianca gets pregnant, starves, dies, and is luckily saved by her BFF, Kent.
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Chester and Kent have a chat about their mutual love of Bianca.
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Then baby Giorgia is born! :)
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The Beaker round is uneventful, but evil. Circe finds a genie lamp and the kids continue to be terrors.
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At the Grunts, Tank returned home and joined the politics career, working under Lola Curious.
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Buzz asks Mary-Sue on a date, and their relationship progresses very rapidly.
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Delta and Buck have a mutual break up.
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Sue and Buzz announce to their kids that they’re moving in together, much to everyone’s horror and/or amusement.
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Angela is particularly horrified, and decides it’s best to break up with Tank.
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Meanwhile, Buck processes his feelings by giving good-time-girl Beatrice Monty a call.
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Aaaaand, that’s all, folks! Stay tuned for university shenanigans and, eventually, Veronaville! 
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katatty · 7 years
3, 4, and 10 for the simmer challenge asks thing?
Thank you for the ask, anon :)
Which playable Sim(s) is/are annoying you right now? Like, really just pissing you off?Romeo, obviously!! Fuck that guy. Chaz has also been irritating the crap out of me, he’s gonna get made into a townie if he doesn’t watch it. 
What’s been the most surprising development of your current rotation/generation/etc?Chester and Kent having great chemistry has really changed the direction I was originally gonna go for in the Gieke-Monty-Cappp house... 
Buck reacting so badly to Buzz and Sue getting together and then immediately booty calling Beatrice Monty really threw me, wtf Buck! 
Jimmy revealing he had pretty deep feelings for Ripp also came as a bit of a surprise, but a pleasant one! 
Have your Sims done anything on free will lately that totally interrupted a story line you had planned out for them?Not recent, but Cassandra cheating with Darren Dreamer complete fucked up my plan to have her catch Don cheating and drop him, LOL! Instead they decided to just call it even and I guess they have a pretty happy marriage now with the occasional “hall pass”?
Similarly, Johnny’s level of devotion towards Ophelia wrecked my original plan to have them split up early at uni - originally Ripp/Ophelia was my endgame, haha! At this point though who am I to stand in the way of true love??
Juliette wasn’t supposed to catch Romeo cheating while they were at uni, I had a more dramatic storyline in mind for them, which I might still go ahead with if they’re willing to go along with it. 
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