#he’s just turning his favourite OC into an overpowered Mary Sue slowly
thosebitingdoxies · 8 months
ok ok like I’m loving this Anakin content and everything and yes the whole “how much of Anakin is in Ahsoka” is very very interesting to watch but it’s kind of annoying how singular it is
like yes, Anakin was Ahsoka’s master but that doesn’t mean he was the only influence on her. Plo Koon and Obi-Wan were also big guides in her and probably taught her stuff that Anakin thought was unimportant (i mean she seems a lot more balanced, patient, ready to mediate and listen to the Force than Anakin ever was). Rex and the 501st guided her (i mean c’mon “experience outranks everything” you cannot tell me he was the one who comforted ahsoka when anakin was too busy running off to padmé). And Padmé and Ryio Chuchi both taught her a lot about diplomacy and negotiation (like yeah no, that was definitely not Anakin. Maybe Obi-Wan but not Anakin).
just like Dave Filoni please please please allow your favourite OC to have more ties to her past than just Anakin Skywalker
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