#like I enjoyed the ahsoka show greatly
thosebitingdoxies · 8 months
ok ok like I’m loving this Anakin content and everything and yes the whole “how much of Anakin is in Ahsoka” is very very interesting to watch but it’s kind of annoying how singular it is
like yes, Anakin was Ahsoka’s master but that doesn’t mean he was the only influence on her. Plo Koon and Obi-Wan were also big guides in her and probably taught her stuff that Anakin thought was unimportant (i mean she seems a lot more balanced, patient, ready to mediate and listen to the Force than Anakin ever was). Rex and the 501st guided her (i mean c’mon “experience outranks everything” you cannot tell me he was the one who comforted ahsoka when anakin was too busy running off to padmé). And Padmé and Ryio Chuchi both taught her a lot about diplomacy and negotiation (like yeah no, that was definitely not Anakin. Maybe Obi-Wan but not Anakin).
just like Dave Filoni please please please allow your favourite OC to have more ties to her past than just Anakin Skywalker
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themattress · 11 months
Character Perception Evolution
Sometimes, believe it or not, I change my views on fictional characters.
This post will be updated with any example of such characters I can think of.
Ahsoka Tano (Star Wars) - While most people cite her being considered an annoying, pointless, and all-around hated kid sidekick character and evolving into one of the most beloved characters in the franchise, I actually have a different take. I never minded Ahsoka when she debuted in 2008. I thought she was largely inoffensive and was happy to see another lead female character in the series given how little of them we had. And yes, she only got better and better as she grew, and totally deserved her popularity. But something’s been wrong with her ever since her time travel-based survival of her big duel with Darth Vader, accelerating with her depiction by Rosario Dawson (complete with some awkward as Hell interactions with Luke Skywalker) and Dave Filoni’s dumbfounding remark that Ahsoka’s voice being with the voices of other dead Jedi in The Rise of Skywalker doesn’t necessarily mean she’s dead. It feels like she’s become a Creator’s Pet, a character that Filoni refuses to let go of past her natural expiration date. That’s why the primary excitement I have for the upcoming Ahsoka series is for Thrawn, not for her. She just isn’t that interesting anymore.
Amarant Coral (Final Fantasy IX) - I disliked Amarant back when I first played Final Fantasy IX, seeing him as this generic badass loner edgelord character who didn’t have very well-written character development. However, a few years back I replayed the game. And while his character development remains as shoddy as I remember (I feel like the developers just ran out of time and both he and Freya suffered as a result), I found myself greatly enjoying Amarant because I now could see that he’s pretty clearly a knowing parody of a generic badass loner edgelord character! The game knows he’s a jerkish stick-in-the-mud for no good reason and has fun with it, with Amarant’s snarky comments and frustration at having to be dragged all over creation by Zidane and his merry band of idealists making him hilarious.
Cain Madhouse (To The Abandoned Sacred Beasts) - Refer to this post. I first encountered Cain through the anime, where I thought he was a cool villain but not much else than that. He seemed to be there purely for the sake of providing the series with a central antagonist. Then I read the manga, and was honestly taken aback at just how interesting, complex and even sympathetic Cain was as a character. He isn’t even the true villain of the story, a role actually shared by his abusive father and the evil religious nutcase he’s in cahoots with. While he’s certainly far from a blameless martyr, Cain truly is doing what he believes to be for the best, and in his own twisted way still loves the people in his life that he cares for and genuinely wishes to do right by them. And all this nuance despite being named “Cain Madhouse!”
Charmcaster (Ben 10) - Here I’m talking about one version of the character in particular: the one from Ben 10: Omniverse. Back in 2014 when she was fresh, I greatly enjoyed this take on Charmcaster. She was really funny and cute, her magic was badass, her design was wonderful, her voice-acting was entertaining, and in general she was a major step-up from the version we’d gotten in Alien Force and Ultimate Alien. Unfortunately, time has not been kind to her. I don’t hate her, but I can’t fully enjoy her when so many of those AF/UA aspects are still in play with her, which makes her and her trajectory somewhat nonsensical, not to mention tasteless and ultimately kind of pointless. That was OV’s whole problem, I suppose: trying desperately to reconcile the original Ben 10 with the retcon-ridden AF/UA and largely failing. It doesn’t help that the next incarnation of Charmcaster in the rebooted continuity is so much better, as are similar characters in other shows such as Lena from the new DuckTales.
Dawn (Pokémon) - In the Diamond & Pearl anime, I didn’t care for Dawn for a good while, partly because doing a rehash of May immediately after May had left was insulting especially when I loved May so much and partly because there were other issues with her character’s utilization that irked me. However, after her subsequent, much-improved appearances in Best Wishes and Journeys, I looked back at her in her anime series of origin and realized that it really wasn’t Dawn that was ever the problem - it was Ash and Brock! It’s a franchise-wide trend: whenever Dawn is paired up with literally anyone else, she shines. Even the rehashing of May and personal gripes I have don’t matter much because she’s so likable. But when with Ash and Brock as their traveling companion, she by and large becomes the most generic goodie-goodie shojou girl possible. Just detach her from them and she’s a solid character.
Eraqus (Kingdom Hearts) - That great character design and Mark Hamill’s impeccable voice-acting made me think he was sympathetic when I originally played Birth by Sleep. Overtime, that impression faded. Yes, I agree with him that darkness is a problem and vigilance against it is needed; even if he was supposed to be wrong about that, he isn’t. The problem is that he goes about that in the dumbest, most counter-productive way possible. Terra would literally not have a darkness problem if not for Eraqus’ dumbass teaching methods. Worse still, everything that goes wrong in the story could have been avoided if he was just honest with his pupils about everything, including the fact that Xehanort might not be on the up and up given his obsession with potentially causing an apocalypse, an obsession he literally scarred Eraqus over. And maybe he shouldn’t have jumped immediately to murder as the solution to Ventus’ awareness of his own special existence posing a danger to the universe. If that wasn’t enough, we later learn he openly cheats at chess and just expects everyone to take it. 
Katsuki Bakugo (My Hero Academia) - I used to hate this character; he was obnoxious and unlikable, yet the narrative and other characters never reacted to him the way they should and bended over backward to accommodate him. However, nowadays I don’t hate him so much as I feel sorry for him, on a meta level. Bakugo could have been a superb character with a great redemption arc, the pieces are all there.  But for some reason or other, Horikoshi instead decided to keep him the angry, violent, petty, egotistical asshole he’s always been, and justifies doing so while also playing at redeeming him by treating his super-dickery as comedic. I’m sorry, but that doesn’t work when it didn’t start out as comedic and had terrible effects on people like Izuku. Bakugo’s only been funny when he’s the butt of the joke, not when others still have to suffer from his rage-outs. It’s sad that Bakugo can’t live up to his potential, especially when others in the series like Endeavor (who’s a far worse person) do.
Kevin 11 (Ben 10) - I loved Kevin as a villain in the original Ben 10, hated his sudden change in character complete with a quickie redemption and out of nowhere romance with Gwen in Alien Force but was willing to tolerate him and wait to see where they’d go with him because he was admittedly pretty funny, loathed what ended up happening with him in Ultimate Alien which turned me off him altogether, and in Omniverse...ditto what I said about Charmcaster. But then there’s the continuity reboot version, and because of it I now have to admit that while I’ll always hold a soft spot for him, the original Kevin doesn’t hold up too well either. He’s a pre-pubescent kid named Kevin 11, yet he’s a purely evil psychopath and his villainous appearance is that of a grotesque mutant chimera? Yeeeah, I think the school bully with a troubled home life who has his own evil version of Ben’s Omnitrix and its aliens makes a lot more sense. Him not changing his ways so easily, staying Ben’s rival no matter how much they might team up, and having feelings for Gwen that are comedically one-sided also helps.
Kyo Sohma (Fruits Basket) - Back in the day, Fruits Basket to me was just the 2001 anime series, and I honestly found Kyo pretty annoying. His hair-trigger temper and violent inclinations were a turn-off, as was his dub voice and that whole concluding arc with his true form. Then I read the manga and saw the faithful 2019 adaptation, complete with an incredibly improved performance by Jerry Jewell, and now I absolutely love the guy! No joke, he’s easily one of the best, most interesting and likable male leads in a shojou, as is Yuki.
Lysandre and Diantha (Pokémon) - Just see this post for details.
Mary Jane Watson (Spider-Man) - I’m talking specifically about the version portrayed by Kirsten Dunst in the Sam Raimi trilogy. She came off as a generic superhero girlfriend in the first movie to me, a hodgepodge of several characters from the comics instead of a proper adaptation of Mary Jane. It got worse in the second movie, where she played the annoying obstructive love interest trope. But despite the stupidity of having her be kidnapped in the climax again, I found myself really enjoying her in the third movie. This made me pay closer attention to her in the first movie, and to check out all her deleted material (much of which was included in the novelization) in the second movie. Not only did I find her to be a strong, truly human-feeling character, but she was more faithful to the comics’ Mary Jane in several key areas than many give her credit for, and Kirsten Dunst always gave a great performance.
Prince Demande and the Black Moon Clan (Sailor Moon) - I recall liking these villains fine as a kid, but feeling like they weren’t as good as the Dark Kingdom. While the Dark Kingdom is still my personal favorite group of villains, I now have to concede that the Black Moon Clan in both the manga and anime are superior. They’ve got the more complex set-up, feel darker and more dangerous, and have by far the best of Chaos’ incarnations in the Death Phantom. Meanwhile, I recall feeling some sympathy for Demande when I was young; his situation wasn’t an easy one after all, and he did love his brother very much, not to mention in the anime he gave his life for Usagi. Then I grew up and learned what rape was. Fuck this guy. Even if I love him as a villain, he’s a horrible person and no sacrificial death can change that.
Regina Mills (Once Upon a Time) - My stance for a long time has been that Regina was an overall good character in the first three seasons but then totally fell apart from some truly appalling creator favoritism. Having revisited the show recently, I don’t entirely revoke this stance, but it’s more complicated than I thought. When you get down to it, Regina only ever worked properly in Season 1, where she was a humanized yet still proudly evil antagonist. Season 2 not only dropped the ball in terms of consequences for her, but it fast-tracked her down the redemption path in a way that was ham-fisted and not believable. Season 3 handled her on the heroes’ side much better, but it’s nigh impossible to reconcile with the backslide she went through in the second half of Season 2, where she is depicted as this absolute psychopath delusional beyond the point of recovery, but Adam and Eddy genuinely don’t view her that way and weren’t meaning to make her come off that way - in their eyes, her grievances are all legitimate. And that’s really what I have a hard time ever getting around: the notion that the villainous Regina I loved in Season 1 was never the real Regina, just a stand-in until A&E had free reign to finally give us their Regina and re-orient the story to being “how the poor sad Evil Queen got her happy ending” like they originally envisioned. 
Roxas (Kingdom Hearts) - So TV Tropes has Roxas for this trope, saying he was divisive due to the KH2 prologue he starred in, but stuff like his FM boss battle, his presence in Coded, and especially 358/2 Days increased his popularity, to the point where KH3 resurrected him to give him a happy ending. I’m....kind of the exact opposite.  Honestly, I’ve always liked KH2′s prologue, warts and all, and while at first it was disappointing Roxas wasn’t a huge presence in KH2 given all the hype he was given, as time went on the more I appreciated his story and what was being said with it. It was genuinely complex and thought-provoking. I do not like the black-coated Organization XIII member Roxas that got shoved down our throats afterward, I tend to care about him the least out of 358/2 Days’ cast when playing that game, and I hate how such a nuanced story as what we had in KH2 gets undone, in a nonsensical way, solely for the sake of cheap fanservice (ditto for Xion’s case). Yeah, the FM boss battle is awesome, but for me mainly so because I get to kick that stupid black-coated Roxas’ ass!
Rumpelstiltskin (Once Upon a Time) - Another case of a character that’s listed on TV Tropes, saying that his popularity waned because of him constantly going through the Heel Face Revolving Door, which especially damaged his relationship with Belle. For me, that in of itself wasn’t the problem. He’s the freaking Dark One, practically the show’s main villain! Of course it’s going to be hard for him to ever reform. What soured me on him for a long time was the narrative’s framing of him and other characters’ reactions to him, which were increasingly insufficient for what an utter bastard he truly was. Going back over the show, I’ve somewhat softened on him again since he himself was a mostly well-written, well-acted and consistent character across 5 whole seasons, and I don’t feel like taking mistakes from the narrative and other characters out on him; it’s not like he asked for any of that. It’s just in Seasons 6 and 7 where I feel he was out-of-character on the whole, to two opposite, incompatible extremes.
Seto Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh!) - When I first began watching the anime, I thought Kaiba was a cool and sympathetic rival character. As it went on, though, I got sick of him being such a one-man Spotlight Stealing Squad and how hard the makers of the anime were actively trying to make him look cool. It didn’t help when I read the manga and saw this wasn’t the case for him here; he wasn’t even the deuteragonist the way the anime positions him, Joey was. But enjoying him in The Abridged Series made me revisit the actual show, and I actually realized that while those issues I had are technically still there, the 4Kids English dub has always done its best to mitigate them with Eric Stuart’s voicework and lines, which actually keeps him far more in line with his original manga self, who isn’t an overtly sympathetic, honorable and “cool” rival but a crazy, extravagant jerkass. And I love him that way. Screw the rules, he has money!
Shadow the Hedgehog (Sonic the Hedgehog) - Shadow was awesome in Sonic Adventure 2, I was definitely a fan of him there. But then his popularity caused him to be immediately resurrected, to diminishing returns, which made me sour on the character and consider him emblematic of the Sonic franchise’s problems. I wished he had just stayed a one-shot. However, recent things such as the Sonic Boom TV series, the Sonic Prime TV series, the Sonic Forces DLC, The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog and the upcoming Sonic the Hedgehog 3 movie have all made me re-evaluate Shadow. Now I think he’s not bad as a series mainstay, just subject to being mis-used...but hey, so is every other character, so it’s not an issue unique to him. Used well, he’s honesty one of the franchise’s best characters.
Slade Wilson (Teen Titans) - I used to truly buy into the notion of him as a badass Anti-Hero / Anti-Villain like many people did, but after reading his original stories up through “The Judas Contract” and especially Christopher Priest’s run on the Deathstroke comic series, I no longer hold that view of him. Slade’s a badass combatant, sure, and as a threatening villain you definitely have to appreciate him. But as a person, he is not a badass. At all. He’s a pitiful, prideful, predatory scumbag. He’s “badass” and “honorable” in the exact same way that Walter White is: it’s all a big smokescreen to compensate for what a small, lowly, wretched excuse for a human being he is. Great character, great villain, absolutely intolerable person.
Supreme Leader Snoke (Star Wars) - When The Force Awakens came out, I didn’t like Snoke at all. He was the cheapest of retreads (an old, decrepit Dark Side user who rules the Empire and corrupts a Skywalker into becoming his evil apprentice), the cheapest of plot contrivances (the remnants of the Empire can only become a powerful threat and the victory from Return of the Jedi undone due to this fucker from out of nowhere), and the cheapest of Mystery Boxes (who is he and where did he come from and why does he do what he does, isn’t it so mysterious, don’t you just wanna speculate and theorize all over the internet?) As annoyed as I was that he died without any answers in The Last Jedi, I also liked him better as just Kylo Ren’s stepping stone. Better effects for him and a hammier performance by Andy Serkis helped. And when The Rise of Skywalker revealed he was literally a puppet of the resurrected Palpatine, everything about him just clicked. Stupid people online rant about insufficient foreshadowing for Palpatine’s return, but rewatch the trilogy with Palpatine in mind and Snoke himself - everything about him - is the biggest piece of foreshadowing there is. 
Ulrich Stern (Code Lyoko) - Through Code Lyoko’s first two seasons, Ulrich was hands-down the weakest part of the show for me. I didn’t think he was interesting or likable, and his Will-They-Won’t-They romance with Yumi, who could honestly do much better, was so exhausting. But then we hit Season 3, and the two-part prequel. Everything about Ulrich’s depiction in that just screamed “This guy is an asshole, you’re not supposed to like him”. It reframed everything we’ve seen of him as deliberate; even his lust for Yumi now comes off as just a way for him to feel better about himself since deep down he’s aware of what a shithead he is. Then when we returned to the present day action, Yumi firmly breaks off any potential for dating him. From this point on, Ulrich has to develop on his own terms, and he becomes so much better as a character; I actually found myself liking him, sympathizing with him, and appreciating his willingness to change for the better; a great foil to William whose stubborn unwillingness to do the same costs him and everyone else around him. The season 3 finale reminding me of the reason Ulrich became the way he used to be in his absolute scumbag of a father also helped a lot. He’s not my favorite and still kind of a dick, but I like him now.
Venom (Spider-Man) - Like most kids, I thought Venom was awesome growing up. Once I got older and looked up his history, I found that the majority of it was not very flattering, making me feel more conflicted about the character. Where do I stand on him now, you may ask? It’s simple, really: I love Venom - the symbiote. It’s Eddie Brock who I feel is the problem. Beyond the name and bonding with the Venom symbiote, I don’t think there’s been a consistent thing about this guy across all of his incarnations. The issues with Venom can almost always be traced back to the human part of the equation, because he was thought up on the fly by David Micheline with very little about him solidified beyond being an angry psychopath. I much prefer Venom as the symbiote, the host body be damned, and I’m glad that depiction has been gaining traction in recent years in various comics, TV shows and video games.
Xehanort (Kingdom Hearts) - So I totally subscribe to what’s on TV Tropes about Xehanort the Keyblade Master (was hailed as a great villain in Birth by Sleep, now seen as a horrible villain for everything that followed). But I want to talk about Terra-Xehanort. Because while I love him and both split halves of him, back in the olden days I preferred Ansem over Xemnas. He had the cooler design, a more vivid personality, was tied far closer to the Disney Villains, and of course was the villain in the original Kingdom Hearts (forever my favorite even if KH2 is technically a better game - and even then KH still has the better story). Now it’s reversed. Even disregarding how (with the exception of Dream Drop Distance) Xemnas retained his dignity as a character going forward while Ansem didn’t, there is just a weight and presence to Xemnas that I’ve fallen in love with more and more as time passes. He has the same depth and darkness of character as Ansem but takes it even further. His plans are even smarter and with more direct involvement from him. And of course, there’s him being KH2′s Final Boss, which means he’s irrevocably associated with the peak of the series to me. He’s the only incarnation of Xehanort whom I can safely call both a great character and villain to this day.
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jedi-qui-gon · 6 months
Happy Tano Tuesday!
Back when I had a Twitter account (before the site was...ruined by an incompetent clown…), I used to do Tano Tuesday posts which were about Ahsoka Tano from Star Wars. Was inspired by the fact others had done that on Twitter, but with my account no more and the sad fate that befell the site, figured I could do so on Tumblr and Deviantart. And possibly other social media sites/forums I can do so in.
Speaking of Ahsoka Tano, have always liked her, but she became my favorite Star Wars character after Rebels, Season 7 of Star Wars the Clone Wars, reading the Ahsoka novel, and her appearance in The Mandalorian. And of course enjoyed her appearance in The Book of Boba Fett and greatly enjoyed her show – Star Wars: Ahsoka!
Excited to see what happens next after the crazy finale of the Ahsoka show!
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theyilinglaozus · 11 months
Tag Game round up!
These are a little bit overdue, but I just got back from a brief vacation yesterday, so now feels like the perfect time to catch up on some of the tag games you lovelies have tagged me in recently! These were also orignally tagged via my main blog (masterskywalkers), but since I’m more active here I’ll answer them so. Only two for now, but let’s see ...
The first tag is from the always lovely @owlpockets!
This one is the last song game, which is currently: Walking on Broken Glass, by Annie Lennox. I’m currently going through a 90′s music binge this summer, and I’m enjoying it greatly! A lot of old favourites have been rediscovered this past couple of weeks.
The next tag is from the incredible @maikhiwi00! I’ve taken out the first question as that was last song again, but here are the rest of the questions:
currently watching: I just started The Long Promise last night and am so far, really enjoying it! For some reason, I’m getting a bit of a Goodbye, My Princess vibe from it, which is never a bad thing seeing as I enjoyed that show a lot whilst watching last year. Fingers crossed it continues to impress.
currently reading: Slowly reading through the English translation of 2ha. I say slowly -- but I’m loving it so much I know I’m going to devour the current volumes and be left wanting for the next ones as they release. I also currently have an ARC to read and review through, which is for the Crane Moon Cycle duology.
current obsession: Still very much on the train of blowing kisses to Till The End of the Moon. Taking a bit of a break from my watch through of Luo Yunxi dramas (Ashes of Love was draining for me), but also shifting into Ahsoka mood for next month! I am so incredibly excited about that show; it’s ridiclious.
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ocd-kenobi · 2 years
In Mike Chen's novel he describes how young Obi's youthful enthusiasm was intoxicated by Satine's pacifist ideals and such but it's bs. Like, they try to tell you a story by piggy-back riding back and forth on other's stories and make it look compelling while in turn it ends up nothing but inconsistent and greatly OOC. TCW was another proof of that alone. Writers it seems are just writing for the sake of milking as much money as they can and what better way to do it than to shit on one of SWs most beloved characters, but NO the most important thing is Obi Wan HAS to have hundred love interests, be it legends or canon. Im so sick of writers atp. Movies and novel and TCW Obi Wan are like 3 different people most of the time. If i say i will take movies only as my canon then so be it, after all. Obi Wan being gay or even pansexual fits his character wayyy more than whatever heteronormative writers have "made" him out to be.
I totally get being frustrated by the state of publishing, and it is absolutely a great idea to take only the movies as canon!! I fully support this.
But I do want to say this in defense of the novel writers: it's not their fault. I think Disney is doing this thing they do where they hire a bunch of women, poc, and queer people who aren't established authors so that they can say they're seeking out "new voices", but then they sabotage those writers. Disney gets a good deal: they probably don't have to pay an unpublished queer woman as much as they would have to pay for the kinds of established white male sci fi authors who used to write Star Wars novels. It changes their market; tons of girls who read YA will buy these books, which seems to me (as a former librarian) a bigger market than the market of people who buy hard sci fi novels. And culturally speaking, hiring these kinds of authors silences complaints about the writing, because if I say "I hate the lesbian storyline in Ahsoka" or "I hate the writing in Mike Chen's Brotherhood" then it sounds like I'm the one who doesn't want diversity in Star Wars, that I'm ungrateful, and that Disney is too progressive for me lmao.
So I don't blame the authors. How are they sabotaged by Disney, you ask? Rushed deadlines I'm sure, a deplorable lack of editing support, and also the thing you're talking about: the task of not only writing a book, but having to work in propaganda to legitimize the new regime. I'm sure they are rewarded for having tie-ins to TCW or whatever new show is being released next.
I think it's totally valid to separate versions of characters and stick with one you like (though if you're splitting those hairs, then there's probably different characters between novels as well.) Personally, I enjoy the puzzle of finding the common denominators between all versions and settling on those as core character traits. I don't worry about the plot points, because those do change so much depending on who you ask, but it's super fun for me to imagine the Obi-Wan character that fits in Jedi Apprentice AND The Clone Wars, in Padawan AND Rogue Planet, in A New Hope AND the ROTS novelization. It's comforting to me that there are some common denominators: he maintains a calm demeanor, he senses/is anxious about future events, he has a wry and careful sense of humor, he thinks more than he talks, he is lonely, he is capable of suppressing his will in order to follow rules, he is self-sacrificing, and he does not think as highly of himself as others think of him.
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blarfkey · 2 years
For the Blorbo etc fandom questions, do Star Wars?
Ok so I meant to do this a long time ago and couldn't find the post with all the questions on it and it showed back up on my dash (lol, dash) so lets do this!
blorbo (favorite character, character I think about the most): PADME AMIDALA. I saw her at nine in TPM and lost my shit and have never been the same. I love everything about her, even though they basically character assassinated her in the last movie. I am very picky about how she is done, though, because I don't think she's this perfect angelic kind soul, I think she more do no harm but take no shit and she's incredibly intelligent and the original idea they kicked around for ROTS where she lured Anakin to Mustafar to kill him bc it needed to be done is more true to her character than what did happen.
scrunkly (my “baby”, character that gives me cuteness aggression, character that is So Shaped): Does the Tooka/Loth cat count? bc I have an obsession. If not, currently its Baby Leia in the Obi Wan show bc dear god they did her perfectly. And also grogu but I think grogu is everyone's scrunkly
scrimblo bimblo (underrated/underappreciated fave): So many! First off, Rose got such a shit end of the stick. I adored her character so much and she would have been so great with Rey if they had been able to share any screen time. I also really love Ahsoka even though a lot of the fandom kind of shit on her, I never felt like she ways a mary sue or boring, she was a greatly developed character and she fit right in with Anakin and Obi-Wan.
I also kind of fell in love with Chirrut in Rogue One and I wish I saw more of him once the hype for that movie died down.
Lastly, Cid from the Bad Batch Show. She's a grumpy, crotchety old lady alien who saves their ass and makes them pay for it and we never see those types in Star Wars. I even based an OC on her as a background character in one of my DA fics.
glup shitto (obscure fave, character that can appear in the background for 0.2 seconds and I won’t shut up about it for a week): Riyo Chuchi! She was such a kick ass character in TCW and we barely got to see her. Also love all the handmaidens for Padme, but especially Sabe. I love Captain Tarpals from the Gungans. And weirdly enough I really like Max Rebo and the two headed announcer from the pod race.
poor little meow meow (“problematic”/unpopular/controversial/otherwise pathetic fave): I am an unapologetic villain lover so obviously Kylo Ren/Ben Solo. I think his character is really tragic and the fandom at large either completely demonizes him or they completely woobiefy him and I like it in the middle. He did some really really shitty things that he shouldn't be off the hook for, but neither do I think the fact that Snoke manipulated him since basically birth and he's never been alone with his own thoughts and his own influence in his entire life until TLJ should be swept under the rug.
I really loved Hux in TFA and the vibe of like stepbrothers who hate each other and compete for Dad's approval with Kylo Ren over Snoke was hilarious. He seemed ruthless and cold and calculating and all of that is very sexy and then . . .they ruined it lol. I have my own version of him in my head that I keep and coo over.
DJ from TLJ is also that perfect mix of kind and self serving and chaotic and I desperately need more of him in any capacity, also Benecio Del Toro is unbelievely attractive.
And you know what, I'm gonna say it: I like Jar Jar Binks. I thought he was funny as a kid, I loved him in TCW especially those episodes with him and Mace Windu and I don't think he deserved quite the level of vitriol he got, he was clearly a fun character for children and the adults can fuck off. Also I quote him all the time
horse plinko (character I would torment for fun, for whatever reason): Probably Hux. I think it's fun to see him lose his cool, like he did with Poe in TLJ. And I am enjoying seeing Obi-Wan a bit of a wreck in his show.
eeby deeby (character I would send to superhell): When I was a kid it was Qui Gon Jinn, haha. If you read the Obi-Wan apprentice books he was such a dickhead, and even in TPM the moment he met Anakin, he just tossed Obi-Wan aside, even his last words were about Anakin, and you could tell it hurt Obi-Wan even though he was supportive of it.
Now it's Bastila Shan from KOTOR, I think she is an incredibly arrogant bitch and I definitely enjoyed turning her to the dark side and then killing her.
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shatouto · 3 years
I.Raised as sith Anakin au asdfghjkl I actually cried at some parts when obiwan was treating his injuries. T-T “I always looked at you like this… should I not?” …. My poor (criminal) child has a lot to learn. I wanna go down the angst road but I’ll never find my way back so let me just go the opposite direction because I feel like ani will short circuit everytime obiwan shows him any positive reaction/emotion that he can’t recognize...
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aaaAAHH thank you SO MUCH for these asks, i am so so so happy that you like this super self-indulgent au (at least on my side). writing a very needie babie woobie ex-sith anakin is one of my biggest guilty pleasures, so i am always super grateful when people join in. i LOVE anakin and ahsoka bonding with that sibling rivalry. im not super good with ahsoka so i’ll probably leave that to @obiwanobi; for the time being i will go feral over the idea of anakin not knowing how to read ;;O;;
lost lonely loth-wolf
It’s not just boredom that scratches at Anakin’s bones from the inside; it’s idleness. Under Darth Sidious’s care (for want of a better word), he must always make himself useful, be it training or killing. No waking moment should be wasted; he should spend every of them on bettering himself in combat and commanding. He must always convince his Master not to doubt his worth, lest he be cast back into slavery again. Idleness is but the short-lived quiet before storm.
Having nothing to do makes his old scars ache.
It borders on astonishing him how the Jedi can afford themselves so many luxuries. Music halls, corridor murals, gardens, so many gardens. Not that he has seen all of them; he only saw glimpses from under his hood, whenever Obi-Wan takes him by the hand and walks him through the Temple to get to the hangar, for their nightly trips in the park. He’s no stranger odious displays of wealth, but the Temple is not odious, and that is hardly wealth. Everything looks simple and… soothing, somehow. The Jedi seems not wealthy, but rich.
The thing they are the richest with, is books. Loads and loads of them, along with datatapes and datacards. Anakin hasn’t been to the Archives, but he has heard the apprentice (Ahsoka, she has a name) talking about it. There are datatapes in Obi-Wan’s quarters as well. Obi-Wan can often be found poring over his datapad with one of those tapes plugged in, quiet and serene and glowing at the edges, backlit by the late orange sun. There’s always a lock of hair falling over his forehead. Anakin can’t recall how many times he has had to stop himself from reaching over to brush it back in place.
“Anakin.” Obi-Wan’s voice stirs him out of his reverie. Their eyes meet, and Obi-Wan smiles a little. Anakin’s face heats up, which he promptly ignores. “What are you looking at?”
You, the true answer. Obi-Wan did tell him not to stare, though, so Anakin shrugs and drops his gaze to the glowing device on Obi-Wan’s lap. Obi-Wan, in turn, rests a warm hand on his shoulder.
“You can read anything on those shelves, you know.” He gestures towards the bookcase in the living room. “They’re all my favorite novels. The bottom shelf is younglings’ stories, and I still enjoy them greatly. Ahsoka leaves her comics lying around often, in which case you are perfectly in the right to read them as well. Force knows how many times I have told her to tidy—”
“I hate reading.”
Silence shatters upon them. Anakin scowls deeply, biting the inside of his cheeks. Books are written to corrupt you with lies. The majority of them are but garbage. There’s no need to busy yourself with those things, no need to wade through messy pages of drivels composed by Force-blind loudmouths, when your Master can dispense true wisdom to you. Your Master has great plans for you, so great that you needn’t burden your mind with trivia. So Anakin doesn’t read.
Nobody ever taught him to.
Obi-Wan gives a dismayed little “Oh.” Anakin rises to his feet and escapes to the fresher, as reluctant as he is to leave his warmed seat.
He shouldn’t have said that. At least not in that harsh manner. Night after night Anakin can’t sleep without seeing Obi-Wan’s face: his upturned brows, his downturned lips, his eyes wide in surprise. They never truly speak of it again, because that is how Obi-Wan is: if Anakin refuses something, Obi-Wan will simply let him be.
Obi-Wan leaves on a mission once more. Day after day Anakin passes by the bookcase in the living room, eyes sweeping over the datapads, fingers itching to pull one out - just to look at the pictures if there are any. He could now, right? There are no eyes looking over his shoulders anymore. No Master to sneer at him, call him a silly boy, and order him to go to meditate in the Sphere.
It takes Anakin another day to make up his mind. He picks a nice moment into the evening, after he has had his one meal of the day (the way he eats when he is alone), and crouches before the bookcase. He could have taken one of Ahsoka’s comics, but his eyes keep getting drawn towards the bottom shelf. Younglings’ stories, Obi-Wan said.
Anakin plucks out a datatape with a lilac casing, and takes the datapad left free for use on the other end of the shelf. He settles on the couch, something like excitement brewing in his belly as he plugs the tape into the datapad. The screen lights up in its familiar cyan glow. The cover page is a beautifully drawn illustration of a Loth-wolf under a great tree. He taps through the pages until he reaches the other illustrations. The Loth-wolf is depicted in various sceneries: in its den, between the trees, atop a boulder, under the starlight, and there never seems to be any other being around, beast or sentient. It feels wrong to him, so he keeps tapping to go through the pages. There has to be at least a scene where the Loth-wolf is with its pack, doesn’t it?
The main door slides open, and Anakin almost drops the datapad. He snaps his gaze up to find Obi-Wan staring back at him. Whatever expression Obi-Wan is wearing, Anakin can’t afford to study it for so long. He rises to his feet, fumbling to unplug the datatape from the device with just one hand and the Force.
“Oh, is this The Lonely Lost Loth-wolf?” Obi-Wan says with utter delight, his hand gently covering Anakin’s. “I hope you’ve been enjoying it, Anakin. This is one of my most-read books yet.”
“I…” Anakin struggles. He’s hot in the face and tongue-tied and his eyes flit over their nearly entwined hands in the bluish light from the screen. He dreads the moment Obi-Wan asks, I thought you didn’t like to read? - something he’s bound to do. Mockingly, maybe. The truth perches on the tip of Anakin’s tongue; what would Obi-Wan think of him if he says it? Even younglings a quarter of his age know how to read.
But Obi-Wan asks no such thing.
“What a strange coincidence; I’ve been meaning to reread this story,” the Jedi Master tells him with a gentle smile. “I would be loath to fight you for the datatape, though. I think we’ve had enough of fighting for a lifetime.” Humor twinkles in his eyes, and Anakin blinks, stumped. “So how about we share this?”
“Uh… Yes?” Anakin lets go of the datapad, now that Obi-Wan has a hold on it. “How?”
“Well, I would like to read to you, if that’s alright with you.” Obi-Wan squeezes his hand lightly. “I do prefer to take it from the beginning - it’s been a while since I read this last - unless you…”
“No,” Anakin says immediately. “I—Yes. Yes, I… want to hear it from the beginning.”
Obi-Wan changes into something soft, and insists Anakin settle in bed for comfort, just for the night. (To be truthful, Anakin would settle in bed with him every night if he could bring himself to.) It’s reminiscent of his first night here, only with a lot less blood and a lot more tenderness.
There was a time when Lothal was made of forests. There were more beasts than men, and among the beasts, the wolves were the strongest, wisest, most respected of them all. There were two Loth-wolf clans: the blue-eyed, and the golden-eyed. They did not always like each other. On the night the first daughter of the blue-eyed clan was born, the golden-eyed wolves hatched a plan…
Obi-Wan’s voice pours like velvet, smooth and warm with the occasional sparkles in his melodic lilts. Anakin’s eyes droop; he strains to open them as the kidnapped Loth-wolf princess begins her journey to travel back from the swamp land, to find her family and restore peace in the realm. At some point, he finds great, pooling-blue eyes looking down at him, and ashen fur with markings like the stars. A calloused hand runs through his hair.
The stars blink at him, and Anakin smiles as he drifts into the softest darkness.
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obiwanobi · 4 years
Hi :D Do you recommend any fics circling around Ahsoka & Obi-Wan's relationship? I love their dynamic, but there isn't as many fics showing that, unlike Anakin and Obi-Wan XD
I do have some favourite fics with Obi-Wan & Ahsoka: 
Declarations, by Nny11, 36k, abandoned. The council says ‘so there is this trouble child that nobody wants— ’ and Obi-wan instantly says ‘she’s mine now’. Then the Council gives Ahsoka to Anakin. Obi-wan isn’t... pleased. This fic, just... came for my throat and punched me in my guts. I really, really liked how Obi-wan is depicted, he’s strong and reliable but also still unsure of himself, still prone to anger and resentment but always willing to let it go for Anakin and Ahsoka. Everyone is an anxious mess and kind of depressed, but they’re still trying their best and they love their weird little family too much to give up on it.
Loose stitches, by katierosefun and KCKenobi, 8k. More focus on Obi-wan & Anakin & Ahsoka than just Obi-wan & Ahsoka, but I’m never saying no to some family feels. Kind of a missing scenes fic that takes place when Maul’s back and Obi-wan is pretending that everything is fine, comes back half dead twice and Ahsoka and Anakin are desperate to cheer him up and show him that he’s not alone and never going to be. 
Hologram heart-to-hearts, by gigglesandfreckles, 7k. Missing scenes fic, where Ahsoka and Obi-wan regularly contact each other after leaving the Order. I greatly enjoyed reading about the tentative connection growing into a real relationship between them. Of course there are some ups and downs, they don’t see eye to eye on many things and Anakin’s sadness and resentment keeps looming between them, but they love and trust each other and want so badly to be together again. 
Little love, by gigglesandfreckles, 4k. Sequel to hologram heart-to-hearts, with sad hermit Obi-wan on Tatooine who can’t believe Ahsoka found a way to contact him. This is just painful okay, everything hurts and I was sad from beginning to end, but it’s like... a bit hopeful too? I’m here for a bit of soft hurt/comfort in a ocean of sadness. 
Waiting and Learning, by otherhawk, 3k. This is some really cute bonding time between grandmaster, grandpadawan and the 212th, even if Cody has to deal with so much
Diplomacy, by  Phosphorescent, 3k. A fun and light mission between grandmaster and grandpadawan. 
Settle down (it'll all be clear), by destiny919, 2k. Tea time with Master Obi-wan makes everything better, particularly difficult Council meetings.
The only way through, by  victoria_p, 1k. Also a ‘met again on Tatooine’, give me all the bittersweet reunions post Order-66 thank you 
Churning Meteorites, by AutumnChild22, 5k. Scenes from an AU where Ahsoka is Obi-wan’s padawan. Everything is SAD, but at least they have each other. Also Obi-wan is such a dad in this one, it’s a joy to see them interact with each other (and with Cal as a bonus!) 
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thecoffeenebula · 3 years
Powerless Empath
Star Wars: The Clone Wars
Anakin Skywalker & Ahsoka Tano (x) y/n
Warning: trauma, panic attacks
A/N: I know empaths aren’t canon in the Star Wars universe but I just started imagining and thought up this story and I really enjoyed writing it. 
Another note. I haven’t seen Star Wars in a while so if some of the details are wrong I am sorry! Just kindly let me know what I need to change :) that would be really helpful
p.s. my friend is going to make some art along side this fanart. I will post it on here when it is finished :) 
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  as an Empath you were greatly valued in the criminal underworld.
Empaths were often confused with the jedi, as certain powers were present in both jedi and empaths. Empaths can only sense energy and emotions. They were aware of the mental and physical state of most alien beings. They do not wield the force. Some empaths do wield the force but they were born with it.
Empaths were a most endangered species. Especially if one wielded the force. Those empaths could be very sensitive to the dark side. Empaths need to be guided to learn how to live with their powers, if not they could end up on the wrong path.
A certain empath didn’t even have a chance at choosing a right path, as she had been snatched by a bounty hunter. Some dangerous people wanted to make use of the power of the empaths as a weapon.  
The poor girl had been tortured and experimented on. All alone she was kept in a dark cell, covered by forcefields and droid guards on the outside. There was no way for her to escape.
All in shock she sat there all alone shaking in the corner of the room.
Anakin and Ahsoka had been sent on a rescuing mission. Master Kenobi and Yoda informed them about a young empath that had been captured.
 They reached the ship you were held on. The ship was escorted by a small fleet. Anakin wondered why the ship of a bounty hunter needed so much security. This must’ve meant that they were up to something real big if that was the case. They knew they had to hurry.
 They powered down so they wouldn’t be detected and managed to slip through the force field, on their way to rescue you.
 You were sitting in your cell. Shaking and mumbling to yourself, not aware of your surroundings.
You were so lost in your own thoughts.
 You could hear noises come from outside of the cell. Noises that sounded like phasers and fighting. You thought you also heard lightsabers, but you probably were imagining that, like you were imagining everything else.
 You had no idea what they had put in your head. It felt weird. As if you were started to connect with the force. But it all didn’t seem quite real.
You didn’t just feel the presence of force wielders you felt a connection between you.
 Weirdly Anakin and Ahsoka could feel it too.
“I do not think she is just an empath.” Anakin said during the fight with the guards.
“I don’t think so either.”
 It became quiet on the other side of the wall.
Anyone could fear the worse. But you could feel it.
 The door slowly opened. You couldn’t see anyone at first. The bright light from the hallway blinded you.
 You had been in this dark cell for days. Any kind of light made your eyes hurt.
 Two figures stepped inside. Your eyesight still was blurred. As they came closer you could see Anakin and Ahsoka more clearly.
 “Ahsoka, guard the door.”
Ahsoka nodded and ran back to the door.
 Anakin kneeled down in front of you. He got a good look at you. The sight of you made him angry.
You were completely bruised up from head to toe. There were stitches on your head, covering your skull. Showing that they had been experimenting on you.
 Anakin didn’t know who did this but his rage clouded his mind and he instantly started blaming Dooku for what happened to you.
 “Dooku” he said underneath his breath.
 Ahsoka heard him on the other end of the cell. “Don’t jump to conclusions, Anakin,”
She turned to him. “he is not always behind these kind of schemes”
 “Does this look like a scheme to you?” he pointed at you. The emotion in his voice vibrated through the room.
 Ahsoka came closer. “Anakin, calm down. We will find who did this together.”
 Anakin took a deep breath which calmed him down a bit. The rage was still pumping through his blood but he knew this wasn’t helpful in any kind of way. He was upsetting you even more.
 He turned back to you and noticed the tears covering your eyes and face. You were shaking.
 “It’s alright. We’re here now. You are safe.”
 You tried to nod but it made you shake and cry even more. Knowing you were in safe hands just gave you some sort of trigger.
 “It’s okay. It’s okay….”
“but we do have to get you out of here.” you nodded.
 “Can you walk?” he slowly put his hands in yours, which was hard because you were clenching your fists.
 You felt as if you were glued to the ground of the cell. Your body felt so heavy that you couldn’t stand.
 Anakin instantly knew you weren’t going to stand. He had to find another way. He put his arms around your waist and underneath your legs picking you up, carrying you out of the cell.
 Ahsoka made way for you and protected both of you all the way of the ship.
 You blacked out half way. You were barely conscious during all the trips you made from Anakin’s ship to the medical room.
 You woke up in an empty room You had a view over the city. It looked very nice so you must’ve been on Coruscant.
 You had a little quiet time for yourself for a while. After the medical staff came in to check on you it wasn’t so peaceful anymore.
The jedi council knew not to push you, not after what you had been through but one after another jedi kept coming to ask you questions.
 Luckily some good came out of it too. Master Yoda helped you with your meditation. It made you feel a little better.
 You took a shower and was happy with the alone time with all the activity around you.
Before you could sit down someone was at the door. You sighed.
 “Come in.”
The door opened and Anakin stepped inside. he kindly smiled at you. He noticed the tired look on your face.
 “I am sorry, I am coming at a bad time…” he wanted to turn around but you stopped him.
 “No, enter. Please. I wanted to speak to you.”
 Anakin stepped inside.
He wasn’t sure whether to stand or sit so he awkwardly stood in front of you.
 “Would you like to drink anything. The nurse just brought up some tea.”
Anakin sat down as he felt that was a gesture to stay.
 You poured in some tea for the both of you and sat down next to him.
 “I wanted to thank you for saving me.”
“Your safe now, that’s all that matters.”
 “Did they by any chance tell you what they did to me? Or who did this to me?”
 Anakin looked down at his tea. He knew exactly what they were trying to do but he didn’t want to upset you. It upsetted him when he first heard about it. He can’t put you through this. It might sent you into an even worse shock that he could find you in.
 “I can’t, I’m sorry.”
“Why not?”
“I should leave.”
 Anakin stood up.
“I’ll catch up with you later. Ahsoka wanted to drop in as well, you’ll see her come. She has this whole girls night planned for you, I don’t want to tire you.”
“Anakin wait!”
 You looked at him surprised by his exit. You had no idea what was going on but it was bad.
Anakin was hiding something. You didn’t know that Anakin would make such a mistake as to keep something from a empath.
 It was not only that that disturbed you. There was something inside of Anakin. Something dark laying deep. You felt something you have never felt before. It was weird and chilling. It must have something to do with what the Sith did to you…
 If only the both of you knew what that would mean for Anakin…
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nny11writes · 3 years
It’s late and I’m hyped up on sugar but consider: the force forming a master-padawan bond between Jedi!dooku and bb!ahsoka cbnc style
Okay, okay, okay, so I wrote waaaaay too much because apparently I had to work through the angst first (Look Dooku, already bitter and being courted by Palpatine and literally about to leave the Jedi Order because fuck you and fuck this getting saddled with a roughly 5-6 year old Ahsoka would not be A Happy Man Okay With This. Qui Gon had to kick his teeth in before Dooku stopped being a neglectful asshole, and then he still needed to get judged harshly by Anakin (who was ready to commit a minor case of major murder) and Obi-Wan before coming around to it. That is not my fault and I won’t apologize, but unless you really want the angst Imma skip it for what this made me actually think of and want to write out). There was a lot of angst lol, BUT can you picture it? For this to work out, Dooku would need to not leave the Order or Republic. And you know what that means? Time for Palpatine choked on a bagel trope, my favey fave! Enjoy Dooku manhandling his feral trash child!
Padme wasn’t sure how she managed to not laugh instantly. She had become the youngest Senator of Naboo after Palpatine’s unfortunately early passing, and had just finished another exhausting day of learning on the job when she’d run straight into Master Dooku. Who was well known as a Jedi scholar and diplomat, literally digging through the trash while hissing into it. And then, like a magician pulling something impressively large out of his hat, he had pulled a togruta Padawan from the trash by her robes.
It was quite the sight!
The Padwan smiled brightly, “Hello Master, fancy seeing you here!”
“Ah yes,” Dooku said drolly, “whatever might I be doing here considering my Padawan seemed to have vanished from her rotation assisting Senator Taa?”
Padme looked at the young girl again, she must have been older than Padme had assumed if she had a rotation with Orn Free Taa. She did not envy the Padawan, in fact, she could understand wanting to hide in a trash bin to avoid him herself.
“I wouldn’t say I vanished,” the Padawan made no effort to be released, instead hanging happily from Master Dooku’s hand like the galaxy’s least repentant massiff. “I saw that my presence was not required and decided to make better use of my time and his.”
“By hiding in the trash!? Ahsoka...” Dooku sighed heavily before finally putting his apprentice down.
And oh, wasn’t that a bit funny? Anakin had recently met with her for lunch, uncaring of his stained mechanics clothes in the high end restaurant he’d gushed about his best friend Ahsoka. Who was a togruta. She could only hope luck was on her side this time and they were one in the same.
“What?” Ahsoka bristled as she stomped a foot, “It is a better use of my time! It’s not like Free Taa-”
Dooku spoke in the same tired and broken tones that Padme usually associated with her own parents on learning what she’d done this time. “Senator Taa, you will be respectful of the Senator’s title.”
Not that Padawan Ahsoka seemed to be listening. “-and he isn’t even trying to help me understand politics because I’m too young and it’s not earning him any credits-”
“Ahsoka…” Dooku sighed heavily again. Now that she thought about it, it was rather like the way Obi-Wan often sighed Anakin’s name. He rubbed one hand against his face as if to wash his exhaustion off with it. “You are required to finish a rotation to a Senator’s satisfaction, and this is the third time you’ve run away.”
The Padawan crossed her arms and glared at the floor. “They started it.”
“I am running swiftly out of contacts for you to spend this rotation with, how many times do you wish to fail this particular course?”
Padawan Ahsoka scuffed her boot on the carpet, mumbling in embarrassment.
“Padme,” Corde half hearted grumbled through her smile, “no.”
“Padme, yes!” She whispered back before stepping forward. “Pardon me Master Dooku, Padawan Ahsoka, I am afraid I overheard just a bit of your conversation.”
Dooku actually blushed, which she was going to hold as something of a personal award for the rest of her life, and Ahsoka’s lekku wiggled and shifted colors at the attention.
“While I am rather new to the Senate myself, I have been in politics my whole life. I would love to take Ahsoka on, and it would greatly benefit us both I think.” Padme smiled before adding on, “I have heard great things about your from Jedi Skywalker after all.”
Ahsoka, somehow, managed to blush harder. Her lekku going almost more black than blue. Her voice was rather small as she more asked than said, “...Senator Amidala?”
“Yes, that would be me. A pleasure to finally meet you.” Padme walked with confidence before extending her hand for a shake.
Dooku appeared to be either counting backwards from ten or had a massive headache. Perhaps both. Ahsoka, however, happily shook her hand with a wild grin growing on her face now that she realized she wasn’t in trouble.
“Master? I think this could be a very good fit for me,” Ahsoka said, and if it wasn’t for the fact that Padme literally saw her pulled out of a trash can not five minutes ago she wouldn’t have guessed the problems she’d run into here at the Senate. Her posture and tone were spot on for any seasoned politician in the dome.
“Well, that is two against one, but I suppose it is up to you Master Dooku.” Padme kept her voice as pleasant as possible.
After all, in a different timeline Dooku could have been another planetary ruler like herself.
“You will finish this rotation Padawan, and you will behave yourself.” “Yes Master.”
“Thank the Senator.”
“Thank you for the opportunity Senator Amidala.”
Padme smiled, but was able to hold her laughter in. “You are welcome Padawan.”
“Excellent,” Dooku bowed to her, “I wash my hands of this then. I will see you at evening meal Padawan, do not be late.”
Despite the look he was giving Padawan Ahsoka, Padme had a good feeling it was mostly for show. Especially with the way Ahsoka grinned back like a bright white supergiant and bounced on her toes. “Yes Master!”
They watched as Master Dooku spun on his heel and stalked back out of the Senate before Padme finally allowed herself to giggle just a little bit, which was really more Corde’s fault for tugging on her sleeve like that. Ahsoka seemed unbothered as she walked over to join them.
“So, what are we doing next and do you have any embarrassing stories about Ani?”
Padme snickered, “Let’s get a schedule set up and then we can talk about Anakin.”
Her office smelled faintly like old jogans, but it was quite worth it.
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galaxyoffee · 4 years
IV. I'm Not Letting You Go
She moved the leaves and entered that area of the temple garden, people only went there to meditate, but the sun had barely risen and a Jedi’s waking time would be later. Barriss chose a set of black blouse, pants and boots to walk around, as there was mud all over the floor and she didn’t want to get her dresses dirty for it. She walked a little further and found a grumpy togruta next to a tall tree.
“What happened?” the mirialan asked sitting next to her girlfriend.
“I couldn’t sleep.” She was tearing a grass.
“Why not?” Barriss wanted to get closer, but for some reason remained where she was.
“Nothing.” snorted throwing the grass away and reaching out. “Just stress, I think.”
Barriss moved cautiously and sat between Ahsoka’s legs.
“But what about you? Did you sleep?” Soka kissed Mirialan’s temple.
“Yes... I’m sorry, but I’m feeling there’s something you’re not telling me.”
Ahsoka snorted again and that was the confirmation that Barriss needed to turn around and find the blue eyes surrounded by dark circles that were showing their faces.
“It’s exhausting. “
“What is exhausting?”
“This.” The togruta almost raised her voice. “To meet like this, to have a time limit to be together, to go to the underworld to have minutes of normality, I would always like to hug you when I see you in the corridors. Kiss you on the patio, anything that didn’t involve a date in the middle of the swampy garden or descend layer levels to not be recognized.”
Barriss touched Ahsoka’s face with affection, she felt the weight of her face and passed her thumb between the white marks.
“But it is the only way.” she had to say. “We could not continue this in public.”
Soka took Mirialan’s hand off her face and stared forward for a while, the leaves moved in the light breeze, but the togruta had not yet spoken.
A sadness touched Barriss' heart.
“If you... We can... We can... Stop.” it was hard to say, the sadness increased when Soka did not look into her eyes again.
The mirialan standing.
“I’m sorry.” Ahsoka said.
Barriss let out a sad smile. "Me too"
The Jedi teachings helped both of them greatly throughout the rest of the day; they focused only on their duties until the sun was gone and the two retreated to their rooms.
Barriss had already been cleaned, were already with the clothes that would go to sleep, before to lie down to relax, she sat down next to the desk and took from there one of the books that had won from her ex master, even if she loved those two books, It wasn’t the content itself that made her open one of them, but what she was using as a marker.
The chain that Ahsoka wore when she was padawan and that she gave her the day she declared all her feelings.
She smiled and held the chain and carried it to her chest, not sure when she was going to return it.
“I’m glad you still have it.”
Barriss turned to the side and saw Togruta, so she remembered she hadn’t closed the window yet.
“I would never lose” got up to go to meet Ahsoka and extended her hand with the chain. “But I do not think it is worthy to keep it now.”
Ahsoka looked at the green-toned hand holding the chain and folded Barriss' fingers into the hand.
“It’s yours.”
“I can’t...”
“It’s yours.” Ahsoka said with the firm tone still holding the closed hand of Mirialan. “I apologize for earlier today.”
Barriss sighed.
“No need to apologize.”
“Yes, I do.” She put down Mirialan’s hand and took her own to hold her face. “My feelings for you are greater than the difficulty we go through to see each other. I shouldn’t think that way.”
“Don’t do that again.” Barriss said, the voice carrying the pain that had not yet passed.
“I will not.”
They kissed without urgency, the warmth of both mingling, the fresh smell of both exhaling. When they separated their mouths, their foreheads were held against each other, just enjoying each other’s presence.
Barriss smiled when she felt Ahsoka’s hands descending from her shoulders and carrying with her the strap of the dress that was the pajamas.
“Ahsoka...” the togruta opened her eyes and frowned, Mirialan knew very well what that expression meant.
So she walked away to put the chain back where it always was and let the dress fall off.
Ahsoka looked down on her head and it was her turn to smile before she said it.
“Come here.”
they have the same age in this universe. this part is really important for the future of my fanfic. bye.
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Episode 13 - The Jedi
I don’t know how much I’m going to interact about this episode, so I’m going to get my major first impressions down here.
I dislike the name greatly. Maybe it’ll grow on me, but for now it’s just a nonsense name that doesn’t fit at all. And it sounds too much like Goku. 
However the little green bean’s happiness at having Din call out his name is absolutely heartbreakingly adorable.
The baby was CLEARLY aware of why they were there and did not want to be given up/be separated from his father. This was so evident from the beginning with his little rebellions, especially sitting on the ramp like a temperamental toddler.
Din wasn’t much better. Oh my freaking heart at that last scene where he’s messing with the baby’s robes. He’s so attached. He’d deny it to anyone who asked, but he is.
Speaking of which - was he just adjusting the robe, or putting the mythosaur pendant back? I really couldn’t tell. We haven’t seen it at all this season so I’m really curious.
Din being so excited about the baby using his powers, like a proud dad. 😭
The kid was raised at the temple! I started a fic that suggested this, though I didn’t think he’d actually be trainable yet. Hoozah, point for me.
I don’t want to offend anyone, but I really don’t like Ahsoka, and this appearance hasn’t changed that. She just strikes me as a Mary Sue. But I know she is a fan favorite, so I’m not prepared to argue about it or change anyone else’s mind. I just hope this is the last we see of her on this show.
That in mind, this whole episode’s (major? sub?) plot was just meh to me. It was all about showing off how great she is.  Weirdly, I really enjoyed the magistrate and wouldn’t mind seeing more of her. And - Hey! - Michael Biehn!
I do think it’s cool she was able to communicate with the baby, and never expected her to take him, but why did she not ask more questions about how Din found him or be more concerned (or at all) about the Empire being after him?? Why did Din not mention what they’d learned last episode?
Baby absolutely told her that he loves his daddy and wants to stay with him!
HOLY FREAKING HELL - If Ahsoka is after Thrawn, where is EZRA? Filoni trying to kill us all dead here. 
Will the temple call out to Luke? or Ezra? Or will be baby finally be able to tell Din once and for all that they are A Clan of Two forevermore? Stay tuned, I guess. 
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fyeahmaulsoka · 4 years
Fluff: okay, huge suspension of disbelief here, but... pregnancy cuddles? Maybe discussion of baby names, or some such?
lets just say that either maul got his dick back or he used the force to help ahsoka get pregnant with his child. :)
Maul’s touch was ever so soft and gentle as he rubbed her stomach, ever since she had told him the news he had been ecstatic - well at first he was scared because how could he raise a child after all he had gone through? But Ahsoka reassured him that he would be a perfect father, and his promises to treat their child right only proved right.
That’s right - she was carrying their child. 
As soon as Maul got over his fears he showed his excitement by researching all about pregnancies, especially Togruta ones and did his absolute best to make their home on Dathomir as comfortable as possible, as well as safe for her and the baby. He was overprotective which she didn’t blame him, she was as well and with their biology as hunters, it only made even more sense.
Right now they were laid in their large and comfortable bed, Ahsoka was dressed in a pair of her sleepwear which consisted of a baggy maroon top and matching bottoms while Maul only wore black bottoms - his chest bare which honestly, who could really mind that?
Her stomach wasn’t big yet and Ahsoka didn’t look forward to the large weight gain and mood swings she would go through, but in the end she and Maul would have a baby in their arms - it would all be worth it.
His lips pressed softly on her skin, the fabric of her top was moved up to show her stomach. Maul had been paying close attention to the area everyday, and every time they lay in bed he gave her stomach the utmost affection that made her feel warm. She knew that when the baby was born he wouldn’t stop and continue his affections, she could see it now; their child in his arms and his adoring look and he stared at them, their small fingers wrap around one of his fingers, his lips pressed against their forehead.
Ahsoka couldn’t wait to bring their child into the world, and that’s why she wanted an important talk to be done.
“Have you thought of any names?” She asked softly. Maul pressed one more kiss to her stomach before he looked at her, the love and warmth radiated in his eyes. 
“Some.” He replied and crawled up to lay eye level with her, an arm underneath her and a hand placed on her back to bring her closer to him, his other rested on her stomach. “But...I do not think you will approve of them.”
“Tell me.” She insisted. “We’re in this together Maul, let me know.”
He nodded, but there was still some hesitation. “I, have thought about my brother.”
Oh. Now Ahsoka understood why he was hesitant to tell her. She placed a hand on his cheek and gently rubbed the skin. “You think because of the things Savage did, that I wouldn’t approve.”
Maul bit his lip and averted his eyes as he nodded, almost afraid to speak. 
“You forget that you have done more and worse, yet I’m here by your side, loving you and now carrying your child.”
“Our child.” He corrected her, a small tease in his voice. He looked back at her, the emotions mirrored in the captivating yellow. “You...You are not angry.” 
Ahsoka shook her head. “No, I’m not angry. To everyone Savage was an enemy, but to you he was your brother. Someone who cared and loved you. I don’t blame you for wanting his name for our child.”
A shuddered breath of relief came from the Zabraks lips, he gently grabbed her hand on his cheek and pressed a soft kiss to her knuckles and palm. “Your understanding and kindness always surprises me.”
“I’m full of surprises.” She chuckled. “I’ve also thought of a name, and like you I’m hesitant to share it.”
It didn’t take long for Maul to know what name she was thinking about. “Anakin.”
Ahsoka nodded. “I have thought about it, but I’m not sure.”
Maul was silent and brushed a thumb over her knuckles. “You told me about him, how you saw him as a brother. I do not blame you for thinking the same as I have.”
Her heart warms at his words, yes she may be understanding yet so was he, sometimes he didn’t even know it. Her free hand came to her on her stomach and brushed the skin gently. A comfortable silence fell over them, their hesitations of names gone and brought them even closer. 
“Do you have anymore?” She asked, referring to the names. Maul shook his head and it hit Ahsoka on how much he must have thought about his brother, and using his name for their child. Ahsoka has thought of other names but only those closest to her; Anakin of course as well as Rex. Obi-Wan was an absolute no go, but it was amusing to think if.
“I guess Obi-Wan and Kenobi are off the table?”
“Most definitely.” He frowns which she found adorable and couldn’t help but place a kiss on his brow, resulting in the frown turning into a pout. It faded as he spoke. “Let’s leave the names for another time, for now let us enjoy the upcoming of our child.”
Ahsoka hummed. “Couldn’t agree more.” And snuggled up to him, her arms wrapped around his torso. The hand gently rubbing her stomach brought her great comfort and relaxation, the warm of Maul’s body and touch helped greatly.
Yes, the names could wait for later. For the moment, they could enjoy the now. 
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theyilinglaozus · 2 years
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I was tagged by the incredibly lovely @danhoemei to share 9 books that I intend to read in 2022. You can see their choices here. Thanks so much for the tag dear! 💕 I fear you may have opened pandora’s box though as getting me to talk about my readings means I will never keep quiet 😂
There’s always a lot I want to read, but whether or not I have the time is another matter. Thankfully, my Goodreads challenge is going pretty good so far this year, and I’ve already dug into some reads that I’d been waiting to get to for a while. That joint with speaking to some reader friends and exchanging recommendations has really reinvigorated my reading challenges, but here’s a few novels I’d really like to finish throughout 2022: 
1 - Tian Ya Ke (Faraway Wanderers), by Priest.
I’ve read Faraway Wanderers in bits and pieces throughout last year, but I’ve not yet read it from beginning to end. I aim to change that, especially now that I’ve finished (and am currently - very slowly - rereading Qi Ye). The fact that it’s one of the novels we’re reading at Immortal Wanderers has motivated me greatly, as it’s so great to talk about the novel with such a great group of friends. @xuxunette’s translation is so lovely to read too, and I’m really enjoying reading their chapters so far. 
2 - Heaven Official’s Blessing, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu.
Thank goodness for the official English translation, as I was holding off on this novel to wait for the drama (if we’re lucky enough to see it air). In the end, I’ve since decided to buy the novels and read as they release, as I much prefer reading a physical copy rather than through a screen. I’m currently reading through the first volume and will likely start the second straight after, but there’s no way I’ll be able to finish the whole story this year simply due to the fact that not all the novels will be finished releasing by the time the years up. 
3 - Scum Villain’s Self Saving System, by Mo Xiang Tong Xiu.
I’ve been wanting to read this ever since I finished watching the animation, but the translation I originally had ... wasn’t the best. However, now the official translations are out I can finally submerge myself into the absolute insanity of this story. I’m absolutely loving it so far, and cannot wait for the second volume to drop in April. This is fast becoming a much loved read for me, since it’s just so funny yet so brilliant at the same time. 
4 - Thrawn Ascendancy: Lesser Evil, by Timothy Zahn.
For those that know me, you’ll know that I’m a big Star Wars fan, and I enjoy reading some of the novels. Lesser Evil is the final book in the Ascendancy trilogy, and I have yet to start it. Although this trilogy hasn’t been quite what I hoped - especially considering Thrawn is a character that has some absolutely incredible novel inclusions - I’m still determined to finish it off, especially before he shows up in the Ahsoka live action. 
5 - Daughter of the Moon Goddess, by Sue Lyn Tann.
This is part of a duology - the second novel also dropping later this year - but my god, if the premise did not sound absolutely beautiful when I first discovered this before quickly rushing to put it on preorder late last year. This novel is inspired from one of my favourite Chinese legends: that of the moon goddess Chang’e. I plan to read this after I finish up volume two of TGCF, and I am very excited about it!
6 - A Magic Steeped in Poison, by Judy I. Lin.
Yet another duology novel, this is another novel that interested me as soon as I learnt of its very existence. This book doesn’t drop until late next month, but it’s currently sitting pride of place at the top of my next up and coming book haul. 
7 - Children of DUNE, by Frank Herbert.
I know some of my followers don’t like the DUNE series, but I for one love it. And ever since the release of the new movie last year I’ve been visiting (and re-visiting) the novels. I re-read the original first novel and read DUNE Messiah - which was absolutely bizarre, and a great exploration into how Paul’s actions have actually caused more harm than good, especially to those native to Arrakis - and I plan to continue the series from Children of DUNE this year.  I know things start getting absolutely batshit insane in these novels - especially once we hit God Emperor - so I’m ... curious to see how this goes. If I can read more than CoD this year, I will, but I plan to finish at least this one novel in the series. 
8 - A Prayer for the Crown-Shy, by Becky Chambers.
Becky Chambers, take my whole heart. Her books are like a warm hug and a mug of tea, and I adore them, especially the Monk and Robot series. I read the first novel last year - A Psalm for the Wild Built - and quickly fell in love with the two main characters; so I am very excited for the next novel in their adventures! These novels follow a non-binary monk and an absolutely charming robot, who try to make sense of their place in the world. Very sweet, very slice-of-life comfort (something we all need more of these days) I honestly couldn’t recommend the first novel - and Becky Chambers novels in general - more. 
9 - The Girl Who Fell Beneath the Sea, by Axie Oh.
I actually only came across this novel fairly recently - just as I was purchasing my latest book haul a month or so back, actually - but as soon as I found it and read the premise, I quickly had to add it to pre-order. It sounds so interesting and delightful, and I’m really excited for its release later this month. Plus it’s standalone, and I need more of those inbetween all these series and other bigger reads!
Other novels I’d like to read if I can this year include:
Lie Huo Jiao Chou (Drowning Sorrows in Raging Fire), by Priest,  Zachary Ying and the Dragon Emperor, by Xiran Jay Zhao, either The Shining or Salems Lot, by Stephen King, The Red Palace, by June Hur, The Ones We’re Meant to Find, by Joan He, the first volume of Legend of the Condor Heroes, by Jin Yong, and Black Sun, by Rebecca Roanhorse.
I’ll send tags out to:
@minnarr @manhasetardis @scorpionkings @huaschengs @wuyus @gusucloud @flyppa @delta-and-omega 
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deuling-sabers · 4 years
A Change of Pace
The gardens were beautiful today.
Ahsoka hadn’t seen scenery as beautiful as this since before her battle with Vader.
Her hands shook as she thought about the events that transpired after the fight ended. Ezra, beautiful young Ezra, pulling her out of that fight. The last sight she had of him before she had been sucked into a portal that wasn’t the one she had entered that strange world through, was Ezra escaping through his own. She had made a promise that she would find him, one that she wasn't sure she'd be able to keep anymore.
That series of events still had her puzzled. She had been running to her portal, when another just lit up and pulled her, and only her, through to land hard in the Council’s chambers, hundreds of years before her time. It had been difficult explaining what had happened and convincing them to just sit down, shut up, and listen.
Thankfully, they had listened and had given her a home in the Temple, after rushing her off to the halls of healing to deal with her injuries from the past few hours. While there, she had spoken to Master Yoda at length, on how the Order needed to change and what would happen if it did not. He had gathered her hands in his and gave them a reassuring squeeze, promising her that they would not allow her future to come to pass.
She titled her head up to catch a beam of light shining across the gardens. The gardens were so different than how she remembered them from her youth. Flowers and plants that she couldn't place littered around her and she could see younglings running around the garden, shrieking in glee. A smile touched her lips as she took in their small frames and their initiate outfits, ones that had just the smallest changing than the ones she had once worn. Footsteps sounded behind her and a throat was cleared. "Lady Tano?"
Tears flooded her eyes as she took in the Similar Force presence from behind her and took a moment to center herself before turning to meet the gaze of a young Plo Koon. He only reached her chest and was so much smaller than the Master she remembered. A strand of silka beads hung down his face and a look at the strand showed he hadn't been a Padawan for long.
"Yes, Padawan Koon?" She fought to keep her voice steady and her shields strong. Memories from a time long ago fought to overwhelm her. But, this was not the time nor place to break down. For now, she had to keep herself calm and collected. It wouldn't do any good to lose control around so many younglings.
The boy's cheeks lit up and he lowered his head bashfully. “I apologize for disturbing you, Lady Tano. I," He seemed to lose his words halfway through and trailed off.
Ahsoka's lips twitched up into a smile. Somehow, his awkwardness and shyness made it easier to separate him from the cool and suave Jedi Master she grew up with. This was not Jedi Master and Council Member Plo Koon. This was young Padawan Plo, a shy young boy who desperately wanted to prove himself.
“No apologies needed. Now, did you have a question? I promise I don’t bite. Despite,” She wrinkled her nose, “What some may lead you to believe.”
One of the hardest things to adapt to in this era was the hostility that non-humans received. While she had been allowed out for brief outings, always with an escort, the outings always ended with her longing to go back into the Temple.
The looks were the worst. Everyone was so afraid of her. They flinched away from her if she brushed them by accident. Every time she opened her mouth, people paled at the sight of her sharp teeth.
It was better than what she had heard others had to deal with. According to her escort, most often Master Tyvokka, it was the fact that she was a Jedi that stopped them from bothering her. And perhaps, he laughed, being a part of a species that are known for their skill in hunting. Many non-humans were jumped and while the Jedi were pushing the Senate to put more laws in place to help non-humans, it was slow going and very few were sympathetic to their cause.
Ahsoka had tried to explain to him that she wasn’t a Jedi. Tyvokka just chuckled and gently tapped her on the forehead.
“You are a Jedi, despite not being ready to claim that title. You follow the light and you strive to help those who need it. You might not have completed your training at the side of a Master, but there is little you have to learn you cannot learn as a full Knight of the Order.” His smile had turned a touch sad. “ You have suffered greatly and have come out of it damaged but stronger and whole. You have given the Order information that will help us adapt and survive. When you are ready, the council will be more than happy to Knight you.”
Ahsoka had felt a rush of emotions at that and when she spoke next, her voice was small and quivering. “What if I’m never ready?”
Tyvokka gave her shoulder a squeeze. “Then, if you wish, we will give you funds, a ship, and papers. But, know this. You will always be welcome at the Temple. Jedi or not.”
Her mind rushed back to the present when Padawan Koon stepped closer and raised his head to catch her gaze.
“I was wondering if you had seen my Master? Master Tyvokka told me that he would be in this section of the gardens and told me to meet him here after my afternoon classes.”
Ahsoka gave him a small shake of her head. “I’m sorry Padawan Koon, I haven’t. Perhaps you should check your comm. unit. Maybe he’s just running late.”
He nodded and pulled out his comm. and looked back a moment later. “ You’re right. He says he’s going to be a few minutes late, council business.” He gave her a bow. “Thank you, Lady Tano.”
She waved him off. “No thanks necessary Padawan. And please, just Ahsoka is fine. Would you like to sit with me as you wait for your Master?” She asked, gesturing to a nearby bench.
He blushed and nodded, the two of them making their over to the bench. “Thank you, Lady, I mean Ahsoka.” He pulled nervously at his silks beads. “You may call me Plo if you want.”
Ahsoka nodded. “Plo it is. Now Plo,” She pinned him with her eyes. “I think you wanted to know more than if I had seen your Master.”
Plo ducked his head again and squirmed in his seat. Ahsoka huffed and bumped his shoulder with her own.
“No need to be nervous. I’m an open book. Go ahead.” She gave him a smile, making sure to hide her teeth.
Plo glanced up at her and nodded. “I have heard that more Senators are pushing for bills that protect non-humans. I was wondering,” He squirmed a little more before meeting her eyes. “Does it get better, in the future I mean?”
Ahsoka deflated and turned away. Of course Plo would want to know that. It wasn’t exactly a secret that she was from the future and Kel Dorians were one of the species that gathered a lot of attention, with their masks and sharp claws. While Jedi were taught from a young age to respect all species, the rest of the Galaxy didn’t share that view. It would only make sense that Plo would want to know when people would stop staring at him in disgust and stop making jabs at him. Also, Ahsoka assumed, that it would be safer for him if certain laws were passed.
Unlike herself, who was a fully grown Togruta with fully grown in teeth and years of training under her belt, Plo was still very young by Kel Dorian standards and it showed. It would be a wonder if he hadn’t been jumped on one of his missions. Although Ahsoka thought with a thin layer of amusement, it might have something to do with the Wookie towering over the small boy.
“Yes and no.” She said. “The Galaxy does get more used to us. It will take years, many more than it should, but they do.” She let a steadying breath.
“But it was never perfect.” Vader’s face flashed across her vision and she shut her eyes. “People still lashed out at non-humans, some out of fear and some out of anger.”
A hand slipped into hers’s and she opened her eyes to see Plo looking thoughtful. “Maybe things can never be really perfect.” He said. “But, things can always get better. Maybe, people just need to understand us and how we’re different. People might not be so afraid of us then.”
Ahsoka stared at Plo for a few long seconds, long enough for him to lower his gaze before she let loose a full out Togrutan grin, fangs and all. “Your wisdom,” She whispered. “Is far beyond your years young one.”
And just like that, she could see how this blushing boy turned into the kind and thoughtful Master who found her on Shilli.
Ahsoka squeezed his hand and bent down, setting a kiss on his cheek. Plo let out a squeak, his cheeks turning a bright orange.
A hand settled on her shoulder and she righted her to see Tyvokka grinning down on both of them. “There you are Padawan mine.” He huffed. “I apologize for keeping you waiting.” He gave her shoulder a light squeeze. “Thank you, little huntress, for keeping Plo company.”
Her cheeks light up to match Plo’s and she squirm in equal parts embarrassment and pleasure. It had been years since someone had called her that. In fact, she thought, it had been Master Ti who last called her that, weeks before the trial that determined her fate in the Order.
“It was no trouble Master Tyvokka.” She said as Plo rushed up into a stand to bow to his Master. “Your Padawan was excellent company and he has a sharp mind. I enjoyed speaking with him.”
Tyvokka’s grin softened into a smile. “Then perhaps, you’d like to join us for dinner tonight? If you are not busy.”
Ahsoka shot a glance at Plo who, even behind his mask, looked eager. “I would like that very much, Master. Thank you.” She stood up gracefully and bowed in thanks.
As she straightened out of the bow and looked at her company, she thought that perhaps this time period wasn’t so bad after all.
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segalia · 4 years
And we’ll be standing side by side on top of it all
AN: Back again with a Jedi!Finn AU for all your Star Wars needs! Now, I want to be clear that ForceSensitive!Finn is essentially canon but something they chose not to pursue. It would be easy to do an AU where little changes but his force sensitivity is explored. However, I decided if I was going to do an AU, I was going to go whole hog, so this is just me picking through canon and discarding the rest. 
A series of snapshots starting from the end of The Force Awakens up until the end of technically The Rise of Skywalker. Enjoy
--- --- --- --- --- 
He heard the stories of the lightsaber flying past Kylo Ren into Rey’s hands like it belonged there, like it had been called there by something even stronger. He remembered the sense that something was wrong before the First Order burst upon Maz Kanata’s palace, and again when Rey was kidnapped. He recalled the sense that had urged him not to shoot, led him to Poe. He listened to the stories around the Resistance of the Jedis, of the Force. 
He flexed his fingers.
The cup twitched. 
This time, they aren’t separated as the First Order rallies. This time, their forces aren’t as depleted and the galaxy has their back. This time, it’s the pervasive othering, violent dogma spread by the First Order, inflicted on brainwashed soldiers and picked up by those harboring xenophobic tendencies, that’s the real enemy. 
This time, when he has something he wants to tell her, he does it sooner. 
It still took longer than it reasonably should. He thought about it every time Leia called Rey to Jedi training or he moved the cup a little further, but there was always something else going on. He was being called on a scouting mission with Poe or working on maintenance with Rose or BB-8 had something to show him. The wheel of rebellions could never afford to slow but damn if it wasn’t exhausting. 
It came up without him intending it, not the way he’d planned in his head at ALL, on a rare day when he and Rey were relaxing after a supply run. They were stretched out in a green field, a sight that he could never get over, the rolling green tugging at something deep within him; Rey was determined to soak up every bit of green she could get. She’d admitted to him one day that she wanted to tuck it all away deep inside her in case she ever got banished back to Jakku again. She’d wanted to take it back as soon as she’d said it, but he’d just taken her hand and nodded. Some things were hard to shake. 
Rey had idly mentioned that Naboo, her grandmother’s-her grandmother- planet was supposed to be full of endless grassy fields like this. Maybe after the war, they could visit. 
Instead of breaking the tentative hope that those words always cast- “after the war…”- he spliced a blade of grass with his finger. Poe had said you could make them into a whistle, but he still couldn’t manage it. “Do you think you have to be related to one of them to have the Force?”
He felt her eyes on him, but remained fixated on the wilted grass in his hand. 
“One of who?” She finally prompted, attempting to sound casual. 
“The old Jedi masters. From before the Empire. You know, Ahsoka Tano, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Mace Windu.” He’d be lying if he said he hadn’t spent time lingering over the hologram of Mace Windu in the archives, wondering. 
She was silent which he appreciated since he knew it meant she was truly giving it some thought. “No.” 
He finally looked at her. 
“No, Leia…” She paused but couldn’t make herself say the other word, “Leia’s been telling me more about the Force, how it has something to do with midi...chlorians, which some creatures have more of than others, but anyone can have the Force. Jedi used to be found all over.” Looking at the almost too bright sky, she took a deep breath. “We have to believe it cause that means there could be more.” 
She met his eyes. 
“I have something I need to tell you.” 
Rey was thrilled, of course. She wanted to tell everyone immediately, but he managed to convince her to keep it under wraps for now. He’d seen the adulation she got for being a Jedi, and the high expectations and pressure that came with it, even with both Luke and Leia helping her. He wasn’t sure if they’d treat him the same since he was an ex-stormtrooper. His past hung over him like a glowing casino sign. On his good days, he reminded himself that he didn’t choose the First Order, but he did choose to leave. On the bad days, he remembered the stormtroopers he left, those he hadn’t gotten to try to save. He thought of Rey with her newly-discovered heritage and Poe with his Rebellion hero parents and Rose with her Resistance sister. That was when a disgruntled voice that sounded distinctly like Solo would grumble in his head about not letting your past define you, kid. 
Luke was off-planet on a mission, but they told Leia. Her eyes lit up, and he swore he could feel her warm reassurance long before she gave him a hug. She focused on the facts first: how much had he been able to do so far? What did he want to do with it? They had an additional lightsaber if he wanted. Could they incorporate this into their stormtrooper rebellion plan? Would he rather train with Luke or Leia? The whole meeting was a bit of a whirlwind, but her hug at the end made it all worth it. Especially when she whispered, “I had a feeling,” and winked before walking away, ignoring his protestations. 
He ended up doing more training with Luke since it helped them spread personnel out on missions. When he and Rey were on missions together, they spent their downtime training together. 
Poe and Rose were both encouraging in their own way, but went right back to treating him like normal which he greatly appreciated. 
He couldn’t deny how right it was to stand by Rey, Luke, or Leia, ignited lightsaber in his hand or floating rock extended before him as the living Force flowed through him, through them, through every living thing. Somehow, he thought his family, whoever they’d been, would be proud of him.
When he started his undercover missions as a stormtrooper (Poe berated him for leaving all his armor in the sands of Jakku, but his complaints about the heat started a pleasantly distracting debate about deserts that dragged both Rey and Luke in), Rey tried to tell him about the hand-waving trick to convince those around him that he was who they needed him to be. He refused point-blank and wouldn’t elaborate. She started to argue with him, but stopped abruptly when her eyes fell on his First Order tattoo, his number branded into the inside of his forearm. They hadn’t been able to remove it yet, but sometimes he’d have to close his eyes and ball up his fists to keep from scratching it off himself. 
Instead, she told him to ask Luke about a cloaking technique before kissing him on the cheek and telling him to stay safe. 
The first few missions were routine, just short enough to plan getting in and out, take note of their numbers. 
When he got a nudge, some undeniable something in the Force, he went off plan, ignoring Poe’s yelling in his ear. It was worth it. After he got the stormtrooper alone and asked her for her name, she looked at him defiantly and proclaimed, “Jannah.” 
Having an ally already on the inside (she’d beaten him at his own game, having rebelled and gone back undercover to pull out others three times now) accelerated the plan. They pooled their resources, learned from each other, planted ideas, and whispered freedom. 
Phasma had no idea what was coming. 
The stormtrooper rebellion didn’t leave time for much else. The pieces were falling into place, plans to storm the bridge, dismantle the ships, confuse orders, and disrupt the First Order hatching in coded conversations. As it gained traction, spreading like fire as it picked up allies in unexpected places, they were able to come up with contingency plans then backup plans for their contingency plans. When one of the soldiers in his old unit volunteered to hijack a planned raid on the Festival of the Ancestors, because “it just wasn’t right,” he let himself feel hope.
Everywhere he looked, he felt the sharp edge of hope as things seemed to be rushing towards an end. Poe was promoted to general; he managed to sneak away for a late night of games, drinks, and stories to celebrate. Rose used the information he sent back to make improvements on their ships and weapons, maximizing their impact and offering strategic modifications in planning sessions.
The Force also felt like it was building towards something; he didn’t have to ask the others to know they felt it too. Leia and Luke held hushed, troubled conversations about murky visions. Rey confessed fears of the Dark Side, whispering tugs. His acceptance emboldened her to ask Luke and Leia about it. (Leia tried to hide beneath her General’s steady calm, but her grief poured through the Force. He thought again about Solo’s death.) Their conversations about the history of the Jedi, different interpretations of the Force, the role of emotions led to the revelation of Darth Vader’s true identity. They talked deep into the nights, when even the last lights in the hangars had turned off. He relished the chance to delve into the history of his (his) people. Though sobered, Rey was steadier.
He made a silent vow to the others and himself.
In the end, he and Rey dueled Kylo Ren together. The Sith fell under their whirling blades, abjectly rejecting redemption for the last time, spitting vitriol. (They hugged and Finn felt more relieved than anything).
(Leia mourned her son and Luke his nephew, but they lived to start again. They defeated Snoke, Leia shouting, “I want my son back, you son of a worm!” before decapitating him. Then she turned to Luke and asked him to take her home.) 
The stormtroopers made the greatest difference in the battle, refusing orders, instead turning on their abusers and overtaking whole fleets. The First Order, built on fear and intimidation, crumbled. 
As the space dust cleared, they took a moment before starting on eradicating prejudice from the rest of the galaxy to celebrate being alive. Liberated stormtroopers shook hands with old enemies, now allies. Pilots hugged soldiers hugged mechanics hugged friends. 
(Luke and Leia privately burned Kylo’s body. Somewhere, Anakin Skywalker berated his grandson in the afterlife before embracing him. This time, when the offer came, he accepted his dad’s hug. The afterlife brought unexpected clarity-and sobs- it seemed.)
Reconstruction was slow but powerful. Untold heroes came out of the shadows, and tales of resistance were spread and celebrated. Jannah was lauded. Rose and Poe received well-deserved awards for their parts. Rey and Finn were knighted in a separate but equally publicized ceremony. The message was clear: the Jedi were back, but they were doing things differently this time. It took longer, but other Force sensitives started showing up, sending messages. Luke started a new school. Both Rey and Finn chipped in when they could. 
 When they weren’t busy --turned out rebuilding also never stopped-- they could be found in each other’s company. Sometimes Jannah joined them or another one of their friends made along the way, but it was usually Rose and Rey tinkering away at something, Poe and Rey bickering about some flying thing, Rose and Poe comparing Resistance stories, and Finn taking part in it all or taking it all in. 
 Sometimes he couldn’t believe all that had happened because one day he refused to shoot. And then chose to free Poe and then chose to help Rey and then...It was a series of choices that he’d made, not always easy and certainly not without consequences, but he wouldn’t change them for the world. 
 Because sometimes, no matter who you were or where you were from, your choices could change the galaxy. 
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