#he’s moisturised. he’s well rested. he’s done a hair mask. he is living good and he has love and dick to thank for it
dykedteach · 1 year
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listen. it’s the power of good dick.
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cheri-translates · 4 years
Headcanon - When you apply face masks with him
This work, 当你们一起敷面膜, was originally written by  君兮耶君兮 on Weibo, and she has given me permission to translate it 🌸
Lucien’s portion is slightly suggestive, so I’ll leave it at the back so it’s easier to skip!
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“Victor, come over here and apply face masks with me~” 
While facing the mirror and smoothening the mask on your face, you call Victor over once he steps out of the bathroom, towelling his hair dry.
Tossing the towel onto the chaise lounge in front of the bed, he walks over with a look of distaste, watching as you busily rub excess cream onto your arms. “I don’t think you’re clear-headed.”
Patting your arms, you draw a sharp intake of breath. “You really don’t want it? When you were shaving this morning, I saw your crow’s feet~ Sure you don’t want to try this mask which lightens wrinkles?”
“...” Victor touches the corners of his eyes, staring at the masks on your dressing table wordlessly.
You strike while the iron is hot. “Let’s see. We have a six year age difference, so when the splendour of your youth has faded, I’d still be as lovely as a flower. Are you sure you don’t need to maintain your complexion?”
“...help me with it.” He finally caves in, lying down on the bed obediently, closing his eyes.
Excited, you rip open the packaging, carefully covering Victor’s well-sculpted, typically taciturn face with a mask.
Once you’re done, you lie down next to him, lifting your phone up high to take a selfie of the both of you. After a moment of hesitation, you still lack the guts to post it. You give him a poke. “Victor, I was lying to you earlier. You don’t have any wrinkles at all.”
“Dummy.” His hand encircles your waist, locking you in his arms. “I’ll cooperate with your nonsense for now. There won’t be a next time.”
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Gavin spoils you so much that it’s as though he’d allow you to defy laws both human and divine. Whether it’s tying tiny buns on his head, applying make-up, or having to play along with a drama queen like you, he has never refused. Even if he were unwilling, a slight furrow of your brow would leave him agreeing faster than anybody else.
“Gavin, come over to apply a mask~” You beckon him over while he’s watching television on the bed.
He walks over, touching his face. “I don’t need it. It’d be a waste of your mask.”
“How is it considered a waste?!” You stand up, tugging him over to your seat. Then, you give his cheeks a poke. “The weather has been pretty dry these days. You need to keep your skin moisturised, or you’ll be disappointing this handsome face.”
“Is my face handsome?” The corners of Gavin’s lips hook into a smile, his amber eyes brightening slightly.
“Of course - you’re the most handsome man I’ve ever seen!” You cup his face in your hands in an exaggerated manner, giving him a peck on his lips.
You aren’t sure which line pleased him, but his smile becomes even more evident, his typically stern expression melting into a gentle one.
“Go on.” He points at the masks in the box on the dressing table, closing his eyes and leaving himself entirely to you.
“Good. Your gold-medal skincare expert is very happy to be at your service~”
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[ KIRO ]
“Ro Ro, I don’t think this mask is as effective as the previous ones I bought.” You bring a mask, freshly removed from the packet, over to Kiro.
Hearing this, he leans his phone against the vanity mirror. The screen is still on, but you don’t put much thought into it since it just displays the table.
“Really? In that case, don’t use this one. I recently bought a few boxes of SK-II ‘ex-boyfriend’ masks. I’ll let you use them first?” Kiro retrieves new masks from the drawer of the dressing table, ripping one open for you.
Just as you reach out to take it, Kiro retracts his hand. “Miss Chips, want me to help you put it on? You could help with mine later.”
“Sure.” You sit on the make-up stool obediently, tilting your head upwards, and allowing Kiro to smoothen the icy cold mask onto your face.
“Done~ It’s Miss Chip’s turn~”
You stand up, retrieving another mask from the box, and meticulously help him apply the mask onto his face.
“Miss Chips, how does it feel?” Kiro suddenly asks.
“I guess it’s pretty cooling?” Failing to grasp the meaning of his words, you respond intuitively.
“Tch~” Kiro chuckles. “Of course the mask is cooling. The fans want to know about the effects of the mask.” He holds up the phone, giving it a few taps, entering the live space where the comments section is being flooded.
“You were doing a live broadcast?” Your eyes widen in disbelief, wanting to shift outside of the camera’s view.
“You’re not allowed to run. I promised to let the fans see a sweet day-in-the-life of me and Miss Chips. How could that happen without the female protagonist?”
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[ SHAW ]
Ever since your failed attempt to make Shaw wear female clothes, you’ve tried everything possible to lure him into a trap. This included applying make-up on him over the past few days, and applying masks right now.
“Shaw, want to try a mask?” You grip the silver coloured packaging of the mask in your hand, looking at him expectantly, The meaning in your eyes is as as obvious as ever.
“Don’t want to.” He rejects you quickly.
“Really?” You refuse to give up, asking once more.
He waves his hand, as though he’s chasing away a fly. “When I say ‘no’, it means ‘no’. You didn’t hear me?”
“...” You clench your fists, feeling a slight urge to give him a beating. “If you apply this mask with me, I’ll promise you an entire week’s worth of mixed cola.” You toss out this bribe, certain that he’d be reeled in.
As expected, Shaw wavers, his eyebrows furrowing. “The mask is fine. But no photos.”
He knows you pretty well.
“I won’t.” You raise your right hand, making a vow with three fingers and a solemn expression.
“...” He frowns. “Okay.”
You celebrate internally, ripping the packaging and pasting the mask onto his face. Once you’re done, you beckon him to look into the mirror.
“Your skills aren’t bad.” Shaw peers at himself from side to side, the mask fitting perfectly on his face, without a single wrinkle.
You pat your chest with pride. “Of course, I’m adept in my skills~”
Seeing that you really didn’t take a photograph, he relaxes, sitting on the sofa and watching television.
Retrieving your phone, you tap on a button to stop the recording. Then, you take a random screenshot of the video - it happens to be one where he’s checking himself out in the mirror. You happily tag on a caption: “Am I pretty?”
Saved. And sent.
Shaw’s phone vibrates, and he picks it up. “You!!!”
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[ LUCIEN ] - Slightly suggestive!
You’ve always felt that Lucien wasn’t just a genius neurologist. If he were in the business industry, he’d definitely be an excellent businessman. After all, you’ve experienced for yourself how in certain aspects, Lucien would never let himself be taken advantaged of.
Usually, Lucien would ask for a benefit from you when you seek his help for even trivial matters. Often, it’d be a request which leaves you with a flushed face and a rapid heartbeat. You never know whether to laugh or cry.
Glancing at Professor Lucien as he leans against the headboard, then returning your gaze to the final mask in the box, you’re struck with an idea. “Lucien, come here. Let me apply a mask for you~”
Lucien rests the book on his torso, lifting in head to look at you in confusion. “Apply a mask?”
“That’s right! It’d make your skin more elastic, giving it a youthful and moisturising luster, and making it look even more tempting~” You mimic the tone of voice used in television advertisements, spelling out the benefits of the mask in an exaggerated manner.
“Making it look even more tempting?” Lucien repeats what you’ve just said, supporting his chin with his hand. “If it can make my wife more interested in me, I’ll be very willing to try it.”
Hearing this, your enthusiasm heightens. “Lie down properly, and I’ll put it on for you~”
“You should let me finish. Cooperating with you comes with a condition.” Lucien places the book atop the bedside cabinet.
“What condition?”
He removes his spectacles. “Tonight, we’ll do it one more time?”
More translated and original works: here
[ Permission to translate ]
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君兮耶君兮: You can - just note the author
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captainrogers-ass · 5 years
Save Me - Chapter 7
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Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader, multiple MCU characters
Word Count: 2619
Summary: Y/N has finally landed her dream job as a lifeguard on Midgard Beach, but how well will she fit in with the team and how will she cope after grabbing the attention of the blue-eyed Captain?
A/N: So I’ve decided that there will be 10 chapters for this story so I’ve only got three more to post which I’m actually quite sad about. I’ll probs post a bunch of oneshots that can tie into the story cause I’m actually really in love with this AU but the official storyline will end after the tenth chapter :( . Anyway I hope you all enjoy the update and feedback is always appreciated xxx
Monday had viciously attacked you from behind, the weekend having seemingly disappeared before your very eyes. The chilly air tried to penetrate your blanket’s defences, failing as you wrapped your bed covers further around you successfully encompassing your body in the warmth of your bed once more.
Your alarm came to life from its position on your bedside table, having awoken once more after snoozing it several times, each time only prolonging the inevitable as you refused to believe that your sleep was coming to an end. Stretching your limbs out you quickly reached over and turned your alarm off, retreating quickly under the warmth of your blankets once more.
You revelled in the comfort of your bed for a few more minutes before begrudgingly throwing the covers away, wincing as the cold air attacked your warm skin. Hastily pulling a hoodie over your figure you slowly made your way through your home, getting ready for the day with your eyes still half lidded from sleep.
After having scoffed down a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast you lazily returned to your bedroom, locating a clean uniform before readying yourself for the chill that would encompass your body as you removed your clothes. Breathing in several times you finally gained enough courage to face the cold, ripping your hoodie and pyjama shirt off quickly as you kicked your pyjama shorts to the floor. Sliding your bathing suit on took up the most time as goosebumps began to form on your skin, ignoring them as you slid the uniformed shorts and shirt on before layering it with your lifeguard hoodie.
Even though you had changed as quickly as possible the lack of warmth from your new outfit caused a shiver to run down your spine as you slid your shoes on before heading in to the bathroom to brush your teeth. A pile of old makeup lay discarded on the vanity, ancient and most likely past their use-by date. Since you worked in the ocean makeup would only act as a hindrance so it had never played a large part in your morning routine.
After brushing your teeth you applied SPF moisturiser to your skin, rubbing it in until it had disappeared. You tried for several minutes to brush your hair, getting more frustrated by the minute as your brush continued to get stuck on several knots. Giving up, you threw the brush back down instead electing to mask your mane by whipping your hair into a messy bun.
You weren’t altogether satisfied with your appearance as you stared at yourself in the mirror but knew that you didn’t have the resolve to fix it any further. With one last glance at your reflection you grabbed your keys and helmet from their position by the door, wheeling your bike out alongside you.
Slinging your backpack over your shoulders you mounted your bike with ease, pedalling off towards the faint sound of crashing waves. You were glad that you lived so close to the ocean, the smell of salt and the familiar seaside sounds often sending you to sleep at night. The small house that you rented from an old lady down the street was quaint and old, yet it had a homey feeling about it that caused you to fall in love with it the first time you had stumbled across the ‘for rent’ sign that had stood tall on the lawn.
The ride to work was short as the wind whipped at your face causing you to snuggle further into your oversized hoodie. After only a few minutes you rounded the bend coming face to face with the spectacular view of the ocean from the top of the hill. You ceased your pedalling as gravity began to pull you downwards, reaching the tower in record time.
Most of your coworkers were already present in the room, laying on the couches as they talked amongst themselves. Peter greeted you first as you entered the room, heading straight to your locker to store your backpack away before joining the small group on the couch to join in on the conversation.
The rest of the team trickled in one by one until Tony was the only one missing. Steve, electing that he was probably just running late, began his morning briefing before the front door was opened with an unnecessary amount of force.
“I’m here and I have an announcement!” Tony called dramatically, causing Steve to stop what he was saying and turn to him in confusion.
“Tony, you’re late, I’m already halfway through the briefing,” he tried to say before being cut off once more.
“And I do apologise for that Captain but I think I have more exciting news. As you all know my birthday is coming up this weekend so I’ve decided to have a little get together. You’re all invited to my birthday party this Saturday at The Black Panther. Dress nice and don’t buy me clothes as a gift; I don’t have time to return them.” A few cheers erupted around the room, the team clearly excited for the upcoming event.
“Thanks for the pressing news, Tony,” Steve said sarcastically with a small grin leaking from his authoritative exterior.
“No problems Cap,” Tony responded playfully, slapping him on the back before slouching down on the couch beside you.
“As I was saying,” the Captain continued. “Peter and Y/N are at position one, Tony and Bruce at position two, Sam and I are at position 3, and Nat and Thor are in the watch tower today.”
Friday had slowly meandered its way towards you, taking its time throughout the slow week to finally make an appearance. Sunlight filtered in from the window in front of you, warming your face as you closed your eyes, revelling in the warmth. You stayed like that for quite some time, listening to the waves crash down on the beach below.
Steve struggled to open the door to the watch tower, his hands full with the two coffee cups as the bag containing the pastry was gripped tightly between his teeth. You opened your eyes and glanced at the door when you heard the ruckus, smiling to yourself as you watched the large man push the door open with his leg.
“Do you need some help?” You called to him causing his gaze to flick up and meet your own, your heart beating slightly faster as he smiled at you.
He grunted in negation as he made his way over to you, placing the cup down on the desk. Your brows furrowed in confusion as you finally caught sight of the cups, their glass bodies and plastic lids a major contrast to the normal styrofoam cups.
“They’re reusable cups!” Steve declared, interrupting your train of thought as he noticed the confusion on your face. “Since you got so angry about the plastic in the ocean last week I thought I’d help contribute to saving the environment.”
A sweet smile was plastered across his features, clearly proud of his purchase, as your mouth fell open in shock. It wasn’t a very big action to most but it meant everything to you. Without thinking you stood from your chair and wrapped your arms around Steve’s broad form. He instantly became tense, a shocked expression forming on his features, before his muscles relaxed and he brought his own arms to rest on your back gently.
The hug lasted longer than you expected, your body unconsciously relaxing as it clung to Steve’s broad form. He was warm and comforting and smelt so good that you closed your eyes as you took him in, revelling in the feeling of his arms around you.
“It’s only a cup,” he chuckled awkwardly.
“It means a lot to me Steve,” you responded as you pulled away, your heart aching to hug him again. “I know it’s only a small gesture but I really do appreciate it.”
A broad smile covered his face as he saw just how grateful you were, his heart aching slightly as he watched your face light up. If he had known that a reusable cup would bring you so much joy he would have bought one weeks ago. He couldn’t help himself as he continued to stare at you, the smile only growing bigger as you admired the cup before you.
His heart tugged painfully at his chest.
“When you’re done give me your cup and I’ll use them next week to get our coffees,” you said excitedly, looking up from your drink to find Steve’s gaze lingering on yours. His gaze dropped for a split second and you swore that he had glanced at your lips.
Your train of thought was interrupted as the door to the watch tower swung open as Natasha and Clint wondered in, greeting you when they spotted you by the windows. Wanda, Sam and Bucky entered not long after them, causing Steve to leave your side as he got ready for the morning briefing. He smiled to you as he walked away, wondering over to Bucky and Sam to greet them.
“So what are you planning to wear to Tony’s?” Wanda asked as she took a seat next to you.
To be honest you hadn’t really given any thought to Tony’s party, knowing you would put together a last minute outfit from the minimal clothes in your wardrobe. But the more you thought about it the more you realised that all of your clothes were mainly workout related since you rarely ever went out.
“I don’t know actually. I don’t really have anything party appropriate,” you confided in the girls as Natasha’s eyes lit up in shock.
“And you wait until the day before the party to tell us that?”
“I’m sure it’ll be fine. I’ll find something.” You tried your best to ease Natasha’s worry.
“No, not good enough. This is your first official outing with the work group; this is the first time anyone’s going to see you out of the uniform,” Wanda interjected.
You hadn’t thought about that.
“Plus I’m sure you want to catch someone’s attention at the party,” Natasha whispered as she not-so-subtly glanced from you to Steve, quirking an eyebrow suggestively.
Before you had time to object Wanda cut in.
“That’s it, we’re taking you shopping after work.”
You had to admit that shopping definitely wasn’t your favourite pastime. The shopping centre was crowded and noisy, seemingly full of people who were determined to walk in front of you at a snails pace.
Nevertheless you had to admit that hanging out with Natasha and Wanda outside of work was quite fun. You chatted and joked, the conversation never once coming to a stop as you weaved your way in and out of several different stores.
“That jacket is stunning,” Wanda announced as you came out of the change room.
“The top is not,” Natasha chimed in earning a nod in agreement from Wanda.
Turning around you inspected yourself in the full length mirror. The jacket was cute, you admitted, as you changed position, viewing the item from a different angle. It was a simple cropped leather jacket, the fake leather falling around your figure in just the right way.
“If you don’t get it, I will,” Natasha spoke up, eyeing the jacket jealously.
“No I like it. I reckon I’ll get it.” Wanda squealed in excitement at your first purchase of the night.
Time seemed to fly by as the bags in your hands seemed to double in number. It had felt nice to treat yourself to some new clothes, something you didn’t do very often. You became more and more disheartened the more stores you visited, the search for an outfit for the party wielding nothing so far.
Wanda and Natasha, also holding numerous bags between them, had located outfits for the event several stores ago, but nothing had yet caught your eye.
Your mouth widened involuntarily as a yawn escaped from your lips.
“I think I’m all shopped out, guys,” you stated, rearranging the bags in your arms so that they sat more comfortably.
“But you haven’t found anything for the party!” Wanda protested.
You raised your arms towards her. “I’m sure I can find something among this haul.”
“Alright, one more shop and then we’ll call it quits,” Natasha conceded before leading you into the last store of the night.
The bright lights scattered around the room blinded you for a few seconds as your eyes adjusted, the overwhelming aroma of a nearby diffuser filling your nostrils. The store clerk welcomed you as she saw you enter before leaving the three of you to browse.
You all split up, branching off as you went to explore seperate parts of the store. Since the room was void of any other customers you didn’t feel embarrassed when the other girls called over to you to show off an item they had found.
“Y/N!” Your head whipped up as you heard Natasha’s voice. “What do you reckon?”
She was holding up a black lace bodysuit which appeared as if it wouldn’t cover much of your skin if worn.
“I think it’s more your style than mine!” You called back.
“I was hoping you’d say that,” Natasha grinned, folding it over her arm to try on later as she continued to browse.
You were flicking through a rack of dresses when one fell from the hangar onto the floor. Reaching down you awkwardly tried to hang it back up, finding it difficult due to your already full hands. However as you grasped it before you you began to admire it.
It was a sweater dress with long sleeves and a high neckline. Its dark green texture stood out among the rack, the thick material feeling extremely light as you held it. The hem was quite short, you noticed, expecting it to fall further up your thighs than you were comfortable with.
You held it up nonetheless.
“Thoughts?” You called to Nat and Wanda, catching their attention.
“Love love love,” Natasha replied as she walked over to inspect the dress.
“You have to try it on,” Wanda urged, following close behind Nat.
They practically dragged you to the change rooms as they shoved you inside, closing the curtain behind you as they grabbed your bags from you hands.
The dress was nice, you thought to yourself as you inspected yourself in the mirror. It was tighter than you realised, hugging every curve of your body in just the right way. You sighed with relief when the material stretched down further than you had first thought, the hem of the dress resting around the middle of your thighs. The green looked nice on you, contrasting the tan you had accumulated during your patrols, the long sleeves and high neckline doing a good job in hiding the hideous tan lines that were the consequence of your bathing suit.
You opened the curtain that led out into the store finding Nat and Wanda waiting patiently behind it. Their eyes grew wide as their eyes locked with yours.
“What?” You questioned with a hint of panic in your voice, fearful that they hated the dress. “Don’t you like it?”
They stood silent before you before Natasha finally spoke up, “If I was gay I would totally have the hots for you right now.”
You chuckled at her remark, blushing slightly.
“All I’m gonna say is that if you don’t buy that dress I will happily buy it for you,” Wanda chimed in.
A smile encompassed your face as you took in the girls before you, wondering what you could possibly have done to deserve such beautiful friends.
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