#he’s sleepin with his tongue stickin out
spoonmoment69420 · 2 years
All of them honestly, I'm always looking for more aa fic! Btw I adore your art style everyone is so shaped
i’ll probably wait to say the names of the one i’m reading and the ones i haven’t read yet considering i haven’t finished/started them, but i can say that the one i did just finish reading is called Project: Matchmakers and aughhhhhhhhh it is so cute my heart my heart i think i might’ve died i think i might be dead aughhhhhhhh it’s part of a collection so the fic itself is only 125k words but the whole collection is 200k and i read all of them and augghhhhhh i would describe it but i’m bad at that kinda stuff so the best i can say is that phoenix and edgeworth are idiots and there is a lot of blushing :]
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nikoto-n · 4 years
Innocent Or Guilty ~ Niko’to Nagatani
Asked someone to marry you? “Well, no. Not yet, anyway. I would love to ask Kai-Shirr but I have not managed to muster the...strength?” - Innocent
Kissed one of your friends? “Oh, goodness...no. I’ve not kissed anyone save my mother when I was young.” - Innocent
Danced on a table in a bar/tavern? “I...what? No. Good heavens, no!” - Innocent
Ever told a lie? “Yes, I must lie often to keep those I hold dear safe, or sometimes even those I do not even know”  - Guilty
Had feelings for someone you can’t have? “...” - Guilty
Ever kissed someone of the same sex? “...No, though I would gladly, had I the chance with someone dear.” - Innocent
Kissed a picture? ”Perhaps if I carried photos of my parents, but for their safety I cannot take that risk.” - Innocent Slept until 5pm? “Whenever I am afforded the chance, I will sleep for as long as my body allows me.” - Guilty Worked at a fast-food chain/restaurant? “What...is that?” - Innocent Stolen something? ”If I have, it was because I forgot to pay for it...I’m sorry.” - Grey? Been fired from a job? ”I would have to have been properly employed first, would I not? I cannot say I have ever been so.” - Innocent Done something you regret? ”Oh...if inaction counts as an action one can regret, then yes, even moreso.” - Guilty Laughed until something you were drinking came out of your nose? ”I...no? That...how does that work, that sounds horrible...” - Innocent Caught a snowflake on your tongue? ”No, I cannot say the idea had ever occurred to me.” - Innocent Sat on a rooftop? ”Oh, often. It was always especially easy to find myself upon one back in Kugane...” - Guilty Kissed someone you shouldn’t have? ”I believe we have established I could not have.” - Innocent Sang in the shower? ”...No, do people do that?” - Innocent Been pushed into a body of water with all your clothes on? ”Actually yes! It was alarming in the moment but it is also highly refreshing!” - Guilty Shaved your head? ”I...no, I would never!” - Innocent Made a boyfriend/girlfriend cry? ”...I would have to have had one in the first place, would I not? I fear that if ever I had one, this might happen by negligence on my part- that I might fail to keep him safe and in so doing render him vulnerable and leave them to suffer while I can do naught to help him as he cries out in pain.” - Innocent Shot a gun? ”Not a gun, precisely. Does a carronade count?” - Innocent? Still love someone you shouldn’t? ”I...have not the perspective to say whether my present interest is one I ‘should’ or ‘should not’ have, I fear.” - Grey Have/had a tattoo? ”No, cannot say I have. Though my face may bear markings, tattoos they are not.” - Innocent Liked someone, but will never tell who? ”I tend not to keep the subjects of my interest secret forever, often someone will know one way or another, eventually.” - Innocent Been too honest? ”Oh, yes... I was not aware one was not to be so plain as I am inclined to be when first I arrived in Gridania.” - Guilty Ruined a surprise? ”Not that I know, rarely am I involved in planning such things.” - Innocent Been told that you’re beautiful by someone who totally meant what they said? ”Would that it could have been by one I cared for...” - Guilty Stalked someone? ”I...rather suspect you mean in a social context, for which my answer is no. I have, however, lurked out of sight of imperial guardsmen before laying them low.” - Guilty Thoughts about murder? ”Distasteful as I find it, I regret that it is ultimately what some of my work could feasibly be reduced to. Blessed am I that my targets are often faceless imperial troops. Were they not, I...could not bear to see them bleed as they often do.” - ? How about mass murder? ”Do you mean...cataclysmic scale? I... I rather dislike the sound of that.” - ? Cheated on someone? ”I have had none on whom to cheat.” - Innocent Gotten so angry that you cried? ”Not precisely, though perhaps the inverse might be said.” - Grey? Tried to stay away from someone for their own good? ”...Every waking moment.” - Guilty Thoughts about suicide? ”I...dare not think on the subject.” - ? Had a girlfriend/boyfriend? ”Still no.” - Innocent Gotten totally drunk during a holiday? “No, I refuse to drink.” - Innocent
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