#augh my dog is asleep and he’s making the cutest little noises
spoonmoment69420 · 1 year
All of them honestly, I'm always looking for more aa fic! Btw I adore your art style everyone is so shaped
i’ll probably wait to say the names of the one i’m reading and the ones i haven’t read yet considering i haven’t finished/started them, but i can say that the one i did just finish reading is called Project: Matchmakers and aughhhhhhhhh it is so cute my heart my heart i think i might’ve died i think i might be dead aughhhhhhhh it’s part of a collection so the fic itself is only 125k words but the whole collection is 200k and i read all of them and augghhhhhh i would describe it but i’m bad at that kinda stuff so the best i can say is that phoenix and edgeworth are idiots and there is a lot of blushing :]
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