#he’s wearing something cheaper because he doesn’t want to ruin any of red’s designs
soulsty · 4 months
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Antarcinnaphos nation make some noise (all twelve of us)
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thehiddensemicolon · 6 years
Kacchako Fanfic: New Prey Chapter 36
~~~ Gut Feelings ~~~
"I didn't know I was engaged to a sissy." Uraraka jokes.
"Tch. You think your insults are going to change my mind pink cheeks? Cause it's not. But feel free to keep trying." He retorts.
Uraraka pouted and stuck out her tongue.
"Am just SAYING that your boyish haircut you had since high school is so cute and adorable, but isn't it time for a change? I mean our first week is done. You are already being mentioned on social media. Soon everyone is going to want to have an interview with you. You should change up your hairstyle." She said.
"Okay first off, my hair is not fuckin cute and adorable alright. It's cool and original." Bakugou says.
"Yeah it's a pretty cool  original hair style. One I enjoy very very much. But I bet you would look even more handsome in other style too. Like an undercut! Or cool buzz cut design or something. Both maybe both!" Uraraka was pulling on Bakugou's sleeve.
"No." He says.
"Alright. Blend in with the crowd I guess. I thought you wanted to stand out but I was wrong I guess." She whistled.
"It's none of my business after all." She added.
That caught his attention.
"Eh? Me? Blend in with other extras?" He coughs.
"I mean if you think about it. Most of the new male hero's have similar hair styles, aside from the hair color, all of them let their hair be wild and free. I mean think about it, Blue Jeanist is known to be stylish in both fashion and hair styles. He really stands out from the others. All Might has his own original hair style too. " She argued.
"Keep going." He said.
"So get a hair style that says you! You know keep your hair how it is on the top and have an undercut. You can have a cool design too. Something that says Ground Zero. You know something like the big X across your chest when you wear your hero costume. See now that screams Bakugou." She nodded her own head.
They finally arrived in front of the barber shop and Uraraka was screaming in her mind with excitement. Because she sooo wanted to see Bakugou with an undercut.
He sighed in defeat. "Fine I'll fuckin do it. And it better look badass Uraraka. I swear if someone fucks up my hair I will blame you for it." He says.
"Yay!!! No don't worry Katsuki! It's going to be so cute- .. I mean handsome- no badass I meant!" She said.
He rolled his eyes and opened the door to the barber shop.
"Hello! What can I do for you young man?" The barber said.
Before Bakugou could speak. Uraraka shoved him to sit on a chair and rotated his chair for his reflection to show on the mirror side.
"Okay this is how I want his hair to be is..." Uraraka started to give instructions to the barber.
The man nodded and Uraraka took out her phone to take pictures.
"I cannot believe I am letting you do this." Bakugou told her.
"Oh stop it. You will thank me when you see the after pic!" She said. . .
Neither of the heroes noticed they were being followed.
Camera lens followed the direction of the couple.
. . "Wow Katsuki you look so hot!" Uraraka blurted out.
She took a picture.
His hair came out exactly as she wanted it.
Yup it was the change he needed.
Bakugou observed the barbers work.
"See look at your after pic. Now tell me you like it just as much as I do!" Uraraka said.
"Heh now I better not hear you say I blend in with those extras. No one can pull of hair like mine." Bakugou admired his hair.
"Katsuki.. you are the extra one." Uraraka quietly told herself.
~Back to Endeavor's office~
"Sir you are assigning me to another intern this week for rounds? You said that the three of us will rotate into pairs each week." Fujimi questioned.
"Are you complaining about your assignment already. You just finished your first week and you already have a problem." Endeavor said with a stern voice.
"Sir, while Uraraka and Shouto were busy being pushed over by All Mights Agency, I was putting caution tape over villain incident areas. Why award those two with another week of villain interaction rounds. They blew it last week." Fujimi argued.
"The key to any good partnership is them being familiar with each other. That's how the best outcome happens during missions. Trust is essential." Endeavor replied.
"Will then they should have developed trust by now. They came from the same high school after all. There should be no reason why All Mights Agency got all attention for that last case. If you telling me your gravity girl has the wrong intentions for this agency." Fujimi ranted.
"What makes you say that. Be careful what you say here boy. Let's make this clear. Uravity is an essential hero for this agency. There is no one out there in this profession. So tell me where her intentions are." Endeavor said.
"Look at who's image is all over social media sir. The answer is pretty obvious is you ask me. Who got all the glory after all." Fujimi said.
He took out his phone and scrolled through the news.
"While am over here 'complaining' about my assignment for next week. She is being all girly girly over her fiancé for crying out loud." Fujimi showed Endeavor.
"Fiancé?!" Endeavor got up from his seat.
Fujimi was startled from the sudden uproar.
"Yes sir? You didn't know she was engaged?" He questioned.
"So now you should know why it is a problem to award her with another week of villain rounds. She is just going to give all the credit to her fiancé, Ground Zero, the new explosive jerk from All Mights Agency. Now do you get where I am coming from. Assign her to babysit interns not me." Fujimi said.
"That's enough. You are excused." Endeavor said.
Fujimi didn't want to get on his bosses bad side already and decided to leave.
'That fool from All Mights is ruining my plans. He will not get in the way of my plans. I'll just keep assigning Shouto with Uravity. They are bound to get closer. Assign them to the night shifts. Something to crumble that relationship of hers. Long hours away from home and his attention? Her family? I should do something to make their opinion of Shouto above that insect. It doesn't help either that the press is already up the couples business. Need to figure out when the wedding is. This all needs to happen before they get married. ' Endeavor thought.
~ at the apartment~
"Can you stop touching my hair already." Bakugou said while looking at his phone.
He had just finished making a home cook meal to the both of them and she was touching his hair all god damn day.
"Sorry sorry. Just feels nice." She admitted.
"Yeah will fucking wash your hands. Dinner is fucking served." He said.
"Smells good!" She yelled from the bathroom.
He placed the plates on the table, while still looking at his phone.
"What are you looking at?" She said.
"My fucking family keeps sending me stuff for the wedding. Flowers, catering, invitations you fucking name it. It is annoying as hell too." He said.
She took his phone and laughed.
He took it back and his ears began to turn red.
"Haha! Your mom is funny!" She giggled.
"Does she really think the longer we decide to plan the wedding, the more likely I am to call it off?" Uraraka giggled.
"Yeah yeah laugh it off. HA the fuck HA!" He said sarcastically.
"Well you know that isn't true right. We just started our jobs. We still need to save up more money too. Don't worry am not going anywhere." She said.
"Well I know that. This old hag doesn't." He comments.
"But still. She does have nice catering options. The food looks so yummy. It wouldn't hurt planing ahead. We can find out what colors we like and oh and what flowers too." She said.
"Huh? I don't care about any of that crap." He said.
"Surrrrreee you don't. Remember when you told me to pick out the plates and cups? Cause you said you didn't give a damn and to hurry up and pick one. Because it all did the same job? Well the moment I LOOKED at a set, you told me I had no taste and that I only go for the cheaper prices. So yes Katsuki you do care what flowers and color theme we have for our wedding." She went off.
"You know its hot when you tell me off." He comments.
"That's all you say from this?" She questions.
"Well if I can get something else from this..." he flirts.
"Katsuki.. this is serious. You are helping me plan this wedding." She said.
"You can help me take my clothes off." He smirks.
"Ahh you're such a.." her face was bright red.
"Such a what? You can tell me in our bedroom." He continued to flirt.
She tried to keep a serious face this entire conversation. She wasn't going to award him with a smile. But the tension of the room was going toward his favor.
Her phone vibrated on the table.
"Saved!" She blurted out.
"Saved? From what pink cheeks?" He smirked.
He saw her face becoming more serious.
"What happened? Work?" He questioned.
He got off from the chair and went to grab the TV remote. He turned on the TV.
Nothing. There was no major villain incident on the news at this time.
"Well?" He questioned.
"Oh nothing. Shouto texted me saying I have to go in right now. Endeavor has an assignment for us." She said.
"What assignment? There is no flashy villain threatening the city right now." He questioned.
"No it's more like punishment in Shouto's words. He says Endeavor wants us to be first on the scene at the night time shift for any incidents." She said.
"But they should already have people assigned on the lousy patrol shift." He said.
"Yes I know. It does sounds strange. But I guess that's what we get for being shown up by the wonder duo last week." She said.
"Live and learn floaty. The camera loves this face." He jokes.
"Yeah I know about our agreement while we work. No hard feelings. Just know next time you will see my face all over the press." She challenges.
Both gave each other their challenging face looks.
After awhile she got all her gear ready and was about to leave the apartment.
"Hey while am out, what do you think about a spring wedding?" she said as she started to put on her shoes.
"Whatever you want." he says.
she gave him a questionable look and raised her eyebrow.
"okay then a summer wedding on the hottest day or maybe an outdoor winter wedding when its really cold and rainy." she began to joked.
"Are you serious?" he said not picking up that she was trying to prove a point.
"Well you did say whatever I want." she responded.
"Fine I'll fuckin think about it. But spring doesn't sound bad alright." he said.
She gave him one of her dorky smiles.
"Yeah will go to your shitty patrols." He said.
"Yeah I'll do my best out there thank you for your encouragement." She smiled.
"Remember don't do your best. Be the best." He yells.
"Okay okay bye bye!" she said.
As the door closed, Bakugou began to feel tense and irritated. It made no sense to him as to why Uraraka has been assigned out of no where to the night time patrol shift. Especially on a night where there is no dangerous villain on the news. Also if she got assigned this "punishment" shift, then why didn't Endeavor or an office clerk contact her, why was it Todoroki. Its obvious that her office does work differently than his work. But it still seem unprofessional and tacky in his mind.
He knew for damn sure if Deku texted him at the middle of the night to go to work, he would say fuck you to Deku and wait for an official order from either All Might or the agency.
Something wasn't right. That he did know. He wasn't stupid.
The last thing he wanted to think about as a possibility of this feeling he had in gut would be.. no he didn't even want to think about it.
I AM SO SORRY I MADE EVERYONE WAIT FOR AN UPDATE ALL BECAUSE OF ME. I've really been studying for midterms a while back and got to the point where I've been worried for finals. Basically a lot of studying. I don't know what happened. But all I do know is that I am not done with this story and in a way got more ideas on how this story can go on. But as always, I am always open to what you guys think, your ideas, comments, concerns. I did read all the messages and comments to update and I did listen. Thank you all for reading, ill either post a new chapter today(have some already written already) or later. IDK yet!
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gunmetalgaze · 6 years
[Valentine's Day. The most miserable, overdone, saccharine parade of sentiment known to humanity. And by extension, vampires. My symphath side though, oh, she can find an upside to this day. Even if I had to endure my own form of torture before getting to the payoff.]
Are you sure this dress needs to be taped on? I have zero clue about the makeup, but the woman in the shop said nobody could wear this dress without Spanx, until she saw it on me. [And that comment nearly got the saleswoman punched in the face, until I remembered hearing some of the working girls in the locker room, lamenting that they couldn't wear shapewear and do their jobs. Scanning the locker room for anything that might need upgraded, I try not to begrudge these three their fun. It's not like it’s everyday they get to play dress up with the head of security as their doll.
“No offense, but we know about maintaining a look, all night, no matter what - or who - you are doing.”
Giving a small, tight smile that does little to hide the clenching of my jaw, I spread my arms wide.] Have at it then. Turn me into a Valentine dream. And no, you don't know him. [A hot date. Something special. A convenient lie to make sure I can keep my game going another year. It takes no time for the ladies to help me shimmy into the dress. A few pieces of two-sided tape, and a little too much groping of my breasts in my opinion, and it's on to the next battle. My lack of proper undergarments gets all three of them rolling their eyes at me. Apparently the wrong lingerie ruins the lines, and plain cotton panties are definitely wrong. I'm too stunned to object when they strip the things off me, but what can it hurt to go one night without panties? A towel is wrapped around me to protect the dress from any spilled makeup while much chatter goes on about my cheekbones, my lashes, my general lack of hair - facial as well as my cut - and any number of other things that I let wash over me. I open my eyes - and my mouth for some reason? - for mascara, but decline any and all perfume. There have to be /some/ limits. Somehow, the ladies create an illusion of more hair. Before I can panic, it's time for the death traps that pass for shoes. Another argument starts about those.
“She's already so tall!”
“But look what they do for her legs!”
“And her ass.”
“A man would have to be a giant to not be intimidated by a woman that tall.” Enough of that noise.]
Any man who is not confident enough to stand beside me while I wear these shoes, can be kicked to the curb by them. [While I would always prefer a solid pair of combat boots for that job, I have to admit that I could stab someone with these, in a pinch. Good thing, too, as there is no way this dress can hide a blade. The tiny clutch bag barely holds my phone, some cash, and the lipstick the working girls insist on sending with me.
After reassuring them them that I /can/ walk in heels, and dodging their efforts to find out where my “date” is happening, I call for a cab to pick me up at the back door. One year I may push too things too far, and I don't want to answer questions about my evening. A quick wave, and I'm in the cab, considering scrubbing the memories of this torture from the ladies, but leaving them alone as always. I rattle off the restaurant name to the cabbie, Chez Whatever-the-Fuck the most romantic restaurant of the year is, and his brows pop slightly. Yeah, because Trade street is far from the high end cuddling couples stretch of restaurants, physically and figuratively. The drive is surprisingly quick, so I tip the driver a little extra. Given the hints of marijuana coming off the upholstery, the direct route was a pleasant surprise.
A pretentious lackey in a red vest and bowtie opens the door for me, and I take the offered hand as I attempt some form of car/dress yoga that does /not/ flash my assets to everyone milling around. I shouldn't have let the girls keep those panties after all. How the hell does this even work? Swinging my legs out, I hope for the best. The valet, door boy, or whatever his job description is, looks around for a second occupant briefly, before ushering me toward the door.
Inside is enough red to have my heart playing jackhammer in my chest, but I am still firmly in control. For now. Red roses. Red heart balloons. Red confetti hearts scattered on blessedly white tablecloths. Giving the name of the reservation at the hostess stand, I get the familiar look about being alone when the reservation is for two. I make a show of checking my phone, nearly losing the absurd tube of goo as there is no extra room in the clutch, and shake my head at the hostess.]
He’s running late. You'd think a heart surgeon could get Valentine's day off, right? [A tiny push of suggestion into her mind, and suddenly she thinks it is the sweetest thing in the world that my darling surgeon doesn't want me to stand around waiting. Especially given all the special requests noted, and paid for, on the reservation.
My table is the only one still empty, having timed this for the height of their rush. One of their better tables for a romantic evening, it has a little more window visibility than I care for, but a good view of the entire space. Not that I need to see anything in here for what I have planned. I could do without the cloying mix of perfumes, colognes, and candles, though the food smells quite good.
A waiter approaches, wearing the same red vest and bowtie combo as every other male staffer in the place, and hesitates with the wine list. Because ingrained sexism is still alive and well. I reach for the leather folder with as large a smile as I dare.] Wonderful. I'll go ahead and order drinks while I wait. [Sending out threads of my symphath side to start reading the room, I lower my voice to a stage whisper.] He's clueless about fine wines, anyway. [Still reluctant to break protocol, I have to tug the slightly before the human nods, and hustles off to his next table. The list is designed to maximize margins, of course. Cheaper stuff with fancy names marked up to trap those who want to buy the most expensive thing. That trick works in restaurants, but not so much in clubs, and I know my alcohol.
When the human returns, I order a bottle of their /actual/ best red. His attitude toward me eases as he heads off to take care of my order.
Finally, I get a hot minute to get a real read on this crowd. The lust is a no brainer, and not worth my effort to tweak. No. I want the dirty secrets, the lies, the cheating, the breakups a heartbeat away from happening. Two couples stand out for my special attention. One woman who desperately hopes her date doesn't propose, since she already plans to break up with him - tomorrow, in fact - but he has plans to record their evening for blackmail. Niiiice. I'm not personally big on the sex tape blackmail though, so I plant a few little mental landmines guaranteed to make sure the only video he gets is of his own performance issues.
My waiter returns, does the pour and taste routine before both glasses are filled, and leaves two menus. My second target couple have both been cheating, with their business partner. Combing through their minds, I have to admit the man has skills. Not just in the bedroom. He has them both embezzling money, and convinced he will run away with them, if only they would get a divorce. So why are they in the most romantic restaurant in Caldwell, playing at being #CoupleGoals? Prenup, natch. Stoking their mutual desire for the same man, it isn't long before phones are being checked under the table.
Speaking of phones, I play with mine again as the waiter returns. “Is everything well, miss?” Oh. He's worried about a tip. There's a line for tables in case someone pulls a no-show, but how do you kick out the single who made the first reservation for Valentine's?] No problem at all. He's on his way. [Pulling out a hundred dollar bill, I press it into the waiter's hand, at the same time as I press the suggestion into his brain that everything is perfect at this table.] I'm ready to order now. I plan to enjoy my meal.
[I look quickly down at the menu, as everything in my vision flips to red. I plan to enjoy more than one type of meal tonight, and all these human couples can self destruct for all I care. Their personal demons, my personal playthings. The upside of being a Symphath.]
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