#he's Scar's (from FMA) nephew
arabian-batboy · 9 months
Lol just realized why I like zombie Toshiro so much, he got that white hair + dark skin + red eyes combo that anime/gacha games give to all their Middle Eastern characters.
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dreamsmp-au-ideas · 3 years
Fundy is 11 years old living with his father Wilbur and mother Sally, next door to the quiet and kinda creepy automail specialist Sam and his apprentice Tubbo.
One day, Sally falls ill. Wil and Fundy try their best to heal her with what little alkahestry Wil had learned from his travels. Their attempts were in vain and Sally passes away. Fundy isn't ready to accept it, and goes into his own studies on Alchemy to try to bring her back to life, and as hesitant as Wilbur is to endorse this, the least he figures he can do is make sure his son doesn't hurt himself doing this.
The day of resurrection comes and surprise surprise, everything goes to shit. Fundy loses his leg and father only to bring back a husk that looks nothing like his mother. Desperate not to be alone, Fundy makes a blood seal on a piece of armor abandoned in the basement and binds Wilbur's soul to it, sacrificing his arm.
Now it's son boy Fundy with two automail limbs and his walking tin can of a father traversing the world trying to restore their bodies.
A bit more characters and stuff that I came up with:
Phil is the Hohenheim equivalent but only kinda. He's from the kingdom of Xerxes (which could be winged people 👀) and holds half of the population in his body.
Dream is Father or the Dreamon in the Flask. Got the other half of Xerxes in him. Drwm thinks of himself as god thus strives to become one in actuality.
Phil gets around and builds a small family around him from children he found on the side of the road and adopted to join him on his journeys.
The first was Techno, a small, 5 y/o Ishvalan child left alone in the wreckage of his homeland.
The second was Wilbur, a young, 7 y/o boy with nothing but a alchemically created guitar to his name and a home within an old, unused sewer drain that dumped onto the sea.
The third was Tommy, a rambunctious 6 y/o who tried to steal food that Techno had bought for dinner and almost got his tiny mouth kicked in before Phil stepped in.
Fourth was Tubbo. He was in a box. Nuf said.
One day, Phil disappeared. They all went to bed in the inn they were staying at, but come morning, it was just the brothers there.
The brothers splintered off at that point, all lost and trying to find out what to do without Phil any more. They'd always keep contact with each other though.
Techno took Tommy and Tubbo initially, being the oldest and strongest of the four and capable of protecting the still teenaged and trouble prone members of their family.
Wilbur set off on his own. Traveled many places such as Xing and the ruins of his father's homeland, singing songs to get by. Eventually he met Sally and they made a life in Risembool.
Tubbo took up his apprenticeship with Sam after one of their visits to Wilbur to see their nephew.
Fundy is extremely good at alchemy, surpassing his father relatively quickly.
Schlatt is kinda the Roy stand in. He comes by Wilbur's residence looking for Phil only to find a suit of armor and a traumatized kid. Best solution: offer the kid a job.
A side effect of the soul binding(not based in fma canon but it's angsty) is that Wil's memory is deteriorating. Nobody notices at first, but soon enough, Wil can't remember what Sally looked like. How her voice sounded. Then he can't remember her at all and he knows he's missing something. Suddenly, he thinks he hasn't seen Fundy in weeks. Who's Schlatt? How old is Tommy again? Anxietyyyyyy
Schlatt and his lieutenant Quackity 👌
Schlatt's team is Quackity, Niki, Eret, Ranboo, and Fundy.
I don't have many ideas on homunculi. All I got is Sapnap as Wrath, and George as Sloth. Of couse, don't make Sapnap the head of the government for all that is holy but I haven't thought about this thread enough to have a real idea of how this would go down. Basically: idk who is gonna be who in terms of homunculi
Maybe Techno can be like Scar and murder goverment officials, not just state alchemists. As a treat.
S'all I got man but I'm a huge fan of fma and just fundy saying that he was gonna go watch fma as research on how to resurrect ghostbur was too good for me not to run with it.
Also I'm soft for Dad Wilbur
Jesus christ Fundy this is why you don’t use alchemy to solve your problems
Anyways holy hell this is cool. Also good dad Wilbur? Good dad Wilbur.
But ouch! Wilbur’s memory deteriorating slowly hurts. Just everything about it hurts. What if there is one day where Wilbur wakes up and doesn’t know who Fundy is.
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sunnymimis · 4 years
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Generation 2 of my FMA OCs, featuring the newest addition to the family, @cybzilla‘s Mitzie! (*'∇'*)
Jin Lai (46) - Hermit (CV: Akira Ishida)
Guillermo’s childhood friend and eventual romantic partner.
He is the first of the Xingese emperor's children and was smuggled out of Xing with the help of Fu as a small child.
He is transgender! Na was the one who gave him his new name as a child. Because his record in Xing lists him as female with a female name, he's been able to remain hidden from Xingese authorities and rival clans.
Jin doesn't want to be the emperor because the system mandates that he have female concubines and he is not attracted to women. He only wants to live in peace with Guillermo.
He's lived in solitude for many decades. It was only until Ling, Lan Fan, and Fu searched for him that he reluctantly joined them. He wants Ling to ascend the throne so he doesn't have to.
At first he only supports Ling because he doesn't want to be emperor, but he eventually develops a soft spot for his energetic little half-brother. This is evident by the fact that he stays with Ling even after Fu dies.
In the other universes, he’s married to Guillermo and is a librarian.
Linda Marlowe (46) - Traveler (CV: Junko Takeuchi)
Lucy and Cassie's surrogate mother. Is currently traveling the country, specific whereabouts unknown.
Guillermo has no consistent way of contacting her, so he made her promise to call and write letters from wherever she's from so he knows she's okay.
She occassionally visits Guillermo and the girls, but has a rocky relationship with Cassie because she was more present when Lucy was growing up. This gets better as she gets older.
She has no interest in being in a relationship; what she did for Guillermo was a personal favor for a friend. The only thing she's married to is beer.
She has a high tolerance for alcohol and claims Guillermo and Jin are no fun to drink with since they get drunk easily. Cassie has a similarly high alcohol tolerance when she's older while Lucy gets her dad's. This has led to some unfortunate crying sessions at bars for Lucy over how she'll never get a boyfriend or girlfriend.
In the other universes, she’s an archaeologist who is usually gone on trips.
Guillermo Fernández (46) - Teacher (CV: Kishō Taniyama)
Father of Lucy and Cassie and is in a romantic relationship with Jin.
He teaches at the town's school that Mitzie and Lucy went to. He homeschooled Cassie since she was too sickly to go to school.
Even though he taught Mitzie in school, he had no idea they were related until recently. He tries to look after her like a father would when he can, given her "exciting" lifestyle.
He’s BFFs with Dodger since they're so similar. Lucy and Cassie were what made him (and Mitzie) want children of their own.
He's an outgoing, kind, and gentle person. People don't know how Cassie and Lucy are related to him sometimes.
He calls people that usually go by nicknames their full names, like Cassie, Dodger, and Mitzie. When he calls them by their first and middle names, they know they're in trouble.
His name was changed from Falcone because of its mafia ties. Francine chose his surname to be her mother's maiden name.
His middle name is Augustus.
He has many scars on his arms and chest from getting into fights as a teenager.
He is quite skilled in martial arts and eventually teaches his children self-defense, but he always makes sure to teach his daughters how to defend themselves the best.
In the other universes, he’s married to Jin and is still a teacher.
Miriam "Mitzie" Fischer (33) - Singer
Married to Dodger and is Guillermo’s younger sister, making her Cassie and Lucy's paternal aunt.
Loves anything and anything sparkly, sequined, hot pink, or all of the above.
She sings at Madame Christmas' bar. She sometimes runs into Lucy while she's there and embarrasses her. When she found out about Lucy's pretty girlfriend, Arabelle, Mitzie went out of her way to sing love songs to them in public to embarrass Lucy.
When she found out her favorite childhood teacher was actually her brother, she was overjoyed. She often sings for him and her nieces when they watch her performances.
She is a good aunt to her nieces, even if she has a questionable moral compass at times. Uncle Dodger usually takes the girls out for ice cream, but Mitzie's the kind of aunt to go out with Cassie and steal stop signs.
She's not necessarily the best influence, but there's no denying that she loves her family dearly.
In the other universes, she gets even more nieces and nephews because the AlCassie kids are Cassie's siblings instead.
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