#he's a selfish fuser
badjohnspeakeasy · 1 year
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Drive Knight has fused with two people.
When Nyan went into his armor, he got a full body skin burn and was stabbed repeatedly.
When Genos fused with Drive Knight, Genos was thrown several miles to the ground and abandoned to die.
...Garnet from Steven Universe would highly disapprove of Drive Knight's fusion methods
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soulslayer2020 · 5 years
Character Sheets
Here are some reference sheets from the story project I’m working on over at @askharmonia​.
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Krystalite ‘Krys’ Ginmaho
Krys is a Gemonyk, a rare species of powerful mages, herself being one of the strongest of them all. Krys is charming and sweet with an optimistic outlook on life. While she is a powerful sorceress, her preferred spells are childish and prankish in nature, reflecting her carefree spirit. Despite her young age and laid-back attitude, Krys is very wise when it comes to magic and is always eager to learn a new spell or two. But in spite of all of this, it is rumoured that her anger is something to behold and to fear if you’re on the receiving end. While some believe her title of Silver Mage come’s from her eye colour, it also comes from the silver scar over her left eye. It is said that the scar formed when Krys was learning one of her most powerful spells, ‘Silver Gaze’. The amount of power in the spell was so great, it left a scar. Krys has been known to travel from kingdom to kingdom in search of new magic to learn. From Hyrule to even the Minish World, Krys has seen many things throughout her young life, and even now she is still learning new things everyday.
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Vaati is selfish and self-serving, seeking only to fulfill his personal desires. Having been corrupted by learning of the evil within the hearts of men, he instinctively seeks power. Vaati's personality is that of self-servitude, cruelty, arrogance and a desire for power. Vaati was once a Minish and was made the apprentice to the Minish sage Ezlo when he was a child. During his time under Ezlo, he grew close to the travelling mage Krys. The two would share the spells they learnt and became close friends. However, Krys suddenly stopped visiting the Minish world, leading Vaati to believe that she had forgotten about him. When Ezlo fashioned a powerful cap that could grant wishes as a gift for the Hylians, Vaati stole the cap when his master was away. He then used the cap to grant his wish to become a powerful sorcerer, transforming into a Hylian-like form. After being defeated by Link, Vaati turned his sights onto getting revenge on someone else...
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Vaatys is a being brought into existance by Vaati and Krys, after Krys learned the fusion spell from Harmonia and Octavo. Vaatys is witty, sarcastic and a little stubborn. In terms of arcane ability, Vaatys is stronger than their fusers combined, using spells from both Vaati and Krys and even some new spells of their own, including the ‘Silver Storm’ spell - a spell that summons a storm of silver lightning - which is how they gave themself the title of ‘Storm Mage’. Vaatys is cocky and overly confident, which leads them to get in over their head easily. Vaatys is a bit selfish, but will aid others as long as it’s in their own interests.
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