#nyan opm
no1monstersimp · 7 months
Kitty kitty 🥺
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badjohnspeakeasy · 1 year
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Drive Knight has fused with two people.
When Nyan went into his armor, he got a full body skin burn and was stabbed repeatedly.
When Genos fused with Drive Knight, Genos was thrown several miles to the ground and abandoned to die.
...Garnet from Steven Universe would highly disapprove of Drive Knight's fusion methods
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weeblmaodotcom · 1 year
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If I had a nickel for everytime Nyan tried running away from a fight I would have 3 nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened 3 times. , Meme by Weeblmao.com
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thecyannyan99 · 2 years
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Nyan from One Punch Man! He works very well with charcoal.
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velmashaircut · 1 year
My favourite and least favourite OPM hairstyles
Least Favourite
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Garou’s hair is ugly af it makes him look like an evil rabbit and it looks really knotted too, if you tried to brush it out the brush would break. I hope his hair is naturally styled like that because I refuse to believe Garou would purposely style his hair that way every morning before he goes hero hunting. Idk how anyone could take him seriously with hair like that.
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I wonder how many jars of hair gel Lightning Max goes through a month when he styles his hair, it looks like a stiff dollop of cream on his head. Idk why but the hairstyle, plus the fact he’s blond and blue eyed makes me think of Tweety Bird whenever I see him. Garou’s hair is ugly, but Lightning Max’s hair is plain silly.
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Tbh with Puri Puri Prisoner’s hair everyone I’ve met with this hairstyle I’ve hated. His hair reminds me of the annoying people at school who’d bully you and disrupt the class and that alone makes him worthy of being placed in this category.
Favourite Hairstyles
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Tatsumaki’s hair is so pretty I love how it curls at the end and how it floats and bounces around her, especially when she uses her powers. To me her hair makes her look really classy, I really liked the look of her hair when she was first introduced.
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Let’s not act surprised Flashy Flash is the King of Keratin and could probably be the face of Tresemme if he so wished. Here Murata really went out of his way to draw his hair as shiny and slick as possible even when he’s executing a double kill. Even when Flash’s hair is messy and gets in his face I still like it because I think it makes him look prettier.
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You could argue that Okamaitachi and Garou have the same hairstyle and it’s unfair that I put his hairstyle in my least favourite category and Kama’s in my favourite. But the thing is Kama’s hair is actually nice. I like the slickness of curvature of hair, it actually looks like she takes care of her hair unlike Garou. I also appreciate the bangs clipped to the side and the loose stands at the front. Her hair is cute and eccentric, Garou’s hair only ticks one of those boxes.
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Drive Knight’s hair is underwhelming when you first meet him, it makes him look like a weak, nerdy robot who gets zero robot bitches. But when you see him fighting with Nyan?? It’s like his hair had a glow up and now he gets all the robot ass he wants. It’s longer, more fluffy and luscious and makes him look more scary. I wonder if it’s real hair.
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Bomb’s hair is bomb. That’s all I have to say.
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isassaur · 2 years
Nyan from opm
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daramdarararam · 4 months
Ngayon ko lang narealize, ang hilig ko pala sa mga kantang gumagamit ng sythesizer! almost lahat ng fave artist ko may ganyan. baka may same ako music genre sa inyo recommend naman kayo, specially sa opm, ung tataya pinaka maganda kong napakinggang synth opm! baka may alam pa kayong same nyan. thank youuuu hihi!
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acidproofnotebook · 2 years
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I posted 44 times in 2022
19 posts created (43%)
25 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 41 of my posts in 2022
Only 7% of my posts had no tags
#opm - 31 posts
#translation - 19 posts
#manga - 14 posts
#mob psycho 100 - 9 posts
#revisions - 9 posts
#omake - 7 posts
#genos - 6 posts
#drive knight - 3 posts
#update 160 - 3 posts
#update 163 - 3 posts
Longest Tag: 114 characters
#and it's good to see sekingar carefully weigh up his options before deciding to trust the hero with the dodgy past
My Top Posts in 2022:
Volume 26 Bonus chapter “The Great Selection” -- partial and rough translation
The first four pages (of eight).  It’s not joking about being rough and there may be some passages that will be understood differently once a fuller translation is done.  But it’s still interesting!
Translator/ Typesetter: u\Bald_Caped
Date: 3 June 2022
14 notes - Posted June 4, 2022
Update 160 (previously 159). Changes between online and print versions, part 2
Yup, this goes on!
Unlike the previous version, this time Nyan ignores Food Battler and was dragging just Waganma off to his most painful doom when lo, an intervention!
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Fear not! Drive Knight is here!
See the full post
18 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Update 163 (previously 162). Changes between online and print versions. Part 2
So, where we left off, it looked like a tense standoff between Genos, who wants to go back to the battle, and Sekingar and Waganma, who most desperately don't want to be ditched by an S-Class hero. Food Battler Futoshi steps up to offer a solution (revised version on top, old at the bottom).
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Sekingar does some thinking before deciding to trust Genos (no equivalent in older version)
See the full post
25 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
ONE/Murata 2015 Joint Interview
Because I'm always concerned about old blogs going down and taking material with them, please find below a transcript of one of their first interviews on the subject of One-Punch Man.
Link: http://opmcityz.blogspot.com/2016/04/onemurata-2015-joint-interview.html
Translator: Herms
Translation Date: 2 April 2016
For no Earthly reason, it’s taken me this blasted long to finally translate the ONE/Murata joint interview from the 2015 guidebook OPM: Hero Encyclopedia. The notes throughout are the same ones as in the actual book, although towards the end I got lazy and didn’t write out the full details on such topics as the plot of Eyeshield 21 or the explanation for what fencing is. The curious may look that stuff up on Wikipedia. --Today I’d like to ask you two to provide the “definitive edition” of the story of One-Punch Man’s birth ONE: I’m much obliged. Yusuke Murata: Yes, thank you very much. --ONE-sensei, tell us how you began drawing One-Punch Man. ONE: Well, I wanted to try drawing manga digitally; that’s how it all started. There was this place (*1) online for posting up manga, and lots of people submitted their stuff there, so I wanted to submit something too. I bought a PC and some tools for drawing pictures digitally (*2). I tried out drawing 15 pages, and uploaded it with my PC for the first time…that was One-Punch Man Chapter 1. I didn’t have any real plans for continuing the story, and just posted it up without thinking of what to do next. But perhaps because I submitted it as “Chapter 1” it got a great response…OK, maybe not “great”, but a decent response. So I figured I might as well try drawing a continuation of the story. That’s when I really sat down and worked out how the story would continue, which made me realize this could turn into quite an interesting manga. And that pretty much brings us from Chapter 2 right up to the present. --Where did you get your ideas? ONE: To start with I simply tried to draw the sort of manga I’d want to read myself. I’ve read loads of Shonen manga throughout my life, and am particularly fond of battle manga. Generally speaking those types of stories are all about growth, meaning that by the last chapter the main character has grown stronger than anyone else and lives happily ever after. So I wondered what would happen if I started the story off with the main character already in peak condition. That became my jumping-off point. --So it’s a complete 180 from existing Shonen action manga? ONE: Which makes it fun for people who have already read lots of those typical Shonen manga. It’s like they’ve run the first lap, and this is their second time around. Murata: Yeah, it’s really exciting for Shonen manga aficionados. ONE: I also love it when a series creates friction between drama and humor. With One-Punch Man I wanted to try doing that through the worldview itself, rather than through specific plot points. The series is set in a dangerous, monster-infested world, but since Saitama’s there you don’t really notice just how bleak the world is. I think it’s that friction between Saitama and the rest of the world that makes things interesting. --Murata-sensei, what do you think makes One-Punch Man so appealing? Murata: It all boils down to Saitama’s appeal. In some ways, Saitama is incredibly similar to Son Goku from Dragon Ball (*3). It was Dragon Ball that first got me started reading Weekly Shonen Jump, so I find those similarities particularly appealing. Dragon Ball’s Goku (*4) is a very memorable protagonist: he does whatever he wants, fights strong guys…he’s only after excitement! He goes through life full of spirit. Even when the world’s in peril and he’s surrounded by chaos, it doesn’t bother him one bit. Like when Piccolo’s reincarnation entered the Tenkaichi Budokai (*5) and if Goku lost the world was doomed, even then Goku himself simply fought to win the tournament. After he beat Piccolo, he didn’t care that he had just saved the world, he was just happy to finally be crowned tournament champion. It’s that sort of detached easy-goingness, the sense of operating under a completely different logic than those around him. This type of aloofness, of doing things at one’s own pace, really screams “hero” to me. That’s what Goku and Saitama have in common. Another similarity is that they’re simply the strongest guys around. When things are looking hopeless, the moment
they show up you know things are going to be OK (laughs). --How did you find out about One-Punch Man, Murata-sensei? Murata: I follow this illustrator called “Akiman” (*6) on Twitter, and when I heard about One-Punch Man on his blog, I read the entire series overnight. I got a bit frustrated, because I realized I had become a manga artist precisely to draw something like this (laughs). At the time I was in sort of a dead-end career-wise, and (my apologies to Ootagaki-sensei[*7]) thanks to my incompetence things weren’t going very well with Donten Prism Solar Car (*8)…It’s safe to say I ended up causing Ootagaki-senseiand the readers a lot of trouble. Back then, I viewed my job simply as illustrating the stories given to me. But really, isn’t an illustrator’s job to visually convey the charm of the characters? You’ve got to understand what makes the characters appealing, or otherwise you’ll have nothing to show the readers. Once I read One-Punch Man, I knew it was exactly what I was looking for. I sent ONE-sensei a message right away, asking if we could meet. I told him point-blank I wanted to work with him… ONE: I was surprised to get a message from Murata-sensei. Frankly, at first I thought it might be a prank… Murata: Sorry… ONE: It was a real shock! (laughs) --Did you two hit it off? Murata: Yeah. I was so nervous about meeting him that I ended up being 30 minutes late (laughs). By that time I was already starving, so first I suggested we go get some yakiniku. (laughs) --What did you talk about at the yakiniku restaurant? Murata: I asked “hey, why don’t we do a one-shot together first?” --Your first collaboration was Earth Monster. ONE: With Earth Monster, I made storyboards so that Murata-sensei would have something to work off of, and to give us something to show the editorial office. I took it as an opportunity to make something really flashy, the sort of thing I could never draw on my own. I stayed within manga contest regulations (*9), so it was probably around 31 to 45 pages. Murata: But I wanted to use bigger panels, and expanded it to roughly 60 pages. --So you submitted Earth Monster (*10) to the editorial office as a one-shot? Murata: Actually, wasn’t Cockroach Busters (*11) the one we ended up showing to Young Jump first? ONE: That’s right. Before that we showed it to your then-current editor at Weekly Shonen Jump; I think we made about four copies. Murata: At the time I had an exclusive contract, so I felt obligated to draw it for Jump, but it wasn’t really panning out…And while I was wrapped up with that, I came down with gastroenteritis. ONE: Your wife found you and called an ambulance. Murata: I couldn’t move at all…That’s when I started thinking that if this exclusive contract was going to keep me from doing the work I wanted, then I had better do something about it. I called ONE-sensei from the hospital and told him “I’m terminating my contract, so how about we get a bunch of different one-shot manuscripts together and shop them around at different companies?” And that’s how things went. --How did you end up at Neighborhood Young Jump? ONE: Several different people had approached me with proposals for commercializing One-Punch Man. The question was, would I handle the illustrations myself, or get someone else to do them? Although personally I thought Murata-sensei was the best man for the job…Later there was discussion about me trying to draw a revised version, but after drawing about two chapters worth it became painfully obvious it would never sell. At that point Murata-sensei asked if he could take a stab at it. He redrew the first chapter with a felt-tip pen, and it blew me away. From there we started thinking about the best place to distribute this out to the world. With Murata-sensei’s connections we hooked up with an editor at Young Jump, and this led to the plan to run it in Neighborhood Young Jump, on condition that it be drawn by Murata-sensei. I thought it was incredible of Murata-sensei to publish this manga on the web rather than in print form, and I was sure
everyone else would be impressed with it too. So with that, we made our proposal to Young Jump, and it began. --Murata-sensei, were you in any way reluctant to publish the series online? Murata: Back when I was doing Eyeshield 21 (*12), I had never read any webcomics, and my thoughts towards them didn’t extend much beyond “eh, doing one might be interesting”. But when this proposal came up, I had by then read ONE-sensei's One-Punch Man, so I felt like publishing on the web had real merit. For instance, with a weekly magazine each issue disappears from stores when the next one comes out a week later, but on the web people can read the previous chapters too. And since it’s available to the entire world, it seemed like a good way to gain a larger audience. Viewing something published online on my monitor, I was amazed at how pretty the lines were (laughs) (*13). But since up until that point I had only ever worked with lines on paper, I had absolutely no skills at making them look pretty on monitors...So me and my staff went through a lot of trial and error. That's what made it so interesting! Mastering a new field was a lot of fun. Another advantage of drawing on the web is that you can make corrections. With Eyeshield 21, I was always pressed for time, which didn’t leave room for much trial and error…I’d question if what I was drawing was really up to snuff…then realize it wasn’t. But even after a chapter ran in Jump, there still wouldn’t be any time to fix it, so it would just remain as-is forever. This happened all the time, and really stressed me out. Online though, I can fine-tune things until I’m satisfied. Particularly the characters’ faces. I mean, when anyone other than ONE-sensei draws Saitama, he ends up a different character. Though at first I was real keen on putting a Shonen manga spin on him. --I hear there were a lot of rejected Saitama faces. Murata: That’s right. It wasn’t until I had drawn a good number of pages that I finally got the hang of his expressions. It was when he and Genos are listening to Sneck’s lecture at the Hero Association, and he’s noisily chewing gum. The moment I saw this bored-looking Saitama, a lightbulb went off in my head (laughs). I realized that because Saitama is so strong, for him everything is always boring. This made me want to redraw the whole thing from square one. Me and the staff had by then learned the ropes of drawing online and were really into it. I told them that this was the first step in what would be a historic manga; I was drawing in a daze of ecstasy. --How do you two work together during the writing process? Does ONE-sensei create new storyboards? Murata: With the main storyline or anything else where I’m going off of ONE-sensei’s original, I’m generally given free reign with page distribution and whatnot. But I’ll ask ONE-sensei if I have any questions. ONE: That’s right. Murata: For the main storyline, the dialogue stays pretty much the same. But with side-stories, sometimes I’ll try adding in scenes to ONE-sensei’s storyboards, or change the dialogue up a bit. In such cases, I’ll always ask ONE-sensei’s opinion. We’ll go back and forth fine-tuning it…and sometimes it’ll just end up reverting back to how it was in the beginning (laughs). ONE: Murata-senseialways shows me whenever he thinks up new scenes or dialogue to add. For instance, with the A-Class hero Spring Mustachio, my storyboards just had his name and general appearance. He talked a bit and got beat up by the monster, nothing more. I didn’t plan to highlight what weapons he used or anything like that; that part was really cut short. But the storyboards Murata-sensei came up with featured him using his weapon against the monster, showing off his fighting chops so that the monster looked even more impressive by comparison. It was fantastic! Murata: When I heard his weapon was a fencing (*14) rapier (*15), it reminded me of that cool swordsman from Wheels on Meals (*16). Sometimes it’s fun to add in more action like that. --On the flipside, has ONE-sensei ever given you pointers on how
to draw something? Murata: On occasion. For instance, during the big showdown with Boros. Since I felt this was the heavyweight championship of the universe, I tried to make it as flashy as possible. However, midway through when Boros starts losing ground to Saitama, there were places where he appeared clownish…ONE-sensei pointed out to me that the reason Boros is popular is because he always retains his dignity, even against Saitama. That made it all click for me, and I redrew things from square one. When it comes to the storyline, characters, and dialogue, all of that flows from ONE-sensei’s head, so I constantly check in with him. --Thank you very much. Finally, what do each of you consider a “true hero”? Murata: "Even if you’re the strongest around, not letting it go to your head”, I guess. Abiding by your own rules. A true hero never waivers. ONE: I agree; someone who never waivers. A true hero is someone who follows their dreams to the very end. ==[Notes]== *1: ONE-senseibegan serializing One-Punch Man in Weekly Shonen VIP on the community site Toshanai in 2009. *2: A graphics tablet and related software. *3: One of Weekly Shonen Jump’s most well-known series, a battle/adventure series by Akira Toriyama that ran in Jump from 1984 to 1995. *4: The protagonist of Dragon Ball. A member of the Saiyans (a warrior race) who grew up on Earth. Though pure-hearted, he is also a super-warrior who loves fighting against strong opponents. *5: The 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai (“Strongest Under the Heavens” Tournament). The reincarnation of the supposedly defeated Demon King Piccolo entered the tournament and battled Goku. *6: A Japanese illustrator who has worked on numerous games and anime, including Street Fighter II. *7: Yasuo Ootagaki-sensei. Wrote the story for the series Donten Prism Solar Car, which ran in Jump Square from 2010 to 2011. *8: The aforementioned series which ran in Jump Square from 2010 to 2011, depicting the struggles and friendships of young people involved in the development of solar cars. *9: There is a set number of pages for Rookie of the Year awards. For instance, the Tezuka Prize requires 31 pages. *10: Original story by ONE-sensei. A doujinshi by ONE-sensei, Yusuke Murata-sensei, and Kinu Nishimura-sensei. An action story depicting the struggles of a father who becomes a giant to fight monsters, and his frustrated son. *11: Comedy depicting the adventures of soldiers who undergo special training to exterminate cockroaches. Ran as a guest one-shot in the July 2015 issue of Young Gan-Gan. *12: American Football manga series which ran in Weekly Shonen Jump from 2002 to 2009. *13: The current Neighborhood Young Jump browser is improved constantly to allow everyone to read the latest One-Punch Man as soon as possible. *14: A European style of swordplay, and now an Olympic sport. *15: One-handed sword with a sharp point. *16: 1984 Jackie Chan movie.
27 notes - Posted January 22, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
Update 171 (previously 170). Changes between online and print versions
Murata has taken advantage of the revisions he's doing for volume 25 to make a few small but important changes to update 171.
Amai Mask calling for help
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No excuses, just a straight out plea for help. Which isn't forthcoming
See the full post
28 notes - Posted February 26, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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the-lady-reaper · 2 years
TW!! This is only a fictional story means this story is not real and created by the author based from her imagination and not real life situations. this is just for awareness. remember depression is not a joke and please give credits if you want to reblog it thankyou
To you who sees the world differently
I was about to smoke my cigar at the rooftop of our building when I saw this girl sitting at the edge end of the roof who is playing with her feet as if she is in the water. I hid my cigarette back at my chest pocket then proceed to approach her. "Gabi na ah bat andito ka pa? Studyante ka pa naman mahirap na." The girl who is wearing a students Uniform look at me she then smile it is the brightest yet the most painful smile that I've ever seen.
"Ohh its you Attorney Im glad you are the one who found me." "
di mo naman ako isusumbong diba?"
She said before looking away. I tried to open my mouth but no words come out from it. Usually kasi bago mag 6:00 lahat ng studyante dapat naka uwi na. But before I can even speak, The words from my mouth suddenly get held when I notice the scars from her wrist. My eyes widens and before I even know it hawak ko na pala ung kamay nya. "Napano yan?" S-sino may gawa nyan sayo?" My voice is shaky from anger and worriedness mahaba ung sleeves ng uniform kaya naman hinatak nya ulit yon pababa para matakpan ung mga galos. "Its none of your bussines Attorney." She said with pain and tiredness on her voice. " It is young lady! my mother is the Principal of this school thats why it is also my responsibility as her son to look after her students and you are one of them so tell me how'd you get those scars!" My voice echoes from the whole building followed by silence that no one dares to break. Realizing what I did umatras ako at umupo sa tabi nya
"Sorry" I uttered I then offer my handkerchief to her. "Use this to wipe your tears, Fine I wont force you na sabihin ung reason kung pano mo yan nakuha pero I want you to open up yourself sa iba kapag handa ka na here take this."
Tsaka ko inabot sa kanya ang isang calling card. He's my friend isang syang magaling na Psychiatrist contact him when you are finally ready to talk about your life."
Tsaka ako tumayo but before I can even walk away a pair of hands stops me. "Please dont go" I look back to her and nakakapanlumo basang basa ang mata nya ng luha di ko man makita ang buong muka nya dahil sa mga buhok nya ngunit isang titig lang sa mga mata nya ay sapat na para makita ang kanyang pagod at lungkot.
"I will open up to you only if you are interested if not then just say it, and you must promise me that you wont tell it to anyone" I nod then sit beside her. Five minutes have past now yet she wont say a single word puro iyak lang at sniff ang nadidinig ko. (ano ba tagalog ng sniff?) I sighed and took a pair of my Airpods and play some music on Spotify
"ohh take this mas makaka relax ka if makaka relate ka sa music"
She then took the other pair of Airplugs and put it in her ears.
A certain music began playing "You'll be safe here by Rivermaya"
"This is my one my fave OPM song it feels so nostalgic and brings some of my old memories" I said.
"I always listen to this everytime na I felt like gusto ko na lang mawala due to stress na binibigay sakin ng mga school works ko dati when I was your age."
"Self harm" finally after a minutes of waiting she's now willing to talk about
her life."Self harm due to my depression and stress from school and family" dagdag pa nya.
She then lift up her uniform sleeves and a gasp and stream of tears is the only thing that I can do. Kitang kitang ko ang dami ng laslas nya karamihan sa mga ito ay recently lang. "Why do you look so shock Attorney? Di ka pa ba nakaka kita ng client o student na nag se-self harm?" baka gusto mong huminga ng malalim kapag sinabi ko sayo na hindi lang yan ang ginawa ko sa sarili ko. I also tried to overdose my self yet na ospital lang ako I also tried mag pakalunod sa Pool ng School late night pero the Guard saw me and reported me, haha living really is hilarious specially kapag nakikita mo ung mga tao na kala mo nag C-care sayo pero ang totoo is hindi." Katahimikan lang ang naging tugon ko sa lahat ng mga sinabi nya.
"This world really is cruel Attorney may mga tao na akala mo talaga is may pakialam sayo pero ang totoo is wala at ginagamit ka lang. Magaling lang sila kapag may na kukuha sila sayo pero pag wala na ita-trato ka na lang ng parang basura. This world that we are currently living in is a rotten Hell, Attorney at a young age I've already saw the deepest depth of Hell thats why di na ko takot na mamatay , Yun lang ba kasi ang nasa isip ko ngayon ehh. for sure you will say that dissappearing is not the answer for my problems but it is the only way to escape the reality Sir.
Is it selfish na mabuhay lang para sa sarili mo? Is it a sin to be happy for yourself sometimes?
I look deeply on her eyes and kitang kita na wala nang buhay ang mga ito.
As you can see Attorney,
I am already dead theres a part of me that wants to live on but theres also a part of me who is tired of this Manipulative world. I felt like theres an empty hole in my chest that is looking for something that I couldn't find anymore"
But thankyou Attorney you had a great taste of music. Ako kasi kay Yorushika lang nakikinig ang ganda ng lyrics and beat ng mga kanta nya its all about this cruel life and how it affects us all ,She's right Youth is boring and tiresome" Btw, Attorney late na alis na ko ha baka hinahanap na ko sa bahay."
She then smile and started to walk away and vanish from my sight. kawawang bata . God, please help her she is only a highschooler pero naranasan at namulat na sya sa mundo please kahit po konting pag-asa lang na mabuhay bigyan nyo sya.
Then a thought crossed my mind, What if people like her doesn't really want to dissapear but only waiting to be found? Nvm kakausapin ko na lang ulit sya bukas. Then umalis na ko.
Kinabukasan pag karating ko ng school para ihatid si Mama ay ang daming studyante ang nag kukumpulan ang lakas ng ulan kaya naman hindi mag kaintindihan. May mga payong rin na nakahara kaya hindi kami agad makadaan. but what I saw makes my heart stop from beating and makes me want to regret the decision na makipag siksikan pa sa mga studyante. Isang bangkay ng studyante ang nasa sahig, Nag Suicide.
"Tumalon sa building kawawa naman." sabi ng studyante sa likuran ko. "Sir kilala nyo po sya? Tanong naman ng isa pang studyante sa akin hindi ako makasagot at puro luha lang ang naging tugon ko. Para akong statwa, Yung bangkay ng studyante na nag patiwakal at yung kausap ko kahapon ay iisa. Naka tingin ang mga mata nito sa direksyon na kinatatayuan ko Naka ngiti ito at halatang umiyak. Tumakbo ako papuntang Rooftop, dinig ko ang tawag sakin ni Mama pero di ko to pinansin at sa kinauupan nito kahapon ay nakapatong ang Cellphone nya naka bukas ito at kita sa screen ang title ng kanta "You'll be safe here by Rivermaya."
Nanlumo ako and then suddenly a reminder pops out on her screen it says "Thankyou for the time you spend with me last night, sorry I really just cant go on living like this but live your life to the fullest,Attorney."
Napaiyak ako ng napakalakas she reminds me of myself when I was young. Only if I found her sooner maybe I can still stop her from killing her self.
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This story is dedicated to those who is suffering from depression. You can do it trust me. Actually I feel the same way about life as well but theres a guy who teach me how to live my life. He also helps on creating this oneshot. so to you ate and kuya thankyou verry much for supporting me I love you both!!
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maya-chirps · 22 days
Penge Naman Ako N'Yan Translation
by The Itchyworms (EN. Gimme Some of That)
I'm bored so I'm going to translate some OPM songs that don't have official English translations and vice versa. I put my playlist on shuffle and got this one. I know that personally that it feels a little weird or even unnecessary to do stuff like this but I guess if someone wants it for whatever reason like if they're learning the language or just want to find new songs they can use this.
Gimme Some of That
Gimme some of that My day was bad It felt like it suddenly got filled with bad luck
I need to forget The day that passed Distract me because I need it[1]
Whatever you're drinking Pass it over I'm getting jealous Do it quickly and open it up And our get-together would get good[2]
Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that
We're smiling again That's what it always should be Let's not give a chance to sadness
This doesn't happen often And we're going to go back To the cruel world of hardships
Whatever you're drinking Pass it over I'm getting jealous Do it quickly and open it up And our get-together would get good
Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that
Take it easy Take it easy
Whatever you're drinking Pass it over I'm getting jealous Do it quickly and open it up And our get-together would get good
Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that Gimme some of that (Gimme some of that) Gimme some of that (Gimme some of that) Gimme some of that (Gimme some of that) Gimme some of that (Gimme some of that)
Alternate Translations and Additional Context
Entertain me because I need it - I didn't use this because it doesn't have the same feeling of what the actual lyric was saying and it feels a little off but this would be the more literal translation for the lyric.
And our friendship/relationship would get good - I believe that the actual song was trying to convey the translation I used but it could also be alternatively read as this.
Original Lyrics
Penge naman ako nyan Ang pangit ng araw ko Parang biglang napuno ng kamalasan
Kelangang malimutan Ang araw na dumaan Libangin mo ako kasi kailangan
Kung ano man yang iniinom mo Ipasa mo naiinggit ako Bilisan mo at buksan mo na 'yan At gaganda ang ating samahan
Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan
Nakangiti na naman Dapat ay laging ganyan Huwag nating pagbibigyan ang kalungkutan
Minsan-minsan lang ito At babalik rin tayo Sa malupit na mundo ng kahirapan
Kung ano man yang iniinom mo Ipasa mo naiinggit ako Bilisan mo at buksan mo na 'yan At gaganda ang ating samahan
Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan
Dahan dahan lang Dahan dahan lang
Kung ano man yang iniinom mo Ipasa mo naiinggit ako Bilisan mo at buksan mo na 'yan At gaganda ang ating samahan
Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan Penge naman ako nyan (penge naman ako nyan) Penge naman ako nyan (penge naman ako nyan) Penge naman ako nyan (penge naman ako nyan) Penge naman ako nyan
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grimdarknesstales · 9 months
Mun: I am thinking of using Nyan from OPM as my rogue trader face claim. He just fit the vibe.
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azoreaneve · 2 years
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“Good thing I left”
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no1monstersimp · 2 years
Out of Context OPM Day #46
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animecatoftheday · 2 years
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Today's anime cat of the day is:
Nyan from One Punch Man!
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nyxrev · 2 years
Listen if Do-S has a torture den, Drive Knight must have an entire lab dedicated to live dissection & all manners of morally unhinged experiments
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Um, excuse me what tf did you just say-
Look at him and tell me he hasn't committed animal cruelty, ya can't
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The face of someone who is all too familiar with cold-blooded cruelty.
I reckon he regularly tortures monsters for intel n uses an excessive amount of force “accidentally”… Probably also
Drags his game n samples back to his lab alrdy stuffed full with his collection like a taxidermy zoo n mb gets reprimanded by his lab tech for all the “unhygienic foreign objects corpses” he scavenges from outside.
Oh so DK's not only a biotech nerd he is also a cat boy*
*a joke a joke a joke I will explain why right now
~ Why is he so obsessed with Nyan then
How does he plan to use a slender slither cat on his tech? Nyan is mostly stretchy paper + claws, metal armour cannot shapeshift so flexibly now can it, no matter how. Tho the claws are useful.
~ likes to take his hunt home dead or alive
~ likes to collect dead bodies
~ will not be hesitant to resort to torture to get what he wants
~ but also makes sure no witness survives to tell of his ability or exploit his technology
~ Opportunistic, which means
~ watch from afar first to gather all strategy and take advantage of new knowledge then act only when he is prepared w fully devised plan ABCD
~ will retreat immediately if the situation proves totally unfavourable to him
~ will not waste time on what he deems to hv no benefit for him or improbable to succeed
~ leaves the scene as soon as he achieved his objectives
~ works on his own, by his own terms, and will causally disappear without notice.
~ gives little to no concern to affairs unrelated to him, dgaf basically.
Suspicous Stare. Silent Smug. Mysteriously OP.
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cats are my sort of animal actually but they can undeniably be lil bastard hellspawns sometimes
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mixreality · 3 years
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