#he's also just a kid that can't possibly be able to ''poker face'' his way outta the emotions hes feeling too
aria0fgold · 2 months
The mkp5 brain getting fueled sooo much and also like, it's just so insane how on p5's side, the Phantom Thieves has such a big support system with how that's a core part of the whole story, gaining allies that'd help with the whole thing. And yet on Magic Kaito's side, Kaito barely Has anyone that can help him, he's always The One Helping, the only reliable help he can get is from Jii-san, whenever Conan's plans intersect with Kaito's, Conan could get Kaito to help along with the plan, and the few times Kaito needed an extra hand for help, it'd only just be Conan. My guy Needs more people, istg he needs more reliable help, my guy only has himself and an old man.
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confused-stars · 3 years
I saw your tags for the Sign AU, and I can't stop thinking about the possible interrogation. Shigaraki is preparing himself for hours of grueling questions about locations, members, quirks, and plans. But then his favorite hero shows up and asks how he knows his sign name? It's been two hours and Shigaraki still doesn't understand why they are asking about this. He is confused. Aizawa is confused. And AFO has no idea about all the chaos a sign name has caused.
*clears throat* may i-
It must have been hours at this point. Tomura is sure, from how drained he feels and how tight his stomach is with hunger. They’ve offered him a sandwich, sure, but he wasn’t about to accept it. Especially since the handcuffs around his wrists were clearly created with him - or touch-based quirk users - specifically in mind: rather than hold his hands behind his back, or loosely in front, they force his palms together, fingers pressed against each other as if he’s praying, secured together with five sets of dual rings that wrap around his joints. It’s not uncomfortable, but it also leaves him just a little more helpless. If he wants to eat, someone will have to feed him, and he absolutely refuses to even entertain the notion.
Kurogiri is still out there. The League is still out there. They’ll come for him if only he waits long enough. They’ll find out where he is. He’s not being moved to Tartarus, he knows that much, because Sensei is there and they don’t want them close. 
He almost wishes they would move him. That they'd just give it up already. He hasn't said a word since they brought him in.
Well... that's not entirely true.
When All Might was here earlier, tired and skinny looking and... and pathetic, with no right to keep his head held high like that, and he called Tomura by a name that's not his (it's not, it's not, it's not), Tomura did snap at him to shut up. To 'fucking stop it'. He hated the kicked puppy look. the gentle words that felt like poison to Tomura's ears, because who does All Might think he is? Tomura Shigaraki is still a villain. Tenko Shimura is dead. When he spat that out, All Might's resolve hardened, and he began a more traditional interrogation. At that point, Tomura couldn't have answered even if he'd wanted to. He still can't speak, now. They obviously don't know that. It’s a weakness he’s not just going to admit to.
Tomura’s head jerks up when a set of steps actually stops outside the door. He shakes a loose strand of hair out of his face, hating that he can’t even brush them aside himself. Who is it this time? The detective with the lie detector quirk again? Or someone who can actually force Tomura to speak? How far are these heroes willing to go?
But the door opens, and it’s the one person Tomura can’t help but be shocked to see. Eraserhead.
Tired-looking as always, the scar underneath his eye a new addition from when Tomura last saw him in person. What’s he doing here? Tomura wishes he could ask. Instead, he just settles for a somewhat confused glare.
Eraserhead looks him up and down, expression unreadable. All underground heroes must have good poker faces, Tomura thinks. He wishes he had that ability. Tomura is not a good liar. He never needed to be.
“When’s the last time you had something to drink?” Eraserhead asks, hands moving to sign along, and, okay, is he here to play good cop? Playing off the begrudging respect Tomura has for him?
Tomura doesn’t move. He keeps glaring. Eraserhead sighs and approaches the table, dropping down in the chair opposite Tomura. He fumbles with a pouch on his belt for a moment, and eventually pulls out a juice box. It’s almost enough to make Tomura laugh at the absurdity - it’s the same brand Kurogiri buys. Eraserhead stabs the straw through the little hole on top and pushes it over on the table. Tomura looks down at the juice box, then up at him. He is thirsty. His throat is dry enough that swallowing hurts a little, and the sugar in the juice will definitely be helpful, and when the League comes to break him out, he’ll need to be in the best shape he can hope for. 
He sinks down in his seat the best he can, and stretches his head forward until he can catch the straw between his lips. It’s still humiliating, though better than someone holding it for him, and he looks anywhere but Eraserhead as he empties the juice box within seconds.
“Well, that’s a start.” Eraserhead slumps in his seat and sighs, sounding very world-weary. Tomura knows the man is only in his early thirties, but he seems to have been aging rapidly lately. That’s probably due to Tomura’s own actions. He wonders what Eraserhead sees when he looks at him. A victim to be saved, like All Might apparently thinks? Just a too skinny kid who is in over his head? Or is he actually smart enough to understand that Tomura doesn’t want, doesn’t need saving? That Tomura is the monster they should all be afraid of and he lives for it?
Maybe Eraserhead sees a little bit of both. Those eyes of his are very sharp. Tomura should have had the noumu take them, back at the USJ. Then his quirk wouldn’t have been a problem anymore either.
“I’d love to know what you’re thinking,” Eraserhead tells him, voice dry as Compress’ favored liquor.
Tomura raises a brow at him. Shrugs. Looks away.
Eraserhead is silent for a little while. The seconds tick by, though Tomura can’t be sure that his count is correct. There’s no clock in here. No window, either, of course. He has no way of telling how long he’s really been here. If he ends up falling asleep eventually, he’ll be completely lost. Hopefully his rescue comes before that.
“... Shigaraki,” Eraserhead says finally, slowly, “If you wanted to talk to me right now, would you be able to?”
Oh. Oh, no. Tomura knows they're being watched, but he doesn’t know how the detective’s quirk works, if he can detect a lie when it’s just communicated through a gesture... but even if he can’t... Tomura nodding right now would kind of prove Eraserhead’s point, wouldn’t it? So he sighs and gives a jerky shake of his head.
Eraserhead nods, clearly Tomura just confirmed what he suspected. Because unlike most heroes, Eraserhead actually has the brains to back up his quirk and fighting skills. "Detective, I'm going to need the key to those cuffs."
There's a crackle from the speaker in the corner of the room. "That doesn't seem like a wise idea."
Ah, arguing right in front of him. Tomura smiles lazily, even though he hates having his face exposed like this. They took Father and the others, of course. He's going to have to find them before they leave.
"I'll erase his quirk if he tries anything. You want him to communicate, don't you?" Eraserhead asks, a tad snappy.
There's a long pause, then the door opens and the detective steps through. He doesn't take his eyes off of Tomura, even as he hands Eraserhead a single, tiny key. Tomura returns his gaze with an outward calm that he's not feeling at all. He can't make them go back on this decision, he wants so desperately to have his hands free so he can scratch that incessant itch that's been growing worse and worse with each passing minute.
"You're going to let me take these off you without trying anything, right?" Eraserhead asks. They have no replacement cuffs, but those would be a farce anyway, wouldn't they? And if they want Tomura to sign, he'll need greater range than a standard set of them would allow him. He rolls his eyes and nods, presenting his folded hands to the hero. The detective watches for another moment or two, then steps back out, undoubtedly to continue observing.
It takes a little fumbling on Eraserhead's part to get the cuffs off, with all their little moving pieces, and he's either being very careful so he won't hurt himself on accident, or, less likely, so he won't hurt Tomura. Tomura's own eyes drift to his elbow and he wonders about the massive scar that must be hidden underneath that sleeve.
Finally, his hands are free, and gently glowing red eyes turn to his face.
Tomura ignores him for the time being in order to scratch at his neck, deep and thorough until he tears skin.
Eraserhead makes an aborted movement, as if to stop him, but then seems to change his mind, fist clenched atop the table. Good. If he wants Tomura coherent, he'll need to let him fight off the onset of another episode that's been looming for a while.
"Did All for One teach you sign language because of your nonverbal phases?" Eraserhead asks. It makes Tomura very aware of the fact that he doesn't usually do interrogations. This is none of the usual bullshit, talking around the point for ages. This is blunt and straight to the point.
Tomura gives a headshake.
Eraserhead waits, expectant.
Tomura thinks the hero is lucky he's bored and his is an innocent line of questioning and he actually respects Eraserhead. That's why he pulls his hand away from his neck and signs 'Sensei doesn't speak sign.'
"Who taught you, then?" Immediate, no hesitation. Why does he want to know this, of all things? Literally anything else would be more important. He may as well be asking how Tomura got so proficient at darts.
He sighs, and spells it out. 'K-U-R-O-G-I-R-I'
Eraserhead's brows draw together. "He taught you things? How long has he been around?"
Tomura presses his lips together and glares. Like hell is he giving them anything on the rest of the League. Especially Kurogiri.
The hero sighs. "Look, kid." Tomura scoffs.
"... Shigaraki. Back at the USJ, you used a name for me that's different from my official hero name. It's a name very few people know."
Now it's Tomura's turn to frown. He knows what the separate signs of Eraserhead's name mean, of course, and he's often thought they were odd, but seeing as his own sign name is also anything but villainous he didn't think he had room to judge.
'Your sign name?' he asks, 'Eraserhead?'
"No." The hero shakes his head and makes a series of signs. "Eraserhead." He then repeats the signs Tomura just used. "Shouta."
Oh. Well, that's awkward. Tomura gets the entirely absurd urge to apologize.
Having his sign name used by an enemy who very nearly killed him must be pretty uncomfortable for Eraser. Tomura would never want his enemies to know his own. It's private, and it was a gift that Kurogiri gave him. Even the rest of the League doesn't know it, they only know the one Tomura made up for himself, reusing the name of his quirk for it.
'Not many people know?' Tomura questions.
Eraserhead huffs. "Do I look like the kind of person who goes around sharing information like that?" Probably not, no.
Tomura nods. 'That's why you're here?'
"There's a lot that's odd about you, ki- Shigaraki. A lot that doesn't add up. This, in particular, is something that's been causing me some problems."
Oh. Tomura can't help the laugh that breaks out of him, his voice returning only for the giggles that shake his shoulders. Eraserhead thought one of his trusted few had betrayed him. Had given the information to Tomura. That's too good. He almost wants to make him keep believing it. Or even tell him a lie, but, again, the detective is on the other side of the two-way mirror.
"I'm glad this is funny to you," Eraserhead says dryly, "Care to let me in on the joke?"
Tomura is still giggling when he signs, and maybe that's why he makes the mistake.
'Kurogiri taught me,' he says, 'But good to know I created some mistrust among you.'
Eraserhead is frozen in his seat. Even his quirk is inactive now, as Tomura suddenly realizes. He's held out pretty long. His eyes have got to hurt. Maybe Tomura can make him overextend himself. But there's too many guns nearby. Tranquilizers, no doubt. He wouldn't get very far, even if a kill or two would be satisfying.
'Can I have another juice box?' he asks, just to be difficult.
Eraserhead jerks out of his stupor. "Who... who did you say taught you?"
Did Tomura use Kurogiri's sign name on accident? Huh.
'K-U-R-O-G-I-R-I. Sign name: Kurogiri.' His hands form 'fluffy' and 'cloud' like they have a hundred thousand times. It's a cutesy name for someone who is not cutesy at all. But so is 'Dust Bunny' and so is 'Sleepy Cat'.
Eraserhead takes a shaky breath. His fingers are trembling when he signs 'Fluffy Cloud' himself. "Oboro," he says, "That's... what that... who that name belongs to. Shirakumo Oboro." He looks like he's very far away, but at the same time couldn't be more in the moment. He's pale, but his eyes are focused and dark. "Shigaraki. Tell me about Kurogiri."
It's in that moment that the door gets blown into pieces by a blast of blue flames.
And the shouting and running and destruction that follow don't really give them much more room for idle chit-chat.
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✨ Seven days of:
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Day #3.
✨ REQUEST: Request for El Presidente 😁 I've been thinking of this idea: Maybe Bishop is trying to flirt with the reader but we all know he's flirty with most women so the reader doesn't think much of it until they are at a party and “...How long has he been flirting with me?” another mayan: “Only the entire time.” [ I hope you haven't written something like this. I love you 💖]
✨ MADE BY: @ocetevasgirl
WORDS: about 1.9k.
❚❙ A/N: this writing hasn’t been edited, you may find some grammar mistakes, I’m sorry about that. If you find a description about body or a word out of place, or something that it makes you feel uncomfortable / unrepresented, let me know by a private message and I will change it delighted ❤
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“C'mon, dance with me”.
The whisper into your ear takes you by surprise, producing you some shivers down your spin. Turning around, you frown to El Presidente. Being insistent as fuck is a personality and it's his.
“Ay, ya, Obispo. I can't believe Vicki is running out of girls to flirt with”. Rolling your eyes, you have a drink from your beer.
“Have I told you how good my name sounds in your lips?” He replies not caring a shit about what you have said. “Vamos... You never dance with me”.
“Yeah, and today is not gonna be the day it changes”. Palming his chest with your free hand, you raise both eyebrows.
“Because I ain't a number on your list. It's called self-love”.
“Who said I want you to be a number?”
Rolling your eyes, you can't believe that he's denying the fact that he flirts with you the whole time. You like him, and you have been about to fall into his claws a lot of times, but then you see him with another girl sitting on his lap, or clinged to his arm. The deception is bigger every time.
“Why don't you give up at damn once?”
Not giving him the opportunity to respond, you pass him away with a loud snort. Getting out of the clubhouse, you're able to have a deep breath of fresh air closing your eyes, guiding after that your steps to the sofa on the porch. Resting your feet over the wooden fence and lying back against your seat, trying to keep blank your mind. The silence outside helps you more than you could think, only being broken by the crickets around you and the bonfire in the middle of the yard.
You aren't sure when he started to act like that. At the beginning of meeting you he was kind, respectful and sweet. But bit by bit, you started to see his intentions. Being aware that the only thing he wants from you is a one night-stand. It's painful, even if you don't want to recognize it, because you were feeling something. Something good. Until he changed. Then it turned into sarcasm and rage. Every time that you turn him down, he finds his way to one of those bitches who are always in the club, cheering the view. And of course it's not their fault, but maybe if they weren't there, things would be different.
“Can I sit?”
Taza claims your attention with a soft tone of voice, pointing with a hand to the empty seat by your side. Showing him a fleeting smile, you nod in silence. As soon as he sits down, the man places his free arm over your shoulders to urge you to rest your head on his.
“What's happening inside that beautiful mind, ah?”
“You already know it”.
He draws an oh in his lips, before chuckling shaking his head.
“He's really in love with you”.
“No, he's not. And, god, please! Don't take his side”.
“I would never lie to you, chamaquita. The problem resides in that he doesn't know how to show it properly. You're the whole time kicking his ass and he's desperate for opening your eyes”. That sounds like a possibility. Like a valid one. “Why don't you give him a chance? We have closed a deal that has given us a lot of privileges. He's happy and he only wants to celebrate it with y—”.
The main door opening interrupts your conversation, seeing the crew abandoning the club.
“We're going to Vicki's, you comen'?” Coco asks, having a smoke.
Taza looks at you, arching a brow, but you shake your head getting up.
“Do you want me to ride you home?”
“Nah, don't worry. I will walk, so I can… clear my mind”.
Placing a kiss on your forehead, the older joins his brothers as you come inside the club. The silence is installed all around, once the buzz of the engines disappear through the scrapping. You were wanting to stay a little more, because you don’t have any other plans for tonight than this. And you’re not in the mood to come back home, so you are thinking about finding a bar to drink, even if it means to be alone.
When you’re about to grab your jacket from a chair, the crash between two pool balls calls your attention. Turning around with the piece of clothing covering your forearms, you find Bishop standing up from the table with a cig in his lips. You can see him pretending normality with his eyes focused on his own game. Not understanding why he hasn’t gone to Vicki’s place, you’re starting to think that maybe he did on purpose. Pressing the inside of your cheek with the tip of your tongue, you can’t help but contain a laugh by showing up a smile.
“Need a partner?”
Having a smoke and swallowing it before spitting it, the mexican turns to a side to grab another stick and offer it to you in silence. So, that’s a yes. Putting your jacket back on the chair and leaving on the poker table your phone, you two start a new game after placing all the balls forming a triangle. Bishop gives you some space, resting his back against the wall, to see how you break the formation with an accurate hit sneaking a striped red ball into a hole, in the middle of the pool. It’s the first time he plays against you, and he isn’t sure that he has seen you playing before. But he knows that it’s going to be an interesting game. Holding his stick between both of his legs under your attentive gaze, El Presidente takes off the clock in his right wrist and the ring from the same hand.
“Since when are we competing?” Tossing a loud laughter, you place both hands over the tip of your stick, resting your chin there.
“If I win, you will give me a kiss”. Bishop sounds very convinced of beating you, rolling up the sleeves of his black shirt under the kutte. And you know he’s going to play hard, when he also takes off the leather garment to put it away.
Licking your bottom lip, squinting at him you offer him a hand to accept the deal.
“If you lose, you will stop with this… flirt, or whatever it is”.
At first, he doubts. You’re not stupid, you know that he will never stop flirting with you, but for a moment, you doubt too. Until he finally shakes your hand firmly, secure of himself.
Ball against ball, striped and smooth, they all end up falling through the different holes of the pool table. When the only one left is the number eight, you notice the tension installed between both. It’s your turn and Bishop is expectant, making you feel nervous with that grin contained under his black moustache. Leaning over the table with your gaze focused on the tip about to hit the ball, you calculate the exact way it has to take. Pulling it back, you move it forth with a fast move to beat the eight. Straight to the hole, bouncing against the wooden wall and coming back to the table.
Bishop breaks into laughs, not being able what just happened. It was inside the hole and that motherfucking ball didn’t fall through it.
Screaming like a madwoman and pointing at the pool with a hand, you turn at him. The man is running out of air, choking in laughs and almost arching back his body.
“Don’t fucking laugh at me, estúpido”. Palming his shoulder with more strength than you wanted to use, he complains this time. “I’m not playing anymore, I won”.
“You didn’t”. The man leans over the table, doing exactly your same moves, but having more lucky than you.
“I’m not gonna fucking kiss you”.
“Sweetheart, how many times you can say fucking in a sentence?”
“Every two fucking words”.
Chuckling and taking off from your hands the stick, he places it in the holder close to his.
“I’m going to be a good man, and let you kiss my face wherever you want”.
Taking your right hand, Bishop pushes you into his arms, wrapping with them your waist. And even if for a moment you want to put up some resistance, deep inside you being hugged by him is everything you want. There’s still a couple inches of distance between both when you toss your hands on his shoulders respectively, rolling your eyes as if you were feeling uncomfortable. Leaning forward, you press your lips on his cheek. The fucking longer two seconds of your life. But if you were thinking that this would be enough for him, it isn’t.
Bishop embraces you tightly against himself, making you feel warm and loved for the first time in your life. It’s not only the gesture, but what he is transmitting you with it. Now you’re believing what Taza has told you almost an hour again. And you don’t reply with a single word, when he starts to kiss your face with such dearly touches, as he speaks.
“I want you —one on your neck— to be mine —another going up to the line of your jaw— and only mine —the last one close to the corner of your lips—, why don't you believe me?”
His facial hair makes you some tickles, provoking you a long shiver that bristles your skin. There’s no distance between you two, guiding your steps backwards until your body meets the pool table. His mouth is coming closer to yours, tasting the waters just in case that you really want to push him away. But you don’t. You don’t do it, closing your eyes as soon as he presses his lips against yours.
You can taste the flavor of beer and smoke in his saliva, not being disgusting for you, with your fingers getting placed at both sides of his neck; caressing with the tips of them his short beard. The heat is starting to burn down your heart barriers, transforming your doubts and insecurities into ashes.
Pulling away your faces from each other, when you are running out of air, Bishop urges you to sit on the edge of the pool table as he makes his way to between your legs. And there’s a detail that catches your whole attention. He’s not hard. You’re sure that if he does the same moves with one of Vicki’s girl, or any man with any woman he just wants to fuck with, he would be already hard. Quite the opposite, El Presidente is only focused on showing you that you’re more than a night-stand for him.
“Will you give me an opportunity?”
“Just one”. You highlight, bringing your eyes to the darkest ones.
“As if I needed more than one, querida”.
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mrs-nate-humphrey · 3 years
So I have a curious question: as both a writer and someone who genuinely seems to care about Dan Humphrey and his character arc, how would you handle the concept of a "dark!Dan" arc, given the chance? As much as I HATE Dan's season 6 storyline and Sara Goodman's handling of the "dark!Dan" thing, I can't help but feel that there's a small nugget of something interesting there. S6!Dan was clearly written just to prop up Chuck, but I wonder what might have been if the writers still cared about Dan.
this is actually a difficult one to answer, mostly because i have too many thoughts. well, here’s to trying! (to the surprise of Nobody, this got pretty long!) 
uh so, the thing i noticed about dan on first watch but became even more clear while i was rewatching certain episodes is that he’s very... passive isn’t the right word, nor is tolerant, but at the same time, something along those lines? dan keeps quiet when people hurt him or disappoint him - he doesn’t really do anything with that hurt. notable example is vanessa’s coming back? vanessa tries to pick up where they left off, and dan sorta goes along with it to the extent where both jenny and rufus need to tell vanessa that things aren’t how they were before when she left + that she actually really hurt dan - because dan isn’t telling her this himself. 
basically, dan seems to be, by nature, VERY non-confrontational.
given this, i feel like dan’s whole exposé thing in s6 is very out of character  - being like “oh yeah i’m going to actively ruin the lives of the people around me and show no remorse!” feels super uncharacteristic to dan, especially out of the blue like that. 
when it comes to “tolerance” - i don’t know what better word to use,  but throughout the show we see a few instances in which dan spends time with people he doesn’t like, for his own benefit or simply because it’s easier than getting out of that situation. for example, him hanging out with chuck for the charlie trout story, despite regarding chuck with the highest distaste - he puts all that aside because he needs that story, and he’s determined to get it, because he wants to succeed so badly. to some extent, i think that is bad writing (i don’t see dan forgiving someone who hurt jenny that easily or that casually) but at the same time it does fit in with the rest of dan’s character - imo he forgives georgina too easily in the s3 arc, which. does he really believe that she’s changed? maybe! but it feels weird to me because it’s like, while dan seems to have such high morals for himself he doesn’t really care what his friends are like, which i think is INTERESTING. 
based on how you interpret the show canon, dan i think has had somewhere between 1 and 5 friends before the whole thing with serena, & most of these friends are his family (which is sad, i mean. rufus is rufus, alison LEFT, and jenny’s his little sister so there’s definitely things he can’t possibly talk to her about) or vanessa, who left pretty abruptly and hurt him pretty badly. i think given this, it makes sense that he would get into really weird and unhealthy friendships, because he doesn’t have much experience with healthy friendships and ends up just settling. 
when we’re talking about dark!dan, these two things become super essential to me - dan’s non-confrontational slightly passive attitude to his friends, and the fact that he, potentially, could get in unhealthy friend groups and not realise it. i joke a lot about how the dan & georgina dynamic in s6 was my favourite part of the season, but it’s not actually a joke!! i can see how like. dan is still “friends” with georgina, and georgina loves to call the shots, and dan doesn’t mind doing what he’s being told. georgina for the most part seems sympathetic to dan’s problems, and dan, enabled by that friendship and her being there with him, goes and causes absolute havoc. sounds right! like, not the exposés themselves, but just the fact that someone needed to Be There Encouraging Dan to be Bad - i think That’s how it’d start. 
i can imagine dan getting in with the wrong group of people, or whatever - like, dan having friends like s1 carter baizen. and it’d start innocently enough, like “oh these kids who are millionaires and billionaires don’t ever face any consequences for their actions and end up treating people from other class brackets like shit” and evolve into something like dan scamming nate at poker out of spite, and then realising that he’s in this group wayyy too deep, because, yes, he hates the rich kids as a matter of principle, and he’s been bitter about it for a long time, but “isn’t this going a bit too far, guys?” at this point though, much like jenny surrounded by her clique of mean girls, he doesn’t have an easy escape. “no,” carter will say. “we’ve only just begun. do you trust me?” and dan’s friendship is just Like That, which is not great, but he says yes and he means it. 
so that’s one possible dark!dan arc i’d give him - joins a group and his intentions at the time aren’t even Inherently bad, and then just gradually slowly finds himself doing worse and worse things. at first it’d be reasonable stuff - maybe he does the anon call to yale that gets blair’s acceptance rescinded, maybe he’d find some way to mess up chuck’s business deal behind the scenes - things he can rationalise away as things they had coming because blair and chuck did something wrong and if they hadn’t, none of this would be able to affect them. then suddenly he finds himself sabotaging serena and nate and he’s like. holy fuck, what is wrong with me? that would be an interesting thing to explore. 
another thing - i can’t believe i got this far into this response without mentioning jenny. but: jenny.
dan’s canonically not too pissed off about people treating him terribly. it’s what he’s used to, and he doesn’t expect any different! jenny, comparatively, is ready to say ‘fuck it’ to everyone and do whatever she wants to do to get what she wants, even if she hurts everybody around her on the way there - but that’s not what this is about, this is about how dan would never react recklessly and maliciously if someone was bad to him. but if someone hurt jenny??? 
unpopular opinion, but i can see him being gossip girl in THAT very specific context. girls in school are being cruel to his baby sister? he needs to shift the focus away from jenny. he needs to do something to keep his sister safe. so he creates a website, “gossip girl.” he starts blogging about one of the popular girls in his class, serena van der woodsen, because if people are busy sending tips about the girls in his grade, they’ll back off and leave jenny alone. i think if someone hurt jenny really, really badly, dan would basically go, ‘okay, i’m done being a good person’, and running gossip girl or doing something equally big that enables him to hold power over the group of girls who ruined his sister’s life? it could work.
the thing about dan being gossip girl is it makes no sense how the show did it. “a love letter”??? no, no way. dan and serena BOTH know that gossip girl is malicious and cruel and nasty in the early seasons. they both express their distaste/hatred towards the site and whatnot. dan’s “i could just write my way into the story” thing doesn’t sound right to me either, and his whole “i actually secretly wanted to be just like you guys” thing makes me shudder because. hey, whoever wrote s6, did you even watch your own show?
but dan being gossip girl because he’s bitter about the dynamics in high school, the privilege a few groups of people have, because he sees girls like jenny being treated terribly and harassed and pressured and coerced into things they don’t want to do, and he’s like, this is fucked up, why is nobody doing anything about this, what if i did something about this - and he starts gossip girl hoping that it’ll show people how none of their “friends” are really their friends, or that it’ll just form some sort of consequence for kids who never face consequences... like, i can see THAT happening and i think that’d be interesting to explore for a character like dan, especially if at some point jenny gets to like. smack him in the face with a handbag or something and go “you’re so righteous! you only made things worse with your stupid gossip site, dan!” and he’s like oh shit. but he doesn’t know what to do at that point - he’s been running the site for like 3 or 4 years and he doesn’t know who he is without it. 
dan being gossip girl also makes sense given his non-confrontational nature - he can cause conflict without getting involved directly in the conflict, so it’s comfortable for him.
okay, so! wow, this got long, but you must’ve known that it would when you sent me this ask, haha. to summarise: 
dan is very non-confrontational and often tolerant of the wrong people, this could be explored in a certain direction such as if he allied with toxic and dangerous people
dan never really fights for himself, but he’s naturally a protective person, so if something were to happen to jenny, i see that as the most major and natural incentive for a dark!dan arc. 
wow, everything i said fits into 2 bullet points! who would’ve thought.
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
please consider,,,since Cor just couldn't give up the sunshine ball he rescued and now gained a tiny child,,Cor is young, he doesn't know shit abt child care but certainly can't leave Prompto alone (he NAMED it. he scolds himself. now he's attached) plus tiny Prom latches onto him like a vice, so he takes giggling baby Prompto with him to the citadel. there are many stares and coos at the smol adorable baby, but Cor's still too intimidating for people to ask or approach To Be Continued
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[Gonna add a Read More]
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That’s it. I have nothing to add. This...this whole thing, just... hnfdngndg
I thought it’d only be a baby Prom & Noct story, but it grew with them growing in it until marriage itself. Now I feel like poor Cor when he realizes his baby boy has grown. All those years they spent together, how they met so tiny, and now they’re married and I’m-
Anon, don’t forget to come back to see the notes every now and then, because the notes that it gets, it’s all for you. It’s my post, but the entire post is made by you. It’s your story and it’s your mind and it’s your writing, and honestly even if I wanted, I can’t add anything because the story is complete and wonderful already, there’s not much I can do anymore. It begins, grows and ends where it has to. 
So any notes this gets, they’re all yours, I had nothing to do, and I think that’s awesome
Anon, I loved it. So much hnnfdgndf. Every single one of the entries has something that had me smiling big and sincere, there’s so much fluff and funny things in this whole story, I couldn’t stop smiling. The entire thing is so enjoyable, it’s not one of those “this is good,then a bridge, then this is good” like, for example, I so often do. Yours flows into “allthis is good” way, not dropping too low and not rockting too far up, always in balance and a very enjoyable one.
That’s so good. The story is incredibly sweet and so wonderful, so, so wonderful :’)
If I tried to tell you my favorite bits I’d just repeat like 3/4 of it. Hnfdgnfdg, but goddammit I have to say stuff about my favorite stuff from here.
1. Cor not able to get away of Prom. How can he? The sweet adorable thing, hnfdkgodf, Cor was still young when Prommy was a baby. Imagine how much Baby Prom melted his heart, not only was Cor young and it damn takes something damn big to take the responsibility of a child, but it’s also a rather introvert, kind of cold (in appearance, at least), and absolutely inexpert man.
I imagine Cor must have grown so empathetic and must have felt so bad and didn’t want to leave the poor baby to some adoption center where it wasn’t even 100% sure somebody would adopt him. Young, inexpert Cor thinking the child has suffered enough, he doesn’t need more, and decides to take him in. *starts crying* what a pure heart, ofdjgjf, this young man, he doesn’t mind the responsibility and he’ll do a great job, just so Prommy is happy ;A;
2. Cor attending work with the child, not having a clue about child care, hoping to ask Clarus for help. Young Cor that took Prommy in despite having no clue, but willing to ask for help and to learn. Cor is behaving so maturely, he’s a bit awkward and possibly pretty scared about this, and he doesn’t want to ruin it, so he’lll go ask for help. Cor, the Immortal that can do anything (so the rumors say, even though he knows it’s not true), scared, insecure, and reaching out for help 3
3. Regis carrying with Noctis to “show him his kingdom” meaning to go say hi to everyone and everything. REGIS YOU ADORABLE MAN. He’s carrying Noctis around to say hi to everyone. And everything? Please tell me they’re saying hello to the birds, and the little worms, and the trees and flowers, and the elevators too because Noctis thinks they’re alive ;A;
4. Regis loves kids and beelines towards Cor as soon as he sees Prompto. Beelines. That’s one of the funniest verbs I’ve heard or seen because it’s funny because all I imagine is Regis like “GASP” then heading straight there like it’s a necessity and honestly it is, BABY PROM IS ADORBS. I love the idea of Regis being so fond of kids
5. Regis baby talking in front of all Glaives. If I was a Glaive that would be both awkward and SO CUTE and so good! That my king, the dude I work for and whose magic I’m handling, adores kids and doesn’t fear “looking like an idiot” and just treats the baby so good, it speaks so good and great about him. Only troubles is I’d stop training to just stare and aw because REGIS YOU ADORABLE MAN, baby talking to an adorable tiny Prom, and Prommy’s laughing and staring up at him with these huge blue eyes and Regis is poking his nose and haskdsdjfdsdfspdjfaofjop
6. “Baby Noctis, ever the gentleman, smacks Prompto on the face” sweetest baby to have ever existed. Also this sounds very canon.
7. The fact that Regis loved baby Prom so much he indirectlly commanded Cor to bring the child to the royal daycare so he can be raised with Noctis (and it just so happens that, oh coincidence, near  Regis. I see what you did there, smart, child adoring king)
8. The contrast of happeh baby Prom vs poker face Cor. UHM. YES. YES AND ALL MY YES Everyone wondering just WHY the kid is SO DAMN HAPPY and excited to see everyone and to say hello to everything and why he laughs so much, if he’s being raised by....the Marshal. And it’s not that the Marshal is boring, he’s just, does he ever smile? Does he ever do anything with the face? Has he ever laughed? And those that know him better, they know Cor’s not dead inside, he’s just super introvert. So how is this kid this amazingly eager and hyperactive little ball of laughs if his dad is...well...scared of asking for pizza via phone so he does it through the internet and can’t stand large groups of people and sometimes responds to “You too” whent hey tell him “Happy birthday”?
Omg awkward introvert Cor, I need to do something about that I NEED IT.
9. Noctis actually wakes up early because Prommy’s arrived
10. Regis added AN ENTIRE LIBRARY just for photos of these two adorable babies. HOW MANY PHOTOS HAS HE REQUESTED TO BE TAKEN!?!?!?! Ofgjidofjgosidf, the quantity of ADORABLENESS. That mine of gold and adorable baby photos, I bet they have a photo with a theme for everything. Chocobos, moogles, cactuars, tonberries, behemoths, sonwflakes, flowers, there’s photos for every thematic that can exist, and the damn babies are the protagonists, usuallly in disguise. And not to count all the photos with just casual clothing, and not to count the “formal” ones!!!
11. “the best of friends and the worst of trouble. (Noctis is the instigator, Prompto's there to help)“  did you. did you just write the perfect summary of Promptis
12. Prompto as Noct’s motivation and eventually helping by training with him, too. UMG. EXCUSE ME. HOW DARE YOU TOUCH MY HEART LIKE THIS. introvert, insecure Noctis, the poor thing probably did have struggles growing up and training, possibly getting easily discouraged (mostly by himself and his own head). Prommy by his side would have been A BLAST. SO, SO WONDERFUL. Prompto and his attitude of “Let’s keep it positive, but if you want to cry that’s okay too, I’ll cry with you”. I swear to the heavens, it’s one of the best attitudes ever, even more and so useful when dealing with someone like Noctis. 
IT’s such a wonderful treat. This one idea, I treasure it in my head now, because it’s so pretty. Prom helping him to realize he can get better, he can do better, and to not give up. They only see it regarding training, but honestly that can be a metaphor too and I think it’s beautiful that they grow with that dynamic
13. Both boys still napping together, even when growing older. HNFGNDFGNFGDFFJGSDFJD, First thing I thought about  was some of those photosets where first is a puppy in a tiny bed that fits it very big, and second photo is that same dog, an adult, but that grew so attached to the tiny bed that it still uses it even though it doesn’t fit anymore and looks ridiculous but so damn adorable at the same time ;w;
Now I picture baby Prom and baby Noct curled up together, those tiny creatures , and then teenage Noct and Prom in the same poses. Such tiny little babies, having grown so much, yet they’re always their same, deep in the soul and in their essence. Years may go and experiences happen, but they nap together liked they grew used to, net to each other.... this touches fragile threads in my heart, it’s so damn beautiful and cute //3
14. The fact that Cor can be “Immortal”, but he chokes when Prom first tells him about his crush on Noct because omfdgf Cor can infiltrate Niflheim on his own to the very heart of the empire and fight a war on his own, but please, please do something and help him; his baby boy has grown and is in love!
Ohgods no, Cor’s poor heart. All the struggle he went through to raise this boy, their story, all that he did for baby Prom, and always acting like he just “Eh” and always serious and cold and unmovable, suddenly feeling his heart drop because THIS IS HIS BABY BOY. HIS BABY BOY, BUT HE’S NOT A BABY ANYMORE 3 And he’s in love. And ohgdfg Prompto, PROMPTO, Prompto,my baby little boy...when...when did you grow up so much????
15. It’s a fixed universe in which shit didn’t go down and the journey was just the four boys hanging together to see the world!!! YES. YES. I mean I LOVE the canon story but FIXED UNIVERSE HEALS MY WOUNDS AND EASES THE PAIN AND PROMPTIS ARE IN LOVE AND IS THIS A PRE-HONEYMOON BECAUSE THEY ALREADY KNOW THEY’LL MARRY EVEN THOUGH NONE HAS SAID ANYTHING ABOUT IT BUT IT’S JUST SO CLEAR?
This means Gladio doesn’t get the second and third scar and doesn’t get traumatized, Iggy keeps his sight, Ravus probably has his arm and is happy and was never taken by Niflheim (where did he come from in here? from my heart that loves him and I had to mention him because I desperately need a fixed universe for him), Lunafreya is alive (and is a hardcore Promptis shipper), the Regalia lives, AND SO DO CLARUS AND REGIS and everything is happpy and Prompto and Noctis are in love, and the guys lived as it’s supposed to; free, seeing the world, living experiences.
I need this more than oxygen ;n;
16. Regis cried even though he already knew ;A; Need I say more? This man breaks and heals my heart at the same time, hsngjdfg, how can so much love and sensibility fit in one single human being omfdg Regis I love you ;____;
17. Noctis is secretly paying for nearby chocobo ranches just to make Prom happy and so they can go ride together and have fun together. Need. I. Say. More. Noctis odmfgiofdhgdfg he just wants to make Prom THE HAPPIEST PERSON ON EOS, and if to do that he needs chocobo ranchs nearby HE’S GONNA PAY FOR THEM with the money that he earns from his job as a prince and HE’LL GLADLY WASTE ALL HIS PERSONAL MONEY ON IT YOU BET.
18. Noctis spoils and pampers Prompto, YES but what do you mean “during dating”. IT’S OBVIOUS IT’S ALL THE TIME AND EACH AND EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEIR DAYS TOGETHER UNTIL THE VERY SAME DAY THAT THEY DIE. HNFDGNFDGNFGF, pampering Prompto is important and necessary and I want him to be happy FOREVER and Noctis will pamper him and you know what, Prompto will pamper Noctis as much, Noctis needs all the pampering too, these boys are wonderfully precious and they love each other so much and they spoil each other ;A;
19. Noct and Prom young, engaged and married. Prince Noctis and his husband prince-by-marriage-but-prince-after-all Prompto, loved by the kingdom.
Of course the kingdom will love Prom! And I’m saying he’s prince by marriage because it’s a fixed universe, and that means Regis is alive and still the king and he’s the happiest father in law that has ever existed. ;w; He adores family dinners with Prom, Noct and Cor. The proud papas and the wedded princes, one precious family. Two separate small families that become a big one. 
And the kingdom exploding in joy when they announce Noctis’ marriage, and Prompto being so nice to everyone. Always, since loooooonger before he even grew his crush on Noct, attending animal shelters and nursing homes and children hospitals, and he continues to do that even after the marriage is announced And everyone is :O “but mister Prompto, you’re going to marry into royalty!” and Prompto just “And? King Regis and prince Noctis do this sort of things too. The queen used to do it as well. Not only does it make no sense that I’d want to stop doing this, it’d also be unfair; my in-law family and my dad do this all the time, why would I want to sit back and do nothing?”
And HONESTLY HE INSPIRES THE PEOPLE. AND HE’S SO JOYFUL AND HAPPY. He’s the happy side of the wedded couple, the prince that makes the people jump in joy,and Noctis is the one that makes them feel safe. Playful and serious, these two complement each other perfectly and OF COURSE THE KINGDOM LOVES THEM
Indeed they’re so perfect that even Niflheim stops any intentions of war because “how can we attack a kingdom with such a cute heir couple omg”. 
Anon, I don’t know how to thank you for this beautiful story. Thank you for the time you took to write it, for how pretty it is, and for choosing me among all blogs to share it with. I feel honored. And so happy. Thank you for sharing such a pretty story with me, thank you. I enjoyed it from head to toe and I think your story is amazing and it made me feel things, and I thinkthat that means you did a wonderful job
Thank you again, and again!!! Such a great story, thank you!!
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