#he's built up this perceived barrier between himself and the other gls and listening to everyone else have fun makes him so lonely it hurts
rillette · 2 months
If Charlie Vicker were to come back into mainstream GL comics how would you want him to be characterized?
CHARLIE THE WORLDS BIGGEST CUNT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HORRIBLE NASTY JEALOUS BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i need him to suck so soso bad. torn between charlie better person redemption arc vs being alone at the fuck end of the universe makes u crazy insane. guy who's mad about being in the middle of nowhere forgotten by everyone but doesnt reach out to other people bc he wants them to come to him first, driving himself further and further into isolation from his peers. he reads into every normal conversation wayyy more than is healthy. dissecting every word or expression for imaginary contempt or insult. hes the twitter user that sees your simple sentence and comes up with a whole new one. HUGEEEEEE inferiority complex + massive guilt complex because he got his brother killed. trapped unwillingly in the role of space wile e coyote. top ten guys that should never be left alone with themselves. he needs external validation to survive but he doesn't trust it when he gets it. i think he would fucking mald over nobody remembering his stupid ass. i am so normal about him
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