#he's good at putting leashes on these idiotic alpha men
meowchira · 9 months
Isagi seeing two hot-blooded alpha-minded men in conflict: "How do I use that for my own gain 👁️👁️"
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uncrownedmox · 3 years
Dirty Secret
The Rigmarole: Mention of sexual contact / descriptive- dirty language. Swearing. Mox being a dominant cocky asshole. Sexual shenanigans (oral, male/female giving, toy play, alpha status) 18+ only.
Pairing. Dean Ambrose/Jon Moxley x OC
Rating. MC
Summary: When she looked at him she knew she was complete. She was HOME. They laughed and spent all their free time together. She wasn't surprised by the rumors, hurt yes but surprised no.
But he said not to worry, in the wrestling world, everything becomes a storyline sooner or later. That was fine with her. Sooner or later everyone will know who she is- the only thing she didn't plan on was the Shield. Or how looking at HIM made her into someone new, someone larger than life. She thought she was complete before? That she was home? Now..she knows better.
But now Evolution is back.. and that sledgehammer feels so heavy in her small hands.
(Actually, matches and timelines WON'T match up to this story. )
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January 2013
Looking around she wasn’t sure where to go or who to speak to. The busy buzz of backstage was intimidating at best and people seemed only to be concerned in their own little bubble. Moving to the side as a fast-moving cart of clothing came flying by Catherine Jane Parks sighed and continued down the hallway.
Her long platinum hair was tied back into a loose braid and she had loose strands framing her face. Her light honey-colored eyes darting left and right until she came across a blonde woman standing around the round looking over a sheet of paper.
“Excuse me, Miss.” Keeping her voice light and hoping her confusion wasn’t too evident.
Watching as dark brown shot up to her and saw the surprise as the other woman took in her jeans and Nike hoodie. Smiling in what she hoped was a friendly matter CJ pushed forward.
“I was wondering if you could tell me where to find.” Pausing for a moment she had to remember what exactly to him.
Their relationship was so new and fragile that they had dared put a label on it. Digging out her phone from her back pocket she scrolled through some text messages and nodded silently when she came upon it. Looking back up at the blonde she smiles big.
She saw the blonde’s eyes go wide and dart from left to right then swallow hard. Then after a stale moment, she nods and chokes out softly as she points down the hallway. Licking her lips as she starts to speak and rolls the paper she had been looking at up in her hands.
“Down that hallway, take a left, third door on your right. Knock right- always knock first.”
Then she taps the rolled-up paper against her head as if she was reminding herself to do so. Nodding as she turned down the hallway CJ thanked her and made her way with the directions she was given. Coming up on the door she leaned her head against it for a moment. This would be only the second time they have met, and it took her breath away.
Knocking as she got herself back under control, hearing his rough voice call out in a biting command.
Smiling as she pushed the door open and slipped inside. He was sitting at a desk, in a dress shirt that was rolled up to his elbows. His eyes were focused on a piece of paper, but twitching to look at a laptop screen that was set up to his right. CJ simply leaned against the door and watched him for a few seconds.
Then his eyes flicker to her, a ghost of a smile graces his lips and gentles ask. “How was your flight?”
Kicking herself off the door and moving closer she settles into the plush chair that is across from his desk. Their eyes haven’t strayed from one another, they are both smiling like idiots now. There is so much to say and to do now that she is here, here with him.
“Good, I have never flown before so it was something else.”
She sees the surprise in his dark eyes, the hurt as well but she dismissed it. She doesn’t want regret or hurt between them. Reaching to lay a hand on top of his she squeezes lightly, hoping he understands. Smiling a little when a light shines in his dark eyes. Suddenly there is another knock on the door. Withdrawing her hand she sits back in the chair, almost ashamed. Smiling a little when he whispers out an apology and then bellows out.
Turning cause she is curious about his life and his business because she wants to be a part of everything that is him. She blinks in surprise as three rather large men come walking in, Hunter sighs and picks up the paper he had been looking at when she had came in.
“Joe, Colby, Jon, good good.” His eyes dart to her and she realizes that maybe she has overstayed her welcome?
Hitching her thumb towards the door in silent question and wanting to squeal in delight when Hunter shakes his head. She simply nods and tries to melt more into the chair. Hunter sighs and shakes the piece of paper at the three men.
“Care to tell me what this was about?”
Glancing back when she heard a deep sigh followed by a grunt. She saw the man in the middle close his eyes and rub at his temples, the man to his right just stared ahead, but the man on the left looked right at Hunter and muttered softly.
“Poor timing or self-defense?”
He said it so innocently CJ was almost convinced until she saw the glint of his hard blue eyes. The small kick of a smile on his lips, then a lock of his hair fell into those devilish eyes and CJ knew what he was. He was pure trouble. Moving without thinking about she made her way to stand by Hunter’s side. Not trusting Mr. Blue Eyes for a minute.
She was aware her movement had all four men looking at her in question. Shifting uncomfortably, she glanced down to see the paper Hunter was waving around at the three men in front of him.
A police report
Snorting softly, it would seem as Mr. Blue Eyes was a little troublemaker. Feeling his hard blue eyes on her she moved closer to Hunter, and keep on reading the report only stopping when Hunter spoke again.
“How do you claim self-defense, Good? She was an undercover cop.”
Mr. Blue Eyes, aka Good which she found hilarious because she only see him being good at being bad.
“Fine Entrapment then, fuck boss-man the things she said she could do with her pus.”
Eyes wide, mouth going dry. Watching as the guy in the middle slapped Mr. Blue Eyes in the chest and the other man grunted. Hunter raising out of his chair, a snarl on his lips.
“You watch your fucking mouth, Good. There is a Lady present.”
Mr. Blue Eyes blinks at Hunter then at her, all the while rubbing his chest. When goes to open his mouth Hunter snaps out.
“You all three are fined ten thousand dollars each, consider it a welcome to the big leagues.”
When Mr. Blue Eyes flares in either anger or disgust Hunter adds.
“The next time it will be fifty thousand and a suspension. I don’t give a fuck hot the Shield is right now. You will learn to play by my rules and understand that this is not the fucking indies- you understand me, Mox?”
Putting a hand on Hunter’s foreman she wasn’t sure if this was a normal business day for him or not but he seemed so invested in what was happening. That it got her blood pumping, when he cast her a look. She smiled big for him. When he shoots the three men another glance she can tell he is calmer.
“I know you’re still adjusting, especially you Jon. I told you once, listen to Joe okay. He may have the least amount of experience in the ring as you and Colby but damn it man you all can learn shit from one another.”
Nodding in satisfaction she beamed at him, letting go of his foreman she knew from her own background that wasn’t always peaches and cream.
“It’s all about being a team. Learning each other's weaknesses and strengths. It’s not always easy to let someone in or let pick at the scabs you have.”
All four men were looking at her again, blushing. She shrugged and picked up a pen from Hunter’s desk, and clicked a few times.
“Colton words, not mine.”
Mr. Blue Eyes asks and she can hear the amusement in his voice. Making air quotes with her fingers she murmured.
“My dad, ex-bad boy player extraordinaire.”
Mr. Blue Eyes actually laughs at her then sticks his hands into his jean pockets.
“Darlin you don’t know bad boy until you know me.”
Now she is laughing, so much so that she has to hang onto Hunter’s chair so she doesn’t fall.
“You a bad boy? Please!”
She totally misses the hardness that enters his blue eyes as he takes a step forward, the middle man jerks him back and grunts out.
“Leave her alone man, she is just a little girl.”
Snorting as Hunter opens his mouth but she adds.
“I and a group of my friends met Colton at Peru’s. He had just bent my mother over in the bathroom for fifteen minutes after a fight, didn’t know who in the hell I was so after some angry sex and seeing my mom talk to me he thought it would be cool to try to get with me in the same bathroom.”
Hunter is snarling and has her in his arms in a flash. She is laughing cause she thinks it’s so damn funny now. Mr. Blue Eyes is smirking saucy.
“He didn’t piece it together for a while and for a while I let him play the charmer. You, can’t outdo Colton Messer, my friend. No matter what you say or do.”
The third man finally speaks up in a low smooth voice.
“The Colton Messer?”
Nodding she laughs as he flinches and glances at his friend then sighs. He mumbles a second later.
“Yeah, Uce give over. If half that shit is true- not even Mox is as bad as he is.”
Nodding as she shyly snuggles deeper into Hunter’s embrace she watches blue eyes blink then narrow. He licks his lips then after a moment he shrugs, turns to face Hunter again.
“Okay fine, you tightened the leash on your new puppy. Can we go?”
Hunter only grunts, his hand is in her hair, his lips on her forehead and she finally knows what it’s like to be home.
Watching him across the room she can help the smile that graces her lips. Seeing him in this element is breathtaking, his wife Stephine stands beside him but she could care less about that. The woman doesn’t seem to care for CJ, and that’s just fine. Hunter keeps them separated most of the time, except when they are at shows.
WWE shows
At twenty-four CJ never thought she would be working for such a company. Currently, she is working with Mr. Maddox who is a pure gentleman and a delight. She has caught on quickly that the wrestling world isn’t like the outside world, or even the racing world. Colton was always trying to sucker into working for him after graduating from college this spring. Hunter had put his foot down and told her absolutely not.
Glancing at him again she couldn’t help but be proud. She was aware of the rumors backstage, Hunter and she hadn’t gone public with their relationship. Hunter was trying to give his wife as much as needed to adjust to having CJ around and in her face. But the rumors were there already.
They simply chose not to acknowledge them because in Hunter’s words.
I am sorry CJ, like it or not. I know Steph- you’ll be a storyline before long.
Then the nature of their relationship will come to light, some would doubt it she was sure of that. But Hunter promised to take care of things. And so far he had upheld all his promises to her.
Like never having to see Chase Beckett again.
Frowning at the thought of the man that almost ruined her life she blushed when Hunter suddenly met her gaze. His dark eyes weren’t soft and playful like they normally were but hard and cold. She had gotten used to seeing that look for the cameras for TV. Watching as he brought his cell phone up to his face she watched in slight concern as after a moment he hung up and looked away from her. His attention back on whatever his wife was talking about.
“That was strange.”
The words were out of her mouth before she could stop them, jumping slightly when a warm hand comes to rest on her right shoulder. Turning she comes face to face with one Dean Ambrose, whom she first met in Hunter’s office three weeks ago as Mr. Blue Eyes. Of course, she knows Dean is just his character’s name and his real name is Jon. But she still gets confused sometimes on what to call these guys.
He doesn’t let her finish instead he gently takes her elbow in hand and starts to lead her out. They were at some charity event and blinked as his two friends flanked him as they near the door.
“No fuss and no noise sweetheart. Hunters command.”
The phone call
“But why?”
The question is out of her mouth before she realizes it, the man gliding her only grunts but when a reporter at the entrance calls out.
“Chase, can we get a word?”
Stiffing she tries to melt into three larger men, she hides the best she can. Once they make it out, pass the entrance and into a SUV she reaches in her purse and digs out her phone and hits a speed dial number.
His voice is gruff and hard, but she can hear the concern under it. It makes her want to weep.
“Thank you.”
There is a pause then in a year of their relationship she finally whispers.
“Thank you so much and I love you.”
He sucks in a breath, and she starts to openly cry. His words are light and his voice is gentle.
“I love you too, CJ. Since the day I met you.”
She hears him hang up and she can’t stop crying because even with the hurdle of telling Hunter she loves him she feels so very much alone. A strong arm comes around her shoulders and she doesn’t even blink; she just turns into him and balls her eyes out.
May 2013
To say he has gotten used to being a WWE superstar is understatement. But he has watched and listened. After the fiasco in January, Joe had put the hammer down to their partying and he had cleaned up his act. Not that he was super bad to begin with.
Jonathan Good was a good man, or that’s what Colby and Joe says. Joe’s old lady swears by it too.
If you wasn’t I wouldn’t trust you with my daughter, you asinine.
Chuckling at the memory as he warmed up, they were coming off Mania season and anything could happen. He had no clue if the Shield’s thing with Sheamus, Big Show, and Randy Orton was completely done or not. Then inside of his brain snarls and pokes at him. He wouldn’t tell a soul about this- about how bad he is hurting because being handed a scripted for every promo kills him.
The snarling and poking inside of him, he knows is from his creative side. It’s a side that has mashed into his old Mox character and the fucker is still breathing and living deep in his soul.
But he is trying to cut it out, slowly and carefully. And, it feels like, with a dull ass spoon. Certain things don't help, either. Namely the little young number that is currently his boss' side piece.
Since that back in January he has kept a loose eye on her. CJ Parks even landed herself a job as a personal assistant to Greg Maddox. That he mused, was an injustice, all by itself. But who was he to say otherwise, one of the perks of fucking the boss man he supposed.
Looking over at Joe he put it out there.
“A what-if for you.”
It’s a game they play, Joe was quick to catch on it helped with his mental state at times. So six month into their run, having become closer, the bigger man only grunts as he sits down and slips on his boots.
“If you were the princess. Wouldn’t it piss you the high off that your hubby was keeping his younger side piece in your face all the damn time.”
After all he mused Hunter had called him and his boys from their charity interview a while back to pull his babygirl out of the whole event for some odd reason. Colby butts in with.
“Maybe it’s an open arrangement?”
Looking at Joe specifically he asked more heatedly.
“But I mean, the age- wouldn’t it be like robbing the cradle or something?”
Joe chokes on thin air and shakes his head, Jon can see the smile he is sporting though. The is a knock on the door and when whoever doesn’t wait for an all clear it speaks volumes. Watching as Hunter himself slips into the locker room, Jon plops down and reaches for the tape out of his bag. It doesn’t take Hunter long to get to the point.
“Tonight you boys will seek out Maddox for a new challenge. However he will get wind of it, and high tail it out of here. That leaves you dealing with his assistant.”
Sighing softly so this was why the personal face to face. Hunter wanted to make sure they treated his side piece with kid gloves. Fair enough, he supposed, they could-
“Ambrose I want you to go full throttle on her.”
Blinking in total surprise and a little shock, he nodded.
“Sure I can- WAIT. What?”
Joe snickers at him and Colby clunks down beside him in a hurry. Hunter only grunts then raises a hand and rubs it over his domed head.
“If you can get her to shed some tears even better. Dip into Mox if you have too but keep it PG. Cause this where things are going to get interesting boys, seems like Dave is coming back. And well since Randy is still wanting some of you boys.”
Colby is leaning forward like a kid on Christman morning. His eyes are lit up and sparkling up but Jon can’t seem to care because he can’t seem to wrap his mind around Hunter wanting him to cut a promo on his side piece. And not just any promo. Suddenly Hunter's words break through his thoughts.
“That’s right Evolution will be reborn next week.”
Shaking his head he drops his tape and snaps out.
“Hunter are you sure, you want me to cut a promo on your girl? I mean..?”
Hunter gives him a hard look then stands, looks at his watch and nods. Moves towards the door, all without looking back at him.
“You have one hour Jon. And three takes to get it done. Don’t disappoint me Jon.”
The Shield finds Maddox's assistant in their joint office, her pretty long platinum hair is twisted into a messy bun that has chopstick sticking out of it. Her eyes look so fucking delicious behind a pair of reading glasses. She is on her cell phone, her eyes go wide and big when she sees them.
Dean gives her credit for standing when they file into the office room. He barks out.
“Where is Maddox?”
She physically flinches and replies to whoever is on the phone.
“Mr. Hemsley one moment if you please.”
An errant “Jon” thought crosses his mind.
Do you call him that behind closed doors baby?
Dean quickly pushes it away, there is no time or space for Jonathan Good or Jon Moxley in the here or now. This, THIS right now belongs to him- belonged to Dean Ambrose. He won’t screw it up again. Never again.
“Gentlemen how may I assist you tonight?”
The Mox in him howls and begs at his control, they had rehearsed the promo earlier. It had taken all three tries to get, he not happy with the first- she the second. And now here was another damn character in his head wanting to detail the whole damn thing. With something that clearly wasn’t PG. That clearly would get him fired.
“Little girl, you can’t assist me with what I want.”
And there it was. Jesus Fucking Christ. Not only did he see the surprise in her honey colored eyes but he FELT the surprise in his teammates. Shifting the US Championship belt on his shoulder he grinded his teeth together, how in the fuck to save this?
“What you can give me, and my boys, what we want!”
Okay that was a little better, at least it was getting them back on track. Then to his horror he saw something flash in those shiny golden eyes, saw her lips form in o pout and the tilt of her head as she looked him dead in the eye and leaned forward.
His mind blanked.
Time stilled.
When it picked back up and he reacted it wasn’t Dean Ambrose that snarled back, almost happily.
“I was hoping you would say that, doll.”
As quick as lightning his hand shot out, tangled itself, her messy bun hair do and brought her smashing up against his body and her lips up against his.
Jonathan Good knew as the cameraman called out that they were all clear that he was good as fucked. The question was, did he care?
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httpjeon · 5 years
— 02. risk it all | jungkook
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jeon jungkook/reader | light angst, violence | hybrid!au
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wordcount: 2k
contents: hybrids held in captivity, hybrid abuse, fighting, blood, threats
― synopsis: a new alpha wolf is moved to the cage beside yours, causing problems with jungkook.
note: finally part 2! i hope you enjoy!
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 blog masterlist | series masterlist
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© httpjeon 2019. do not repost, modify, or translate.
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You were awoken to the loud clang of a cage door shutting and sharp curse words being spoken with no care of those sleeping. Prying your tired eyes open, you sat up to find the once vacant cage beside yours now housed a very angry looking man with messy black hair.
Looking across from you, you found Jungkook was already awake and was sitting in the corner with his eyes on the new man.
"Morning, Jungkook," You greeted, bringing a smile to his face.
"Morning, sweetheart, you sleep okay?" His question resulted in a nod of response from you. He smiled, seeming to be in a good mood today.
"Will you shut the fuck up?" The new male snarled, the aggression in his voice making you cower.
"Watch it," Jungkook growled, immediately taking note of your stress.
"Who the fuck are you talking to, pup?" The stranger snarled, slamming himself up against the bars so hard that it definitely would have bruised you but he seemed unaffected.
"You got a fucking problem?" Jungkook growled, raising himself up to look bigger.
You shrunk back in your cage, watching in fear as the two predators released nothing but bloodthirsty alpha pheromones. What type of idiot put two alpha wolves so close together?
"You better watch your fucking mouth," The stranger warned, clenching his fists around the bars of his cage.
"Really?" Jungkook laughed mockingly. "Why should I?"
"In case you haven't noticed, I'm older than you for one. A stupid little pup like you should show respect," The stranger breathed, eyes burning holes into Jungkook who continued to be unbothered.
"Yeah?" Another laugh from Jungkook. "In case you haven't noticed, we aren't exactly running packs in here. You'll be smart to watch your fucking mouth because you don't wanna piss off the others in here. You're not in the wild here,"
"Oh so the pup is giving me advice now?" The stranger cooed, sounding like he was talking to a child. "Why should I listen to a stupid pup who's protecting a pathetic meal,"
"Watch it," Jungkook growled, immediately understanding the man's words were about you. "You are to not even look at her the wrong way or so help me --"
"What? What'll you do?" The man muttered, grinning sharply now. It sent a little shiver down your spine and you whimpered, earning his attention now. "What is it? Are you scared of me? Good, baby," The pet name made you whine, throwing a helpless glance at Jungkook.
"I swear..." Jungkook whispered, chest heaving through his rage now.
"If you're a good girl, maybe when I sink my claws into your pretty little neck I'll make it quick so you don't suffer," Tears stung your eyes at his words, fear settling in your gut. Although, truth be told, your fear never went away. Perhaps as the days passed, you became accustomed to it.
There was only a single beat of silence before it all broke loose. Jungkook grabbed the cup, more a bowl really, of water and wailed it through the bars of his cage. It slammed loudly against the bars of the strangers cage, successfully splattering him with the dirty water hybrids were forced to drink.
"You son of bitch, I'll kill you and your little bitch!" The man was furious now, slamming against the bars of his cage and shouting expletives.
The commotion got to be too much and a few guards were forced to come over and break things up. You were hiding in the corner of your cage, covering your mouth to hide the little whimper when both men were shocked to subdue them -- forcing them to fall silent and let the joke go.
"Jungkook," Youngho snarled, his nightstick making an obnoxious clang when he hit the bars. "You better watch yourself or you're gonna find yourself in solitary real quick. And Yoongi," The stranger bared his teeth when his name was called. "This is your first day here so I'm gonna let it slide but one more fuck up and you're gonna be in for a world of hurt,"
So his name is Yoongi, you noted, as you looked at the new wolf.
When both men agreed to behave, Youngho and the other guards walked away.
Once a week, hybrids were taken from their cages or cells to have them hosed down and receive a bath themselves. It wasn't anything nice by any means -- not like floating through a warm river on a sunny day. No, it was being sprayed naked with a heavy blast hose in ice cold water that would leave you shivering for the rest of the day. Some even got sick if their immune systems had been weakened by lack of sunlight.
When you woke up, someone was hosing down Jungkook's cage, which meant he was gone to receive his bath. You looked beside you to see Yoongi mindlessly playing with something on the floor. He felt your eyes on him, forcing you into the receiving end of a harsh glare.
"What are you looking at?" He growled, making you cower slightly.
"Sorry?" He scoffs, standing up and walking to the side of his cage closest to you. "If you're really sorry, you'll come over here and let me have a little taste, I’m hungry,"
"N-No," You whispered, pulling your knees to your chest as you gazed up at him through your messy hair. It was a tangled, greasy mess from not being properly washed in ages.
"No? You're telling me no?" Yoongi snarled, slamming his palms against the bars and making them rattle and making you flinch. If looks could kill, you’d be long dead by now. "You're nothing but a snack for me, do you understand that? The second I get out of here, you're going to be the first one I come after you stupid --"
"That's enough!" A harsh voice snapped and when you looked you noticed it was Park Jimin.
You remembered him from your first day at the warehouse -- he had tried to nice to you. He was nice to you. In your time trapped in your cage, in the hell that was the warehouse, Jimin was frequently the one to deliver food to the hybrids. Every once in a while he was put in as a patrol guard to check on all the hybrids at night.
When he served food, sometimes he'd slip actual fresh bread to you instead of the crumbling stale bread you usually were forced to consume. Even though he was bullied by the other workers, and even hybrids were cruel to him, he still had it in his heart to be kind. You wondered why a person like him was in a job like this. It certainly didn’t suit him and he obviously felt sympathetic towards the hybrids.
"Are you alright, ______?" He asked, smiling kindly through the bars. He had learned your name and he was the only one besides Jungkook to use it, it made you feel calm to be called something other than ‘you’ or ‘hybrid’. Although he was once of the bastards keeping you here, it was still a friendly person regardless and you had learned to cherish the short interactions.
"Y-Yeah, thank you,"
"Pathetic," Yoongi snapped, still glaring at you. "I swear to God, I will fucking kill you all!"
You didn’t know if Yoongi was angry at you or his situation. On one end he continuously tormented you with threats and harsh glares but on the other hand it almost seemed like you were merely an outlet for his anger.
"Bastard," You knew that voice immediately as Jungkook. He was being held as usual by a collar and leash and wrists handcuffed in front of his body. Being put in such a contraption already set him on edge most days, he hated being treated like an anima, but hearing Yoongi's threat seemed to push him over the edge.
It was as if everything had finally reached its boiling point in him.
You didn't even have a moment to register what was happening when Jungkook was slamming against Yoongi's cell, reaching in as best he could with his hands cuffed together. The other wolf didn't back down -- both of them growling and scratching each other until there was blood on their hands and faces. It was as if they were feral wolves, ignoring the shouts of the guards and other hybrids around.
Yoongi wrapped his hand around Jungkook’s throat, snarling at the younger as he pulled him forward with a force that caused his head to slam against the iron bars. You cried out at the sight of blood dripping into Jungkook’s eye from the open cut now above his eyebrow. Jungkook didn’t back down, however, sinking sharp canines into the thin flesh of Yoongi’s forearm. The older wolf howled in pain, releasing Jungkook and tearing his arm from his teeth -- resulting in an even bigger wound.
You didn't know how long they had to fight before more guards, including Youngho, showed up. There was a sharp slam as Youngho hit the bars of Yoongi's cage, the wolf cringing at the sound and backing away to avoid direct punishment. The sound was so deafening, you had to physically cover your ears in pain.
"I gave you a warning, mutt," Youngho growled at Jungkook who was still glaring at Yoongi over a guards shoulder. Jungkook also had a claw mark on his cheek, blood dripping down his jaw and staining his clothes. "You're going into solitary,"
Those words immediately set you into a panic and you were standing, reaching out through the bars.
They couldn’t take him away!
"No, you can't take him!" You cried, tears filling your eyes as Jungkook was violently tugged away from his cage. Roughly, your hand was smacked and you cried out, pulling yourself back into your cage, nursing your bruising hand to your chest.
"Don't you fucking touch her like that!" Jungkook snarled, attempting to lunge to defend you but was held back by the leash and collar, choking him and sending him into a fit of coughs.
You sniffled through your tears, watching helplessly as Jungkook was pulled out of sight into a heavy metal door. You didn’t know how long you stood there watching, hoping they’d change their minds and bring him back before you finally sat back down and held your hand to your chest as you whimpered to yourself -- feeling utterly alone now that Jungkook was gone.
You were restless that night and while the cage wasn't exactly comfortable, you learned to adjust. However, as you attempted to sleep that night, you felt hot -- uncomfortable hot. While your hand ached, a painful bruise having been planted there and making it hard for you to move your hand, it wasn’t the cause of your restlessness. You tossed and turned and it didn't take long for the cramps in your stomach to fire up, leaving you whining in pain in a ball on the ground.
You didn’t even realize the noise you were making, soft whines and sniffles slipping through unnoticed. The last thing you wanted to do was wake those around you -- they tended to get cranky easily.
You laid on your back, panting and aching along your entire body. Sweat was beginning to coat your entire body but you were none the wiser to the cause. Perhaps you were becoming ill from the stress -- maybe it finally caught up to you?
"Would you shut up?" Yoongi snapped, obviously being awoken by the noise you were making. You opened your eyes, startled out of your fogged mind by his aggressive voice. However, when he sat up to glare at you, he saw the way you were acting. The glare wiped off his face and was suddenly replaced by one you could only describe as concerned. You didn’t even realize the wolf possessed the capacity to feel bad for others.
"Hey, are you okay?" He asked, sitting up in his own cage now.
"N-No," You whined, feeling tears pool beneath your head on the metal. He sat up now, begining to inch his way over to the side of his cage next to yours to get a better look at you. When he saw you curled in on yourself, he inhaled deeply -- obviously sensing the change in your scent.
"Shit," Yoongi whispered, reaching through to bars towards you although he was too far to actually touch you. "Are you in heat?"
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silvana-fangirls · 4 years
Good Mourning [KogKag]
InuYasha - A Feudal Fairy Tale
Higurashi Kagome/Kouga
SUMMARY: After they destroyed Naraku and Kagome wished for the Shikon no Tama to disappear, it not only took the sorrow, pain and loss with it. But something Kagome thought was genuinely hers.
I HIGHLY SUGGEST FOR YOU TO READ IT IN AO3 AND/OR FF.NET (find it under the same name, or in my posts under #silvana writes : good mourning
Just one more hit and then we're through 'Cause you could never love me back Cut every tie I have to you 'Cause your love's a fucking drag
But I need it so bad
- 'Nicotine' Panic! At the Disco
Kouga gripped the edges of the make-shift rock table so hard it was threatening to break as soon as he entered the private den where he usually held his war-related meetings with his higher-ranked pack members.
He let out a raged, shaky breath, while his clawed fingers grinded over the rocky surface causing an unpleasant sound; all in order to keep himself from turning to dust the entire fucking mountain.
His whole body was tensed up, all muscles flexed so hard that if anyone touched him right now would've said he was made of solid iron. His lips twitched, fangs pocking out dangerously, threatening to let out a spine-chilling growl. His eyebrows, deep in a frown, as he closed his eyes tightly, hiding their now blood-red color. His nostrils flared, intoxicated in a scent he was not supposed to smell ever fucking again.
His eyes, haloed crimson, only snapped open when he heard his two idiotic 'second in command' entering the den, to then stand behind him as they fought nervous fidgets.
It took everything inside him not to rip them apart right there and then.
"I wonder if I haven't made myself clear enough before" He said, some words coming out in animalistic snarls, as he refused to turn to them still. If he turned before calming his youkai down, he'll rip them apart before at least hearing what could've possessed them to do what they did; and calming down was proving to be a difficult task right now, with her scent, her aura, her everything taking over him like some goddamn poison.
"K-Kouga w-we can expla-" Ginta started to say, as his voice trembled in fear.
Koga didn't even give him a chance to finish the sentence.
"Yeah, you fucking better!" He shouted, youkai voice interlacing with his, as the rock table snapped in two.
The two of them nearly jumped out of their skin when Kouga turned to face them.
"I wanna know what in hell possessed you two, to decide it was great idea to go against a direct order of mine" He snarled, but felt himself calm down just enough so his youkai was tamed down. "Every fucking wolf in here was ordered to never, under any circumstances, let her step a foot on the mountain. So, help me understand how you two that knew exactly what went down, out of every single demon, brought her here?!"
"W-We didn't want to, I swear!" Hakkaku stuttered out. "We told her that we were ordered not to let her in the mountain, but she refused to listen!"
"Y-Yeah, she basically black-mailed us!" Ginta agreed quickly.
"What?" Kouga spat out, not really as a question but more in disbelief at how much stupidity was coming out of his betas' mouths.
"W-We explained her the situation, a-and told her to go home, told her it was for the best-" Hakkaku started.
"A-And told her how dangerous it was for her to be in the woods at the moment!" Ginta added.
"And we told her we weren't allowed to take her to the mountains so w-we were just gonna escort her out of the woods" Hakkaku continued.
"A-And then she was like 'Pity, I'm not going anywhere'" Ginta said, trying to imitate Kagome's voice in a high pitch tone.
"Y-Yeah! And then she was like 'And if you're not going to help me, I'll get to the mountains on my own. I'm not going home until I talk to Kouga'" Hakkaku said then, now also imitating Kagome's voice.
"And you know how stupid that was gonna be! The woods packed with northerns and westerns, and the eating humans' treaty! Kami, she was already wounded as well"
Kouga's youkai flared at this, and he wanted to punch it for it.
Of course he knew she was wounded. It was one of the reasons he turned back to the mountains, fast as lighting, a few minutes after he felt her presence near his home while he was miles away from it.
Kouga was not only a wolf demon, but an alpha at that. His senses excelled almost every demon's alive, and also excelled all of his pack member's senses by far. He could hear, smell and sense everything that was miles away from him. On top of that, Kagome was his-
He started to sense her just as soon as she was a few miles away from her village.
He was far away at that moment, nearing the Southern Lands when he first felt her.
He found it odd, but his mind soon figured that maybe she was traveling somewhere. His lands, while considerably far away, surrounded her village somewhat. So, she would've had to cross them if she wanted to travel pretty much anywhere.
The fact that it was the first time ever she moved from that village was nagging him, but he ignored it.
He needed to triple check that the Southern tribe was still set on not partaking on the war. They were having enough on their plates as it was. While the Eastern tribe still outnumbered the Northern and Western tribes combined (just one of the several reasons there was a war in the first place) and his men were undoubtedly stronger and smarter than their opponents, he wasn't sure if they would be able to handle another tribe joining the opposite side, no matter how superior they were in numbers or battling skills.
He knew that the leaders of the North tribe were going to try to lure the South to join them. So, he had to make sure that the Southern alpha was still set on his first decision; and if he was not, Kouga would enjoyed to help him stay put.
That's why he didn't stop nor turned around when he felt her. After all, only one of his many forests was the one with that 'treaty' he made.
'Every nearby village knows what's going on' he remembered thinking. 'I'm certain hers' knows too, and if they don't, villagers on her way will warn her' was another thought that crossed his mind at that time 'She's not stupid'.
Though, something that was nagging his mind just a bit was the fact that she was almost alone. He could feel the neko-demon with her, but no one else. No mutt.
He briefly wondered if it was because InuYasha was a hanyou, that's why he was having trouble sensing him, and her other travel companions were human. Sure, she was human as well, but she was… she was Kagome, of course he'd feel her.
What he needed to do regarding the Southern tribe was extremely important, and could not wait. He was in charge of a numerous pack facing a war right now. He was an alpha, he couldn't turn back on his tribe, much less for her, out of all beings in the universe.
Not to mention, he truly didn't want to see her to begin with.
So, he continued to run his 'errands' while unconsciously keeping tabs of her movements.
He was done dealing with the Southern alpha when his heart nearly skipped a beat.
She was nearing the edge of the forest.
Why on hell she was nearing the edge of the forest.
Without so much a word, and as soon as he ruthlessly forced the South to stay out of his way, he bolted towards his lands.
Moments later, when she was already undoubtedly flying across the forest, she was wounded, badly.
With now crimson eyes, and growling through sharp-mortal fangs, he picked up his pace.
He mentally thanked whatever god or devil was around when Ginta and Hakkaku found her and saved her.
He allowed himself to calm down once he stopped smelling blood pouring out of her.
Still, he was angry at himself. Sure, he could feel bad if anything ever happened to her, but the way he reacted? Desperation, madness, rage consuming him in his entirety, his youkai almost taking completely over after centuries of being in complete control over it.
This tiny woman always sent him over the edge.
He reflected that no matter how much distance was between them, how many years they spent without even catching a glimpse of the other, he would always react this way when it came to her. After all, it was natural, quite literally. She was his, regardless of whatever she tried to convince herself. He was hers, she would never be able to be indifferent when it came to him, no matter how hard she tried.
She would always be his, she would always feel like a part of him.
So, he would always lose the reigns when it came to her, no matter how badly he didn't wanna see her ever again.
Still, he could not fit in his own and utter shock when he realized that not only she was indeed going for his den, but that fucking Ginta and Hakkaku were escorting her.
Just when he thought they'd matured at last.
"W-What would you have us do in his situation?" Ginta asked, bringing Kouga back to the present issue.
"I would've you take her back to where she came from, dragging her by the feet if fucking needed!" Kouga growled out, making them both jump back. "You should've escorted her back to her damned village by force if she refused, I don't give a fuck; place her on the mutt's arms with a bow on top, and tell him to put a freaking leash on her if necessary to keep this from happening ever again!"
"Kouga you know her better than we do! She would've tried again! You know how she is, sis would never-" If looks could kill, Hakkaku would've dropped dead on the spot. "KAGOME! I mean Kagome" He corrected himself instantly.
One of the other explicit, direct orders from Kouga was to never, ever call her sister again.
"You do know that there's a hundred demons outside waiting for me to execute you?" Kouga said through a clenched jaw.
Hell, while he didn't want to kill them, because they were Ginta and Hakkaku after all, he did want to hurt them, really, really bad.
Hakkaku gulped down in fear and Ginta sighed.
"We know" Ginta said looking down at the floor. "And we understand and accept if you do" Kouga raised an eyebrow at this.
"We do?" Hakkaku squeaked out, looking at his best friend in disbelief.
"Yes" Ginta said, without a single hesitation. "At least I do" Kouga blinked in surprise at this. "I don't regret what I did" Kouga clenched his jaw "I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if she died when I could've protected her" Ginta continued, and it took everything inside Kouga not to react to the statement "I mean… She's Kagome" He added, and Kouga knew he meant 'she's sister'. "So, yeah… I'm good with whatever punishment you see fit, Alpha Kouga"
Kouga didn't know how he managed not to flinch at that. Everyone in the pack called him that, except these two. So, it only meant one thing. Whatever Ginta was saying was 100% serious.
"Y-Yeah, me too!" Hakkaku said after a moment.
Kouga sighed and tried not to give any other sort of reaction.
He couldn't blame them for the way they were acting. Wolf demons were extremely familiar beings, they depended on each member of the pack, just like each member of the pack depended on them. Kagome was his intended mate, their Alpha's intended mate. It's no surprise that they would've tried to protect her. But, it wasn't only that. Ginta and Hakkaku were Kagome's friends, too, unlike the rest of the pack.
Not a single pack member would dare go against an Alpha's direct order. Not only because there're definitely less painful ways to die, but because it was also a sign of disrespect towards the pack, too.
But, Ginta and Hakkaku would, because Kagome (at least once upon a time) was their friend.
It'll almost felt unfair to blame them. But, they had to be punished, anyone else would've dealt with his ruthless fury, he couldn't just skip past them completely.
So the question was, what to do now?
"You need to get rid of her" Kouga finally said, earning a dumbfounded look from both of them. "And you'll loose your privileges until I feel you can be trusted again" He added, frowning at them while showing fangs to let them know he was being serious. "Go, now" He said. "I don't want to see her when I get out of here"
"Kouga there's something else, though…" Ginta said, and as if he was reading his mind, Hakkaku turned to him with a concerned glance as well.
Kouga said nothing, tired of discussing and negotiating with this two. They should've just shut their mouths and run towards the village with Kagome in hand while thanking Kami he had mercy on them by now. So, he just waiting for him to continue.
"There's not a single trace of InuYasha on her"
It was funny.
It was funny how she was almost atop of a mountain right now, yet she felt the Earth swallowing to the very center.
Kirara, still on her smaller form, was growling consistently while each hair on her pelt was up… but, that didn't stop anyone from looking at her.
As soon as Ginta and Hakkaku disappeared from her sight, tailing a raging Kouga, each and every single pair of eyes (at least the alive ones) turned to her, accusingly.
At first, she pointedly ignored every of them.
Her eyes went down to the ground, as she tried to focus on petting Kirara as best as she could.
It worked well at first, but now? It was impossible to ignore the comments that were being whispered all around her.
"How dare she come back after rejecting him like that?!"
"And for a disgusting hanyou, no less!"
"Great timing, too! In the middle of the war no less, as if Kouga wasn't stressed enough as it is!"
"He better not take her back, after she disrespected him like that!"
"I agree, showing up here when she pleases, the nerve!"
"Kouga deserves so much better"
"Most of the females are prettier than her, too…"
"Maybe that mutt kicked her out, that's why she's here with her tail between her legs!"
"Don't be stupid, it's because of the bond! It was only a matter of time…"
"Still, he shouldn't take her back"
"Why would he? He has enough female attention here…"
Kagome felt like she sunk down half her size, and tears were pricking the corners of her eyes.
They were right, for the most part. Except for the part where they implied that she rejected him knowing the truth, which she didn't. She knows she should've given him the benefit of the doubt, but how could she know?
'He has enough female attention here'
That broke Kagome's heart in a trillion pieces. Sure, she knew better than to expect Kouga to be mate-less and just loyal to a woman who has rejected him, told him she never wanted to see him again, and disappeared for three years. Still, that didn't mean it didn't hurt like a truck from back home was running over her heart over and over.
She tried to calm herself down, and remember Sango's advice.
She wasn't here to be with him, at least that wasn't the most important thing.
She was here to apologize. To accept her mistake, beg for forgiveness, and hope Kouga could at least take her back as a friend.
Still, it appeared that some part of her held to the hope of him still being in love with her.
That part of her was having the butt-kick of it's life.
What made her more angry, though, was the fact that these demons were probably reading her like an open book. Smelling each and every emotion their comments were causing on her.
"And to think poor Ginta and Hakkaku have to pay the price of this"
"I know… Kouga's probably gonna hold their execution this evening"
That made her head snap up.
She knew they were in trouble, big trouble, but definitely not that kind of trouble!
Ginta and Hakkaku were Kouga's best friends, for crying out loud! Surely he wouldn't!
In the midst of panic, Kagome was still able to focus for a moment and search for Kouga's aura. It took her almost a millisecond, it was impossible for her not to feel him, anyways. Not with him being close to her.
Without sparing so much a glance to the wolf demons looking at her, she started to walk towards where she felt him, as wolf demons got out of her way, too shocked to even stop her.
She followed the feeling towards a tunnel and after a while, still gripping Kirara on her arms, she came face to face with an entrance to a smaller den.
Guarded by two wolf demons.
"Eh! What are you doing here?!" One of them instantly exclaimed at the sight of her.
"This tunnel is off-limits! Only the ones that were explicitly called by Alpha Kouga can be here!" The other one added.
"Let me in, I need to speak to him" Kagome said, unintimidated by the two bulky wolf demons.
"Haven't you heard us, lil human? You're not supposed to be here!" The first one exclaimed pointedly stepping in front of the entrance, blocking her way.
"I won't ask again. I need to speak to him, now!" Kagome said unwavering.
"Now listen here you little bit-"
It happened way faster than any of them could've expected. A shot of lilac beaming reiki shot from her hand and towards them. It was in no way something that could've harmed them gravely, just superficial. Something to simply leave them unconscious for a little while.
She expected them to understand the urgency in her tone of voice, but it became clearer and clearer with each passing second that whatever was going on between wolf demons, something that they would never do was disobey their Alpha, under any circumstances.
After looking down at the unconscious demons on the ground, checking for anything out of what she expected, she turned to the entrance and without a second thought, running the fur that was serving as a door/curtain.
The den was even further away from what she anticipated, not just at the other side of the 'curtain'. She had to walk a shorter tunnel once again, before finally entering a small, fire-lit den.
The three people in there instantly turned to her.
Her heart leaped to her throat once her chocolate brown eyes connected with icy blue ones.
"Kouga" She whispered under her breath again, much like a few moments ago, when she first saw him.
And, just like when he first saw her, he turned to Ginta and Hakkaku with a deep frown.
"Take her back to her village, now" He growled at both of them, making Kagome shiver at both: the sound of his voice for the first time in years and the danger in his growl.
Ginta opened his mouth, as if to object, but he didn't have the chance to let out a sound.
"Ginta, Kami help me, if a single sound comes out of your goddamn mouth, I'll rip you apart right here, right now." Kouga growled again, making Ginta snap his mouth shut instantly.
"No!" Kagome exclaimed as soon as Kouga's threat was out. "You can't murder them!" Kouga turned to her again, looking rather confused this time. "I heard about the execution! You can't kill them!"
"What?!" He exclaimed nearly bewildered. It was the first word he directly spoke to her. 'What'.
"It was me! I blackmailed them. I know they disobeyed your orders, but I put them both in an impossible position. It's not their fault! You can't kill them because of me!" Kagome was nearly babbling now, tears running from the corners of her eyes. "They were just trying to help me! I knew they wouldn't let me go on my own because they're both so kind hearted! And I took advantage of it! It was me! Please don't kill them, they're your best friends, you cannot kill them!"
"No one's getting killed!" Kouga finally exclaimed in exasperation.
Kagome stopped abruptly.
"What? There won't be an execution?" Kagome asked.
"No si-Kagome" Hakkaku said "Kouga decided for another punishment. We appreciate your concern, tho-"
"Alright, that's enough. Take her to her village now before I change my mind" Kouga said, and started to walk towards one of the edges of the den, where another rock- makeshift table was and Kagome watched as Ginta and Hakkaku walked towards her with sympathetic look on their faces.
She instantly took a step back from them.
"Wait-No!" She said, bringing Kirara even closer to her as she stepped back. "I told them I'm not going anywhere until we talk!" She said, turning to Kouga that was now a few meters away from her.
She literally saw how all his muscles stiffened in tension and how his aura grew in anger.
Kagome gulped down, as she also bit her lips. She knew she was pressing her luck and probably shouldn't be speaking at him like this, all things considered. But, what else what she supposed to do to make him listen?
It was crystal clear that he did not want her here.
"Oh, you told them?" Kouga scoffed back instantly in a sarcastic manner, making Kagome regret instantly the way she spoke the words. "So, of course, you expect them to do as you say, over their orders, my orders"
"I didn't mean it like that-" Kagome said with a small voice, glancing at the ground once again, but Kouga quickly interrupted her.
"Seriously, though, Kagome" Kouga then asked, and Kagome turned her eyes on him once again. He was looking straight at her this time, eyes piercing hers, unwavering. "What the fuck are you even doing here?"
The sound of her name coming out of his lips after so long sent hot jolts all over her body, yet question and the harshness of it crushed Kagome's heart, but she didn't blame him for asking that nor for being angry. Who wouldn't?
"I'm here to talk" She said once again.
"Talk about what, exactly?" He scoffed and took a few steps towards her but still maintained a considerable distance between them. "There's absolutely nothing to talk about, Kagome. It's been three fucking years, for Kami's sake!" He nearly roared, making Kagome flinch. "What on hell makes you think that I'll sit down and chat with you after all this fucking time?!" Kagome opened her mouth to talk, but he stepped even closer to her, and interrupted her before she could say anything. "And in the middle of the fucking war, no less! Like I actually have the time for more shit!"
"I didn't know you were at war!" Kagome finally roared back. "I only knew when Ginta and Hakkaku told me after they found me!"
"And yet you still decided to put up your little stunt and force them to bring you here instead of turning around and going back home!" Kouga raged on. "Ya know, you should be grateful it was them the ones to find you and bring you here. Because if it were any of my other pack members they would be fucking dead already!"
"I'm sorry, alright?! I know I shouldn't be inconveniencing you right now, but I couldn't wait any longer!" She defended herself.
"And just how much did you wait, Kagome? A year? A month? Or was it just a few days ago that the mutt finally got tired of you so you decided to settle for the next best as soon as you could?!" Kouga growled out.
"It's not like that, Kouga, and you know it!" Kagome said, now actually feeling offended. Yes, she knew that once upon a time (without knowing any better) she chose InuYasha over Kouga but it was because she didn't know the truth back then and she knew Kouga knows that! Besides, implying that she simply just moved on to the next plate once she had her fill of the first one, was an insult.
"I don't care, Kagome! I, sincerely, don't give a fuck!" Kouga said with such an angered force that made everyone in the room flinch and step back. "This is not your place." He said then. "You shouldn't be here. You should be at home with your mate or your family or whoever the fuck is there, and you should go back there right now" he said with finality. "Take her home" He turned to the two frightened wolf demons that were looking at both of them in terrified shock and turned his back to her again as he moved towards the edge of the den once more.
The two of them, with cautious movements, started walking towards Kagome.
"No" She said, and snatched back the arm that Ginta tried to grab. "I refuse to go anywhere until we talk!" She loudly declared again, frowning and watching as Kouga turned to her once again.
"Then they'll drag you there, I don't care" He said and pretended to shrug her off.
"Then I'll come back" Kagome said challengingly, frown deep on her face as she advanced towards him. "And again, and again, and again! No matter how many times you have them push me away, I will return! And if I have to purify every single one of your wolves to get you to talk to me, I will!"
Kouga eyed her, head to toe, without giving away any emotion for her to read, before he turned to his packmates again.
"Are you to deaf or something?" He simply said, and Kagome watched from the corner of her eye how both of them trembled but advanced nervously towards her again.
"Ginta, Hakkaku, I swear to god, if you lay a single claw on me I'll knock you both unconscious" She said threateningly and shot a spark of her reiki for good measure, making both of them instantly retract from her.
"B-Boss?" Hakkaku stuttered, as both of them looked towards their Alpha, unsure of what to do.
Kouga didn't even glance at them, his icy blue eyes still on Kagome, surveying her, observing her, with that very same aura he had when she first saw him. His body tensed up, eyes sharp… just as if he was about to be attacked, as if he was about fight.
Kagome knew that he wouldn't dare touch her right now, not like she would ever hurt him, but still. He also wouldn't let his packmates suffer a potential purification just to get her out of her mountains.
She also knew, that this was because Kouga didn't know the extend of her powers now. Back when he knew the extend of them, she could only summon them when using a bow and arrow.
This was unknown territory, and wolves weren't anything but cautious and protective of their pack members. He wouldn't risk it… but she also didn't want to corner him like this.
He was mad, and rightfully so. He wanted her out of his home, also rightfully so, since she came here uninvited. Plus, not only she was cornering him right now, but also challenging his power, his position as Alpha… in his home, in front of his packmates.
Still, she needed to talk to him and she refused to spend another day away from him without explaining herself.
They needed to meet at a middle point, though.
"I'm sorry, Kouga" She said at first, but he didn't even flinch. Attack mode still on. "I know you don't want to talk to me or listen to me or even have me near you right now" She said. "And you're absolutely right to feel that way. It's not fair for me to force you to talk right now, I don't wanna force you if you don't want to" It was only then when Kouga blinked at her, probably believing she was gonna accept and turn back to where she came from. "But I can't go back. I can't stay away from you without me saying what I need to say. Without you listening to me" She continued, her voice wavering while her eyes got teary. "I will stay here" She stated, watching as Kouga clenched his jaw at this. "I will stay here, waiting as long as I have to. Weeks, months, years, whatever. I'll wait here until you're ready to hear me talk." Kouga frowned even deeper to her now, and she felt Ginta and Hakkaku's eyes looking at her disbelievingly. "I won't bother you, I promise. I'll help you, help with the war. I'll earn my keep, or whatever you need. But, I can't go back. I can't go back, I'm sorry"
She didn't know if Kouga understood what she was saying or not. She didn't know if he understood the real necessity she had to stay -to stay with him- at least until they talked.
However, she did know that he understood the fact that she was going to fight -and most likely win- if they tried to remove her from this mountains.
It felt like time was passing agonizingly slow as she waited for a reaction coming from him, but Kouga didn't even flinch for the longest time, until he turned to his betas once again.
"She's your problem" He said at first "You'll deal with her. You'll find her something to do, where she'll be staying, what she'll be eating" Kagome couldn't help but feel completely bothersome and unwanted. The scene looked like a father talking to his children about a stray puppy he didn't want. "I don't want to be bothered by this not even once." He said the last part looking pointedly at her, to then turn to his betas once again. "I trust I'm being crystal clear this time" He finally said, nearly growling at the end.
"Y-Yes, Kouga!" Ginta and Hakkaku stuttered out.
One last menacing look was all it took for them to start to dragging Kagome out of the den they were currently in. Here only choice being to accept being dragged by them while looking at Kouga until they finally left the den.
The look Kouga gave her as she exited the den was one she never in a million years expected to ever get from him, and one she prayed she never have to see again being directed at her.
She swallowed the need to cry and she directed her focus at both wolf demons walking her through the maze of dens.
She wondered how anyone could find their way in this mountains.
'Scent, for starters. Plus, they lived here their entire lives, probably.' her mind instantly supplied, as she started to get nervous as to how she was supposed to survive in here in the first place if she couldn't even find her way through the tunnels. Sure, she could find her way to Kouga, just as easily as she could breathe. His aura so present and intense, constantly luring her towards it now that they were so close. But, she figured that Kouga would rather have his eyes clawed out than having her near, at least at the moment. He needed time and she understood, so keeping out of his way for now was for the best.
Ginta and Hakkaku stopped suddenly, in front of another door/curtain fur pelt hanging in front of what seemed a small den.
"Here, this should suffice" Ginta said, moving the pelt out of the way for them to go in.
When the three of them were inside the pitch black den, Kagome felt Hakkaku move towards one of the edges, and she hear her grab what she thought were rocks, before hearing how he friction them to create fire, and then light a large wax candle that was sitting in a carved hole in the right wall of the den.
The small place light up instantly, warm orange light washing over it.
Kagome instantly turned to observe the room they where in. It was small, just like she thought when she was at the entrance, maybe even a bit smaller than her room back home and definitely smaller than the hut she had back in Kaede's village.
She could see there were two more carved wholes with candles, one in the left cavern wall and once behind the makeshift bed (considerably large for the room, actually) made of a base of straws and topped with a thin fur pelt that she couldn't identify from what it was made. A tiny make-shift rock table besides the bed, some leftover-burnt out firewood in a corner that she supposed was a spot for a fireplace during winter, and that was pretty much it.
Not that she complained at all, it was actually a lot more than she expected.
"Didn't wolves sleep in packs?" Her thoughts came out of her mouth.
They both look at her a little bit surprised, probably not expecting such knowledge.
"Unmated wolves sleep together" Hakkaku clarified "There are two larger dens, for unmated males and females"
"Yeah, when a couple mates, though, we have several of these smaller dens available for them" Ginta added.
"Oh!" Kagome said, kind of embarrassed. "You shouldn't be giving this to me, then! I can sleep with the rest of the unmated girls!" Kagome assured.
Even if she would definitely be nervous and uncomfortable sleeping with a bunch of stranger girls that surely hated her, she didn't want to take any advantage of anything in any way that might bother Kouga.
"Don't be ridiculous!" Ginta quickly assured with an easy smile. "You'll be much comfortable here! Plus, much safer as well!"
Kagome's eyes widened at the last statement. What the heck does that meant? Was she in actual danger in here? Could some of Kouga's wolves actually hurt her? She knew that they were angry at her and what she did, but Kouga was letting her stay here. Surely they wouldn't attack her, right?
Hakkaku, instantly noting the look in her eyes, elbowed Ginta.
"It's not what you're thinking!" He was quick to say. "He meant because of the war. Things are really rushed this days, and while some of the females help with the injured and with the den, there are some that go to fight, too. You wouldn't be able to rest properly there. Also, this den is much, much deeper in the mountain than the ones for the unmated, because normally mated couples also have their cubs with them, so unmated wolves can protect them if there's an attack or something"
Kagome nodded in understanding at his explanation. It made sense. Still…
"I still don't want to use a potential couple's den just because!" She explained. They both laughed quietly at this.
"There won't be any potential couples anytime soon, with the war going on and stuff. Newly mated couples are real unstable, no one won't risk it right now" Hakkaku said. "Plus, we have so many of this smaller dens, we're always building more of them"
"Yeah, don't worry, sis!" Ginta said with a warm smile, and it took him about to seconds to realize what he said. "I mean Kagome!"
Kagome smiled at him, half softened by the fact that the 'nickname' just came out of him so easily, and half saddened at how he was always correcting himself after using it.
Ginta noticed her smile, and couldn't help but smile a bit sadly as well.
"Old habits die hard, I guess" He said. Kagome only smiled wider.
"You don't have to stop calling me sister, you know" She said, pleading in her mind.
Both wolf demons shared a look, to then turn to her defeated.
"It's not really our choice" Hakkaku said, without needing to explain any further.
Kagome felt something pierce through her heart for the millionth time in the day. Part of her wanted to know everything Kouga has ordered his wolves to do or not to do in regards of her, but it'd only help in hurting her even more. So, she decided to change the subject instead.
She briefly wondered if she was wasting their time or not, but quickly chose to ignore that wonder. It's been three years and a hell of a day, a little catch up wouldn't hurt them that much, right?
"So" Kagome said. "There's a war going on… for three years"
"Yeah, demon wars usually don't last very long. We thought it would be over in a year or so but then the Western tribe decided to join in just when we were about to win, so…" Ginta said.
"It's it okay if I ask why is there a wolf demon war in the first place?" Kagome asked.
"Yeah, yeah. There's no problem. I mean, now that you will be staying here and stuff I don't see one at least" Hakkaku shrugged. "There's no 'a' reason, I guess. I mean, it definitely has to do with Kouga's ruling over the Eastern tribe, but there are several complaints you can say"
"Complaints?" Kagome asked a little bit perplexed. Sure, she never gave too much thought into Kouga's rule over his tribe, at least not into the details. But, she always thought he was an exceptional leader, even back when she first met him. It was just the way his people looked up to him. There was so much admiration and even devotion in his pack's eyes. Also the fact like he was so young (she didn't acknowledge this back then, but know she learned how to read demon's ages). To be such a young demon and have such numerous and not to mention devoted followers it surely meant something.
"Yeah, Kouga was getting too powerful in the eyes of certain wolf tribes" Ginta explained.
'Ah' that made much more sense.
"We grew so much in numbers in such a short amount of time once we defeated Naraku, they got scared. Even more so because in some other regions fertility is definitely not the same." Hakkaku added.
"Yeah, also the fact that Kouga started training us scared them. They wondered if it was because we wanted to overtake them, but it just was because Kouga suffered a lot when so many of our packmates got killed by Naraku, he just didn't want to go through the same thing ever again" Ginta said.
"And also the fact that he's so young, gaining all this power" Hakkaku added.
"Yeah, I suppose I'd be jealous too" Kagome said, earning a light chuckle from both of them. "You said that the Western tribe decided to join later… So, it was the Northern one that declared war first?"
They both seemed to get suspiciously nervous at that question.
Kagome eyed them carefully.
"Uh… yeah, they did" Ginta said, rubbing the back of his head rather nervously.
"Why, though? I mean, I guess they were worried about your growing power but why don't just settle for a treaty or something? Or make sure you weren't trying to overtake them before attacking?" Kagome pressed on. There was something going on here, but she just couldn't figure out what. She doubted Kouga was indeed trying to overtake every other tribe, and she also doubted he wasn't open for treaties or agreements.
"Well… we kinda uhm-" Hakkaku tried to say.
"Offended them?" Ginta supplied.
"Offended them?" Kagome parroted. "How so?"
"Well, uh… remember how I told you there were in fact several complaints about Kouga's Alpha position?" Ginta said and Kagome just nodded. "Well, it's very unheard of and unusual for an Alpha to be leading so many years without a uhm… mate"
Kagome blushed crimson at this. 'Oh, my god, please no'
It was already a big fucking deal that she rejected him and every single soul of his pack seemed to know and take offence at it, but the fact that a war (a freaking war!) might have happened because of it?!
She closed her eyes and tried to avoid hearing the inevitable truth.
"So, when he couldn't well…. Have you" Hakkaku said.
"The Northern Alpha offered his granddaughter to be Kouga's mate and the Eastern tribe's Alpha female, and Kouga obviously rejected her" Ginta continued explaining.
"Duh" Hakkaku said.
"So, of course, the rejection was taken as a great offence by the Northern tribe. I mean, it was the very best the North could offer, after all. She's gorgeous, and strong, not to mention the granddaughter of an Alpha" Ginta continued as he cited all these good qualities this girl had, making Kagome feel a sour taste in her mouth. "And she also wanted to be with Kouga…"
Kagome couldn't help but frown, and that only added to her surprise.
It's been so long since she has felt pure, raw jealousy… and a jealousy that was her own. Fiery, raged, hot.
She was caught up in the feeling for a moment… until she realized something.
"Wait a minute" She said. "Pretty, strong girl from the North who's grandfather is an Alpha" She cited, the truth dawning down on her. "You can't be talking about…" She trailed off.
"Ayame" Hakkaku finished for her.
It was as if she summoned the iciest water from far North to then wash over her like a bucket of cold water.
It felt as if she just remembered something long forgotten.
She suddenly remembered the wolf demoness existence.
How could she ever have forgotten her?
She was honestly amazed.
All these years dealing with nothing but wolf demon ghosts and she forgotten a very important one… and while she was still surprised about that fact, her curiosity about something else quickly overtook her.
"Why did he reject her?" she asked, and the question seemed to boom throughout every single inch of the dens.
Both demons in front of her looked at her like she was just insane.
"I mean" Kagome quickly said, trying to explain herself better "After everything…" She continued, trusting they would understand what she meant without needing much explanation "Why not Ayame?" She truthfully wondered. "I mean, she's just like you said… Gorgeous, strong, perfect to lead by his side" She cited, feeling jealousy grow within her again. "Why not take her as a mate?"
"What do you mean why?" Ginta asked half chuckling, wondering if it was a legit question. "He can't"
"He can't because he doesn't like her…?" Kagome questioned again, not really getting what was so obvious about the question. "Or because he doesn't want a treaty with the North tribe-" Hakkaku interrupted her before she even had a chance to finish.
"No, because he literally can't" Hakkaku said looking at her rather startled.
"What do you mean he literally can't?" Kagome was starting to get a little irritated at them. They were looking at her like she was stupid or living after a rock till yesterday.
"Wolves can't mate with someone else other than their intended" Ginta finally said, as if it was so obvious "That's unless their intended mate dies"
Kagome was shook to her core.
She knew some of demon mating ways, and also some of demon law and stuff. Mostly because Sango taught her throughout this years and because not only she was a priestess, but a miko, so she had to know.
She never heard something like this, though… and considering the fact that her 'mate' was currently with another it just didn't make any sense.
"So, that means that…" Kagome trailed off in a whisper, still shook.
"Kouga can't mate anyone but you" Hakkaku said. "At least until you, you know… die"
"How come you didn't know this?" Ginta asked. "I mean, I know you're human and stuff… but you're mated to a hanyou, right?"
Kagome flinched at that, but didn't respond.
"Also you have that demon slayer friend… I'm sure she knows this stuff!" Hakkaku added.
"I- She did, but-" Kagome stuttered out. "I'm pretty sure it's not like that!" She said a little louder than intended, nearly shouting. They didn't seem to notice it, though.
"What do you mean?" Ginta asked.
"I know for a fact that demons can take another mate" She simply said, jaw tensed.
"Well, yeah, of course! Demons can, but wolves? Never!" Hakkaku said, again as if it was just obvious.
"Wolves mate for life!" Ginta added, and Kagome felt a shiver run all over her body, remembering one of the first things Kouga said to her when they met. When he claimed her his woman.
The warmth that spread inside her turned sour soon, when another thought crossed her mind.
"So, basically, Kouga's waiting for me to die to take another mate?" She said icily.
Both of them looked at her completely horrified.
"N-No! That's not it at all, sis!" Ginta exclaimed, too horrified to notice the slip up of the nickname.
"It's not like it's a death sentence or something! Or like he's being forced to love you or to be with you!" Hakkaku exclaimed as well.
"He wants you. Just you. He can't possibly want any other woman while you're around" Ginta continued, making Kagome blush.
"When a wolf finds their intended mate, they're all they see" Hakkaku added.
"I mean, they can be intimate with someone else if they're not mated yet. But, regarding romantic feelings and mating? It's just impossible." Ginta said.
"Whether Ayame is attractive or not or perfect for him, Kouga could just never mate her" Hakkaku said. "It's almost as if the sole idea of mating someone other than your intended is repulsive"
"That's why wolf demons, while territorial, are not really jealous around their own kind regarding their mates" Ginta said. "Once you're already mated or in courtship process, affairs and such are just unheard of. We might be possessive when they're other demons around but between our kind? Never"
"And normally, once you find your intended mate the courtship process instantly begins" Hakkaku added.
"Look, I don't wanna sound unsensitive or anythin' but… while Kouga might have sex with other females right now, it's pretty much out of male needs" Ginta said, looking half regretful about letting her know that. Kagome just looked at the ground at the revelation. "He could never even consider any romantic involvement with anyone else. The feeling you have towards your intended mate is just incomparable to anything else you could even imagine"
Kagome stayed silent for a few moments, and they just waited for her to digest everything they said as they turned on the rest of the candles in the room.
It was unbelievable, in part. She would have never guessed.
Kouga could just never love anyone else, or even consider anyone else while she was around.
It was probably why he also was so angry at her right now. Not only she rejected him, but she quite literally felt him tied handed. There was just no other choice for him, not second chances or 'more fish in the sea' as the modern saying says.
It must have been horribly tortuous for him… The thought of never being able to be with anyone else at least for several decades (she hoped).
Then, another thought crossed her mind, making her instantly frown in confusion.
"Wait" She said, making both wolf demons turn to her again. "You said wolf demons can only mate or have romantic feelings towards their intended mate" She started, and they both nodded for her to continue "So, is Ayame's intended dead or something? How come she loves Kouga when she's clearly not his intended" She couldn't help but say 'clearly' with a little more emphasis than the rest of the words.
"Well, not exactly" Hakkaku said "Ayame's intended is indeed alive. He's the one in charge of the Northern armies"
"And she still loves Kouga?" Kagome asked but neither of them replied, and that was the only answer she needed. "How?"
Ginta sighed as he rubbed the back of his head again, looking a bit frustrated and struggling with his thoughts.
"Well, Ayame's situation is a bit weird" Ginta started "We think she's just in denial… and we blame Kouga for this as well"
"What do you mean?" Kagome asked.
"Well, Ayame was just so young, even for a demon, when Kouga made that stupid promise to her" Ginta explained. "He told us he made that promise expecting for her not only to forget it, but to understand the wolf demon mating process once she grew up" He excused his Alpha "Of course, you probably already know that didn't happen…"
"We think it's because she basically grew thinking about that stupid promise" Hakkaku cleared out.
"We also think that once she actually gives in at least just a bit into her intended mate, she'll realize there's simply no way she and Kouga could ever be together" Ginta added. "She's so obviously trying to maintain her distance from her intended, because deep down she knows"
"In other words: she's being a spoiled brat" Hakkaku simply said and Kagome mentally grinned at this.
"Still" Ginta said "Another thing that's keeping Ayame so insistent in this is that Kouga's case is a little bit unusual as well"
"What does that mean?" Kagome asked him.
"Well, while is not completely unheard of that a wolf demon's intended is human. It happened before, but just a couple of times and probably millenniums ago. But, it's still pretty unusual" Ginta explained. "Not to mention that it's an Alpha we're talking about… and the youngest and strongest one ever heard of"
"Not only that but, the fact that he was uhm- rejected" Hakkaku added.
"Most of the northerns think that, given the circumstances of both, Kouga's and Ayame's situation, it could be possible for them to mate" Ginta finally finished.
"… I see" Kagome said, finally seeing the bigger picture, and finally understanding why the Northern tribe was so offended and why they declared war.
Kouga was, quite possibly, the best wolf demon Alpha to ever be. He was young, strong, smart and with crazy leadership skills. He had the biggest, strongest tribe, that would likely only grew in numbers and in strength in the future.
… And, he has a human for intended mate, that rejected him.
Then there was Ayame, apparently the only wolf demon to ever manage to resist from falling for her own intended mate. Ayame, who has been obsessed with Kouga since she was a little girl.
Finally, there was the fact that the potential mating between the two would benefit two large, important wolf tribes… And Kouga rejected all that.
He rejected the girl (quite honestly, probably the very best the North had to offer, as Ginta said), he rejected the power, he rejected peace.
Quite possibly just because of what Kagome did.
Both wolves noticed the change in her feelings and what this new knowledge was doing to her, but said nothing to soothe it. It was something she needed to know, sooner rather than later, and even more so now that she was staying here, where she would experience in the flesh the effects of the war.
They shared a look, another perk of being in a wolf demon pack, it almost was as if they could read eachother's mind.
It would probably be painful, and make her uncomfortable, but they needed to know.
"So, now that you know all of these, I hope you don't mind if we ask you something as well" Hakkaku started.
That hat seemed to have snap Kagome off her thoughts, as she blinked to then look at them, with a smile that didn't reach her eyes.
"Sure, what is it?"
They both shared a look again, and while they were nervous as fuck, there was no way they'd live another day with the curiosity.
"Why there's not a single trace of InuYasha on you?" Ginta finally asked.
Hey you guys! It's been a while, but here I am again, quarantine stuck in home, with lots of time and wanting to update my fics!
Idk what to say rn, except that I hope you're staying safe and in home. I hope all of you are healthy, and If you aren't I wish you a safe, quick recovery! Stay safe you guys, it's a difficult time for everyone rn!
Anyways, did you enjoy it? LET ME KNOW!
Till next time!
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