#he's losing his shit and his body is getting destroyed to become the eldritch abomination that you see in M2/Earthbound
pe4nutastic · 7 months
What was it worth?
[ A kaleidoscope of sickly red lines stretch out across his torso like spiderwork, deliberate and perfectly formed yet undoubtedly denotative that something is horribly wrong if his hunched (and pitiful, pathetic) posture, hand clutching tightly at where a heart would be situated if his physiology permitted it, were any indication.  There’s some odd sense of tightness about his current state which keeps him frozen to the spot, mouth opening and closing as if to say something… only to be swallowed up by a strange continuum of sharpness tingling throughout his body like electricity, hot and relentless, unlike anything he had known before.  He’s utterly paralyzed by this state and unable to act as a result, much less make much sense of what’s happening as his mind slowly begins to unravel like threads in clothing.  And yet something sticks out anyways.  The exact trigger behind it.  One which, even through his best efforts, invades his mind, permeating through every consecutive crack that has appeared within long before manifesting externally.  Something which he had thought to be long since extinguished within his heart.
Despair.  Crushing, unsympathetic, and rending despair.
Something which had always tiptoed around the corners of feigned confidence and ironclad will–the very same will which had enabled for him to fulfill his pre-determined role and associated duties to perfection, as if never tainted by humanity to begin with–but never quite managed to break through until glimmers of faded light.. of a warm memory long since past… had managed to peer through the monochromatic and numb emptiness of his mind.  And even so, it did not come in a big dramatic burst but rather as a quiet resignation.  Of desolation and insatiable emptiness; a hole that could never be filled in his ‘heart’ after her death.  One which, upon receiving a rather severe scolding from his superiors, only grew until he could no longer contain it.  Until he could no longer tolerate it, bursting at the fragile seams of his imperfect mind.  Until he had to do something to rectify his original failure.  Anything to make the incomprehensible pain stop.  Anything to erase this feeling now that it cannot be suppressed as easily.  Anything to be useful again.
And so, he had gone against the orders of his superiors–to return back to the home-planet for reevaluations–and with the future-predicting power of the Apple of Enlightenment, instead constructed a plan to guarantee victory.  One which even fate itself would not be able to distort.  One where he would create the optimal winning conditions and eradicate the blight of humanity for good.  After all, he was just a tool programmed to fulfill military functions until the eternal bend of time itself.  He owed it to the ones which had created him to do at least this much.  To prove that he was useful –that he still had value.  But, it was all for naught.  Feverish delusion at best.  A deranged fantasy.
This ambition and dedication.  Value and purpose.  What was it really worth?
More sickly red cracks spread across his exoskeleton, across his neck and through his face to the left ear, lowered in part shame and part agony.  The Chosen Ones are inching closer and closer to victory.  Advancing in ways he was certain that they could not and closing in fast, just as the Apple of Enlightenment had originally predicted.  Even after everything he had done… they were destined for victory.  His hands curl in, against the pain of movement, into tight balls while his tail–littered with a patchwork of red cracks on its own–sharply taps against the darkened ground within The Place That Time Forgot.  He could not overcome the gears of fate.  It’s over.  
All the sacrifice.  The depths he had sunk to in order to realize his machinations.  The price others had paid for his goal.  What was it really worth?
He went against the will of his species for nothing, choosing to try again rather than returning back to the home-planet to be scrapped as he should have. Another crack, this one thicker cuts to his right ear.  He spent all this time preparing and ‘setting the stage’ for destroying the Chosen Ones for nothing.  Yet another crack, stretching harshly down his back.  He betrayed his own mother for nothing.  And several more cracks, spreading like an infectious disease to his other appendages with a sickening snap, like crushing bones.  The Psion species.  Maria.  No matter what receives his loyalty or efforts, he cannot succeed.  He cannot ‘win’.  Only fail, with no consolation other than the notion that he cannot possibly be–and in fact, should not–hurt because he is a Psion.  An empty shell animated by psionic energies with no will of its own.
All this pain and emptiness.  Desolation and despair.  What is it really worth?  What is It really Worth?  WHAT.  IS.  IT.  REALLY.  WORTH–
The thought is abruptly cut off and erased in an instant, another crack piercing the hollow shell containing his very essence and power albeit this time, etching out a hole through which tendrils of a seething and brightened red start to ooze out like pus out a badly infected wound, feverishly weaving too and through in the still air of the cave and cutting through the darkness with a disturbing glow as its shell promptly shatters with a resounding splinter, jagged pieces falling to the ground with a hollow clatter.  And with that, that overwhelming and suffocating–crushingly so–sense of despair wraps around him like a ghostly hug, one that is tipped with conflicting fragments of a few other emotions.  Emotions and the pain felt which grow in strength, feeding on the last vestiges of his disordered and decaying mind with ravenous vigour as its integrity plummets at a sharp drop from before.
–what had he been talking about again?  He can’t recall.  And as the seconds tick on by, even the inquiry on the matter to himself seems more and more like a distant memory, the corrupted essence gradually gushing out his exoskeleton at an increasingly enthused pace, twisting and churning into contorted impressions of his physical appearance as it does so.
What was it?What was it?What was it?What was it?What was it?What was it?
He can’t remember anything.  It hurts.  Nothing comes through.  It hurts.  Everything seems fragmented and murky, the only clarity coming through in haunting glints of the poisonous concoction of emotions which had come rushing through the moment his will had broke.  It hurts.
Despair.  Hatred.  Regret.  And… something else.  Destroy the pain.
A kind of desolate and chalky dryness.  One that is impossible to remedy.  Hunger without a biological mechanism for it.  Thirst without dehydration.
He’s starving for something.  Desperate for something.  Plagued with a hole (somehow) that cannot be filled.  An empty spot, collapsed in on itself and broken as it may be… stuffed with pain as it may be… remains hollow nonetheless.  
It hurts.  It burns.  Destroy.
His very essence is cloaked in a sensation that is fundamentally unfulfilled.  Lynched with a longing for something.  It hurts.  A deep and passionate desire plucked from the long-since rotten core of his heart.  One which needs to be satiated, but will never be, like lines that can never intersect.  Destroy.
The line is gone.  Parallels do not intersect.  It hurts.
What was it worth?What was it worth?What was it worth?What was it worth?
Another cut.  Another sharp drop in mental integrity and even the remaining vestiges of consciousness, tiny and fragile as they were, are too erased as his corrupted and twisted form fully establishes itself in a nightmarish effigy.  Only one thing remains.
Everything hurts.  Destroy.  Destroy everything. ]
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tedrick · 3 years
worst ocs off the top of my head ranked
karma. criminally insane fallen angel demon corrupted entity hellbent on ruining lives for the pure fun of it. revenge and pain and hatred personified trapped in a delusional ig influencer weaboo girl
Maalik. dude psychologically torments ppl w the express goal of killing or corrupting them so he can use their soul as sustenance. and hes actually good at his job hes just lazy as all hell and does only the bare minimum. confirmed to have done this to thousands of people
evil ruby. an actual demonic force possessing a dead girl’s body in order to destroy a town. pretty icky.
corbin. serial manipulator who has dated/befriended/just stalked and killed multiple ppl purely bc he has a power complex. killed susannah after emotionally abusing her for weeks and then simply carried on to find his next target.
christian. kidnaps and tortures an actual angel with no mercy and actually finds it enjoyable. evil scientist who wants to figure out the secrets of angels/god/heaven/religion. doesnt value human lives at all, and has absolutely no problem torturing somebody and keeping them in captivity. he’d kill and dissect adrien in an instant if he wasnt useful as a lab rat by being the only one of his kind on earth and able to talk
Justice. Egomaniac who will do whatever and kill whoever she needs to in order to survive, and most importantly, control everyone around her.
corinne. long-time abuser. emotionally, physically, mentally and verbally. shames josiah for many things, including his fathers abuse, his abandonment of his mother, his medication reliance, his many past suicide attempts, his mental health, his emotional outbursts, his self harm history and continuation, his lack of success, lack of wealth, and suffering self esteem. constantly hits him and screams at him, taunting him to hit her so he’ll be like his dad and she’ll get him arrested, calling him weak and a coward when he doesn’t. hangs rent and his living situation over his head. doesnt have any sort of romantic feelings for him at all whatsoever anymore but keeps him around for the dynamic. threatens agnes as well, even when she doesn’t even know her. is generally all-around shitty, manipulative, and self centered.
chisme. kills ppl bc she has to. she also has a huge amount of fun doing it, but mostly because she gets to make ppl fucking lose it and thinks its entertaining plus she gets their souls when they become corrupted. not purposefully malicious, but is definitely self-aware
cecilia. murderer and liar. overall her reasons for killing stem from an inferiority complex that she percieves as a superiority complex and a higher sense of justice than everyone else. believes she does the right things, even if shes a bad person.
malady. house demon. just a really really angry house demon that wants to eat people. probably evil but eh
keith. not actually a bad person, he just does shit towards the end of it thats bad. abandons his boyfriend that he dragged into his search for an eldritch abomination, unwittingly becoming the real danger through his actions. directly leads his ex bf into the path of danger then SHOOTS HIM. and dies.
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onceabluemoonwrites · 7 years
To The Heavens and Beyond (Eldritch Mantle’s Donned)
Fandom: Katekyo Hitman Reborn
Summary: ‘’So… was that your true form?’’
Kyoko shrugs. ‘’Onii-san was the sun, but he kept drifting away. I could hardly remain a sky if I wanted to help him, isn’t it?’’
Hana looks at her strangely. ‘’You became an eldritch horror so your brother would stop losing quite that many memories?’’
‘’Wouldn’t you?’’
Disclaimer: I don’t own Katekyo Hitman Reborn
FF.net | AO3 
My fic master list here.
My late birthday present for @operaeagleicelynlacelett! Happy belated birthday, darling! I hope you’ll enjoy this!
Ryohei slides the ring onto his finger, and the world suddenly looks different. It nags at him, in the back of his head, while training with Colonello. It’s like the furniture has been put two centimetres to the left and he keeps bumping into it- like wrestling with a soap bar in a bath.
There’s something off. But what?
The thought slips his mind like everything else. He gets used to this. Yesterday is forgotten- there is only today, maybe this week if he’s lucky.
Or not lucky.
He can never quite remember that.
For as long as Kyoko can remember, Onii-san has been there. A yellow presence in the back of her mind, beaming with the power of a thousand suns.
Sun. That’s what the adults call him when he runs around, with her on his shoulders.
Kyoko likes it. It fits him.
Onii-san forgets, but she remembers for the both of them. Always.
Onii-san forgets a lot. He was born that way, her parents told her.
It’s not that bad. She’s good for him. The only one he always remembers, the only one who can help him remember. Onii-san is a ball of fire, high, high in the sky. Kyoko will just have to become space to keep him from drifting away.
He’s her brother. She’ll do anything for him.
As the sun goes down, they go to sleep. Tomorrow, she’ll tell him who he is again.
Kyoko’s parents are shining orange and murky purple, the wisps that escape their souls so pretty to look at. She likes the way it looks like fire, the way it dances in their hands.
The sight of it being extinguished, cancer finally having ruined her otou-san’s body completely, is devastating. She clutches her brother's hands and cries.
Kaa-san is wailing, screaming, flames running over the corpse as if to reanimate it with her own life force. It doesn’t work, it doesn’t work, it doesn’t work.
When their mother begins to pull on her own hair, Onii-san lifts Kyoko up. She buries her head against his chest as he walks out of the room, tears wetting his shirt.
When he wakes up the next morning, he knows there is a hole, but he does not recognize the man on the picture at the funeral, and Kyoko has no idea if that’s a blessing or a curse.
It hurts. It hurts so much.
Kaa-san follows after otou-san, and Kyoko is mad.
Kyoko is mad, but she understands, because Kaa-sans flames kept reaching out into the void, kept falling back expecting someone to be there to catch her, only to fall to the ground. It was no surprise- Kaa-sans flames had warned Kyoko days and days before it happened, but she’s six and didn’t know what to do.
Onii-san didn’t either, but that’s a whole different story altogether.
It drives the lesson home. Broken bonds mean death. She clutches her brother’s arm tighter to her side.
The Kurokawa household is a cold place, but they allowed Kyoko to stay with Onii-san, so she is eternally grateful.
Hana, their daughter, isn’t fun to play with at all. She thinks Onii-san is weird and keeps saying it, every day, and Kyoko bottles and bottles and bottles it up, because this is her only chance to stay with her brother, and she’s not going to mess it up.
The two new kids in Hana’s house are weird and Hana doesn’t hesitate to tell them so.
The boy laughs it off, yelling something about her being honest, but the little redhead glares at her from underneath her fringe. For a second, Hana thinks the girl will kick her, but all she does is clench her fist. ‘’I’m going to the dojo with onii-san.’’
And she’s off, dragging her brother with her in her wake.
Hana huffs. Boys are stupid, and if the new girl won’t play with her, then she’ll just go amuse herself. Who needs those monkeys anyway?
Hana is bored, Kyoko amusing, so she says it again. ‘’Your brother is weird.’’
Something dangerous glints in those golden eyes, and oh, Hana is loving this.
So she says it again. And again. And again.
Until Kyoko explodes.
Literally so, flames pushing outward like a flood, a hurricane of flames in motion. It sings, it screams, it’s like a thousand voices have spoken up, and for a second, Hana is hundred percent sure that this is what an Eldritch Abomination must be. Stars whirling out before her, space unfolding to eternity. Golden eyes burning in the darkness.
God, she must’ve been blinded by the brightness of the flames.
Hana is small, in the face of this, but being small has never stopped her from standing tall, and Kyoko having a little God-like power tantrum isn’t going to change that.
But god, she wants. There is something inside those flames, and Hana is too young to be afraid of losing herself yet. She has no idea if what she’s seeing is real, this gigantic face, this expanse of space in the middle of the living room where Kyoko stood just a moment before, but it is there and it is irresistible.
The mouth of flames opens, a black hole behind it, and Hana jumps in, sucked all the way into the heart.
Hana is inside of Kyoko now, the same way Ryohei is a star enfolded in her space. But unlike Onii-san, Hana floats, an interstellar cloud, made of gas, plasma and dust. She’s everywhere and nowhere, disassembles as easily as she forms into a person again.
Kyoko feels her inside her heart, even as she stands beside her.
‘’So… was that your true form?’’
Kyoko shrugs. ‘’Onii-san was the sun, but he kept drifting away. I could hardly remain a sky if I wanted to help him, isn’t it?’’
Hana looks at her strangely. ‘’You became an eldritch horror so your brother would stop losing quite that many memories?’’
‘’Wouldn’t you?’’
Hana basks in the warmth of Ryohei’s heart inside of Kyoko as she floats past. ‘’…I suppose I can’t say no to that.’’
Kyoko smiles. That’s enough for her.
Hana’s parents are still cold and almost never there, but the Kurokawa household has ceased to feel like the artic because she’s got a sun and a cloud to fill her space now.
Haru is very down to earth. This does not, mind you, mean she isn’t crazy. No, in fact, the craziness is part of being so down to earth.
Haru is a black hole, constantly consuming everything around her, her magnetic fields so large that she cannot help but generate charges of lightning. She’s mad genius with an aesthetic a la Frankenstein, and her ideas only get better as she ages.
It all starts with a cake- eyes meeting over it, and Kyoko’s heart screams, consume, consume, consume, devour what is yours.
Haru appreciation day indeed.
(Kyoko does not consume Haru the way she enveloped Ryohei, nor the way she tempted Hana- no, Haru strolls over, takes a look at the back of her tongue and goes: ‘’Hello, yes. I’d like this stomach. It is mine now.’’ And forces her to swallow.
Kyoko is happier for it).
Before everything goes to shit, Kyoko meets him. His name is Moretti, and he can stop his heart. She feels it stop, is concerned for a moment and reaches for his soul. He’s still alive. He is a small rain, barely even a shower- wait.
This feels strange.
Moretti is not a rain. Oh sure, he feels like he is, at first, but Kyoko is space, and she knows no air. Neither does this man- very little of him contains oxygen. He is a compressed ball of water- freezing at a moment’s notice.
She blinks at him prettily and smirks when he tumbles into her- falling into space like he’s been meant to do so forever.
This rain- this body of water- will serve her well.
Water, when in space, boils, before rapidly freezing. Moretti enjoys his new power- the boiling is akin to a heart attack, the freezing the stopping of his heart. ‘’It helps my job, you know.’’
‘’Which is… Pretending you’re dead?’’
‘’No, assassination. Nobody expects the dead to get up to murder you, after all.’’
Kyoko hums. ‘’Specific cases only, I take?’’
He shrugs. ‘’I’m part of the Vongola. I can afford to take only special cases as long as I do my normal duties too.’’
‘’…I fucked up, didn’t I?’’
Kyoko beams up at him, hands behind her back. ‘’Me, out to get you? Why, I would never!’’
‘’Me, no. Becoming a victim of Omertá, however? Why do I feel like that’s on your agenda?’’
Hana leans over Kyoko’s shoulder, eyes cold as steel. ‘’Because sooner or later they’ll come for us, and then we’d better be ready. Give us a fighting chance, Moretti, or get the fuck out of here.’’
It surprises absolutely no one, but Moretti stays.
Onii-san gets better and better at remembering, until one day, he forgets everything.
Kyoko can feel it in her soul as he is ripped out of her, a gaping hole in space, a black hole nothing next to it. She rages and screams and screeches, as stars die in her world, as the sun is gone, as the warmth is gone from the universe as a whole.
When he gets home, there’s a ring around his finger.
There is only one other Sky in town, and when Onii-san asks her where’s she going- if he can extremely come along- she smiles, pats his arm and says: ‘’Please do.’’
Her elements fall into step behind her, as space bleeds out of her through the hole the intruder left when he took her brother from her.
‘’Kyoko, who are they?’’
She clenches her fists and says: ‘’Our family, onii-san.’’ You best remember that, almost slips from her mouth, but it is not he who has gained her ire. Her brother is not at fault- only the person she’s going to destroy for this is.
She arrives in front of the Sawada household, and Lambo runs into her. ‘’Lambo-chan, I-pin, please go play at the playground with Fuuta, okay? I’ll give you grape candy later.’’
It is a dirty trick, but children must be kept safe- she’ll murder the man behind this, but the children will remain alive.
She walks around the house and enters via the backdoor.
‘’Sawada Tsunayoshi,’’ it thunders from a mouth that is not visible in any physical way, ‘’Come out, for thy have defied the Laws of Nature. I shall avenge mine brother, feast upon thy flesh- come out, Sky-worn Sun-thief.’’
Sawada Tsunayoshi squeaks like he is still the little boy she took under her wings when they were less than five years old.  
Kyoko narrows her eyes. He has no room to talk, for he has stolen what is hers. She began the goddamn space just to stabilize her brother, and Tsuna has butchered him out of her and left her brother in pieces.
She will not stand for this.
But- But- The look he gives her is not from one who is guilty. Not even from one who realizes what he has done. To be sure- he does not even look like he knew anything about it.
Her fifteen hands spread- claws tickling his face. ‘’Who- who, if not you?’’
‘’Kyoko- what. I-‘’ Tsuna swallows thickly, all wide eyes and trembling bottom lip.
‘’The ring! Who dared to lay a ring bound to your soul fire onto my brother!’’
Tsuna blinks. ‘’...Wait, Reborn gave one of those to Onii-san?’’
He is dumbfounded enough that he forgets to be afraid.
Kyoko battles the Sun Arcobaleno and wins.
Reborn does not know whether to be grateful that she does not force him into her sky or fearful for the future.
All Sawada Tsunayoshi can think as he stares at them, at the space expanding around Kyoko, is: The apocalypse on legs and I still adore her.
But the sky is but a little thing in space, and he knows, inside his heart, that if he ever had a chance, it is long gone. She is beyond him. Not out of his league- simply out of his atmosphere, never to be reached, never to intermesh.
He cannot breathe without oxygen, and space possesses little of it.
(She’d asphyxiate him before he’d get to hold her hand)
Kyoko lets Tsuna release the hold he has over Ryohei. Because if she did it, she’d break the bond. And broken bonds, my friends, lead only to death. Tsuna would be little more than a burned out husk, as dead inside as he’d be outside.
Ryohei is back inside of her, eyes clearing as his memory returns as if the period away from her was nothing but a strange dream, obscured by clouds.
He is hers, and the whole world will know it.
So is the delicious little Mist, no matter what Tsuna may think. Haru has taken a liking to Chrome- Kyoko saw her licking her lips, it was not particularly subtle- and watching the ring battles is great fun. Next to her, Tsuna’s sun, a shy boy called Shoichi, shudders as the boy possessing Chrome’s body laughs.
Kyoko wrinkles her nose. So like Tsuna to take in the ex-criminals without realizing it. If it were her, she’d have broken the poor boy out of prison already.
Actually, she might just do that for Tsuna if he stays this nice. After all, he did deliver her a Storm to her doorstep and Chrome is definitely a nice addition.
(Bianchi rages inside of her. A true storm, courted by combat, in love with the Space that defeated the Sun she so adored. Relentlessly she followed Kyoko- and how could Kyoko not take in a woman with such lovely habits? Bianchi’s heart is so bright, her soul so clean and clear, and yet her hands are painted red and her nails filed to spears.
Bianchi is hardly a mass of clouds and lightning, rains falling from her until one cannot help but call her a storm- no, Bianchi is a solar flare, all poisoning radiation, all explosive destruction for everything that crosses her path.
She belongs in space, and demands the place in Kyoko that is hers)
Chrome is icy, a cold presence slowly warming her hands to the warmth that is Ryohei. She is small, her water particles a fine mist, spreading slowly throughout Kyoko’s veins.
And like that, instead of the Sky battle going down, Xanxus di Vongola stops to stare at the girl on the sidelines, flanked by three people on either side.
‘’You- how…’’ His eyes glitter, ‘’How are you so fucking large?’’
Kyoko laughs, light and airy. ‘’I am Space!’’
He looks like he just heard gospel. ‘’Marry me.’’
Her eyes glide across his face, then behind him. He… Might just have what it takes. The drive, as well the elements that have souls so hard they can survive without air. Her eyes twinkle.
‘’Catch up, Sky-dear, and I might just consider.’’
In the background, Sawada Tsunayoshi shivers, unable to decide where he is glad or horrified. On one hand, he won’t have to fight Xanxus anymore- Kyoko would find a way to stop this thing. On the other hand-
She means it.
Sawada Tsunayoshi, age fourteen, sees the end of the world in the gleaming eyes of a girl.
(She’ll devour the earth as he knows it)
Author’s Note
Light by @fullmetalruby totally inspired me to go eldritch abomination in my work, and of course, I had to combine it with KHR :D 
Also, Ryohei with memory problems was inspired by Ara-chan’s own fic Sonder. 
As to what would have happened if Kyouko had not turned Eldritch, that’s what Rose Petals Between the Sheets (One Bed Only, Indeed) is about. 
I hope you enjoyed it, Ara-chan! <3 Love you!
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