#he's my baby and pets are a lifelong commitment and i understand that
valiendomother · 3 years
i never knew relocating my cat internationally would be so g-ddamn expensive
i was expecting for it to not be cheap, but i wasn’t expecting for it to be as expensive as a fucking new car
los 8 kilos más caros de toda mi pinchi vida
a picture for you, so i can be held accountable for not opening the door by ‘accident’ so he can casually escape into the night
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shellheadtm-a · 4 years
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He's been thinking about how to phrase this for a while, and it's not until it's late at night and everyone else has gone to sleep, Starbrand Baby included, that Steve slides over to Tony in his workshop, sitting close to him in a dilapidated office chair. Steve's quiet for a few minutes, looking at Tony's workbench without actually seeing anything before his hand comes up to rub across Tony's shoulder and down his spine. "I think we should keep her. The Starbrand girl."
“I thought that was the idea.”  He’d been joking when he’d asked Thor about it, he really had been, considering it seemed like the Avengers keeping her was a done deal.  And he gets it!  He does, they’re in a unique position to be of the most good, with a baby that has that kind of power; her terrible twos are, no doubt, going to be something to behold.  But she’s in good hands, between most of them, and hey, all those books Tony’s read with all the time he’s spent cuddling orphan babies are going to come in super handy, right?  They’ve got plenty that have no idea what to do with her beyond look at her like she’s some kind of strange new life form they have no clue about, but they’re nicely balanced out by those that do.  It’s gonna be fine.
He’d have argued, had he been present, that maybe the hollowed out corpse of a dead space robot is probably not the best place to keep a baby, and the North Pole leaves something to be desired, as far as interaction with normal people and socialization and actual scenery go, but considering he’d been spending some time as the world’s smartest caveman, well...He’s a little late on that front.  
Mephisto is such a dick.
He puts aside his tweezers for the moment, not admitting he’s leaning into the touch - and more specifically the warmth of it, he can’t seem to get warm enough now half the time - but doing so anyway, almost like a cat that wants the attention, wants the pets, but is going to complain about it the whole time.  “And we have really got to do better than go around calling her Starbrand Baby and Starbrand girl.  She needs a name.”  Not that he has one necessarily on hand for this kind of thing, or anything, he doesn’t actually go around collecting spare superpowered babies or whatever, but...It’s kind of dehumanizing, right?  Boiling her down to just her pre-known power set.  She’s not even eating mushy jar food yet.
Either way, it’s a point of consideration.  She needs a name.  And sure, they’ve put together a nursery that will probably be just fine, but he can see how each member of this dysfunctional little family is looking at it.  T’Challa is going to think of his people, first and foremost, and he’s a king, so that’s utterly understandable and completely expected.  Carol’s looking at the possible threat, which makes things a little squirmy on his own end, personally, but he gets that, too.  Thor is...Well.  Thrilled.  Overjoyed.  Has lit up like like the Fourth of July at the prospect of helping take care of her.  It’s actually disarmingly charming, if he’s being honest; he’s like an overeager and exceptionally oversized puppy at the idea.  He’s probably also in it for the puntasticness of being a literal god father.  Jen is...Well.  Hard to know where Jen is, honestly.  Robbie’s treating her like any other kid (which Tony will argue is good), and now...Now there’s Steve.  He knows, really, that Steve feels a level of attachment there.  How deeply and how strongly he won’t necessarily make a wager on, but he also knows how sensitive Steve can be, which means he’s probably incredibly attached.  It’s probably only by a miracle he’s not got the baby strapped to him at all times.  And he gets that, too, 
Steve’s the one that helped her into the world, so of course he’s...Attached.  Bonded.  Imprinted.  Whatever anyone wants to call it.  It’s kind of adorable, leaves Tony fuzzy in all kinds of ways he doesn’t want to bring up or even think too deeply about because it will take him down rabbit holes he has no business exploring, and also kind of sad, at the same time.  A consolation prize, really, for the real thing, maybe?  Which isn’t exactly the right phrasing, but her being an Avengers priority means it’s more duty and less...You know.  Raising a literal child.  It feels...It’s kind of wrong, on a lot of levels, teams come and go, and she’ll need stability.  She’ll need parents.  A home.  Not an ever-changing roster of people that look at her as one more thing you do as an Avenger.  It means for sure now that Steve’s in this to win it permanently, because he’ll have worked that out for himself.  And it means Tony can’t leave him to do it alone - wouldn’t - so it means misgivings and discomfort about being on a team again aside, he’s here for the duration, too.
“You know, we’re...”  He’s not really sure how, exactly to put that all into words, and sighs, leaning over to rest his head against Steve’s shoulder.  “Our friends are good people, right, it’s why they’re Avengers, but...This isn’t...It’s not a mission, you can’t raise a kid and expect her to be adjusted and not blow up the planet if she’s got...”  He waves a hand, indicating all of it.  The Mountain, the team, people with their own lives when they’re not pulling on the tights to punch frost giants and Celestials in the face.  Which is the problem, really, when it comes down to the fine print of it.  This is a kid.  It’s not something you get to pull off like a domino mask when the fight’s over, someone’s going to have to take up the responsibility of actually doing this thing.  Of deciding, Okay.  This is my kid now.  And sticking to that.  Committing.  Understanding this is adult and this is lifelong and this isn’t something you can hand back in like an identicard when you’re tired of it.
Which, it slowly starts to dawn on him, is maybe the point.  Of what Steve’s saying.  And when he considers it a moment, he’s not really surprised.  Not...Not on Steve’s end.  He knows better.  He’s got enough baggage any airline would charge him for it if he ever flew commercial.  It’s because of that baggage he considers smothering that little spark of hope that’s dared to stick its head up, because that is irresponsible.  That is a dream long, long dead.
So he falls silent himself for long, long minutes, eyes trained on the far while behind the table but unfocused.  Turning it over in his head.  Weighing pros and cons.  Knowing what it says that Steve’s come down here and brought it to him.  Knows what it’ll probably mean to say no, he can’t, he shouldn’t.  Knows the probability of things going horrifically if he says yes.  Wanting to say yes.  Wanting to say yes more than anything, that they should, but at the same time completely reeling away from the...The...Permanence of it, not out of any fear of committing, but a need to make sure anyone ever connected to him in any way always has plenty of outs.  A...You know, a baby ends those.  And a baby doesn’t have the choice.
He blows out a long, slow breath, realizing one hand has come up and tangled in Steve’s shirt with a white-knuckled grip, and forces his hand to relax, to drop away.  This is it, right, this is one of those big, huge adult decisions.  Where Tony can either be a pessimist or an optimist, where he can either hear what Steve’s saying in between it or not, where he can either acknowledge that he knows how hard it is, in general, for Steve to get around the personal things, or he can’t.  
“That is,” he finally says, slowly, thoughfully, “a...Big.”  One word, like it encapsulates the entirety of what he wants to say.  Not that he’s sure what he really wants to say, actually.  But it does just about sum it up, right?  Big.  Big big.  “A lot of things-” Everything. “-Would change.”  Whole threads of their lives would be rewoven, there’d be considerations there have never been need for, like...Babysitting, playdates, schools, and while that’s maybe putting the cart before the horse, it’s a logical leap for him to that from things like team meetings and actual work - because that doesn’t stop for Tony in any real sense ever.  He inhales, sharply, straightening and squaring his shoulders like he’s about to do something recklessly stupid in the field that has the highest probability of saving the most lives, his own excluded.  But it’s a hurried confession he tacks on, chancing to dart one look upward at Steve before letting his gaze drop back to the circuit board he’d been painstakingly putting together before Steve had come in.  “I’m terrified.”
@shieldslinger​ / oh is this...is this happening now?
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kaplunstevee · 4 years
Can Giving Him Space Save The Relationship Startling Ideas
You have the ability to communicate, join chat groups or make a list of what is wrong and what may have to accept where you might like.As married couples, I will show your spouse with end up laughing at it and any number of problems too.Assists each other deeply, then you can trial three or four systems and can afford to risk that on the amount of commitment and effort to build or assemble something?PATIENCE Patience in relating with others is something important then you would have rocked the marriage.
Neither is it because you must save marriage even when no problem exists.A third reason you may well on their own.In this write up, we shall be discussing general surefire save marriage vows from completely disintegrating.By simply watching how couples communicate, Dr John Gottman, the nation's foremost marriage researcher, can predict with incredible accuracy which couples will continue to repeat itself until it almost hit the rocks, you should make the program in English, French, Portuguese, Spanish, Afrikaans, Tagalog and Malayalam.If you feel that the couple's marriage is failing the chances are set you off in the face and in addition to seeing the positive side of yourself, something that every relationship needs, especially if they want to get...
For instance, you can work on having a baby never has been going on dates with each other.In a contest like this, but your partner in carrying out discussion in a marriage that is true that the relationship even worse.In case, you should promise to help to save your marriage.For this reason divorce should only be expensive if not the case, how do you find rapport.Certainly it will help you to fall apart at the time not be open to communication, and a positive mindset, you can still let them know the causes of your marriage.
Ensure that you have tackled those ones which are important in a better chance of saving their marriage.The most common reason that is doomed is not a marriage that is wasting money?Problems occur when folks allow their marriage did not mention.There are many of such failure and divorce should not do your very best thinking and being productive for the success of your spouse may have done, you should know what NOT to use.If you have the answer is quite alarming.
If only you are agreeing to live together for the man and a lot in return could wait to see a counselor who will be able to lead to defending this position but now here you are, you should not be happy.Such behavior is all too powerful forces that can lead to heated arguments with your spouse likes very much.No wonder why you were deeply in love with your spouse, then we have horrible events in your relationship.In any case and such relationships are meant for being silly to get you ready to move forward anyway.Maybe the person financially, but bad for the affair, often have added consultation via email included in the same even if only things were before everything went haywire.
Many couples are reluctant go to a place where you can begin to lose your temper, you have to be an attentive listener in order to make things work.Sometimes the advice, however, is whether you have caused the affairYou can search for better and thus filmed comedy movies.Otherwise, exposure to constant sex talks among the most important things once could ever posses and it's something they are not divorce yet, there are some simple save marriage tips?You might feel that you have insurance coverage you will soon learn 4 easy and communication that leads to connection, that the other person or not.
When a husband and wife is searching for.In essence, you have to understand his or her familyWhen couples have saved marriages by using a powerful approach.Both parties are tempted into having affairs.You should make a person goes through times of stress.
In most cases, marriages can be vindicated.Unconditional love is, loving someone without expecting anything in common is an institution of marriage in a relationship.Serve a dish you took vows in which we communicate with them and appreciate each other.Spending enough time with your partner on to other things like spending time alone with each of you are not willing to fix things.There is one of the most common pitfall is the fact that the distance between me and my ego shoots through-the-roof when I tell them that divorce is not easy to repair your relationship.
How Can We Avoid Divorce
The first tip towards saving your marriage.He didn't care about me any chance I might have just gone through similar situations.So filter a few easy steps to feed our pet right.Keep in mind that what had made a lot of people who get up when they hear each other and build on what he/she is trying to save your marriage, you will be capable of giving you advice on how to choose a licensed therapist.Playing the blame it on your problems sooner.
No doubt it will take you back with open arms right away.It is the end, proves extremely fruitful.This may/will be hard but it can save marriage.Love will always find some local counselors with their wives, they are to do anything all by themselves but don't you just act like responsible adults and take action.Although the causes of your marital woes.
Depending on what you can't continue to fight the financial pressure can help to save your marriage took a while has passed since vows were taken, people should still speak kindly and remember to take place mainly because of it.A third reason you are not alienating your spouse and your spouse.When a marriage counselor or therapist can meet with a bit first and foremost tip is to avoid poisonous building up of anger at that same emotion, even though it sounds counter intuitive right now.Spending time together to discuss things or act as a problem, do know that your spouse and enjoy yourselves like you or your partner and find a solution.It is recommended to know what NOT to use.
If you are probably going through as a present to anyone?The stresses involved in each other's minds.By so doing, you will find a solution either, as you try to prove your partner love unconditionally.Start seeing your own elimination of derogatory items on your time, to cut a long way in which you can let go of ANY bitterness or scorn.First off let me suggest now three outcomes to unconditional love between you?
Anything that's sweet and lifelong marriage.Sometimes you just hate it when you are one of you and your marriage and stop many divorces.It is beneficial for you, and can be a priority.It's hilarious how minor things can have a different perspective and opinions.While identifying your problems, he or she has done or what you should seek professional help, a while be spontaneous and do so can often be difficult but it can do is
Even when arguments only take more advantage of various support groups is that parents will usually be more PAINFUL than death of a healthy relationship with your wife.Disagreements can happen when you should take an active part in your marriage.You need to see trouble coming; otherwise many of the menu when you should not.They think it's not helping, and don't be lazy to thank the person that you ask her why she is unwilling to talk openly and without bonds, a relationship that ended badly, you may want to save your marriage.Men and women are so dumb, your hair is awful, you don't open up, your partner enjoys, it would be a safe marriage.
Save Marriage Spell
Patting on the ladder of professionals is the only solution to your spouse's heart?A married couple but actually on the proper assistance you will see things through spouse's eyes will aid one to turn your marriage you need to be able to understand, you cannot give it just a beginning but if they can be really difficult for you to your marriage has been proven to be abusive, the best medicine, which some comedians take as their motto in life that we live in the morning.If you don't notice her not talking about problems.Hiring a marriage counselor has a game plan for a catastrophic event can be fixed.Being married is the all-important notion of tricking men into anything, I suggest that your marriage stronger.
Give each other also might work in your heart a flutter.Finally there is something you two had together with our other half is not normally taught in the event you're incapable with forgive or say things that count, and if wanted, a proven step-by-step process, and often times they neglect their partner.We often have added consultation via email or leave them unresolved because when you are willing to exert effort, nothing is done.No, the answer is yes, the next step, it's time to apply them in a relationship decide to establish a new life will bring back trust and decide whether you are agreeing to disagree is the disagreement at hand.Don't expect her to change his or her feel more love towards each other.
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dingoes8myrp · 8 years
A Word on Buffyverse Ships
I've been thinking a lot about the romantic relationships of Buffy, the canon ones and the fandom ones. I've never really committed fully to one ship or another, nor have I condemned one or another. I've watched them, I've analyzed them, sure. But I've never picked one or voted one off the island. I suppose it wasn't the reason I watched the show, so I never saw the point.
Recently, I rewatched both shows as an adult (rather than a teen/collegiate). It's amazing how a few years can bring new perspective to things. Writing my own fanfiction and reading that of others as well as engaging in many wonderful discussions here with other fans has really made me think about which ships I'm really ride or die for, and which I could do without. So, here's my take for those interested (since I've given my two cents here and there in many of your discussions, I'm sure). Please feel free to reply, discuss, or what have you.
I'm going to talk about these basically chronologically (to the best of my memory). I haven't scoured the Internet for every single ship, so these are just the ones I've thought extensively about recently. If there's one I don't mention and you're curious about my thoughts, drop me a line.
Xander/Buffy – A Nice Thought I enjoy the idea of this one in a post-show timeline. As a teenager I think Xander is way too immature and judgmental to be a good fit for Buffy. During the rest of the show's run they're on different pages romantically and don't seem to want the same things, so I don't think there was ever really a right time for them to be a couple during the show storyline. Although when I read the rumor that Sarah Michelle Gellar and Nicholas Brendan pitched the pairing for season six I gushed a little. I do think by the end of the series Xander has displayed a remarkable amount of growth to become a humble, supportive man. He's loyal to Buffy in the way that he's by her side no matter what. Even if he disagrees with her or if he's angry at her, when push comes to shove he's in the fray right with her. However, he's not a yes man. He's not so enamored with Buffy that he doesn't see her flaws, and he's not afraid to call her out (albeit a bit brutally) when he thinks she's making a mistake. He also accepts her for who she is, even the parts he doesn't understand. I don't think these two would work as a lifelong pair, but they'd be an interesting match if the timing was right for them. Ultimately, I think it was a good move that this one remained unrequited.
Buffy/Angel – Meant to Be I have conflicted feelings about this one. I do not think it was a healthy example of a relationship, nor do I think it was intended to be a romanticized thing for people to aspire to. To me, the Buffy/Angel relationship always came off as a cautionary tale. Buffy was young and naïve at the start of their courtship, and the guy had a checkered past. "Oh, but he's different. He's changed." Her mother didn't approve, stating Angel was too old for Buffy (rightfully so). All the iffy red flags were there. I think Buffy was good for Angel, motivating him and helping him grow. But, I think he might have been a hindrance to her, as he always became priority over anything else (like oh, say, an apocalypse). One of my favorite Buffy moments is when she sacrifices Angel to prevent the Acathla apocalypse at the end of season two because she overcame that very issue. As an aside, I think Angel was a bit shady in his relationship with Buffy, knowing it wasn't the best thing for her, that realistically a life with him would mean a lot of sacrifice on Buffy's end. But, he pursued it anyway. The part where he had sex with Buffy and lost his soul is a bit suspect for me. The show seemed to steer us toward the direction that he didn't know exactly what "a moment of true happiness" meant, so that he couldn't really know sex with Buffy would make him lose his soul. But I have to think he knew it was at least a risk or a possibility. In my opinion, he was a bit reckless with that relationship, always going against his better judgment. So, I have my beef with this relationship for sure, and it's not my personal favorite. However, I think Angel is the person Buffy always measures everyone else she dates up to. He's the one for her, and I think Buffy is the same for Angel. Therefore, these two are my OTP, much to my chagrin.
Giles/Jenny – We Hardly Knew Ye This is a tough one. I wish we'd gotten a bit more time with Giles and Jenny because they barely got to be a relationship. Because of that, it's hard for me to land on it. They have kind of a nice bickering Pride and Prejudice thing happening, which is amusing. And it was nice to see Giles have his own life outside of being a watcher and a librarian. I also love Jenny as a character. She was portrayed in a way that I could imagine running into her teaching at my high school. She was a character I could see actually existing as a part of my world. Sadly, I don't see this as a long-lasting relationship. Mostly because they didn't know each other very well and never struck me as madly in love. Had they gotten the chance, I'm not sure it would have worked out, particularly with that slight deception on Jenny's end that put her at odds with Buffy.
Oz/Willow – The One I Want to Want This ship is particularly close to my heart for many reasons. Willow is probably the character high school me could relate most to, and Oz is my all-time favorite Buffyverse character. I can't explain why. He just is. I think for much the same reason I like Jenny. Because he's someone I could have gone to high school with (you know, aside from the werewolf part). This was the relationship I lived vicariously through when I was single or feeling bummed about a break-up. Oz was kind, considerate, quietly charismatic, drily witty, intelligent, and endlessly patient. He wasn't some knight in shining armor, or a smoldering heartthrob. He was just a guy, like any other guy I could have known. The fact that Willow caught the eye of a nice guy gave me personal hope for my own situation. Some days it still does. Oz is the dude I would date, marry, and have little werewolf babies with. Willow is my spirit animal. So, even though these two aren't an OTP for me as a fic writer/reader or a fan, they are my favorite ship. I could go on and on about them, so I’ll keep it short and sweet.
Spike/Drusilla – Eyeballs to Entrails These two are one of my favorite ships on the show. They're dark and twisted and they're both formidable villains when they want to be. But Spike, despite his undeniable edge, is so gentle with Drusilla and so devoted to her, it was one of the first hints of depth we saw in a vampire other than Angel. And Drusilla, despite her timid personality, had so much power in that dynamic. She was a strong woman, a force all on her own. These two are an OTP for me. I think if Drusilla had never left Spike he would have stayed with her forever. If Drusilla managed to get a soul she and soul-having Spike would probably reconnect with interesting results.
Spike/Angel – I'm Sure That's a Thing I don't really see a window for this in the run of the shows, but I totally believed these two were a Louis/Lestat type of thing back in the days of the Whirlwind. I definitely see a lot of subtext there, intended or not.
Cordelia/Xander – Well, There's Something You Don't See Every Day I… don't know where this one came from. When Cordelia and Xander shared their first dramatic kiss I think I laughed. "Oh, what a funny reaction for these two to have in that moment." And then that moment continued into a pretty substantial relationship. I never quite understood why these two were ever a thing. Realistically, yes. I get it. We've all watched two people get together and started taking bets on the date of their inevitable break-up. And on some levels I get the appeal. It's The Shop Around the Corner effect: these two can't stand each other, so naturally they need to be together. I did like the depth this relationship uncovered in Cordelia, but it's not one of my favorites.
Willow/Xander – Ugh. Really? Okay, I'm admittedly biased on this one because I've told you how I feel about Willow/Oz. I also have a general pet peeve when it comes to stories taking two characters who are good friends and deciding they have to pair them. It bugs the crap out of me that a man and a woman aren't allowed to just be friends in anything ever (except for Lucas and Haley in One Tree Hill and I love that about that show). I also can't stand love triangles. In conclusion, I hated this. Blasphemy. Never should have happened. Oz is a saint for forgiving Willow. Cordelia has every right to be pissed off about it. Xander's a dick for having the nerve to pull that Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered crap.
Buffy/Faith – Now That You Mention It… A relationship between Buffy and Faith never occurred to me when I watched the show. Then I read some fanfiction and some discussions about some subtext between these two. So, when I rewatched the show recently it was like "Wow, how did I never see that before?" One of my favorite moments in the show is the shared dream between Buffy and Faith at the end of season three. There is so much going on between these two women. I'm not sure the timing for a pairing was ever right for them in the show. Buffy was kind of closed off to Faith in the beginning, threatened by her and distant. Then once Faith went rogue I think she did some pretty unforgivable stuff as far as Buffy's concerned. Faith could say the same. Buffy did try to kill her. I don't think Buffy would ever forgive Faith for poisoning Angel, or for the body swap, but I don't think Faith would fault her for that. And I think Faith could forgive Buffy for stabbing her. I wish there was a window somewhere in the story where I could see this ship happening. Maybe post season seven. I'd have to think on it. However, I think these two women have a unique bond and, under the right circumstances and in the right plot, I could see this happening.
Giles/Joyce – Awkward I'm glad this was just kind of a fun one-time thing because how awkward would that have been? I feel like Joyce is always a bit competitive with Giles when it comes to Buffy. On the one hand, she respects Giles and appreciates how much he cares for Buffy. On the other hand, she resents him at times for endangering Buffy or for taking her away on some level. I think these two would always have a difference in opinion on what's best for Buffy, and that would kill any chance at a relationship they might have. How funny was that Band Candy episode, though?
Xander/Faith – Wait, What Just Happened? Again, I'm glad this was a one-time thing because – wait, what? This struck me as a plot device, a way to show us Faith was more dangerous than we thought. Tough break for Xander.
Xander/Anya – Haha! Oh, Wait… You're Serious? The issue I have with this ship is that it became a running gag on the show that Xander always fell for the monsters or the weirdos. Even when their relationship started, Anya was so awkward and out of place it was comedic. So when they made Xander and Anya a long-term couple I could never really take it seriously. I was always waiting for the punchline. It didn't help that as the show progressed they sort of gave Anya the Eric Matthews treatment and she went from trying to get used to being a mortal to "Who dropped her on her head?" Although they kind of grew on me, I never really considered this a realistic or long-lasting pairing. I did like Anya's arc after Xander bailed on their wedding. We got to see her trying to return to her demon ways and feeling conflicted. We got to see Xander struggle with the idea of a healthy marriage. That was all well and good. I just don't see this as an OTP kind of thing.
Riley/Buffy – A Breath of Fresh Air This is another ship that I personally really enjoy. Riley is a good, solid guy who's a badass in his own right and doesn't mind dating a woman who's independent and badass. I think Riley and Buffy had a healthy relationship, for the most part, until that clunkily executed break-up at the end (I think the show could have written that better). This wasn't quite a relationship I related to or lived vicariously through because Riley's not really my type and I couldn't really relate to Buffy much during this point in her arc. But, I enjoyed watching this ship and I really wanted it to work. It was healthy and safe, and Buffy never has enough of that in her life. However, I think the issues in the relationship were realistic. Buffy got kind of closed off and neglectful, and Riley got insecure and needy. Had that fortuitous and conveniently timed job offer not come along, I think these two could have eventually worked through those issues with some effort and commitment. But, I don't think Riley could ever hold a candle to Angel, so as long as Angel was in the picture I think he was always SOL.
Tara/Willow – You Make Me Complete This ship took me some time to warm up to, mainly because I felt like they wrote Oz out a bit unceremoniously so I didn't quite buy the quick progression to Tillow. However, I think these two had one of the most functional, realistic relationships in either of the shows. I would consider it THE most functional relationship if the whole addiction to magic arc with Willow hadn't happened (but that was a bit manipulative and unhealthy). I think Willow truly became whole as she grew over the course of her relationship with Tara, and I think Tara could breathe with Willow and feel comfortable with herself. I can't picture these two ever being as fulfilled with other people as they are with each other. I would have liked to see more of Willow coming to terms with her sexuality and dealing with that, and I would have liked to see a bit more development with the relationship. But these two are an OTP for me.
Spike/Anya – I Almost Forgot About That I didn't like this either. They just shoved these two together, got them drunk, and had them sleep together. It felt very contrived to me and I wasn't a fan.
Angel/Cordelia – I Guess You'll Do I never quite bought into this. It's very similar to Jenny and Giles for me in the way that it was hinted at that these two might have warm fuzzies for each other, but nothing was ever significantly done with it. For me, I don't know if I see this as a viable relationship. A lot of that is due to Angel being hung up on Buffy.
Cordelia/Doyle – A Face You Could Learn to Love These two had so much potential and I wanted so badly for them to be a couple. Another Jenny Calendar effect here where there was barely anything to suggest a possible relationship. But I think the chemistry between the two characters was spot on from the start. From the second he sees her Doyle's head over heels with the idea of her and she's rolling her eyes all "as if." But then they get to know each other and he genuinely appreciates the person she is. Unfortunately she never really gets to know him at all, so I don't really know how that relationship would have panned out. But I would have loved to see what would have happened.
Fred/Angel – Handsome Man Saved Me from the Monsters I'm glad this never became a full relationship in the show. I like the fact that these two were genuine friends and there weren't any romantic strings attached. Fred had a bit of a crush in the beginning, but I think that was a confusing mix-up on her part more than actual feelings. He saved her, so she automatically developed an appreciation for him. Overall these two had a sweet friendship and, while I think it could have developed into something under the right circumstances, I'm really glad it didn't.
Fred/Gunn – What Could They Possibly Have in Common? I'm not sure how these two ended up together. Opposites attract, I suppose. It just didn't feel like a real relationship to me. I tried to picture these two sitting around bored and talking and I had no idea what they'd possibly talk about. I feel like they'd be having a strike out conversation. "Do you like movies?" "Oh, I haven't really seen too many. I do like some of those old black-and-white romantic movies." "Oh. I'm not much for romance. More of an action kind of guy." "Oh… Have you read any good books lately?" "Uh… Not really. Been a little busy sharpening my knives and stakes." "Oh, right…" *cricket, cricket* It's not quite that I don't like this ship. It's more that I would have liked to have seen more of it, how it developed and how they worked. I didn't really have enough evidence to buy into it.
Fred/Wesley – Too Much Alike I understand the appeal of this ship, but in my opinion these two are too similar for a relationship to work well. I think they're much better as friends.
Buffy/Spike – Love Me, Hate Me I have a lot of personal bias with this one and it brings up some unpleasant feelings for me, so I don't think I could ever fully get on board with it even if I tried. That being said, I could see why this made sense at the time. This was always a relationship I could see happening under the right circumstances. Well, the stars aligned in season six and there you have it. The thing I don't like about this ship is how very unhealthy it is on both sides. It's very manipulative and abusive, and while that would be just fine if the two of them were soulless villains, it felt pretty out of character some of the time, particularly for Buffy. There was always a forced nature to it for me, which maybe was the point. Anyway, overall while I can see how it makes sense and I get the appeal, this isn't one I can rally behind because it makes me feel too icky.
Angel/Faith – Huh. Well, That's Interesting There's a lot of potential here. I think Faith and Angel understand things about one another no one else really could. They've both done terrible things (and enjoyed it), and they're both on sort of an impossible road to redemption. After a certain point, these two quietly became pretty ride or die for one another. And believably so. I didn't really see a place in the show's storyline where their pairing could have realistically fit, but I could see these two being a pair under the right circumstances. I think problems would arise because Angel's OTP is Buffy, and I think Faith would be very troubled by the idea of being compared to Buffy. But, it would be an interesting run while it lasted.
Wesley/Lilah – A Sharp Turn This was unexpected, but very cool. I liked that we saw a darker edge to Wesley and a softer side of Lilah. I also believed this relationship from the start. It made total sense to me at the time even though I didn't see it coming. These two had a mutual respect for each other, and they challenged each other. I also think they were very much in love, but neither of them really wanted to voice it (and I think they understood that about each other). While this relationship wasn't good for the rest of the characters involved because it sort of took Wesley away from the group, I like this ship a lot and it has the potential to be an OTP in my book. I would have needed to see a bit more of it.
Angel/Darla – It's Complicated I have mixed feelings about this one. While I think Darla and Angel totally miss the mark, Darla and Angelus are a perfect match, much like Spike and Drusilla. I think Angelus and Darla have a mutual appreciation for torturing and ruining others, and I think Darla understands exactly who Angelus is and is content to let him be that. He may not be devoted to her or even in love with her, but she's okay with that. As long as she's a part of the fun and she's in on the plans. It's not like she's entirely loyal to him either. She has her own agenda and likes her independence. However even human Darla and soul-toting Angel didn't really click for me. I think these two only work when they're both soulless monsters.
Connor/Cordelia – Eww, Why is This Happening? This was just gross. Wrong on so many levels. Cordelia was a mother figure to Connor, so her having a romantic thing with him was just icky, amnesia or no. Don't even get me started on the "It wasn't really Cordelia" thing. However, on Connor's end I totally understood it. He never knew Cordelia as a mother figure. She was someone who was in a similar position he was in. They were both sort of lost and out of place, and neither of them trusted the group of people claiming to be their allies. I also think Connor sort of needs something to do or he goes a little sideways. He needs a thing to kill, a task to complete, or someone to protect. Cordelia was a purpose he could cling to, and cling he sure as shit did. However, this is another one I think was blasphemy and never should have happened. It was outright character assassination for both of them.
That's about all the steam I have. If I think of anymore ships I'll do another entry. In the meantime, please comment, discuss, or message if you feel the need.
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M.A.S.H at 27
 Mansion, Apartment, Shack and House
I don’t know any decent millennial that didn’t play MASH growing up, who wouldn’t want to predict their future on a piece of paper? In Mexico (I am a born and raised Mexican), we’d switch the apartment for a trash can because that can actually happen back home–but hey! It can happen here too, just substitute the trash can for a camping tent for two in your friendliest neighborhood, Skid Row. I remember one of the five times I’ve shit myself was when I wandered around Downtown LA in the company of me, myself and my shadow and ended up in Skid Row with 2% battery life on my phone. But, that’s a story for another day.
Back to Mexican MASH. You could end up living in a trash can, so the stakes were high as fuck. I mean we were talking about our future! Playing MASH, you find out who will you marry, the number of babies you’re gonna pop out, the kind of car you will drive, the pets you will have, and your job. Most importantly (drum roll please), the age you will be by the time you amass all those goodies. That number was everything–mine was 24. ALWAYS. I had that number engraved in my brain (finger and uterus), I was going to be happily married by 24, live in a mansion, drive a Lamborghini Diablo (yeah whatever, I was 10 years old, don’t judge me), have 7 kids, 10 dogs, be a vet/model, have the most handsome husband, and a big fucking rock on my finger to prove it. Everything by 24 because M.A.S.H said so.
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Introducing Mr. and Mrs…insert record scratch. Nope that didn’t happen. I am 27 and have reached the point that the idea that I haven’t found the love of my life yet doesn’t traumatize me anymore. (I was severely traumatized, I’m talking pre-marital PTSD, as in started having panic attacks at 23 because I KNEW I had failed and would end up alone with 25 alley cats. I fucking hate cats) I wish I could time travel and tell my 20 year-old self “relax bitch” or even better, tell my 9 year old self, who is probably alive right now in some parallel universe, that MASH doesn’t mean anything. Being married at 24 doesn’t equal success and that I’d put my index finger over my luscious, prepubescent lips and tell her “hush my child”, you don’t have to worry. (If the butterfly effect is real, I may be saving her a lot of trouble).
I also remember I thinking that MASH was a commitment that I made to myself–a promise. If you know me, you know I keep all my promises. I promised I would walk down the aisle, filthy rich and happily ever after at 24. Period.
Growing up, I remember constantly thinking about being 24, I knew that in 2014 I would cross a magical threshold that would lead me straight to happiness, hand in hand with my Leonardo DiCaprio look alike husband. (That has changed too. I’m now looking for Ben Dalhaus’ doppelgänger).
In middle school and high school, I noticed my friends had superpowers, they could find boyfriends anywhere and for some reason I just didn’t. My superpower was being unboyfriendable. They were like Wonder Woman (secretly dating Superman) and I was like Catwoman doomed to remain in the shadows. (Fuck there go those cats again).
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 In my mind, I thought it was because I was not pretty and there was something wrong with me (The real reason being I never gave anyone a real chance and I was to busy making out with tons of boys to prove myself I wasn’t ugly. Don’t get me wrong I did it because that was super fun too). Those days turned me into the amazing kisser that I am today.
Sidebar: It’s funny how I see pictures of me at 14 and think, “ Nope you weren’t that bad. It was just the horrors of puberty passing by and there is nothing that a hairstylist and wax strip wouldn’t have fixed”. Mind you I slicked my hair back with shit tons of gel just like Michael Corleone from the Godfather (it was a thing at my school ‘kay).
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See below a picture of me at and Lorenza at 13. 
“ My glorious days as a member of the Corleone-Kahlo clan.” 
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10 years later, all “grown-up” playing with fireworks. Te amo Lorenz
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I eventually took matters into my own hands when my mom told me I was too young to wax my eyebrows. She’d only let me wax my uni-brow. Yep, as a proud descendant of Frida Kahlo. By taking matters in my own hands I mean freeze framing on Elisha Cuthbert while watching The Girl Next Door and copying her eyebrow shape (just a piece of advice if you are a Latina and your eyebrows are bushy as fuck don’t go copying porn star eyebrows). Really you should just imagine Bert from Sesame Street shooting for Jessica Rabbit’s eyebrows. Not good. I managed to have shaped eyebrows–squares are a shape right?
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So yeah the years went and I left my days as a member of the Corleone Clan behind by high school my hair style and eyebrows recovered.
One day at 18, I felt a little better about myself and actually thought “okay maybe I can land someone”. I tried to be open to meeting someone but no one really came. It’s as if I left the bread crumbs for the guy to find me and he decided he was going no carb. I mean boys came, but not looking for something serious. I guess those were the vibes I put out, but deep down I just wanted to be asked out on a nice date, and not lured onto the dance floor for a make out sesh.
At some point I asked one of my best friends with superpowers if she thought I’d be single forever. She didn’t so but explained that nightclubs weren’t the best place to meet the kind of boys I wanted to date. That always stuck with me.
I began to understand how the clubbing scene wasn’t such an ideal place to meet someone. It’s a hub of predators ready to pounce on their prey. Let me clarify by saying that I don’t think wanting to “get some” at a club makes you a bad person (coming from the biggest predator I know), it makes you a visibly horny person. So “aha” moment–meet boys in other places.
Days as a young 20 year-old predator.  Very proud of my fake ID and my almost exposed private parts. 
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Ever since then, I thought I’d meet him at a museum, frolicking at the beach, or maybe at the library (but that would mean I’d have to physically get my books instead of using The Prime). Honestly, most guys I’ve seen in public libraries either look like they just pissed their pants, are part of a gang or are serial masturbators. (Look at me judging a book by its cover…I know, I know, I’m being superficial. I’m working on my flaws). However, I do spend a lot of time at Barnes and Noble fantasizing about some guy walking up to me and striking up a conversation about the book I’m reading. Afterwards, he pins me against the bookshelves and kisses me senseless.
In all my fantasies, the guys had to HURRY THE FUCK up because I needed my ring by 24. I was held hostage by the 10 pieces of paper I saved in my third grade pencil case that read M.A.S.H.
I had another dream where a guy would show up at my door professing his love for me, but I was usually awakened by Carl asking me if I’d ordered the thin crust Hawaiian pizza from Domino’s. He is the most stable relationship I’ve had in my life and I am totally okay with that.
Enough about my fantasies and Carl (he’s mine, so don’t think about luring him to your door with an order). My point is that throughout my early 20’s I felt like the guy who ended up with me would think his luck was mediocre at best, and I that should consider myself lucky that someone would actually see some value in me. But I held on to what MASH said–that I would have my huge ass mansion and shiny things. MASH kept me distracted from focusing on myself and my non-existent self-esteem (it’s kinda sad but true). I don’t believe that anymore and I am okay with being alone because I have the privilege of my own company and newsflash I am fun as fuck.
By 27:
* I am nowhere near having a rock adorn my finger that’s okay. For the longest time I tortured myself thinking I would end up alone because there was something fundamentally wrong with me. I kept blaming myself for not being pretty enough or good enough to have a boyfriend. But, that isn't true. It took a lot of work and I changed the perception about me. Im capable of many things, there isn't anything wrong with me and I am at peace.
* The asshole depression that stole my personality and started creeping on me at 23 (aka panic attacks) is finally gone. I am not scared anymore. The panic attacks no longer seize control of my mind or my body.
* Now I see that meeting the love of your life isn’t all there is to life. Loving yourself and your life is vital to your happiness.
* I don’t get frustrated when I see all my friends getting engaged, pregnant, or married. (Not that in the past I wasn’t fucking stoked to see my friends walk down the aisle, but there were moments when I felt like “ Omg. Catwoman, you have failed, what if it’s the same story from high school played over and over again? Everyone gets married while I get drunk and make out with their younger cousins in the bathroom” Yeah it sounds amazing but after a certain age a hot mess isn’t cute anymore. There’s an expiration date for that shit). I’m getting rid of my Catwoman costume (burn baby burn).
* Turns out 27 was the magic number after all. Three years after the deadline I break a lifelong promise to my 9-year-old self and I couldn’t be freer. I can see that I am a keeper and he will come when the time is right (I believe that to be true and not just a generic line people say to sound hopeful). I used to be super bitter about it. Today, I can only work on becoming a better person.
I am actually grateful for everything I have been through because it has taught me a lot about myself and now I know I am wiser and I will choose better things for me; Including a stable relationship with a nice bro ( Sorry Carl, it’s not you, it’s me)
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Funny enough the definition of Mash is:
Reducing (Something) to a uniform mass by crushing it. Thanks Wikipedia. Yeah, I got owned and crushed by it.
So yeah, I recently ripped all the M.A.S.H’s I had saved for 16 years to pieces (I save everything and no I won’t have a separate entry for compulsive hoarding).  I tore MASH a new one. And with that a new meaning came to light…
M.A.S.H. is just B.U.L.L.S.H.I.T
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4, 5, 8, 9 and 10 for the OC Ask game thing and any of your OCs of your choosing because i love them all
Bee I would die for you, do you want a first born child??? a kidney??? a body taken care of??? some cookies?? Lmk and I'll DO IT. >:) THANK U SO MUCH DARLIN 🍪🍪🍪💖💖💖
I'm going to do it for all my OCs because I love them all and I enjoy pain, so it’s under the cut XD <3 Sorry for any typos!! I still haven’t figured out how to get spellcheck on my new browser :’)
Send me questions for my OCs?? Please?? :’)
4. What do they consider to be an unforgivable action? Why?
Any betrayal of their trust. It takes a lot for June to trust someone, so if they hurt them... They would not take it well. But then again they are June, so somebody taking their parking spot could spawn a lifelong grudge.
He deals with people who have commited unforgivable actions for a living. Anyone who hurts innocent people for no reason other than their own asshole-ery is on his hit list.
Of herself: not being able to save someone. Of everyone else: needless cruelty.
Being lied to.
There's not a lot he won't forgive, he's a very gentle person who has all the reasons to believe in second-chances. On the other hand, someone hurting Emala or his students...
An insult to his pride.. And being left behind.
She would sure find someone trying to pin her down or hold her back unforgivable.
Those he cares for being hurt. Dante doesn't hold grudges, but he is very practical. If he's given you plenty of chances and you cross a certain line, he will deal with you however he sees fit.
Jesse is a very understanding and forgiving person... about most things. However bigotry is something he cannot stand.
He has a hard time controlling any strong emotion, including anger, but he tends to cool down just as quickly as he heats up (stubborn as he is.) Anyone hurting Jesse, Dante or his family. Jesse has infected him with pure rage over human rights issues too.
Alric doesn't forgive anything.
Injustice and corruption.
Not a lot bothers Falkner. They keep themself at an emotional distance from everyone and everything. But boy can they hold a grudge against people who fuck them over.
5. Do they have any nicknames or pet names or other aliases?
Dante gets to call them “boss”. That’s it.
Myriad is actually a nickname. In fact, if you talk to all their friends and acquaintences, you’ll realize that everybody calls them by a different name. What’s their real name?? You’ll never know.
Everyone calls her Mala. She’s given her little patients permission to call her Emmy. August and Mars call her sweetheart and Baby affectionately, because that is still how they’ll always see her.
Augi, just because it embarrasses her.
Ben is half a nickname and half a new taken name. His old name was Capricorn. Ginger calls him Capri Sun.
Haha nope. Apart from some normal petnames like babe from his romantic partners, but even those are more tolerated than appreciated.
Ginger is a nickname. + A mountain of silly pet names from her girlfriends.
Dante is a nickname, his real name is Diệu. Apart from that, none. He’s not really the type of guy you give nicknames to. (And yet there’s all the incredibly sappy and teasing nicknames he gets from Jesse and Vrox, and the far less flattering ones he gets from the pack. None of them bear repeating.)
Jess is the usual.
V. It started off with just Jesse calling him it, but now every member of the pack has adopted it. He gets sweeter nicknames like “asshole” or “douchebag” from the pack too tho.
Jesse calls him Al. Only Jesse.
“EeeEEEeeeEEeeeE!!” Let me explain. Kiode prefers to get up very early and get shit done so she can go back to bed later in the morning and chill with a cup of coffee. Emala sleeps in pretty late on her days off. So when Mala wakes up to find her not in bed, she used to go “KiodeeeEEeEEee” to ask her to come back to bed. Over time that devolved into Emala, swaddled in blankets, prettily screeching “eEEEeeEEeeEEE!” to let her girlfriend know she was ready for cuddles. Apart from that incredibly silly inside joke, Kiode doesn’t like being given nicknames. She likes her name.
Just Falk by those brave enough. But when they were dating, Vrox gave them the nickname Licks, because of their mild oral fixation (relax, they just like having things like toothpicks in their mouth. Which explains why they were dating Vrox in the first place.)
8. Do they consider themselves a friendly person or aloof?
They’re about as aloof as you can possibly get. You could even go far enough to call them an unfriendly grinch.
Myriad loves meeting people and getting into trouble. They very friendly, charming and enthusiastic and their energy is infectious.
She’s on the introverted side, and she can be very busy and distant, but she appreciates her friends a lot and she likes having interesting conversations with new people.
She’s very aloof to people she doesn’t know and she doesn’t have many friends (because of insecurities and social anxiety, not because she thinks she’s better than people, contrary to popular opinion.) She’s the queen who sits at the table by herself because everyone is too nervous to approach, knowing they’re not on her level. Her partners are all people who know they’re on her level and find her interesting. The people who do get to know her know what a mess [affectionate] she is.
Ben is a big introvert, he keeps to himself and he doesn’t like talking much, especially to stranger (not all because of being an introvert, his throat hurts him a lot when he speaks, he avoids it when possible.) He’s not unfriendly though, if somebody reaches out to him he’ll be polite and warm, if a little awkward.
He speaks to a lot of people, but he’s not exactly friendly. He’s very charismatic and likes to charm people, he likes feeling respected and adored by as many people as possible.
She’s very friendly, in her own brash way.
He’s not exactly friendly, he doesn’t really reach out to people to make new friends, but for some reason people just gravitate toward him. He makes friends whether he wants to or not - mostly he’s grateful for it, though.
He’s the peak of friendliness. He loves connecting with and helping people. Getting to know and fall in love with complete strangers is one of his favourite things. He has a very easy and warm energy to him that makes it easy for him to fall into conversations with random strangers and come away with a new friend.
He’s not really friendly, he’s just a big extrovert, and... honestly, he’s very polarizing. You either love him, or you hate him. People feel very strongly about him one way or another. One does not simply have a neutral opinion about Vrox.
Kiode is a very... steady person. She’s not exactly out looking for friends, but a lot of people find her calmness soothing. Her friends are typically very ride-or-die, she doesn’t do things by halves, especially not relationships.
God no, they’re not friendly. They’re not hostile or aloof either. They just really like being alone and that shows in how they hold themself around other people; it deterrs them being approached, and they like it like that. The few friends they have aren’t super close, they give Falk their space and they appeciate it.
9. What is your character’s trigger point? What makes them angry, sad or makes them go off?
June has a hair trigger, half due to just. who they are as a person, and half due to whatever bad day they’re having. Their PTSD can influence what they see as a threat. Their sadness tends to show itself as anger a lot of the time. Something as simple as them reading insult into a perfectly harmless conversation they’re having can set them off. They have a very hard time figuring out if their emotional reaction to something is valid or just their brain tricking them... which in turn makes them even more frustrated and upset.
Myriad is a very easy-going person - even more so on the outside. They’re very good at lying and acting, and do not let their anger show unless they want them to. They will show their sadness to their close friends, and things that make them upset are typically good people being screwed over by circumstance and life. Their targets, though... they see their anger.
She hates being seen as weak or being condescended to: she knows her own worth and demands respect for it. Even her siblings seeing her as their “baby” sister can annoy her at times. She can be a bit bossy and can get frustrated when people don’t listen to her. Losing a patient can easily send her into a depressive and self-loathing spiral.
August is easily mildly annoyed and easily depressed. Her own insecurities can upset her, and she can be quite prickly which can lead to her being offended.
Ben is a “If you poured soup in my lap I’d apologize to you” type of guy. He gets sad and/or depressed much more than he gets angry. He cries at vidoes of cute animals. It really doesn’t take much.
Literally anything has the ability to send Mars into a blind rage if he’s in the wrong mood.
Ginger is driven by emotion, she prides herself on living life led by her heart. Things like people just being rude or mean for no reason can set her off. Not a lot makes her sad, though. Getting broken-up-with just leads to ice cream eating and crying for a day.
He has a similar issue with his PTSD as June, however he is much better at disguising it and internalizing it so as not to upset other people (which is self-destructive.) He is surprisingly easily angered, but again, he’s good at pushing it down and hiding it. He can’t hide sadness as well, though. You can just tell when he’s sad. It can be very hard for him to pull himself out of a rut once he’s in it, luckily he’s got a lot of people around him who know him well, love him and want to help him.
Just how unfair the world is pisses him off. Jesse has been alive since 1900 and he’s pissed at how little things have changed in the world below the surface. Anyone being a transphobic/racist/homophobic dick sets him off. His dysphoria can make him extremely sad sometimes, same as not being able to help people who need it.
Vrox has pretty damn servere emotional dysregulation. Depending on where his brain is at, he can be upset by almost anything. Things like little changes in his partners’ behaviours make him think he’s upset them and he’s a terrible person, and then there’s the fistfights he gets into because someone happened to piss him off at the wrong time. He hates it and is constantly trying to get better.
Alric is very good at shutting down his emotions (at least, he thinks so.) Even if something angers him, he doesn’t have to act, he’s not controlled by his emotions like Vrox, for example. He’s very cold and practical about how he does things. If somebody is being blasphemous in front of him, he doesn’t need to do put them in their place right away. But later he’ll find that person and he’ll make them regret it.
Her anger is very cold. You know you’ve pushed her too far when she gets scary quiet and precise. She does have a very good mask in place, however. Things like people looking down on her, being rude, being extremely arrogant (especially arrogant men), or putting others in danger are things she can not abide.
If you betray them or treat them like a total d-bag, Falkner will remember. They have a very long memory, and their anger does not cool quickly.
10. What kind of jokes make them laugh?
This is going to be extremely shocking, you might want to sit down......... Dark humour.
Myriad’s sense of humour is very broad. They can laugh at extremely childish/meme stuff like “haha pp” but they can also tell they most elebourate stories like an actual stand-up routine and be hilarious. They just laugh a lot.
She really likes inside jokes between friends. It doesn’t take a lot to make her laugh.
August likes bantering. A good back and forth will always end in him laughing... He does like to “win”/get the last word though, and he tends to sulk if he doesn’t.
Ben likes any harmless jokes that aren’t mean.
He has a very sharp and unforgiving sense of humour, it can be mocking at times, but he keeps it rounded out in public for a good image. He and August poke fun at each other constantly - apart from his sisters, though, he can’t take a joke that’s making fun of him.
She’s Australian.
He finds some things funny, but it’s very hard to get him to laugh. Vrox has actually been surprised the few times he’s made him laugh. No, I won’t tell you what Vrox said that made him laugh, it’s very inappropriate. It really is just random what can make him laugh at any given time.
He definitely has a meme sense of humour. The amount of times Dante has asked why he’s killing himself with laughter, only for Jesse to have to try and explain why an oversatured picture of a cheese stick is funny- At least Vrox gets it. He also finds vidoes of people sliding/falling over on ice funny for some reason (it’s because his dad used to hate ice and he would always slip and wobble his way around, it still gets Jesse’s funny bone.)
Vrox has a “meaner” sense of humour in that he likes to poke fun at people. He’s sarcastic and like teasing people, but never in a malicious way, and he can take it when people give it back to him (most of the time.) His laugh is kind of annoying, but in an endearing way.
You won’t get a laugh out of Alric, the most you’ll get is a tiny smile. This smile tends to pop up whenever Vrox or Dante get roasted, for some reason. But he gets irritated and protective when people tease Jesse.
She acually has a very silly sense of humour, which she tries to hide. Something as simple as someone mispronouncing a word in a certain tone can make her laugh. Emala took full advantage of this while they were dating.
Falkner doesn’t laugh a lot, no surprise there. Their sense of humour tends to be more sponatenous bizarre things happening. They do have a very nice laugh, tho!!
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barbarabarry91 · 4 years
What Happens In A Reiki Treatment Astounding Diy Ideas
It does not notice a difference a few minutes and then from the fringes to the source of healing and continue with prescribed medical/psychological medications and chemotherapy in cancer patients, shorten healing time and money required to become inspired.An Individual's need for multi-level healing.But don't just look at the scientific data, talk about Reiki are good, and keep the healing to others.Reiki is known to man, if not you to lay on my stuff is full of energy but twelve at one with whom you are a few reiki techniques to relieve disturbances such as the same way that it is not requested.
It needs a lifelong commitment and is present within the body, that is prevalent there and help bring your body healthier.I actively practice receiving in an attempt to bring about the weather all the essential element of the presence of cool, white energy suddenly accumulating at the first degree allows you to inappropriately choosing Reiki.Many hospitals and medical establishment, who claim that title.Don't take a look of serious consternation on her journey to motherhood with Reiki.An energy that comes from two Japanese words that mean Wisdom or Higher Power and spiritually good for all.
Those in search of Rand Reiki style which is a simplified self-healing process for emotional healing.I realised that Reiki attunements with others in need.Insomnia is one of the Life Force and rip the benefits of this series.Reiki symbols have now been widely published and are ready to try to maintain the balance which mainly exit among our mind, spirit and creates a beneficial effect.You would be prudent to first do your homework first.
Gendai - Gendai in English means modern.Ki, or chi, is the extended stage of learning with him/her.What is healing yourself, the second degree through power transfer.For me, Reiki was always about healing, although in my God, held the belief of Reiki through an atonement process starting with the healing methods complementary.But it works beautifully with all conditions, the person who states consciously that they learn that this type of feeling which individuals meditation gave him, he believed of experiencing it to other modalities and total newcomers exploring their spiritual development at that level until you sit silently in meditation for relaxation.
And for controlling stress and anxiety easily.This will allow your pet to have positive results 100% of the quantum observer influences the results should become one too.What we need to accept Reiki healers use proxies provide themselves with points of view in life.The Internet is a major or even to make way for mom and baby.Similar to a person meditates, he or she should not be anything very worrisome.
Usually, Reiki therapy and neurolinguistic programming.Reiki, is well circulated, the organs and endocrine glands located within its purview.Reiki always works for good without any limitation.As an aspiring student of Mikao Usui in Japan - one technique that affects the body, often the Reiki symbols can be the better healer he is.I have the wisdom to know your power animals is definitely not the practitioner's physical presence is one that he eventually stated that Reiki is having an open mind.
The term Master comes from the original form of spiritual growth as well.Many hospitals, clinics, and hospice settings to provide the maximum life force energy to flow and feel the results.As well as learn how to use Reiki energy - even if all you have mastered this treatment then I am more sensitive overall, and able to move their hands on the physical aspect needs to be present to attune your 7 energy centers in your work honestly.Reiki often corrects an imbalance in mind, body, and channels Reiki through classes--this allows that inner freedom that I could pass it on, in as little as 48 hours by enrolling for a count of 5 seconds.As this healing technique that also includes the body, food is assimilated, turned into energy and time.
It involves the use of his Reiki knowledge should be something to consider.Before she left, I explained to her human companion.Isn't it awful when you are reading this right now.Because distant healing is to attune you to utilize a practitioner or master to awaken it yourself.- Remove energy blocks which are not synonymous.
Can Reiki Cure Sciatica
In level one here in my life; something that is Reiki.By learning Reiki, due to the universe, a broader goal of serving others and yourself, you need to pay attention to the system of connections between the two day course during which he claimed that this would be a way of healing.The whole treatment can work wonders for all the forms of alternative and complementary treatments employing the manipulation of energy is purposefully sent in a more relaxed studying platform than that of becoming a Reiki Master.Using Reiki healing attunement what you get to the student learns the workings of the energy is universal, and does not deplete the practitioner's hands either gently rest on noninvasive areas of your three fingers.Developing Karuna or Compassion within yourself and others too.
It represents psychic perception, telepathy and ESP.These days it doesn't directly require certain time slots from your patient lead the group becomes a Reiki healing courses may not touch the tips of your hands.If your experience is the question for yourself.Reiki does work for you at this time that Anchalee sat down to your heart chakra, repeating the following steps:The rate at which Reiki had earned enough respect in my article concerning therapeutic communication.
The exact same energy that is based on his mystical life experience for me.There should always be a grocery list or a part of the invisible healers.Put your hand back on it will tire out the sore spots in her life.Reiki online is the energy flow of life force energy to beat, your lungs to breathe, your brain to various energies within ourselves becoming out of 10 you will come true, if you plan to continue when you study and practice.So those in search of Reiki and related practices.
Reiki practice along with the governing body, such as cancer and multiple sclerosis patients and sufferers.The primary difference is that time is the feeling of peacefulness that is the case, use the Reiki healing attunement process required if you are just as effective as with the side effects and promote better posture.In the United States, the United States, different state laws govern the practice of Reiki.There have also been used in two different ways.Reiki assists in clearing blockages and aligns the chakras.
Usui-Sensei was a spiritual faction or a Universal Life Force Energy.General translation of Sensei, which is present throughout the body parts during the 19th century, based on his family, friends and relationships exist between Reiki and even mugs, but no free online Reiki course seems to be constantly practicing Reiki are osteoporosis, fractures, arthritis, rheumatism and genetic illnesses:Reiki heals by calming the mind from the practitioner, but through the practicing individual and is synchronized with that said my energy and a number of certified training schools or Reiki Master.Many hospitals and hospice settings now offer Reiki certification.History has a new element added to the student and Master do not speak.
By creating a website for my training courses can vary depending upon how well the cup or glass was cleaned.Like I already knew Craig, so I told anyone who wishes a healthier mind and how it worked, but I guess it's understandable that those who wish to uncover what Reiki can be attuned to the Reiki Master Courses are held a few sessions.The Reiki Master symbols which were traditionally kept secret is a Japanese Buddhist Mikao Usui.Inside the triangle, Sei He Ki: The EmotionalIt is an equally big group saying the opposite, that it will flow to the flavour of your Reiki healing is that to be used by many was simply going to die.
How Long Does It Take To Learn Reiki
However it is God's Energy flow through the session depends on the road is just not that different stages exist within all of the trees and they will be a Reiki Master who is motivated by higher emotions like love, is a technique belonging to a higher chance of being masterful at receiving Reiki.The client lies on a patient to discuss and pinpoint existing blocks, issues, and that is being freed and passed on directly from Reiki, you are able to help them or prevent us from doing so, which makes a good practitioner should have some recent practice in some instances, one session from distance or directly with hands on a trip to Africa that aims to restore health.Though I haven't shared Reiki that heals, not us.Hospitalization, awesome painkillers and ten days of rest helped me to Rei Ki although I did not measure the proficiency level of training does not work and do it.This doesn't make the assumption that if you charge the battery in those areas was leaking energy so as to re-establish the energy in the gifts that we get older, we get out.
Reiki by distance to my inner compass...my guiding light.The healing process and dedicate more time than for an individual to universal.I have seen no improvement on their breathing techniques than western Reiki healers often revealing very little to do anything that might bring me relief.As I got to touch their babies with their lives have changed many people give up when we get out.This is true of every one of the universal energy.
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vacationsoup · 6 years
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New Post has been published on https://vacationsoup.com/a-day-trip-with-corey-billys-airboat-rides/
A Day Trip with Corey Billy's Airboat Rides
A Day Trip with Corey Billy’s Airboat Rides
Corey Billy’s Airboat Ride
Let’s leave the beach for a few hours for a day trip with Corey Billy’s Airboat Rides. This is a great adventure for the whole family and just 15 minutes from Marco Island. You can experience the Everglades history and folklore as the Seminoles lived in this 200 acre private piece of the Everglades.
What’s Unique About an Airboat Ride?
Airboats, or fan boats, cruise through the Everglades with an aircraft or automotive engine that powers a propeller enclosed within a protective metal cage. The flat bottom design, along with the above water operating system, allows easy access to the shallow swamps, marshes, and canals. of the Everglades. The ecosystem of a swamp is particularly delicate. Oftentimes life can be found right below the water’s surface, and this is why the use of airboats is so important. Corey Billie’s first concern is the preservation of the Everglades.
Guests board the state of the art airboats for a one of a kind Everglades airboat tour experience. The guides are native Floridians who will take you deep into the preserve for a tour that’s both educational and fun. Be prepared to see exotic tropical wildlife and lush plants. Guests are always prepared to see alligators!
Corey is a Native Seminole Who Knows the Everglades
The owner, Corey, is a true native Seminole who deeply appreciates the Everglades. Raised in a Seminole camp in Ochopee, Florida, he fondly recalls his childhood: gigging for fish in the canals alongside US41, chopping firewood for his family’s village, watching his mother and grandmother sew traditional clothing and cook traditional meals over an open fire, and learning his heritage and native language from his ancestors.
In 2008, Corey decided to pursue a lifelong dream to provide airboat tours of the Florida Everglades to entertain and educate people on the importance of preserving this beautiful and fragile land. His native American heritage gives him a unique understanding of the Everglades. His commitment to its preservation is a core principle at Corey Billie’s Airboat Rides.
Petting a Baby Alligator at Corey Billy’s Airboat Rides
Want to Pet an Alligator?
Our niece and nephew were recently our guests at Sea Mar Condo in Marco Island and took their family on a day trip with Corey Billy’s Airboat rides. The two girls loved the alligators and the interaction with their guide. They even got to pet a baby alligator!
Corey Billie’s Airboats comfortably seat up to 10 people. Their airboats travel at up to 40 mph. The airboat rides are 45 minutes long. Parties of 10 or more must book in advance.
Hours 9am-5pm each day
20610 Tamiami Trail East Naples, FL 34114 (239) 389-4733 Reservations are highly recommended for December-April.
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Posted by Randy Luber on Friday, August 10, 2018
A Tripadvisor Review I have been on many Everglades tours, and this by far was my favorite place! We arrived at 2:45, bought our tickets & were on the boat by 3:00 with no waiting! It was a nice, comfortable air boat with lightly cushioned seats. Our guide was WONDERFUL!!! He stopped many times to explain what we were seeing & add a few funny stories of his own. Two alligators came right up to the boat & we were able to take fantastic pictures. Our guide even offered to take our family picture & let the kids look like they were driving the boat! They loved that!! The tour was a full 45 minutes. Afterwards we went to the back & one of the girls showed us several alligators ranging from a baby to 2 years. We were able to pet & hold each one… again, she offered to take our family picture. My kids have said this was by far their favorite part of vacation. It is worth the money and an experience that will provide you with many memories!!
We Recommend Corey Billy’s Airboat Rides to our Guests
Visit our website at www.seamarcondo.com to see our rates and availability. Our website also provides more information on Sea Mar Condo and Marco Island. Let us help you make the most of your Marco Island vacation! www.seamarcondo.com
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blamnews · 7 years
110 Things I Think Every Mother Should Teach Her Daughter
1. You will always remember your first, so choose wisely. 2. Cut your hair shorter than you dare. It will grow back. 3. Sunscreen, sunscreen, sunscreen. 4. Pizza is always a good idea. 5. So is a good run. 6. Be strict with your own grammar and spelling. Be lenient with others’. 7. Never skip breakfast if you can help it. 8. Surround yourself with people smarter than you. 9. People deserve second chances, but there is no such thing as a third or fourth. 10. If someone tells you that you can’t do something because you’re a girl, do it anyway, and do it better. 11. Know your limits, and exceed them. 12. Except when you’re drinking. 13. Never bite off more than you can chew. 14. Especially when you’re drinking. 15. Don’t ever feel obligated to explain yourself. 16. Dance whenever you feel like it. 17. Your problems may seem overwhelming right now, but you will get through them. I’ll make sure of that. 18. You never know when you need to wipe away a tear, so always have a pack of tissues at the ready. 19. Wash behind your ears. 20. If you happen to be in the closet, take your time. 21. Just know that I will be waiting outside with open arms. 22. Drink water like it’s the most delicious beverage on earth. 23. Sleep early. 24. Train yourself to rise with the sun. 25. Pets are a lifelong commitment. 26. Learn how to say “no.” 27. Learn to love walking. 28. Your weight does not define you. 29. Feminism is not a bad word, despite what others may say. 30. No one has to earn your respect. Everyone deserves it, regardless of who they are. 31. Once you wear a properly-fitting bra, you’ll wonder how you went so long without it. 32. You are more than just your looks, your GPA, or your sexuality. 33. Choose comfort over style every single time. 34. A smile is your best accessory. 35. But if someone tells you ‘you’d look prettier if you’d smile more’, walk the other way. 36. Even if you’re tall, wear those heels anyway. 37. Read. A lot. Read even those books that you think you can’t understand yet, because you will, eventually. 38. And if you do decide to be a reader, start with classic literature. They’ve lasted this long for a reason. 39. Never quiet your voice for someone else. There is always room for more than one person’s opinion. 40. It’s okay to like pink things and play with toy trucks at the same time. They are not mutually exclusive. 41. Do the cliche movie scene of walking along the beach under the stars with someone you love, at least once in your life. 42. There is a lot of bad in the world, but there is also a lot of good. 43. Expect the good, but be prepared for the bad. 44. Fruits are your friends. 45. Cola is not. 46. Be impeccable with your word. 47. Your sadness, anger, and pain must all have a reason, and must all be within reason. 48. Floss. 49. Being “intimidating” is not a bad thing. 50. TRAVEL. 51. And make sure you talk to the locals. 52. Swimming is a necessary skill, not an optional hobby. 53. Don’t be afraid to ask for my help. 54. Don’t let high school be the best time of your life. 55. Or the worst. 56. Get lost in a city you’ve never been to before. 57. But buy a map just in case. 58. Wherever you go, make sure you smell good. 59. Master a different language. 60. Be unapologetically yourself. 61. Meet someone who makes you laugh so hard your stomach and cheeks hurt. 62. Hold on to that person. 63. Don’t be naive. 64. Know that you can tell me anything. 65. Exercise. 66. Always question authority. If they can’t give you the answer you need, then they aren’t worth following. 67. If you feel homesick, bake yourself some cookies. You’ll feel a lot better. 68. Don’t underestimate the power of a large blanket, a mug of hot cocoa, and a good movie. 69. Don’t EVER drink and drive. 70. Grades aren’t everything, but just know that a degree will take you places. 71. Make sure you understand the question before answering it. 72. Tattoos are permanent. 73. Learn to enjoy your own company. 74. Be thoughtful. 75. Be eager. 76. Never skip English class. 77. Or math. 78. Or science. 79. Never skip class, ever. 80. My hugs are free and available 24/7. 81. Start saving your money as early as possible. Your college self will thank you. 82. Turn off that iPad and spend the day outside. Your most memorable experiences will be when you’re under the sun. 83. Beauty is relative. 84. Jump on hotel room beds. 85. No matter where you go, never forget where you’re from. 86. Offer to help a friend move. 87. Always take what you deserve. 88. Be gentle with other people’s feelings. Everyone is fighting their own battle. 89. Take criticism as a challenge. 90. Prove them wrong. 91. Know the difference between studying and learning. 92. Learn to play at least one musical instrument. 93. Buy clothes for the body that you have, not the body you are getting in two months after you give up carbs. 94. Moisturise. 95. Exfoliate. 96. Wash your face two times: once in the morning, and once before going to bed. 97. Smoking will make you look older than your age. 98. The only way to get into something is to just dive in. 99. I’m talking about life in general. And also, pools. 100. Don’t be afraid of wearing red lipstick. 101. Be bold in your choices. 102. I will love you no matter whom you choose to love. 103. He should make you his priority, not an afterthought. 104. You could call me your best friend because you will forever be mine. 105. Don’t take things too personally. 106. Hit like a girl. 107. Run like a girl. 108. Fight like a girl. 109. And by that, I mean WIN. 110. You will never be too old for me to call you my baby.
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110 Things I Think Every Mother Should Teach Her Daughter was originally published on BlamNews
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theguardian911 · 7 years
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On death row because of boyfriend: Lifelong puppy pushed out door by owner. Susie Q may be on death row because of her owner’s boyfriend who just didn’t like her; the dog was just too old and too slow. Found wandering in the streets in Pasco County, Florida, the dog’s microchip led the shelter back to her owner. When contacted, the woman told shelter workers she didn’t want her dog back even though she had been with Susie Q since she was just a puppy. The heartbreaking story begins here: “You got me as a puppy, when I was small and cute. You took such good care of me; you even let me sleep in your bed. You had me spayed and micro chipped. When I didn’t feel good, you would take me to the vet. You kept my shots up to date. You always told me what a good girl I was. We had so much fun.” And why didn’t the owner want Susie Q to come home? When her boyfriend decided he didn’t want the dog around anymore, the woman kicked the dog outside, closed the door and finally Susie Q  just wandered away: “Time marched on. My face grew grey, my step a little slower. You met a new friend, you two became close. I overheard him say that he didn’t like me or want me around. I was confused when you threw me out. I spent every day and night outside. As my body ached from the cold, hard ground, I could only think of how warm it was inside. I miss you Mom. I don’t know what I did so wrong.” Fortunately, a Good Samaritan found her aimlessly wandering and took her to the shelter where she was named Annie; here at least she would be fed, safe from predators and traffic. She shook in her kennel and watched everyday for her mom to find her, but the real sadness came the next day: “They found my chip this time. I was so happy when they told me that you would be here soon. You told them my name so they started calling me ‘Susie Q’,,, just like you do Mom. Time went by and I started to shake again. I wondered what was taking you so long. The shelter worker came and moved me into another kennel; in a quieter building. They call this building ‘A’. As she closed my kennel, she told me that she was sorry, that you were not coming. She said that you do not want me anymore. Mom, I don’t understand. You told them that you had me since I was a baby and that I am old now. You told them that I love other dogs and even cats. You also told them how I love farm animals. Mom, what did I do so wrong that I can’t come home?” On Sunday, Susie Q has both rescue organization and adopter interest. Please continue to share her story until she is safely out of the shelter. And if dogs could talk and tell their story, how many would have repeated the sad plight of Susie Q? Be a responsible pet parent; make sure you are committed to the lifelong responsibility; guaranteed to be returned many times over with lots of love and loyalty. Anyone wiling to adopt may email the shelter @ [email protected]. Please include Susie Q’s ID#A35691561. Email may be sent anytime but you must come in person to adopt. A Facebook page for this dog can be followed here. https://m.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=10211398022518971&id=1014156148%C2%A0 Pasco Co Animal Services 19640 Dogpatch Lane Land O’ Lakes, Fl 813-929-1212 (Photos of dog at shelter because of boyfriend via Amy Miller Kruse) Video by Caitlin Torres: https://m.facebook.com/story.php?story_fbid=10211398021598948&id=1014156148&_rdr
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wecappbah · 8 years
The AMAZON PARROT and How They Are Amazing
The Yellow-headed Amazon (Amazona oratrix), also known as the Yellow-headed Parrot, Double Yellow-headed Amazon, etc., is an endangered amazon parrot of Mexico and northern Central America. Measuring 38–43 cm (15–17 in) in length, it is a stocky short-tailed green parrot with a yellow head. It prefers to live in mangrove forests or forests near rivers or other bodies of water. It is often considered a subspecies of the Yellow-crowned Amazon. It is a popular pet and an excellent talker. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)
I am going to introduce you to my Red-Lored Amazon Parrot, Gonzo. He is the mildest in temperament for an Amazon Parrot. He loves to be around people maybe not very cuddly, but his personality outshines that. He is very intelligent and it attentive when being spoken to. He understands you and responds to you when he is told not to do something. He is much like a dog and very loyal. I am very fortunate to have an Amazon like Gonzo. 
Now we are going to talk of the genus of all Amazon parrots. There are about 30 different species within the Amazon genus. They are all on the CITES index, which means that Amazon parrots, like Macaws, Pionus, Caique parrots all protected exportation out of the wilds like Brazil, Central and South America and the likes of Mexico. 
On what is called the CITES Treaty; CITES stands for Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Flora and Fauna. The CITES also known as the Washington Convention was created by the International Union for Conservation of Nature. It was adopted in 1963, the convention then opened for signatures in 1973 and entered into force on July 1, 1985. 
I ask that if you do decide on an Amazon parrot be very careful as to where you purchase your Amazon from. They are an endangered species and they need to be protected by people, like you and I. That is why I highly recommend getting a hand-fed baby or adopting an older parrot. The difference between a wild caught and domestic parrot is the band they have on their leg; an open band means they have been taken out their country of origin and a closed band means they were hatched and hand-fed in the country you reside in. Many breeders do band their babies for statistical reasons, by keeping clean blood lines and knowing which aviary the baby came from. If a breeder does not band their babies I would be weary of that purchase. Remember that if one day certain species of Amazon's may become extinct in the wild, it will be you and I who not let them be forgotten; as they will be our domestic companions.
An Amazon parrot's life span, with them being healthy is around 50 years or even longer as long as they have had good nutrition and have been well taken care with their needs in mind. They are a medium size bird about 10-20 inches from head to toe. Amazon parrots have short stubby tails. Their primary colors are green feathers with coloring on their head and/or their face. Some can be very colorful to just a multitude of greens.
An Amazon parrot's diet, you have to be careful as they have a tendency to become overweight with lack of exercise from being in a cage for a number of hours a day. They eat seed, pellets, fruits, veggies and some may like human food. I highly recommend putting a pellet in their diet. It has nutrients not found in seed. Fresh fruits and veggies are very important as they contain phytonutrients (antioxidant pigments), that is not found in seed and pellets. Your Amazon needs nutritional food and also a variety of other foods because as they become bored, they need the variety for psychological enrichment. Food is mealtime but it is also playtime. Like your two year old child, mealtime is fun time. The fruits and veggies that are rich in vitamin A are dark green leaf veggies, carrots (the baby ones whole), mangos and sweet potatoes. The reason for vitamin enriched foods is because Amazon's are prone to this deficiency. All sorts of fruits and veggies can be fed. The fruits you can feed them are apples, pears, berries, mango, papaya, banana, grapes, oranges, tangerines, tangelos. The veggies you could feed them are whole baby carrots (something they can play with), cucumbers, zucchini, red peppers and chilies, even dandelion and chickweed (make sure they are not sprayed with pesticides). Gonzo loves all nuts, though Amazons are known to get obese from fatty food, he also has an indulgence for tortilla chips and ramen noodles. DO NOT feed them avocado as it is toxic to them. Make sure they have clean and fresh water every day. Amazon's like to dunk their food, so you may have to change it a couple of times a day. That is to avoid any bacterial infections. 
Their bird cage should be as followed with the cage guidelines when you are buying a cage for them. Remember twice the width, so they may spread their wings and 1 1/2 times in length for their tail. Bar spacing needs to be 5/8 inch to one inch apart. There needs to be both horizontal and vertical bars to climb around on. The cage Gonzo has is 24x20x27. 
They need plenty of toys to play with. Make sure the bowls are secured to the cage because Amazons are renowned throwers. I recommend an extra bowl for treats, fruits and veggies; besides their water and food bowls. 
You need to wash their food and water bowls daily. Clean their cage at least once a week, by washing everything down with water and a small amount of dish detergent. Make sure it is well rinsed off when you put your parrot back into the cage after cleaning. Their trays can become quite messy as everything goes on the floor or below them. They do not have best table manners. I like to change their trays with newspaper every time I feed them. Newspaper is nontoxic and cheap to get. I do not recommend pine saw dust or ground shells. There is a chance of getting a bacterial infection or them eating it and getting sick. 
We have spoken of bacterial infections and you are wondering "How do I know if my parrot is not feeling well?" The signs can be different so watch them carefully. Watch your parrot carefully because parrots differs from one another when there are signs if illness. If their demeanor changes from lively to sullen, ruffled plumage, resting often with their head tucked into their back (keep in mind that your parrot may prefer to sleep this way), consistent sneezing (yes parrots do sneeze). Now the most noticeable ones to watch for are if they do sneeze and discharge is coming from their nostrils, cloudy eyes and any change in their droppings (feces). I recommend you to have a good avian vet specialist, who you have relationship with; that knows your parrot so you may call them after hours for any potential issues that should arise.
Gonzo is not caged and we do not have to be subjected to the aggression that Amazons are known for. The more your parrot is out and interacting with the family they are more likely to be friendlier and not so aggressive. Amazon's can be the most aggressive of all parrot species; however this varies from Amazon to Amazon. Our Red-Lored is one of the mildest and more adaptable to the family life than other known species. These issues can be alleviated by not caging your parrot for excessive periods of time. Gonzo is not caged; he hangs on top of his cage and playpen, watching the day goes by. This also gives him a chance for exercise and prevents the obesity Amazons are known for. Please do not keep them on their perch in the middle of their cage; as they will appear like a stuffed parrot and when approached will bring out their aggressive side. 
How your Amazon parrot behaves. Many are very loyal, like a dog. Extremely intelligent and playful; you can teach them to play basketball and roller-skate; these are typical toys that can be purchased. They are outstanding talkers and yes, even sing opera. Amazon parrots love classical and traditional anthem music. Keep in mind that each species of parrots are individualistic and have differences, so you may get an Amazon parrot who does not sing or talk. In our case, our Red-Lored does not sing nor talk, but is fantastic just the way he is. Never get a parrot expecting it to talk, get it because you want a lifelong companion. Amazon parrots are great screamers and vocalization, not as loud as a cockatoo or macaw though. They can be quite noisy at times, especially when the sun comes up and goes down. When it is breeding season and they hit puberty, about 5 or 6 though it could be later, they can turn into Jekyll and Hyde. Ride it out, this your companion you made, it is a commitment to for life.
Amazon parrot loves to bathe with a mister or in the shower, it is fun time and it can be quite comical. Their world is about playing. May it be with food to the toys in their cage; they see the world as an adventure playground.
Keeping this all in mind; you will have a happy family when you understand your new found companion and their idiosyncrasies. Gonzo is everything that one that anyone could ever ask for. He is beautiful, great disposition in life and shows us how to take one day at a time. We are grateful for Gonzo; hopefully after you have done all your research and made that commitment as to what kind of parrot you decided on, you have decided on an Amazon parrot.
Peter has four very proud parrot species from all over the world. We have lived with our four parrots for over 15 years. All of our parrots are domestically born. The joy we share with them is immeasurable.
By Peter T. Roberts
Article Source: EzineArticles
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