#he's my child n1 btw
averagebsdenjoyer · 11 months
getting randomly overwhelmed because of how unfair akutagawa's life was, and then crying for 3 and a half hourse because he was basically never destined for happiness, his whole life is just suffering, Kyoka was rescued by the ADA, Dazai left as well, Atsushi was lucky to come across Dazai that was gentle with him, but Akutagawa? No. There was no one to save him, he had to raise himself, try to keep his sister out of all this mess, suffer from constant abuse, and all he gets is a painful death, and even if he didn't, his disease would've slowly and painfully killed him. and yet some people still hate him.
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whyamiawakes · 3 months
#I have a lot of thoughts about the way he grew up and how it affected him in his choices#especially because I have some insider info that has made me the n1 Jos verstappen hater
<- would you be comfortable expanding on that? in inglese italiano come ti pare. np se preferisci di no tho!
Ok, i know it sounds fake but I swear it’s not. My uncle has been racing karts and cars locally for close to 45 years, and he’s met a lot of people in that time, one of those people is a semi local guy who used to race karts professionally (I don’t know if he still does, but he might because he’s not that much older than me) and at one point was max’s teammate when he raced on the Italian championship.
This guy told my uncle a lot about those years, and one of the things he told him is that jos not only used to beat max up pretty regularly (already well known fact but still absolutely shitty to hear a confirmation) but he also used to sort of threaten and sort of bribe the team (all alleged, because it’s hearsay and id rather not be sued?) to make sure max had the best set up, components and team. Also everyone in the paddock knew how shitty of a parent and a man he was, but no one did or said anything because he wasn’t someone that they wanted to cross.
My uncle knows more than I do, but this was what he told me the last time we were talking about f1
Edited to add: this is 10-15 yo max we are talking about btw, he was a literal child in the time frame we are talking about
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kyberblade · 1 year
Hello!! So of all the wips you mentioned (fantastic titles btw, truly I am eagerly excited about all of them) I am most drawn to the scene named....Scene because it gives away no hints and it's got my curiosity going up 👀
So, that was me being lazy and just trying to get the idea out of my head. I also had Covid at the time, so I blame that. Yeah. That’s why. Sure.
It’s a scene coming up pretty early on in the sequel of BTY, where the reader is ruminating on the Crest while Din is away in the N1. I haven’t decided where exactly it fits, like before or after he goes to see Grogu, but it’s somewhere in there. She’s still very broken about the kids absence, and also Din being gone while she stays with Peli isn’t helping. She’s lonely, and the darker feelings that started when the kid was taken are still festering. Only now that she knows Grogu is somewhere safe, it’s morphed. She knows he’s not in danger, but at the same time there’s already damage done, the feelings have just moved from “it’s my fault he’s gone” to now “I’m alone and thats my fault”.
Snippet below the cut if people want to avoid spoilers.
The bed Peli had offered was comfortable enough, but you found yourself restless, tossing and turning for what felt like hours. It was too comfortable. You were used to the cramped space on the Crest meant for only one filled with three. You could move your limbs freely here, but you longed to be sandwiched between the wall of the ship in front of you and the wall of beskar at your back. Staring at the ceiling overhead, you missed just being able to make out Grogu’s location from his faint snores as they would drift down from his little hammock.
Rising to your feet soundlessly, you padded into the main area of the hangar, smiling faintly at the sight of the Crest looming in the moonlight. Several panels were popped off, wires hanging haphazardly out from inside as you were halfway through some repairs. Tools scattered across the ramp leading up into the dark interior of the lonely ship.
Trailing your finger along the metal on your way to the ramp, warm from sitting in the Tatooine heat all day, your smile grew as you thought of all the various moments held within these walls. And the two beings you cared about most in the galaxy that helped to make them.
Quick stepping up the ramp, you made a beeline for the cot, knowing the steps in the dark like the back of your hand. Reaching out gently with the Force, you sensed the crates shoved in the way, scattered tools and parts left until the morning, dodging them with little effort.
Crawling into the little cutout made for one, you closed the panel with a flick of your hand, an invisible force pressing the button and cutting you off from the world as the door slid shut.
Soft lights blinked red and green around you on various panels, a gentle whirring underneath as one of Peli’s droids ran overnight diagnostics. If you closed your eyes tightly enough, you could just pretend it was the sounds of the child and Din breathing through his modulator as they slept.
Turning your head into the pillow under your head, and pulling the blanket up around your face, you took a deep breath, letting the familiar scent guide you home, back to sleep in the arms of someone who loved you.
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