#he's such a curious lil guy who just likes exploring and smelling things and investigating
pastafossa · 6 months
I took the noodle outside for some 'outside' enrichment today, especially since it's warmish and YA'LL, his lil snakey pupils got so small in the sun he looked like 😳 and he did so many tongue flicks.
Slightly blurry photo. He always looks so small when bunched up in my hands which is hilarious cause he's like 3.5 feet long (or 2.5 average sized newborn babies for you non-Americans). I need to get a pic of him fully stretched out one of these days.
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ecchima · 8 years
Unexpected Meeting on Peace Avenue -Chap 2
Summary: After a bank robbery gone wrong, Jesse left the Deadlock gang and ran as far away as he could, using what little money he had. With no real destination in mind, he arrived at San Francisco, a city he knows nothing about. With only two dollars and ten cents, he just hopes he’ll manage to survive and that neither the police nor the Deadlock gang will catch him.
Meanwhile, Hanzo arrived at San Francisco at the end of August with the order to lose his strong Japanese accent while studying at the University. He’s barely gotten out and honestly doesn’t want to… Until he gets a crush on a lonely cowboy.
Words: 3,7k Rating: T Warning: none for this chapter AO3
Chapter 1
Rolling in the dew is what keeps shepherds pretty    
The sun hangs low on the horizon, casting the first lights of the day when Jesse wakes up. He groans and hides his head in Hanzo’s oversized coat, not ready to get up and face the day just yet… Only to stick his head right back out because of the smell. It must have been roughly a week since he took his last shower and, frankly, he stinks.
Wondering where the hell he’s gonna be able to find a working shower and some soap, Jesse sits. He scratches absently at the small circular indents on his cheek: leftover from the bench he's been sleeping on since arriving. Then, he looks up at the time on the digital clock announcing the next bus and sighs. It’s 7am, the walk to Peace Avenue from here would take him approximatively an hour and a half so he’ll miss most of the morning rush. He could probably find some coffee at the bus stops around the Avenue, their owners leaving them there since drinks are forbidden on public transports but he decides to explore the city instead.
It's been four days since he met Hanzo; the man never came back, not that Jesse's surprised by the fact. So instead of sitting there waiting for a stranger who might never come back, he decided to explore between rush hours, when there are less people in the streets. So far, he’s found five places where he can eat free food, the owners preferring to give it away instead of discarding it at the end of the day. Most of those places are sushi shops though, and while Jesse isn’t against raw fish –especially since he doesn’t have to pay or steal it- he misses meat.
After walking for half an hour, Jesse stops in front of the Asian Art Museum. There's only a bunch of tourists there, waiting for the museum to open, but what piques Jesse’s interest are the bins. They seem clean and where there are tourists you can usually find maps.
With little thought towards his dignity, Jesse starts digging into the bins. The first one is sticky from a half finished cup of soda, leaving his fingers gross. The second one is empty except for a few vouchers and tickets, the third and fourth ones smell like something died inside but it’s within the fifth bin that Jesse strikes gold. First, he finds a box of donuts that’s still warm from the shop and when he opens it, only two are missing. Then, he finds a couple of unused bus tickets, a banana someone threw out because it started to get brown, and a map.
Looking up, Jesse thanks whatever good star is responsible for his fortune before he finds a corner to sit and eat his makeshift breakfast. After eating half the donuts in the box, he has to agree with whoever threw it out: they are pretty disgusting. He sighs, debating whether or not he should finish the box when a girl approaches him.
“Hello, I saw you take the box of donuts my friend threw away earlier,” she says with a heavy accent Jesse can’t really place. “They’re too sweet and the flavor is kinda weird? So I bought you a bottle of water.”
Jesse takes the bottle she’s holding out to him and removes his hat off to place it over his heart. “Thank you kindly lil’ miss.”
“You’re welcome,” she giggles before trotting back to the group of tourists waiting at the top of the stairs.
After several big gulps of water, Jesse finishes his breakfast happily before looking at the map. There aren’t too many indications on it unless you’re looking for a museum or other touristy places, but at least he knows where he is. Making sure he’s reading the map right,
Jesse stands and goes back to the bin to throw away the empty box and the banana peel. He isn’t too far from Japan Town so he decides to head there to investigate.
It’s a beautiful day, still cold and windy but beautiful nonetheless. There aren’t many tourists or tour buses in the street but the museum doesn’t open for approximately two hours. He decides to take a shortcut through a park and is stunned to find flowers blooming under the trees. Hellebores, primroses and pansies, according to the name tags.
When he finally arrives, Jesse decides to circle the neighborhood before exploring it’s heart. He can see some sort of weird tower: cylindrical, with five roof and what looks like a big antenna of some sort at the top. If one of the shops sells food, he might be able to scavenge some things from the garbage containers.
He’s about to turn at a corner when Jesse spots a weird door with red columns on each side, like in those Japanese temples you see on pictures. Curious, he comes closer to read the signs before realizing that they’re all written in Japanese. Only the name of the establishment and the opening times seem to have been translated.
“Jesse?” Someone calls, making him jump. He turns slowly, only to see-
“Howdy, Hanzo!” Jesse grins.
“What are you doing here?” The other asks, puzzled.
“I’m explorin’! I found this map this mornin’ an’ I saw I wasn’t too far from here so I decided to take a look around. What about you?”
“Yeah, what are you doin’ ‘round these parts?”
“Oh, the owner of this establishment lets me use the baths before it opens. I do not have class on Tuesday mornings so I come here.” Hanzo explains, scrutinizing him.
Jesse squirms under the other’s gaze, he doesn’t know how dirty he looks but he knows how badly he smells. He’s about to make out an excuse and run away when Hanzo surprises him once more.
“Perhaps you could,” he starts, sounding unsure. “Come with me ?”
“With you?” Jesse asks, looking back at him.
“It’s not that I don’t like you, Hanzo but we barely know each other an’ while I know I need to take a bath, I really do but-” He tries, embarrassed and blushing violently.
Jesse takes a deep breath, “I’m not that kind of guy.”
Hanzo frowns, confused. “You are not the kind of man to take a bath?”
“No! I mean, yes! I love baths, they ain’t the problem!”
“What is it then?”
“That’s too intimate!” Jesse finally blurts out. He’s never been so embarrassed in his whole life.
“I do not understand, these springs are spacious. We do not have to stay close to each other.”
Jesse hides his face in his hands. “But we have to be naked…” What if I get a boner? He doesn’t say.
Hanzo lets out a soft, “Oh” and when Jesse looks up, he can see the other’s cheeks getting pink.
“If it troubles you so much, perhaps we could avoid facing each other...”
Jesse hesitates, he really doesn’t want to share a bath with a stranger but… Hanzo doesn’t seem like the kind of guy to take advantage of someone else. He’s paid for his dinner, even given Jesse his own coat. Surely, Jesse can trust him to respect his privacy.
“You promise you won’t look?” He asks anyway, just to make sure.
Hanzo blushes but looks sincere when he promises not to look at him. They stand there in awkward silence for a moment then Hanzo opens the door before holding it for Jesse, just like he had at the restaurant.
The inside doesn’t look very traditional like Jesse had thought it would. There’s a modern reception desk and two entryway without doors, just a cloth partially covering the top adorned with Japanese symbols. Not knowing which way to go, he lets Hanzo lead them to the door on the left and takes off his boots when the other instructs him to do so. Beyond the door, there are two rows of lockers that look like the ones they used at the pool, back in Santa Fe, when Jimmy took them there one summer.
“This is where we undress. Make sure to only keep your towel with you.” Hanzo says, turning his back to Jesse.
“And what if I don’t have a towel?” He asks, opening one of the lockers.
Hanzo doesn’t answer so Jesse thinks he’ll just have to do without one. He starts undressing, taking care to fold his coat as neatly as possible. He stops when he notices the other is now beside him.
“You do not have a bag, have you?” The man asks, his eyes not leaving Jesse’s face.
“Uhhh… No?”
“And you did not have a coat either.” Hanzo continues, a slight frown forming on his face.
Jesse freezes. He can feel his heartbeat drumming in his ears as he glances back and forth between Hanzo and the door. Should he flee? Is the other going to call the police to arrest him?
“Jesse, I do not know what scares you but I only wish to help you.” Hanzo says, lightly touching the other’s shoulder, making him jump.
“Why?” He croaks, “Why do you want to help me? There are plenty of homeless dudes out there.”
A slight blush appears on Hanzo’s cheeks, “I do not know.”
Jesse frowns, he can recognize a lie when he hears one.
“Does it really matter though? Is the fact I wish to help not enough in itself?”
“How am I supposed to trust you if I don’t know your motivations?”
Jesse immediately regrets voicing his distress when he sees how hurt Hanzo looks. He wants to apologize but it’s true: he doesn’t trust Hanzo, not entirely. He blinks, trying –and failing- to find a solution but the hurt look is gone, replaced by the best poker face Jesse has ever seen.
“You are right not to trust me, a stranger you met only four days ago. It is only wise.” Hanzo’s voice is so cold, Jesse almost shivers from the tone. “However, I am a man of honor and I give you my word: I only wish to help.”
Silence settles again between them until a small and uncertain smile appears on Hanzo’s face.
“Will you let me help you, Jesse?”
He doesn’t have to think for long. He might not trust Hanzo, but he does need help, and so few people are willing to provide it these days…
“Yeah,” he answers so softly, it’s almost a whisper.
Hanzo’s expression grows warmer. “Thank you,” he says before turning away once more. “I will ask my roommate to bring you the clothes I can no longer wear.”
“I forgot to mention this establishment lends towels.”
“What?” Jesse turns to face him, realizing too late that Hanzo had resumed undressing himself and is now shirtless. Feeling a blush creeping onto his face, Jesse quickly spins back.
“You may borrow one of the towels on your right.”
“And you tell me that after making me stress the hell out over it?”
He hears Hanzo chuckle at that and can’t help but grin. This guy really is something.
In the next room, there is only one huge bath of steaming water and several shower heads lining the walls. A huge representation of the well-known Kurosawa wave decorates the wall above the bath where a few stones reproduces the look of a natural hot spring.
Jesse whistles, “That’s the prettiest bath I’ve ever seen!” He exclaims, “But why are there showers?”
Despite his promise not to face Jesse earlier, Hanzo spins to look at him in the eyes. He’s scrunching his nose to make a sort of disgusted face that just makes Jesse want to laugh.
“It is -what do you Americans say?”
“Highfalutin’?” He watches Hanzo’s expression shift to incomprehension and continues with a smirk. “It’s plumb makin’ the place fetchin’ if I do say so myself.” Messing with Hanzo might
not be very nice considering everything he’s doing for him but it’s all worth it when the other’s face scrunches up in confusion.
“The place… Fetching? No, I am looking for a synonym of dirty.”
“… Gross?”
“Yes,” Hanzo says, regaining his composure. “It is ‘gross’ not to wash yourself before taking a bath.”
“What? But why take a shower if you’re gonna wash yourself in the bath too?”
“Because,” Hanzo turns his back to Jesse and sits on one of the wooden stools. “The bath is not for washing, it is a way of relaxation.”
“…I still don’t get it.”
“Would you enjoy bathing in not only your own, but everyone else’s filth?”
Jesse thinks for a moment, judging by the size of the bath and the number of lockers, there can be up to at least a hundred people in the bath at the same time. If they were all as dirty as he is now, he sure as hell wouldn’t appreciate to stay in there. A sudden flashback of a naked Rodriguez pops in his mind and he physically cringes. Even if the man was clean and he was being paid for it, Jesse wouldn’t share a bath with that pig.
Feeling dirtier just thinking about it, he sits on a stool and turns the shower on. He waits for the water to heat up a bit before angling the spray over his head and sighs when the warm droplets hits him. The shower feels divine but actually washing himself with soap and shampoo feels even better.
He’s still scrubbing his skin as hard as he can when he hears Hanzo walking towards the bath, his feet producing a small wet sound. He waits to hear the telltale splash of a body entering in contact with water before glancing at the other. Hanzo, true to his words, has his back facing Jesse’s direction, his long hair elegantly tied in a bun.
“Why didn’t you wash your hair?” He asks, cleaning under his nails now that he’s done with the rest of his body.
“I never wash it here.”
“I told you, bathing is more about relaxation than cleaning.”
Jesse shrugs and rinses himself before joining Hanzo in the bath. The water isn’t as hot as he was expecting it to be, making it easy for him to enter. Careful not to sit too close to Hanzo for his own comfort or too far away -which would be a bit rude- he finally settles down and allows himself to relax, letting out a deep sigh.
“Be careful not to fall asleep.” Hanzo says, amusement clear in his voice.
“I won’t, I woke up only a few hours ago.”
There is a pause then, just long enough to be slightly uncomfortable.
“Jesse… May I ask you something a bit embarrassing?”
“Hanzo, we’re already sharing a bath and you’ve seen me panhandling and dirty before. I don’t really think you can embarrass me with a simple question right now.”
“Did you eat recently?”
“Yeah… I did.”
“And today?”
Jesse sighs, if Hanzo really wants to know, there’s no harm telling him, right?
“I found a box of donuts and a banana in a bin near a museum. Someone gave me a bottle of water. I also found a couple of places where I can get free food if they didn’t sell everythin’. I know you’re tryin’ to help and I’m real grateful for that but I don’t want to weigh you down either, y’know? I’m gonna be 17 in a couple of months, I’m a big guy.”
“It is not a matter of age, Jesse. I am simply concerned about you.” Hanzo answers, sounding mildly annoyed.
“Why didn’t you visit me on Peace Avenue then?” He snaps back, irritation clear in his voice.
“I did. Last Sunday, around 4pm. You were not where we first met so I kept walking down the Avenue, then back up on the other side. I did not find you so I called a taxi and left.”
“Oh… Yeah, I decided to start explorin’ the city. There are less people passin’ in the afternoon an’ I thought, since you’re going to uni, you wouldn’t have the time to come then.” Jesse explains, a bit ashamed of his behavior towards the other.
Hanzo sighs, “We could agree on a specific hour and place to meet to avoid this kind of situation.”
“This sounds like a date,” Jesse laughs. “But yeah, let’s do that!”
They spend the rest of their bath talking about times and places where they could easily meet. They agree on the Asian Museum of Art, the Peace Pagoda –which Jesse keeps calling “the weird tower thing”, Union Square and the Aquarium on Pier 39. Hanzo tells him about his time table at uni, how much time he needs to work on his assignments and when he has to practice archery which leads to Jesse bragging about his high score on the old shooting game he used to play at the arcade.
Hanzo chuckles and gets out of the bath. “You sound like my younger brother.”
“You have a brother?” Jesse gapes. “What is he like?”
His companion pauses, probably considering his choices. After a while, he answers a simple “green” and tells Jesse he can get out of the bath as well.
Green? Does that mean his brother is some kind of hippy? He thinks, then stops in his tracks. Hanzo has high cheekbones, long silky hair, he practices archery and the other night he put a lot of effort into eating his burger elegantly. Would that make him an elf of some kind? Are they all elves?
After drying himself, Jesse goes back to the locker room and pauses when he hears Hanzo talk with someone. Unsure whether he should listen in on their conversation or make his presence known, he just waits there, frozen in place and out of hearing range… Until he sneezes.
So much for discretion. He thinks bitterly, adjusting the towel around his waist and entering the locker room.
On the other side, there’s a rather tall guy with six little dots on his forehead and a streak of red makeup under his eyes. His skin is slightly darker than Jesse’s and his hair looks like it’s been shaved in the past month but is growing back out.
“Hello, you must be Jesse.” The man says with a weird wave of his hand that reminds him of Baymax, the big marshmallow looking robot from that animated movie he had wanted to watch so badly a few years ago. “My name is Zenyatta Tekhartha, it is a pleasure to meet you.”
Jesse reaches above his head, mimicking tipping his hat. “Name’s Jesse, nice to meetcha,” he drawls. “But you already knew that, apparently.”
“Yes,” Zenyatta nods, his face the perfect example of serenity. “Hanzo likes to talk about you.”
“He does?” Jesse asks, surprised.
“I may have mentioned you once or twice.” Hanzo coughs, trying to hide his blush.
Zenyatta laughs, “I believe you miscounted, my friend.”
“Perhaps I have.” Hanzo sighs, holding out a duffel bag to Jesse. “Those are the clothes Zenyatta brought from our dorm. I cannot wear them anymore.”
The other nods again, “Hanzo graduated high school two years earlier than normal. You should have seen him when he arrived, barely taller than you are now.” He sighs fondly, eliciting an eye roll from Hanzo. “I stopped on my way here to buy you some undergarments as well. I am glad I could finally use my gift card, it was about to expire.”
“Oh, thanks.” Jesse answers sheepishly, accepting the bag nonetheless.
“It has been a pleasure meeting you, Jesse but I must go. I hope we will meet again.” He turns to face his roommate, “Do you need a lift, Hanzo? I can drive you back if you want.”
“No, there is a place I wish to visit first. Thank you for the offer though.”
“Very well.” Zenyatta says, exiting the room with a wave of his hand.
Jesse waves back. “Hum… Hanzo? Could you, maybe… Wait outside?” he asks when his companion doesn’t move to leave.
“Yes, of course! My apologies.” The other answers as he slips out of the room.
Once he’s gone, Jesse opens the duffel bag. There are three pairs of boxers and ten pairs of socks in different sizes in a plastic bag with a note attached to them saying: “One can never have too many socks –Zen”. He snorts, picking a pair of each to try them on. The boxers are a bit too big but once he’s put one of Hanzo’s old pair of jeans on, they stop falling. Then Jesse spends ten minutes sorting through all of the shirts. Some of them really don’t look like the kind of things his friend would wear, especially the purple one with a pink bunny on it but who is he to judge? If Hanzo likes pink bunnies, he’s free to wear them, after all.
He freezes, a DragonForce t-shirt in hand. Did he just think of Hanzo as his friend? He doesn’t even know the guy! No… That’s not true, is it? He knows lots of things about him now… But is it enough to call him a friend?
“Jesse? Is everything alright?”
“YES!” He exclaims, surprised. “I was just lookin’ through your shirts.”
“Ah... The owner should arrive shortly, do you need help folding them back?”
“No, it’s fine! It’ll only take a minute!” He answers, shoving the shirts back into the bag and using the plastic bag to separate his dirty clothes from the rest. He quickly hides Peacekeeper back in his belt, puts the coat on even though it still smells bad -it’s the first gift he’s been given in a very long time after all- and balances the duffel bag on his shoulder before leaving.
It takes him a bit longer to put his boots back on but they’re soon out in the street. Hanzo closes the door behind them.
“If you ever need anything,” he says, turning to face Jesse. “You can use a phone booth to call me.” He reaches into his pocket and holds out a piece of paper with a number on it. “It has been a pleasure to see you again, Jesse.” He finishes, a soft smile on his face.
“Y-Yeah. See you Friday night, like we said!” Jesse answers, hand shaking a bit as he takes the paper and puts it in his pocket.
Hanzo nods. “At Union Park.”
“This still sounds like a date!” He snorts, turning away to continue his exploration… Missing how red Hanzo’s face becomes.
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