#he's up against blaidd today
bestfurryhusband · 5 months
Witch doctor propaganda: the r/terraria sub
I'm gonna need some examples.
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robotsprinkles · 2 months
today's progress:
beat godrick
got kenneth his fort back
found an erdtree avatar and killed it
killed some big guy with a dumb hat (helmet) who was repeatedly (and only) slamming his head against the ground
Stepped on a purple plate and got teleported to an arena with a guy who really liked conjuring really big and slow fireballs at me
got roderika a job
met blaidd
godrick was surprisingly easy (I think I might've been overlevelled?)
(apart from the part where his second phase would without fail tank my framerate to like. 20-40 fps for the rest of the fight every time. which miiiiight've been because I was streaming it to my friends in our discord server — but I even when I stopped streaming and lowered my graphics settings the framerate still tanked in phase 2, though perhaps not as much — I don't expect it'd be my pc, since my pc's pretty beefy)
almost beat him on my fourth attempt (got him down to "will die to one heavy attack") but panicked because I was also on low health and didn't ape hard enough and died to his fire attack because I was trapped against the back wall.
Ended up getting him within 20-30 minutes because after that the framerate tanking got really bad. (also had two attempts where I got distracted talking to a friend about ac6 and just ran into his attacks multiple times in a row and died in phase 1)
I did once again start doing my dumb thing of "well I know if I stand here he'll miss his entire combo and let me hit him with two square off heavies" and "I've already hit him with two square off heavies so I can just walk up to him as he's winding up to chamber his next attack and hit him with another one to stagger him and get a crit" and "yeah I've got the time to walk up to him and land a square off heavy before he can counter hit me"
(I feel like my. heavy (to put it lightly) use of square off heavies is maybe a little cheap. like it's got the downsides of having a pretty long startup, low effective area, and being liable to miss targets that you're right up against if they lean back a bit to chamber an attack (even if your collision boxes are still touching). but it just does so much poise damage (and normal damage) that it makes getting crits ridiculously easy and frequent)
Worried I might've been overlevelled so uh. I was something from level 34-36 with a +3 or +4 weapon and 5 +2 healing flasks and an fp flask. If that's way overlevelled I might try beating him on my second character which has only fought the tree sentinel, the enemies after gatefront ruins leading up to margit, and margit
think I might've been bamboozled by the messages again when I went to get kenneth's fort? after killing all the enemies I went up a tower/ladder with a chest at the top and there were a few messages saying it was a trap and two bloodstains showing the player getting killed by something but I opened the chest and was fine and nothing jumped me so I don't know what that was about
travelled straight west and found a minor erdtree and an erdtree avatar and killed it. why does it have laser drones from ac6/funnels from gundam
oh also I got a buckler so now I can try parrying on what reddit tells me is easy mode
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bekaroth-reads · 2 years
Blaidd x reader
[I wrote this and then realized that I don’t know if Blaidd actually has a tail or not. So, for this one we’re going to say he does and you just can’t see it because his cape covers it most of the time, haha]
The group of you were all exhausted, but not unhappy. It was an ordeal to go through the Radhan Festival, but even with that at least most of you were more than happy you got to go through it. Not to mention that there was a general buzz about what that meteor that fell from the sky was, and where it could have landed. Things were just high energy in general. While you were all regathering yourselves in the court yard, you migrated to a familiar wolf. When you walked up closer to him you noticed that he was fussing about something on his snout. “Blaidd?” You questioned when you were right next to him. He was quick to act like there was nothing wrong. “Ah, hello! Gotten all patched up from the battle? You were the star victor after all if that great ruin has a say about anything.” You chuckled a bit at that and retorted, “It was most certainly a group effort. I just managed to land the final blow.” He shrugged and started to go about his business, before you quickly stopped him, “Wait a minute there, wolfy. You haven’t seemed to take care of yourself.” There was a bit of laughs from the people standing around about how someone so much smaller than him was scolding him; all in good fun though. They all had plenty of respect for you and the great wolf, especially after today.
He looked at you and pointed to the new cut next to the existing scar that was there. “This little thing? It’s nothing. Just got nicked by one of those arrows on my approach.” You furrowed your brows. It looked like it was a bit worse than he was letting on. The thing that really concerned you was the fact that it went onto the bottom of his lip, so there was a chance that it cut on the inside of it too. “You need to at lest put something on it. Did it cut the inside of your mouth too?” Your question was practically ignored Blaidd tried to brush it off again. “I’m fine, really.” You weren’t going to have any of that though and insisted, “At least sit down for a minute and let me look at it.” You had known him long enough to know that he wouldn’t take care of himself as much as he needed to. Blaidd was always pushing himself forward to the next thing that he was supposed to do whether that be for Ranni or himself, and this often lead to him keeping things untreated no matter how bad they were. He hesitated and was about to insist he was fine again, when you firmly said, “Blaidd, sit down.”
There wasn’t another thing said from the wolf as he quickly sat himself on the floor so that the two of you were closer to each other’s heights and he was about face to face with you. “Thank you.” You hummed as you looked over the cut more closely. As you thought before it looked like it went all the way to the bottom of his lip. This was enough to make you want to check the inside of it as well. “Can you open your mouth for me, please?” You asked as you turned his snout this way and that to see if there was anything else that might need treating. “Please, I appreciate the concern,” he chuckled as crinkled his nose as your hand brushed against his whiskers, “but, truly, there’s no reason for all this fuss.” Using the hand that you still had on his snoot, you turn him so he was looking you in the eyes, “I said open.” Like with the first command he was quick to oblige, and you were met with an admittedly frightening sight of a pointy maw engulfing your vision. You looked at the area as best as you could with out actually touching the inside of his mouth; you weren’t going to be that invasive; not to mention all those teeth made you nervous for your fingers. After a few seconds he started to close his mouth a bit, but stopped when you said, “Keep it open for me.” When he open his maw a bit wider again, without thinking about it you hummed, “Good boy!”
After looking for a few seconds you decided it was all fine and used your hands to shut his mouth. “Looks like it’s just on the outside. After we put something on it then you should be good to go.” You gave him an apologetic look, realizing how you basically just manhandled him. “Sorry for being pushy.” You offered. Blaidd was about to say something when there was suddenly a big, booming voice laughing, “I wouldn’t worry about that too much, my friend! The ol’ boy didn’t seem to mind all that much.” Alexander speaking up reminded you that there were other people that were in this courtyard, and they most likely saw you fussing over him. “With that tail goin’ like it was ‘bout to fall off, I guess so!” Patches, who had seemingly crawled out of whatever hole he had hid himself in when the festival started, chimed in with his usual impishness. The two of you felt like you were going to die it this moment more than you ever did during the battle.
Patches, who never knew when a good time to drop a joke was, continued on. “Ya, know… I might have a scratch or two that need checked on.” This caused Blaidd to growl and you to snap, “Shut up, Patches!” But, Alexander being Alexander was quick to cut in before things got too heated. That being said he also wasn’t going to go easy on the trickster either. “Now, now, young man.” The giant pot tutted as he started to push Patches away from the two of you, “We all know the only scuffs you got were from taking a tumble as you fled in terror.” And, with that, you and Blaidd were actually alone now. Even so you moved from the more open space that you were standing in to one of the many makeshift shelters around the place. You pulled out some ointment from your bag and got ready to put it on the cut. Right before you did, Blaidd stopped you by gently grabbing your wrist. “Hey, I-“ he did his best to swallow the lump in his throat, “I wanted to thank you.” You smiled, but snickered knowingly. “You’re not going to want to in a second.” You warned as you started to clean the cut with the ointment you had. “You are correct!” Blaidd hissed as his muzzle scrunched up at the feeling. “Damn does that sting!” Even with his protests you knew he wasn’t too upset with you, as there was a periodic thumping on the wooden table he was sitting by from a tail wagging back and forth.
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mrslittletall · 2 years
Elden Ring Update: I had trouble concentrating today, so I just finished up the area around Manus Celes. I fought three dragons and found three dogs (my husband helped, they were hidden very well). I also fought another dog and then, hm... I went back to Ranni's rise to see Blaidd fighting against his fate. He managed to not betray Ranni, but he got mad and attacked me and I had to put him down. And then I went to Iji and he... died too. Sadness ahead. Ranni will be lonely in her new life...
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nxtovirtxs · 2 years
OPEN for Soulsborne/Elden Ring Blogs //
The sounds of rushing water from the nearby falls of the Basin, Blaidd rests upon a hillside, a small cliff overhanging the broken bridge higher up in Siorfa River. There really isn’t a rhyme or reason to be here for much longer than he should, but engulfed in the mists of the area. Blaidd can’t help but feel alive in this underground area. As dangerous as this place has proven itself to be, the wolf-man takes in the peace while he still can. This place is magnificent, outright gorgeous. If he wasn’t finding out a way to get into Nokron, there would be enough time to figure out the secrets himself. Alas, another time.
Fact or Opinion, the way of beauty never ceases to surprise Blaidd, even in the simplest terms, this world he’s found himself inhabiting, this world he lives inside of to help Lady Ranni, it is so beautiful despite everything that lurks within. There’s no reason he is being philosophical outside of wanting to think deep down of the secrets of this universe that he so resides in. Because, for his own answers, he wants to figure this out upon his own volition.  Alas, another time.
It is in times like these, that Blaidd recognizes he is not alone, he does not look like he wishes to alert them that he knows. Today is the day for him to rest, to sharpen his blade so he may fight as fierce as he usually does. His fangs are sharp, but his blade must be just as sharp if he wishes to survive in this world. Alas, now is the time. Grabbing the whetstone entrusted upon him as a gift from his new friend, this special tarnished. They were friends? Maybe acquaintances. Maybe just allies for this current time they were in. For all it was worth, Blaidd used this gift to the extent that it needed to be. It’s the thought that counts.
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Beginning with dipping his sword into the water, he runs his blade through and against the large whetstone, it’s a slow process, but if the tarnished had personally seen in their fight against Darriwll, that his blade was not at peak performance, he will take the opportunity to bring it back to such level. All the while racking his brain of how to achieve the path of Nokron, while at the same time attempting to find answers of how an underground area such as this has such a beautiful star-like night sky, soft goldish-white sprinkles across the sky, black and a soft darker hue of lavender. He could stay here forever to find such answers if he didn’t have his duties.
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