#headcanons or anything you wanna see in 3tan?
kithtaehyung · 2 years
10 chapters only😭😭😭. I never want 3tan to end. When do you plan on revealing bro's indentity? Or will you leave us forever guessing and speculating.
Huh?? No I meant like.. Up to 3tan10 but there will be more LMAO that’s just what I have outlined.
Trust me, I don’t want it to end, either, but I hope you’ll be okay even if it’s only 10 chapters😭 If you want it to keep going then I’m gonna need encouragement because writing is hard and takes a lot of time🥲
Can’t answer the last question😌 mwahaha
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Ok this headcannon is only because I'm in the mood for some angst rn. Yoongi and OC are at a party and oc is talking to a random guy and they are a bit flirty or at least the guy is and yoongi sees that and kinda gets jealous but can't go up to them cuz it would be pretty obvious cuz the bro is there too (maybe?) so yoongi just goes somewhere else and a girl start talking to him and after a few mins oc walks up on them and OC's been in her head this whole party so that was her breaking point and she tries to be casual but is actually hurt so she runs out the building AND YOONGI SEES AND THIS TIME HE NEEDS TO GO AFTER HER CUZ THATS HIS GIRL. When he catches up to her he tells her she means a lot to him and they smooch and I love them bye (this is so cliche and I know it will never happen (or I hope so cuz I'd actually cry if there was this kinda angst)) - club anon
djkfhdsjkh oh my what a headcanon you got there, club! thank you for sending it in, though :D i can totally see that you're in an angsty mood this sounds p dang angsty..
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I feel like Jimin might spill if it looks like the sneaking is causing problems, you know if it seems like Yoongi or reader(both) are really struggling. I could see him setting up the scene, putting hints in bro's head like "Yoongi seems to be changing recently." "I haven't seen him with any hook ups in awhile, what do think that's about?" That or I could see bro almost catching them and Jimin inserting himself and pretending to fake date reader to take the heat off of Yoongi 😂😂 He really is a wild card.
Either way though I feel like he'd know something was up as soon as he got Jimin and Yoongi into a room together.
And as far as Yoongi pov goes, for me at least, from the readers pov he seems nonchalant, not necessarily in a bad way more frustrating than anything, mysterious. I think it's just about the validation that he is down just as bad, plus the way that he talks about her is enough to send my heart flying right out of my chest.
oh my gosh, i just saw this?! it doesn't show on my phone but it shows on my desktop what in the hell.. but anyway, i like these headcanons a lot. jimin's wild card status makes for some interesting dynamics, both with and without bro even there!
and the yoongi pov reasoning omg. i'm with you on the reader perspective, since he's usually not saying anything out loud. but - clearly - he is thinking about a shit ton. hopefully he can learn to take reader's advice all the way from basketball and let her in. it's happened bit by bit, but not completely yet. i love your last thought though AWHHH SAMEEEE
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
It would be nice to learn more about Yoongi's past and just how bad he was that has him concerned.
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Understandable! We may revisit that down the line. Clearly that has been on his mind, so.. seems pretty significant🥲
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I don’t think Yoongi will do anything to break Readers trust. He’s only worried he will. I think there will be more conflict when they’re official or it’s known that they’re together. And more people, like Dom’s cousin, will come forward about what a bad guy he is, or stories of how he played and cheated on someone else. And Yoongi will maybe want a break because he wants to take that pressure away from her. Reader will not want that, she believes in him too much. But he thinks his past is too damaging. And I think he’d be loyal to her forever if she lets him be.
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Omg this is so sad! But you have some good points, especially with Dom’s convo with reader bringing a bit of that part of Yoongi’s lift to light. I love how you think !!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
My head cannon on 3Tan is that the bro figures out something is up before anyone says anything. So many people can plainly see what’s happening, bro knows them both so well. I think he’ll confront Yoongi about it, they’ll argue, and Yoongi will tell bro that he loves Reader before he even tells her.
Oh, this is a good one !! They really are at a point where people are starting to notice so it could be possible bro does (if there’s a chance that all of them are in the same vicinity enough.) Depends on how perceptive he is, too, though.
But also, the L word?? Already?!🤣 Y’all are destroying me with that💀
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
More kiss scenes please 😌 the passion and intensity from their emotions are *chefs kiss* 😌
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More kiss scenes, huh? I think we can do that😌 Ooh do you have a favorite one?👀
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
More of OC/3tanbro relationship. Something positive and not just him being overprotective or demanding of her
You’re in luck! We may see a bit of this now that bro is back. He’ll be integrated more and more into the story for sure🤍 I’m honestly super excited about it, too💕
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
will they have an awkward and painful encounter when the bro is around?
Mmmm I feel like an encounter would be a given, at least, since bro and Yoongi are close. But we’ll see how the dynamics end up being if/when that happens!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
So a 3tan drabble I’d be curious to read about is anything you wanted to include in the story originally, but maybe didn’t fit the scene or characters right at that time, it was out of context for the current events from the story, you couldn’t work it into the plot etc. Just any idea you yourself had that never made it to publication for whatever reason but you’d still like write it out :)
- 🌸
Ooooh Sakura, this is a cool one😳 I can go over my notes to see if there’s any scraps I’d be able to publish. Truthfully, most things that I’ve wanted to write do end up in the final cut one way or another, even if it’s a chapter or two off.
But yeah, I can check!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I do think Reader and Yoongi are end game. I don’t know if it will be a straight line there, like officially get together and stay together, but I think this runs deep for both of them. And I can’t wait for you to take us on that journey (even if they aren’t end game).
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I’d trust them! I think I’m with you on the bumpy road since they’re already up against things, both mentally and around them. But this is a good theory🥺🤍
I’m excited to take y’all on this journey with me, too, no doubt about that. It’s already been incredible and I hope to keep making it special and comforting and everything else🫶 Thank you for sticking with me!
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Hi Ryen! Hope you're having a great weekend. For 3tan future requests, how about exploring more of how Yoongi is so good at reading OC and sensing when shes lying to him etc? One of my predictions is that the deeper he falls for her, the stronger his telepathy will become. Either that or just more Yoongi POVs bc thats something I canNOT get enough of bc hes someone im so fascinated by as a character. If we're talking smut-wise,,,,I think an edging scene would be inch resting fdfjhfjhfjghkfjgh what do you think? These are simply friendly suggestions that you absolutely do not have to come through with so no pressure at all! I'll enjoy the story nevertheless!
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Hi !! I’m having the first relaxing one in awhile, actually, thank you for asking🥹 Pretty much just working out/dancing before chilling at night.
These are all awesome suggestions😳 We may see how Yoongi’s intuition is that strong, or it could just be him in general and his attraction to reader. And so far, Yoongi POVs start every 3tan chapter that ends in an odd number! So most likely we will see him open up 3tan9😌
I am so flattered that you find him fascinating😭 I’ve always been curious as to why y’all like his POVs but I don’t think I’ve heard this reasoning yet! All I know is that I like writing them🤣
For the other idea.. mwahahaha what a good one😈😈 there’s still a lot to explore with them so this could very well be on the notes🫣 but ahhh I’m so glad you’re saying no pressure😭 that means a whole lot that you’re trusting me fr. And thank you for the thoughts, as well🍊💕
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
I'd like to see more kiss scenes and fluffy moments in general bc those literally make me blanket kick while reading, and also them at a public scenario maybe at a party or smth after that week and how they act around each other
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Good to know! I like that you are enjoying the kiss scenes because those are hard to write for me LOL it takes brainpower every time💀
And we’ll see about the other scenario! Would be interesting to see that dynamic, but the outline is already done. Whether that’s in here or not in a mystery😌🍊
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
will the identity of 3tan bro be revealed 👀 (I KNOW* it’s namjoon….) 👀👀👀👀
LMAO NEVER‼️‼️ but yeah we’ll figure it out at some point<3
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
It would be quite interesting to see our fav couple sneaking around to see each other.
Maybe get a little of brother’s pov on his interactions with Yoongi now that he’s back?
Lmaooo I mean, we’ll see! We do know that Yoongi said he’d figure something out, so🧍‍♀️ We’ll see what he ends up meaning by that.
It’ll be a No on the bro povs for now. I’m not gonna do any other povs other than Yoongi’s and reader’s in the main parts. It’s difficult enough balancing those two as is🤣
But maybe along the line some drabbles will be released from other character povs! Some are actually already planned but I just haven’t gotten to writing them all the way out.
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kithtaehyung · 2 years
Up until the week, we had big times skips between the chapters. Do you plan to keep doing this, or are we getting more like, “day to day” kids of thing?
Not necessarily day to day, but smaller time skips?
A little bit of both! Just depends on how the story moves along. Things may change now that bro is back👀
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