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maddiesflame · 2 years
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Love the One You’re With headers
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lukovedits · 3 years
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love the one you’re with headers
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literaredits · 3 years
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love the one you’re with (gracejake) messy headers. like or reblog if you save/use it. 
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bookstwipacks · 3 years
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love the one you’re with headers
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stilettoedits · 3 years
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thisdaynews · 5 years
Women's Euro 2021 qualifying: Belarus Women 0-1 Wales Women
New Post has been published on https://thebiafrastar.com/womens-euro-2021-qualifying-belarus-women-0-1-wales-women/
Women's Euro 2021 qualifying: Belarus Women 0-1 Wales Women
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Women’s Euro 2021 qualifying highlights: Belarus 0-1 Wales
Wales’ Rachel Rowe returned from a year out through injury to reignite their Women’s Euro 2021 qualifying campaign.
The Reading midfielder’s late winner, a low left-foot shot, was her first for her country and saw Wales edge Belarus.
The result keeps Wales second in Group C, two points behind leaders Norway but crucially opens up a four-point gap over third-placed Belarus.
Belarus created good chances, but skipper Anastasiya Shcherbachenia sent the best one over the crossbar.
On balance Wales did deserve all three points with captain Natasha Harding leading from the front, having a strong first-half penalty appeal turned down and hitting the woodwork with a long-range shot.
In the evening’s other pool game, Norway took their goal difference to 25 after thrashing Faroe Islands 13-0.
Wales, looking to bounce back from the disappointing home draw against Northern Ireland, were without injured skipper Sophie Ingle and star midfielder Jess Fishlock.
Ingle was replaced in the squad by Cardiff City’s 17-year-old forward Grace Horrell, with Reading striker Harding taking the captain’s armband.
Manager Jayne Ludlow handed a debut to Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Anna Filbey, while Rowe played her first international for a year after an ACL injury.
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Wales back to normal service – Jayne Ludlow
Belarus looked the better side in the early exchanges at the Borisov Arena, but Wales slowly worked their way into the game, with Kayleigh Green unable to finish off a half-chance from an acute angle.
Hayley Ladd then let fly with a long-range effort that had plenty of power but was straight at Belarus goalkeeper Nataliya Voskobovich.
Belarus were dominating the middle of the park though, with midfielders breaking from deep causing Wales problems.
Home skipper Shcherbachenia was particularly impressive and just failed to meet an inviting cross that would have given Belarus the lead.
Wales were denied a penalty when Harding broke through and was able to nick the ball beyond the lunging Voskobovich before being sent tumbling by the keeper, only for referee Tanja Subotic to wave play on.
The visitors had a second good chance before half-time when Rowe worked herself into space, only to see her goal-bound shot well blocked.
The half ended with a flurry of chances, with Wales indebted to the reactions of Laura O’Sullivan who rushed from her goal to smother Anastasiya Kharlanova’s shot.
Then it was Wales’ turn to threaten as Rhiannon Roberts’ header from a corner was tipped over the bar by Voskobovich.
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I don’t feel anything other than pride – Wales match-winner Rachel Rowe
Wales continued to live dangerously after the restart and were fortunate that Shcherbachenia blazed over the bar with the goal at her mercy.
The commitment from both sides was fierce and the game was held up after a worrying collision between Rowe and Tatyana Krasnova, which saw the Belarus substitute booked.
Wales went close again when Elise Hughes had the ball in the back of the net, but the Everton forward had drifted offside after Harding had clipped the corner of post and crossbar with a fantastic curling shot.
Green then broke through but a heavy touch allowed Voskobovich to smother the danger, with the Wales player booked for the challenge.
But with seven minutes remaining Rowe capped her comeback game with a crucial winner – her first international goal on her 31st cap – after Roberts had made a nuisance of herself in the area from a corner.
The ball broke loose and Rowe scampered after it before unleashing a low left-foot shot that found the far corner of the net.
Wales squad:Laura O’Sullivan (Cardiff City Ladies), Claire Skinner (Cardiff City Ladies), Hayley Ladd (Manchester United Women), Loren Dykes (Bristol City Women), Gemma Evans (Bristol City Women), Rhiannon Roberts (Liverpool FC Women), Charlie Estcourt (Charlton Athletic Women – on loan from Reading FC Women), Anna Filbey (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Angharad James (Reading FC Women), Elise Hughes (Everton Ladies), Rachel Rowe (Reading FC Women), Natasha Harding (Reading FC Women), Emma Jones(Lewes FC Women), Megan Wynne (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Helen Ward (Watford FC Ladies), Kayleigh Green (Brighton & Hove Albion Women), Josie Green (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Nadia Lawrence (Cardiff City Ladies), Georgia Walters (Tranmere Rovers), Grace Horrell (Cardiff City Ladies).
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Women’s Euro 2021 qualifying: Belarus Women 0-1 Wales Women
Wales captain Natasha Harding had a strong penalty appeal turned down in Belarus
Wales’ Rachel Rowe returned from a year out through injury to reignite their Women’s Euro 2021 qualifying campaign.
The Reading midfielder’s late winner, a low left-foot shot, was her first for her country and saw Wales edge Belarus.
The result keeps Wales second in Group C, two point behind leaders Norway but crucially opens up a four-point gap over third-placed Belarus.
Belarus created good chances, but skipper Anastasiya Shcherbachenia sent the best one over the crossbar.
But in truth Wales did deserve all three points with captain Natasha Harding leading from the front, having a strong first-half penalty appeal turned down and hitting the woodwork with a long-range shot.
In the evening’s other pool game, Norway took their goal difference to 25 after thrashing Faroe Islands 13-0.
Wales, looking to bounce back from the disappointing home draw against Northern Ireland, were without injured skipper Sophie Ingle and star midfielder Jess Fishlock.
Ingle was replaced in the squad by Cardiff City’s 17-year-old forward Grace Horrell, with Reading striker Harding taking the captain’s armband.
Manager Jayne Ludlow handed a debut to Tottenham Hotspur midfielder Anna Filbey, while Rowe played her first international for a year after an ACL injury.
Belarus looked the better side in the early exchanges at the Borisov Arena, but Wales slowly worked their way into the game, with Kayleigh Green unable to finish off a half-chance from an acute angle.
Hayley Ladd then let fly with a long-range effort that had plenty of power but was straight at Belarus goalkeeper Nataliya Voskobovich.
Belarus were dominating the middle of the park though, with midfielders breaking from deep causing Wales problems.
Home skipper Shcherbachenia was particularly impressive and just failed to meet an inviting cross that would have given Belarus the lead.
Strong appeal
Wales were denied a penalty when Harding broke through and was able to nick the ball beyond the lunging Voskobovich before being sent tumbling by the keeper, only for referee Tanja Subotic to wave play on.
The visitors had a second good chance before half-time when Rowe worked herself into space, only to see her goal-bound shot well blocked.
The half ended with a flurry of chances, with Wales were indebted to the reactions of Laura O’Sullivan who rushed from her goal to smother Anastasiya Kharlanova’s shot.
Then it was Wales’ turn to threaten as Rhiannon Roberts’ header from a corner was tipped over the bar by Voskobovich.
Wales continued to live dangerously after the restart and were fortunate that Shcherbachenia blazed over the bar with the goal at her mercy.
The commitment from both sides was fierce and the game was held up after a worrying collision between Rowe and Tatyana Krasnova, which saw the Belarus substitute booked.
Wales went close again when Elise Hughes had the ball in the back of the net, but the Everton forward had drifted offside after Harding had clipped the corner of post and crossbar with a fantastic curling shot.
Green then broke through but a heavy touch allowed Voskobovich to smother the danger, with the Wales player booked for the challenge.
But with seven minutes remaining Rowe capped her comeback game with a crucial winner after Roberts had made a nuisance of herself in the area from a corner.
The ball broke loose and Rowe scampered after it before unleashing a low left-foot shot that found the far corner of the net.
Wales squad: Laura O’Sullivan (Cardiff City Ladies), Claire Skinner (Cardiff City Ladies), Hayley Ladd (Manchester United Women), Loren Dykes (Bristol City Women), Gemma Evans (Bristol City Women), Rhiannon Roberts (Liverpool FC Women), Charlie Estcourt (Charlton Athletic Women – on loan from Reading FC Women), Anna Filbey (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Angharad James (Reading FC Women), Elise Hughes (Everton Ladies), Rachel Rowe (Reading FC Women), Natasha Harding (Reading FC Women), Emma Jones(Lewes FC Women), Megan Wynne (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Helen Ward (Watford FC Ladies), Kayleigh Green (Brighton & Hove Albion Women), Josie Green (Tottenham Hotspur Women), Nadia Lawrence (Cardiff City Ladies), Georgia Walters (Tranmere Rovers), Grace Horrell (Cardiff City Ladies).
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tipsoctopus · 5 years
Pep Guardiola has done what nobody at Man City ever expected with genius swoop - opinion
As the Premier League title race reached its zenith on Sunday, there had been a glaring absence of clichéd twists and turns in the weeks which preceded matchday 38. Title races have become renowned for their unpredictability but Man City and Liverpool simply refused to conform to historical norms, to play by the rules or to succumb to the heft of the pressure which the final weeks induced.
Brighton & Hove Albion provided what seemed to be a sting in the tale just moments after Liverpool had taken the lead at Anfield. For a transient blip in time the fairytale ending was a real possibility, for those supporters leaning towards the Reds, at least. Brighton supporters bellowed out the latest scoreline at Anfield in the minutes before the ball was flicked into Ederson’s net at the Amex Stadium.
The fear was suddenly plastered over Guardiola’s face; City fans were mute and stunned.
The sleepless nights and vivid dreams of a Premier League trophy embroidered in red ribbons that visited Liverpool fans in the build-up to the grand finale suddenly became a tangible reality.
What everybody seemed to forgot in a moment of time so scarce that it hardly feels real in hindsight was that City have been and done it all before. They were not allowing a header from Glenn Murray – a player who, for all of his goal scoring prowess, must be a Sunday League player masquerading as an actual Premier League footballer – to thwart their path to back-to-back domestic titles.
The old guard kicked into gear: David Silva – a player who has come under scrutiny this season for the first time in his esteemed career – controlled a heavy-weighted incisive pass from Aymeric Laporte with a deft touch of ingenuity, providing just enough weight to roll the ball into Serio Aguero’s path, ensuring that there was no requirement to break stride. A sweeping left-footed drive slammed through Matt Ryan’s legs with laser-like precision. Two revered legends of the club combined to unlock a defensive unit who have often been so unbreakable against the very best in the division.
The result then became a formality when Aymeric Laporte nodded home a second goal with seven minutes remaining before the interval. Riyad Mahrez made a stride forward in his endeavour to win over a fanbase who haven’t warmed to his style – or his penalty-taking prowess, which is apparently modelled on Jonny Wilkinson’s conversion technique – by taking the result beyond the hosts before Ilkay Gundogan finished the season with a free-kick so exquisitely placed that it seemed to encapsulate the grace, finesse and perfection of the defending champions with one scintillating swipe of the boot.
As the party unfolded on the south coast, pundits, journalists and spectators alike naturally began to dissect the season, striving to explain an almost unexplainable level of supremacy.
Silva, Aguero, Vincent Kompany and Fernandinho, four immortal members of City’s old guard, will go down in the annals as the pioneering talents of a full scale revolution at the club. Replacing them is a task which Pep Guardiola, Txiki Begiristain and the club’s owners will need to lend a serious weight of thought to in the coming years.
John Stones could yet be the man to replace the Belgian but there is a stark and credible feeling that there is simply no match for the club’s insatiably popular man both on and off the field. He is an ambassador for the sport, Manchester City and the city of Manchester; replacing him would be akin to finding another Sir Alex Ferguson, forming another Oasis or building a new Hacienda.
Fernandinho’s qualities, meanwhile, are remarkably distinct but there are talents in waiting who could adapt to replicate his function. Replacing the club’s all-time top goal scorer will be similarly impossible. That just leaves Silva, a player who possesses such mystical tendencies that replacing him has seldom been viewed possible.
Guardiola, though, has done the unthinkable: he has signed a player in Bernardo Silva who is already threatening to usurp the playmaking king of the Etihad Stadium. As he was held aloof in front of the delirious City supporters, who belted out a rendition of an Abba-inspired chant which has been tailored to their diminutive hero, it felt as if this was the Portuguese wizard’s coronation: the moment in which the proverbial baton was passed over from one Silva to another.
He deservedly earned a place in the PFA Premier League Team of the Year and is a strong favourite to scoop Man City’s player of the season accolade. At just 24-years-old it’s clear that Bernardo is a player with the credentials to follow in the footsteps of both his namesake and the other aforementioned members of City’s history-defining golden generation.
But what is pertinently remarkable about the narrative unfolding at City is that the former Monaco man is not merely an upgrade for El Mago: he could even be an upgrade.
Uttering a sentence of this ilk would have been considered blasphemy about six months after he joined the club. Heads would have been mounted on spikes for even suggesting that David Silva’s reputation and achievements could ever be toppled. Now the fans find themselves in a position where the impossible has become possible. In Bernardo we find creativity synonymous with that of his namesake, bundles upon bundles of relentless work-rate, a capacity to eat up the turf at a rate Forest Gump would be proud of and a surprising tendency to bounce off colossal central defenders no matter how rotund.
Don’t forget to add in an infectious personality and popularity amongst both teammates and supporters. I repeat: he is just 24.
The curtain comes down on the season, narratives unfold, eulogies rain down and reflections on arguably the most high-quality title race the Premier League has even seen are offered. Amidst all this City fans can look both backwards and forwards in time with equal fondness and optimism, envisaging a future of further success with at least one member of the celebrated old-guard adequately replaced – or even upgraded.
Bernardo epitomises just about everything that is utterly ethereal about this current Manchester City squad and one only has to listen to pundits of varying allegiances deliver gushing appraisals on the midfielder to appreciate that his popularity transcends far and wide.
Guardiola has made the impossible possible in more ways than one since arriving at City and, through the £43 million signing of Bernardo, he has done something that was once considered beyond the realms of possibility.
At the culmination of a second season with the champions, it’s safe to say Bernardo has successfully passed his audition for the role of Silva’s long-term successor.
from FootballFanCast.com http://bit.ly/2VYIXTV via IFTTT from Blogger http://bit.ly/2vXHK0O via IFTTT
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mancitynoise · 5 years
As the Premier League title race reached its zenith on Sunday, there had been a glaring absence of clichéd twists and turns in the weeks which preceded matchday 38. Title races have become renowned for their unpredictability but Man City and Liverpool simply refused to conform to historical norms, to play by the rules or to succumb to the heft of the pressure which the final weeks induced.
Brighton & Hove Albion provided what seemed to be a sting in the tale just moments after Liverpool had taken the lead at Anfield. For a transient blip in time the fairytale ending was a real possibility, for those supporters leaning towards the Reds, at least. Brighton supporters bellowed out the latest scoreline at Anfield in the minutes before the ball was flicked into Ederson’s net at the Amex Stadium.
The fear was suddenly plastered over Guardiola’s face; City fans were mute and stunned.
The sleepless nights and vivid dreams of a Premier League trophy embroidered in red ribbons that visited Liverpool fans in the build-up to the grand finale suddenly became a tangible reality.
What everybody seemed to forgot in a moment of time so scarce that it hardly feels real in hindsight was that City have been and done it all before. They were not allowing a header from Glenn Murray – a player who, for all of his goal scoring prowess, must be a Sunday League player masquerading as an actual Premier League footballer – to thwart their path to back-to-back domestic titles.
The old guard kicked into gear: David Silva – a player who has come under scrutiny this season for the first time in his esteemed career – controlled a heavy-weighted incisive pass from Aymeric Laporte with a deft touch of ingenuity, providing just enough weight to roll the ball into Serio Aguero’s path, ensuring that there was no requirement to break stride. A sweeping left-footed drive slammed through Matt Ryan’s legs with laser-like precision. Two revered legends of the club combined to unlock a defensive unit who have often been so unbreakable against the very best in the division.
The result then became a formality when Aymeric Laporte nodded home a second goal with seven minutes remaining before the interval. Riyad Mahrez made a stride forward in his endeavour to win over a fanbase who haven’t warmed to his style – or his penalty-taking prowess, which is apparently modelled on Jonny Wilkinson’s conversion technique – by taking the result beyond the hosts before Ilkay Gundogan finished the season with a free-kick so exquisitely placed that it seemed to encapsulate the grace, finesse and perfection of the defending champions with one scintillating swipe of the boot.
As the party unfolded on the south coast, pundits, journalists and spectators alike naturally began to dissect the season, striving to explain an almost unexplainable level of supremacy.
Silva, Aguero, Vincent Kompany and Fernandinho, four immortal members of City’s old guard, will go down in the annals as the pioneering talents of a full scale revolution at the club. Replacing them is a task which Pep Guardiola, Txiki Begiristain and the club’s owners will need to lend a serious weight of thought to in the coming years.
John Stones could yet be the man to replace the Belgian but there is a stark and credible feeling that there is simply no match for the club’s insatiably popular man both on and off the field. He is an ambassador for the sport, Manchester City and the city of Manchester; replacing him would be akin to finding another Sir Alex Ferguson, forming another Oasis or building a new Hacienda.
Fernandinho’s qualities, meanwhile, are remarkably distinct but there are talents in waiting who could adapt to replicate his function. Replacing the club’s all-time top goal scorer will be similarly impossible. That just leaves Silva, a player who possesses such mystical tendencies that replacing him has seldom been viewed possible.
Guardiola, though, has done the unthinkable: he has signed a player in Bernardo Silva who is already threatening to usurp the playmaking king of the Etihad Stadium. As he was held aloof in front of the delirious City supporters, who belted out a rendition of an Abba-inspired chant which has been tailored to their diminutive hero, it felt as if this was the Portuguese wizard’s coronation: the moment in which the proverbial baton was passed over from one Silva to another.
He deservedly earned a place in the PFA Premier League Team of the Year and is a strong favourite to scoop Man City’s player of the season accolade. At just 24-years-old it’s clear that Bernardo is a player with the credentials to follow in the footsteps of both his namesake and the other aforementioned members of City’s history-defining golden generation.
But what is pertinently remarkable about the narrative unfolding at City is that the former Monaco man is not merely an upgrade for El Mago: he could even be an upgrade.
Uttering a sentence of this ilk would have been considered blasphemy about six months after he joined the club. Heads would have been mounted on spikes for even suggesting that David Silva’s reputation and achievements could ever be toppled. Now the fans find themselves in a position where the impossible has become possible. In Bernardo we find creativity synonymous with that of his namesake, bundles upon bundles of relentless work-rate, a capacity to eat up the turf at a rate Forest Gump would be proud of and a surprising tendency to bounce off colossal central defenders no matter how rotund.
Don’t forget to add in an infectious personality and popularity amongst both teammates and supporters. I repeat: he is just 24.
The curtain comes down on the season, narratives unfold, eulogies rain down and reflections on arguably the most high-quality title race the Premier League has even seen are offered. Amidst all this City fans can look both backwards and forwards in time with equal fondness and optimism, envisaging a future of further success with at least one member of the celebrated old-guard adequately replaced – or even upgraded.
Bernardo epitomises just about everything that is utterly ethereal about this current Manchester City squad and one only has to listen to pundits of varying allegiances deliver gushing appraisals on the midfielder to appreciate that his popularity transcends far and wide.
Guardiola has made the impossible possible in more ways than one since arriving at City and, through the £43 million signing of Bernardo, he has done something that was once considered beyond the realms of possibility.
At the culmination of a second season with the champions, it’s safe to say Bernardo has successfully passed his audition for the role of Silva’s long-term successor.
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AFC Wimbledon 1-3 West Ham, Leicester 4-0 Fleetwood: Carabao Cup - mainly because it happened
AFC Wimbledon 1-3 West Ham, Leicester 4-0 Fleetwood: Carabao Cup – mainly because it happened
And there finishes a hectic night inside of the League Cup. Five-time winners Aston Villa have actually been knocked out by Burton. West Ham toyed with disaster from ten-man Wimbledon but generated it through inside of the close. Premier League sides Cardiff and Huddersfield are goners, developing been looked at off by Norwich and Stoke respectively. Preston finished Leeds United’s unbeaten get started with for the season underneath Marcelo Bielsa. Southampton gained the south-coast derby at Brighton. And Saido Berahino finally scored a purpose subsequent to a two-and-a-half-year hold out, only to become upstaged in Stoke’s acquire by an absurd 50-yard unique plan by Juninho Bacuna. Phew. Subsequent to that end goal blitz, I’m off to stare at a wall for just a handful of hrs inside of the kind of David Puddy, but luckily not like your terrible Clocko hack, Paul Doyle remains able of sentient assumed. Here’s his report through the King Electricity. Nighty night time!
So the effects within the late kick-offs are in: West Brom have overwhelmed Mansfield 2-1, surviving some last-minute pinball in their private place, even when Saido Berahino has conducted for Huddersfield in a match that finished 2-0.
OUTRAGEOUS Private Objective! Stoke 2-0 Huddersfield (Bacuna 90 5):Huddersfield are pressing exhausting for any late equaliser. The keeper’s up. Stoke lump a clearance upfield. The keeper tracks again. Juninho Bacuna attempts to return the ball into the Stoke fifty percent, but only succeeds in shanking it back to his unique mission! The keeper’s stranded, and that’s a relatively breathtaking og from fifty yards out!
The two penalty shoot-outs have actually been solved! Macclesfield have beaten Walsall 3-1 on location kicks, even when Wycombe noticed off Forest Green 4-3. Reported by your buddy and mine, John Brewin, the Macc lads have never shed a penalty shootout, a record that goes back to 1992! Walsall had been doomed the moment Tyrone Marsh scored that late equaliser!
Apart from your earliest two minutes this was no contest, way more an assault drill for the 100 % dominant Premier League side towards Fleetwood’s second string.
Leicester entertained a sparse group with 4 high quality intentions, starting accompanied by a long-range splendor from Christian Fuchs and concluding accompanied by a breathtaking energy by Rachid Ghezzal.Kelechi Iheanacho and Vicente Iborra also joined in as Joey Barton’s understrength League Just one side sank and not using a trace.
On the day Jamie Vardy introduced his intercontinental retirement the former England striker was unavailable for club duty owing to suspension. Claude Puel professed to currently being a trifle disappointed Vardy would not enjoy for www.livesoccerscores.today/ his place once again but seemed forward to buying him for Leicester.
“I’m simply a modest sad about his final choice considering for fans on the national team it was an amazing sensation to check out him enjoying,” the Leicester manager stated. “But now we have to regard his final choice and now he dedicates his time and energy to his club and may proceed to present his preferred and with any luck , win a trophy.”
Puel generated 8 alterations towards the group who started Saturday’s Premier League victory at Southampton but Leicester have amazing toughness in depth and have been even now equipped to send out out a crew who generated mild do the trick belonging to the opposition – not a very lofty feat provided Barton deployed a de facto B group. He generated eleven alterations to the aspect who drew 0-0 at Charlton within the weekend.
“I wasn’t currently being disrespectful into the Carabao Cup but our priority is to always consolidate our place inside of the league,” says Barton, whose workforce are inside of the play-off areas subsequent to 5 matches.
The truth the stadium was about 70% vacant implies enough lovers also experienced other priorities but for Puel it is a competition to get pursued with intent. Two new signings generated their earliest commences – the goalkeeper Danny Ward, a summer season acquisition from Liverpool, and Ghezzal, the winger signed from Monaco.
The latter amazed all over with flamboyant operates and good deliveries previous to his good late intention. Ward demonstrated his alertness subsequent to two minutes, when he dived lower to his most suitable to force away a shot from twenty yards by Harrison Biggins. There finished Fleetwood’s existence being an attacking power.
Leicester took the guide many thanks to your remarkable objective by Fuchs. The previous Austria left-back ran on to an tried clearance subsequent to a corner and slash throughout the bouncing ball with balletic grace to lash a shot into your finest corner from twenty five yards. The 3 spectators powering the objective went wild.
“I observed him inside of the tunnel later on and stated: ‘I didn’t think that you have been able of that,’ and he replied, ‘Neither did I,’” Barton says. “It was a once-in-a-lifetime target.”
Iborra accelerated Leicester’s direct accompanied by a header from Fuchs’s cross. Shinji Okazaki almost volleyed a amazing 3rd just previous to the break from some other cross by Fuchs but Paul Jones saved clearly previous to Iheanacho struck the write-up for the second time.
Iheanacho identified the online thirteen seconds in the second 50 percent, gathering a through-ball by Marc Albrighton previous to taking pictures past Jones. Ghezzal rounded from the scoring accompanied by a lovely shot in the finest corner from twenty yards.
Read on the WTC Blog http://theworldtradecouncil.org/afc-wimbledon-1-3-west-ham-leicester-4-0-fleetwood-10
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maddiesflame · 4 years
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Sex, Love & Stiletto headers
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ladyarse · 7 years
Mo Marley has named an extended 24-player squad for a double header that will take place in three weeks against the USA in preparation for the Euros to be played in August.
Goalkeeper Sian Rogers, defenders Anna Patten, Lotte Wubben-Moy and Taylor Hinds alongside forwards Rianna Dean and Chloe Kelly are all in the squad and will hope to be selected in the final 18-player squad.
The tournament will be played in Northern Ireland from the 8th to 20th of August with games in Belfast, Lurgan, Ballymena and Portadown.
England have one of their strongest squads for many years with the best of the players born in 98 mixed with the upcoming players born in 99 that qualified last year for the u17 World Cup quarter-finals in Jordan.
The full squad is:
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Goalkeepers: Sandy MacIver (Clemson University), Ellie Roebuck (Manchester City), Sian Rogers (Arsenal).
Defenders: Danielle Brown (Sunderland), Zoe Cross (University of Missouri), Megan Finnigan (Everton), Grace Fisk (University of South Carolina), Taylor Hinds (Arsenal), Mayumi Pacheco (Doncaster Rovers Belles), Anna Patten (Arsenal), Samantha Tierney (Doncaster Rovers Belles), Lotte Wubben-Moy (Arsenal).
Midfielders: Georgia Allen (Syracuse University), Niamh Charles (Liverpool), Chloe Peplow (Birmingham City), Mollie Rouse (Aston Villa), Alessia Russo (Brighton & Hove Albion), Georgia Stanway (Manchester City).
Forwards: Rinsola Babajide (Watford), Ellie Brazil (Birmingham City), Rianna Dean (Arsenal), Chloe Kelly (Arsenal), Ella Toone (Manchester City), Charlie Wellings (Birmingham City).
As usual, the game at St George’s Park will be played behind closed doors which means no fans allowed but “Both matches will be open to friends, family, club representatives and invited guests only.”
It is a shame that since the St George’s Park complex opened, the majority of England’s Youth team games have been played there and therefore the general public is not allowed to watch anymore.
In the past, they were for most open to the public.
6 Arsenal Ladies selected for double header against USA Mo Marley has named an extended 24-player squad for a double header that will take place in three weeks against the USA in preparation for the Euros to be played in August.
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literaredits · 3 years
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love the one you’re with (gracejake) headers. like or reblog if you save/use it. don’t repost.
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