#grace and jake
shipcestuous · 1 year
I just wanted to let you know that the new Gossip Girl just added canon Twincest! Grace and Jake from a political family! Grace was using her ex boyfriend and new boyfriend to cover that she sleeps with her brother (their mother also seems to know and keeps trying to stop them but they won’t stop!)
This all came out in the most recent episode so we’re waiting to see as it all sticks around in the show!
Anon #2: On the most recent episode of the new Gossip Girl there's a little twincest moment. Hoping the show explores more of it as the season goes on. S2.E4
Anon #3: I haven’t been watching but the Gossip Girl reboot’s latest episode has an incest reveal (siblings I think)!!!!
OK, I tried to find pics or a video of these two and struck out. But I am very excited! Please keep us updated. If they're twins I'm assuming one of them won't turn out to be adopted...and yet I've seen it happen before.
Grace is hardcore. It seems like Grace and Jake are pretty serious about being together. I love that.
Thank you, Anons! You bring glad tidings.
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truetogaia · 1 year
Ugh bro ☹️
hi gabbi u wanna talk to my FISTS
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jetslay · 11 months
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"My Adventures with Superman" art by some of the artists behind the show.
(In order: Jane Bak, Sarah Doo, Alaine Baybayan, Richard Suh, Michael Nanna, Caroline Chiou, Karen Guo, Grace Liu, Vivian Ha, and Jake Wyatt)
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nattikay · 4 months
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No Angst AU - Jake and Neytiri's first meeting
(poor Grace has no clue what kinda nonsense she's about to be in for, putting up with these two lol)
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
some CHB headcanons
every cabin has LEDs around the inside, but there’s a constant battle over what color they are
Percy has his rippling back and forth from teal to blue and it looks like light dancing through water all over his walls and floor
the Apollo cabin can usually settle for orange and yellow as a common ground
the Aphrodite kids have a different color for each time of day and sleep with pink on the lowest brightness setting
the Hermes cabin has like ten different strips and they’re all constantly shifting
Demeter cabin’s shifts with the seasons
they have movie nights, which I will talk about in a different post
before everybody goes back to school, the Aphrodite and Hecate cabins have a massive salon at the end of the summer with new haircuts and magic hair dye and outfit recommendations and fake but enchanted sturdy nails and a whole bunch of other stuff and basically it’s a week straight of spilling hot tea between everyone in camp
if someone asks where a camper got their hair done when they get back to school they just go “oh, um… summer camp.” and their friends will snort and be like bro isn’t summer camp the opposite of a makeover?? but they get no argument, just a shrug and a half smile
when I tell you pride month over there is a fucking riot
because Mr. D is in on it, right?? because he’s the god of gender?? and Chiron is aroace and has been raising dumbass gay heroes for literal centuries?? PLUS the sheer fucking amount of queer peeps up in there?? dude yeah
cabins competing for who shows the most pride
Demeter’s roof is covered in rainbow flowers
Hecate’s is enchanted to emit actual light in whatever flag colors of whoever uses the front door, even when they’re straight (it’s just a rainbow)
Percy collects a bunch of shed scales from the hippocampi at the bottom of the lake and then puts them all over his cabin
I could make a whole post about CHB pride but
every single Apollo kid is also a theater kid fight me
Rachel Elizabeth Dare painted a skateboard for Percy’s birthday and he brings it everywhere now, it even sits in his backpack at school
Leo, Annabeth, Percy, and Piper fucking love horror movies. Frank, Hazel, and Jason fucking hate them. They watch through their fingers, if at all
Piper loves the band Surfaces with all her heart, but she also is a die hard Green Day and P!ATD fan
Jake Mason is covered in burn scars up to his neck, just like Deadpool, just not bald lol
Hephaestus and Apollo kids faintly radiate warmth (like more so than a normal person)
the Stolls sometimes stay at camp year-round because their mom is off on international missions that are too high-risk for them to help with
the seven are AVID Smash Bros players
really everyone but
not as many people go to the Athena campers for help with homework as you might think, but whenever anyone does, they’re happy to help
the sun chariot blasts music at a frequency only the Apollo kids can hear, so their life kind of has a shitty soundtrack that consists of a mix of Broadway, Queen, modern stuff, and random bits of Beethoven every now and then
the Romans swear on few occasions
the Greeks know when to swear and when to be polite
the Valhalla peeps swear unbridled and all the time
the Egyptians never swear (in English)
for the longest time, Will Solace thinks the only gift from his dad is his healing prowess— which is obviously great, but he expresses being upset over the fact that he’s not very good at archery
well, considering this is the dumbass who didn’t bring a weapon to actual fucking Tartarus, Nico drags him to the weapon shack thing immediately afterwards and made him pick something out
he's immediately drawn to the Celestial Bronze shotgun.
Nico’s just like “what in the redneck shit did you just pick up” and Will jokingly aims it at his chest and grins and says “you know I’m from Texas, right?”
that’s how they find out Will is one of the damn best marksmen in Greek demigod history
some of the Disney nerds in the Apollo cabin sing What Once Was Mine to the little ones who need bandaids for knee scrapes and give them lollipops afterwards
Percy Jackson absolutely used to make poverty and struggle meal jokes all the time, but he got weird and concerned looks for it at CHB, so he kind of just stopped. But one day, aboard the Argo II, the PERFECT opportunity came up and he just HAD TO and as per usual— everyone else looked at him like he’s crazy— but Leo laughed so hard chocolate milk came out of his nose and that’s the story of how the two of them became Best Friends
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tszreya · 1 year
me watching people complain about how the in the movie (avatar 2) they were speaking English the whole time and barely Na’vi when at the beginning of the movie Jake said
“It took a few years to get the language through my thick skull.But now when I hear it,it might as well be english”
As the scene switches from Lo’ak and Kiri fighting in Na’vi then when he finishes saying his inner monologue it’s in English.
It’s in English because we are watching through Jakes point of view just like the first movie.
This also applies to when they go to the metkayina clan.It’s still Na’vi and it’s still from Jake/Viewers point of view it’s just in English so people understand.
Like imagine reading subtitles the whole movie😭
*edit regarding the last line,I wouldn’t mind reading subtitles the whole time cause I put subtitles on when I watch ANYTHING,but I did see people complain about what it would be like if there were subtitles the whole time
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jakexneytiri · 1 year
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the. button. he wears grace’s lab coat button. on his songcord.
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pandoraslxna · 1 year
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Everybody shut up and look at little Neytiri 🥺
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vaguely-concerned · 3 months
there are a lot of daddy issues to go around on DS9 in general, but odo, bashir and garak are really in their own special little fucked up 'what am I but wrought in my father's image' club
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wishecho · 9 days
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quick thing for a favorite scene o mine from house of hades solely for le funnies
bonus silly doodle under cut
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phoenix--flying · 9 months
more tweets and i have a lot more plus some oc centered ones if anyone wants those ones LMFAO
part one
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nattikay · 11 months
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"um.....hi :)"
u know that corny fanfic trope where characters meet their past/future selves ha ha yeah
still can't believe how FAST they CANONICALLY speedran Neteyam Lo'ak and Kiri lol, like that actually happened wow
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neteyamsyawntu · 9 months
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The Sully kids being literal twins with their parents•••
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All collages made by me✨
These were a lot of fun to make, I’m debating doing the same for Ao’nung and Tsireya too👀
Collage of the Metkayina kids
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beautyofattolia · 3 months
Incorrect Quote
Neytiri: You are all being ridiculous, Jake does not have a crush on me.
Mo’at: Yes, he does.
Grace: Yes, he does.
Jake: Yes, I do.
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sapphicspaceart · 5 months
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the twelve catalysts
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torukmaktoskxawng · 3 months
Reference to my Avatar!Grace Lives AU and they're talking about the probability of Grace being pregnant without a baby daddy:
Norm: What if it was Eywa? What if she did more than just save your life by transferring you into your avatar? Jake: Are you trying to say that Grace is the next Virgin Mary? Grace: Grace: Neytiri, your child is about to be fatherless.
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