strange idea but what if billy is head pregnant??
. . .
and it's homelander's fault--KIDDING lmao kinda
leik. i can't stop thinking of the 'black mass in his brain' and it's making me think of zeus/jupiter head birthing athena/minerva.
my first thoughts went to what compound v did to cancer in the john and sun-hee diabolical episode (also that was beautifully written bittersweet tragic horror, can never not appreciate that enough<3), and to be fair, v can be a lil unpredictable
also would technically require confirmation that billy had legit brain cancer (i think) prior to taking temp v and this is what temp v did to it/brought it alive as its own entity but it's dying since it was only temp v?? idk i guess that kinda deal. (but i also wouldn't put it past the v to have given him cancer... idk, billy don't strike me as all that healthy habit wise to begin with)
there's something to explore there where this *thing* would actually be responsible for the lasers from billy's eyes instead of him/could be why he felt so... out of control so to speak (if we don't go with the whole he was straight up overloaded with unfamiliar power he was highly sensitive to lol altho hughie seemed pretty damn *in* control by comparison)
it could also be something more like a physical manifestation of his obsession with homelander (which i also wouldn't put past v as it's able to do some wild fuckin' stuffs) that only grew with more use of temp v but is dying without it now/may convince him to take real v so it can separate from him
what if, ya know? billy's brain rot for homelander/possible cancer + temp v = headcase minerva/athena baby or literal manifestation of billy's obsession as a separate entity
what if it leaves and takes the obsession with it? or even views *homelander* as its 'father'? joins or aims to destroy them both?
i don't wanna say butchlander cause it's technically much more sinister than that here LMAO but i guess it's technically the most realistic/canon oriented option of 'butchalnder' potentially happening on the show. something dark and twisted and super fucked up that does a deep dive and full embrace into the horror themes<3
OOH, can't say i'd mind that<3<3<3
idk, just a thought i guess. but i guess i also feel like billy's hatred/obsession/addiction becoming its own literal monster/entity would be very becoming/symbolic for the show. leik they *could not* get more clear than that.
especially if it goes around consuming people...
honestly, i might use this in fic cause it's pretty fuckin' awesome in a dark and horrible way<3
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