#hearing that will was going to be a ‘huge part and focus’ in st5 did legit flip a switch in my brain
pinkeoni · 1 year
Do you see that. That’s your season baby.
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maddy-ferguson · 1 year
i know this has been talked before but it's genuinely funny how people treat st5 and expect it to deliver a heartstopper.02 situation with byler. there is no doubt the duffers like focusing on romance and drama but never once byler got that much of focus or screentime in any season. s1 they are separated and i'd argue s1 is basically the mlvn season. s2 has great byler moments but still focused more on the mindflayer and possession plotline. s3, they have couple of screentime together at best and then they fight and the show quickly moves to the action plot. s4 they receive like 5 minutes screentime at most. i dont doubt the show will focus on mike and will's bond like s2 did but some ppl expect that the serie will dedicate a huge amount of screentime for their romance in st5 and im like, some ppl are right in saying the show isnt about byler/romance while criticizing it. like c'mon we have over 20 characters with multiple unresolved plots and lore to be revealed.
i disagree with you on s1 basically being the mlvn season but i agree that s5 isn't gonna be heartstopper 2.0 obviously because i literally said that two weeks ago but tbf when you look at the history of how some of their other slow burnish couples got together...jonathan and nancy literally went on a roadtrip and had a total stranger tell them to stop pretending they didn't like each other and to "cut the bullshit and share the damn bed". granted they were there to get #justiceforbarb but their shared plot is so romcom fanfictionish. the woman at the motel literally goes one bed or two and they say one we're not a couple hahaha. same with jopper tbh.
i guess the difference is there's even more characters now and it's hard to imagine mike and will being a little removed from the supernatural plot in s5 like jancy and jopper were because will's in the middle of it but as i'm saying this i'm remembering that them being completely removed from the supernatural plot is literally what they did with them in s4 lmao. i think s4 being so long and essentially being a part one with s5 being the part two is part of what makes it weird and not as effective and what makes me personally dislike the fact that they're further away from the supernatural plot, because with jancy and jopper it was only for a few episodes, with s4 byler it's literally the entire time. they do have a lot of scenes together they're pretty much always together after el gets arrested but since the episodes are five hours long each it doesn't hit the same as jancy and their murray roadtrip or as jopper and their murray roadtrip AT ALL.
so while i agree that they have a lot of things to tie up and that byler (or will tbh even though s5 being will heavy is basically the only thing we know about it) won't be getting nearly as much screentime as what byler tumblr's grown to expect after a year of thinking about it obsessively, it's not like they can exactly not spend time on them if they need to get them together lol. it's not gonna be heartstopper 2.0 in the sense that the supernatural storyline has always been at the forefront of the show and that that what's going on in there is horrific at times (so not kid-friendly and not centered around romance), but the duffers do love their romance and while you can criticize the show for not being byler-y enough...idk, there's the pushing your gay romance to the last season is meh argument but you can counter that by saying that it's very much there in the subtext and that it's a stylistic choice and that they're just doing the classic "the main couple only gets together at the very end" thing, which you're free to dislike but that's a matter of personal taste, only this time it's gay so there's more to take into consideration and more to take issue with. while i enjoy the subtext of it all i will say s3 going rain fight -> mike apologizes will isn't there to hear it -> barely anything at all until what if you want to join another party in the epilogue is a little jarring. like what happened there guys. that's five episodes of nothing. but yk, s3 is s3.
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