hbbitch · 9 months
wow, this took a while. after many, many hours, it's finally done!
a friend on here and i are working together to add sound :)
p.s. the skips are self indulgent, but i let the characters be chosen at request :)
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 year
Di. Transmite. Muestra la clave. Conecta con la fuente
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julialundgren · 2 years
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“Home is where the heart is”
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tommy-a · 4 months
This is one of my favourite post of all time
Common American Man, this is how your life will unfold.  You will start with dreams, big dreams.  You will believe you are ordained for exceptionalism.  You will reluctantly abandon your dreams as the years pass and reality inexorably descends upon you like a choking shroud of grit.  That reality looks like this – You will get older, uglier, and fatter with each year.  Soon you will notice young…
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phonemantra-blog · 6 months
Accor, a global leader in the hospitality industry, is on a mission to revitalize the talent landscape. Their new Employee Value Proposition (EVP) – "Hospitality is a Work of Heart" – focuses on showcasing the unique blend of human connection and artistry that hospitality careers offer. This initiative aims to not only attract new talent but also reignite the passion within the industry as a whole. The Changing Landscape of Hospitality Talent The hospitality industry has undergone significant changes in recent years. The global pandemic impacted staffing levels, and the "Great Resignation" trend further emphasized the need for a shift in how hospitality businesses approach their workforce. Today's talent seeks purpose, work-life balance, and well-being in their careers. Transparency and authenticity are also crucial factors for the new generation of workers. Hospitality is a Work of Heart Accor acknowledges these challenges and aims to address them head-on. With "Hospitality is a Work of Heart," they aim to cultivate an environment that celebrates the inherent value of hospitality careers while fostering a sense of community and purpose. Accor's Commitment to its People: The Heartist® Culture At Accor, people are at the core of everything they do. Their strong employer brand centers around nurturing their 330,000 "Heartists®" – a term that reflects the unique culture and shared identity of their workforce across over 5,500 hotels in 110 countries. Being a Heartist® is about forming genuine connections and creating a sense of belonging. The "Hospitality is a Work of Heart" initiative embodies this philosophy perfectly. The Four Pillars of the "Hospitality is a Work of Heart" EVP The EVP is built upon four core pillars that highlight the distinctive benefits of working for Accor: Be All You Are: Celebrating Diversity and Inclusion Accor fosters a diverse and inclusive environment that empowers individuality, creativity, and autonomy. Their internal network, RiiSE, champions gender equality and eliminates discrimination by providing mentoring opportunities and promoting inclusivity for all genders and sexual orientations through their partnership with IGLTA, a leading LGBTQ+ tourism network. Grow & Create Your Path: A Culture of Lifelong Learning Hospitality is a proven career accelerator, and Accor provides boundless training opportunities through programs like "Reveal Talent," designed to boost the careers of Heartists® without formal higher education. Accor Academy, established for over 30 years, offers training programs covering various areas. In 2023 alone, Accor provided over 6 million hours of training, benefitting more than 190,000 employees worldwide. Their network of over 250 partnerships with universities strengthens their commitment to learning and development. Work with Purpose: Making a Positive Impact Accor understands that purpose is a key motivator for today's workforce. Their "School For Change" program equips Heartists® with the knowledge and tools to address environmental and social challenges, fostering a sense of purpose and positive impact. Initiatives like "Heartists for Good" encourage volunteerism, allowing employees to dedicate a work day to making a difference in their communities. Enjoy & Feel Valued: Recognition and Appreciation Accor prioritizes recognizing and appreciating the dedication of its Heartists®. They cultivate a culture of continuous listening and feedback to understand the evolving needs of their teams. Initiatives like the Bernaches Awards, which recognize outstanding employee-led projects, and the All Heartist® Employee Benefit program, offering benefits across travel, wellness, and more, exemplify this commitment. A Rewarding Career Path: A Message from Accor's Chief Talent & Culture Officer Steven Daines, Chief Talent & Culture Officer at Accor, emphasizes the unique potential of hospitality careers: "Hospitality has the power to create and accelerate careers; it's a world unlike any other. Our new Employer Brand signature – Hospitality is a Work of Heart – illustrates not only the beauty of working at Accor, but also aims to attract talent to join this incredible industry. We are proud to unveil our new EVP as we continue to rally our teams of Heartists® across the globe. Working in hospitality is more than just a job – it's an opportunity to work with passion and embark on a journey of the heart."
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busylazy · 6 months
Baifern Pimchanok Luevisadpaibul (2010 and 2020)
Wild how we've seen her grow up on screen. 😮
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A Crazy Little Thing Called Love (2010)
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The Con-Heartist (2020)
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hbbitch · 1 year
oohh!! im excited to share this!!
its a bit cartoonish, the movement i mean, but this is mostly just practice and i think i learned a lot! enjoy!!
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hbbitch · 1 year
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a simple request for a very patient supporter! thank you!! ♡
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hbbitch · 11 months
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a request for a long time supporter! enjoy :)
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mutantes-sinmas · 11 days
Alquimista : : Sacerdotisa
Ceremonia de sanación con frecuencias sagradas
Fragmento de una Cosmic session
Hago un mix de diferentes técnicas del uso del sonido, con la vibración y las frecuencias.
Con el diapasón estimulo los mismos puntos de acupuntura de la medicina tradicional china combinándo con la base del diapasón.
También hago un barrido energético para limpiar y cerrar huecos del aura.
Masaje sonoro y envolvente con el cuenco; los baños de sonido te llevan a un viaje de sonido, es un concierto vibracional. La inmersión en el sonido durante la sesión afecta a la actividad cerebral que pasa del estado Beta al Alfa y en algunos casos al Theta. Son estados de conciencia meditativos, de paz interior, relajación profunda y bienestar general.
El origen de los cuencos no se conoce con certeza. La antigüedad aproximada de su aparición data sobre el siglo V a. de C. Y se remonta a la tradición chamánica Bön, anterior a la llegada del budismo. Lo que está claro es que estos cuencos de los Himalayas son ancestrales.
La terapia con diapasón es una modalidad de sanación a través de frecuencias de sonido, que retoma el Dr. John Beaulieu y el músico e investigador francés Fabián Maman en la década los años setenta. Estos estudios fueron continuados por el matemático suizo Hans Cousto, Barbara Hero June Wieder, David Hulse y otrs muchs.
Hay grabados egipcios del uso de dos diapasones con pesas como este que se puede encontrar en el Museum of art Manhattan.
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Todo ello hace que se produzcan cambios físicos, emocionales y espirituales. El sonido resuena íntegramente en todo nuestro Ser, nos mueve y conmueve, nos cambia y transforma.
De lo antiguo aprendiendo cosas nuevas, sinmas
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 month
La vida es como un viaje por mar: hay dias de calma y días de tormenta. Lo importante es ser buen capitán de nuestro barco
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 month
Lo que me sale del corazón: Je t'aime.
Ahí voy, dancing emotions, en cuenta atrás para comenzar mi gran aventura y cumplir otro gran sueño, que no me puedo creer por todo lo que he tenido que pasar para que dentro de nada se materialice. He pasado todas las pruebas: las que dependían de mí, las que dependían de otros y las que dependían de Diosito. Y me encanta que los planes salgan bien!
Todos los años desde el 28 de julio hasta el 12 de agosto hay una alineación de la Tierra con la estrella de Sirio que durante estos días a su vez se alinean con el cinturón de Orión y las pirámides egipcias de Giza. Esta alineación se llama Portal de la puerta del León porque ocurre cuando el sol está en Leo. Hoy 8/8 es el punto de apogeo de esta alineación. Ya expliqué esto en el post del año pasado, si quieren más información búsqueda por día mes y año en archivo o portal de León en Lupa.
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hbbitch · 2 years
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finished this like 2 months ago!! almost done with my next one, and have the third in the works :DD they tipped extremely generously so I even did some shading and hope to include it as an option in future comissions!
your commission of course is sent to you unwatermarked ♡
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mutantes-sinmas · 2 months
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The penny has not yet dropped. Exactamente así; finally understands after not understanding it for a time
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mutantes-sinmas · 2 months
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Qué gran tesoro es tener una buena hermana, una buena amiga, alguien con quien puedes contar para lo que sea, que te defiende y da la cara por ti, de frente y por la espalda, alguien en quien poder confiar, con quien puedes convivir, viajar, compartir meditaciones, penas y alegrías, poder vernos crecer, darnos mimitos y masajitos, dormir juntas, compartir amaneceres y atardeceres, la noche y el día, puro amor incondicional y que todo esto sea recíproco... toda una vida juntas, mano a mano, corazón con corazón. Te amo con toda mi alma, con todo mi ser ✨️🤍✨️
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mutantes-sinmas · 1 year
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Animales nocturnos. A través del arte, expresión abstracta, simbólica, metafórica... accediendo al subconsciente para accionar el clik clak necesario para despertares
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Amanso a mis furias internas, me comunico con mis fieras, doy cariño y amor, respeto sus instintos, escucho, aprendo, me guían
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