evercharmed-a · 5 years
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  “Can a guy not even listen to music in peace now? Why are you looking at me like this?.”
( @heartmemos​ ) ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ
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yuseonguarch · 5 years
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               jiyeon often doesn’t think before she acts. which is why, when she’d been faced with a handsome man on the wrong side of the law, she’d chosen to give him her number instead of writing him up for a speeding ticket like she was supposed to. the second she’d driven off, she’d started to doubt herself and by the time she’d finished her shift, she’d decided that, fuck, that was a terrible idea and she’s going to get fired for sexual harassment or something. thanks, dad, for watching so many dramas and filling her head with these kinds of stupid ideas. so the day her phone rings, an unfamiliar number flashing on the screen, is the day she figures sinking into a hole in the ground might be less embarrassing. ❝ hello...? ❞ she says hesitantly, only answering with some insistence from her brother...
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escapedartgeek · 5 years
[text] sleep first Calum
[text] Drinking coffee is not going to help you get to sleep when you finally get to it
[text] You’re better off taking a nap anyway. Or your ‘friend’ is that is.
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bloodxhound · 5 years
In that colorless, insipid interrogation room – isolated from the rest of the world – even the most taciturn individual would crack eventually and let something substantial slip. The detective in charge bears very little doubts it would play out any different for the suspect currently confined therein. Understandable. The room offers little in comfort and entertainment. Furnished with only a table, a few rigid chairs and a camera mounted to one of its walls, it makes for an oppressive atmosphere.
When Ray enters the room, he sits down wordlessly on the table across from the suspect. The male he is to question has not been especially cooperative nor has he been willing to talk much to the other officers since he was found wandering around the crime scene. At the very least he hasn’t lawyered up yet, which Ray is grateful for.
On first glance the case looks like an open-and-shut case: A woman assaulted and strangled in a park, in the forest surrounding a little playground. Attracted by the noise, a passerby has called the police, who promptly found an exhausted, distraught man wandering around the vicinity. The present suspect. Studying him now, his dark brown hair falls disheveled into his face; little streaks of dirt stain the end of his pants’ legs – probably originating from the undergrowth he must have passed through.
The prosecutor assigned to the case has instructed Ray to make this interrogation a swift one; or in his words be quick about it and make him fess up no matter what. Yeah, fucking bullshit. He likes most of his colleagues, but some of them are known to overstep their boundaries. Frankly, it’s infuriating. It’s his job to find out the truth, not to sculpt anyone into something they aren’t.
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Ray drops a file onto the table and leans a shoulder against the wall from where he’s sitting. “Calum Reynolds,” he addresses the other finally. “I’m Detective Ray Barlowe, here to interrogate you on the murder of Sandy Schilling. I won’t waste your time anymore than my friend over there already has.” He gestures toward the officer sternly guarding the door, who has already read Reynolds his rights and taken his personal data and fingerprints.
“Help me understand. Why were you at Gourd Lake Park today? Better yet, you have an explanation for why we found you runnin’ ‘round from the crime scene? You’re the prime suspect in this case. If you wanna clear our suspicions, you need to talk to me.”
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dxsole · 5 years
repost, do not reblog! ( source ) bold what consistently applies. italicize situational, not always.
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fight honorably  / fight dirty  /  prefer close-quarters  /  prefer range  / chat during  / go silent  /  low pain tolerance  / high pain tolerance /  attack in bursts  / attack steadily / go for the kill  / aim to disarm /  fight defensively  / strike first /  provoke easily  / provoke their opponent  /  tease  /  get visibly frustrated /  shout while attacking  / use strategy  / focus on their battle /  experience conflicting thoughts during battle  /  rush in recklessly  /   try to read their opponent before fighting /  fight wildly  /  fight calmly  / fight with anger  / fight with excitement / fight because they have to  / fight because they want to  /  fight without regard to wounds /  run away when wounded  /  hide wounds  /  take a blow to protect another / prefer a blade /  prefer a gun  /  prefer a bow  /  prefer a shield  /  prefer a spear  / prefer a personalized weapon / prefer magic or spells /  prefer brawling  /  their greatest weakness is physical  /  their greatest weakness is mental / their greatest weakness is emotional /  transform for battle  / fight as they appear / rely on strength  /  rely on speed  /  use everything they have  /  hide their full potential  /  exhaust quickly  /  high stamina / doubt their strength  / proceed with caution  /  behave arrogantly /  brag after landing a hit  / belittle their abilities  / use psychological tactics  / use brute strength  /  avoid civilians  /  strike down civilians / damage surroundings /  avoid damaging surroundings /  signature fighting style /  making it up as they go  /  mastered skillset  /  learning their skillset  / fancy footwork /  sloppy footwork /  aggressive fighter  /  elegant fighter /  accept defeat  / refuse defeat /  beg for mercy  /  compliment their opponent  /  insult their opponent  / use unnecessary movements ( flips, twirls )  / move efficiently /  barely move  /  prefer to dodge  /  prefer to block / defend their blindside  /  neglect their blindside  / use all available advantages ( ex; use a gun but also throw punches, kick out while blades clash, etc. )  /  strictly use one main method  / play around  /  hold back  / fight ruthlessly  / show mercy  /  wait for opponent to be ready  / strike when opponent isn’t ready  /  fear death  / fear pain  / fear killing / has PTSD / avoid fighting  / has lost a fight /  has won a fight /  has killed  /  refused to kill  / want to die standing  /  would succumb slowly.
tagged by: @heartmemos​ // Thankies~!! tagging: @stalkex​, @idontkillorphans​, @armsdealing​, @unosbichotes​, @alabasterapier​, & any one else that wants to do this!
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oldmcncy · 5 years
@heartmemos liked this for a saucy starter 🍆🤪
“Are you sure you want to do this?“ The last thing she wants is for him to think they’re making a mistake, especially when she wants him so damn much. Her fingertips trail his bareback, studying the slight curves of his body until her digits reach his lower back. “What do you want me to do?”
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fbiartist · 5 years
@heartmemos said: He pouts, holding his hands out. “Kiss me! ...Please?”
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She took both of his hands and pulled him closer, just leaning in close enough for him to close his eyes in anticipation. “And why should I?” This was definitely revenge for him being a teasing bastard, but she was grinning widely up at him. 
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mvxnn · 5 years
┊◗  a new beginning @heartmemos​
      ❛ I didn't think it was that bad of an injury. It's hard enough wearing the knee brace.  ❜
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distantxlight · 5 years
@heartmemos || xXx
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There was a slight stumble, Skyler obviously startled. Calum wasn’t supposed to be in the middle of this...! What was he doing?!
An answer that he got quickly enough, once he saw the heartless. The creature with its blade in Calum’s back... He could practically feel his body start to crackle with an electrical rage, his keyblade swinging up to knock the heartless away. But it wasn’t enough. There were still others, and Calum was bleeding, and this needed to end now!
A shout suddenly burst out of him, a battle cry, as he raised his keyblade up into the sky. The lightning that rained down in response was enough. Thank goodness. But Calum... Calum. The keyblade disappeared as Skyler wrapped his arms around his friend, his father, trying to get him to relax. Lie down, as a hand dug out a small white candy from his bag.
He wasn’t going to take any chances. Not with this.
“Cal... Come on, I just need you to swallow this. And then I can heal you. Or take you to the hospital. Whichever you want? Agh, why did you do that...?”
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traumeriin · 5 years
@heartmemos continued from this.
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     Rosemary laughs as she shakes her head. “You don’t need to thank me, really. I’ve been in a similar situation before so I’m just happy that I can spare you the emotional melt down.” To children, even something as minor as markers can be a life or death matter.
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evercharmed-a · 5 years
 “Is any of this really necessary?”  Rory’s voice cuts through the silence a lot sharper than he anticipated. He resists the urge to cringe. Calum isn’t nearly as bad as the last physical therapist Hakyeon and Junsu made him go to, but it still chips at his patience to come to this place only to be told what to do. At least he isn’t asking any invasive questions. Yet.
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 Brows furrowed just so, he musters Calum, eyes drawn to his hands. When he speaks this time, he lowers his voice. “There’s too much work to be done for me to waste my time here.”
under the moonlight ( @heartmemos ) ☾
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yuseonguarch · 5 years
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               hongjoo’s going through her own personal hell right now. her mother, the only family she’s ever known, lies unconscious in a hospital bed with little sign that she’ll ever wake again. hongjoo doesn’t like to leave her for too long, but every now and then the nurses tell her to go for a walk and get some fresh air. she’s ambling her way through the hospital when she catches sight of someone who looks like they’re having a worse day than her. but... isn’t this the maternity ward? shouldn’t he be happy...? ❝ stupid question, i know, but are you okay? you looked tired... ❞
@heartmemos ♡ liked for a starter
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solsought · 5 years
@heartmemos liked for a starter.
     It didn't take more than a few swipes on the man's phone, to know what was wrong with it. Ironically it seemed that his new customer was someone he had hacked into some days ago. His intention hadn't been to break the phone, but perhaps he hadn't been thorough enough in removing the virus when he did. A friendly smile and laugh were put on deliberately to mask his embarrassment.
          "It's not gonna take long to fix, maybe fifteen minutes."  He would have offered the stranger to take a seat while he worked, but the tiny cramped shop had no extra chair and little floor space.  "You're welcome to hang around, but there's also a coffee shop some blocks down that way."  He used his thumb to vaguely point in the direction.
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heartists · 5 years
@heartmemos (x).
“zoey! again?! how DARE your glameow attack my garchomp?”
“ask me that again when you can explain why your garchomp was beating up on your plusle and minun!”
“she wasn’t beating up on them, she was PLAYING with them. i don’t know about you, but i think a smart pokémon would be able to tell the difference between beatdowns and play!”
“it sure didn’t look like she was playing with them. glameow was only trying to protect them!”
“it’s not as bad as you say it is. otherwise they would have been screaming in pain. you didn’t feel any pain, did you?” she looks down at plusle, who shakes its head.
“ever heard the phrase better safe than sorry?”
the two of them look up at calum’s alarmed intonation, each leaping to explain their side.
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      ❝well, you see, sir, my garchomp was just having a lovely time playing with my plusle and minun, when all of a sudden--this mutt of a glameow came and attacked her! she left a nasty scratch in her side with shadow claw--❞ 
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      ❝that’s not true! i saw it with my own eyes. glameow knows what was going on. she attacked because garchomp was torturing them!❞
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      ❝please. as if my precious regina would ever do such a thing. we don’t need to stoop to your froslass’ level, do we?❞
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      ❝this isn’t even ABOUT her. leave her out of this!❞
and just like that, they’ve begun to fight again. calum would need all the luck he can get to have anything constructive out of them at this rate.
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dxsole · 5 years
@heartmemos | Cont. from X
She never wanted to talk about this but that was nearly impossible, wasn’t it? You can’t be close to someone without knowing certain things about them; it’s just how the world works but she still resents it. Didi doesn’t think he’d look at her the same if he knew.
How do you tell someone you witnessed something so horrible? That you didn’t do anything to stop it? That you didn’t grow up normal, that you never went to a school dance and instead were being drilled and molded into a scientific protégé. That she has n o t h i n g. That she has nothing more to offer him than the woman he sees right now, someone not as confident or fun as she always makes herself out to be. 
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Her eyes dart everywhere and she can’t look at him, even when he pulls her close. His embrace is warm and she wants to tell him; she just doesn’t know how. “Don’t I have to pretend? I can’t be like...like this all the time.” There’s forced laughter being pressed to his chest. “No one...no one loves this.”
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escapedartgeek · 5 years
👌 👌 (headcanon meme!)
Zora is aware that Ezra seems to know that they are not your average person in the least. And that knowledge is driving them to be more honest with Calum about it. But they want to be able to sit down with him about it.. since it’s a lot to process. However, Zora does care a lot about Calum and appreciates him in their life so they figure the least that they can do is be honest about who they are in a fuller sense.
There are moments where Zora just kind of picks up on the fact that Calum is craving some snack or another. And one way or another, it will end up at his house. Either they themselves show up with it (as likely) or somehow ..it just ends up there with a note: I know you wanted this, eat the damn thing no matter how self-denying you may be. I will always remember. - Z It may be a more..brutally honest way of getting him some snacks, but it’s a way they show they care.
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