#heathered beinn musings
heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS American Hustle Life Ep7
BTS are in LA to learn about hip hop. Episode 6 was really fun to watch – probably one of the best episodes so far. We saw the final bits of filming for the music video before Warren G decided which team had won. The winner was the only person who didn’t look ready to “mess themselves” getting within a foot of a woman, which was J-Hope. So J-Hope and Jin deservedly won a prize. The bands’ next challenge was to find ‘their master’ and learn some new skills. Jin and J-Hope learned beatboxing, RM and Jimin learned some bboying, and Suga, V, and Jungkook learned some RnB (and gospel). At the end of the ep, the teams had a little competition between themselves to show off their new skills. RM and Jimin ended up losing (slightly unfairly) which saw them getting pied in the face – which, I’m not going to lie, was hilarious.
Hopefully episode 7 will be just as fun to watch.
So, we start off with the band arriving at an outdoor basketball court. Three guesses as to who they think is their best basketball player and the first two guesses don’t count lol. Of course it’s Suga.
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So Tony played basketball in college and is 2m 4cm in height. Yeah, I don’t rate BTS’s odds lol! Ahhaha, BTS’ rock paper scissors game has rubbed off on Tony and Nate but they are definitely not as fast at it as the band!
LOL, so Tony picked Jungkook first, then Jimin (I think Tony has a soft spot for him although I can’t put my finger on why I think that just yet). Poor RM is the last to be picked and ends up being the referee-commentator. Team Tony: Jungkook, Jimin, J-Hope Team Nate: Suga, V, and Jin
My money is on Team Tony winning and Nate’s team buying the icecream.
Oh sweet J-Hope is… hopeless lol. Suga is a star as expected <3
I think Suga and Tony are scoring most of the points lol. Aww J-Hope actually scored!!!!! And what a celebration!
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Ooooooooooooh it was epically close but Tony’s team won by a point! Ice cream is on Nate’s team. BTS once again sharing ice creams. This sharing spit still blows my mind, it’s awesome.
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So they’ve been in LA for 17 days and they don’t have much longer to go. Something special has been prepared for them (I doubt it’s going to be a nice surprise) and yet again they get woken up early. Aww they look so sleepy… poor things. Into the limos they go and they’re in different teams. We’re clued in that they are all going to try ‘working’. Called it. This isn’t a nice surprise.
RM and Suga end up in a hotel and they’ve got to join the housekeeping team for the day and clean rooms. Their supervisor, Candy, it not letting any mistake slip by lol.
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Those sheets can’t have wrinkles or smudges! LOL at RM saying he should have been given one of the younger band members so he could have made them clean the bathroom. At least he was gallant and volunteered to stay doing the rooms (which Candy said was harder) and let Suga go to the kitchen to wash dishes.
Aww Jimin and Jungkook are a team. I wonder where they will be working...? Ahahahaha Jimin warning Jungkook that those teamed with him end up suffering. Let’s hope it’s not too bad Jimin.
They end up at an airfield where there are lots of small planes and jets. They are kind of full of wonder and it’s a shame they are going to find out it’s not going to be fun at all. Hehe, their little faces when they learn they have to clean. Their attempt at it is a bit silly though lol.
Jin, J-Hope, and V are out at the mariner and they have to clean a boat. Lol that guy sure does make them work!
Jimin and Jungkook have been ‘talked to’ because they made a tiny error and Jungkook’s sassy response killed me; “When we leave, I want to tell that ajusshi to live while cleaning up the place one in a while.”
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LMAO the two of them are going to be supervised while cleaning a plane by a 14 year old! LOL at the air-field owner’s slight panic at Jimin not quite understanding what he was saying about the cleaning fluid and telling him to listen to Jungkook - just about killed me. Then the 14 year old teasing Jimin that Jungkook was younger and doing a better job than him and then ragging on him for the rest of the job. Jimin, bless him, kept his humour but I got the sense he wanted to shove that cloth somewhere other than the inards of a dirty plane. OMG, the airfield owner actually put the two of them in time-out like they were naughty toddlers... *facepalm*. They take it in relatively good humour but it’s interesting that, while Jimin is washing his face, Jungkook says Jimin is probably mad as he usually gets mad about this sort of stuff. While I don’t doubt that Jimin has a temper I do wonder what their version of ‘mad’ is because they tend to laugh as they complain? Never have I seen one of them raise an angry voice yet. See! Jimin is even laughing as he says he wants to hit the 14 year old’s head on the way out. I bet mad in BTS world is them saying something mildly passive aggressive while not laughing uproariously.
Back to Suga and he’s trying to find the kitchen. LMAO when he tries valiantly to explain what he’s looking for in bad broken English and the woman tells him she speaks Korean. He gets to work without much complaint and does rather well. He even gets to eat. Meanwhile RM is up in the rooms all by himself lol.
Hehe, Jin, V, and J-Hope lying to RM and Suga that they are on a yacht eating lobster while in reality they are varnishing. Lol at V saying RM doesn’t do much and Suga orders everyone around so he’s glad to be with Jin and J-Hope when they are cleaning. He also says he enjoys that they talk a lot – Jungkook supposedly gets quiet when he’s on shows and on camera. Then V disses Jin by saying he’d rather be in a team with J-Hope alone.
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LMAO at Jungkook telling Jin Jimin’s getting chewed out by a 14 year old!
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J-Hope laughing his ass off when Jungkook tells them they’re in time-out.
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Just Jimin going for the thigh while he laments that people always suffer when paired with him…
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Aww, Jimin got less money at the end of their job and said the manager probably didn’t like him, which Jungkook was smug about. The helicopter thing where the manager took them up about a metre above the ground before landing again and telling them to get out was funny but also mean.
RM finally got some food and he and Suga got paid, yay!
Jin, V, and J-Hope got paid too.
So RM and Suga made $550, Jimin and Jungkook made $500 and Jin, V, and, J-Hope made $450 (suspiciously $50 different each time, do I smell a set-up?). RM and Suga win!
What’s going to happen to the money? Tony says it’s going to feed people on Skid Row – great lessons to teach the band; generosity, charity, and humility. The lads look scared and suitably sad as they drive up skid row and see all the homeless tents and the extent of poverty there.
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They get some great advice as they hand out food – there are a lot decent folk on Skid Row who just bummed out of luck and ended up on the streets. I like the advice that one guy gave them about ‘not taking things for granted. You can be poor one day and rich the next and with then with no warning go back to being poor again.’
So that was the episode. I liked the bit at the end but to be honest it was really not my favourite episode of the series. I think it would have been better if they had pre-warned the band they would be working so they would have been prepared to try their hardest and wouldn’t have treated it like a game. At the end of it they would have walked away with a deeper feeling of achievement. I also think if they had worked really hard, thinking there was they’d earn a reward for the concert, and then had to give up the money for food for the homeless it would have made the message at the end hit even harder. But it was what it was and I’m sure the lads got something out of it.
Right, one episode left and it looks like the main feature of it is their LA concert. Can’t wait!
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS American Hustle Life Ep4
Ep 3 recap: BTS are in LA to learn about hip hop. During that episode they met their dance teacher, Jenny Kita. She set them a few challenges including a solo demonstration, a dance battle against professional dancers, and the task of choreographing a dance routine in small groups. J-Hope’s dance skills shone the brightest throughout which was both a surprise and a delight! Jin, despite being the least proficient dancer in the band, tried really hard and it paid off in the final challenge – he and J-Hope were deserving winners.
We also started to see the friendships between the band members more, which was quite lovely. I really hope this continues in the series.
 On to Episode 4!
Holy cow, that dorm is an absolute pigsty. Ewwww! The amount of water bottles alone makes me want to cry.
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Lol, I wonder how RM and Jimin ended up having to clean the dorm up?
They did a good job with it though and somehow managed to find some fun in between. The bathroom scene was hilarious!
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Like last episode Jimin appears to have dropped some of his mask. Maybe I’m just seeing things but in this ep he just seems a little softer around the edges - more playful rather than loud and over-the-top. I think RM is good company for him. I’m not sure how to word it without accidentally making it look like I think the other lads treat him poorly (which I don’t believe they do!!) but I think RM is quite respectful to Jimin? As the leader RM’s attention will be pulled in many directions and when he can give spare undivided attention he probably spends it more on his elder bandmates as they are closer to his own age. However, I get the sense that when he does focus on Jimin he does it with the kind of patience and gentleness that the others are maybe not quite so liberal with? That’s not to say he won’t tease Jimin or joke around with him (he does) but so far it comes across as a little warmer than the others perhaps because he’s naturally gentler in nature? I’m probably talking out my **** here but that’s just what I’ve sensed.
One final thing: Jimin’s English is really improving!
So while Jimin and RM are cleaning the dorm, Suga, V, and Jungkook are on laundry duty. LMAO how is that fair? I was thinking that the “chores” were punishment for losing the challenge in Ep3 but Jimin and RM were so close to winning and yet seem to have been given the worst chore?
LOL, how can those three lads make laundry seem so complicated??
They really are big kids – I’m glad they can find ways to have fun though. But ewwwwwwwwww Jungkook, the 3/5/7/10 second rule is a myth, don’t eat things off the ground – particularly in a foreign country!!
Woah!!! they licked each other’s ice creams without hesitation!
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To be honest I think it is more of a reflection on my own culture rather than theirs that this seemed so surprising to me. Generally sharing food without the ‘ew that’s got your spit on’ and other hang-ups – particularly between boys - ends around 8-10 years old here.
Jungkook sweetie, I really doubt you’ve put on much weight – are you sure you haven’t just grown another few inches? It certainly looks like you’ve grown. At this point you might end up towering over Suga and Jimin.
Ah so Jin and J-Hope are food shopping. So maybe these chores are not punishments for losing the challenge. I’d still like to know how Jimin and RM got the short straw to clean the dorm lol.
Oh good grief, BTS cooking – after their challenge in the first series I dread to think what poor concoction they’re going to come up with.
OK so J-Hope’s cheese sticks verdict… V = X, RM = XX, Jimin (so cute as he bounded over like an excited puppy) = too polite to use his new English word “disgusting”
Jin’s ham on toast concoction: LMAO at Jin blowing on the forkful before feeding Jimin. No comment on Jimin’s tongue action though…
It seemed to taste okay judging by Jimin’s reaction. RM does not agree lol. It was cute how Jin was feeding the rest of the toast to Jimin and Jungkook like a parent feeding infants.
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After what I wrote earlier about RM it’s nice to see the other lads interacting with Jimin more. I wonder if some of the impatience that occasionally comes across is simply down to the editing?
So we move on to a new day and the whole group are heading to Long Beach by foot. Crikey, Jungkook looks like he’s grown another inch over night!! Why on earth is he wearing two layers in the LA heat???!!
It’s great to see that BTS are still ‘star struck’ by celebrities. I guess, back then, the band were not that well known – at least not like they are now. They certainly did not cross my radar – not like 1D did.
LMAO – V randomly saying he drooled when he saw Warren G. What?????!!!!
Warren G seems a great guy; very chill and calm with the band. *Again I’m going to say it but I love how BTS have the confidence to say another man looks handsome like they did when admiring the photo in the record store*
Yeah Warren G is a really decent guy.
There’s something fundamentally poetic in the way that Jimin said of Warren G, Snoop Dogg, Nate, (in a tone of amazement and disbelief) “They were just elementary kids but became legends”. I mean, BTS were once ‘elementary school’ kids and while, in that moment, Jimin did not know how big the band would get, the same sentiment applies to BTS.
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So their new challenge is to write lyrics based on their own lives to Regulate.
Good boys; slapping on the sunscreen – thumbs up for skin care!
Oh good grief Jin, if the American dorm is slowly becoming like your Korean dorm then I shudder to think what state your Korean dorm is in!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oooh so the band are opening up a little about their lives in order to make lyrics for their rap.
After a bit of travelling by bus and making friends with the locals, Jin and J-Hope settle down in a park to talk. We learn Jin started off acting and not singing? Now that’s interesting! Not all of BTS had joining a band or even BTS’ music style in mind from the beginning. Jin also has a brother and he was into hip hop so Jin had some knowledge of it before joining the band.
J-Hope’s turn and he admitted when he first joined the band everyone was a rapper and he was the only dancer which made him feel remote.
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This, again, is really interesting to learn as this was the scenario I was pinning on Jimin – unless there were different BTS members back when J-Hope joined? I really don’t know how the band was formed so I hope at some point they talk about this. I liked how Jin admitted he was surprised to hear about J-Hope feelings. They should talk like that more often.
RM and Jimin travel to another part of town – near the school/college that some of the most famous rappers in the music industry attended. I really like the motto of the building “Enter to learn go forth to serve”. I’m not American so I don’t know it’s true connotations but to me it’s simple and strangely compelling. Like; ‘We don’t care who you are either come in and learn and repay by using it to serve the community - or travel forth on down the street and sign up for the army and serve that way. There’s a purpose for everyone.”
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RM and Jimin talking <3
Jimin’s answer to what he found difficult when he joined the band is fascinating. While the translation felt a little off, it reads as he cares a lot about what others think of him and doesn’t want to let anyone down or let any of his (self-perceived) shortcomings hold others back. In order to achieve this he spent a lot of time trying to catch up or improve so that no one could easily spot his weaknesses. Ultimately, he wants to care less what others think of him so he can lose some of the pressure? I really think there is a lot more to this “want to care less about what others think” than the vague answer he gave (or was edited in). His starting phrase “I should live quietly for the sake of my team” was quite a loaded sentiment and didn’t quite follow what he said next – definitely some careful editing there.
RM’s sentiment echoes this. He talked about seeing a very over-weight man walking around LA topless and admired the man’s confidence to not care what other people thought. RM wants some of that confidence to stop constantly watching out for what others thought about him. This is the type of pressure many celebrities talk about a lot. In my opinion, any one remotely “famous” are seen as role models (rightly or wrongly) and society holds them to ridiculous standards. Make one mistake and that’s you cancelled like you are some item in a shop that can be returned for a refund. I personally think people have a very skewed idea about what makes a ‘role model’. For me, a role model shouldn’t be perfect but when they do make mistakes they should own up to it, apologise, and attempt to fix or make up for any hurt caused. We, as their fans, need to relearn how to accept an apology, forgive human errors, allow people to learn, and move on. Min rant over.
Moving on: Suga, V, and Jungkook are down near the beach front discussing their lyrics. The way V instantly thought of his Dad tells me he’s quite family orientated. It was touching the way he said he made him the person he was today.
Jungkook’s thoughts where based more on his internal thoughts of himself as a person and a musician. It was very honest of him to admit that back home he’d been pretty confident of his talent but once he joined (BigHit?) he quickly realised there was a lot of people with as much, if not more, talent than him and it knocked his confidence. I wish Suga had spoke more about his own thoughts rather than just write the lyrics.
 Challenge Day:
To be fair, all three groups rose to the challenge and not only had some great lyrics but sounded polished and rehearsed. We only got snippets of the songs but from what we did hear I would struggle to pick a winner. I guess, for me, it would feel like picking one’s persons’ struggles over another’s. Hard to judge.
Lol at Suga oversharing about being in the toilet when he was writing *crying with laughter face*
Awww, Suga, V, and Jungkook won. They definitely tried harder with this challenge than the one in ep 3 so I felt it was deserved.
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Final musings:
Another interesting episode. I think the band learned a lot more about hip hop this episode and Warren G was a real gent. We also learned more about each band member in terms of their thoughts and experiences when joining the band. We (I) also learned more about their personalities which hadn’t been so clear in previous eps and series. I think the editing can misconstrue some moments so I’m probably going to re-evaluate my musings on each band member from time to time – this is a good thing though!
Looking forward to ep 5!
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
Documenting my BTS journey
So I’ve had a look at BTS’s filmography and below is the list (in order) I plan to watch it.
If anyone has any suggestions of additional programmes/shows/interviews I should watch then please don’t hesitate to let me know! No shipping videos yet though – pretty please – it’s not that I have any problems with shipping (each to their own) but I would rather watch BTS with an open mind and form my own thoughts of their relationships to each other; be it brothers, best friends, enemies, or star-crossed lovers. Believe me; if I see something sweet or (?) I’m going to talk about it!
 2013    Rookie King, 8 episodes
2014    BTS China Job, 3 episodes
2014    American Hustle Life, 8 episodes
2014    BTS GO!
2015    BTS Bokbulbok, 5 episodes
2015    BTS GAYO, 15 episodes
2015    Run BTS! S1, 8 episodes
2016    BTS: Bon Voyage, S1, 8 episodes
2017    Run BTS! S2, 8 episodes
2017    BTS: Bon Voyage, S2, 8 episodes
2018    Burn the Stage , 8 episodes
2018    BTS: Bon Voyage, S3, 8 episodes
2019    Run BTS! S3 8 episodes
2019    Bring the Soul: Docu-series, 6 episodes
2019    BTS: Bon Voyage, S4, 8 episodes
2020    In The SOOP, 8 episodes
2021    Let's BTS
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS American Hustle Life Ep 1
Right, so in this series BTS are going to LA to learn about hip hop. Sounds good! Let’s go!
Lol, a few minutes in and some vague answers about what hip hop means to the band and I get the feeling that this will be quite a challenge to some of them.
Hey, look, I’m no expert here (classic rock fan, hello) but dance-wise I think most of them will get on well with hip hop. I’m guessing RM and Jin might struggle the most since we’ve already established that they find dance the hardest out of the band. Musically and vocally wise, though, I think Suga is the most likely to find an affinity - in my uneducated brain I’m thinking the jump from rap to hip-hop is shorter than the jump from pop to hip-hop. Watch me be very very wrong lol.
Ooh so BTS have already made an impact in Japan; I might need to back track a little and check that out.
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Aww they are so excited about going to America they can barely contain their grins. Some of them are practically bouncing on the balls of their feet. I’m so happy for them.
I want to say it again. I just love the politeness of the South Korean culture. I also love the discipline BTS have. Their bowing has almost military precision.
OMG they are so giddy seeing the sights of LA. I swear your heart is of stone if you don’t grin like a sappy fool watching them be happy.
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ROFL at J-Hope challenging that street dancer and pretty much winning.
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Why do I get the feeling that car rides with all 7 of them are pretty much exactly like that all the time; jamming at deafening volumes and no doubt squabbling over the radio/music and complaining that they’re hungry while one of them somehow manages to sleep the whole way through.
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Okay, so it’s obvious to us viewers that this is a set up but some of the lads look genuinely terrified they are being kidnapped. This is a bit much. Yikes!
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Jeez, poor J-Hope looks actually scared. Ok time out!. They’re shouting at them in English and most of them don’t understand. They might have an instinct that something’s not adding up but I can imagine it’s harder to be rational when you can’t understand what’s being said.
Ok, that’s enough, Jungkook genuinely looks ready to cry. This isn’t funny.
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Why are they taking shoes and one sock off?????
I mean, we knew it was a set up but yikes. I don’t think BTS are that good at acting to look that level of shaken. Now they all look exhausted, although I doubt they are going to get enough sleep in that environment.
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Yeah… I really didn’t like that kidnapping thing. I mean, I get they maybe want to toughen the lads up and get them into the right frame of mind for hip hop (and kidnapping is the way to do it????) but that felt too much. I think it was the shouting in English that was the final straw.
Ah, I called it; I knew they’d not get a lot of rest. Half of them were barely awake when the teachers were talking to them. Poor Jungkook is like “I’m too tired to even try working out what they are saying.”
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Ha, as I thought at the beginning, none of them have a clue about hip hop – did they even answer one question right?
ROFL, oh Jimin, I know nothing about hip hop and I am not American either but even I have heard of Coolio!!!!
Oh V *sigh*. He was just a loveable puppy who wanted to make a new friend. Poor thing.
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Okay, so that was the first episode. I really didn’t like the kidnapping scenario but it’s done now so let’s move on. Hopefully we’ll see them learning more about hip hop in the next episode.
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS China Job Ep 2 musings
I feel like most of my thoughts watching BTS are literally just me going “OMG they are so cute”, “OMG they’re so funny!” “Ahhhh they’re so sweet!” “Ahh flail!”, “Ahh *dead*!”
I mean, how is this band so wholesome and I DON’T mean in a Disney-fied “innocent and pure” kind of way (although they are a little bit like that at times) but in a “they are so very human and it’s a joy to see” kind of way. I mean they are not without flaws but overall they are so overwhelming sweet and funny and playful and just good, it’s almost tragic that it feels like a rarity.
I mean they tell each other they look handsome – as well they should! No man should feel uncomfortable telling another man they look handsome! And whether they say that to play up to the camera or mean it as a tease, just them actually saying it is such a healthy thing to witness. I really wish my own culture was this open.
So back to the episode… hahaha Suga still looks half asleep – I feel ya mate, I don’t function until midday. Ooooh so Suga produces music too! Wow! This band is not only talented and hardworking but they have passion in their profession.
A lot of cute moments as they prepare for the award show.
I can’t help but find the the subtle difference between how the band reacts to J-Hope’s video cam compared to Jimin’s video cam quite revealing. I really feel for Jimin as the band didn’t play up to his camera as much as J-Hopes and treated his recording as though it was a bit irritating. Was this just because of the timing? Were they feeling the nerves at this point and didn’t want to be bothered? Or was it because Jimin’s younger than J-Hope and they don’t take him so seriously? I mean, okay, Jin had a slight point by saying Jimin wasn’t insightful because in all fairness his filming  wasn’t verbally insightful. However, as the band neglected to play up to camera, the footage actually became insightful in showing us how the band are when they are ‘off’ character and ‘working’ behind the scenes.
Obviously I have no idea what was really going on here and we only see a snapshot of their reality but from what we do see there seems to be a little impatience from the rest of the band towards Jimin in general. Alright, Jimin does seem quite vocal and loud and I can imagine at times it might be a bit much. But, like I said in my musings for Rookie King, Jimin comes across as playing a character rather than playing himself. If this is actually the case then I wonder if that’s making it hard for the rest of the band to engage with him at times. Then again, I could be completely misreading the situation and/or over-analysing small inconsequential moments.
Anyway, as the episode moves on I’m finding less to talk about, although the footage is entertaining.
Jungkook seems a little camera shy – an odd trait to have as an idol but maybe that just helps make him more seem more human, more real, to the fans?
Okay, so V’s cam at the end; the band’s reaction to it is pretty similar to J-Hope’s, therefore, their reaction to Jimin’s cam really does seem more related to Jimin rather than the fact he’s younger (as V is the same age) and it weakens the timing argument. However, I maintain that I could simply be reading into something that actually isn’t there.
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS China Job Episode 1 - musings
So this series is about BTS going on a short trip to china, which will include the V awards. It is listed as taking place in 2014 so I’m guessing it’s about 6-12 months after Rookie King
Okay, so the opening airport scene; the first thing I noticed is some of them have dyed their hair! Red seems to be the theme and I like it 😊 Even little Jungkook looks like he’s dyed his – so cute!
So Rap Monster is writing a song; that’s great – it’s nice to see young pop artists writing their own music. It adds an extra dimension to the band’s artistry. Interesting that there’s some pressure on him to get it finished by the end of the trip and that an earlier version was rejected. Is this a first glimpse into how hard they are worked? RM seems more resigned than stressed though but he could easily be putting on a brave face for the camera. Definitely going to keep an eye on this.
It’s nice to see Suga and Rap Monster sitting together in the airport. I’m guessing the older people sitting and walking with them are their agents, assistants, and managers. V is once again interacting mostly with either Jungkook or Jimin in the airport – in fact it’s clear him and Jimin are really close, which is interesting as it didn’t come across so much in Carpool Karaoke – although to be fair no one friendship really did. That’s what drew me in – the fact the whole band seemed close.
I like how the walk through Beijing airport shows that while there may a slight bias for older versus younger when splitting into groups, when the whole band comes together it is clear they really all care about each other. It was just nice to see the younger ones dispersed around the older ones. They clearly all get on, which is miraculous for a band in general let along a band with 7 members!
Jungkook looks like he’s grown an inch or so since Rookie King – I’m really liking his red hair – suits him.
I chuckled when the manager counted them into the vehicle – he so long as there is seven it doesn’t matter lol!
I love how casually (and naturally) affectionate these lads are with each other; so refreshing to see. It’s the small things like J-Hope just brushing his finger against Jungkook’s jaw.
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When it’s so natural and unnecessary and understated it means so much more because it’s not for show. There’s still a trace of ‘ew get off me’ at times but it’s funny to watch rather eye-rolling and cringy.
Incidentally, I don’t know whether it was the light of my screen but Jimin looked a little pale on the bus, plus he seemed quieter, I hope he wasn’t ill. Or travel sick – actually I wonder if any of them do get motion sickness, that would really suck since travelling is such a big part of their job.
Moving on. It was interesting to get a glimpse of them waiting around for the rehearsal to start. With them still being so early in their careers I was curious to see what stage they were at in their comfort levels. RM seemed a little nervous at the size of the place – it was his main focus when talking - but he played the nerves off. Jin seemed quietly restless in the background, looking around and fiddling with his in-ear/hair. Suga looked two seconds from falling asleep and that probably helped keep him calm lol. The hat was perfect – I wonder if this is an inside joke, that Suga likes to sleep. V seems a little restless too but plays it down by dancing around. J-Hope looked outwardly comfortable with the situation – a normal-sized nervous but, like RM, I wonder how much of that was a front. Jungkook, more intriguingly looked excited to get going, which is really great to see from the quiet/shy youngest. A little unexpected if I’m honest. Likewise in my surprise, Jimin was the one who looked the most nervous and I kind of wanted to hug him. Compared to Rookie King he seems a lot quieter and calmer in this new series and I don’t know whether I should be concerned. It might be that he’s just naturally calmed down over time but I felt that he was a little overlooked – particularly artistically – in Rookie King so there’s a bit of me that’s concerned this has manifested into his confidence.
The rehearsal: wow their dancing is fantastic – I’m now starting to understand the hype around this band. The sing, rap, dance, write their own music and clearly put a lot of effort in to their work - it’s impressive.
Oh no J-Hope has allergies – I hope they’re not too serious! Poor Jungkook, I wonder if the air pressure during the flight affected his ears.
Good to hear the band vocalise fan safety. While it’s nice people care enough to want to meet them at the airport, crowds can be dangerous especially if emotions (and expectations) get too high.
Them practising Chinese was utter chaotic cuteness.
I noticed Suga touching Jimin’s arm a few times and leaning into him.
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 It was an interesting interaction and not one that I could read the intention of. It could be described as comforting Jimin (although he didn’t seem to need it at that moment or vice versa) or quietly seeking Jimin’s attention (but neither made any further contact, be it eye or touch contact so I’m not convince) or, more strangely it could be seen as possessive on Suga’s part – although, again, that doesn’t make sense in context. It was just a couple of weird, unexpected moments. Certainly something I’ll keep an eye on.  
Hahahahahaha them practising their speech in the “dorm”.
Wow RM how many languages do you speak???? Very impressive.
V was so funny trying to get the words out. It’s great they are taking the time to learn their host’s language so they can engage with the fans. That is dedication and shows they appreciate their fans.
OMG, I’m going to say it again, this band are so funny and so playful. It’s a joy to watch them.
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
Rookie King musings
Initials thoughts on the band
OMG they were so tiny and cute and lively and fun and hilarious and playful #mypoorachingheart. I really hope they retain all that going ahead - and I think they somewhat do because that’s what drew me in when I saw them on Carpool Karaoke. It was also wonderfully refreshing, especially as a Westerner, to see a band so obviously close who are as physically affectionate with each other as they are playful/rough. They already seem like a band of brothers which is simply wonderful (and entertaining when they roughhouse) to watch.
I’m guessing the band is part of some kind of music school / music business at this point and boards (?) near the main building? The dorm (or apartment) seems awfully small and cramped for seven young men though. It also seems a little rundown for what I would expect of a band - and not because it’s full of messy teens. I don’t know the story here but if anyone would like to talk about it I’ll be very curious to learn more!
Side-note: subtitles are an absolute blessing!
My thoughts on each band member
I’m learning their names! I don’t want to Google their real names but pick them up naturally as I watch – I’d rather address them as the name they use for themselves most often. I’m also starting to learn about Korean honorifics and the culture that discerns how someone older/younger address you both in speech and behaviour.
Rapmonster, RM – Nam Joon? (Should I hyphen? What’s the correct protocol here?)
So he’s sweet, funny, a little self-deprecating but with good humour, comes across as a little long-suffering (or simply exhausted) with his more energetic bandmates at times but seems like he cares for them greatly regardless and tries to join in as much as he can. Personality wise I haven’t pinpointed him down yet but he seems mid-way between an introvert and an extrovert. 
From watching Rookie King is seems like he is a good rapper and a decent singer but not so hot on the dance moves or at sport/games – which was hilarious at times!
He’s not the most physically affectionate but comes across as encouraging and comforting from a distance. The band refer to him as the leader but he’s not the oldest, which is interesting. So far he seems to get the best with Suga and Jin. Nothing was evident from the Late Late Show as to who he grows the closest to – he maybe grows more into the leader role and keeps everyone close but on an equal par? That’s my guess but I can’t wait to find out!
 Suga – Yoon? I’ve not learned his real name yet (again, I’m reluctant to resort to Google just yet). I’m guessing he’s one who uses his stage name more? That probably helps him break away from his real self and his performer self - healthy!
Loud, engaging, good sense of humour, confident, entertaining, comes across as in charge – more so than RM – and isn’t afraid to roughhouse with his bandmates. I’m pegging him as an extrovert which is interesting as he didn’t come across like that at all on the Late Late Show.
From Rookie King Suga seems like he is a great rapper (perhaps the lead rapper of the band?), a decent dancer, an okay singer, good at sports - particularly basketball. Seems to be close friends with Jin and shares the most physical contact with him. Also seems close to Namjoon. Overall not the most physically affectionate but also not afraid of contact either. So far he seems to be what you see is what you get. I think it’ll be very interesting to see how his personality and place in the band develops over the years.
 Jin – sorry love, I haven’t learned your real name either yet! I’m guessing you’re another one who uses their stage name more, which I really think is a good thing for an artist to do!
The eldest. Confident, loud, good humoured, fun, but perhaps a little more stern than RM and Suga? Perhaps this is because he’s older and I’m learning that Korean culture expects the younger ones to respect him more. As they age I’m guessing this dynamic might loosen up a little?
I’m not so sure where his vocal talents lie. So far I’ve seen him rap but I do think he might be a singer too. Like RM, he’s not so hot on the dance moves (or sport/games in general) but it makes for some good entertainment. He seems to get along best with Suga and RM, maybe because they are closer in age? I think it’ll take a bit more watching for me to understand his relationships with the rest of the band. If I was to guess I think he’ll stay fairly close to Suga but, while playful with the others, he might remain a bit distanced from the rest of band. I really hope I’m completely wrong – I’d love to be surprised and he becomes like, I don’t know, the one everyone goes to when they need looked after - the parent figure.
 J-Hope – Hobi? I think there must be more to his real name and I’m sure it’ll come up soon!
Loud, energetic, very confident, good humoured, secure in his own sexuality, a bit of a boundary pusher because of that security, very much in the forefront of crowd, definitely an extrovert, comes across as the ultimate brother who will tease and roughhouse you 95 percent of the time but the moment you need some comfort he’s ready with open arms and the warmest of hugs. It also needs to be said that J-Hope looks stunning in a dress, omg.
He seems to be more of a singer than a rapper and a fairly strong dancer. Pretty decent at games and sports too. Quite competative! At this moment I’m not sure who he might be closest to in the band. I would perhaps guess he’s maybe emotionally closer to the elder ones (Jin, Suga, RM) at this point but more physically engaged with the younger ones? It’ll be interesting to see who he grows the closest to as the years pass!
 V – Taehyung (I pray I’ve spelt that right)
Bless this lad but I’m struggling to put my finger down on his personality because it seems to flip all the time. During Rookie King he comes across as very quiet like 70 percent of the time – although I’m not sure whether this is a by-product of being one of the youngest and thus respecting his elders. However, there are so many moments where it’s like he flips a switch and becomes so full of crazy-energy! 
To add to my confusion V comes across as being lost in his own little dazed world half the time but like I said before it’s like someone flips a switch and he  suddenly turns into this hyperaware and somewhat devious (in a good way!) character - like his dazedness was all a ruse to catch us out (which is a joy to watch!). I can’t peg him yet as to whether he’s an extrovert, introvert, or a mix – I think this may take a while to suss.
Clearly V’s a singer, although I think he might rap occasionally too? Seems like a decent dancer but maybe middle of the scale within the band? He has a surprisingly deep voice, which is just lovely!
Relationship wise within the band, V appears closer to the younger ones, Jimin and Jungkook. The three of them seem to be a bit of a trio but I’m not sure of the trio's dynamics yet. V seems to engage with Jimin the most – often in a teasing and physically playful fashion - not afraid to challenge and be rough with the other lad. So far they give off the most brotherly vibes within the band – often together having a great time but not above whomping each other when the situation allows. I’m not so sure about V and Jungkook’s relationship, they seem to hang together quite a lot but it doesn’t come across as energetic a the bond he has with Jimin. This might be down to Jungkook’s personality. The elder bandmembers seem to dote on V which is really sweet.
 Jimin – I think this is also his real name? To hyphen or not to hyphen?
Okay, so I’m going to be frank here; I saw him on the Late Late Show and compared to Rookie King the two Jimins seem like two different people! I’m going to guess he’s the one in the band who changes the most over the years and quite frankly this is FASCINATING.
Okay, so Rookie King Jimin is this small, cute, solid, ball of loud energy, who is way too cool for his tiny shoes. Maybe I’m reading too much into it (or maybe it’s the result of trying to equate how Rookie Jimin became Late Late Jimin) but he does seem like he’s putting on an act most of the time during Rookie King – playing up a role to the camera like he’s this uber tough, confident and super manly guy. And I’m not saying he isn’t that but it has that feel of someone really over-compensating. In Rookie King, Jimin also seems a little starved of attention and his talents in the group seemed to be downplayed a lot. He’s clearly physically fit (they keep talking about his abs and steel butt) so I’m guessing he’s one of the strongest dancers in the group – I know he led the Late Late show dance practice.
Back to Rookie King era; I don’t know whether his bubbly loud energy tires the other band members out a little or whether he was still finding his place but it kind of felt like Jimin was a ignored at times? I admit I kind of cringed during the Karaoke episode when everyone kept interrupting his song. I wonder if this plays a little into why he seems to change the most?
He seems the closest to the youngest members, often forming a trio unit for the games and tasks. He seems close to V, exuding classic brotherly vibes, which I mentioned above when talking about V and his relationships with the others. Despite hanging with Jungkook a lot I didn’t really see much interaction between them except the usual excited pats on shoulders and a few instances of them sticking up for each other. However, I did laugh at the end of episode 7/8 when they were all sat on the floor eating and Jimin took something out of Jungkook’s bowl and the youngest didn’t even blink!
 Jungkook – also real name?
The youngest of the band and quite adorable. He comes across as really quiet, a little shy, and a bit of an introvert and a very much a typical teenage boy – one that’s still stuck in the ‘girls scare me but no-homo’ stage. He genuinely looked terrified of that woman in the lift/elevator – it was both painful to watch and yet very endearing.
Although, I should also say that despite being quiet and shy he still has moments of great playfulness and confidence – usually when one of the older ones is egging him on. He seems to be pretty mindful of his manners and, I wouldn’t say afraid, but certainly wary of the older ones and their boundaries. This might be to do with Korean culture, what with him being the youngest and thus showing respect to the older ones.
Of course, he can also be cheeky at times! Again that’s usually when getting egged on by older members lol. I did laugh when he seemed so proud of himself for daring not to use honourifics with Jin during that game of “Of course”.
Talent wise; Jungkook, despite being the youngest, seems to be one of the main singers of the group? He’s got a really good voice, and great vocal control. He also seems like a good dancer too. It’ll be interesting to see whether he comes out of his shell more as he ages.
It’s clear that the older members dote on him – he’s very much the baby of the group and I think the shyness just makes him cuter in their eyes. I think there may be a little bit of hero-worship of the older ones from Jungkook’s side, which, if true, is really sweet. I think I’ve seem him interact the most with V and J-Hope and to a slighter lesser extent, Jimin. It’s going to be interesting seeing his relationships develop with the band as he grows older. I do wonder who he grows the closest to. I’m guessing maybe V.      
 Next up BTS China Job. Can’t wait!
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS American Hustle Life Ep6
Ep 5 recap:
BTS are still in LA learning about hip hop. After their lyric challenge last episode, they had a little party (bbq) with Warren G to celebrate. Over dinner Warren G asked them if they got to spend much time with their friends and family and we learned the heart-breaking truth that they don’t and that it’s been 2 years since some of them have even been home.
The episode’s challenge was to shoot a music video and their task was to find some women to appear in the video. Cue some hilarious and cringeworthy moments as 7 terrified lads combed the streets trying to speak to the opposite sex. The filming was equally – if not more - hilarious to watch.
Onwards and upwards…
So they are still filming and straight away Jungkook is getting himself into some mischief. I laughed when the stylist hurried out yelping to get out of there because he doesn’t have a spare outfit.
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Jungkook makes it back to solid ground and starts recording his self-cam again. ROFL at him running away squealing when one of the ladies plays up to his camera.
Now the ladies are in bikinis and sunbathing and the groups have to sit next to them and film. I almost couldn’t breathe from laughing especially when V, Jungkook and Suga walking away pretty swiftly after they’d finished; Jungkook saying he nearly *died* back there. And Suga grinning like he’d just been released from prison and saying he’s relieved it’s over. I really never expected Suga to be so nervous of women! He’s usually so chill.
Lol at the three of them watching Jin and J-Hope filming with the ladies (and acting fairly naturally) and Jungkook wondering how they can have fun like that as he thought his heart was going to explode and he’d die *crying with laughter emoji*
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 Ah, it was really no surprise that J-Hope won the challenge. He was the only one who had fun, could get within a foot of a women and not look two seconds from shitting himself LMAO.
His and Jin’s reward for being the winning team was a collectible figurine/model of their choice? Cool!
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Next day…
So Jin and J-Hopes next challenge is to find their beat box master but they have to beat box in the street to draw them out? I totally agree J-Hope, it’s utterly embarrassing. Yep, I had a little fast forward through that.
So they find their master, Fraahz and go back to his place where he goes through the basics of beat boxing with them. Their attempts are cute, although I think that microphone may need to be turned upside down to drain the spit ewwwwww looooooooooooooooooool.
Elsewhere, RM and Jimin’s task is to find their dance master – lol at RM’s pained reaction at having to dance again
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Oooooh they’re going to learn some bboying! Wow, Jimin picks it up pretty well – I always thought he was a good dancer (since he led the dance class in Carpool Karaoke) that’s why I was surprised that J-Hope was considered the band’s best. RM does a pretty good job too! They really are such a cute duo. It’s quite a unique friendship they have – hard to describe. Bet they’re knackered after that dance session though.
Yep! Well… RM is knackered.
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V(?) teasingly trying to wake him up and RM kicking his leg in retaliation. This band really do act like brothers. It’s like they’ve lived together since they were born.
Lol at Jin and J-Hope repeatedly bursting into giggles as they fail time and time again to get through their beat box and meditation practice.
It’s the next morning  and RM and Jimin meet their dance teacher in the park for a little exercise (although they claim they didn’t know it was for exercise).
AHAHAHAHA RM almost dead after running a couple of laps. To be fair it’s probably scorching outside which won’t help. LMAO, the dance teacher putting the weight jacket on Jimin as the exercise was too easy for him. Poor Jimin and RM look absolutely floored by the end – I hope the walk back to the dorm isn’t too far for those tired little legs.
They’re back in the dance studio later on and poor RM get’s hit in the head by Jimin’s foot – aww. RM gets revenge by slapping a high five to Jimin’s hand/wrist extremely hard *crying with laughter emoji*. I love these lads so much <3 They are such characters.
Jin and J-Hope meet Fraahz again in the park to go over their beatboxing practice. I was impressed that they managed to get through the meditation without bursting into giggles. That part with them turning animal sounds into beats was hilarious.
******************************************** While the others are working with their masters V, Suga, and Jungkook are chilling at the dorm watching basketball and Jungkook is pretending to shoot people with a tablet… Lol, here comes Tony and N to spoil their fun! What are the three of them going to get? RnB!
Wait whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat?! Hold the **** phone. Did they just say they’ve never heard of Whoopi Goldberg????!!! I ain’t from the states either man but she is a l-e-g-e-n-d. These three lads need to sit down and watch Sister Act 1 and 2 STAT.
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Iris Stevenson, the woman Sister Act 2 is based on, is such an inspiration.
OMG they are going to get to do some gospel singing! *squeal*
Wow, Jungkook, you have such a nice voice <3 What an absolute cutie.
This was a great thing for the 3 of them to do. Not only was Iris’s happy and motherly soul something I think they desperately needed but, from what the lads were saying afterwards, I think musically it was important they learned how to feel love for singing again. The amount of practice they had to do as trainees – and no doubt still have to do - and the type of practice, as well as the stress of trying to ‘make it’ seems to have taken a lot of joy away from their art. And that is a real shame. If you don’t like what you’re doing, if your heart isn’t in it, then how can you possibly be happy? You certainly won’t be the best you can be!
Aww V has a wonderful voice for this kind of music too. But he’s not feeling well :( You need to rest up sweetie.
Iris is such a lovely and amazing woman.
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Go V and Suga bragging about how great Iris is <3 Wonderful lads.
Okay, so they are going to each show off what they’ve been learning and then score themselves out of 100 “fairly”. Why do I get the feeling that “fair” will be used very loosely lol.
J-Hope and Jin did well with beat boxing although I think Jimin and RM were a little harsh with giving them a score of 69. Bet that gets reciprocated when it’s their turn. Aaaaaaaaaaaaand I was right lol. RM did really well with the dancing thought, kudos to him.
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Next up it’s Suga, V, and Jungkook. Aww sweet Jimin getting up out his seat to hug V and tell him how much he loves his voice <3 <3 And ten seconds later he rigs the scoring so that he and RM are not last *facepalm*. At least he takes it back at the end and honestly gives them a score of 100 points. This means he and RM lose and the punishment is….
The winners get to smash the losers faces into a plate of whipped cream. LMAO. This I have got to see!!!
Oh Jungkook… <3
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“Oh delicious”
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But Tony’s “Welcome to America” in reply just killed me
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Look at the happiness on Jungkook’s face *crying with laughter emoji*
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There are so many crude analogies that I could make here… Jungkook creaming Jimin’s face and them both loving it but I will… refrain.
LMAO RM flinging cream all over the place in retaliation.
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So we got to see the music video and it was quite good. I felt it wasn’t very polished though as there was a noticeable difference between the colouring/lighting between the car scenes and the scenes at the mansion that you wouldn’t expect/want in a professional MV. I really like the song though.
Final musings.
Another enjoyable episode. This one was both fun and funny. The boys have got great personalities and can make even silence seem interesting. They are a delight to watch and I’m so glad I’m still at the beginning of the journey <3
Two eps to go: Episode 7 up next…
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heathered-beinn · 3 years
BTS China Job Ep 3 musings
So part three of BTS China Job and it looks like they are heading to a fansign. After this awful year with the Covid pandemic it seems almost bizarre that this was once a reality – that a band could meet and shake hands with lots of fans in an enclosed space. When fansigns become the norm again then we will know we’ve triumphed over the Corona Virus!
So… aww one of the first things we’re greeted with in this episode is sweet little Jungkook looking all shy for the camera as he’s getting his make up done. I wonder if he grows out of this? He didn’t seem overly confident in front of the camera in Carpool Karaoke so the answer may be “not entirely”. It’s cute though. Relatable.
Aww, the band back calling each other handsome again. I just love it. More men need to find this confidence – I hate toxic masculinity so much.
V and J-Hope are so cute when they interact! J-Hope seems to have a real fondness for the younger ones.
Awww, sleepy Jimin!!!!!! <3 It’s barely been 2 series but normally he’s so hyper and alert it’s weird seeing him anything less. *Sigh* I think he might be becoming my bias – if that’s a thing in the BTS world. So far I’ve kind of thought of him as a bit of an underdog and I am a sucker for underdogs.
Woah, those big men in front of the fan sign table are intimidating. Crikey, they’re a bit forceful too!
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Most of these fans are just young girls, and from what I can see, completely behaving themselves - there was no need to be that hands-on! Maybe it looked worse on camera than it actually was…
 Ahahahahahaha Jin’s nickname in China is Princess. Somehow it really fits!
Jimin’s nickname is popcorn chicken??? LMAO. I don’t think he was too impressed. Aww J-Hope pretend eating him – calling him delicious.
WOW, their rock, paper, scissors game is ON POINT. That was so impressive – I guess they quickly found a way to sort out arguments, which is so healthy, and what a fun way too!
Nawwww, RM put his arm around Jimin in a shoulder hug when they were taking photos with the fan. While I feel like there can be some annoyance shown to Jimin at times it’s clear that the band cares for him. I’m glad it was RM too as he’s the leader and it’s great he can also lead when it comes to affection.
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Aww bless Tae for getting down to that fan’s height, sweet boy <3
Some fun as well as interesting answers during the food questions. A few food allergies – although J-Hope didn’t mention any and I thought he had some since he said he sufferers from allergies when they first arrived. Maybe it’s ‘hay fever’ type allergies? Oh well I suppose we’ll get to the bottom of it eventually.
Lol, RM, Jungkook, V and Jin are the biggest eaters and Jungkook proving it by drawing steaks as his favourite moment of the trip.
China Job final thoughts: this was a nice little series. It was entertaining as well as informative in letting us get to know them and their work lives better. The band showed they are very sweet, fun, and polite young men and great ambassadors for South Korea. I find myself feeling increasingly eager for the next series.
Note to myself: I cannot believe it but so far I haven’t twigged on any obvious candidates for shipping, which is oddly refreshing. They all treat each other with such care and physical affection (as well as brotherly teasing) that it’s hard to pick any two out. I fully expect this to change as the band gets older and they start to hone their images and get some influence from fandom. I also suspect some friendships will drift a little while others deepen as the pressures of fame start to build. It’ll be interesting (and boy do I overuse this word) to see how long it takes.   
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