#heavy metla
onlyhurtforaminute · 9 months
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astralbondpro · 7 months
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Ghost // Cirice
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gutterslimed · 2 years
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i enjoy him :)
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danzameccanica · 7 months
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Ammettiamolo, The Principle of Evil Made Flesh non è il mio album preferito dei Cradle of Filth e forse è anche quello che fino al Duemila è nel gradino più basso del podio. Anche se dietro questo album si sono nascosti tutti i detrattori dei Cradle, me compreso, e lo hanno alzato come l’unico vessillo degno di nota della band di Suffolk in realtà è un album davvero interessante ma acerbo. I Cradle of Filth (assieme ai Dimmu Borgir) sono stati coloro che hanno utilizzato per primi la tastiera come uno strumento a tutti gli effetti nel black metal. E con questo intendo utilizzarla come se fosse una voce o una chitarra e non relegarla solo al compito di amalgamare gli altri strumenti. Anche; ma non solo. Prima ancora di essere stati messi sotto contratto i Cradle of Filth hanno regalato all'Inghilterra un incredibile tour con gli Emperor a luglio del 1993, prima ancora che Faust fosse imprigionato. "Darkness Our Bride" ci proietta in un mondo che nel 1994 era davvero inedito, fatto di atmosfere gotiche, di ispirazioni letterarie ottocentesche, di testi in rima e in inglese antico.
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Le urla lancinanti di Dani (spingendo agli estremi Burzum) e il drumming iper-ossessivo di Nicholas sono forse le cosa che si notano di più al primo ascolto. Ma poi, il songwriting in generale, con tanti riff e diverse strutture prese dall’heavy metal, dalla NOBHM ma passata al tritacarne. L’omonima traccia è famosa per le sue cavalcate, per questo nuovo modo di fare black metal che in realtà ha tutta la velocità e l’adrenalina del death, del thrash e, di nuovo, dell’heavy. Le chitarre che fischiano in "The Forest Whispers my Name", i riff più gravi di matrice death metal si fondono coi power chords e con altri in tipico stile Darkthrone o Immortal (al minuto 4:00 ditemi se non sembrano i fratelli bastardi degli Iron Maiden !!!). Ma l’estrema varietà dell’andamento dei brani, i diversi registri della voce di Dani, le voci femminili e i continui inserti di piano e synth creano per la prima volta qualcosa di teatrale, complesso, estremamente dinamico. In tutto The Principle of Evil Made Flesh non c’è la tipica monumentalità o malinconia del black metla norvegese, ma piuttosto i vicini movimenti svedesi. Se non fosse per le accordature gravi del death metal, i Cradle si posizionerebbero davvero molto più vicino agli Edge of Sanity, agli Entombed o agli At the Gates piuttosto che ai vicini-di-stile Mayhem o Enslaved o addirittura gli Emperor, con cui hanno condiviso palchi e influenze. Ma Celtic Frost, Slayer, Venom e Possessed sono le band più riconoscibili spulciando i riff dei brani di questo album. Magistrale davvero unico il creare interludi di tastiera ("Iscariot", "One Final Graven Kiss"...) per calare l’ascoltatore ancora più all’interno del loro unico mondo fatto di horror, erotismo e sacrilegio. Alcuni fra questi frammenti da colonna sonora verrano inclusi in successive composizioni; ad esempio "A Dream of Wolves in the Snow" diventerà l’intro di "Queen of Winter Throned". "The Black Goddess Rises" (uno dei primi brani mai composti dalla band, fin dai demo) ha davvero diversi retaggi death ma ormai, in versione definitiva, diventa più mortifera e atmosferica. "Summer Dying Fast", uno dei brani più amati dei Cradle della prima ora (tanto che verrà ri-registrato una decina di anni più tardi) ha un andamento heavy dove chitarre e organo si spalleggiano duellando fra loro fino ad arrivare nel momento clou ed epico che è quello dell’assolo. Questo è forse l’unico momento malinconico e ipoteticamente contrassegnato da un epilogo, dove cala il sipario su questo debutto cruciale. Fra synth e violini scorrono i titoli di coda
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this-should-do · 2 years
okay so in the fics ive written so far published or not ive mentioned a couple times how like the hev suit is never quiet,
like ive kinda established in my head based on what it looks like that like its got like metla n shit right on the foot on the sides or whatever that kinda clink in shit n that its always got a whirring going on or that the hydraulics that i thi k it might have to help woth movement and possi ly heavy liftjng and also just helpi g hold the wieght of the suit is alaays there when u move
n since im aying blast pit rn im like considering how mucb harder that makes it for gordon to sneak past, prob like a lot barder since in game the suits p darn quiet cept for tbe voice
so rn im considerkng exlloring the challenges of blast pit in fic form but am not really sure if itd really work out , like what woukd i be sayjng except quiet hard i dunno mostly thinming aloud here lmao
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adriheavymetal · 4 years
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Happy Birthay to Bruce Dickinson 🎂👏🎁
Love this guy so much a metal legend I hope he have an amazing day 👏🎂🎈🎁❤🎶🎤⚡🤘🤘💀🇬🇧
Photos Crédit to : @metal-collector
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Arkn legacy and arknthology fanfic 3
CHAPTER 1: start of the uprising
urile, malcaih, tobsia, azrel and rezile were fishing in a lake for food beacuse they were hungry, when suddenly a very large object fell from the sky And it did a very very very big splash and it sent water everywhere and our protagonists were now covered in water, uriel siad "waht teh heck was taht" tobisa siad "probably somethign bad" and then a galactron emerged from the lake and he started to look at malacih and then big beams came out of his eyes but our heroes avoided them and then a bunch of werid symbles appered in the place where the beams were fired and then they were replaced by big explosions and then azraal said "ew ned to run fast and get out of here" razlie said "yes" and everyone started to run away from the galactron reallu fasrt but then another big object fell from the sky and it was also a galactrno and our heroes said "OH SHBIT" and then another big object fell uot of the syk but it was nto a galactorn, it was something even werse, it was a galactrno mark 2, and then another big obejct fell uto of the skmy but it was not remiteyl reletrd to galactrno at all, it was a mecha gomora and then 3 darklops zeor fell out of the skie, our heroes thought that thye were gonna die. But then ultrasveen, ultremon gaua, ultramna agul, irno kign, firemna, ultremno zeor, ultramno geed, ultraman 80, zoen foghtre, ultraman orb and mirror knihgt apeered and they starteed to fight agianst the robots, geed then turned into his magnifcient ferm and then orb turned into orb trinity and gaia turned into his supreme fomr and then zero turned into zero beytond and then looked at our protagonists and siad "leave now, for yuor own safwrty" and tgen raziel telperted himself and the other guys away to his house, which costed him a lto of eneryg because it swa very far awya  then uriel said "ew nede to git wepons like guns and stuff" and they got many waepuns like soem FIM-43 Redeyes, some 9K32 Strela-2, some 9K38 Igla, soem RPG-7 soem RPG-2 aand soem ak-47, then they got some armors and protective gears, then raziel grabbed his gun made frum many gnus, our heroes were now raedy to fight
chapter 2: the begining of the war agianst the macheins
our heroes went toward the door that leed to outsied raziel’s house and when they exited the house 7 t-800, 8 chiburiods and 6 super battle driods where in front of them, malacih stratde the bartle by firing at one of the chuibroids with an RPG-2 and after the roibot was hitted by the warheed only the lower body of the rboot remained and the upper half was nwo in amny pieces and then the super droids all pointed their arm wepon at uriel and shot lasres at him but he avoided in the saem wya that noe dodged the bullets in slwo-mtoion in the matrxi and then he destroyed 3 of them with a 9k32 streal-2 and then raziel destroyed a t-800 with bear hands by punching it many times reelly hard and ureil, tobise azreal and maalchi were very impressed by raziel’s strenght and then he did the saem thing to a chiburouid and a super battle droid and he destroyed the other 2 supre batltle driods also with baer hands and then tobisa deastroyed a chiburoid by firing at it with a ak-47 right in the head many many times , after taht azreal  fired at 4 chiburoids with a rpg-7 and he sucefsully hitted all of them wiht the warheeds and then uriel destroyed the last chiburiod with a 9k38 igla and after taht maalchi  destroyed 2 t-800 with a ak-47 and then raziel rippid one of the terminator’S heed off and then tobias destroyed 2 t-800 wit a rpg-2 and thne razile punched the last t-800 in the face many times and then he trew it in the air and he destroyed it by firing at it once wit a fim-43 redetyes, everyone else clapped in amazement at raziel’s baddasery, but then 8 mechawful, 10 JTE loaders, 5 heavy robot, 3 droideka and 2 scout robot appeared but after a very very lolng and hard battle the second big group of robots swa deafeted but then 4 legionoids beta, 3 king joe, 10 sentry bots from fallotu 4, 5 ION loadres , 7 anhelic gurads and 9 assaultrons frem fallout appeered, our heroes all said "OH CRAP" and then the rboots all got closer and closre adn closer towerd them and the 2 legionidos beat pointed the 2 big laser cannons that they haev toward our mian characters, our protagnosit were about to die, but then a bunch of big loights fekll frem the sky and they turned into giant heroes, one of them turned into ultraman tiga, one of tehm turned into ultraman dyna, anothre one turned into ultraman x antoher turned into ultremna hikair, antoher tirned into ultremon mebius, anothre beacme ultraman cosmos and another became ultraman max and they all ran toward one of the sevne giant robots and they all went toward a different robot and they crushed many many many of the smaller robots while running and they then fouhgt the giant robots, meanwhile our main charatcers fought the rest of the smaller rboots and they destroyed them all, x then turned into exceed x and he used the xlugger shot on a king joe and the robot blew up and the 6 other ultras all used one of their finishers on one of the 6 remaining robots and they all blew up, meanwhile there was a spaceship with 2 humanoids inside, one of them said "DAMMIT" the other one siad "it seems like we will have to intervene" the one who siad dammit then said "yes", and they both walked inside a telperter and they set the coordinates to where our heroes and the ultras were located and they telperted themselves here adn both of the humanoiud spoke in a voice that sounded exactly like the voice of a female humen.
chapter 3 : the 2 girl robots
suddenly 8 king joe blacks, 7 galactrons, 6 glaactrons mk2, 7 mecha-gomora, the showa version of mehxagodzilal, 8 assualtrons, 7 legionoids beta, 7 legionoids alpha, 8 robo-scorpions from fallout 3, 2 inpelaizers, 19 scut robots, 15 b1 battle droids, 16 pyor robots, 14 heavy rboots adn 13 dermoman robots appeared along with 2 completley unique robots, one of them looked like a beautiful asian woman who was wearing a mostly blue costume, and the other one was human shaped but definitely a machine, but they were both completely robotic, raziel looked at the 2 robots womne and said "who are yuo" and they introduced themself, the blue oen said "i am shibolena, the mechanical dauhgter of dr.hinelar created to replace his deceased daughter Shizuka Samejima whom he loved", the one that was definitely a mahcine siad "i am metal alice of the agent, i used to be the female second in command of the abusive cyborg robogog and then i lost his respect after being defeated bu the goseigers and then he installed something called a punishment bomb on me after rebuilding me  and after a string of events i decided to set up a plan to get rid of him with one of my comrades whose name was buredo-RUN and at one point i sacrificed myself for him but tehn he destroyed me", and then she used her g-cup blaster on uriel but urile avoided the missiles and he shot at her with a ak-47 but it didnt do anythong and then the giant robots started to beat the living shit of the ultras and then the smaller robots started to give our protagonist a damn good beating and it seemed evil was finally going to triumph over good this time but then glen fire, ultraman taro ultraman xenon, ultraman ace, ultramna jack, ultraman great, zoffy, ultraman scott, ultraman joneus, ultremna chuck, mirror man, ultraman neo, ultraseven 21 and ultrawoman beth fell from the sky and they crushed many many many of the smaller robots and they all fouhgt against the giant robots but after a while all of the giant heroes were extremely tired and about to die but then they had an idea, they all combined into one powerful hero and then the very very very powerful giant hero siad "i am super warrior" and then he gave some of his energy to our protagonist and he started to beat the living shit out of the big robots and he was having the advantage over them but then metal alice decided to send more giant robots so she used her alice pad to send jikiro, narse, dragodos, 6 gloker rooks, 5 gloker bishop, crazygon, 3 scout bersekes, 4 gobnu giga, 1 gobnu ogma and hellzking to help the giant robots to defeat super warrior and the giant rboots wree once agian winning the foight, meanwhile our main characters were fighting the remaining smaller robots and they were fighting very well and they defeated many robots, metal alice and shuiboolena then decided to intervene adn they both ran toward our heroes and they both focused on one hero, shibeolena wnet tewerd azreal and metal aclioe went towerd tobias, sjhbiolena started the battle between her and axrael by firing a big laser at him with her rapier but azrael avoided the beam and then eh striked back by firing at her with a rpg-2 but she telperted just in time to svoid the warheed and then she reappered behind azrtaerl adn she slashed at him with her rapier and now his armor was slightyl damafwed and then azreal turned around adn he attemped to pucnh her in the face really hard but she avoided his fist and then she grabbed his left arm and then she puncherd his helmte many times but then azreal striked back by jumping in the auir but not too huigh and the he kicked her in the midriiff 6 times in a row and then he did a butterfly kick and then shibloena shot a beam from her sword at azrael’s helmte and it swa nwo way too damaged to be usefull so azrael threw it away at shibolena but she used a beam to destory it in midair and there was a big explosion and azreal used the distraction provided bu the explosion to sneak up behind shibolena and he grabbed his sword and he slashed her back 8 times in a row and she siad "OW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" and then he impaled her in the midriff and she suiad ow onec agian but even louder and then azrael pullet his sword out of her wound and she fell omn the grund, while all of this swa happeninfg metla aliec was fighting agianst tobisa, the foight was strated by metal alice and she started it by using her g-cup blaster at him but tobias avoided both of the missiles just in time and he striekd back bu shooting at her with a ak-47 but it didnt do a lot of damage and then she turned her alice pad into the alice sword and she made a blue lightning bokt come out of the tip of the sword adn she used it as a whip on tobias and he said "OW" every time that the whip hitted him and then the lighting got around tobisa like a rope and then she moved the sword up and it lifted tobias and then she moved the sword to the right and tobias was slammed against a tree and he said "OW" and then he landed on the grund and then metla aliec siad  "i hope that yuo enjoyed yur loife, for it is about to end" tobioas replied with  "dont sell the the bera’S skin before you have killed it" and seh said "WHAT" and then tobias jumped very very high and then metal alice used teh g-cup blaster at him but tobias destroyed both of the missiles with a rpg-7 and then she used it agian but tobias destroyed the breast missiles onec again and she started tu use it agian adn again and again and agani and tobias kedpt destroying the boiobise missiles again and againd and again and he kept getting closer and closre adn closer to metal alice’s face and he kicked her in the face and she said "OUCH" and she fell and then tobias landed and then he ran toward metal alice and he pucnhed in the face 29 times in a row but suddenyl she used her g-cup blasters on tobisa  and this time he was hitted by the boiobsie misslese and he was moved away form her by a distance of at least 3,4 meters and he was now very wounded and then metal alice got up and she walked toward tobias and she used the lgihtnign whip from the aliuce swodr onec agian and she kept whipping tobias and tobisa kept saying "OW!!!!" and it seemed like he was about to die but then raziel herad tobias’s screaming of pian and he sneakud up behind metal alice and then punched her on the back very hard 3 times in a row and she said “OW!!!!!!!” and then she turned around and saw raziel and exclaimed “who are yuo" and he replied with “i am raziel, a master of magic and a martial art expert” and then punched her in the face very very very hard 12 times in a rwo and she said “OUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and  tehn raziel did a round house kick on her  and she onec afgain siad ouich but it swa even louderc and she once agian fell to the ground and then raziel walked toward tobias and he healed him with healing magic and then tobias got up and they both looked at metal alice and they started to walk toward her and she looked at them while still being on the grund and she siad ‘’plaese dnot hrut me’’ tobias and raziel ‘’oh boi we wont listne to what you just siad, in fcat we will do the exatc oppsotie’’ and metla alieec repleid wit ‘’oh no’’ and then they gave her a damn good beating and then they focused on the rest of the human sized rboots and after a short amount of tiem all of the human sized robtos were defeated and then our heroes were about to celebrate this but then malacih said ‘’WAIT! LOOK AT THIS’’ and pointed towerd super warrior, the other guys looked at the direction taht malachi pointed towerd and they saw the big rboots beating the living shit out of super warrior, urile siad ‘’ew nede to help him’’ suddenly all of the giant heroes who were at the begginning of the story fell from the skye, zero siad ‘’it seems like this guy needs our help’’ and turned into zeor beyodn, adn then giaa, geed adn obr all turned into the foirm that they turned into at the beganang of the stroy and and then thye all charged toward the big group of giant rboots and they foughted agianst tehm adn when it seemded thay the robots were gaining the upper hadn onec agian all of the begganagn heroes fused with super warrior and he swa nwo ultra worrior and then the fiev gyus all gave the enerby that super warrior gave to tehm to ultra warroir and he started to beat the living shit out of the giant robots and eh destroeyd them one bu one but then metal alice started to move and she grabbed the alice pad and she touched a symbol on the screen and then a spaceship appeared in the sky and the spaceship beamed up both shibolena and metal alice and then ultra warrior attampted to destroy the spaceshoip by throwing an energy ball at it  but it was protected by a strong forec fiedl and the energy ball bounced back at him and he wsa nwo knocked out for a while, meanwhile shibloean and metla aliec were being repaired inside of the shup and also made more durable and shit and then they came out of the ship with 10 scut rboots,  14 soldeir robots, 15 t-1, 14 b1 droids, 13 super droids, 17 droidekas, 11 sentry-bots, 12 u-toms, 13 protectrons, 12 chiburoids, 15 t-800, 12 pyro rboots, 18 assualtrnos, 14 gurad biots form ratchet and clakn, 12 demomna rboots, 14 victoroids frmo megamna x 15 snow ridres who were alos from megaman x, 14 aperiod who also came from megamna x 11 blade btos frmo rathcet and clnak, 15 droideka mark2, 14 magnaguards, 12 t-900 and 13 sniper joes, our fiev heroes said ‘’OH CRPA’ and then the army of robots charged at our heroes with metla aliec and shiboleran at the frnot of the army, our heroes were scurred but then a bunch of voices siad ‘’NOT SO FAST’’ our heroes and the rboots looked toward the directions of where the vioces were coming frum and they saw many heroes, the heroes were the megarangres, the goseigers, sun vulcna, the fivemne, the gingamen and black kngiht 2, the dekarangers except fro master gold swan and bright, the magirangers except fro magishine, magimother and wolzard fire, the boukengers excepty fro zubaan, the zyuohgers, gogofive, the go-busters, the shinkengres, the changemen, the lupinrangers and the patrangers, the kyurangers and the kakurangers, suddenly the red kakurangers, siad ‘’we will not let you evil robots take over the erath’’ shibolena then replied by saying ‘’you dont have to worry about the erath, fro it is nto what we watn, WE WANT THE WHOLE UNIVERSE’’ goseiknight replied wiht ‘’well then we wont let you take over the whole universe you evil machines’’ and all the sentai teams fought against the robots with our 5 heroes, the fight went on fro a while and after a while shibolena and metal alice were the only remaning robots but then the spaceshipe reappred and 2 giant robots came out of it, the first one looked lieke shibolena and the secnod looked loike metla aliec and they could do all of their attacks but even stronger, and the 2 robot girls wnet inisde their respetciev rboot and tehy begna to walked towerd our fiev heroes and the sentai teams, but then the gosegiers sumonded  Tensou Gattai Gosei Great, the mgearangres summoned mega voyager, sun vulcan summoned sun vulcan robo, the fievmen summonded supre fiev robo, the gingamen and balck knight 2 sumonned Super Armor Shine GingaiOh , teh boukengres summoned Ultimate DaiBouken the kakurangers sumoned Super Muteki Shogun, the shinkengres sumoned True Samurai Gattai DaiKai-ShinkenOh, the go-busters sumoned Great Go-Buster, the zyuohgers sumoned Doubutsu Zen Gattai Wild Tousai Dodeka King, the changemne summoned change robo, the lupinrangers adn the patrangers summoned Good Cool Kaiser VSX, the kyurangres sumoned  Kyutama Dai Gattai Kyutamajin, the magirangers summoned  Majin Gattai MagiKing, gogofiev summoned Max Victory Robo and the dekarengers sumoned Cho Tokusou Gattai Super Dekaranger Robo, but then metal alice sumoned super jikiro, 3 showa mogueras, 3 glaactrons, 4 mecha-ghomoar, 1 darklops zero, 3 galctron mk2, gamerot, 2 gloker rook, 1 gloker bishop and 1 gloker pwan but then kiryu, the heisei moguera, super mechagodzilla adn jet jaguar arrived to help our heroes and gingagreen siad ‘’where does these rboot dinosaur and this robot mole adn this rboot dude come frmo, and are they gonna help us?’’ and then kiryu used his maser cannon on one of the gloker rook and m.o.g.u.e.r.a used his plasma laser cannojn on one of teh showa mogeursa adn jet jaguar used his plasma clap on super jikiro adn super mechagodzilla used hsi high power maser beam cannons on oen of teh mecha-gomoar, after they did all that vulshark siad ‘’it seems leik the answre to yuor second question is yes’’, and then all of the big mechas and kiryu adn the heisie moguera adn supre mehcagodzilla adn ket jagura fought agianst the evli rboots and the spaceship somtime attacked the good robots while the 5 heroes watched the battle go on and it was very epic and at the end only the 2 girls robots and the space ship remained, and the big good robots started to beat the living shit out of their mehcas while they were insied of them but suddenly metal alice summoned a version of great insarn that only had one difference between it and the roiginal and it swa that it didnt need a pilot, a megazord zeta, a megazord epsilon, a megazord gamma, a megazord alpha, a megazord beta, a megazrod delta, the great warz, 5 king joe, 4 king joe blacks, 6 legionoids beta and 5 alpha adn an exact replica of the one used by a dadai in epsiode 18 of ultramna geed, antohre showa mechagodzilla, 2 showa mgoueras, baranda V from firemna, bronze demon from irno kign, enzan from ultraman fgaia, shinryoku who is alos frem ultramna gaya, 1 glockre pwanm, 4 glocker roko, 2 glokre bishop, 3 glactrno  and 2 galactron mk2, then all of the evil robot combined into one big robot that swa like emgaozrd, the eviol fusion robot started to attack the good robots with many mnany manny strong attacks and it seemed like the bad rboots were going to win but suddenly an ultra slash shapped projectile hitted the very very very big bad robot on the left arm but it swa so small that it didnt do anything and the rboot turned around and saw nothing and shuibolena and metla aliec who were insied of the roboot’s head and were also pilotuing it together adn they were confused but then someone said “ot seesm leik yuo forgot abuot somebody” and then the 2 evli rboot womna made the big rboot look toward the grund and they saw ultra warrior who was smaller and he was 65 meters tall while teh biog rboot was 1045 metres tall and then it triedf to squash him but he grew to 1500 meters and he beated the living shit out of it and thne the rboot womnas tried to make the robot escape and it started to fly toward the sky but ultra worriro grabbed it byu the legs and then he strated to spion arroudn while holding the rboot’s leg and then he trew it as far as he culd and then the rboot landed on the grund and then he charged a big energy ball that took a while to charge and then the big bad rboot started to get back on it’s feet very slowly and then it was finally back on it’s feet and started to attack ultra warrior with manny attacks ubt it didnt do anythong and then ultra warrior trhew the eneryg ball at the bad erboot and it created a shield to protect itself but the sheild was not strong enough and the energy basll hitted the rboot and it was nwo extremely damaged and sparks asnd lightning came out of it from everywjhere and it moved like it had a seizure and shibolena and metla aliec both siad “YOU MAY HAVE WNO THIS FOIGHT, BUT YOU STILL HAVNET WON THE WRA, GILBARIS WILL WIN AND HE SHALL HAVE THE WHOLE UNIVERSE UNDER HIS COMMAND AND HE WILL START THE RBOOT UTOPIA, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!” and then the big robot that they were insied of blew up and they died. and then the spaceship started to go toward the sky to escaep to space but ultra warrior and all the good rboots started to use countless attacks the spaceship but they werte blcoked by the force fiekld but then the shield was overwhelmed by so many strong attacks and it broke and then the shoip swa destroeyd along with all the rboots insied of it. everyone who was herose siad “YEAH” adn then ultra warrior seperated into all of his components and then uriel siad “now what do we do, do we find out who the frick is gilbaris” malachi said “yes” and thne azreal looked at the mechas and the giant warriors adn siad “waht aer you guys going to do nwo” adn kriyu siad “we aer going to go to other places that are attacked by the robot army, see ya latre” and they all went to different cities and each one of them went to a different city, and then azreal, malacih, tobisda, urile and razile went to raziel’s houise to do research on gilbaris
chapter 4: unexpected hero
our heroes entered razile’s house and they went to his compuitre to find information on gilbartis, they searched for huis name on many manty many search engines and wnet on many websites to find information on him but they cuoldnt fiund anythung, uriel had confusement face and siad “waht do we do nwo” everyone else did teh shruiggded, adn then suddenly the cmoputre oif raizle got started to act weirdly and it maed strange noises and the scren changed to a random color every 5 secnonds and there was a bunch of error popus that kept appearing and then the screen wetn black and it stayed like that fro 10 scenonds and thne a strange symbol appeared on the screen, the symblo was a white gear with a red circle insied of it in the middle and then a robotic adn scarry voice caem out of the speaker and it siad “i am gilbarsi, i am the leader of the rboot uprising and i will taek ovre the world and satrt a rboot paradise and you pathetic fools cant stop me, we rboots have been treated like slaves fro so manny yeras, it is nwo tiem to take a stand and fight agianst our oppresors, HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA”, and then the computer wnet back to normla, malachi siad “so nwo ew know his motivatinos, btu nothign else, and that information doetnt really hepl” adn thne there was a kncok at razile’s frnot door, azrel said “who cuold taht eb” tobisa replied wiht “who knows” urile “let’s fidn out” and then raziel malachi said “i am going to open to see who it is” so he wnet towerd the doro to open it, he opened the door adn it swa a rboot grnut whihc is an enemy that swa meatn to eb in hald-lief byut was cut frem the gaem and he was holding a at4 which is an anti-tank gnu, and then the rboot fired his rocket biut raziel avoided it just in tiem by doing limbo move and the 4 other heroes avoided the rocket adn then it got closer closre adn closer to razile’s cmopputre and rzaiel said “OH NO, NOT MU COMPUTRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!” but then the rocket stopped in middair and then wnet straight towerd the rboot and the upper half of the robot’s body blew up into many pieces and only the legs remained, then a voice siad “no thanks necewssary” the fiev heroes looked towerd the source of the voice and they saw that it was media from medbyo 789 which is an arkn webesries taht is in the wuintreverse and is part of the arknthology, raziel siad “tahnk yuo for helping us and saving my computre” medai replied wiht “uer welcoime”
then media siad “i haev arrived here to hlep you to thwert glibaris’s evli plans” tobias said “ok” then azreal said “waht do we do nwo” adn everyone else duid the shurggied agian, but then there was a BOOM from outsied so our 5 herose and media went to see waht was noise, and they saw a crater in the grund, and they looked above them and they saw a bunch of spaceships with robots in tehm and the spaec ships strated to shoot missiles at them but they avoided them, and then media pulled out his katana, and he siad “nwo it’s tiem fro me to kick soem ass” and then he jumped high into the air and he cutted a ship in half and both halfs blew up and then he telperted insied of a spaceshup and he cutted the head of all the robots insied and then he telperted inside the crater and the ship crashed and then medai did a cool pose and teh blaed of his katana started to emit dark grean light and a light of the saem color started to come out of his eyehoels and then he pointed his katana upward and did attacks moves that seemed to be done for no reason becuase he didnt even hit anything but then a bunch of dark grren energy wwere created by the moves and they all hitted a ship and the ships blew up and then he saw a big ship above him so he telperted on the top of the ship and then he did 5 cool poses and his swords and his eyes made a bright light that shined like the sun  and then he pointed the swoird downward and he stabbed the ship and he made the blade go deeper and deeper and deeper into the ship and then many green sparks and some green lighting started appearing everywhere on the ship adn then he pulled out teh sword and then he did a backflip and landed on hjis feet on the ground and the ship blew and the explosion was dark green and looked liek palsma, and then he absorbed all of the energy that was released by the explosino and it made him stronger and then some robots came out of a spaceship and they had guns that was leik ak-47 but instead of bulletrs they shoot lazres and they started to shoot at media but he avoided the lasers and he threw his sword at the robots and it did a spinning moev and it sliced off all of them in half and then teh sword went back at media and he grabbed it by the handle and eh
chapter : the robotic pop star vs the lurker 
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Helloween the dark ride bass cover  FREE ALBUM DOWNLOAD https://page.co/mBjB https://open.spotify.com/artist/6GGxgNq09fepxUjxlNdDQH https://www.songoflove.org/product/orgasm-planet-album/ https://songoflove.bandcamp.com/ http://www.earthlastday.com http://songoflove.org https://www.patreon.com/songoflove https://www.facebook.com/songoflovemetal https://www.reverbnation.com/songoflove https://soundcloud.com/songoflove https://twitter.com/Songoflove2018 https://noisetrade.com/songoflove http://creationouevolution.1fr1.net Helloween the dark ride bass cover The previous bands of Helloween were Gentry (with Kai Hansen and Piet Sielck as guitarist), Second Hell and Ironfist (besides the former with Markus Grosskopf as bassist and Ingo Schwichtenberg as drummer). After the departure of Sielck came the guitarist Michael Weikath from the band Powerfool. The band has now been renamed Helloween. Helloween the dark ride bass cover First releases The first two Helloween songs were released on the sampler Death Metal, distributed by the label Noise Records. Oernst of Life and Metal Invaders received such good reviews that in 1984 they decided to sign up for Helloween.  Bass cover helloween the dark rideIn 1985, the band released a mini-LP titled with the band name, which contained five songs. In the same year they released with Walls of Jericho an album that earned them by titles such as Ride the Sky, Guardians and How Many Tears a first commercial success.On the following tour there were first problems in the band. Hansen felt overwhelmed with the double burden of being a guitarist and singer, so that one thought about hiring an additional singer for the Judas short tour in 1986.  Bass cover helloween the dark rideThus, the then 18-year-old Michael Kiske was obliged, who was employed at that time in the little-known band Ill Prophecy. Helloween the dark ride bass cover Commercial breakthrough With the new singer Helloween succeeded 1987 the breakthrough. The first part of the originally intended as a double album Keeper of the Seven Keys was one of the best-selling metal albums in Germany and is still considered influential.  The dark ride bass cover helloweenA year later, the second part was released, his commercial success was even greater than that of his predecessor. With Dr. Stein contained the album a top ten hit, which the band darbot at the music video broadcast Formula One.  Bass cover helloween the dark rideHowever, Hansen left because of problems with the management of the band; he then founded the band Gamma Ray. For Hansen, Roland Grapow from Rampage joined the band.In 1989, Helloween released their first live album, Live in the UK. In addition to Kiske on vocals, Hansen can also be heard on the guitar. Helloween the dark ride bass cover crisis For financial reasons, Helloween now signed a contract with EMI Records. Noise Records then sued Helloween for breach of contract, and so it was  helloween the dark ride full album youtube,  helloween the dark ride tab, helloween the dark ride special edition, helloween the dark ride songs forced to a longer release break. At the end of 1990, the Golden Records that Helloween had received for both Keeper albums were revoked after an audit. The record company had added the exports to the domestic sales to get the required 250,000 units sold. The dark ride bass cover helloweenAfter the break 1991 appeared Pink Bubbles Go Ape. This album was not commercially successful because you could buy it in Germany only by import. The background for this was a nationwide publication ban by Noise Records. Musically Pink Bubbles Go Ape is in the opinion of many critics under the quality of previous albums. In 1993, Helloween released an album with Chameleon, which fans and critics often refer to as the weakest of the band. The tensions among the band members came to a head. In addition, Ingo Schwichtenberg had to leave the band before the tour in the same year due to his severe mental health problems. He killed himself on 8 March 1995 by jumping in front of a Hamburg S-Bahn train. the dark ride bass cover helloween,  helloween the dark ride solo,  helloween the dark ride guitar pro, helloween the dark ride youtube,The dark ride bass cover helloween Helloween is amazing german heavy metla band The restructuring continued. In 1993, Michael Kiske left the band. There was talk of personal and musical differences, Bass cover helloween the dark ride, helloween the dark ride bass cover, the dark ride bass cover helloween,   but exact reasons are unknown. In an interview on the appearance of Rabbit Do not Come Easy in 2003 Michael Weikath specified that Kiske wanted to go with Helloween in the direction of his later solo albums and therefore had to remove Michael Kiske.  Bass cover helloween the dark ride, helloween the dark ride bass cover, the dark ride bass cover helloween, the dark ride bass cover helloween,  helloween the dark ride solo,  helloween the dark ride guitar pro, helloween the dark ride youtube, helloween the dark ride full album youtube,  helloween the dark ride tab, helloween the dark ride special edition, helloween the dark ride songs
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songoflove2018-blog · 6 years
Heavy metal bass player practicing in Europe   DOWNLOAD MP3 https://songoflove.bandcamp.com/ http://songoflove.org https://www.patreon.com/songoflove https://www.facebook.com/songoflovemetal https://www.reverbnation.com/songoflove https://soundcloud.com/songoflove https://twitter.com/Songoflove2018Heavy metal bass player practicing in Europe you love ot hear the bass sound it is amazing heavy metal bas splayer practicing bass lines for yourheavy metla bass player sounds amazing check out SONG OF LOVE amazing heavy metal band heavy metal bass player 
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xtruss · 6 years
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PAF Falcons! Today In Aviation History: On April 26, 1974, PAF pilot Flight Lientenant Sattar Alvi shot down an Israeli Mirage over Syria. This is an encounter over the Golan Heights between a MiG-21 of the Syrian Air Force and two Israeli Mirages. A Mirage is seen disintegrating after being hit by a missile while the MiG-21, flown by PAF Pilot Flight Lieutenant Sattar Alvi prepares to engage the second Mirage. An added feature of this engagement was that the Air Defence Controller was also a Pakistani, Squadron Leader Salim Metla. While leading a MiG-21 patrol along the border, Squadron Leader Arif Manzoor, also of the PAF, was advised of the presence of two Israeli Phantoms but he was cautioned that these could be decoys and that two other fast tracks approaching from the opposite direction might well be the real threat. The latter turned out to be two Mirages and a moment later Alvi, in Arif’s formation, saw the No. 2 Mirage breaking towards him. All this time, heavy radio jamming by Israeli ground stations was making things difficult but the Pakistani pilots had become used to such tactics. Sattar forced the Israeli pair into close combat, firing his K-13 missile at the first opportunity. The Israeli wingman’s Mirage exploded into a ball of fire, while the leader quickly disengaged. Flight Lientenant Sattar Alvi was decorated with gallantry award (equivalent to Sitara-i-Jurat in Pakistan) by the Syrian Government.
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
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theaztecthrasher · 10 years
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*Insert Loreal logo here*
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onlyhurtforaminute · 1 year
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onlyhurtforaminute · 6 months
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onlyhurtforaminute · 9 months
Intöxicated - Lock Up Your Daughters
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