#heehee this was fun i love oversharing on the internet
F1 Tag Game! Tag some people you'd like to get to know better!
Tagged by: The lovely @starlightiing !
Who is your favourite driver?: Oscar Piastriiiiiiii
Do you have other favourite drivers?: Charles, Lando, Max, Daniel - they're all up there, and the others all slot below them.
Who is your least favourite driver?: Don't have a least favourite driver - I don't vibe with the older ones so much, Checo/Nico/Kevin/Fernando, but they're all cool and I still like em!
Do you pull for drivers or do you like teams as well?: Drivers, really, and I guess the teams they drive for then fall into place after that
If you like teams, what team do you pull for?: McLaren and Ferrari
How long have you been into F1?: I started watching with my ex-partner during the 2023 season, I think (maybe a lil bit of overlap back into 2022) but only got into it properly this season (although I did watch Silverstone all by myself and under my own steam last year)
What got you into F1?: The aforementioned ex-partner (cheers)
Do you enjoy Fanfic/RPF?: Ja I do - keep it very very separate from the people its about and anyone around them is my motto, but it is a fun fandom to read for and there are some stonking fuckin fics out there.
How do you view new fans?: Oh look, its me! Lets have percieved-as-rancid takes together!
If you could take over as team principal for any team, who would it be and why?: Gonna agree with the mega wise @starlightiing - it would be cool to pull Williams up. Sauber also seems like it'd be fun but only if my job consisted exclusively of choosing the stupidest liveries because hooooooooo boy I'd put some stonkers on that poor car. Would it be fast? no. but would it look good? also no.
Are your friends and family into F1 as well?: No lmao my dad used to watch it when he was young so he'll listen to me talk about it but he is very much not into it anymore I don't think. I'd invite him to watch races w me but I pirate them and he's not into illegality (like fair but come on dude we can't afford £30 for sky sports and the only sports pub in our village is now a restaurant)
Are you open to talking to other fans/making friends?: YEAH BOIIIIIIIIIIIIIII i will confess i am shit at non-face-to-face interaction tho whoops lmao
THANK YOU @starlightiing any of my beloved mutuals want to do this please do go ahead, idk if any of you really like F1 but maybe I can learn who does! and you are all beloved, regardless
@the-best-of-the-geeks can you possibly imagine what my next ppt night feature presentation is going to be about?
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