#heehoo prebby lady
funeral-is-a-twink · 4 years
Heyyy free card! Do your favorite abnormality!
What were you thinking? You shouldn’t be doing this! It’s just too good though, you can't resist!
What are you doing exactly? You’re eating lunch, during a containment breach, that consists of Little Red, Der Freischütz, and Clouded Monk,and you’re the only one suited to take on Red. Of course, it’s not your fault. You are on lunch break, (and you can’t bring yourself to face Red) and by Sin are you going to use it. 
So here you are, chowing down on your food and idly scrolling through your phone, with the suppression alarm blaring overhead when you hear a familiar ping. You look above you, trying not to stare directly into the light above and see Red’s target above your head. Great, of course it’s her.
You would have cursed, honestly that’s what you felt like doing, because everything always goes wrong on your lunch break. Instead, you slam your head on the table and groan, because you’re better than that. You probably should have run, or grabbed your weapon, anything really, but you wanted to lament about your luck for just a tad bit longer.
Of course, saying a tad bit longer is a lie, because next thing you know Red slams open the door, which slams against the wall loud enough that you’re almost positive that it cracked. You would have said something, but you don’t trust yourself, so you stay silent.
It must have been a weird sight for her, seeing you with your head down and hand crossed over your head. She’d always said how you were so energetic and confident.
Of course, both of which go you into this situation in the first place. 
You genuinely expected her to fight you, she always did. She wanted to ‘test’ you, to make sure you were good enough to be affiliated with her. Her words, not yours. Although, you guessed that Der Freischutz taught her that not all fights are won through combat, or something like that.
Instead you hear her pull out a chair from in front of you and sit down. Now, this surprises you, how would it not? Red isn’t somebody who would just,,, sit down near you, she’d rather stand leaning on a corner menacingly, so this comes as quite the shock.
This in turn causes you to actually look up at her, unfurling your arms and lifting your head up after what felt like ages. She isn’t quite looking at you, instead staring somewhere near your shoulder. Her hands are folded between each other, and she wrings them in what you think is nervousness.
You begin to open your mouth to speak but Red beats you to it. “ Why did you stop working with me.” There’s a hint of sadness in her voice, that’s almost hidden behind her anger.
Ah, shit. The one thing you didn’t want to happen, you were so screwed. Maybe you can fix this, you have so.
“I’m sorry.” Is the only part of your long, improvised apology that makes it past your lips,.
At your very short reply, she snorts and leans back in the chair. “As if, you didn’t even come to try and suppress me. You obviously don’t care, you’re eating right now!” She broadly gestures to your lunch, which still lays half-eaten in front of you. 
You grin nervously, eyes refusing to meet her own. Instead, they dart all over the room, trying to find anything to get your mind off the current situation. Right now the Spider Lily in the corner seems like your best bet. 
You’re shaken out of your trance by Red abruptly slamming her hands on the table. Startled you eyes lurch back over to hers, and oh boy is she mad. Her eyes are blown impossibly wide, and filled with so much anger that for a split second you feel like crying.(weird, you don’t know why.) She doesn’t say anything, but she speaks just fine with her body tone alone. 
“Your-your father, umm, Der Freischütz? Yeah, yeah. Hetoldmenottotalktoyouanymore.” The words come out faster than your brain had time to process, and when you do your only response is to slam your head down onto the table. 
It hurts, yes, but it doesn’t come close to how embarrassed you felt. Oh Sin why did you say that? You don’t look up, even when Red hisses a “What?”. You do when she asks again though.
“ Ah, erm, he told me to stop talking to you during one of his breaches an-” You would have continued had Red not yelled;
“My old man did WHAT?!?”  Yikes, this isn’t good. 
Red is mad, she is furious, she is- picking you up? What? That is not something that she does when she’s mad. Oh, there she goes, she’s off, probably heading over to Der Freischutz. Jeez this is weird, why do you sound like this, is it shock? Maybe. Ah, there Der Frei is, oh and Clouded Monk as well ooh, it’s a family reunion without the reunion part.
Oh, you’ve been put down, that’s sad but you understand. Yelling with two hands is easier than yelling with one after all. You can’t hear a word that she’s saying, but she looks like she’s mad. Some time has passed, maybe about fifteen minutes or so, before Red picks you up and storms off. You don’t get to see where she went, seeing as you fell asleep before that (Later on you’d heard that it was from an abnormality in the Disciplinary team), but you guessed that it was her containment. 
Today was a very good day.
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