#heehoo silly aaaa
honey7jar · 2 years
⚙️ Kiwi Monty!!
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⚙️ he is much smoother than chica,,, the he
⚙️ while there are def flawed areas, for the most part i really like it
⚙️ og image
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lucky-draws · 3 years
aaaa please share more ship songs if you have them! doesnt have to be otasune ofc, any will do!
aaah hello, OK!!! I can share a few, honestly it's mostly a case of me just idly listening to songs by fave bands that I always listen to and suddenly thinking "heehoo what if i applied this to metal gear" LOL
I love Depeche Mode and so much of their stuff fits so well with metal gear, just the dark (and horny) vibes, but in particular I'm gonna mention Judas by them because I think it fits bosselot well. Not in a very healthy way, because the song is all kind of...loving someone religiously to the point of sacrificing your own health and piece of mind in return (possibly) for someone else's love (LOL)...
I won't write an essay but just. lines like "walk on barefoot for me, suffer some misery" and "open yourself for me, risk your health for me/ if you want my love" just. They make me think of older bosselot, from the 80s onwards, when you've got Big Boss descending into this truly awful, manipulative monster of a villain, and Ocelot increasingly choosing to make ridiculous sacrifices for him, i.e. the self hypnosis in '84 and then being possessed by liquid and eventually letting liquid basically take over for mgs4 and only returning to his real self right before he dies, and just in general all the stuff he's been masterminding ultimately for the sake of Big Boss. (And, you know, it's even worse because I don't see Big Boss as reciprocating Ocelot's feelings to the same extent, so it's just like...you've got Ocelot, the worst person ever, acting as a sort of devil's apostle, martyr even, idk man I just love the strange contrast of it all where they're both these dark, dark people in an awful tale but Ocelot can also be seen as this self sacrificing, devotional figure, motivated to do all the horrible stuff he does by a love that may or may not be requited.)
I said I wasn't going to write an essay and then went on a bosselot tangent, my apologies but they really get me acting extremely unwise I'm so sorry xD
I'd also say 'Shake The Disease' by Depeche Mode is vaguely bosselot, kind of from Ocelot's perspective.
I've been meaning to draw something BBKaz related captioned with lines from the song 'Thick As Thieves' by The Jam... honestly the song is more abt childhood friends falling out than. well. war buddies and great life ruining love and betrayals, but the lines 'like a perfect stranger, you came into my life/ then like the perfect lone ranger you rode away, rode away' immediately conjured up BB riding off into the evil sunset on his silly little motorcycle and leaving Kaz behind etc..
Oh, also Halo by Depeche Mode, I think the user jxthics on here did some bosselot art captioned with lyrics from that, and they were extremely right because it's a very bosselot song imo.
Like I said there are a lot of Depeche Mode songs I relate to mgs, so I won't list them all, and apologies if they're not your kind of thing xD
Sometimes it's just one or two lines from songs that make me think of ships, like in 'Is There Something I Should Know' by Duran Duran there's a wonderfully cheesy bit which goes 'don't say you're easy on me, you're about as easy as a nuclear war' and that phrase and the song in general makes me think of MGS3 bosselot idk xD
I guess I'll leave it here for now, thank you for the ask! Have a good day :D
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