#heey! car is feeling good enough to write! yay!
seecarrun · 2 years
“Do you have an actual death wish? Like, literally? Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Eddie huffed, throwing his hands up into the air. “Oh my god. Does your family not own a single fucking ice pack?!”
Richie snorted, wincing a little as his black eye squinted a bit at the motion. “Chill out, dude. I think we have a bag of peas behind the waffles, if you’d spend two seconds actually fucking looking.”
Eddie opened up the freezer again and paused. “Oh,” he mumbled, grabbing the peas and marching back over to Richie. “Put this on your eye.”
“And here I thought you were going to make me a nice split pea soup with—Ow! Fuck, dude!”
Eddie smirked, his hand smushing the peas into Richie’s face. “Keep that on there. It’ll reduce the swelling.”
“I know how ice works, dipshit,” he grumbled, but did as he was told.
Eddie plopped down into the seat across from him at the table, frowning, and after a moment, rummaged through his fanny pack, looking ashamed. “Your glasses got pretty messed up when he punched you,” he sighed, placing the heaping pile of plastic and glass on the table. “Sorry. I know how your parents get about that.”
Richie grabbed them and shrugged, tossing them aside. “They’ll get over it.”
The silence weighed heavily over them for another long moment before Eddie finally cracked. “What happened before I got there, Rich? Why were you mouthing off to Henry like that?”
But Richie couldn’t answer that honestly, could he? He couldn’t admit that this was all because of the shit Henry had been saying about his friends: Bill’s brother, and Stan’s religion, and calling Eddie a little f—
Nope. No way. What Eddie didn’t know couldn’t hurt him.
“I was just being an ass,” he said instead. “You know how I get.”
Eddie snorted. “Yeah, your big fucking mouth.”
“All the better to please your mother with, Eds.”
“Ugh, gross! Beep beep, you creep!”
Richie grinned, laughing as Eddie tried to smash the peas even harder into his eyeball.
Nope, he decided. Eddie didn’t need to know a thing.
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