#heh yeah. i remember now. the first line of the gratuitous one. let me just go open a google doc real quick....
jamesunderwater · 4 months
OMFG!!! i woke up with this massive migraine today so i spent like 2 hours this morning lying perfectly still with a hot cloth over my eyes and i wasn't asleep but i somehow had these FEVER DREAMS i am JUST NOW remembering hours later--
i came up with MULTIPLE fic ideas of trans james / trans jily / trans prongsfoot. one was a whole ass multi-chap trans james modern AU jily fic, one was trans JP & SB jilypad smut??, one was trans JP and trans LE gratuitous smut... my brain went OFF and I somehow completely forgot.
well, thank the smutty trans gods for helping me remember now, i guess.
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themanicgalaxy · 3 years
SPN 4X14 Sex and Violence
I love watching this in Quiet and Dark with my sister in the same room because we're in the middle of "Nowhere"
hey look thematic
listen Bad Reaction to vaccine, so silently watching it is the way to go
I love the game of "which of these is gonna be the bloody bloody way of Death in the beginning
these fuckers r NOT making it
he just fucking....goes apeshit on his wife
I do not like
the title gives me bad vibes
also lol remember the two episodes ago plot I don't
heh before Gen and Jared were married, her last name's still Cortese
gank his wife wheee
boy the subtitles are just...in the worst place possible
huh not possession
he was hiding purchases from his wife?
a stripper...whee
"you pay enough, anyone will be anything" boy I like that line, and u can tell whoever wrote it liked it too
like you can tell when an author REALLY likes a line, and wanted it In There
like it Looks like a pat on the back, yknow?
So like...making men believe they deserve death is like...objectively bad. But if the lesson is "this was Never your fault, it was the Woman"...that's also bad
doctor, interesting , and I missed the explanation other than she has another job
heh she doesn't trust him
aw the flirting
Dean u just got hardcore rejected oof
I love how Sam gives her hangover advice, that's fun
...does it end up being the doctor
Let me have this
...gratuitous....stripper scene
hey they're named after Disney princesses
Also worth noting Jensen Ackles's eyebags are always just a Bit more prominent than Sam's, is it cuz Sam is protagonist boi?
to mention: writers like Dean more, but Sam is main character thing
HA SIREN I KNEW IT let me have this
the singing Dean says welcome to the jungle and cherry pie and yes both good songs
...what you want most wuhoh
takes care of his mom, huh
well I mean predictably that is a very pretty lady
the pan to the jesus and the mom is....
boy that's fucked
no please don't tell me he kills his mom because of this
ah she plants the seed, but what is benefit? what is?benefit?
jeez his poor mother, that's so fucked
does she leave? do they not remember her?
oho the phone thing
boy Dean's gotta have a Thing with phones at this point
ha he figures out it's Ruby boy that didn't take long
woman he was closest to oop
huh manchurian candidate, second Manly thing to mention it
ah war movie ok that makes sense
it's the Actual FBI uh oh
Stiles and Murdock are references to "Route 66" heh
HIS LIKE 700 phones, all labeled I LOVE BOBBY
Lone Wolves
"no complaining about the tunes" pfftttttt
...if this is the siren...I...
if this is Dean's siren
and he just met Castiel
what the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
I- they're bonding about music...I-
ok so Sam's flirting with Doctor Lady
something something she split up from her husband
ok tuning out the weird makeup thing, tuning out, tune Out
ah the hyacinths
guys please I don't have time to google the references today
Dean don't shame your brother for being a monsterfucker
why are both of you so angry all the time
I really hate that "I'm with you on this one" is like...the only thing this guy had to hear, Dean please get therapy
"you can't trust your brother" ope
lookI understand the basic idea of they needed the brother confrontation, but...but they...they accidentally queer coded Dean...I..how
I gave him a little brother
look I get that w*nc*esties might like this episode, but it's...it's also someone who emotionally connects with him and Sam's not that it's [gunshot]
at least they FINALLY talk about their feelings, and it took a literal double mind whammy
he just watches things explode
"you're holding me back" oh god "I'm a better hunter than you are" ah boy
Sam did you go to Literal Hell for forty years did you??
ah jeez Sam you validated like All of his Issues
and then they Never Talk About it Again
the fucking beers at the end of the episode
Dean's wearing the jacket again oh god
Bobby: listen we all take L's, it's fine guys
Sam+Dean: we're going to take this personally
ok well. Wrap up:
1. Bobby. I love Bobby. We got more world building into how he runs his life, and other than the like. Metric Ton of research he does, he has the labeled phones(for hunters to use as a resource), comes snaps the boys out of it(and gives them soda to make them drink responsibly, that was fucking adorable), and tries to reassure them that it'll be ok. I love him, he's so good, best Dad, GoodGOOD!
2. Dean. Look I get the whole thing was "He wants someone who he can trust by his side, and that should be his brother" but based on Siren Lore, Siren's are romantic(even if the connection they're trying to break isn't)(and they set this up with the goddamn mother). And..siren presents to Dean as a man. Like maybe it would have gone for Sam, but I don't think it would have worked because Dean wants connection(and apparently with a man??) and it's also the same season they introduce Cas, and he's in the next episode and-
I think this was unintentional. I think here, in this case, they did it on accident to try and force a brother confrontation. But BOY did it BACKFIRE how are we supposed to READ THAT??
3. Sam Protagonist but Dean tho. Ok so I feel like I can kinda tell that(at least now) that the writers figure out that Dean's more fun to write with. Not just stories, but he gets to say the cool lines, he gets to make the references more. Basically, he's whatever the writers are projecting onto him. Dean's Made of projection, and it makes him complex. But Sam's the main protagonist(and I have this whole thing about how you can see Dean's eyebags every now and then, Sam's are invisible, and Castiel's are Super Prominent, and like maybe I'm reading into this too much but) and they have to write stuff for him to do and just. Damn.
4. their Sad Boi issues. Look. They have a point? I think Sam ends up shaking into a better hunter than Dean(or at least that's his trajectory) but that's because Dean never really wanted this in the first place, and never got to be-
I'm getting off topic here. The point is that Sam has more Power than Dean, and Dean just wants his family to stay together and to trust them. And like. Idk it was messed up and they REFUSE TO TALK ABOUT IT
I feel like maybe it's because Family Confrontations didn't go well before(thanks John) but just..guys just because you talk about it doesn't mean people will hate you what the fuck.
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tesshex · 4 years
 So Basically I Had Some Dreams Last Night And I Don’t Want To Forget Them But I Don’t Have Anywhere Else To Put Them, So
(Content warnings: guns, death, mental health-adjacent institutionalisation ...that makes it sound worse than it is, I promise)
So, my dreams usually come in fragments, so I’ll try to describe each distinct part as best I can (knowing full-well that my words can never truly do justice to my dreams, but they should at least be enough to remind me of what I saw, and, to an extent, that’s enough for me). Also, I have no way of recalling in what order these dreams happened, so I’ll just mention them in whatever order makes the most narrative sense.
Honestly, I think these two fragments weren’t even part of the same dream, but I’ll list them together anyway. I was a cleaner(?) who worked at a fancy, pseudo-futuristic hotel located near to where dream-me lived, which borrowed at least some design elements from my warped memories of my university days; and I was friends with the two guys who worked at the front desk.
I had to clock in with said guys, who would give me a special room key (which just looked like a train-ticket) that they scanned through the system to give me all the relevant permissions. This time, though, they somehow gave me an entire stack of key-cards without realising, and at first, I thought, “Wahey, now I can come and go as I please, no matter whether I’m supposed to be here or not!~”, but then I realised, “huh, the system probably kept a record of dishing out so many key-cards at once, so even if I did use them for nefarious ends-- not that I would-- they’d still be able to trace it back to me. Damn.”
Nothing came of this in the end.
Probably a separate fragment, but I recall hearing that a bunch of my colleagues had to fly to Taiwan(?) for some kind of business-trip, and I was invited to go with them. I declined at first, then accepted, then declined again, but then, on the day of the business trip, despite thinking, “naw, I don’t have time to be on a plane for that long,” I had gone with them anyway, except instead of Taiwan, we were in the Netherlands.
Note, we were still halfway across the world. Just, so was the Netherlands. We had touched down at 5pm my-time, but the Netherlands (despite being near China, in this dream), was one hour ahead, so that put it at 6pm. My brain decided to apply this logic twice, so it was 7pm, and everywhere was starting to close for the night.
There wasn’t an airport so much as just a train-station (I dream of train-stations a lot), and I got to the ticket-gate that kept me inside the station unless I could prove I had a ticket...but there was a combination Starbucks-and-Subway to the right of the ticket-gate that I wandered through, and, sure enough, there was a completely unhindered exit out the other side of the establishment (meaning that anyone could go in or out of the station without a ticket if they walked through this open-air-but-it’s-indoors sandwich-and-coffee shop. Neither the owners of the train-station nor any of the other passengers seemed to be aware of this Life Hack™).
I was looking for somewhere, but I don’t know where, since I was just there for leisure, despite travelling there as part of a business-trip group. Amongst other things, there was a derelict library straight ahead, and two funfairesque shopping-districts-- one to the left, and one to the right. The one on the right had a high-speed tram-like thing what was huge and would do laps around the district at unfair speeds, so getting hit by it was a pretty likely outcome if you weren’t paying any attention. I caught sight of a branch of CeX on that side (but the shop signs were all spherical LED things with the shop logos scrolling around them, rather than just...y’know, signs), and then I lost sight of it again.
So, I went to the derelict library, poked around inside for a bit, tried to live, and then couldn’t, because it was old and off-limits; so I had to leave via a fire-exit that opened out onto the right-hand shopping-funfair situation. As I was leaving, the owner of the abandoned library emerged on the fire-exit of the floor above. She was a middle-aged woman (maybe older) and was worried that someone with malicious intent had broken into her old-ass library. I kept still for a moment, thinking, “She can’t see me because I’m directly beneath her”, and that worked until I thought, “ah, fuck it” and made a break for it, fleeing the fire-exit and escaping out into the concourse. Her reaction was, “I KNEW there was someone in here-- ah, whatever” (but in Dutch). Needless to say, she didn’t bother pursuing me.
Inside this shopping-centre-fairground (the one with the giant murdertram was outdoors and open-air; this one, on the other side, was indoors, and similar to a shopping-centre near where real-world I actually live), there were a bunch of, like, amusement-arcade games (not arcade-arcade games; I mean, like, the “put a coin in and it pushes other coins” machines; that sort of thing). I, though, was still on the hunt for that CeX I had seen earlier, despite being on exactly the wrong side of town. Despite this, I found it anyway. It looked closed, but the doors were open anyway, so my friend Laura (who was with me just for this part) and I went in.
It looked like a giant warehouse, and you had to go down some stairs from the entrance in order to actually get in. We crossed the threshold, and this traffic-light-looking thing above the stairs turned red and an alarm started going. Real-me would be so much more afraid of that, but dream-me was like, “oh, huh, burglar alarm. Guess it’s closed after all,” and we gave up and left. Again, no consequences came of that. And that’s all I remember from the Taiwanetherlands.
Somehow, I had missed the entirety of the final of Eurovision 2020, but had tuned in just in time to catch the very tail-end of the results. To keep it brief:
1st place: Australia 2nd place: United Kingdom (which I doubt, but whatever. We were represented by some kind of Take That-esque boyband, I think; rumours for this year indicate our entry will probably be exactly the opposite of that) Either 3rd or 4th place: Estonia The other out of 3rd and 4th: I don’t remember 5th place: San Marino (represented by a group called “Har Har Har Har Har”, and I only remember that because I remember thinking, “heh, that’s as many words as the place they got on the scoreboard”, whereas real me would be like, “HOLY SHIT SOON MOO, GLOW-UP OF THE CENTURY WITH THAT RESULT??”) 6th place: Italy (whose music-video featured gratuitous nudity that was censored on the artist’s YouTube channel, but was completely visible on the Eurovision channel-- which is completely backwards from how it would probably be IRL, but my sources tell me that Italy’s entrant this year probably wouldn’t do that anyway. I should know, myself, by now, but I haven’t gotten around to it).
Again, I think this was technically a different dream, but it feels like it happened around the same time. So, my father and I were in this suburban pharmacy of some kind, quoting this video back and forth at each other, and there was a game-show of some kind on TV...because there was a TV in the pharmacy. Sure. Whatever,
Anyway, the question that came up was, “Borrowed from Italian, what is the name for [THIS]”-- I forget how they described it, but I just understood that what they were referring to was the act of extending a house by modifying the roof such that the attic-space of said house now had a “proper” ceiling. Like, if you took a house whose roof looks like an upside-down V, then added a horizontal line extending from the apex of the V, stopping at the same “across-ness” as the edge of the V as it already is, then connected the edge of the V with the end of this line and turned the newly-reacted triangular space into an extension of a room... Yeah, that.
My father was insistent that it was named after the hole you put letters-et-cetera through upon delivery to an address, so I said, “ahh, I should know this. It’s, like, “postrella”, or something.”
Incidentally, if anyone actually knows what I’m referring to-- if, indeed, it has a name-- please, please hit me up.
I don’t remember how this one was set up, but let’s just dive right in: I was the target of a five-person chain of stalkers, all of whom had histories of internet illegalities. Some of them had online personas that differed from their real-world selves. One of them, for instance, was a woman pretending to be a man. That sort of thing. And I say they were a “chain”, because it was something like, one of them would get supplies for their illegal behaviour from another, who would source their whatevers from another, and so on and so on.
Anyway, somehow, with my help, the police had not only stopped them; they had tracked them down and physically apprehended them; and they, and I (along with my parents) were taken to a giant (and I mean GIANT) institution-like facility. Driving up to it, it’s like this huge, old building from however many centuries ago (bear in mind that I’m British. That shit is normal over here.), that’s clearly been repurposed into this. Just the front gate is the size of a god-damn castle. I was even more surprised to realise that said gate was one of THREE. The way in we used required turning left; but turning right or going straight on at that junction would lead to two MORE castle-sized gates, because the compound was just that huge.
So, we get inside, and my parents have to go on ahead of me for whatever reason, so I have to cross the internal gardens-or-whatever-they-were, while squadrons of Girl Guides/Scouts of varying ages, led by middle-aged scout-leaders (all female) marched around army-style.
I found my way to the right indoor area, and, after wandering some slightly graffiti’d corridors, I found the room I was supposed to be in, where my parents and my “case-worker” or whatever were waiting. The room itself had a load of signs made of neon lights, all bearing logos of brands, for some reason (CNN and the like; you’ll want to remember these for later); and there was a sectioned-off area to the right, with one of those curtains like you get in hospital wards, to separate it off from the main body of the room. That’s where I needed to be; and we all knew what was about to go down.
So, I joined my parents and case-worker inside the sectioned-off bit, behind the curtain, and then, one by one, each of the chain of stalkers were led in (each not being brought in until the previous one had...ahem, “left”). I word it like that because they were straight-up there to be executed, which begs the question of why I needed to be there at all, considering I hadn’t had to ID them or anything, and I could only watch the proceedings if I chose to-- which I chose not to.
One by one, they would be brought in, and...I don’t actually know if they were lain down, or made to kneel or what, but each one would be shot in the head at point-blank range. This would usually be enough to kill them, but two of them-- I don’t remember which two; just that they were non-consecutive in the “running order”-- survived the first shot and required a second. I remember covering my ears for each one, knowing that it would be loud.
Surprisingly, it was silent, save for the ambience of the room and the sound of each gunshot. No conversation, no pleading for their lives, no taunting or clinical talk from the people running the show. It was just an accepted matter of discourse, apparently.
Once all five had been despatched, we were allowed to leave, and on the way out, we noticed that the neon signs from before were, like, 3D sculptures, sort of; and each logo looked like a logo from most angles, but if you stood in the rough area where each to-be-executed-person was made to stand(? kneel? lie?), they instead all read “uh oh”. Aaaaanyway, we headed back out to the courtyard area with the marching groups of girls. I picked up a tree-branch that had some grape-like fruits (larger than grapes, but not by a huge margin) growing on it, and idly carried it with me for a while, before one of the middle-aged group-leaders sternly told me to put it down, so I did. We were going to leave, then, but as we were driving out, I noticed the other two huge-ass gates and gained this sudden appreciation for how even-huger-than-previously-thought this place was.
This somehow served as a transition to me being one of the “patients” at the facility-- because it wasn’t all criminals on Death Row; it was also kind of a mental hospital of some kind..? And I had developed a steady friendship with one of the people who worked there. I don’t remember her name, but I know we at least ate together, at the same table in a huge, Hogwarts-esque dining hall in the right-hand compound. Food was served by a team of dinner-ladies, pretty much; and the one that served our table was this really bitchy, really sour middle-aged woman who had a really bad attitude and hated anyone younger than her on principle.
At first, I gave her the benefit of the doubt, and, between courses, I started to write her a card that said something like, “I’m sorry you feel the way you do; if I can help at all, let me know,” but in Russian; but then, as I was doing so, she came to clear the table from the course we had just eaten, and started giving me some of that bad attitude that my friend-colleague-whatever was so afraid of, and so I thought, “oh, right, fuck you, then”.
The rest is a bit of a blur, but I remember heading through the central compound to the left-hand one (they were all connected, after all), and, amongst other things, seeing some crazy machinery that was ostensibly for transporting luggage-et-cetera-- usually vertically, between split floor levels (again borrowing airport/train-station imagery); but some of it looked like a scaled-up version of the flat part of an escalator; and I somehow knew that this machine would move bags-et-cetera between the ground floor and the mezzanine level of this high-ceilinged area perfectly fine; but if a human tried to pass through it-- and it had no guard-rails or anything of the like; it’s a Health & Safety hellscape-- they would be minced alive and that would be that; and the general attitude would hypothetically be, “well, it was your own stupid fault”.
And that’s as far as I can remember. I wonder how many people actually read this~
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