#hehe I’m such a dork for dancing and Javier
lovesbiggerthanpride · 9 months
Hi Mel!
Super serious question for you…
Javier Peña has entered a middle-aged man dance competition (don’t worry about it, makes total sense) and you are his choreographer.
What style of dance is he performing and to what music?
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OOF, this is a doozy, but I love it.
I think I would choreograph a Latin-influenced jazz dance. Definitely draw inspiration from his Texan roots, and include choreo from the social dances he learned growing up.
I’d let him pick the music. Maybe either “Conga” (Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine) or “Tití Me Preguntó” (Bad Bunny). Either choice is a crowd pleaser; the audience is all in, and hopefully the judges too. They can fun while he performs.
Here’s how he could win or place: lots of personality with facial expressions, interacting with the audience (making good eye contact), showing that he’s having a good time. Being precise with his footwork like grapevines and turns, soulful hand movements, and smooth hip isolations — like the gif you sent! We want to see him really feeling the music and having fun. Giving the wow factor.
Okay, that was probably more than you were looking for. Let me leave before I dork out even more.
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