davnittbraes · 1 month
Hi Davnitt ❤️
I couldn’t fall asleep last night so I started flipping through an album on my phone of gifs and whatnot that make me smile. And I came across this:
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Do you remember making that? It still makes me smile 😊
I had totally forgotten about it 😂. Occasionally I can be entertaining, I guess.
I’m slowly pushing away the mental reading block that’s risen over the last few months and I can’t wait to dive into your fics again!
I remember reading your first vasectomy kink fic and it was like watching a new branch grow on my personal kink tree - “wtf where did you come from okay I guess you’re a thing now let’s go”
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pattwtf · 7 months
Hi Patt!
What is your Pedro fandom origin story and how did you find yourself here on tumblr?
KAAAAT!! I promise I answered this ask some time ago but I think I was so stupid I didn't post it.... So here I go again...!
Firs of all, thank you for your ask, cause it's fucking great, as always! Love it
I first "met" Pedro in Game of Thrones... Oberyn was definitely something else... Then came Narcos with my hottie Javier Peña, and God, I was stunned...
It wasn't until last year when TLOU came out that I fell soooo hard for Pedro, as much as I did for Joel. Now I'm ADDICTED to this man and I'm not ok at all hahahaha
About Tumblr...
I followed this IG account (@littlemissmorales) where she posted fic recs every Sunday and I was so curious about this stuff... Then I found myself here and I won't be able to leave, like, EVER. I found so many talented people in this site and I have met such incredible people that I now consider friends, as my dark side twin @alwaysmicado ... and people as awesome as YOU!!
Pedro has done things for me far beyond making me fall in love with his talent, personality and beauty, and I will be eternally grateful to him.
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I'm curious, how did all this happen to you?
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trulybetty · 6 months
Hi Betty!
For this round of daily askgasms I’m asking the Inside the Actors Studio questionnaire! Imagine me doing my best James Lipton impression…
* What is your favorite word?
* What is your least favorite word?
* What turns you on?
* What turns you off?
* What is your favorite curse word?
* What sound or noise do you love?
* What sound or noise do you hate?
* What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
* What profession would you not like to do?
* If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates?
Looking forward to your answers!
Ooo, thank you Kat, let me get my glasses on for this!
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What is your favorite word? Cwtch. It's Welsh and there's no direct translation, but loosely means hug ❤️
What is your least favorite word? I'm a bit of a hypocrite because I tend to bust this out here and there, but it's 'see you next Tuesday' 😉 lol
What turns you on? Someone who makes me laugh, is genuine and kind. As cliche as it sounds, looks really do come and go, if you're not with someone who can make you smile and let you be yourself around them, then it's pretty dull.
What turns you off? Rude people - instant dislike, there's no need for it unprovoked. Also, people who don't hold doors open and it let it close on you when you're right there - I hope they get a perpetual rock in their shoe.
What is your favorite curse word? Knob is high on the rotation right now, kinda fits all kinds of situations. Other than that you can't beat the classic fuck.
What sound or noise do you love? Rain on the window in the early evening when you're curled up inside with a blanket and a good book.
What sound or noise do you hate? I'm that person who can't stand the sound of people eating - it's like nails on a chalkboard to me and I want to rip my hair out. Especially when they bite the fork too.
What profession other than your own would you like to attempt? Law. I think I'd make a good lawyer, I'm usually very good at spinning situations, to the point Mr. Truly has said I missed my calling for politics lol. Plus it all fascinates me, I'd like to have some kind of career in that realm.
What profession would you not like to do? Anything that is food services - because I know I would be terrible. I have a really poor short-term memory, if it's not in front of me, I can easily forget about it. So if I got an order fired at me I'd probably be asking you to repeat it several times before I got it.
If Heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the Pearly Gates? "We're just as surprised as you are, but someone pulled some strings and you've got the all-inclusive suite with the waterfront walk-up... yeah, we've no clue either, but here's your complimentary gin and tonic." 😋
I really enjoyed this Kat! Thank you for dropping into my inbox - I'm going to have to come up with some questions of my own to continue spreading the joy! 💕
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 5 months
Hi Alyssa!
I come to you today with a selection of questions from the Colbert Questionnert:
Favorite smell?
Least favorite smell?
You get one song for the rest of your life, what is it?
Howdy, Kat!! 🙋🏻‍♀️ Hope your week is going well and that it only gets better from here! Thanks so much for dropping by again with more fun questions! I truly get so excited every time you do!
Favorite Smell: Salty air. The beach. An ocean breeze. So clean and relaxing. 😌
Least Favorite Smell: The cleaning chemicals they use in hospitals and doctors’ offices. That “medically clean” smell. Yuck. 🤢
One Song & One Song Only: 😟 This question makes me panic. If I think too hard I’ll never be able to answer it. Even so I’m cycling between like 5 songs so I’m just gonna pick one. Tiny Dancer by Elton John.
and my favorite cover of it by surprise, surprise, Florence Welch:
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lovesbiggerthanpride · 9 months
Hi Mel!
Super serious question for you…
Javier Peña has entered a middle-aged man dance competition (don’t worry about it, makes total sense) and you are his choreographer.
What style of dance is he performing and to what music?
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OOF, this is a doozy, but I love it.
I think I would choreograph a Latin-influenced jazz dance. Definitely draw inspiration from his Texan roots, and include choreo from the social dances he learned growing up.
I’d let him pick the music. Maybe either “Conga” (Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine) or “Tití Me Preguntó” (Bad Bunny). Either choice is a crowd pleaser; the audience is all in, and hopefully the judges too. They can fun while he performs.
Here’s how he could win or place: lots of personality with facial expressions, interacting with the audience (making good eye contact), showing that he’s having a good time. Being precise with his footwork like grapevines and turns, soulful hand movements, and smooth hip isolations — like the gif you sent! We want to see him really feeling the music and having fun. Giving the wow factor.
Okay, that was probably more than you were looking for. Let me leave before I dork out even more.
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jolapeno · 4 months
Hi Jo!
I come to you today with a selection of questions from the Colbert Questionert:
Best sandwich?
What’s one thing you own that you should really throw out?
What is the scariest animal?
hi babeee, so glad to have you in my inbox!!! oh, okay, i am ready.
best sandwich:
so i am torn, because my husband found a recipe from when we was in America and he makes a loved grilled cheese sandwich (gf, of course), but outside of this, i don't like lots of mixed things (i have issues with food touching unless it's something i imagine goes well, it's a whole thing) so i love a good ol' ham and coleslaw sandwich
what's one thing i own i should really throw out
i am a very sentimental person, to the point i deffo keep things i don't need to. but i have some like burnt candle glasses with nice dates or things on the glass I've kept (but for what, cause even when i make candles i never reuse them) and i also have pretty perfume bottles in a box for memories. used. but like i like the bottles so I've kept them. i'm so weird.
the scariest animal
i am terrified of reptiles. terrified. the whole bunch of them. all of them, <shivers>
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prolix-yuy · 9 months
For the writer goal asks:
💥 and 🛏️
Hey there my Cool Kat!
💥Is there a chapter, scene, or WIP you're most excited to write? Share a snippet or tell us about it!
Oh god, there are so many! I think the one that's on my mind the most is for I Think of You, and the new beefy installment. There's a scene where our Reader is at a cantina and runs into an old suitor, and Mando is...let's just say, out of sight to prevent too many spoilers. There's a really specific song I've been listening to that plays during that scene and I'm so excited to write it, and all the fallout from that particular chapter.
The song for anyone to bop along:
🛏 Is there a new trope you'd like to write this year?
If I can get to it, I'm hoping to delve into They Were Roommates!Frankie and playing with (very mutually enjoyable) forced proximity. I've always written very sweet and attentive Frankies, and TWR!Frankie is much more closed off and snarky. I'd love to see how that plays out with his hot and secretly crushin' roommate.
Thanks for playing Kat!
Writer Goal Ask List for a New Year 🎉
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toomanytookas · 3 months
Hi M!
What is your Pedro origin story?
Kat! Thanks again for your patience while I was away from screens. I'm very tickled to have been asked.
I've talked about my PPCU fandom origin story before, but I do have a bit of a fun moment of coincidence from many years before that feels a bit full circle and kind of amuses me to think of as a bit of a Pedro origin before the fandom origin.
I was interning in NYC in the summer of 2016 and had been sporadically entering the lottery/queue to get tickets for The Late Show with Stephen Colbert as something to do after work. I got an email on a Sunday that I could get tickets for the Monday taping, but there wasn't any information about who the guests would be. I figured I’d go for it. It's a good time even if you don't really know the guests because the energy of the whole thing can be quite fun.
Looking back on it, I don't remember having much of an impression of the guest beyond the fact that I was surprised the clip that was shown was entirely in Spanish but that it was a US developed Netflix show and not an import. And also that the guy had been on Game of Thrones, after which point I was like 'oh, maybe I recognise him.' And maybe he seemed charming?
Anyway, long story short I was in the audience for this interview:
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And I was too unaware of Narcos or Pedro at the time to appreciate it!!
Thanks for stopping by! 💕
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pascalpvnk · 5 months
Hi Molly!
It’s your lucky day! I’m going to let you keep TWO of these photos…
Which do you choose?
God they’re all so good 😩😩 but I have to go with these two, they do things to me 🥴
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davnittbraes · 1 day
@katareyoudrilling I see your new Dave York fic and yesterday was Too Much of a Day and even though today was good I’m rapidly approaching the hour when my eyelids refuse to obey my whims
So I hope your Bodyguard!Dave will forgive me for putting him off to savour him tomorrow 😉🥵🙏🧎‍♀️‍➡️
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pattwtf · 5 months
Hi Patt!
Pedro was once asked in an interview what his idea food day was and he said:
“I’d start with very strong, very tasty espresso, runny eggs and buttery toast, someone to share blueberry pancakes with, and then more coffee. A burger and a shake (or a beer— or both) for lunch, and at some point gin and oysters. And someone with me to remind me to eat some greens”
—interview with New Potato 2014
What’s your ideal food day?
Here she is! Kat and her awesome asks blowing my mind. ILY, really,
Weeeeell... Let me think...
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Let's think I'm rich, first of all, so I would start my morning with a Starbucks Mocca... A TALL one, thank you. And a chocolate muffin (no need for it to be from Starbucks but... We're there, why not)
Then around 13h I'd have el aperitivo (here in Spain we like to have some drinks like beer or any kind of soda and some tapas maybe when is our day off... and it's call like that, "tomar el aperitivo") before lunch (we eat pretty LATE compared to any other country, like anytime from 13h-16h). I'd go for a cold beer and some fries with different sauces (I'M ADDICTED TO FRENCH FRIES, you must know)
For lunch I'd have KFC. Why? Cause that's the first fast food that came to my mind, but any other would be welcome. Hot wings LARGE meal for me. Reg coke. Yummy.
And I'd have a fruity cocktail or a rum-coke (yeah, that's what I drink, hahahaha) and toast with friends 'cause I had such a wonderful non-stop-eating day. I'd have something light and healthy, like I salad when I came back home and that's it.
I think it's more than enough hahahahaha
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As I always do whenever I finish my stupid answers... It's my turn to ask. I really wanna know what would you have!
Thank you again for your asks, I do appreaciate them sm.
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trulybetty · 1 year
My random question is— what is your favorite Tim Hortons treat? Where I live in the states, they have taken away all the good things 😞 it may or may not be one of the reasons I’m planning a Canadian road trip for next summer lol
Happy Thanksgiving!
Ooo, good question!
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That sucks - I know there was a big push to bring Tims down to the States, then for them to take away the good stuff, not a good look Tim.
They've changed a lot of stuff over the years I've been in Canada, but I'm a sucker for their steeped tea still. I'm surprised their cold brew is pretty good and I will never say no to sour cream glazed doughnut - or any Timbits 🙌
Canadian road trip in the summer? That sounds like so much fun! I've been here so long and there's still so much I want to see! It's very easy for me to forget out big Canada is 😝
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the-blind-assassin-12 · 3 months
Hi Alyssa!
What is something that makes your skin crawl that doesn’t seem to bother anyone else?
Hi Kat!! Hope you’re having a good weekend! Sorry this took me a few days to get to, I truly do not know where the last 72 hours went 🫨
I can’t really speak to whether or not it bothers other people, but a super common thing I simply hate is touching raw poultry. 🤢
Raw beef? Pork? Lamb? Seafood? FINE. NO PROBLEM.
There’s something about raw poultry - especially chicken omg ew - that makes me gag. I still cook it, but I complain the whole time.😂
But yeah… almost nothing grosses me out in terms of like the slime factor. Nothing but chicken. The most common protein. The kicker? I make a really badass (gf/df) chicken parm. I just need to hype myself up to prepare it.
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I have a tough question for you, Mel…
Who would you choose to be your valentine? Javier Peña, Marcus Pike, or Javi G?
You can only have one 😉
Happy Valentine’s Day 😘
Kat, this is an easy question for me. (Sorry for the delay. Just got home from teaching.)
I would choose my sweet Javi P as my valentine. Got the softest spot for him.
How about you? Is it Marcus? ☺️
Happy Valentine’s Day! 😘
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katareyoudrilling · 2 years
Couples Getaway (Kinktober: Partner Swapping)
Pairing: Marcus Pike x Female Reader and Dave York x Carol
Rating: Explicit (18+ Only)
Words: 1.6k
Content Warnings: Partner swapping (everyone is enthusiastically consenting), swimming pool sex, voyeurism, unprotected PIV (this is fantasy, please use protection in real life), oral sex (m receiving), dirty talk, a bit of praise kink, physical descriptions of named characters, reader is a blank slate
A/N:  I had this thot and I didn’t see “Partner Swapping” on any of the kinktober prompt lists, so I’ve declared it to be today!  Special thanks to @just-here-for-the-moment for the beta!  This does not line up with any sort of canon timeline or anything, it is just filth for filth’s sake lol.  Enjoy!
UPDATE: There is now a Part 2!
Series Masterlist
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The warm water caresses your skin as you wade into the waist deep pool, trailing your fingers along the surface.  The evening air is just slightly cooler than the pool water so that, after you dip your shoulders under, the gentle breeze lifts goosebumps across your skin.  Behind you, you hear your husband Marcus enter the pool, followed by your best friend Carol and her husband Dave.
It’s your annual couples’ trip and this year you splurged on a two-bedroom villa with a private pool.  You’ve been taking these trips for 5 years now.  You all get along wonderfully.
Both men are gorgeous.  You and Carol continuously fawn over each other’s photos.  Remarking on their chiseled jaws, soulful eyes, and broad shoulders.  Marcus is a bit softer than Dave in physique and temperament.  He is easier to smile and laugh.  Dave is quieter with a wicked sense of humor.  His years of military service show in the taut lines of his body.
Marcus and Dave make themselves comfortable on the built-in bench along the edge of the pool and pull you and Carol onto their laps.  Marcus nuzzles into your neck as he strokes your bare sides.  You see Dave whisper something to Carol that makes her laugh.
After a few minutes of cuddles, you make eye contact with Carol and share a secret smile.  Your men don’t know that the two of you have a special surprise in mind tonight.
Carol has never been shy about the fact that her and Dave’s sex life was adventurous.  You know they have welcomed a third into their bed on multiple occasions.  You and Marcus have never done that – the idea of a stranger just didn’t appeal to either of you – but you know he finds Carol attractive.  You’ve convinced him that you don’t mind, in fact, you like it.  It gives you a little thrill thinking about it and teasing him about it.
You’ve made no secret of the fact that you find Dave attractive too.  Marcus doesn’t mind that either.  He is secure in your love and commitment to him.  Whatever fantasy life the two of you have, it only leads you back to each other.
Carol winks at you and you both stand up from your husbands’ laps.  Marcus’s forehead furrows in confusion. You smile at him and hold his gaze as both you and Carol remove your bikini tops, letting them drift away in the water.
Marcus’s mouth pops open in surprise.  Dave smirks.  Rivulets of water run down your exposed breasts.  The evening air blows across your nipples making them hard and sending sparks of arousal down your spine.  You feel sexy and powerful standing nearly naked beside your best friend and in front of her husband.
“We thought we would have some extra fun tonight, if you boys are up for it?” Carol asks the men with a naughty smile.  Her milky white skin practically glows in the moonlight.
“Definitely,” Dave replies confidently.
“Uhh… ok,” Marcus’s chokes out roughly, his face flushed pink to the tips of his ears.
“It’s ok baby,” you smile at him encouragingly.  “You can look at her… touch her.  I know you want to.”
You take Carol’s hand in yours and pull her closer to Marcus.  “Isn’t she beautiful?”  You run your fingers down Carol’s arm, watching her pretty pink nipples pebble against the night air.
Carol stands between Marcus’s knees.  “Touch me, Marcus.  I want you to.”
Marcus glances at you and you nod encouragingly and back away.  Tentatively he reaches for her hips and draws her closer to him.  He looks up at her, eyes wide with surprise and heavy with lust.
Dave has been watching this exchange with laser focus, his eyes black with arousal.  You wade over to him and his gaze snaps to you.  You’d almost call it predatory the way he looks at you.  You squeeze your legs together involuntarily at the sudden rush of heat that floods your center.
“Come here, gorgeous,” Dave says, pulling you to him.  You straddle his lap and immediately notice the hard ridge of his cock straining against his swim trunks.
You grind your hips down into him and he lets out a hiss.  He grips your thighs and ass as he drags you over his cock again.  The thin material of your bikini bottoms and his trunks are the only barrier between you.  He drags his nose up the column of your throat and you shiver.
You look over at Marcus and Carol.  Her head is tipped back and eyes closed as he sucks on her breast.  His wide hands grip her back and pull her towards him as his tongue swirls around the stiff peak.  It’s such a beautiful sight you moan as your pussy flutters around nothing.
“You like watching them, don’t you?” Dave rumbles seductively in your ear as he continues rocking you over his cock.  “My wife has beautiful tits.  I’m glad Marcus is enjoying them. Let’s give them a show of our own.”
Dave lets go of you with one hand to pull his swim trunks down and off.  He looks at you questioningly as he tugs at the tie on the side of your bikini bottoms.  You nod and he pulls the bow loose on one side then the other.  He gathers the wet material and deposits it on the pool deck behind him.
At the sound of the wet slap of your swimsuits, Marcus looks over and you lock eyes as Dave lines you up and lowers you down on his cock.
Marcus’s mouth falls open, “Fuuuuck, that’s so hot,” he breathes, entranced.
“Look at her Marcus, taking my cock so well,” Dave growls as he pistons his hips up into you with long languid strokes.  He’s not as long as Marcus, but he is slightly thicker.  The stretch is delicious.  You moan as he bottoms out each thrust and grinds your hips into him.
“Fuck, she feels good, Marcus,” Dave continues.  His filthy words drive you higher and higher.  “You better take good care of this pussy.  I know I’m going to.  Let him hear you, sweetheart.  Let him hear how good my cock feels.”
Carol kisses down Marcus’s jaw and nibbles at his ear while he watches Dave fuck you.
“My husband seems to be enjoying your wife’s pussy,” she whispers into his ear.  “Would you like to try mine?”  Marcus turns to watch her as she backs up off his lap and shimmies out of her bikini bottoms.
“Your turn.” Carol beckons for Marcus to stand.  At his height, the water laps at his upper thighs.  Keeping his eyes on her, he pulls down his swim trunks and his cock springs free above the water.
You told Carol he was impressive, but it’s another thing watching her see for herself.  Carol steps towards him then quickly lowers herself to take him in her mouth.  Marcus curses and reaches back to steady himself with one hand on the edge of the pool.
You clench around Dave as you take in the sight of Carol’s lips stretched around your husband’s cock.  Dave’s thumb reaches around your hip to begin circling your clit and you shudder against him.
You are already wound so tight from the evening's events - the adrenaline rush from surprising Marcus and Dave, the forbidden nature of swapping places with another man's wife, the wrecked look on your husband’s face as he fucks Carol right next to you.  Now Dave is winding you even higher with the sound of his voice in your ear and the scrape of his teeth against your skin. You feel yourself careening toward your orgasm at record speed.
Though your eyesight has gone fuzzy, you see that next to you Marcus has sat down and pulled Carol onto his cock facing away from him.  One of his large hands cups her breast while the other is hidden below the surface of the water.  You know how good he is at playing a woman’s body.  Your pussy flutters at the thought.
Carol is making the most beautiful sounds.  Your lust-addled brain can’t tell which noises are hers and which are yours.  Water swirls around your waist as Dave angles your hips and circles your clit faster.  Carol cries out next to you as she comes undone and you follow along after her.
“Yes, I want to hear you,” Dave encourages you as you fall apart.  “You feel so good coming on my cock.  Listen to her, Marcus.”  His strong arms support you as you pulse rhythmically around him.
The world is a swirl of feminine cries and masculine praise, warm water and cool air.  Both men murmur in their deep voices how beautiful you both are, how lucky they are to have you.
You feel melty and loose, weightless in the warm water surrounding you.  Part of your brain notices that you’re being handed into familiar arms.  You open your eyes as Marcus runs his fingers down your cheek, looking deep into your eyes.
“You ok?” he asks softly.
“More than ok, you?” you can’t help your loopy smile.
“Yeah, that was incredible, thank you,” he answers with an eye-crinkling smile of his own. “I love you.”
“I love you too, Marcus.”  You press a tender kiss against his plush lips and breathe together for a moment.
“I don’t want this night to be over yet,” he whispers against your skin.
“Mmm mmm,” he nuzzles into your neck.  “I want my turn with you.”
“Yes, please” you breathe, feeling arousal pool deep in your belly once again.  Next to you, you notice Dave and Carol having a similar moment together.  Carol glances at you and winks.
Perhaps a new vacation tradition has just been born.
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Series Masterlist
@neddrollsdice @lovesbiggerthanpride @kirsteng42 @pedrohoe04 @greeneyedblondie44 @pagannightwitch @kaitieskidmore1 @alexxavicry @mandoblowmybackout @mswarriorbabe80 @nothoughtsjustmeds @loonymagizoologist @aynsleywalker @maievdenoir @ruhro7 @amneris21 @tionmeh @theravenreads @bravopeach @bport76 @eppy816 @harriedandharassed @mandobi @littlemisspascal @whataperfectwasteoftime @just-here-for-the-moment @thirsty-flygirl @yespolkadotkitty @deadhumourist @wheresarizona
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prolix-yuy · 1 year
Hi LJ!
I have loved your bangathon so so much, but I know I have missed several of them. May I request a taglist reblog of the masterlist once it’s complete?
Yours in smut,
Kat 😈
You got it Kat! I haven't been doing taglist reblogs because that feels so overwhelming, but once the whole masterlist is complete I'll be reblogging it so everyone can go back and enjoy! I would hate for you to miss out on all the fun ;)
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