#hehe hair go wooooosh
jaekaicx · 3 years
free falling
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oh and i wrote a lil thing for it. ao3 link
alts and fic under cut :3
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He was gonna fall.
Oh god he was gonna fall.
Marcy could only watch as King Andrias (King. Andrias.) held Sprig over the edge. They could hear his giant hand squeeze around his small body. Sprig’s grunts of pain twisted at something inside of Marcy, but he just couldn’t bring himself to look away.
So much has already happened in such little time. Marcy was still trying to process Sasha’s betrayal, yet his mind was still reeling from moments ago, when they got outed by King Andrias. He could still see their faces imprinted in their mind: Sasha’s anger and Anne’s distraught. He hadn’t even begun to work through any of those emotions yet. Everything kept happening so fast. It felt like they were scrambling to pick up the pieces of himself while someone else kept stomping all over them.
And as everything continued to go on around him, as the world continued to crumble in Marcy’s hands, they could barely bring themself to pay attention to Anne’s plea to Andrias. Some sort of “power of friendship” speech out of a cartoon Marcy normally would’ve soaked right up if it weren’t actually happening to him right now.
Now all Marcy felt was a sinking feeling that it wouldn’t work. Anne could plead all she wanted about how much Sprig meant to her, but Andrias wouldn’t listen. Not after everything he’s done. Besides, they knew well enough by now that Amphibia isn’t some fantasy. No, this was a place where tropes got thrown on their heads and dreams got crushed.
And he was only proven right when King Andrias opened his hand and let Sprig go.
Sprig was just a small flash of pink and green before he fell out of sight. A crushing weight fell onto Marcy’s chest.
No. No no no nononononononono! Sprig! No he can’t-
The world around him blurred together as Marcy’s mind ran a mile a minute. There’s no way Sprig was dead. There’s no way. But they knew the castle was high up in the sky by now, nearly a thousand feet up at least. No one could survive a fall from that high.
The weight only got heavier as his mind spiraled further. None of this would’ve happened if they had never come here in the first place. If Marcy just hadn’t been so dumb, so naïve. If he had never trusted Andrias, had never run off to Amphibia, had never found that goddamn music box! None of them would be here now. Anne and Sasha wouldn’t hate each other. Wouldn’t hate Marcy. Andrias wouldn’t have the power of the calamity box in his possession. Sprig wouldn’t have fallen.
They had to fix this.
As if on queue, a bright blue light flashed from in front of Marcy. Anne was there, crying on her hands and knees, her hics and shaky breaths drowned out by the sound of flowing energy. Waves of blue light surrounded her, roaring with life. No way…
It- it couldn’t be… right? Marcy had skimmed over bits about the gems holding immense power, but that couldn’t mean they had power too. Yet, the proof presented itself right in front of them, as a trail of blue power crawled its way over to Anne from the music box.
So much of Marcy’s mind begged him to stay and watch, because holy shit the powers were actually real?! But they shoved it all to the side as they took the perfect opportunity to go. The attention was all on Anne. Now was his chance. Marcy bolted up and ran for the window, begging that the bots’ aim hadn’t improved. Their heart leaped when the lasers hit just inches away from his feet, but he kept running. They ran up and launched themself out the window and into the open sky.
Air was fucking painful.
The wind whipped around them as Marcy dove through the sky. It rushed past his face, strained their skin and whipped around his cape. He could hardly keep his eyes open with all the air rushing up into them, and the wind ruffled their hair all over their face. But they kept going. They had to save him. He had to do at least one good thing in their life.
Marcy positioned himself into a diving form, vague calculations and notes about aerodynamics and airflow flying through their head. He stiffened their limbs and made his body as straight as possible, willing their body to just go faster. He stared downward, focusing on the pink dot as it grew, bit by it. Marcy allowed a little bit of hope to form in their chest. His muscles strained, and they could feel himself try to stretch farther, as if it would make him fall just a little faster.
The dot grew into a figure, and soon they were feet away from Sprig. His tears splashed onto their face as the air roared around the two. His mouth was open in a soundless cry, drowned out by the roaring wind. Marcy reached out, just inches away from him now. He stretched out, hoping to grab something, anything, before grasping a small pink hand.
They pulled him up and wrapped their body around him, shielding Sprig’s body with his own. Marcy could just make out their own whispers of “I got you” and “You’re gonna be okay” escape from their lips. He gripped him tighter as the ground hurtled towards them.
Marcy’s eyes were shut tight, closed the moment he wrapped himself around Sprig. It would only be moments before the two would hit the ground, and Marcy could do nothing but try to keep Sprig from getting too hurt. He tensed up, waiting for the time to come. They even thought he saw flashes of their life fly by their eyes. But just as he braced for impact, he felt a much softer thump as the feeling of free fall went away. They peeked open an eye to see the familiar red feathers of a dear friend.
Joe Sparrow. He had caught them. Oh, right. Marcy had whistled for him as he dove out the window.
Marcy could finally hear their heavy breaths without them getting drowned out by the rushing wind. He could faintly make out small, shaky breaths from the young frog in their arms. Right, they should probably let go.
Marcy repositioned himself on the seat as Joe climbed up through the sky, towards the flying castle. They opened up his arms to see Sprig curled up on himself, shaking.
He didn't move from Marcy’s lap, so they carefully asked, “...Sprig?”
Sprig slowly opened a large eye, peering up at a concerned Marcy. “I-...” he whimpered, “...M-Marcy?”
They let out a relieved sigh. “Y-yeah. It’s me.”
Sprig let his eyes open up fully as he realized where he was. He patted around his body as he let out a breathy laugh. “I’m… I’m alive?! Holy frog I’m alive!!”
He held himself as he laughed, rocking back and forth on the saddle as tears leaked from his eyes. Marcy let himself smile, chuckling a bit as they watched Sprig. Despite the persisting pit in his gut, a small bit of warmth grew in it, comforting.
I… I did it.
They saved him.
Despite everything going to shit, at least one good thing happened that day.
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