all of it could have been avoided if those two gay bitches just fucked and talked about their feelings once
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playdsi · 6 years
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dilfhakyeon-moved · 5 years
hey actually ive realised that maybe cis people dedicating a blog to making fun of transphobes who are genuinely dangerous to the trans community and refusing to acknowledge the critique they receive from actual trans people because they're " ruining the fun "... aren't doing the trans community a service but a disservice
terfs are not your joke to laugh at and yes terfs have talking points that hurt more than just trans people but they specifically target amab trans people and if anything amab trans people should be the ones running such blogs
yea it took me over a month to realise where my discomfort lies but everyone grows at a different pace ok...
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smash-is-love · 9 years
College Application essays
Well ive managed to sit staring at a blank page for a solid 2 hours and i have not typed anything productive..... Im at the point where i was to erase everything ive typed because its utter  garbage
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