#hehehe hope you like it as much as i did mootie :)
ura-niia · 1 month
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The shining gem under the spotlight! Give it up for the Fair Ruby!!
This drawing was inspired by @asg027 's cotl Jazz AU! :D I was excited to show this one to my dear moot and everyone
The design was also based on Schneider from Reverse 1999:
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nc-vb · 3 months
Omg yess i hated them sm i think i had to stop at one point and take a break because it just frustrated me THAT much. The increase in damage is ridiculous and makes me wanna cry tbh SOBSS.
Hmm it sounds like you'll have some decent time to prepare at the very least, so that's good! I am am manifesting you get him mootie hehe.
And oh no! That's definitely gotta be a lot to take in. how are you doing since you found it? That sounds very painful, I'm so sorry to hear that Jaiden :( I'm glad you're getting back into your interests/the swing of things. very proud of you <3
and yeah! last time we talked was christmas me thinks. I'm doing good! dealing with my own health problems but i think i am managing for the most part. I've honestly just been writing and making art about my favs oaijsao totally not writing an Acheron thing or planning a selfship comm with her nope not me hehe. And pls don't be sorry!! I figured you were just going through a lot so i wasn't hurt by it, promise <3 also i hope you're having a good day today! please remember to drink some water, take meds if you have any, and eat a good meal!!
I ESCAPED THE TRENCHES, I was so confused bc I went in to go and fight them and I interacted with one of the cans and??? I didn't have to fight again??? thank god, but like, I was stressing LOL, 400% is crazyyyyy.
hehehe thank you thank youuuu, I really hope I do *sobs*
Certainly not the worst health news I've ever gotten! I was expecting a messed up vertebrae or something, but scoliosis explains a lot of what I've been experiencing over the years. Hehe, thank you!! a long time coming, really.
sdhfks YES it was Christmas, I'm sorry, yeah, I really did go AWOL around then, my gosh. Ooh, is there a bright sun on the horizon?? is everything okay?? 🥹 I'm almost caught up in the story!!!! I think I like her so far, LOL. Ooh a selfship comm!!!!!!!! a-are you going to share it with the class once it's done? 😙👉🏻👈🏻
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yyxandere · 7 months
psst psst, i heard you wanted some ace attorney requests so mind if i chip in with my own idea for a oneshot you could so? (or any type of format you think is best, i don’t mind :) /gen)
how about a y/n that just cares for iris a lot and always dotes on her, kinda like a mother or sister figure to the girl and sholmes is just so fucking enamored with her that he kinda tries tricking her to stay behind and spend time with them some more, usually by using iris as an excuse. you can choose however you wish to end it or change up any of the details if you’d like, i’ve read some of your content and i like it a lot!! (i might even send in more requests if you don’t mind hehehe)
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☆ - Art Credits: NELL
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✧.* gender/pronouns ─ 'You' pronouns yet female titles
✩.* TRIGGER WARNINGS ─ Overbearingness, Manipulation, and Drugging, Guilt Tripping and SPOILERS FOR TGAA 2
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"(Y/n)! (Y/n)! You have to see this new discovery!"
Such eagerness could be heard at 221B Baker Street or the house of “The Great Detective” - Herlock Sholmes and Iris Wilson. May the days be cloudy or rainy nothing can ruin the mood the cheerfulness of the young assistant Iris whenever you're around. The giddiness she feels whenever you visit could always make you smile.
"(Y/n), please do taste this new tea that I brewed!"
"(Y/n) You have to come with me to the upcoming science festival! I already have three tickets, for all three of us!"
No matter how tired you are you can never deny her, especially not when she asks so earnestly and her eyes! Oh, her eyes whenever she pleads! They glow! She's the very embodiment of pure joy, happiness, and warmth, she could make anyone feel better no matter what kind of mood they were having, and you couldn't help but adore the way she talks.
Even if it's a simple thing such as drinking her new blend, you always manage to eat the pastries she made, but most of the time you help her make the sweet pastries, but in most cases both of you would be covered in flour yet not minding it for how you were both laughing. Iris brings a side of you, a very nice and warm feeling, like how a mother loves her child . . .
Herlock too was a nice individual to be with, even though quite an eccentric individual he was still a companion that you enjoy being with but it made you very much have less time for your own personal things, for example, Herlock dragging you from your friends to show off his new invention or basically dragging you to his crazy and wacky shenanigans the same could be said about Iris, she would also always invite you to where ever she is, may it be her inviting you to their house so you can help her bake or going where ever she and Herlock goes, it could be very overwhelming but who are you to say no to them?
Herlock knows what he is doing. The many times when he always picked up a case near your house or city just to get close to you, the times when he put laudanum a sleeping drug on one of Iris's teas whenever you were at their house so you could sleep there, don't worry about bothering them it's really fine! While you sleep in the guest bedroom Herlock likes to watch you sleep maybe it was the way your relaxed state made him feel giddy or the fact that he can touch you and kiss you while you sleep. That, or just because you look really cute when you sleep. It's definitely because of the latter reason.
Whenever Herlock sees you baking, cooking, or just spending time with Iris, he just can't help but imagine what would it feel like but him hugging you from behind as you give him kisses while you call him your beloved husband…
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"Dinner's ready Herlock!" You said as you took the freshly baked potato out of the oven while you did that Iris was preparing the table, putting the
cutleries neatly, she intentionally put your plate next to Herlock and hers, making sure that you would be in the middle. Herlock was already seated at the dining table, waiting for the two of you to arrive.
"Here you go! Hope you guys like enjoy it!" You said as you put down the bowl full of mashed potatoes that were still steaming. "Well then dig in!" you said as you sat in the middle, not knowing that you were unconsciously following their plan.
"My, this is incredibly good dear (Y/n), if you keep on cooking like this I might as well marry you, so I can taste this every day." Herlock said as he took another bite of the food, you then giggled "You're amusing Herlock." you said thinking what he said was some sort of flattery or joke, but Herlock was dead serious, he actually meant it and you felt a little flustered since you were caught off guard.
"(Y/n), there's a new festival tomorrow and I bought three tickets already, I was supposed to invite Mr, Van Zieks but he was busy, so was Gina and Mr, Kazuma, so you don't mind if you join us right? Just me you and Hurley!" Iris said cheerfully as she looked at you with such pleading eyes. If only you knew the exact plan she had.
"Ohh, Iris, I have plans tomorrow I have to help a friend of mine to do research about the new case he's trying to solve plus I have to be there to also babysit his daughter too…" You said dejectedly after you said that you noticed the immediate fade of the glimmer Iris had on her eyes and the smile she just had now vanished but was replaced with a dejected one, a sad smile that made you feel like you just ruined a dream of hers, you then noticed Herlock wiping his mouth with the napkin and taking out his pipe.
"Well that's a bother, Iris was excited for the festival and wanted anyone to be with her but all rejected the offer, mh it's such a shame…" Herlock said as he closed his eyes and blew his pipe smoke to the ceiling "It's alright, she'll find other friends to hang out with."
You were about to reply to Herlock's comment but Iris beat you to it.
"No need Hurley, I won't go to the festival…" Now that's when you saw little tears pricking in the corner of her eyes, such a scene truly broke your heart, and before you could stop yourself, you reached over to Iris and grabbed her hands, which made Iris shocked by the sudden move.
"I'll go! I'll talk to them so I can go to the festival! So please don't give me that look, Iris…" You said in a softly stern voice. Iri's eyes immediately lit up and her smile came back again. "Really! you would go!" Iris said excitedly as you nodded which made Iris yell out a little yay and as Herlock smiled and put down his pipe. "You would not regret it (Y/n), I swear you wouldn't!" Iris said as she hugged you.
After dinner, Iris wanted to sleep early so she could prepare herself for the big day tomorrow so you decided to leave soon after but Iris wanted you to stay so you could read her a bedtime story, even if it was late and there's a high chance that there will be fewer cabs at this late hour but your heart ached seeing how disappointed she was by the turn of events earlier you didn't want her to be unhappy or feel bad and besides, she asked you nicely after all.
When Iris started to doze off, you carefully moved away from the book and stood up where Herlock was with his trusty pipe in his hand.
"It looks like your soothing voice really made Iris sleep, that's a kind of talent that I needed before when Iris was a baby." Herlock chuckled reminiscing about those memories, You giggled in reply, "Well then my dear lady, I should walk you home, at this late hour there are many thugs that are willing to prey on an unsuspecting woman like you." Herlock said as you both walked down the stairs, even though you were worried that you might bother Herlock but at the same time you do prioritize your safety too, "Oh, well, you are right."
Walking home was very relaxing, small conversation there while Herlock smoked his pipe but it was a very pleasant silence and when you reached your home you said goodbye and goodnight.
"Well then thank you for walking with me Herlock, sorry if it was a bother, well then see you tomorrow!" You said but before you could open your door, Herlock took your hand and kissed it, he then gave you a very seductive eye and hugged you.
"Well then, I'll be off, make sure that you actually keep your promise tomorrow, yes? You do not want to ruin Iris's smile do you?. . .'
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