#hehehe im so excited to see everyones reactions to tomorrow :)
huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 7: Septnautical
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Once they're on the other side: they're immediately met by a strange site. It seems to be a huge cavern filled with low floating greenish brine. And what looks like a huge gigantic ribcage of a long dead creature smack dab in the middle like a pathway.
Once Marvin sees he gasps and the merboys grab the visitors nearest to them and quickly dash them all behind some rocks.
"Whoaa—" Jackie marvels at the ribcage before getting pulled away. "Hey! What the hell?!"
"Marvin!" Mer-Jackie whispers in a hush, "I thought you said you were taking us straight to that arch thing! You put us right in the getting-eaten-territory!!"
Marvin looks freaked out, "I-I I didn't mean to put us here! I-It shouldn't have put us here!”
Jackie's eyes widen and he immediately regrets shouting. He pokes his head over the rocks but JJ grabs him and drags him down again.
"I-it must have been a mistake," Schneep whispers, trying to see if he senses any especially large creatures nearby. "Perhaps something interfered with your powers? Like—like how radio waves interfere with each other sometimes and make static?"
I don't think they'll understand that, JJ points out.
Marvin growls and shows off his fangs. "I-It's okay... we can't panic we just... gotta figure out how to get a-all of us to the arch without a-alerting mesmers or ghost leviathans or getting in the brine..."
"And... crabsquids." Jamie adds nervously.
"That's a very long dangerous check-list..." Chase mumbles.
Mer-Jackie swims up like Jackie did to look at the area. "... I don't see any ghost leviathans yet... but those things are sneaky..."
JJ also looks over the rocks. He vaguely remembers Anti showing him some pictures of stuff from Subnautica... if he's correct, the ghost leviathans are huge and glowy. Yeah, no sign of them. We just... have to be quiet, he says. With all of us, we can keep an eye out.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Schneep asks. "I am, apparently, made for this environment." He flicks his tail. "Maybe I should go first? Even with the... you know." He waves his hand in front of his face.
"Technically you and JJ are safe here. Ghost rays also live around here," Henrik says. "So... maybe that could work."
"We can form a group," Jackie mutters. "Like a little ball. The ones who are more vulnerable to the poison brine stay in the middle, and the rest stick to the edges.”
"Can't you simply make another warp gate?" Schneep asks Marvin.
"If he could, I'm sure he would've suggested that," Jackie says.
"Oh- y-yeah lemme see-" Marvin says as he quietly tries to open a new gate- they can be kinda loud. However, when he tries, he gets a shock of green electricity up his hands and he yelps. Then, he full blown starts to panic, his voice raising. "i-I-i! I can't m-make another gate!!"
"Shit- I didn't think we were near the no-warp zone!" Mer-Jackie curses.
"I-I don't think we are! I just... i-I can't make one!" Marvin screeches in distress. Jamie surges over and grabs his arm, trying to shush him. Chase also comes over and tries to quiet him, "M-Marv calm down, we'll figure something out!"
Alt suddenly pales and curses, "...ah shit- m-maybe my glitches...?"
"Alt!" Bro hisses, "I told you!!"
"I know I know I'm sorry!" Alt whispers.
Marvin doesn't seem to hear his brothers though as he looks up at Alt and suddenly snarls. "Y-You! Your f-freaky powers messed with mine!" He then bursts out from where Chase and Jamie are holding him and goes to tackle Alt to the ground with a yell. Alt squeaks in response and tries to push him off but he's a bit freaked out. "I-I didn't think it'd hurt you! I-I'm sorry!"
Jackie blanches and rushes over to Marvin and Alt. The mandibles on his back instinctively shoot out and grab Marvin on either side. "Leave him alone! He didn't do anything!" Jackie says, trying to pull Marvin back.
Jackie, be careful! JJ says, also jumping in to help. He casts a protective shield in between Alt and Marvin, hoping to push Marvin's hands away.
"I think JJ was right earlier, I think we should be quiet!" Schneep says, trying to be heard without raising his voice too much. He keeps trying to sense nearby souls.
Marvin is snarling like a terrifying predator eyes trying to go pink behind his mask. Alt covers his head and then blinks as JJ shields him.
Bro gets in between Marvin and Alt and pushes Marvin back with a snarl. “Back off!”
Anti and Mer Jackie growls at seeing Marvin get pushed and Chase has to grab them both to make sure they don’t go after them too.
Then, there’s a terrifying roar coming from the expanse before them- the area starting to show a blue glow.
Bro freezes, “…that’s bad news isn’t.”
The way Marvin and Reaper Jackie freeze seem to answer their questions.
Jackie lets go of Marvin and backs away at the sound of the roar.
Ghost? JJ guesses.
Schneep's eyes widen. "That feels big." He feels around the rocks. "I-is there anywhere to hide?! Any—any small crevices? If not, fucking run."
“Marvin, which way is the arch?!” Henrik asks sharply.
“I don’t know!” Marvin squeaks, “That’s why I was hoping we’d just warp there! I haven’t been over there lately this place is like a fucking maze!!”
“S-So run then?!” Bro asks.
“Swim!” Mer-Jackie yells as a bright blue horrifying fish with a hammerhead like head barrels towards them through the murky water, trailing blue like ribbons and roaring so loud they can feel its vibrations in the water.
Bro sees this terrifying thing coming and for a second he freezes- but he sees Henrik is too. Without thinking he barrels into Hen right as this thing sails over top of them and ends up crashing the two of them back down into one of the rocks. Jackie and JJ dive down, swimming as fast as they possibly can away. Meanwhile, Schneep is gone the moment he feels the vibration of the roar. Just completely out of sight, having leapt away. Alt glitches away and has to right himself as he feels a bit dizzy doing so.
The rest of the boys manage to dodge okay while Marvin panickedly look around. He spies something in the distance and spurs down, "I-I'm starting to remember! Swim down towards that smaller set of ribs!" Bro helps Henrik up and grabs his hand to help him follow. Mer-Jackie does the same with Anti and Chase grabs Jamie- just because their tails make them a bit slow. Jackie and JJ swim after them. Schneep waits until the group is on the very end of his soul sensing range and then leaps over to them from his hiding spot in that strange cooler section of water near the ground.
Luckily for them, the Ghost Leviathan is clumsy and sped straight past them- too big to turn back around to chase them in time. By the time it does, the merboys have all swam down into a lower section of the briney falls. They all stop to catch their breath.
"F-Fucking hell..." Alt gasps, "T-that thing was terrifying...!"
“That was so loud," Schneep gasps.
If I wasn't running on pure adrenaline and terror that might have been cool, JJ says. But again. Pure adrenaline and terror.
"I-is everyone okay?" Jackie asks, looking around. "Schneep? You kind of disappeared for a moment there."
"I was in a cooler section of water, I think it was perhaps some sort of mist," Schneep says. "It must have hid me."
“That is the brine-“ Henrik explains. “Ah but no worries for you… it can be your protection here. It is too close to the ground for the ghosts to go towards.”
"The brine..." Schneep repeats. "Brine. Brine. Briiiine." He giggles a little. "A funny word."
"Oh god the near-death experience made you loopy," Jackie comments.
"I tend to disassociate when too upset, actually," Schneep says casually. And then break down, but that doesn't need to be shared. "I just think it is a funny word."
“You sound like Alt when he’s loopy after glitching too much.” Bro snickers. Alt frowns and flicks Bro. Then he laughs. “It is a fun word though- don’t get to say it often. Briiiiine-“
“Okay that’s enough,” Chase laughs.
Alt swallows and then timidly goes up to Marvin. “…I’m so sorry I caused this I… is there any way I can help?”
Marvin looks away and rubs his wrists. “…we probably need to just… give it a bit… I-I self repair… whatever you did will get out of my system somehow…”
"Sorry I grabbed you, too," Jackie mutters. "Panicked."
No harm done, it all seems! JJ signs cheerfully.
“Let’s not get too dragged down gang,” Bro tries to say lightly. “We can get through this! Who knows how to navigate down here?”
“Probably Marvin… the rest of us don’t come here…” Anti grumbles. He seems to be swimming a bit slower as he wraps his arms around himself, “p-probably because it’s f-fucking freezing down here…”
“Is it?” Marvin says, flicking his tails. “… I never noticed.”
“It is kinda chilly…” Chase agrees, rubbing his arms.
“I think it’s bracing!” Mer-Jackie grins. Anti whacks him with one of his tails.
JJ shrugs. Seems perfectly fine to me.
"Me too," Schneep adds.
Jackie frowns. "Maybe it's a bit chilly."
"Perhaps it has to do with the temperatures our, ah... fish... samples? The temperatures they can live in," Schneep says.
"Then why am I cold?" Jackie asks. "I thought I was some arctic creature!"
You're also a lobster, JJ says, amused.
“What’s a lob-ster?” Jamie whispers with a tilted head.
“Some weird human thing I’m guessing.” Anti grunts.
Marvin stiffens a bit and his eyes turn slightly pink as he drones, “The chelicerate is a predatory animal that patrols the warmer waters found near thermal vents.”
“Ohhh so that’s why!” Mer-Jackie grins, “Your species hunts in warmer waters. Guess not everything is icy over there.”
“Huh. Guess that explains it,” Jackie says. “Weird that there’s some animal that sticks to a vent when the rest of the water is so cold. Like—you think they’d evolve to tolerate the cold, then.”
“There are animals like that on Earth.” Schneep shrugs. “I suppose it just shows that if life is possible, it will find a way.”
“S’also why i’m miserable…” Anti pouts. “I need a thermal vent…”
“I think there’s some on the way, Anti.” Marvin tries to smile at him. “C’mon.”
Marvin starts to lead them down further into the cave, swimming right above the brine as it swirls like a cloud on the sea floor. The area is beautiful in an eerie way. Above them they can see ghost rays swimming, letting out an ethereal ghostly song.
Alt grins and nudges JJ, “Look! It’s you!”
JJ looks up at the ghost rays. “Ooooo.” He waves at them, grinning wide. Prettyyyyy.
“So how far d’you think we are from that place?” Jackie asks. “And can you describe the stuff to avoid? Heard you mention… mesmers and… crabsquids?”
“I think a crabsquid is described in its name,” Schneep points out.
“Hey, you never know.”
“I mean other Schneep’s not wrong,”  Chase laughs, “They’re… big creatures with long legs like a crab. They emit emp blasts.”
Alt pales at this, “Oh they do? …gotta make sure to avoid that…”
“Mesmers are smaller but I think they stay mainly around those bones…” Mer-Jackie says as he looks around.
“There are also the river prowlers…” Henrik points out. “But maybe they will avoid us because we have one with us?”
The corridor is starting to get darker, bits of bright blue light shining on the cave walls.
But suddenly… there’s the sound of a drone of some sort… and something foreign calling out to the group. Strange creatures… come closer… don’t be afraid… come over this way….
Schneep stops swimming momentarily. “Do you all hear that?” It’s a voice. How unusual… he doesn’t think he can sense any strong souls. He turns to face that way just in case.
“Hmm?” Jackie also turns towards the pull.
JJ frowns and quickly shoves the voice into the back of his head. Anything that talks to you like that can’t be good.
Anti hears the voice in his head and freezes, then shrinks up and curls to put his hands over his ears. “No! No no g-get out!”
Henrik quickly swims over to see what’s wrong. “A-Anti??”
Alt shudders as he hears the voice and hunches up, his tail starting to light up with sparks.
Those who feel the pull turn to see creatures with beautiful swirling wings flowing out of the darker water, coming towards them. Once they hear it and look at the colors- it’s impossible to turn away. They feel themselves drawn forward towards that beautiful light. It’s just… so pretty…
As the boys are drawn in they see the water around their vision swirling with beautiful pastels green purple and blues- the effect getting stronger the more they turn towards the creatures. Stronger the closer they get… they want to get closer.
Oh… that’s beautiful. Jackie has never seen anything so beautiful. He grabs onto Schneep’s shoulder. “Wish you could see this,” he whispers.
Schneep frowns. “Why? What is happening?”
JJ looks back at the others. His eyes widen. No no no! It’s just like those spirals in that SCLERA place! He darts forward, keeping his eyes down and squinted, and grabs onto Jackie, trying to pull him back. But Jackie just frowns in annoyance and shoves him away without even looking.
Bro looks over and gets drawn into the swirls of color. “…wow…” he laughs dazedly and starts to swim forward. The Mesmer beckons him closer.
Marvin and Reaper Jackie, who are leading the pack, look back in confusion as the group starts to disperse. “What are you guys doing?” Marvin squeaks in concern.
Henrik gasps, “It is a swarm of mesmers! E-everyone do not listen and do not look! Try to get away from them!”
But, it seems Chase and Jamie have fallen for the voices too. Floating together towards one Mesmer, Bro going towards another.
The Mesmer drawing Jackie in seems pleased. That’s it child… very good… don’t resist… don’t look away..  come closer… let me show you something beautiful. The mesmers drone to their prey.
As Jackie nears it- it suddenly opens up its mouth and 4 sharp toothed tentacles try to snap shut around his face.
JJ cries out. Schneep, get him away from there! he signs. He backs up, concentrating, and sends out a spray of magic, aiming mostly for the one that's trying to eat Jackie but hoping to catch others in the crossfire. But nerves cause his magic to go wide by a long shot.
Schneep leaps out of Jackie's grip and grabs his tail from behind, pulling him away and downward.
Jackie yelps and finally looks away, down at Schneep. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"Try to think clearly, Jackie!" Schneep shouts. "Do you think this is normal?!"
Alt doesn’t know why he’s able to avoid this so well but he dives towards the Mesmer drawing in Bro and tries to shock it.
The Mesmer trying to draw in Bro dodges Alt’s attack and swims away, dragging Bro to follow closely after it. He grins in delight and doesn’t take his eyes away.
“C-Chase! Wake up!” Alt tries to call, grabbing onto Bro’s arm. But he makes the mistake of looking up and- fuck! Another comes up a bit closer to get in Alt’s line of sight- and Alt looks directly at it. He feels his senses leave him completely. The drone overtaking everything else.
yes… don’t resist now… come come… I’m very friendly… come see my beauty…
Alt’s shoulders slump and he breathes out, relaxing. “Okay…” he lets go of Bro and starts to swim dazedly towards the one pulling him away.
“No! D-Don’t!” Marvin tries to warn but he swims back- terrified of the swarm as it brings back memories. Without his warps- he feels powerless.
JJ sees Alt get taken in out of the corner of his eyes. He gasps and sends a spear of icy magic towards that mesmer.
The ice shreds through the Mesmer, leaking yellow blood into the water as its fishy body is cut in half. Alt stops swimming but- his eyes are still swirling with its colors. He still feels entranced. He doesn’t seem to notice anything else around him. He can’t even bring himself to keep his tail swimming so he starts to fall through the water.
Mer-Jackie roars and tries to tackle the ones targeting his brothers. As ReaperJackie tries to tackle the Mesmer drawing in Chase and JJ- another one gets right in his face. His eyes immediately start to swirl and he lowers his mandibles and hands.
oh… we remember you strange reaper… you were quite the tasty meal… will you let us feed on you again? In exchange we will let you gaze upon our beauty for as long as you can…
Mer-Jackie breathes, his head lolling a bit on his neck. “Y…yeah…” he whispers- going in a tight circle as the Mesmer makes its prey follow it docilely like a game.
“J-Jackie!” Henrik shouts. Anti is still too freaked out to do anything- his body shaking against his will.
Bro gets close to his Mesmer- staring at its wings with delight in his eyes- its mouth starts to spread apart- fangs glistening in the dull cave light but he doesn’t seem to notice.
Jackie shakes his head. Huh? What was he doing? Schneep has pulled him close to the ground, almost to the brine, and as he looks up he sees the teeth and fangs on the mesmers. "Holy shit!" he gasps. "Th-they're gonna—we got to do something!"
Schneep reaches to a side for a weapon—and pulls out his trusty scissors. "Tell me where they are and I will go there."
"You can tell where people are, right?!" Jackie says urgently.
"There's one right in front of Bro, i-it's the one closest to someone, it's about to fucking eat him!"
"Got it!" Schneep disappears, and reappears in the water right above the mesmer, stabbing downwards. Schneep manages to skewer the Mesmer and it shrieks in anger and tries to wrap a tentacle around Schneep’s arm.
Jackie looks around wildly, trying not to look directly at anything. He sees his hybrid counterpart try and get close to one of the mesmers, only to get caught in its grip. He has to do something! Closing his eyes, he charges through the water with a yell, hoping to pin the mesmer.
By some miracle, Jackie’s hybrid instincts kick in and his mandible crushes the Mesmer into one of the stalagmites. Mer-Jackie is still entranced though, just slowing to a halt and sinking a bit through the water- not knowing where else to swim.
Marvin yelps and dives down to catch him, holding his twin close to his chest.
Schneep stabs the mesmer’s tentacle as soon as it latches onto him, then leaps behind Bro. He grabs onto him and starts pulling the same way he did with Jackie. JJ grabs onto Alt where he’s floating and starts swimming away. Jackie backs away from the crushed mesmer, breathing heavily, stunned at his own capabilities. He sees the other two and Marvin grabbing the mesmer victims and dives down next to Marvin to help.
The Mesmer Schneep attacks screeches in pain and swims away. And soon, Bro is able to shake out of the trance and blinks up at Schneep as they’re pulled away. “H-huh? Schneep?”
Chase and Jamie have neared theirs, Chase reaching out towards it. The Mesmer snaps out its jaw and bites down hard on Chase’s arm. He’s snapped out of trance as he yells in pain. This is enough to make Anti uncurl and roar in anger. Sending a fire ball out to blast and kill their Mesmer. Jamie blinks in slow dazed confusion and Chase tries to scoop him up, looking for a place to take everyone to hide.
Henrik seems to pick up on this and looks around and points down below where the brine makes a couple waterfalls, seeing a plateau of safe rock just below the streams. “D-Down there! Hide behind the brine, I think there’s a cave there!”
Chase and Marvin nod and hurry down, curving around the stream and finding safety behind the falls. As soon as the three others hear Henrik shout, they move in that direction as well, JJ taking Alt, Schneep taking Bro, and Jackie taking mer-Jackie- seeing Marvin have some difficulty carrying him. 
They’re all taken down under the falls and luckily, enough of them glow enough to shed at least some light in the shallow cave.
Henrik leads in with Anti and sighs shakily. “W-Who’s hurt?”
“I-I got bit,” Chase says and Henrik swims over and rummages through his bag, finding some creepvines and wrapping up Chase’s hand.
Marvin is shaking but stays outside the cave to watch out for any more signs of trouble.
Bro settles to the ground, still a bit disoriented and spacey. “What… what happened…?”
“Mesmers…” Henrik snarls, showing a bit of anger.
Jackie shivers. “I-I thought you said those things stick around the bones. I figured we’d gone far enough away from them to not have to fucking worry.”
“Maybe we weren’t far enough away… or we were too interesting to ignore…” Chase mumbles, frowning at the still tranced Jamie.
JJ shakes his head. I don’t like that. I don’t like things that… mess with your head.
Jackie gives him a strange look. “Uh… you mentioned… something called Distorter once…”
JJ pales a little. Lets just say that if Distorter was a hybrid, he would definitely be one of those things.
“I see…” Jackie mutters.
“I-I think we are all safe?” Schneep says, holding tight to his scissors still.
Bro sees Alt still tranced in JJ’s arms and he hurries over, trying to shake Alt awake. “A-Alt?! Alt hey!” But Alt’s head just dazedly lolls backs and forth. “T-The fuck?!”
Anti looks at JJ with probably the most sympathetic look he’s given yet. He then swims over to Jamie in Chase’s arm and frowns, “I don’t get it… w-we killed those fuckers right? Why are they still… caught in this?”
Jackie frowns. "Maybe—maybe we just need to snap them out of it?"
"If Alt is not being snapped out by Bro shouting at him, what will snap him out of it?" Schneep asks.
"Uhhhh... we could slap him?"
Schneep frowns disapprovingly.
JJ looks out through the brine waterfall, checking that there are no threats. There aren't, but something could show up at any moment. He pulls back. I think we should move on. We can carry them with us.
Henrik snaps out of his focus as he finished Chase’s arm and nods to Jackie. “A-Actually yes! The only thing I have found to work is… t-temporary pain. I do not know why… but the trance only lingers if a Mesmer is killed while their victim is in trance.”
"Huh. Weird." Jackie pauses for a moment. "Maybe it's something like... the signal is able to continue in their head? Sort of... sustain itself? I dunno, I know there are a lot of mental magick spells like that. 
“That is a good theory…” Henrik muses.
“Anyway." Jackie swims over to Alt. "Sorry, Alt." And he slaps him across the face.
Alt immediately exclaims in surprise and grabs his cheek, the colors immediately clearing from his eyes. “Ow! Jesus!”
Schneep can't help but laugh a little at the sudden slap noise. "Ah—sorry, that is not funny. Just—the noise without context."
“Oh thank god…” Bro sighs in relief. “T-Thanks Jackie I dunno if I could have done that.”
Alt massages his cheek with a confused frown then sits up with a gasp. “T-That weird fish! It.. it-“ He looks visibly pale as he swallows shakily. “…f-fucking god damn it…”
"No problem." Jackie nods at Bro. "You okay, Alt? I don't think I hit you too hard, but I also feel stonger in this merman form so I might not be a good judge.”
Alt tries to nod but he’s visibly shaken. “Y-Yeah I’m… it s-stung like a bitch but I’m… I’m fine.” Bro frowns and brings in Alt for a very gentle hug. Alt shudders and flicks his tail to try not to spiral. 
Anti frowns at Jamie and then slaps one of his tentacles against his face. Jamie makes a noise of surprise then sits up, blinking up at his brothers in confusion.
Mer Jackie is still under too but he seems to slightly be waking up, not down as long as the others. “…m..Marv…?” He mumbles, blinking like it’s still kinda hard to see.
"Oh! Hey, other me!" Jackie looks back at mer-Jackie. "Marvin? He wants you!"
Marvin perks up and swims back quickly to his brother, bending down. “J-Jackie?? Are you okay?”
Mer-Jackie grins dazedly, “Didn’t get bit this time…!”
Marvin snorts and pushes his face away playfully, “Yeah… thank the stars we weren’t alone again…” Marvin sighs and lightly taps mer- Jackie’s cheek to wake him up too and the colors start to completely clear from his eyes. He pushes himself up and shakes himself out like a dog. “Fuck dude! I hate fucking mesmers…”
“….t-those things are really strong for s-something so small…” Bro mumbles.
“It is because their calls can reach your mind…” Henrik says with a shudder. “They are smarter than most prey here… maybe not as smart as a sea emperor or a warper but… smart enough to draw fish into their thrall.”
"Not smart enough for me to sense their souls, apparently," Schneep grumbles unhappily. But if those emperors and warpers are stronger, he'll probably be able to sense them, at least?
Do you think covering our ears would protect us from mesmers? JJ asks. I know it's not a good idea to cover your ears while swimming somewhere dangerous, but I'm just trying to establish how they work.
Schneep nods. "Rules are always good to know."
“I… I think we’re for sure out of their territory though…” Marvin says quietly, “I think I-I’m starting to remember the way. We should be safe…” he looks to JJ and shrugs, “Covering your ears won’t work against them… cuz it’s in y-your head… and to be honest it’s about to get kinda dark … but only for a little bit. There’s river prowlers ahead and… i-I think that’s it until we swim up…”
“We just gotta try our best to lay low and not draw too much attention,” Mer-Jackie says with a shake of his tail as he swims up from the ground. “…sadly though just us being here brings a lot of attention… so we just gotta be brutal enough to send fish swimming’ scared~!” He grins.
"Hell yeah, I can be brutal." Jackie flashes a dark grin. "Let's move. The sooner we head out, the sooner we get there."
JJ nods slowly. That does make sense... Schneep, perhaps you should stay in front? Maybe it'll discourage the river prowlers from getting close to us.
"I'm willing to do that, but someone should be next to me," Schneep says.
Marvin nods, “I’ll stay by other Schneep then… Since I mostly know the way.”
“Alright- let’s keep it going then!” Bro tries to say brightly, hoping his enthusiasm is contagious. Mer-Jackie grins at him and nods.
The boys all filter back out into the main cavern past the brine and Marvin starts to lead them down a bit more in the lower parts. The brine still flows but- now there seems to be a big island below surrounded by the mist. Big funnels puff warmer water into this area like heated vents. And strangely to the right are large glowing pillars… and what looks like massive metal cables sunk into the cavern walls. And under them, by the vents and in between some more falling brine… is a decently sized skeleton. Not the size of the rib cages they saw… but pretty big. This thing must have been at least 100 meters…! It looks big enough for you to even swim inside of it.
"Whoaaa," Jackie whistles. He's so tempted to swim through that skeleton but they have to stay focused. "I so wish you could see this, Schneep." He diverts down to one of the funnels, enjoying the warmer waters.
"Describe it for me," Schneep says.
"Well, this whole place has been pretty green. The brine is green, and it looks like rivers and waterfalls. There are these glowing pillar things and this huge ass skeleton!"
And these strange cables, JJ adds. 
Alt looks down at the skeleton and can’t help but shudder. Bro whistles too, “Damn that thing is sick! What is that thing you think?”
The merboys (except Marvin) all pause to look down and then they gasp. Anti seems palest of the all as he stammers out, “T-That’s… that’s a sea dragon…! What… what was one doing down here…?”
"A sea dragon?" Jackie repeats. "Oh, like—oh."
"Perhaps it was looking for food?" Schneep speculates. "Well, in any case, if it is old enough to just be bones now, whatever killed it is definitely no longer around. So we don't need to worry."
Mer-Jackie stares at the skeleton and hums. Then starts to swim and gestures for the others to follow as he talks, “you know- Zara told me a story once. About how this planet got the khaara… said the architects that lived here came here to look for a cure and captured a sea emperor. But it was old… and they didn’t know how to hatch its eggs… and a sea dragon was really similar to the sea emperors so they took one of its eggs and… she got angry and attacked a big base of theirs. And… it broke the base and spread the disease into the ocean. Causing the outbreak almost a 1000 years ago…”
"Outbreak? Oh, so it's some sort of disease?" Jackie asks. "Or, well. It was almost a thousand years ago, so I'm guessing—hoping—it's not around any more."
"I'm sure that would've come up with the list of dangers," Schneep points out.
"Oh yeah! You guys don't know about that!" Mer-Jackie says. He then laughs and shakes his head. "We don't really get what it is but yeah its not around anymore. Except the time that Chase got it."
"It is a strange disease..." Henrik mumbles, "It nearly wiped out the whole planet I am told... it was only about a 100 years ago that someone from Alterra fell to the planet and got the cure from the sea emperors... they were the only one who had the cure surprisingly. It is something they produce naturally. ...which is probably why they took Jack... just in case it ever returned..."
"I'm... sorry that happened to you guys... that your brother went missing..." Jackie says slowly. "And that bit about Chase getting it, too. Sorry about that."
"It's okay," Chase says, having swam back to swim with the others. He smiles tightly. "We got it fixed really fast... but that’s how we found out what warpers could do. They were made to get rid of the khaara... or creatures that were too sick with it since they didn't have a cure. But, things had been so peaceful here for so long no one had seen a warper act aggressively. So we were all pretty shocked when Marvin suddenly warped me into the grand reef." He rubs his arms, "It's okay though... we're figuring it out. And... we have Jack back now... we'll figure out how to wake him soon..."
Anti seems to be sinking a bit as he's swimming, looking like he's having trouble staying awake as Chase says this.
JJ notices Anti sinking a bit and ducks down, shaking him a little.
Anti blinks sleepily at JJ and tiredly bares his fangs at him. His Jamie comes up and subtly grabs his arm, looking at JJ gratefully. 
JJ looks back at the cables again then asks, What are those? Man made? Or... alien made?
Marvin seems determined to get past this part as quickly as possible and bites but a growl of frustration at people getting distracted. But as Jamie mentions the cables Marvin freezes almost robotically. He doesn’t look that way but stammers out. “..a-alien-made- don’t… don’t go that way-“
JJ looks at Marvin, puzzled. Then nods slowly. Alright. We'll avoid it if there's danger. Let's keep going.
Marvin shivers and nods, quickly swimming away from this corridor as fast as he can.
Alt looks curiously at the path with the cables. Wonder what’s over there that’s got Marvin so spooked?
The merboys shake out their fear as they see their brother booking it away. “M-Marvin! Hang on!” Chase shouts and tries to follow.
Jamie looks at where Alt and JJ are looking and flicks his tails sadly, whispering. “…I think over there is where the bad man kept Marvin… that’s why he’s scared…”
JJ looks at his other self and softens. He nods.
Jackie and Schneep also glance back at the corridor with the cables. "I get it," Jackie mutters. "I really get it."
"I think we all understand that response," Schneep says.
Alt seems to shiver at this too and nods, holding his arms. "Yeah... w-we get it. Let's not dwell on it."
"I agree with Alt, let us not dwell," Schneep says.
Let's hurry past, JJ says. Onwards we go.
They all speed away from the skeleton and weird cables, coming towards an expanse of even more green brine waterfalls. Marvin starts to swim upwards quickly, a very steep expanse- swimming towards a strange tree with white tips that glow brightly in the darkness.
JJ unconsciously starts to swim faster, looking up at the tree with wide eyes. That's so pretty! he says. Why is there a tree here? A glowing tree?
Marvin pauses in his faster swimming and slows down, twitching a bit to answer JJ's question. "Oh... those are ghost trees I think... they're our way of finding where this arch is... t-there's a whole area of them... I dunno why but they grow down here..."
"Maybe it's cuz of that biggg pink one that has that giant egg!" Mer- Jackie says, swimming up towards Marvin and startling him some. "Maybe these are just its baby trees!"
Marvin laughs a bit, "Maybe..." 
"Oh, a giant egg? How fascinating." Schneep chuckles. "In all honesty, that would make sense, if there is one big tree it is probably sending out some sort of seeds--or, well, it is not likely seeds because this is underwater, but something like that. But eventually it lands and new trees go."
“Ah… I heard that those are… more ghost Leviathans…” Henrik says quietly, adjusting his goggles. “Their parents come here from the void to lay their eggs because the tree somehow provides nutrients to the eggs…”
“Yeah well- never seen one hatch before.” Mer-Jackie says with a shrug.
"From the void?!" Jackie repeats. "The hell is that?! Doesn't sound good."
“Oh… yes-“ Henrik coughs, “The life on this side of the planet is only contained in a crater… if you travel outside the crater’s safety- then you meet a spot that is almost devoid of life… and here is where the adult ghost leviathans live.”
"What about Jackie?" Schneep asks. "His fish species isn't from the crater."
I suppose there's another bit of life in that arctic area, JJ figures.
Marvin twitches a bit and slows, eyes turning pink. “4546B’s craters edge is inaccessible because of its depth, freezing waters and lack of life. The voids connect the warmer waters to the colder waters of Sector Zero, where another crater breeds more life. The Void of Sector Zero contains the Void Chelicerate. A rare mutation of the chelicerate that prefers to roam in dark, open waters at the edge of the sector. Like the Ghost Leviathans of the warmer sectors of 4546B these creatures roam the dark waters searching for microscopic fauna to eat.” He then shakes himself out of it and blinks. “Huh… didn’t know about that…” 
"Oh." Jackie pauses. "...huh."
"So the planet is mostly uninhabitable except for some craters," Schneep sums up. "Fascinating."
Marvin looks up at the cavern and sets his face in a determinated look. "...we're almost there but... when we get to the ghost forest... w-we gotta be careful... there's another ghost leviathan up there... i... I dunno how we'll avoid it though... the area is... p-pretty open despite all the trees..."
A lot of things named after ghosts in this area, JJ comments, looking down at his own body. Probably because they're translucent and/or glowing.
"Another one of those giant things?" Jackie mutters. "Okay, we'll have to hurry through, then. Fast and quiet."
Marvin nods, “Yes… the arch is at the highest point of the cave… we’re almost there.”
Now they can see bigger branches of ghost trees underneath an arch where one more big waterfall of brine falls.
JJ gasps. Oh, this place really is so pretty! He looks at all the ghost trees and underwater waterfalls in awe.
Schneep sighs. "I am usually okay with not seeing things, but this universe in particular is proving the exception."
JJ winces. Sorry, Schneep.
"No no, is fine, it's not anyone's fault. And I am not going to stop you from saying it's beautiful just because I cannot see it."
Alt swallows nervously, “…I really hope this arch thing works…”
"It'll work," Jackie says, unusually optimistic. "And if it doesn't, we just have to wait for another rift, and try to find another way in the meantime."
Alt giggles, “That’s pretty positive coming from you, Jackie.”
Jackie tries for a smile. "W-well, I think we have to be, in this situation. I mean... if we don't have optimism, what do we have?" He shakes his head. "I don't want to... I don't want to feel hopeless, you know?"
Alt smiles shakily but Bro nods enthusiastically. “yeah! Good srat, dude!” He bumps into Alt. “We got this!”
Alt shakes his head with a laugh.
JJ nods. How close are we to the arch?
Marvin slows and holds out a hand to everyone to stop. Just before them is a smaller cavern that seems to be source of the brine rivers and falls. It has a shallower tier of pools weaving through taller ghost trees. At the edge of the pools- there’s one more huge waterfall- and what looks like a broken metal door behind it. But swimming just in front of it is another Ghost Leviathan.
“…it’s just up there- right in its path.” Marvin says quietly, trying to hide his shaking.
Jackie quickly stops swimming, holding his arms out to stop anyone behind him. "God they really are so big," he whispers. "Okay. We have to get around that thing, avoiding all the brine except in the case of Schneep and JJ, and to that metal door behind the brine waterfall. The--the brinefall. It is... right in front of the door. Ooookay."
JJ frowns, staring. There must be a way through. Maybe we can wait for it to leave? Or, well, I suppose Schneep could just appear right by the door... right, Schneep?
"Yes, I have no doubt I could appear right there, no matter where it is," Schneep says. "Ever since I got control of my powers I haven't had difficulty reaching a location within, ah... 'eyeshot.'"
"Okay, but the rest of us can't do that," Jackie whispers. "And you and Alt can only take a few passengers while glitching. And your glitching feels terrible. No offense."
Schneep shrugs. "None taken. By the way, the leviathan cannot see or sense us over here, right?"
“I’m not so sure…” Marvin whispers. “I-I think we might be far enough away…”
“…you all only need Marv and yourselves to go to this arch thingy right?” Anti says sleepily. He looks at the others and then puffs out his chest, light shining brighter in his eyes. “…then we’ll distract the thing while you get inside. That way you all have time to get to the thing using your majic whatever.”
“But I.. I can’t warp right now-“ Marvin emphasizes.
Mer-Jackie shakes his head. “Anti’s right! If Alt and Schneep can just pop over there then we’ll only need to distract it for a second! We’ll drive it away! The others can stay over here where it’s safe- or oh! we can all meet up at the cove tree over there.” He points over to a spot of glowing blue in the dark back the way they came. “It’s completely safe over there!”
Anti cracks his knuckles then grins at Reaper Jackie. “I’ve been itching for a fight… I’m actually looking forward to this. No more swimming away scared…!” Reaper Jackie shares his grin and grows out his claws. “Agreed.”
Jackie nods as he listens to Anti and mer-Jackie talk. "Hell yeah. I bet I could be helpful in this." He grins, and his mandibles snap a little. "I've been in a lot of fights—though I've never fought a giant glowing fish."
I'd be surprised if you had, JJ says.
The merboys all laugh at this. “It does sound strange like that doesn’t it?” Henrik chuckles.
Chase, Henrik and JJ look nervous. But eventually Chase sighs. “…alright bros just.. be careful. Don’t try to kill it- just… distract it long enough for them to get inside and then come find us.”
Bro looks at Alt and Schneep, “…you both okay with this?”
Alt seems nervous, flicking his tail as it sparks slightly. “… glitching feels wrong here but… I-I can try…”
"I am okay with it, yes," Schneep says.
"How's your powers?" Jackie asks.
"I have been able to jump normally so far, I do not think there will be trouble."
I could be helpful, too, JJ continues. My magic might not be so helpful with the arch, it'll be more useful as a distraction. I could also help heal people up if they get too hurt.
Bro nods, “If it seems like it’s going after us Jackie, JJ, me and Alt can help keep it back- but we should all focus on getting in that tunnel! Soo! Let’s get it rolling!”
Chase swims up to the boys and smiles warmly. “just in case this works and we don’t see you again… this was fucking weird but… nice too. S’nice to meet humans who… relate to what we’ve been through.”
Jamie beams. “If you ever can come back… somehow- it would be nice to meet again!”
Henrik smiles, “But if not… please be safe. I do hope you all get home.”
Of course! JJ beams. You've all been so kind.
Jackie leans close. "Even Anti?" he whispers.
JJ nudges him playfully. Yes, even him. When you don't trust people, trust is the kindest thing.
Anti blinks at this and then hides his flushing face with one of his tails. 
"Sure." Jackie looks at the others and smiles. "Yeah, I'd love to come here again if possible. I have a lot of stuff going on back home that I want to take care of first, but eventually."
"I agree, it's been strange, but nice." Schneep nods. "So... goodbye." He grins. "Until we may meet again."
“Goodbye-“ Henrik smiles and Chase, JJ and Henrik all go towards the cove tree.
Anti and Mer-Jackie grin at the others. “I guess we should do that too and shit.” Jackie laughs. He turns towards them. “This has been super cool and I’d love to show you so much next time! If you can. But until then- let’s fuck shit up!”
He goes to hit Anti’s shoulder and braces to swim. “We’ll get its attention! Try to swim or warp past whatever it is you do!”
Anti looks at the others and nods. “…bye.” Then he and Jackie rocket towards the ghost leviathans, both of them roaring loudly at it. The ghost Leviathan roars and races up to meet them.
Jackie watches them go, wanting to go after—and starting to for a moment—before he thinks better of it. After all, if they're going to leave, they have to all leave together.
Alt startles and goes to grab some of the others. “Link up! I can get us up there!”
Marvin swims back and holds his hands close to him. “No way! I-I’m not getting near your weird powers again!”
“Why didn’t you say anything about that before this?!” Alt snaps in frustration.
"Marvin, you don't really have a choice," Schneep points out. "We need you up there! Are we just going to swim there? Right by the fight?"
You could bring him, JJ suggests.
"IIIII don't think he would like that."
"We don't have a lot of time!" Jackie says. "Whatever we're going to do, we have to do it fast!" He turns to look at the fight.
The ghost Levithan rushes to meet the boys and mer-Jackie rushes to try to spear it with his mandibles. But it moves too quickly and grabs Jackie by his tail and then tosses him into the cave wall.
“Jackie!!” Anti screams and then turns to growl at the ghost Leviathan. He builds up fire balls and starts to loop around the bigger fish, pelting it with fire as it screeches in pain.
Bro yells out, “Fuck! Jackie!”
“M-Marvin come on!” Alt urges, going to grab his arm. But Marvin lashes out and scratches at Alt’s arm with his claws, his eyes going a bit pink and his voice sounding a bit more robotic. “No! I-I-“ he looks back to where Jackie fell and then speeds over to try to get to him.
Alt grabs his arm and yells out in pain before trying to yell out after him. “M-Marvin!”
"Fucking hell!" Jackie shouts. He swims after Marvin.
"Wait, hold on!" Schneep swims after him as well, in case they need to make a quick getaway.
Marvin is too fast- having been here before he knows what to dodge and where to go.
Alt and Bro try to follow after the others but can’t catch up to Marvin.
Luckily Anti is still keeping the Ghost Leviathan occupied but it already seems like he’s slowing.
Schneep tries leaping closer to Marvin, but his targeting is slightly off. He has to swim the rest of the way.
Jackie curses under his breath. He's not going to be able to catch up! So he instead turns to look at Anti and rushes over, determined to help. "Hey! Ghostie goo!" he shouts.
“Jackie?! The fuck are you doing?!” Bro shouts and spurs after him.
Jackie’s shout distracts the Ghost Leviathan enough for it to look his way- and Anti lands a fireball in its face. It roars in pain and runs into some of the trees around as its vision is affected.
Marvin races over to Mer-Jackie and tries to shake him awake. Orange hybrid blood clouds in the water from Jackie’s bitten tail and a spot on his head where he hit the wall. Marvin blinks tears out of his eyes as he tries to wake his brother up. “j-Jackie?? Jackie! W-wake up!!”
Schneep stops next to Marvin. He reaches out, and feels the slightly warm blood in the water. "Jameson?!"
JJ hurries after everyone else, quickly catching up. He looks at mer-Jackie, assessing the damage. Head wound—tail wound—if there's ever a time for healing magic, it's now. This will take a minute, he says, eyes glowing blue as he grabs onto reaper Jackie's arm. A film of blue magic starts to cover his wounds, healing them slowly.
Marvin slightly snarls at JJ as he comes closer, almost curling up around Jackie protectively. But he blinks in surprise as he sees the wounds start to close.
Alt spurs over to the small group surrounding Reaper Jackie and then floats a bit away from them and uses his magic to create a shield around them.
JJ smiles at Marvin reassuringly. This is what my magic does, he says. Meanwhile, the wounds seal up.
"We have to get there soon! While it's distracted!" Schneep hisses.
Jackie grins and decides to put these mandible things to use. He swims up to the ghost leviathan and latches onto its side, serrated edges digging into its flesh and then quickly letting go. He swims downward immediately after. The Ghost Leviathan roars in pain and is immediately diverted off course and starts to swim away from its territory with fervor.
Bro blinks at Jackie’s attack and laughs, ramming against its tail slightly as it swims. “Yeahhh!! Dudes you guys fucked that thing up!!” Bro says, turning to Jackie and Anti.
Anti grins, the water bubbling a bit hot around the edges of his mouth. “Fuck yeah. I needed that.” He looks at Jackie though, “You were very impressive though… you know- for a human.”
"Ha! I'll take it." Jackie grins.
Alt braces his shield, thinking about Schneep’s warning and then gasps as he hears the Ghost Leviathan swimming away. He laughs in disbelief and lowers his shield. “I… I think we’re good to breathe for a second Schneep… it’s swimming away!”
"What the—oh, it is!" Schneep gasps. "Amazing! Driving off something so big. Truly a marvel."
Anti grins and then swims down back to everyone else, Bro follows close behind.
Marvin watches the magic with muted fascination and wonder, slowly getting closer and reaching out like he wants to touch it. “…y-you didn’t have to do this… w-why are you doing this?” He asks JJ. “…does it hurt you?”
JJ smiles at Marvin gently. No, it doesn't hurt me. It tires me out, if I use a lot of it, but it doesn't hurt me. As for why... well, I don't like seeing people hurt. Most people don't. Jackie is a good man—or, a good hybrid. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. He nods at the magic. You can touch it. But it won't feel like much of anything.
Marvin does go to touch it and just marvels at the sight of it. He feels over Jackie’s tail and balks as he feels the skin being healed over so fast. He laughs a little. “…that’s amazing… s-some white suit machines can do stuff like this… b-but I don’t think they’re this fast… or through. T-they still leave scars…”
He frowns as he sees the large scar on Jackie’s side and thoughtfully touches parts of his jaw.
Jackie notices the scar when Marvin does. He narrows his eyes slightly, wondering if the white suits were healing their own actions... and hating them just at the possibility.
If the wounds were worse there would be scars, JJ says. But lucky they weren't, and I got here quickly. He rubs his neck.
Anti lands down, looking a bit worried. “Is Jackie-?” Then he stops himself and blinks in surprise as Jackie looks almost completely fine. “W-Woah…”
Bro grins, “Yeah JJ! Way to go!”
JJ grins, a bit shyly. I'm just doing what I thought would help.
Schneep nudges him slightly. "And that is an admirable thing--not to mention it must take a lot of magic to heal."
Not that much, really. Though... he hopes that he doesn't have to use magic for a while. Just in case.
Soon enough the injured reaper opens his eyes, his wounds pretty much healed. He blinks in confusion then grins dopily- though he might just be dazed still. “…did we win?”
"Yes, Jackie, we won!" Schneep says, laughing.
Marvin snorts through his nose and playfully slaps mer- Jackie. “You fuck… you gave us all a fucking heart attack-“
“I didn’t ask to be bit and thrown across the cave!” The reaper protests.
Alt and Bro laugh.
“…just in case that thing is still around, why don’t you two join us inside the tunnel? Maybe Marvin will be able to warp again once we’re gone.” Alt says.
Jackie nods. "Yeah, we should get out of here quickly."
Anti shrugs. Mer-Jackie smiles and tries to get up but still seems kinda weak so Marvin grabs him and puts his arm over his shoulder. “…yeah okay I-I’m sticking with Marv…” the reaper laughs.
Marvin doesn’t really look at the others as he hurries towards the metal doorway. “c-c’mon then…”
Alt starts to follow closely behind, followed by Bro then Anti dragging behind the pack. The other three hurry after everyone else.
The cavern clearly looks like an underground cave that has slowly filled with water over the past century. The way is twisted and a bit confusing- branches of ghost trees jutting out and parts of the path looks like it’s made of its branches. Eventually, Marvin swims up a walkway made of wood before floating in front of a large impressive structure. It houses a glowing green field of energy, shining like light on top of water- inside a metal diamond frame. It looks completely foreign and alien to anything they’ve seen so far.
Such strange architecture, JJ comments. And then they arrive at the glowing green field. His eyes widen. How strange! Is this what we're looking for?
"Maybe?" Jackie says. "Certainly looks like fucking... alien stuff. Just by design."
Schneep slowly reaches out, and JJ pushes his hand to the side so that he touches the frame instead of the energy field. That probably wasn't something they wanted to do.
Marvin does exclaim as Schneep reaches out but relaxes as JJ diverts him. “y-Yeah this is it… it’s programmed to take people to… hq I think. Down in the lava zone. But… I think it can be programmed to go other places…?”
He looks at Alt finally and nudges his head towards the structure. “Wanna give it a try?”
"You got this, Alt!" Jackie says encouragingly.
Alt swallows shakily and then nods. He goes to place a hand on the structure and closes his eyes, feeling out the energy inside it. His tail sparks up as he tries. And trying to access the tech- trying to insert some of his own magic into it to find a grip- god it hurts! It’s a rush of a foreign alien language that makes no sense- just jumbles of words and symbols and things he couldn’t possibly understand. He digs claws into it before breaking off connection with a yell and falling down to the ground, clutching his head.
“Alt!” Bro shouts in concern and tries to swim towards him- but as he gets too close he gets mildly shocked and he spurs back. “What happened?!”
“T-Too m-much-“ Alt whimpers, his eyes filled with green light rippling just like the portal. His voice echoes slightly with static, sounding robotic. “D-Don’t under s-stand… too much p-p̵̯̕o̵͙̾ẅ̸̥e̵̪̊r̴̤̄”
JJ gasps. He starts rushing forward as well but then Bro gets shocked back and he stops.
"Too much power?!" Schneep repeats.  "What does that--"
The swirling mass of energy seems to glitch slightly- and seems to start to darken… in the middle- it almost seems like a crack is forming.
Jackie gasps. "Look!" He points at the energy... at the spot where it's darkening. "Is that--"
If it is, we have to link up! JJ says.
Alt’s head snaps up and his eyes widen. “W-What?! D-Did I do that?!”
“I-I dunno- we probably just have really bad luck!” Bro shouts, holding out a hand to Alt.
Anti pushes Marvin and Reaper Jackie behind him, growling at whatever this growing mass of black energy is.
“W-what is that?!” Marvin gasps.
The cavern shakes and the rift cracks open even bigger, glitching more and the water around the boys starts to get drawn in.
“It’s the rift! I… I guess this was all for nothing huh?” Alt says a bit tearfully. He looks to the merboys and smiles as they start getting pulled. “…thanks so much for trying to help us…”
"Yes, thank you so much," Schneep says. "Get out of here as soon as we are gone!"
It was nice to meet you! JJ adds.
"Maybe we'll see each other again!" Jackie shouts. He grabs onto Alt, and JJ grabs onto him and Schneep. "It wasn't all for nothing, Alt! We spent time with these guys, at least!" 
Alt blinks and then smiles with Jackie and nods. “y-Yeah…”
Jackie smiles back at them. "Goodbye!"
"Goodbye!" Schneep adds.
JJ nods a farewell.
Mer-Jackie tries to swim closer, looking like he wants to help but Anti holds him back with one of his tails. “W-We’ll see each other again! I-I just know it!” The reaper shouts after them. 
Bro grins, “I hope so! Take care of each other, okay?”
Anti blinks and then smiles giving them a nod. “…we will.”
The rift expands bigger with another crack and the pull is too much to resist. Down down the boys are pulled… falling through twisting caverns and caves that echo into nothingness.
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pinoyrella · 4 years
Part 2 🌸
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Chapter 5, Part 2
FT: Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Hinata Shoyo, Kageyama Tobio, Yachi Hitoka, Tsukishima Akiteru, Tanaka Saeko, Karasuno Volleyball Team, Karasuno High School + Shiratorizawa.
TW: Mild Language 
Genre: Fluff, Comedy, Angst, Coming of Age + Slow Burn 
-This part contains comedy, and fluff if you squint.
WORD COUNT: 3,200+
“A LOVE SO BEAUTIFUL” Masterlist 🌸
A/N: Here’s part 2!!! of the 3! Hope you enjoy again, hehehe! 💞💕💓
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The sound of an alarm rings throughout the small room.
Tsukishima lets out a low groan, turning to his side to snooze the alarm, before sitting up and grabbing his glasses placed beside it, reading ‘08:00’ on his alarm.
Checking his phone, he immediately notices a notification, swiping his phone and he is taken back to the Karasuno Volleyball Club’s groupchat.
[KAWWWW-rasuno VB Bois 😎🏐]
17:16 p.m
Sawamura D. : “Tanaka did you lock up the gym?”
17:16 p.m
Tanaka R. : “OH SHIT M BAD”
17:18 p.m
Nishinoya Y. : “BWAHAAHAH RYUU”
17:19 p.m
Ennoshita C. : “You’re joking, tell me you’re joking”
17:19 p.m
17:35 p.m
Tanaka R. : “I forgot the keys, going back again”
17: 53 p.m
Tanaka R. : “It’s locked already?”
17:56 p.m
Kiyoko S. : “Oh, Tanaka I’m sorry I just saw the messages. Hinata and Kageyama locked up the other night.”
17:58 p.m
Nishinoya Y. : “Kiyoko-san 👉🏼👈🏼🥺”
Read ✓✓✓
07:42 a.m
Sawamura D. : “Good morning team, don’t forget to meet up in front of the school by 8:45”
07:43 a.m
Nuisance 1 : “DAICHI-SAN IM SO EXCITED!!! I’LL BE THERE 8:30!!!”
07:45 a.m
07:46 a.m
Nuisance 1: “NOYA-SAN!!!!!”
07:50 a.m
7:52 a.m
Azumane A. : “it’s a little too late for that…”
07:58 a.m
Sugawara K. : “listen to the captain!! n e wayz see u all in a jiffy!”
07:59 a.m
King Nuisance 2: “jiffy?”
Tsukishima rolls his eyes, exiting the group chat before heading to check his other messages.
08:00 a.m
Yams: “Tsukki! Don’t forget to bring your sports glasses! See u soon!”
Tsukishima takes a mental note of what his friend sent him, replying with a ‘thx’ before exiting, and checking the last notification. It’s from you. 
02:23 a.m
Y/n: “KEI!!! I know ur probably asleep right now but, I don’t think I’m gonna be able to wake up the same time as u guys.. So I hope you’ll see this message when u wake up!”
02:25 a.m
Y/n: “I hope you sleep well tonight and get a bunch of rest, you’re going to do incredible! There’s no other person who I know that can block as great as you!!!”
02:26 a.m
Y/n: “You can do it, you will do it! You’re gonna BWOOSH BAM WAPOW that big guy Ushi-something’s spikes!! I’ll be cheering you on tomorrow, don’t forget! Okay goodnight now love u!!!!”
02:27 a.m
Y/n: “ 🥺💓💖💕💘💗💞💓💘💕💓💕💓💘💖💕💓💘💗💞💕💘💓💘💖💗💞🗿💖💘💓💕💗💞“
02:28 a.m
Y/n: “AHHH I didn’t mean to send the Moai emoji please pretend it’s a heart ToT”
Tsukishima can’t help but allow a smile to creep past him, fortunately for him he was alone, in the comfort of his room.
07:07 a.m
Tsukki💞: “Thanks, see u later nerd.”
Tsukishima writes before hopping out of bed, heading straight to the bathroom.
“Oh? Tsukki!” Yamaguchi calls, the heads of the Karasuno volleyball team members turning as Tsukishima makes his way past the school gates, exhausted.
“TSUKISHIMA!!!!” Calls, waving his arms to his fellow middle blocker. “SHUT UP HINATA” Kageyama yells. Daichi immediately breaks up the duo, giving a deathly glare as the second years chuckle. “Sorry…” The two mumble before Yamaguchi and Yachi approach the tall blonde.
“Please place your bags in the compartment below Tsukishima-kun.” Yachi instructs, receiving a tired nod from the boy.
“Good morning kids” The group turn their heads to see as their Coach and Advisor make their way out of the school building, with a folder of documents in hand, along with a first aid kit.
“Alright, I know we’re all tired, so rest up as much as you can on the drive.” He starts before looking at the captain. Daichi nods before giving Tanaka, Noya, Hinata and Kageyama a side glare. The four immediately gulp as the team begins to board the bus.
The bus makes a stop as the boys inside begin to dissemble. Kiyoko and Yachi help clear the bottom cart of the bus, unloading the baggage.
“The drive didn’t seem too bad” Asahi yawns before hopping off the bus. The sound of a crow crying waking him up.
“All right, let’s go everyone!” Sugawara pushes. “Yeah” The team lets out as they begin to walk towards the entrance of the building.
Daichi stays behind as he exchanges a conversation with three of his fellow female classmates from the girl’s volleyball team.
“Thanks again for giving me a ride to the game Aki-nii! I didn’t know you’d be back in town so soon, did you come just to watch Tsukki’s game?” You jump out of his car as you turn to meet him on the other side.
“Shhh Y/n-chan! He doesn’t know I’m here… Well, let alone he didn’t want me to come” He adjusts his hat and sunglasses. “And it’s no problem!” He gives a thumbs up before you let out a soft laugh. “You go ahead, I’m going to wait before going in, just in case he arrived the same time as we did” You nod before waving and running off.
“Wow” Tanaka lets out “So this is the finals… There’re so many people.” Nishinoya turns to his brethren before reassuring him. “Ryuu, this is no time to be scared!”
The man turns immediately to him “I’m not scared!”
Nishinoya closes his eyes before looking down, placing a firm hand on his friend’s shoulder. “Listen, Ryuu. Picture this.” His gaze rises “The finals… Our opponents are Shiratorizawa. What do you think is going to happen when we play to a crowd this big?
Tanaka eyes him, confused “What’s going to happen?” Just as he questions, the sounds of girls chattering passes the two, he immediately jumps up.
Nishinoya dives, chest facing down as he extends his arms to save the ball from dropping to the floor. HUP
Tanaka jumps, higher above the net before spiking, not giving the opposite team a chance to react. BAM
The crowd of Shiratorizawa girls go wild, “AH NISHINOYA-KUN! TANAKA-KUN! YOU’RE AMAZING” They cheer excitedly.
The two let out a sexy and husky chuckle.
”Nishinoya-kun, Tanaka-kun” An angelic voice calls out, making the two turn their heads to meet miss Kiyoko Shimizu.
”D-do your best out there…” She quietly wishes before covering her face with her hands.
The two boys join hands, giving each other a look of great determination.
“Noya-san, I’m gonna do this! I’m gonna become a hero after this match!” Tanaka promises his friend, giving a snarky smile. “I’m not gonna lose, Ryuu!” Nishinoya replies, reciprocating the same snarky smile. “RWWWAAAAAAAAUURRRGHHHHH” The two growl, causing the attention of people around to judge.
Ennoshita watches besides Narita and Kinoshita unamused before his friend speaks “They seem more hyped up than usual…”
“Guts! Guts! Guts! Guts!” They scream before Ennoshita cuts them off. “Hey, you’re embarrassing us, stop screaming!” He scolds.
“I’m glad those guys never change…” Narita lets out a small laugh as the two continue their screaming.
“Guts! Guts! Guts! Guts!” The team turns their head to watch as their mates continue to scream before Daichi comes back, obviously unamused. Just before Hinata was going to join in,  “SHUT UP, YOU TWO!” The captain yells. Yamaguchi lets out a chuckle as Tsukishima lets out a sigh. “As expected…”
“Come on, let’s go!” “YEAH!”
As the team makes their way into the gym, Hinata is stopped by his two old middle school friend’s, exchanging a quick conversation before splitting and catching up to his team, before getting into yet another quarrel with Kageyama.
“Why, you!” The sound of Kageyama growling causes Tsukishima to turn and give a look of annoyance between the two.
“Hey! Stop it, you two!” Daichi scolds. “You’re wasting energy before the finals? Are you guys completely stupid?” Tsukishima butts in bluntly, watching as Kageyama continually tries to strangle Hinata.
Yamaguchi lets out a look of embarrassment as he turns to notice the gaze from others in the hallway. “Well, we might immediately lose anyways…” Tsukishima scoffs before reaching into his bag.
“Yams!!” Yamaguchi turns to notice you running your way up to him, noticing him immediately. “Y/n!” Yamaguchi greets happily. Tsukishima looks up to see your running figure as he zips his bag shut. 
Yachi’s attention turns to you before greeting you, along with the rest of the team. “Y/n! You made it!” “Yachi I told you I’d come!” You whine before taking her hands. The sound of a strap snapping causes your gaze to turn to Tsukishima, who is adjusting his sport’s glasses.
“Good grief. Come on, let’s go” The captain lets out, finally stopping the two from their escapades.
You walk in between Kiyoko and Yachi along with the team.
“All right. As soon as we put our stuff away, we’re going to warm up!” Daichi states as his team lets out a “YEP!” in sync.
“Y/n, this is where we’re going to split up for a little bit, I’ll join you up by the bleachers once official starts!” Yachi informs you and you give a small smile. “It’s no worries!” You turn to notice Tsukishima’s eyes on you, immediately looking away before making eye contact.
You turn to face the team, wishing them a good luck before making your way to Tsukishima.
“Tsukki! Remember, I’ll be cheering for you!” You give a bright smile before heading off.
The boy stands there flustered, obviously trying so hard to hide his reaction before his senior calls. “Tsukki~” Sugawara teases, ruffling the top of his head. Nishinoya and Tanaka join in on the teasing as Yamaguchi lets out a snicker.
“Alright let's go!” Daichi orders. “Let’s go!”
You make your way up the bleachers, finding a seat as you watch the boys practice. Getting up to watch, you rest on the railing before Kageyama looks to find you, giving you a wave. You smile giving him a wave back before finding Tsukishima in the audience.
Just as you were to call out to him, you feel a heavy weight shove you. You let out a yelp as you shut your eyes from the impact. The feeling of liquid trickling down your clothes before squeaking out an apology.
Kageyama watches the spilled “accident” before immediately making his way off court.
“Oi! Kageyama where are you going?!” Daichi calls, Kageyama ignoring him as he leaves through the doors.
Tsukishima turns his head to watch as the setter runs out, then looking up to find you and Manami in the audience, this doesn’t look good. His eyes widened slightly in shock, as he was about to run out to assist you- his senior calls for him. He looks between you and his senior before assisting his senior instead.
“I-I’m so sorry!” You yelp, feeling liquid triple down your now wet attire. You open your eyes to meet the harsh glare of Manami. “Oops, my bad.” She replies antagonistically before walking off with Watabe.
You stand there bewildered, looking down and letting out a sigh. You make your way from the bleachers to the bathroom, hoping you can dry and spare this day from being completely ruined with your soaked blouse.
Standing in front of the mirror, you let out a sigh of frustration and you aggressively press the layer of napkins to your blouse, trying to dry it, but it doesn’t seem to be working as much as you hoped it would.
Not wanting to waste anymore time, you toss the napkin away before making your way out, only to bump into Kageyama.
Kageyama stands in front of you, “Are you okay?” He asks quietly before you let out a small “yeah”. He takes his hand, bringing it closer to you. Looking, you watch as he is offering you his spare jersey to wear. “Oh! Kageyama it’s okay, really I-” “Please take it, you could get sick.” He states before you nod, taking it from his hands and thanking him.
Realization hits before you run behind him, beginning to push him. “Go back! You’re missing valuable time to practice, don’t worry about me!” He turns to face you, giving your head a pat before smiling slyly. He waves to you before running off, leaving you.
You quickly change from your blouse, tucking the useless piece of clothing into your little bag. You look up into the mirror and realize just how big it looks on you, draping nearly past your thighs. Zipping your bag up, you immediately make your way out of the bathroom to the bleachers.
“KAGEYAMA!” Hinata yells as the setter makes his way back into the court. “Kageyama-kun, are you alright?” Kiyoko asks before he nods. Explaining to her how he had watched as someone spilled their drink on you, only leaving to help you briefly. From this Yamaguchi and Tsukishima hear, they look back up to the bleachers to still find you gone. 
The two share a brief moment of silence looking at each other. Tsukishima is about to run out, before the coach calls for him. 
“Tsukishima-kun! Don’t think about leaving. Everyone get ready to line-up” He calls before Tsukishima nods, following his orders.
He looks back up to the bleachers, worried and wanting to give you his spare jersey to change into, thinking of how sitting through an entire game in wet clothes is bound to get you sick.
Yachi bids her team a ‘good luck’ before making her way off court.
You make your way back to the railing, just in time to meet the booming voice of your school’s Vice Principal. 
“Listen up, everyone!” He yells, you stop and turn your attention to him. “We need to cheer as loud as we can so our cheers’ becomes the players’ strength!” You let out a “right!” along with the other students, surprised by his behavior. “The vice-principal sure seems worked up about this.” You hear your classmate say to his friend besides you. “Was he always like that?” His friend replies as you let out a low chuckle.
“Go, go, Karasuno! Push it, push it, Karasuno!” The Vice Principal cheers, clapping the two cones in his hands together. The school repeats the cheer, but incredibly off sync. Causing the Vice Principal to let out another scold. “We just practiced this yesterday!” You watch as you homeroom teacher makes her way to calm him down.
“A-are they gonna be okay?” You hear the voice of another man besides you, turning to find a tall man besides another who you deemed familiar. ‘Yamaguchi’s mentor!’ You remember before turning your attention to hear a familiar voice whispering.
“I’m not anyone suspicious!” You watch as Akiteru is being pulled by gorgeous blonde baddie, making her way to the three of you by the railing. “I saw this suspicious guy wandering around!” You turn to look at the ‘suspicious man’, remembering the hat, sunglasses and face mask he was preparing when you two hopped out of his car. “He ran when he saw me, so I caught him!” ‘That is very suspicious’ you admit to yourself as she meets up to the three of you. “He could be a Shiratorizawa spy!”
And at that, you can’t help but laugh. “What?!” Shimada questions and you watch Akiteru trying to explain himself. “W-wait! I’m a relative!” He removes his sunglasses and mask, continuing his alibi. “I’m Tsukishima Kei’s older brother!” He proudly says.
“Tsukishima-kun’s older brother?!” The two men reply in shock.
“SHHHH! SHHHH! He told me not to come to the match.” You look down and notice Tsukishima glaring up to the stands, obviously aware of his older brother’s presence. You watch as Akiteru ducks under the railing, before looking down and giving him a wave. He waves back slowly before turning his focus back on his coach.
“Those two are nothing alike, especially their personalities.” The tall blonde man says to the shorter blonde woman. 
Your snickering causes the attention of the four adults to turn to you. “Huh?” You watch as the woman approaches you. “You’re so cute!” She lets out before looking down to notice your jersey. The other three adults following her gaze. 
Their eyes widen in shock, especially Akiteru’s. “Are you here for Tobio-kun?!” She asks, obviously loving the cute idea of wearing your significant other’s jersey to his game.
Akiteru watches you, awaiting your answer. Wondering if it’s true, confused on how the last time he had visited it felt so obvious you felt something for his younger brother.
“N-no that’s not it! He’s one of my friends, he offered me his spare jersey not too long ago because of an accident.” You reply, not noticing the sigh of relief Akiteru lets out.
“Awh, that would have been so cute” She replies disappointedly, resting her arm on the railing.
“I’m Saeko, Tanaka’s older sister, you can call me Saeko-nee” She winks and you are left flustered, exchanging a greeting back. “These two over there are Shimada and Takinoue” She points to the other two men, you share a greeting with them as well.
“And this one over here” She points to Akiteru. “Suspicious man” She laughs and you notice Akiteru fume again. “I told you I’m not suspicious, tell her Y/n-chan!” “Y/n-chan?” The women turns back to you. “Oh? Do you know him? Blink twice if you don’t” She jokes.
“Y-yes I do, don't worry! We actually came together. We’re neighbors!” You assure her and she lets out an ‘ah’ before you hear the familiar sound of your friend.
“Y/n-chan!” “Yachi!” She meets beside you, greeting the other four adults before her gaze falls onto your clothing.
“I-is that Kageyama’s?!” She asks flustered and you nod, explaining the same thing you have told the other four adults, not wanting her to think you had anything romantic going on with one of your friends.
The sound of a whistle blown causes everyone’s attention to turn to the court, you watch as the game begins, the team’s lining up on both ends as the reporter announces the teams. “We will now begin the Japanese National High School Volleyball Tournament, Miyagi’s Prefecture Qualifiers, Boy’s Finals.”
You watch in anticipation, feeling your heart race with excitement.
“Miyagi’s Karasuno High School. Miyagi’s Shiratorizawa Academy.”
You yell out a cheer with the crowd, watching both captains exchange a hand shake.
“Wow there's a bunch of TV crews” Saeko lets out.
“We will now introduce Karasuno High School’s starting line-up.” The speakers announce, turning everyone’s attention back to Karasuno’s side of the court. “Number 1, Sawamura Daichi. Number 3, Azumane Asahi. Number 5, Tanaka Ryuunosuke.” “RYUU!!!” Saeko cheers besides you. “Number 9, Kageyama Tobio. Number 10, Hinata Shoyo.” You let out a cheer for your two friends, before the last player is announced. “Number 11, Tsukishima Kei” With his name said, you let out an even louder cheer, with Akiteru, watching as he jogs across the court to meet his team.
Afterwards, the reporter announces Shiratorizawa’s line-up. You shake with Yachi in intimidation, watching the very tall boys jog across the court one by one.
“Ladies and gentlemen, please cheer on both teams and wish them the best.”
You let out a sigh before turning to the five people besides you. “Oh geez, I’m starting to feel nervous.” 
Let the games begin.
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Part 1
Part 3
Chapter 5
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dolphin-enthusiast · 4 years
good evening caro mio, it's very lovely to see you~!! 💞🌹💫 oh my, i was gone for a little bit wasn't i? i apologize if i made any of you worry/wasn't there to help brighten your days like you say i do!! i was taking a little bit of a mental health break, and i feel a lot better now!!! i'm so happy to be back here, i missed you all so much!! (especially you morgy! ❤) (1/???)
"i hope your first day of school went alright,, i know how much it sucks, but i'm here alongside you to get through it all!! hopefully this school year can be at least a teensy bit easier on everyone,, but we do have to take it one day at a time, or as i say, baby steps 🌠 i should probably address this now so i can get the serious bits out of the way, but i assure you all that i'm alright!! that incident was just unfortunate, and my family made me take a rest from working because of it,, (2/?)
plus, that kind of situation is common for me unfortunately, so i'm used to sudden panics like that,, but i feel quite better now!! and i'm happier more than ever to be back again 💖💖💖 (3/?)
i do truly thank you all from the bottom of my heart for all of your patience, kind words, and support!! i'm honestly extremely surprised at how sweet everyone was about this,, it's such a nice change from daily life,, i have no idea how to put my utter gratefulness into words, but please know that i love you all so so so much!! i wouldn't trade any of you for the world, you matter so much to me 💌 (4/?)
it seems that so much has happened while i was gone,, all of these picrews (which i absolutely adore!) and quinn getting into my account?? ahhhhh oh gosh,, that's a lot!! i'm gonna have to scold her! i can't believe she would submit such candid pics of me and other stuff,, quite embarrassing! but i wasn't expecting such a positive response to me and my one cat,,, who knew that all you anons find me sleeping cute??? it's confusing to me, but i find it quite funny hehe 😖❤ (5/?)
luckily i was able to be a little more productive lately, even if i have been exausted!! i've been cooking, cleaning, modeling, sewing, dancing, and editing videos for people,, so much work! i do think it's worth it though, it helps distract me from the bad things in life, and other people end up happy,, i'd consider it a win-win for me!!! my dad also taught me how to fix up an angelo azzuro,, which is a cocktail i didn't learn yet! (6/?)
it took two days of hard work and practice, but according to him, i "nailed it right on the head" my papa is always my go-to for mixology, he taught me most of what i know, and he's always the first person to try my drinks! apparently it's a very interesting concept to my other friends, since they have so limited access to spirits,, it does make sense though! (7/?)
we italians just don't care about drinking ages hehehe, as long as we're responsible and cautious with age, it adds to our lifespan ;) during that short break, i suppose my narcolepsy flared up a lot since i was falling asleep left and right! it was awful having to constantly wake up with either a migraine, extra tiredness, or even a bruise or two,, thankfully though i had my family to watch over me,, at least i was finally able to make up for lost sleep hehe 💫 (8/?)
i also got to play a lot of minecraft hehe,, my friend and i actually spent a full day doing a speedrun world, and we killed the ender dragon and wither within only 2 1/2 hours!! it was crazy,, i guess me and him just make a dynamic duo (but i dare to say,, not quite as dynamic as you and me 😉) speaking of minecraft, over the weekend i decided that i'm going to start streaming on twitch soon as a hobby!! i'm very excited for this, it's something i've wanted to do for a very long time now (9/?)
all of my friends and my siblings are very supportive of it, which i'm super glad about!! i've always found little bits of joy in my favorite streamers, so why not give back to that community? an artist friend of mine even drew me a pfp as a gift, it's so cute! all i have to do is figure out a balance between school, personal life, and streaming, then i'll be set,, i'm always happy to get a new hobby 😊✨ (10/?)
oh my, it's almost 23:45 now!! sadly, unlike today, tomorrow is full of classes and work,, so i should probably get going to bed! i'll hopefully see you tomorrow then, darling! goodnight, and as always, sweet dreams,, make sure to rest extra when you can 💗- much much love and extra hugs, waifu anon xoxo 💗❤💖💞💓💕💘💌 ps: you say that you'd come all the way to america just to say such kind things to me?? it looks like i'll just have to return the favor then darling 💘 (11/11)"
This do b kinda late ngl since im assuming i literally leave for school just as u send those in💀💀💀 things r kinda hard w school here but today was actually one of the few decent days i had in what y e a r s??? Me n my friends went out after classes and spent the entire afternoon sipping boba tea (it was my first time having it since boba places r rare here and we had to travel in the opposite part of the city and holy shit my third eye opened bruh i A S C E N D E D) and talking abt anime and simping and basically clowned eachother constantly jahahhdkf
B u t enough of that bc i see u had some nice days goin on as well😳😳 as i said many times before i'd kill a man to taste the cocktails that u do and one day we finna do that on g o d 😩✌️ and STREAMING? DROP THE LINK WILL YA DARLIN ME N THE CLOWN ARMY WILL BE THERE IN A H E A R T B E A T HDJDJSJ honestly streamer waifu is such a nice concept....i myself dream of streaming but sadly i dont have the time, space, money and overall neccesary equipments for it which is lowkey depressing ngl💀
Either way im glad to hear u been balancing things out and taking breaks dear, i myself am t r y i n g to make time for other stuff too since i really wanna write and watch anime (u know what series i just finished and had a 🅱️REAKDOWN 🅱️ REAKDOWN over one hour ago🤡🔪) but the schedule do b wacky ngl....
And as always i say: of c o r p s e everyone had positive reactions?? W h y w o u l d n t t h e y-
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