#warper marvin
septnautical · 5 months
Achievement Unlocked: Below Zero
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Congrats! You’ve all gained access to Below Zero with Marvin as your guide! You all can ask him questions or tell him places to go or even suggest creatures to encounter and let’s see what he can find out! :)
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 7: Septnautical
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Once they're on the other side: they're immediately met by a strange site. It seems to be a huge cavern filled with low floating greenish brine. And what looks like a huge gigantic ribcage of a long dead creature smack dab in the middle like a pathway.
Once Marvin sees he gasps and the merboys grab the visitors nearest to them and quickly dash them all behind some rocks.
"Whoaa—" Jackie marvels at the ribcage before getting pulled away. "Hey! What the hell?!"
"Marvin!" Mer-Jackie whispers in a hush, "I thought you said you were taking us straight to that arch thing! You put us right in the getting-eaten-territory!!"
Marvin looks freaked out, "I-I I didn't mean to put us here! I-It shouldn't have put us here!”
Jackie's eyes widen and he immediately regrets shouting. He pokes his head over the rocks but JJ grabs him and drags him down again.
"I-it must have been a mistake," Schneep whispers, trying to see if he senses any especially large creatures nearby. "Perhaps something interfered with your powers? Like—like how radio waves interfere with each other sometimes and make static?"
I don't think they'll understand that, JJ points out.
Marvin growls and shows off his fangs. "I-It's okay... we can't panic we just... gotta figure out how to get a-all of us to the arch without a-alerting mesmers or ghost leviathans or getting in the brine..."
"And... crabsquids." Jamie adds nervously.
"That's a very long dangerous check-list..." Chase mumbles.
Mer-Jackie swims up like Jackie did to look at the area. "... I don't see any ghost leviathans yet... but those things are sneaky..."
JJ also looks over the rocks. He vaguely remembers Anti showing him some pictures of stuff from Subnautica... if he's correct, the ghost leviathans are huge and glowy. Yeah, no sign of them. We just... have to be quiet, he says. With all of us, we can keep an eye out.
"Is there anything I can do to help?" Schneep asks. "I am, apparently, made for this environment." He flicks his tail. "Maybe I should go first? Even with the... you know." He waves his hand in front of his face.
"Technically you and JJ are safe here. Ghost rays also live around here," Henrik says. "So... maybe that could work."
"We can form a group," Jackie mutters. "Like a little ball. The ones who are more vulnerable to the poison brine stay in the middle, and the rest stick to the edges.”
"Can't you simply make another warp gate?" Schneep asks Marvin.
"If he could, I'm sure he would've suggested that," Jackie says.
"Oh- y-yeah lemme see-" Marvin says as he quietly tries to open a new gate- they can be kinda loud. However, when he tries, he gets a shock of green electricity up his hands and he yelps. Then, he full blown starts to panic, his voice raising. "i-I-i! I can't m-make another gate!!"
"Shit- I didn't think we were near the no-warp zone!" Mer-Jackie curses.
"I-I don't think we are! I just... i-I can't make one!" Marvin screeches in distress. Jamie surges over and grabs his arm, trying to shush him. Chase also comes over and tries to quiet him, "M-Marv calm down, we'll figure something out!"
Alt suddenly pales and curses, "...ah shit- m-maybe my glitches...?"
"Alt!" Bro hisses, "I told you!!"
"I know I know I'm sorry!" Alt whispers.
Marvin doesn't seem to hear his brothers though as he looks up at Alt and suddenly snarls. "Y-You! Your f-freaky powers messed with mine!" He then bursts out from where Chase and Jamie are holding him and goes to tackle Alt to the ground with a yell. Alt squeaks in response and tries to push him off but he's a bit freaked out. "I-I didn't think it'd hurt you! I-I'm sorry!"
Jackie blanches and rushes over to Marvin and Alt. The mandibles on his back instinctively shoot out and grab Marvin on either side. "Leave him alone! He didn't do anything!" Jackie says, trying to pull Marvin back.
Jackie, be careful! JJ says, also jumping in to help. He casts a protective shield in between Alt and Marvin, hoping to push Marvin's hands away.
"I think JJ was right earlier, I think we should be quiet!" Schneep says, trying to be heard without raising his voice too much. He keeps trying to sense nearby souls.
Marvin is snarling like a terrifying predator eyes trying to go pink behind his mask. Alt covers his head and then blinks as JJ shields him.
Bro gets in between Marvin and Alt and pushes Marvin back with a snarl. “Back off!”
Anti and Mer Jackie growls at seeing Marvin get pushed and Chase has to grab them both to make sure they don’t go after them too.
Then, there’s a terrifying roar coming from the expanse before them- the area starting to show a blue glow.
Bro freezes, “…that’s bad news isn’t.”
The way Marvin and Reaper Jackie freeze seem to answer their questions.
Jackie lets go of Marvin and backs away at the sound of the roar.
Ghost? JJ guesses.
Schneep's eyes widen. "That feels big." He feels around the rocks. "I-is there anywhere to hide?! Any—any small crevices? If not, fucking run."
“Marvin, which way is the arch?!” Henrik asks sharply.
“I don’t know!” Marvin squeaks, “That’s why I was hoping we’d just warp there! I haven’t been over there lately this place is like a fucking maze!!”
“S-So run then?!” Bro asks.
“Swim!” Mer-Jackie yells as a bright blue horrifying fish with a hammerhead like head barrels towards them through the murky water, trailing blue like ribbons and roaring so loud they can feel its vibrations in the water.
Bro sees this terrifying thing coming and for a second he freezes- but he sees Henrik is too. Without thinking he barrels into Hen right as this thing sails over top of them and ends up crashing the two of them back down into one of the rocks. Jackie and JJ dive down, swimming as fast as they possibly can away. Meanwhile, Schneep is gone the moment he feels the vibration of the roar. Just completely out of sight, having leapt away. Alt glitches away and has to right himself as he feels a bit dizzy doing so.
The rest of the boys manage to dodge okay while Marvin panickedly look around. He spies something in the distance and spurs down, "I-I'm starting to remember! Swim down towards that smaller set of ribs!" Bro helps Henrik up and grabs his hand to help him follow. Mer-Jackie does the same with Anti and Chase grabs Jamie- just because their tails make them a bit slow. Jackie and JJ swim after them. Schneep waits until the group is on the very end of his soul sensing range and then leaps over to them from his hiding spot in that strange cooler section of water near the ground.
Luckily for them, the Ghost Leviathan is clumsy and sped straight past them- too big to turn back around to chase them in time. By the time it does, the merboys have all swam down into a lower section of the briney falls. They all stop to catch their breath.
"F-Fucking hell..." Alt gasps, "T-that thing was terrifying...!"
“That was so loud," Schneep gasps.
If I wasn't running on pure adrenaline and terror that might have been cool, JJ says. But again. Pure adrenaline and terror.
"I-is everyone okay?" Jackie asks, looking around. "Schneep? You kind of disappeared for a moment there."
"I was in a cooler section of water, I think it was perhaps some sort of mist," Schneep says. "It must have hid me."
“That is the brine-“ Henrik explains. “Ah but no worries for you… it can be your protection here. It is too close to the ground for the ghosts to go towards.”
"The brine..." Schneep repeats. "Brine. Brine. Briiiine." He giggles a little. "A funny word."
"Oh god the near-death experience made you loopy," Jackie comments.
"I tend to disassociate when too upset, actually," Schneep says casually. And then break down, but that doesn't need to be shared. "I just think it is a funny word."
“You sound like Alt when he’s loopy after glitching too much.” Bro snickers. Alt frowns and flicks Bro. Then he laughs. “It is a fun word though- don’t get to say it often. Briiiiine-“
“Okay that’s enough,” Chase laughs.
Alt swallows and then timidly goes up to Marvin. “…I’m so sorry I caused this I… is there any way I can help?”
Marvin looks away and rubs his wrists. “…we probably need to just… give it a bit… I-I self repair… whatever you did will get out of my system somehow…”
"Sorry I grabbed you, too," Jackie mutters. "Panicked."
No harm done, it all seems! JJ signs cheerfully.
“Let’s not get too dragged down gang,” Bro tries to say lightly. “We can get through this! Who knows how to navigate down here?”
“Probably Marvin… the rest of us don’t come here…” Anti grumbles. He seems to be swimming a bit slower as he wraps his arms around himself, “p-probably because it’s f-fucking freezing down here…”
“Is it?” Marvin says, flicking his tails. “… I never noticed.”
“It is kinda chilly…” Chase agrees, rubbing his arms.
“I think it’s bracing!” Mer-Jackie grins. Anti whacks him with one of his tails.
JJ shrugs. Seems perfectly fine to me.
"Me too," Schneep adds.
Jackie frowns. "Maybe it's a bit chilly."
"Perhaps it has to do with the temperatures our, ah... fish... samples? The temperatures they can live in," Schneep says.
"Then why am I cold?" Jackie asks. "I thought I was some arctic creature!"
You're also a lobster, JJ says, amused.
“What’s a lob-ster?” Jamie whispers with a tilted head.
“Some weird human thing I’m guessing.” Anti grunts.
Marvin stiffens a bit and his eyes turn slightly pink as he drones, “The chelicerate is a predatory animal that patrols the warmer waters found near thermal vents.”
“Ohhh so that’s why!” Mer-Jackie grins, “Your species hunts in warmer waters. Guess not everything is icy over there.”
“Huh. Guess that explains it,” Jackie says. “Weird that there’s some animal that sticks to a vent when the rest of the water is so cold. Like—you think they’d evolve to tolerate the cold, then.”
“There are animals like that on Earth.” Schneep shrugs. “I suppose it just shows that if life is possible, it will find a way.”
“S’also why i’m miserable…” Anti pouts. “I need a thermal vent…”
“I think there’s some on the way, Anti.” Marvin tries to smile at him. “C’mon.”
Marvin starts to lead them down further into the cave, swimming right above the brine as it swirls like a cloud on the sea floor. The area is beautiful in an eerie way. Above them they can see ghost rays swimming, letting out an ethereal ghostly song.
Alt grins and nudges JJ, “Look! It’s you!”
JJ looks up at the ghost rays. “Ooooo.” He waves at them, grinning wide. Prettyyyyy.
“So how far d’you think we are from that place?” Jackie asks. “And can you describe the stuff to avoid? Heard you mention… mesmers and… crabsquids?”
“I think a crabsquid is described in its name,” Schneep points out.
“Hey, you never know.”
“I mean other Schneep’s not wrong,”  Chase laughs, “They’re… big creatures with long legs like a crab. They emit emp blasts.”
Alt pales at this, “Oh they do? …gotta make sure to avoid that…”
“Mesmers are smaller but I think they stay mainly around those bones…” Mer-Jackie says as he looks around.
“There are also the river prowlers…” Henrik points out. “But maybe they will avoid us because we have one with us?”
The corridor is starting to get darker, bits of bright blue light shining on the cave walls.
But suddenly… there’s the sound of a drone of some sort… and something foreign calling out to the group. Strange creatures… come closer… don’t be afraid… come over this way….
Schneep stops swimming momentarily. “Do you all hear that?” It’s a voice. How unusual… he doesn’t think he can sense any strong souls. He turns to face that way just in case.
“Hmm?” Jackie also turns towards the pull.
JJ frowns and quickly shoves the voice into the back of his head. Anything that talks to you like that can’t be good.
Anti hears the voice in his head and freezes, then shrinks up and curls to put his hands over his ears. “No! No no g-get out!”
Henrik quickly swims over to see what’s wrong. “A-Anti??”
Alt shudders as he hears the voice and hunches up, his tail starting to light up with sparks.
Those who feel the pull turn to see creatures with beautiful swirling wings flowing out of the darker water, coming towards them. Once they hear it and look at the colors- it’s impossible to turn away. They feel themselves drawn forward towards that beautiful light. It’s just… so pretty…
As the boys are drawn in they see the water around their vision swirling with beautiful pastels green purple and blues- the effect getting stronger the more they turn towards the creatures. Stronger the closer they get… they want to get closer.
Oh… that’s beautiful. Jackie has never seen anything so beautiful. He grabs onto Schneep’s shoulder. “Wish you could see this,” he whispers.
Schneep frowns. “Why? What is happening?”
JJ looks back at the others. His eyes widen. No no no! It’s just like those spirals in that SCLERA place! He darts forward, keeping his eyes down and squinted, and grabs onto Jackie, trying to pull him back. But Jackie just frowns in annoyance and shoves him away without even looking.
Bro looks over and gets drawn into the swirls of color. “…wow…” he laughs dazedly and starts to swim forward. The Mesmer beckons him closer.
Marvin and Reaper Jackie, who are leading the pack, look back in confusion as the group starts to disperse. “What are you guys doing?” Marvin squeaks in concern.
Henrik gasps, “It is a swarm of mesmers! E-everyone do not listen and do not look! Try to get away from them!”
But, it seems Chase and Jamie have fallen for the voices too. Floating together towards one Mesmer, Bro going towards another.
The Mesmer drawing Jackie in seems pleased. That’s it child… very good… don’t resist… don’t look away..  come closer… let me show you something beautiful. The mesmers drone to their prey.
As Jackie nears it- it suddenly opens up its mouth and 4 sharp toothed tentacles try to snap shut around his face.
JJ cries out. Schneep, get him away from there! he signs. He backs up, concentrating, and sends out a spray of magic, aiming mostly for the one that's trying to eat Jackie but hoping to catch others in the crossfire. But nerves cause his magic to go wide by a long shot.
Schneep leaps out of Jackie's grip and grabs his tail from behind, pulling him away and downward.
Jackie yelps and finally looks away, down at Schneep. "Dude, what the fuck?!"
"Try to think clearly, Jackie!" Schneep shouts. "Do you think this is normal?!"
Alt doesn’t know why he’s able to avoid this so well but he dives towards the Mesmer drawing in Bro and tries to shock it.
The Mesmer trying to draw in Bro dodges Alt’s attack and swims away, dragging Bro to follow closely after it. He grins in delight and doesn’t take his eyes away.
“C-Chase! Wake up!” Alt tries to call, grabbing onto Bro’s arm. But he makes the mistake of looking up and- fuck! Another comes up a bit closer to get in Alt’s line of sight- and Alt looks directly at it. He feels his senses leave him completely. The drone overtaking everything else.
yes… don’t resist now… come come… I’m very friendly… come see my beauty…
Alt’s shoulders slump and he breathes out, relaxing. “Okay…” he lets go of Bro and starts to swim dazedly towards the one pulling him away.
“No! D-Don’t!” Marvin tries to warn but he swims back- terrified of the swarm as it brings back memories. Without his warps- he feels powerless.
JJ sees Alt get taken in out of the corner of his eyes. He gasps and sends a spear of icy magic towards that mesmer.
The ice shreds through the Mesmer, leaking yellow blood into the water as its fishy body is cut in half. Alt stops swimming but- his eyes are still swirling with its colors. He still feels entranced. He doesn’t seem to notice anything else around him. He can’t even bring himself to keep his tail swimming so he starts to fall through the water.
Mer-Jackie roars and tries to tackle the ones targeting his brothers. As ReaperJackie tries to tackle the Mesmer drawing in Chase and JJ- another one gets right in his face. His eyes immediately start to swirl and he lowers his mandibles and hands.
oh… we remember you strange reaper… you were quite the tasty meal… will you let us feed on you again? In exchange we will let you gaze upon our beauty for as long as you can…
Mer-Jackie breathes, his head lolling a bit on his neck. “Y…yeah…” he whispers- going in a tight circle as the Mesmer makes its prey follow it docilely like a game.
“J-Jackie!” Henrik shouts. Anti is still too freaked out to do anything- his body shaking against his will.
Bro gets close to his Mesmer- staring at its wings with delight in his eyes- its mouth starts to spread apart- fangs glistening in the dull cave light but he doesn’t seem to notice.
Jackie shakes his head. Huh? What was he doing? Schneep has pulled him close to the ground, almost to the brine, and as he looks up he sees the teeth and fangs on the mesmers. "Holy shit!" he gasps. "Th-they're gonna—we got to do something!"
Schneep reaches to a side for a weapon—and pulls out his trusty scissors. "Tell me where they are and I will go there."
"You can tell where people are, right?!" Jackie says urgently.
"There's one right in front of Bro, i-it's the one closest to someone, it's about to fucking eat him!"
"Got it!" Schneep disappears, and reappears in the water right above the mesmer, stabbing downwards. Schneep manages to skewer the Mesmer and it shrieks in anger and tries to wrap a tentacle around Schneep’s arm.
Jackie looks around wildly, trying not to look directly at anything. He sees his hybrid counterpart try and get close to one of the mesmers, only to get caught in its grip. He has to do something! Closing his eyes, he charges through the water with a yell, hoping to pin the mesmer.
By some miracle, Jackie’s hybrid instincts kick in and his mandible crushes the Mesmer into one of the stalagmites. Mer-Jackie is still entranced though, just slowing to a halt and sinking a bit through the water- not knowing where else to swim.
Marvin yelps and dives down to catch him, holding his twin close to his chest.
Schneep stabs the mesmer’s tentacle as soon as it latches onto him, then leaps behind Bro. He grabs onto him and starts pulling the same way he did with Jackie. JJ grabs onto Alt where he’s floating and starts swimming away. Jackie backs away from the crushed mesmer, breathing heavily, stunned at his own capabilities. He sees the other two and Marvin grabbing the mesmer victims and dives down next to Marvin to help.
The Mesmer Schneep attacks screeches in pain and swims away. And soon, Bro is able to shake out of the trance and blinks up at Schneep as they’re pulled away. “H-huh? Schneep?”
Chase and Jamie have neared theirs, Chase reaching out towards it. The Mesmer snaps out its jaw and bites down hard on Chase’s arm. He’s snapped out of trance as he yells in pain. This is enough to make Anti uncurl and roar in anger. Sending a fire ball out to blast and kill their Mesmer. Jamie blinks in slow dazed confusion and Chase tries to scoop him up, looking for a place to take everyone to hide.
Henrik seems to pick up on this and looks around and points down below where the brine makes a couple waterfalls, seeing a plateau of safe rock just below the streams. “D-Down there! Hide behind the brine, I think there’s a cave there!”
Chase and Marvin nod and hurry down, curving around the stream and finding safety behind the falls. As soon as the three others hear Henrik shout, they move in that direction as well, JJ taking Alt, Schneep taking Bro, and Jackie taking mer-Jackie- seeing Marvin have some difficulty carrying him. 
They’re all taken down under the falls and luckily, enough of them glow enough to shed at least some light in the shallow cave.
Henrik leads in with Anti and sighs shakily. “W-Who’s hurt?”
“I-I got bit,” Chase says and Henrik swims over and rummages through his bag, finding some creepvines and wrapping up Chase’s hand.
Marvin is shaking but stays outside the cave to watch out for any more signs of trouble.
Bro settles to the ground, still a bit disoriented and spacey. “What… what happened…?”
“Mesmers…” Henrik snarls, showing a bit of anger.
Jackie shivers. “I-I thought you said those things stick around the bones. I figured we’d gone far enough away from them to not have to fucking worry.”
“Maybe we weren’t far enough away… or we were too interesting to ignore…” Chase mumbles, frowning at the still tranced Jamie.
JJ shakes his head. I don’t like that. I don’t like things that… mess with your head.
Jackie gives him a strange look. “Uh… you mentioned… something called Distorter once…”
JJ pales a little. Lets just say that if Distorter was a hybrid, he would definitely be one of those things.
“I see…” Jackie mutters.
“I-I think we are all safe?” Schneep says, holding tight to his scissors still.
Bro sees Alt still tranced in JJ’s arms and he hurries over, trying to shake Alt awake. “A-Alt?! Alt hey!” But Alt’s head just dazedly lolls backs and forth. “T-The fuck?!”
Anti looks at JJ with probably the most sympathetic look he’s given yet. He then swims over to Jamie in Chase’s arm and frowns, “I don’t get it… w-we killed those fuckers right? Why are they still… caught in this?”
Jackie frowns. "Maybe—maybe we just need to snap them out of it?"
"If Alt is not being snapped out by Bro shouting at him, what will snap him out of it?" Schneep asks.
"Uhhhh... we could slap him?"
Schneep frowns disapprovingly.
JJ looks out through the brine waterfall, checking that there are no threats. There aren't, but something could show up at any moment. He pulls back. I think we should move on. We can carry them with us.
Henrik snaps out of his focus as he finished Chase’s arm and nods to Jackie. “A-Actually yes! The only thing I have found to work is… t-temporary pain. I do not know why… but the trance only lingers if a Mesmer is killed while their victim is in trance.”
"Huh. Weird." Jackie pauses for a moment. "Maybe it's something like... the signal is able to continue in their head? Sort of... sustain itself? I dunno, I know there are a lot of mental magick spells like that. 
“That is a good theory…” Henrik muses.
“Anyway." Jackie swims over to Alt. "Sorry, Alt." And he slaps him across the face.
Alt immediately exclaims in surprise and grabs his cheek, the colors immediately clearing from his eyes. “Ow! Jesus!”
Schneep can't help but laugh a little at the sudden slap noise. "Ah—sorry, that is not funny. Just—the noise without context."
“Oh thank god…” Bro sighs in relief. “T-Thanks Jackie I dunno if I could have done that.”
Alt massages his cheek with a confused frown then sits up with a gasp. “T-That weird fish! It.. it-“ He looks visibly pale as he swallows shakily. “…f-fucking god damn it…”
"No problem." Jackie nods at Bro. "You okay, Alt? I don't think I hit you too hard, but I also feel stonger in this merman form so I might not be a good judge.”
Alt tries to nod but he’s visibly shaken. “Y-Yeah I’m… it s-stung like a bitch but I’m… I’m fine.” Bro frowns and brings in Alt for a very gentle hug. Alt shudders and flicks his tail to try not to spiral. 
Anti frowns at Jamie and then slaps one of his tentacles against his face. Jamie makes a noise of surprise then sits up, blinking up at his brothers in confusion.
Mer Jackie is still under too but he seems to slightly be waking up, not down as long as the others. “…m..Marv…?” He mumbles, blinking like it’s still kinda hard to see.
"Oh! Hey, other me!" Jackie looks back at mer-Jackie. "Marvin? He wants you!"
Marvin perks up and swims back quickly to his brother, bending down. “J-Jackie?? Are you okay?”
Mer-Jackie grins dazedly, “Didn’t get bit this time…!”
Marvin snorts and pushes his face away playfully, “Yeah… thank the stars we weren’t alone again…” Marvin sighs and lightly taps mer- Jackie’s cheek to wake him up too and the colors start to completely clear from his eyes. He pushes himself up and shakes himself out like a dog. “Fuck dude! I hate fucking mesmers…”
“….t-those things are really strong for s-something so small…” Bro mumbles.
“It is because their calls can reach your mind…” Henrik says with a shudder. “They are smarter than most prey here… maybe not as smart as a sea emperor or a warper but… smart enough to draw fish into their thrall.”
"Not smart enough for me to sense their souls, apparently," Schneep grumbles unhappily. But if those emperors and warpers are stronger, he'll probably be able to sense them, at least?
Do you think covering our ears would protect us from mesmers? JJ asks. I know it's not a good idea to cover your ears while swimming somewhere dangerous, but I'm just trying to establish how they work.
Schneep nods. "Rules are always good to know."
“I… I think we’re for sure out of their territory though…” Marvin says quietly, “I think I-I’m starting to remember the way. We should be safe…” he looks to JJ and shrugs, “Covering your ears won’t work against them… cuz it’s in y-your head… and to be honest it’s about to get kinda dark … but only for a little bit. There’s river prowlers ahead and… i-I think that’s it until we swim up…”
“We just gotta try our best to lay low and not draw too much attention,” Mer-Jackie says with a shake of his tail as he swims up from the ground. “…sadly though just us being here brings a lot of attention… so we just gotta be brutal enough to send fish swimming’ scared~!” He grins.
"Hell yeah, I can be brutal." Jackie flashes a dark grin. "Let's move. The sooner we head out, the sooner we get there."
JJ nods slowly. That does make sense... Schneep, perhaps you should stay in front? Maybe it'll discourage the river prowlers from getting close to us.
"I'm willing to do that, but someone should be next to me," Schneep says.
Marvin nods, “I’ll stay by other Schneep then… Since I mostly know the way.”
“Alright- let’s keep it going then!” Bro tries to say brightly, hoping his enthusiasm is contagious. Mer-Jackie grins at him and nods.
The boys all filter back out into the main cavern past the brine and Marvin starts to lead them down a bit more in the lower parts. The brine still flows but- now there seems to be a big island below surrounded by the mist. Big funnels puff warmer water into this area like heated vents. And strangely to the right are large glowing pillars… and what looks like massive metal cables sunk into the cavern walls. And under them, by the vents and in between some more falling brine… is a decently sized skeleton. Not the size of the rib cages they saw… but pretty big. This thing must have been at least 100 meters…! It looks big enough for you to even swim inside of it.
"Whoaaa," Jackie whistles. He's so tempted to swim through that skeleton but they have to stay focused. "I so wish you could see this, Schneep." He diverts down to one of the funnels, enjoying the warmer waters.
"Describe it for me," Schneep says.
"Well, this whole place has been pretty green. The brine is green, and it looks like rivers and waterfalls. There are these glowing pillar things and this huge ass skeleton!"
And these strange cables, JJ adds. 
Alt looks down at the skeleton and can’t help but shudder. Bro whistles too, “Damn that thing is sick! What is that thing you think?”
The merboys (except Marvin) all pause to look down and then they gasp. Anti seems palest of the all as he stammers out, “T-That’s… that’s a sea dragon…! What… what was one doing down here…?”
"A sea dragon?" Jackie repeats. "Oh, like—oh."
"Perhaps it was looking for food?" Schneep speculates. "Well, in any case, if it is old enough to just be bones now, whatever killed it is definitely no longer around. So we don't need to worry."
Mer-Jackie stares at the skeleton and hums. Then starts to swim and gestures for the others to follow as he talks, “you know- Zara told me a story once. About how this planet got the khaara… said the architects that lived here came here to look for a cure and captured a sea emperor. But it was old… and they didn’t know how to hatch its eggs… and a sea dragon was really similar to the sea emperors so they took one of its eggs and… she got angry and attacked a big base of theirs. And… it broke the base and spread the disease into the ocean. Causing the outbreak almost a 1000 years ago…”
"Outbreak? Oh, so it's some sort of disease?" Jackie asks. "Or, well. It was almost a thousand years ago, so I'm guessing—hoping—it's not around any more."
"I'm sure that would've come up with the list of dangers," Schneep points out.
"Oh yeah! You guys don't know about that!" Mer-Jackie says. He then laughs and shakes his head. "We don't really get what it is but yeah its not around anymore. Except the time that Chase got it."
"It is a strange disease..." Henrik mumbles, "It nearly wiped out the whole planet I am told... it was only about a 100 years ago that someone from Alterra fell to the planet and got the cure from the sea emperors... they were the only one who had the cure surprisingly. It is something they produce naturally. ...which is probably why they took Jack... just in case it ever returned..."
"I'm... sorry that happened to you guys... that your brother went missing..." Jackie says slowly. "And that bit about Chase getting it, too. Sorry about that."
"It's okay," Chase says, having swam back to swim with the others. He smiles tightly. "We got it fixed really fast... but that’s how we found out what warpers could do. They were made to get rid of the khaara... or creatures that were too sick with it since they didn't have a cure. But, things had been so peaceful here for so long no one had seen a warper act aggressively. So we were all pretty shocked when Marvin suddenly warped me into the grand reef." He rubs his arms, "It's okay though... we're figuring it out. And... we have Jack back now... we'll figure out how to wake him soon..."
Anti seems to be sinking a bit as he's swimming, looking like he's having trouble staying awake as Chase says this.
JJ notices Anti sinking a bit and ducks down, shaking him a little.
Anti blinks sleepily at JJ and tiredly bares his fangs at him. His Jamie comes up and subtly grabs his arm, looking at JJ gratefully. 
JJ looks back at the cables again then asks, What are those? Man made? Or... alien made?
Marvin seems determined to get past this part as quickly as possible and bites but a growl of frustration at people getting distracted. But as Jamie mentions the cables Marvin freezes almost robotically. He doesn’t look that way but stammers out. “..a-alien-made- don’t… don’t go that way-“
JJ looks at Marvin, puzzled. Then nods slowly. Alright. We'll avoid it if there's danger. Let's keep going.
Marvin shivers and nods, quickly swimming away from this corridor as fast as he can.
Alt looks curiously at the path with the cables. Wonder what’s over there that’s got Marvin so spooked?
The merboys shake out their fear as they see their brother booking it away. “M-Marvin! Hang on!” Chase shouts and tries to follow.
Jamie looks at where Alt and JJ are looking and flicks his tails sadly, whispering. “…I think over there is where the bad man kept Marvin… that’s why he’s scared…”
JJ looks at his other self and softens. He nods.
Jackie and Schneep also glance back at the corridor with the cables. "I get it," Jackie mutters. "I really get it."
"I think we all understand that response," Schneep says.
Alt seems to shiver at this too and nods, holding his arms. "Yeah... w-we get it. Let's not dwell on it."
"I agree with Alt, let us not dwell," Schneep says.
Let's hurry past, JJ says. Onwards we go.
They all speed away from the skeleton and weird cables, coming towards an expanse of even more green brine waterfalls. Marvin starts to swim upwards quickly, a very steep expanse- swimming towards a strange tree with white tips that glow brightly in the darkness.
JJ unconsciously starts to swim faster, looking up at the tree with wide eyes. That's so pretty! he says. Why is there a tree here? A glowing tree?
Marvin pauses in his faster swimming and slows down, twitching a bit to answer JJ's question. "Oh... those are ghost trees I think... they're our way of finding where this arch is... t-there's a whole area of them... I dunno why but they grow down here..."
"Maybe it's cuz of that biggg pink one that has that giant egg!" Mer- Jackie says, swimming up towards Marvin and startling him some. "Maybe these are just its baby trees!"
Marvin laughs a bit, "Maybe..." 
"Oh, a giant egg? How fascinating." Schneep chuckles. "In all honesty, that would make sense, if there is one big tree it is probably sending out some sort of seeds--or, well, it is not likely seeds because this is underwater, but something like that. But eventually it lands and new trees go."
“Ah… I heard that those are… more ghost Leviathans…” Henrik says quietly, adjusting his goggles. “Their parents come here from the void to lay their eggs because the tree somehow provides nutrients to the eggs…”
“Yeah well- never seen one hatch before.” Mer-Jackie says with a shrug.
"From the void?!" Jackie repeats. "The hell is that?! Doesn't sound good."
“Oh… yes-“ Henrik coughs, “The life on this side of the planet is only contained in a crater… if you travel outside the crater’s safety- then you meet a spot that is almost devoid of life… and here is where the adult ghost leviathans live.”
"What about Jackie?" Schneep asks. "His fish species isn't from the crater."
I suppose there's another bit of life in that arctic area, JJ figures.
Marvin twitches a bit and slows, eyes turning pink. “4546B’s craters edge is inaccessible because of its depth, freezing waters and lack of life. The voids connect the warmer waters to the colder waters of Sector Zero, where another crater breeds more life. The Void of Sector Zero contains the Void Chelicerate. A rare mutation of the chelicerate that prefers to roam in dark, open waters at the edge of the sector. Like the Ghost Leviathans of the warmer sectors of 4546B these creatures roam the dark waters searching for microscopic fauna to eat.” He then shakes himself out of it and blinks. “Huh… didn’t know about that…” 
"Oh." Jackie pauses. "...huh."
"So the planet is mostly uninhabitable except for some craters," Schneep sums up. "Fascinating."
Marvin looks up at the cavern and sets his face in a determinated look. "...we're almost there but... when we get to the ghost forest... w-we gotta be careful... there's another ghost leviathan up there... i... I dunno how we'll avoid it though... the area is... p-pretty open despite all the trees..."
A lot of things named after ghosts in this area, JJ comments, looking down at his own body. Probably because they're translucent and/or glowing.
"Another one of those giant things?" Jackie mutters. "Okay, we'll have to hurry through, then. Fast and quiet."
Marvin nods, “Yes… the arch is at the highest point of the cave… we’re almost there.”
Now they can see bigger branches of ghost trees underneath an arch where one more big waterfall of brine falls.
JJ gasps. Oh, this place really is so pretty! He looks at all the ghost trees and underwater waterfalls in awe.
Schneep sighs. "I am usually okay with not seeing things, but this universe in particular is proving the exception."
JJ winces. Sorry, Schneep.
"No no, is fine, it's not anyone's fault. And I am not going to stop you from saying it's beautiful just because I cannot see it."
Alt swallows nervously, “…I really hope this arch thing works…”
"It'll work," Jackie says, unusually optimistic. "And if it doesn't, we just have to wait for another rift, and try to find another way in the meantime."
Alt giggles, “That’s pretty positive coming from you, Jackie.”
Jackie tries for a smile. "W-well, I think we have to be, in this situation. I mean... if we don't have optimism, what do we have?" He shakes his head. "I don't want to... I don't want to feel hopeless, you know?"
Alt smiles shakily but Bro nods enthusiastically. “yeah! Good srat, dude!” He bumps into Alt. “We got this!”
Alt shakes his head with a laugh.
JJ nods. How close are we to the arch?
Marvin slows and holds out a hand to everyone to stop. Just before them is a smaller cavern that seems to be source of the brine rivers and falls. It has a shallower tier of pools weaving through taller ghost trees. At the edge of the pools- there’s one more huge waterfall- and what looks like a broken metal door behind it. But swimming just in front of it is another Ghost Leviathan.
“…it’s just up there- right in its path.” Marvin says quietly, trying to hide his shaking.
Jackie quickly stops swimming, holding his arms out to stop anyone behind him. "God they really are so big," he whispers. "Okay. We have to get around that thing, avoiding all the brine except in the case of Schneep and JJ, and to that metal door behind the brine waterfall. The--the brinefall. It is... right in front of the door. Ooookay."
JJ frowns, staring. There must be a way through. Maybe we can wait for it to leave? Or, well, I suppose Schneep could just appear right by the door... right, Schneep?
"Yes, I have no doubt I could appear right there, no matter where it is," Schneep says. "Ever since I got control of my powers I haven't had difficulty reaching a location within, ah... 'eyeshot.'"
"Okay, but the rest of us can't do that," Jackie whispers. "And you and Alt can only take a few passengers while glitching. And your glitching feels terrible. No offense."
Schneep shrugs. "None taken. By the way, the leviathan cannot see or sense us over here, right?"
“I’m not so sure…” Marvin whispers. “I-I think we might be far enough away…”
“…you all only need Marv and yourselves to go to this arch thingy right?” Anti says sleepily. He looks at the others and then puffs out his chest, light shining brighter in his eyes. “…then we’ll distract the thing while you get inside. That way you all have time to get to the thing using your majic whatever.”
“But I.. I can’t warp right now-“ Marvin emphasizes.
Mer-Jackie shakes his head. “Anti’s right! If Alt and Schneep can just pop over there then we’ll only need to distract it for a second! We’ll drive it away! The others can stay over here where it’s safe- or oh! we can all meet up at the cove tree over there.” He points over to a spot of glowing blue in the dark back the way they came. “It’s completely safe over there!”
Anti cracks his knuckles then grins at Reaper Jackie. “I’ve been itching for a fight… I’m actually looking forward to this. No more swimming away scared…!” Reaper Jackie shares his grin and grows out his claws. “Agreed.”
Jackie nods as he listens to Anti and mer-Jackie talk. "Hell yeah. I bet I could be helpful in this." He grins, and his mandibles snap a little. "I've been in a lot of fights—though I've never fought a giant glowing fish."
I'd be surprised if you had, JJ says.
The merboys all laugh at this. “It does sound strange like that doesn’t it?” Henrik chuckles.
Chase, Henrik and JJ look nervous. But eventually Chase sighs. “…alright bros just.. be careful. Don’t try to kill it- just… distract it long enough for them to get inside and then come find us.”
Bro looks at Alt and Schneep, “…you both okay with this?”
Alt seems nervous, flicking his tail as it sparks slightly. “… glitching feels wrong here but… I-I can try…”
"I am okay with it, yes," Schneep says.
"How's your powers?" Jackie asks.
"I have been able to jump normally so far, I do not think there will be trouble."
I could be helpful, too, JJ continues. My magic might not be so helpful with the arch, it'll be more useful as a distraction. I could also help heal people up if they get too hurt.
Bro nods, “If it seems like it’s going after us Jackie, JJ, me and Alt can help keep it back- but we should all focus on getting in that tunnel! Soo! Let’s get it rolling!”
Chase swims up to the boys and smiles warmly. “just in case this works and we don’t see you again… this was fucking weird but… nice too. S’nice to meet humans who… relate to what we’ve been through.”
Jamie beams. “If you ever can come back… somehow- it would be nice to meet again!”
Henrik smiles, “But if not… please be safe. I do hope you all get home.”
Of course! JJ beams. You've all been so kind.
Jackie leans close. "Even Anti?" he whispers.
JJ nudges him playfully. Yes, even him. When you don't trust people, trust is the kindest thing.
Anti blinks at this and then hides his flushing face with one of his tails. 
"Sure." Jackie looks at the others and smiles. "Yeah, I'd love to come here again if possible. I have a lot of stuff going on back home that I want to take care of first, but eventually."
"I agree, it's been strange, but nice." Schneep nods. "So... goodbye." He grins. "Until we may meet again."
“Goodbye-“ Henrik smiles and Chase, JJ and Henrik all go towards the cove tree.
Anti and Mer-Jackie grin at the others. “I guess we should do that too and shit.” Jackie laughs. He turns towards them. “This has been super cool and I’d love to show you so much next time! If you can. But until then- let’s fuck shit up!”
He goes to hit Anti’s shoulder and braces to swim. “We’ll get its attention! Try to swim or warp past whatever it is you do!”
Anti looks at the others and nods. “…bye.” Then he and Jackie rocket towards the ghost leviathans, both of them roaring loudly at it. The ghost Leviathan roars and races up to meet them.
Jackie watches them go, wanting to go after—and starting to for a moment—before he thinks better of it. After all, if they're going to leave, they have to all leave together.
Alt startles and goes to grab some of the others. “Link up! I can get us up there!”
Marvin swims back and holds his hands close to him. “No way! I-I’m not getting near your weird powers again!”
“Why didn’t you say anything about that before this?!” Alt snaps in frustration.
"Marvin, you don't really have a choice," Schneep points out. "We need you up there! Are we just going to swim there? Right by the fight?"
You could bring him, JJ suggests.
"IIIII don't think he would like that."
"We don't have a lot of time!" Jackie says. "Whatever we're going to do, we have to do it fast!" He turns to look at the fight.
The ghost Levithan rushes to meet the boys and mer-Jackie rushes to try to spear it with his mandibles. But it moves too quickly and grabs Jackie by his tail and then tosses him into the cave wall.
“Jackie!!” Anti screams and then turns to growl at the ghost Leviathan. He builds up fire balls and starts to loop around the bigger fish, pelting it with fire as it screeches in pain.
Bro yells out, “Fuck! Jackie!”
“M-Marvin come on!” Alt urges, going to grab his arm. But Marvin lashes out and scratches at Alt’s arm with his claws, his eyes going a bit pink and his voice sounding a bit more robotic. “No! I-I-“ he looks back to where Jackie fell and then speeds over to try to get to him.
Alt grabs his arm and yells out in pain before trying to yell out after him. “M-Marvin!”
"Fucking hell!" Jackie shouts. He swims after Marvin.
"Wait, hold on!" Schneep swims after him as well, in case they need to make a quick getaway.
Marvin is too fast- having been here before he knows what to dodge and where to go.
Alt and Bro try to follow after the others but can’t catch up to Marvin.
Luckily Anti is still keeping the Ghost Leviathan occupied but it already seems like he’s slowing.
Schneep tries leaping closer to Marvin, but his targeting is slightly off. He has to swim the rest of the way.
Jackie curses under his breath. He's not going to be able to catch up! So he instead turns to look at Anti and rushes over, determined to help. "Hey! Ghostie goo!" he shouts.
“Jackie?! The fuck are you doing?!” Bro shouts and spurs after him.
Jackie’s shout distracts the Ghost Leviathan enough for it to look his way- and Anti lands a fireball in its face. It roars in pain and runs into some of the trees around as its vision is affected.
Marvin races over to Mer-Jackie and tries to shake him awake. Orange hybrid blood clouds in the water from Jackie’s bitten tail and a spot on his head where he hit the wall. Marvin blinks tears out of his eyes as he tries to wake his brother up. “j-Jackie?? Jackie! W-wake up!!”
Schneep stops next to Marvin. He reaches out, and feels the slightly warm blood in the water. "Jameson?!"
JJ hurries after everyone else, quickly catching up. He looks at mer-Jackie, assessing the damage. Head wound—tail wound—if there's ever a time for healing magic, it's now. This will take a minute, he says, eyes glowing blue as he grabs onto reaper Jackie's arm. A film of blue magic starts to cover his wounds, healing them slowly.
Marvin slightly snarls at JJ as he comes closer, almost curling up around Jackie protectively. But he blinks in surprise as he sees the wounds start to close.
Alt spurs over to the small group surrounding Reaper Jackie and then floats a bit away from them and uses his magic to create a shield around them.
JJ smiles at Marvin reassuringly. This is what my magic does, he says. Meanwhile, the wounds seal up.
"We have to get there soon! While it's distracted!" Schneep hisses.
Jackie grins and decides to put these mandible things to use. He swims up to the ghost leviathan and latches onto its side, serrated edges digging into its flesh and then quickly letting go. He swims downward immediately after. The Ghost Leviathan roars in pain and is immediately diverted off course and starts to swim away from its territory with fervor.
Bro blinks at Jackie’s attack and laughs, ramming against its tail slightly as it swims. “Yeahhh!! Dudes you guys fucked that thing up!!” Bro says, turning to Jackie and Anti.
Anti grins, the water bubbling a bit hot around the edges of his mouth. “Fuck yeah. I needed that.” He looks at Jackie though, “You were very impressive though… you know- for a human.”
"Ha! I'll take it." Jackie grins.
Alt braces his shield, thinking about Schneep’s warning and then gasps as he hears the Ghost Leviathan swimming away. He laughs in disbelief and lowers his shield. “I… I think we’re good to breathe for a second Schneep… it’s swimming away!”
"What the—oh, it is!" Schneep gasps. "Amazing! Driving off something so big. Truly a marvel."
Anti grins and then swims down back to everyone else, Bro follows close behind.
Marvin watches the magic with muted fascination and wonder, slowly getting closer and reaching out like he wants to touch it. “…y-you didn’t have to do this… w-why are you doing this?” He asks JJ. “…does it hurt you?”
JJ smiles at Marvin gently. No, it doesn't hurt me. It tires me out, if I use a lot of it, but it doesn't hurt me. As for why... well, I don't like seeing people hurt. Most people don't. Jackie is a good man—or, a good hybrid. He doesn't deserve to be hurt. He nods at the magic. You can touch it. But it won't feel like much of anything.
Marvin does go to touch it and just marvels at the sight of it. He feels over Jackie’s tail and balks as he feels the skin being healed over so fast. He laughs a little. “…that’s amazing… s-some white suit machines can do stuff like this… b-but I don’t think they’re this fast… or through. T-they still leave scars…”
He frowns as he sees the large scar on Jackie’s side and thoughtfully touches parts of his jaw.
Jackie notices the scar when Marvin does. He narrows his eyes slightly, wondering if the white suits were healing their own actions... and hating them just at the possibility.
If the wounds were worse there would be scars, JJ says. But lucky they weren't, and I got here quickly. He rubs his neck.
Anti lands down, looking a bit worried. “Is Jackie-?” Then he stops himself and blinks in surprise as Jackie looks almost completely fine. “W-Woah…”
Bro grins, “Yeah JJ! Way to go!”
JJ grins, a bit shyly. I'm just doing what I thought would help.
Schneep nudges him slightly. "And that is an admirable thing--not to mention it must take a lot of magic to heal."
Not that much, really. Though... he hopes that he doesn't have to use magic for a while. Just in case.
Soon enough the injured reaper opens his eyes, his wounds pretty much healed. He blinks in confusion then grins dopily- though he might just be dazed still. “…did we win?”
"Yes, Jackie, we won!" Schneep says, laughing.
Marvin snorts through his nose and playfully slaps mer- Jackie. “You fuck… you gave us all a fucking heart attack-“
“I didn’t ask to be bit and thrown across the cave!” The reaper protests.
Alt and Bro laugh.
“…just in case that thing is still around, why don’t you two join us inside the tunnel? Maybe Marvin will be able to warp again once we’re gone.” Alt says.
Jackie nods. "Yeah, we should get out of here quickly."
Anti shrugs. Mer-Jackie smiles and tries to get up but still seems kinda weak so Marvin grabs him and puts his arm over his shoulder. “…yeah okay I-I’m sticking with Marv…” the reaper laughs.
Marvin doesn’t really look at the others as he hurries towards the metal doorway. “c-c’mon then…”
Alt starts to follow closely behind, followed by Bro then Anti dragging behind the pack. The other three hurry after everyone else.
The cavern clearly looks like an underground cave that has slowly filled with water over the past century. The way is twisted and a bit confusing- branches of ghost trees jutting out and parts of the path looks like it’s made of its branches. Eventually, Marvin swims up a walkway made of wood before floating in front of a large impressive structure. It houses a glowing green field of energy, shining like light on top of water- inside a metal diamond frame. It looks completely foreign and alien to anything they’ve seen so far.
Such strange architecture, JJ comments. And then they arrive at the glowing green field. His eyes widen. How strange! Is this what we're looking for?
"Maybe?" Jackie says. "Certainly looks like fucking... alien stuff. Just by design."
Schneep slowly reaches out, and JJ pushes his hand to the side so that he touches the frame instead of the energy field. That probably wasn't something they wanted to do.
Marvin does exclaim as Schneep reaches out but relaxes as JJ diverts him. “y-Yeah this is it… it’s programmed to take people to… hq I think. Down in the lava zone. But… I think it can be programmed to go other places…?”
He looks at Alt finally and nudges his head towards the structure. “Wanna give it a try?”
"You got this, Alt!" Jackie says encouragingly.
Alt swallows shakily and then nods. He goes to place a hand on the structure and closes his eyes, feeling out the energy inside it. His tail sparks up as he tries. And trying to access the tech- trying to insert some of his own magic into it to find a grip- god it hurts! It’s a rush of a foreign alien language that makes no sense- just jumbles of words and symbols and things he couldn’t possibly understand. He digs claws into it before breaking off connection with a yell and falling down to the ground, clutching his head.
“Alt!” Bro shouts in concern and tries to swim towards him- but as he gets too close he gets mildly shocked and he spurs back. “What happened?!”
“T-Too m-much-“ Alt whimpers, his eyes filled with green light rippling just like the portal. His voice echoes slightly with static, sounding robotic. “D-Don’t under s-stand… too much p-p̵̯̕o̵͙̾ẅ̸̥e̵̪̊r̴̤̄”
JJ gasps. He starts rushing forward as well but then Bro gets shocked back and he stops.
"Too much power?!" Schneep repeats.  "What does that--"
The swirling mass of energy seems to glitch slightly- and seems to start to darken… in the middle- it almost seems like a crack is forming.
Jackie gasps. "Look!" He points at the energy... at the spot where it's darkening. "Is that--"
If it is, we have to link up! JJ says.
Alt’s head snaps up and his eyes widen. “W-What?! D-Did I do that?!”
“I-I dunno- we probably just have really bad luck!” Bro shouts, holding out a hand to Alt.
Anti pushes Marvin and Reaper Jackie behind him, growling at whatever this growing mass of black energy is.
“W-what is that?!” Marvin gasps.
The cavern shakes and the rift cracks open even bigger, glitching more and the water around the boys starts to get drawn in.
“It’s the rift! I… I guess this was all for nothing huh?” Alt says a bit tearfully. He looks to the merboys and smiles as they start getting pulled. “…thanks so much for trying to help us…”
"Yes, thank you so much," Schneep says. "Get out of here as soon as we are gone!"
It was nice to meet you! JJ adds.
"Maybe we'll see each other again!" Jackie shouts. He grabs onto Alt, and JJ grabs onto him and Schneep. "It wasn't all for nothing, Alt! We spent time with these guys, at least!" 
Alt blinks and then smiles with Jackie and nods. “y-Yeah…”
Jackie smiles back at them. "Goodbye!"
"Goodbye!" Schneep adds.
JJ nods a farewell.
Mer-Jackie tries to swim closer, looking like he wants to help but Anti holds him back with one of his tails. “W-We’ll see each other again! I-I just know it!” The reaper shouts after them. 
Bro grins, “I hope so! Take care of each other, okay?”
Anti blinks and then smiles giving them a nod. “…we will.”
The rift expands bigger with another crack and the pull is too much to resist. Down down the boys are pulled… falling through twisting caverns and caves that echo into nothingness.
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glapplebloom · 2 years
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It seems like a tall task, but there is a way to do it.
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As you saw with Spongebob, Cartoon Physics (or Toon Force) can get extremely wacky. The Fastest Speed Feat ever calculated is now within a Cartoon Sponge (but he’s still slower than the Incalculable speeds of Archie Sonic and the Flashes). Practically anything that can’t be done can be done thanks to Cartoon Physics. Is it even possible to defeat it? There is, but first you must know the rules of Cartoon Physics…
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Rule 1 - No, not at any time, only when it was funny.
The first thing to understand is there is a reason for these actions. They do it because it's funny. It’s how one moment Spongebob can’t lift two marshmallows and another he rotates the planet yet not gravity. It really depends on what could get a laugh. You may not find a specific thing funny, but someone else did. And that’s enough to make it work. So if you don’t think Teen Titans Go is funny, that’s not going to stop them from doing all their wacky stuff because there is someone who will.
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Rule 2 - It's laughter that keeps a toon young…
When the laughter stops, a toon grows old and forgotten. Remember Screwy Squirrel? His cartoon physics can rival that of Bugs Bunny or the like. But because he has been forgotten, he is basically erased from any contention of people’s favorite cartoons. And if his old media is lost for time, he might as well be dead.
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Rule 3 - We may be bound by a certain moral code…
Not all Toon Force are equal. They are bound to the character’s core. Twilight Sparkle, for example, has a little bit of Cartoon Physics. It's how she can survive being smashed by various things. But her Toon Force pales in comparison to Pinkie Pie’s, who has done things that Twilight can’t do because she is a person of logic and reasoning. She isn’t as absurd as the Pink Menace. 
Those are the three rules to Cartoon Physics. Now that you know them, how do you beat them? There are definitely ways to do it but it’ll be tricky. 
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Method 1 - Remove the Humor (Realistically)
A master of Toon Force’s greatest strength is bringing their opponent into their madness. They get so wrapped up in the shenanigans it opens so many opportunities for comedy. To defeat that, the opponent must be able to keep things serious. While there could be jokes to be made, there’s not a lot of them. Examples of this working include the Mask losing to Lobo when he used a Guilt Grenade to make the Mask see all the horrors he actually did. Or in Spongebob Vs Aquaman where the little sponge empathized with the lame hero and gave him the opening with the Trident. If you can make it a serious event, you can reduce their effectiveness.
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Method 2 - Remove the Humor (Reality Warpers)
You’re a reality warper. You can do anything you wish. But despite that, this creature with Cartoon Physics is capable of matching you. What to do? Simple. Remove any source of Humor. Keep them alone with nothing to bounce off of. Sure, they could entertain themselves, but you can only do so for long. Eventually, when it's just the two of you, they’ll be powerless to stop you. So you can just let them simply grow old and forgotten… Or be like Nickelwise and steal their soul.
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Method 3 - Don’t be the Aggressor (Realistically)
For some toons, their best use of Toon Force is when they’re dealing with people who are aggressive with them. Look at the majority of Bugs Bunny Cartoons: Elmer Fudd, Marvin, that Opera Singer, they eventually became aggressive towards your favorite Wabbit. But two characters seem to always get the upper hand on him: Cecil Turtle and the Gremlin. They do not act aggressively towards Bugs Bunny. In fact, the Gremlin is more Tweety like in his fight against Bugs. This makes Bugs Bunny the Antagonist. So all the Toon Force he once wields to get a rise of his aggressors is now used to basically make him look like a fool. And as seen in some Classic Cartoons, can lead to their deaths.
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Method 4 - Know your opponents limits (Realistically)
As mentioned before, not all Toon Force users are equal. If you can figure out their specific limitations, you can find a way to win thanks to those limitations. If Popeye’s best stuff is when he eats Spinach, just try to make sure he has no access to it. Hard to do when he can will it out of nowhere but if Bluto can do it for a time so can others with superior speeds. If their best stuff is when they’re being attacked, make them the Aggressors and Rope-a-dope them. If you can figure out their character trait that makes their Cartoon Physics work, you can figure out a way around it.
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Method 5 - Out Toon Them (Other Toon Force Users)
Not all Toon Force Users are the same. Some are superior to others. And if that’s the case, they could realistically push themselves to places the other wouldn’t or even couldn’t. As seen in Multiverse Match’s Fight between Donald Duck and Daffy Duck. Donald was just able to do things that Daffy couldn’t. So Donald won the fight. 
Those are the Methods of defeating Cartoon Physics. Will we see someone who does not have a lot of Toon Force be able to defeat someone who does? Who knows. Only the future will tell…
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puppetmaster13u · 4 years
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If anyone wants to ask the Subnautica Egos, feel free to do so!  🐟
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hollenka99 · 4 years
The One Where Jackie Nearly Dies
Summary: Chapter 2. Anti has another victim but may need to improvise with his methods.
Warnings: Attempted murder, blood, kidnapping, knives
@badlypostedeverything @bupine
A young man reluctantly stands by as the serial killer lures his next victim. He witnesses their conversation, safely out of their view. As they disappear towards Anti's vehicle, the observer forms a portal. On the other side, he steps into a house full of chatter. Raucous laughter can be heard coming from the living room. The culprits are four men, all planning on getting progressively drunk over the course of the night. The host is the one due to celebrate his 34th birthday the following week. Fortunately for Joel, the evening has only recently gotten under way. The hero he is searching for will have barely affected his blood alcohol levels. Henrik is taken aback when he spots him. The collective surprise leads to Marvin turning his head to check what the fuss was about. "Joel? Way to crash a party, dude." The teleporter stands behind Marvin. Hands on his friend's shoulders, he leans close to his ear. "Go home and suit up. It's Anti." "Are you fucking kidding me? Can that prick not let me have one night to hang out with friends? Fine. Can you get me home?" Marvin mutters back. "Of course." Chase initially protests the departure, claiming no supermarket would ask an employee to work a shift with no prior notice, let alone do so after 8pm. Marvin insists he really does have to leave the party early. As easily as walking through a door, the duo finds themselves in Marvin's flat. Rapid changes have become a mastered skill for the superhero. He tucks all his curls out of his face, kept hidden by the top of his costume. One of these days, he'll stop reminding himself at the most inconvenient time to get a more practical haircut and actually do it. His companion hops back from Ontario in a hoodie and jogging bottoms. Hop may not be the right verb. It looks moments away from being closer to 'stumbles' or 'trips'. Still, Joel keeps his composure and gives Marvin a thumbs up. He's right. Time doubting Joel is simply time wasted. He hasn't let him down in the past. In the appropriate attire, the Magnificent Cat and Warper set off into action. ---- The door won't budge. All attempts to escape prove fruitless. This is where having powers would really come in handy. Jackie would kill for- Okay, maybe he should pick a better choice of phrase. Either way, having enhanced strength would be highly appreciated right now. He won't stop fighting against the locked car door. "Could you please cut that out? If you break something, I'm the one footing the bill." "Good. Should have thought about that before kidnapping someone." "Listen, it's nothing personal. You're just a random guy, you know. The only people who will realise you've vanished are me and possibly that superhero." "That's not as reassuring as you probably think." His head was really suffering now. It kept throbbing severely, causing him to suppress a groan. "Why does my head hurt so much? All you did was trick me." "Ah, yeah, sorry about that. Side effect for people not used to my power when I focus it on them." "I'm about to be killed by a shapeshifter?" "Shapeshifter." The driver clearly finds this humourous. "That's where the police go wrong. I respect their efforts but I can't help but laugh at them. Trust me, I can do so much more than make myself look different. Do you have any powers? Clearly not anything strength-related." Jackie refuses to answer. Anti takes this as legitimate response and continues driving. Anything that most people would likely see as a landmark was lost on him. The most he would be able to comment if he somehow managed to call for help was 'I think it was right at the Sainsbury's and we passed a church sometime after that'. However they get to the office building, Jackie wishes this was where the journey could end. He'd happily walk all the way back to his spot near the high street if it meant keeping his life. With encouragements such as 'I'm sure you would prefer this to be private', Jackie is lead inside. Several floors up, Anti disables security by simply looking at them. Okay, maybe a bit more than a non-shapeshifter then. The killer faces him. "Listen, I'm usually a reasonable guy, you know? I have a job and have a bunch of good interpersonal relationships. But sometimes shit happens. Unfortunately, not everything in life can go smoothly. Everyone has their release. I can smell that you use cigarettes as your method. And me? Well, for some fucking reason, this. Don't ask. Even I'm not entirely sure why I feel so accomplished afterwards." Anti will have to try harder to get a reaction other than a scowl out of him. "Have you ever had someone cheat on you? Because that is probably the one of the shittiest things someone can do to their partner, second only to well, actually abusing them. You ever been through that?" Okay, he has to admit, that threw him off guard. "Uh..." "No, don't deny it. I can see it on your face." Anti smiles. "You stuck around after finding out, didn't you? Wow, I gotta say, I admire you for not confronting her ass the first chance you got." "My personal life is none of your business." "No. No, you're right. I'm sorry. Still..." The murderer admires the knife in his hand. "You seem to have drawn numerous short straws lately. I'll do you the courtesy of not beating around the bush any longer." The trajectory of the knife appears to directed at Jackie's chest. He dodges it enough so the blade only slices his arm. He gets no time to reflect. Anti kicks him in the chest. Stumbling back, Jackie loses his footing and falls to the floor. There's the knife again. Scrambling to rise isn't performed quick enough. Hand around his throat to help secure him, Anti makes the first blow. The knife twists upon departure. The killer acts as if he struggles to retrieve it. All to accentuate the agony. The sequel follows swiftly. With it, the process is repeated. All the while, Jackie's biggest distraction is making himself focus on anything but Anti's hovering face. Then he sits. Nothing more, nothing less. Jackie convinces himself he has a chance of escape. Any attempt he makes to leave is squashed. Pushing his protesting body up with his arms results in a sharp jab of a foot. His second attempt fails with more aggression. Okay, he gets the message. Fuck moving then, except for curling in on himself. He doesn't even notice his face getting damp. "Shh, it's okay. I'll speed things up in a few minutes. Promise. Even get your own stone that I painted myself." Anti stays there, sitting, waiting, observing. He watches as his latest victim steadily grows closer to a point of no return. Something unforeseen halts this activity. Jackie swears he spots a pot plant ignite. A face he's seen before appears. The stranger begins helping him to his feet before promptly abandoning him. Another person lends him their hand in the chaotic midst of a battle. His gratefulness ends as soon as he's upright. A left arm wraps around his front. It pins Jackie's arms to his body and keeps him pressed against Anti. He does his best to focus on how awkward he'd feel this physically close to a stranger in any other situation. Anything to distract from the fact the killer's other arm is busy aiming a knife at his throat. Cat directs a forceful gust at multiple panes of glass. Some shatter from this attack. Threats to introduce fire to Anti's clothes are heard. Anti laughs as he calls the superhero's bluff. As if he was willing to purposefully endanger one life, let alone two. A branch reaches out to the criminal and his hostage. The knife is easily stolen. Anti counts his losses and lets Jackie fall unceremoniously to the floor. "There's an exit there. You should get out if you can." He hears Cat declare as he recovers, pointing the way. Jackie could have sworn he and Anti entered from the other side of the room. However, a lot had occurred in the time since. He hobbles towards the door while grasping his wounds. A hand against the wall assists in guiding him to his destination. The illusion breaks and reforms in such quick succession, it flickers like sunlight while driving past a fence. In the span of a blink the world corrects itself. There's that door again. The heroes are busy. He'll help them out by giving them less to worry about. Anti somehow causes the vigilante duo to stop attacking him. He approaches Jackie, standing a little too close for comfort. Not that there was anything comforting about a serial killer. Please just stop tormenting him. The remaining shards of glass poke him in the back. If he leans back any more, he may receive a third stab wound. The man determined to see him die tonight grips him by the top. Grinning at the two heroes, he tells them "Catch him if you can." and... And oh fuck. Fuck fuck fuck. There is nothing surrounding him expect air. No amount of flailing is going to conjure a last minute object he can grab to save his life. He's really done for now. During all those times he worried if he wouldn't see 25, he hadn't planned for this to be how. He shuts his eyes. What else can he do? Heights have never particularly fazed him. Watching the street grow closer, however, would make anyone fearful. He guesses he should be grateful it's ending like this. This is certainly a faster and less painful method than he expects some people he knew got. He tries to imagine the reunion. Just one of them saying "Slept with the wrong person", to which he'd reply "Got thrown off a building with stab wounds" before they'd all shrug and agree "Well, that's life. What are you gonna do?" He makes impact. It's more dizzying than he thought. The ground groans beneath him. After a few moments of catching their breath, the person below him speaks. Arms have been embracing Jackie since landing. "You hanging in there? Things are going to be alright now." A pause as a head turns. "Of course he'd send us here. Should probably sort out those wounds before anything else. Better go grab my first aid kit." "'M fine. Not the first time I've been attacked." "Buddy, you were stabbed and thrown off a building. Like hell I'm going to let you bleed out in my home. Wait here." Jackie is gently pushed off of Cat and positioned to sit with his back against the wall. The hero is careful not to treat his friend's wounds incorrectly. Jackie doesn't pay much attention as bandages are applied to his arm and torso. His face occasionally gets splashed with water to keep him alert. He's certainly brought back to the here and now whenever Cat applies disinfectant and stitches. "Alright, I get that after all that's happened tonight, you might be wary of me. Do you want me to do the 'say something only you'd know' bit? I'm fine with that." "If you want." "We first met when I offered you a sandwich. Ham, right? Wait no, hang on, that's too generic. Um..." Cat ponders for a second. "How about the time you told me... about your little brother Spencer? He was learning to read the last time you saw him, right?" "Yes." He rewards Cat with a weary thumbs up. He guesses Anti wouldn't know about that. Anti stalking Jackie for weeks seemed doubtful. Cat sighs with a hint of exhaustion escaping unmasked. "There's also the fact I trust you with my secret." He removes the mask to reveal a man with familiar curly brown hair. "Hey, Jackie. Congrats on becoming the 3rd person to know." The two of them sit on the floor, backs against the wall. Tonight had been eventful and they needed a moment. A grey cat missing one of its front legs heads towards them. Marvin's face lights up as he holds his hand out to the cat. "Well, hello there madam. Finally decided to grace us with your presence?" He laughs. "You have a cat?" "Yep. Indie, this is Jackie. He's going to be staying with us for a while. Please be nice to him, okay?" "St- Sorry, staying with you? No, I can't. I-" "I insist. You just went from being on the streets to nearly being murdered. This place has two bedrooms and I'd rather the spare room gets used the way it was meant to. Right now it's just somewhere for dumping clutter or for Joel to crash when he wants to annoy me. All I need to do is change the covers which will take 10 minutes maximum. How long has it even been since you last slept in an actual bed?" "Alright, if you really want me to then thank you, I appreciate it." A hand carefully places itself of Jackie's shoulder. "No problem. I'll get right on that then. Help yourself to water or squash while you wait." Marvin disappears, still wearing his blood stained Magnificent Cat outfit. It is now that Jackie realises how foreign a bed seems after almost 2 months without one. He'd sleep well tonight. If only Marvin had stronger painkillers than Ibuprofen.
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septic-dr-schneep · 5 years
So how does jack travel to the egos universe? Whats it like traveling dimensions?
It’s not that hard for him, actually. Imagine seeing the Egos’ dimension through an invisible wall or a force field, one that’s rippling like water. Jack simply walks through it. 
The Egos find it a little harder to force their way through it, since a fictional character moving into the real world technically shouldn’t be able to happen, and when they’re trying to get from their own portion of the dimension to the Ipliers’, they need a reality warper (namely Marvin) to open a portal. 
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voidendron · 6 years
Superhero AU
So. Yeah. :I I have some superhero/villain OCs, and they’ve made me want to do something like this for a long time, I was just refraining from it because I wasn’t sure anyone would be interested. But you know what? I’mma doing it anyway because I want to design costumes so damn badly! XD
Thank you, HCAnon, for encouraging this because yes! I’m excited! :D
I’ll be removing some of the Ipliers for this one and adding some of the non-canon Septics; just depends on who can fit into the AU! If they’re striked out, that means they won’t be making an appearance
Angus the Survival Hunter: Alias: Bloodhound | Real Name: Angus Hunter Alignment: Neutral Can track anyone and anything. Works alongside Shawn; they’ll side with whoever can offer them the most in-the-moment. Be it money, or survival. Works a hunting and tackle shop for his everyday life. 
Antisepticeye: Alias: The Glitch | Real Name: Unknown Alignment: Villain Unknown where he came from or what/who he is. Can teleport, possess others for short periods of time, and control nearby technology. Aims to cause chaos, and doesn’t seem to have any goals like other villains aside from creating havoc.
Chase Brody: Alias: Bro Average Alignment: Hero Has no powers, but light on his feet and has incredible aim with a variety of weapons. Very social and typically works with at least one other. Jackieboy is his main partner, and Jameson often works with them. Movie stuntman for everyday life.
Dr. Henrik von Schneeplestein: Alias: Medic Alignment: Neutral Tries to help anyone he can alongside his partner, Edward. When tending to heroes/villains, they go strictly by their aliases. Do their best to keep patients separated. Can tell exactly what’s wrong with the patient through physical contact with them. Paraplegic after a bad accident; Bing built him robotic leg attachments so he can be up and about during his side-job. Everyday life, he works in a pharmacy and uses a wheelchair. 
Jackieboy Man: Real Name: Jackie Manning Alignment: Hero Somewhat new to the whole hero thing and pretty reckless. Partners to Chase. Can fly and has a sonic screech. Also has extreme agility from doing gymnastics for many years, and good at hacking. Freelance web designer for his everyday life.
Jacques Septique: Alias: The Artist Alignment: Villain They work side-by-side with the Glitch. Better at behind-the-scenes work, but can bring paintings to life to defend themself. Artist and art critic for their everyday life.
Jameson Jackson: Alias: Stopwatch Alignment: Hero Able to stop time and phases through things rather than being able to interact with them when time is stopped. When working with other heroes, he’ll stop time to scout ahead for danger, or to figure out how to get groups out of dangerous situations most safely. Playwrite in his everyday life.
Marvin the Magnificent: Real Name: Marvin McLoughlin | Alias: Magnificent Alignment: Hero Has probably been in the hero business longer than most of them. Has actual magic; inherited. Very distrusting, as he’s been stabbed in the back by “partners” more than once in the past. Everyday lifestyle unknown.
Shawn Flynn: Alias: Toymaker Alignment: Neutral Can summon and control ink; can put it in the form of dolls when fighting with it. Works alongside Angus; they’ll side with whoever can offer them the most in-the-moment. Be it money, or survival. Owns a toy shop in his everyday life.
Bim Trimmer
Bingiplier: Real Name: Benjamin “Ben” Iplier | Alias: Bing Alignment: Hero Creates tech for use by himself and other heroes. Has ties with nearly every hero in the city to the point he could probably blackmail them if he wanted to. Can create things that seem beyond modern technology. Typically works behind-the-scenes, but uses high-tech guns when he’s needed on a scene. Scientist in everyday life.
Darkiplier: Real Name: Damien/Celine Fischbach | Alias: Dark Alignment: Villain Former siblings fused together by a portal created by Warfstache. He can take on either sibling’s original appearance at will. Can control the shadows around her. Seeks power, and will do anything to get it. Everyday lifestyle unknown.
Ed Edgar
Dr. Edward Iplier: Alias: Healer Alignment: Neutral Tries to help anyone he can alongside his partner, Henrik. When tending to heroes/villains, they go strictly by their aliases. Do their best to keep patients separated. Light healing abilities and can tell when someone will either fully recover or die from their injury/illness. Surgeon in his everyday life.
Eric Derrickson: Alias: Runner Alignment: Hero Has super speed, but lost his legs in a fight very early into his career. Now works with Bing in his bunker. Everyday life, he works in a library.
Googleplier: Real Name: Blu Warring / Alias: Google (Blue/Red/Yellow/Green) | Alignment: Villain Former colleague of Bing’s. Captured Jim and ran tests so he could copy Jim’s ability of creating copies of himself. Google is able to make three other copies, but has been unable to increase that number as Jim can. Occasionally works with the Glitch and Artist, as all three are only interested in chaos. Used to work as a scientist, now everyday lifestyle is unknown.
The Host: Real Name: Isaac Arthur Alignment: Neutral More interested in watching what the supers of his city are up to. Blind, but can See as things happen nearby in his mind. May occasionally help one side or the other if their goal interests him, but typically keeps to himself. Writes newspaper articles detailing interactions between the city’s supers.
The Jim Twins: Alias: Lookalike | Real Name: James “Jim” Jonas Alignment: Hero Can “divide” to create identical clones of himself to overwhelm or distract. Usually works with Jameson, or in the bunker with Eric and Bing. Everyday life, he’s a reporter. Currently missing. 
King of the Squirrels
Silver Shepherd: Real Name: Shepherd Marks Alignment: Hero Can fly and has super strength. Helps other heroes whenever he can, and is typically the one to fly injured heroes to Healer and Medic. Everyday life, he works in an animal shelter.
Wilford Warfstache: Unknown if that’s real name or alias Alignment: Unknown Reality warper. It’s unknown what he is or where he came from; only that he’s extremely dangerous and doesn’t seem to understand his own power. 
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asks-in-the-studio · 6 years
So, I apologize for Jackaboy doing a flip,my bad. Anyways, I was wondering if Marvin could preform or is preforming some magic at this lovely party!
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Marvin: But I’m not sure yet. Because, y’know… reality-warpers don’t make the best audience for this kind of thing, and there seems to be a lot of those around here.
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capozzy · 6 years
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Fan art for @septnautical‘s Subnautica AU. Marvin the Magnificent.
look at him its so sad he gets so pale and sick looking but hes recovering! hes getting better! hes Going To Get Better and you can tell me otherwise. and i loooove long hair marvin, so you know i gotta add that too.
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arealflame · 6 years
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warper marvin for @septnautical :D
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nightfuryobsessed · 6 years
The soft spoken {Part three}
@septnautical @huffle-dork @septic-dr-schneep
After everything that’s happened, the three boys refused to let each other out of their sights. They’d collect resources together, got food, and slept together, too afraid of what was happening to let one of the others go. One day, the three boys were collecting food for themselves when something caught Marvin’s eye. He turned before seeing a small peeper with green specks in it’s skin. It was the Kharaa.
Marvin’s eyes suddenly dilated as he felt his pincers rise and programing take control. He searched around, looking for anything that was infected when he spotted Chase. He froze for a moment before warping closer to the little rabbit ray hybrid.
“M-Marvin, you okay,” Chase asks softly before noticing the soft violet/pink glow the other had. He gasped before trying to swim away, only for Marvin to grab onto his tail and pull him back. Chase cried out in pain as he started fighting against the warper hybrid while JJ watched in horror.
He noticed the familiar figures getting closer and couldn’t call out for the others to stop fighting. He swam away and hid as he watched as the two hybrids suddenly go still and fell to the ground, seemingly asleep. He tried to call out for them, to tell them to wake up, but his voice failed once again.
JJ watched as his brothers, the last two, were suddenly taken away by the white suits and he was left alone. The little hybrid whimpered as he waited for his brothers to come back, only realizing that they were really gone after night had fallen and the moon had come up. He carefully peeked his head out of the little cave like rock he had hidden in.
The little cuddlefish shivered in the cove, not used to being so cold so suddenly. He was all alone, the only warmth he had was himself and his breathing, something that was really soft and didn’t really help him keep warm.
JJ didn’t sleep very well that night, or any other night for that matter. Eventually he passed out from getting so little sleep, the cold doing nothing to help him. He still hadn’t gotten used to the lack of heat, plus his heart felt empty, he just slept, not knowing if his brothers would come back in time.
Before falling asleep, JJ wrote on the wall, a simple message but one no one would forget.
‘I love you all.’ Signed, ‘JJ’.
He didn’t realize that something was getting closer, and even if he had, he couldn’t leave, he was too weak already. He was helpless.
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septnautical · 5 months
"I heard you shout. Nightmares again?"
I think this could fit schneep and Marvin?
(Used this as an opportunity for a big reveal of some new stuff for Marvin! Happy Mermay!!)
Another night- another horrible nightmare plagues Marvin’s mind. They always feel so real…
This one is… different though. He’s staring at… a version of himself. Himself stuck in his warper state- those bright pink alien eyes staring straight through him. He watches his other self get stiffer- become more robotic- and he feels himself following after. He panics- wanting to fight the sensation but his body is locking up. The warper him just barely tilts his head towards Marvin before speaking.
“Why are you denying what we are?”
“W-What?!” Marvin stammers in fear.
There’s no emotion on the other him’s face, “We are not like the other hybrids. We are not organic, we are not human. We are machines, made to serve a purpose. Why do you keep denying what we are?”
“Because I’m more than that!” Marvin shouts back, “Warpers may be machines but I… I'm me! I’m Marvin!”
“Your feeble attempts to cling to your humanity are making you weak,” The warper him says, “A human mind has so much potential. So much to unlock. You could be more powerful than any warper ever made. Maybe even on par with the architects. Yet you turn away from what you could be. Why?”
It suddenly warps so it and Marvin are face to face, pink eyes meeting teary blue.
“Are you afraid, WH-005?”
And for a moment… the voice sounded just like Zeke’s.
Marvin shoots awake and gasps, pushing himself up in the sand to shakily try to breathe. Fresh water over his gills seems to calm him down as he grips over his heart. His… heart that he can see through his chest- beating and pumping blood. But, he feels so disconnected from it. Like his body was turning into metal. And it scared him to his very core.
He yelps in surprise and fear as he feels a gentle hand on his shoulder. Then, he sees a goggled face and relaxes some. It’s just Henrik…
“I heard you shout…” The stalker hybrid says quietly, “More nightmares?”
Marvin is quiet but then slowly nods. His voice cracks a bit as he mumbles, “…t-they just keep getting worse, Hen… I-I…!”
Henrik is quick to wrap up the younger brother in a hug and shushes him gently. “It is only a dream, Marvin… they cannot hurt you.”
The warper mer is quiet in his arms for a few beats, trying to find comfort in his embrace. But the dream still lingered like poison in his mind. He pushes himself out and swims upward. “T-That’s just it, Hen! It’s… it’s not just a dream… I-it’s things I’ve been worried about- worried that I’m… I’m too different f-from…!” He cuts himself off as he bites his lip, trying not to let tears linger in his eyes.
“M-Marvin what are you-?” Schneep tries to say. But Marvin hurriedly swims past him, towards the mouth of the cove.
“I- I need to look for answers…!” Marvin says quickly then warps away before Henrik can even get up to chase after him.
Marvin appears in the lost river and he blinks in confusion. “…why… am I here?” He asks, his voice echoing slightly in the dark cavern. He shudders, holding his arms tight around him. He hates it down here… here is where Zeke-
You want to find answers, right? A thought echoes through his head. And with the thought comes a feeling. Pulling him forward. Like an instinct. A need.
Marvin trembles, his tails juddering in place. But, maybe there were answers here somewhere. He shakes his head and swims after the feeling, going towards the strange alien-like arches that lead to his destination.
Though, whatever this feeling is… it’s not leading him to where Zeke had him. That was a small white suit wreck- a crude Alteran attempt at making warpers themselves… at least from what he can remember. It was all really fuzzy. But now… this is leading him to a really scary looking building. One that it seems even the white suits don’t touch. Probably because it looked like it was destroyed by… something. Something big. And the entire thing was submerged underwater. Which served Marvin just fine.
Still- looking at the strange glowing green structure hidden amongst the darkest parts of the Lost River sent shivers down the warper’s spine. But, he swallowed his fear and swam inside.
Inside was a confusing labyrinth of architecture he had rarely seen. Strangely glowing and… there were so many things locked behind glass structures. Marvin swam into an open room and gasped as he saw fuana specimens tacked onto displays. He felt sick as he saw a rabbit ray… and a huge egg that kinda reminded him of Anti.
He quickly swam out of that place- seeing massive claw marks scratched into the walls and dents of damage. But soon enough he entered a place that felt way too familiar… yet like nothing he had ever seen before.
It was horrifying… an expansive room filled with- warper parts. Several parts just left in construction- an inactive warper discarded and thrown on the floor, leaving that horrid green cage open. Just like the one that Zeke kept him for weeks, back in that wrecked Alterra copy. Clearly it had been a poorer copy of this. This… this is where the original warpers must have been made.
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Seeing this all has Marcin’s heart pounding wildly, his skin raked with goosebumps. Still… this place had to have the answers he was looking for, right? The answer to what he was… was he human? Was he a machine? Was he too different from his brothers? ��looking around this place though, he’s not sure this has the answer he wants to hear.
As he swims forward into the lab he tries to look around for something… he’s not exactly sure what. Surely there must be information in here… like a PDA or something?
When suddenly, his tail brushes against some kind of dark cube with glowing green lines- and lights and machines start to glow and whirl around him. Marvin freezes and whips around to look- only for some of those green metal bars and wires to crash into him and hold him in place. Marvin instantly starts to panic and fights against the cage, “no no!! Not again! L-Let me go!!”
He tries to warp but whatever this stuff is made of is suppressing his powers! He feels panicked tears welling up in his eyes and tries to struggle out more, using his claws to try to get out but the cage grabs his arms and pulls them taunt to the side. Ringing is starting up in his ears, he left his mask at the cove! He can’t lose himself here! But he feels his second pair of eyes trying to open, feels his warper instincts trying to claw their way to the surface through his panic.
One of the 4 pronged fabricators creaks loudly across the ancient ceiling as it comes to rest in front of Marvin. A blue light washes across his body, scanning him. Then, a robotic voice garbles out, almost too glitched and corrupted to understand:
‘Warper agent active but incomplete. Processing power not at full capacity.’
“What?! W-What does that mean?? P-Please just let me go! I’m not just a warper I-I’m-!” Marvin sobs. But the machines don’t listen. The fabricator arm zooms around Marvin- then latches onto his neck, inserting sharp tips under his armor.
‘Detecting damage in miniaturized phase chip. Warper agent’s self-repairing technology impaired. Reactiviating-‘
A sharp shock goes through Marvin’s nerves as his back arches and he lets out a strangled gasp of pain. Something in his blood seems to pump faster, feels… different. The… the ringing… is it getting… quieter?
‘Self repairing technology back online.’
Then, the fabricator whirls and then soars over his head, latching attachments against his skull and digging in. He screams bloody murder and tries to thrash against the pain but the cage tightens around him- holding him still.
‘Expanding processing power of Agent’s brain. Please stand by.’
The computerized voice says- now clearer as if talking directly into Marvin’s mind.
Then, there’s nothing but bright blinding pain as something pushes into his skull and electricity fills up Marvin’s whole body. He’s not sure if he’s screaming or not- he feels completely detached from his body. All he can feel is the pain as something is pushed into his mind.
When he next wakes up he’s laying down on his back on one of the tables inside the warper facility. He doesn’t even remember passing out… he groans and holds his head. It’s aching and pounding. But then as he looks out- something in his vision has changed.
He sees- words. Human words. But he can fully read and understand them now. Everywhere he looks he sees things start to get highlighted in blue, like they’re being scanned before information pops up to explain it. Just like a white suit machine. Marvin screams and tries to scramble away but- he can’t escape it! It’s all he can see!
He curls up and holds hands over his eyes, sobbing hysterically in fear. “W-What is this?! W-What’s happening to me?!”
Then, he stiffens slightly and pink blooms in his eyes as words start to fill his mind. It hurts- it hurts and he tries to fight it but there’s just urge to just- repeat the words! Say them outloud- he needs to he’s programmed to-
“Warper agents' brains and central nervous systems been digitally augmented with advanced processing power and remote communications.” Marvin says in a robotic drone, eyes glazing over slightly as the information slips from his lips.
Once he’s done, the pink fades from his eyes and the pressure lightens as he gasps. His limbs begin to tremble again, no longer stiff and robotic. He claps his hands over his mouth and chokes on a sob. That fabricator- it did something to him! Did it make him even more like a warper? More like a machine?!
Marvin rockets off the platform and back out into the rest of the facility- the rest of its freaky secrets blurring around him in his panic. The second he feels like he can warp again he does- crashing into the wall of the cove with a loud thud.
Soon enough Jackie comes into view and tries to help Marvin up, “Marvin?! Marv what’s wrong? Are you okay?!”
The touch is electric, it’s too much- it feels like Marvin’s nerves are on fire! He pushes Jackie away from him and curls up, “D-Don’t touch me!”
Jackie looks hurt, “What? Marvin-!”
More bodies start to swim closer, Marvin can feel Jamie’s tentacles and hear Schneep’s panicking. Another hand tries to touch him and he shoves it off. “Stop please just- stop…!”
“Marvin, I need to see what is wrong…!” Henrik tries to say, “Is your head hurting? Do you need your mask?”
“M-Maybe we should call for Danan?” Chase suggests shakily.
Marvin tries to look out at his brothers- and he gasps as he sees his vision start to scan them. Messages pop up, showing their designations. No no- Marvin didn’t want to see those! He whimpers and the others tense as they see flickers of pink in his eyes.
“Anti, get Marvin’s mask, quickly!” Henrik shouts. The sea dragon hesitates then grabs the mask and hurries over to hand it to Marvin. “Here,” Anti whispers, looking slightly worried.
But all Marvin can see is Anti’s designation- SE-004. And the notes of ‘return to HQ at all costs.’ Marvin chokes on a sob and curls up as much as he can, digging claws into his head as he shouts out, “no no! G-Get- GET AWAY FROM ME!!”
As he shouts this- suddenly, his mask and any lingering tech around the cave start to glow with blue light. Then, they start to float in the water despite their weight. The boys all watch this in awe. Until- the objects all shoot off in different directions, causing even more crashing sounds.
Marvin dares to look up, his eyes glowing blue now instead of pink. The others stare at him with confusion and a bit of fear.
“M-Marvin…” Schneep whispers, “…what did you do?”
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 6: Septnautical
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Once Alt is done describing outside, the others have reached the secret hidden research lab holding Jack. The boys and Zara all come into another tank of water- which seems to be an observatory aquarium facing the lab.
Curled up on the sparse white floor is Anti. He’s lying on top of a few of his tails, idly watching the view into the lab. His ear twitches as he hears people enter and then blinks in surprise at seeing all his brothers. “O-Oh… hey.” He smirks and looks at  reaper Jackie and Henrik. “Did those weird humans get eaten yet? I hope so-“
His eyes then widen as the human-hybrids enter and then they quickly narrow as he bares his fangs. “What the fucking hell?! Is this a joke?! Is this a white suit trick?!” He hisses as his back fin puffs up.
“Anti please- try to stay calm.” Henrik says gently. “It is strange I know but… this is not a trick. We’re trying to help them get home.”
Anti doesn’t seem convinced as he curls up more and growls at them. “How do you know this wasn’t just a-a elaborate plan to get to Jack?! You all just lead them straight here!”
“Cuz we trust them dude!” Mer- Jackie says. Marvin and Chase kinda grumble but Jackie ignores them. “I don’t think they could lie about all this- not even Alterra could make up some of the shit we’ve heard!”
“Look man, if we wanted to get into this place we wouldn’t bother with some fucking elaborate trick,” Jackie says, trying not to snap. “We’d be plenty capable of getting in here without any trickery.”
“I do not think that’s as reassuring as you want it to be,” Schneep mutters, hanging back.
We understand that this is strange, and you don’t have to trust us, JJ says calmly. But we really don’t mean you any harm. If there’s anything we can do or say to prove that, we would.
“As long as you don’t tell us to do something we can’t,” Jackie mutters. He leans to the side. “So… this is some kind of lab space. Or, it is on the other side.”
“Anything interesting?” Schneep asks curiously.
Anti bristles and growls at Jackie, bunching up like he might lash out. But Jamie comes over and shakes his head at him and touches over his heart. This seems to give Anti pause. Then, hearing JJ use the same robot as Jamie has him relaxing even more. But, he still on edge.
Behind Anti and through the glass is the lab space. Seems to be open air at the moment as a couple people in blue and black suits are walking around, typing stuff in on holo screens or checking on the main subject of the room. Which of course is Jack. He seems to be asleep, set mostly upright on a lab table with wires and things tucked under brown armor-like plates on his arms and upper torso. He has 5 similarly armored tails that are submerged in a small tank of water below him. They seem to have glowing bits of blue underneath like suction cups. He seems to have a breathing mask on his face but filled with water that also filters over the gills on his neck.
“Ya wanna prove yourselves to me? Okay- I wanna hear what Jack has to say about this.” Anti growls.
His brothers all balk and look at each other. “Uh… I dunno how that’s gonna happen Anti…” Chase says quietly. “You’re really the only one here that talks to him… r-regularly in your dreams…”
“He’d know if these bitches are a threat or not.” Anti glares at the newcomers. “I’m not letting them near him otherwise.”
“Anti please be reasonable!” Zara tries to say, “We just need to talk to Danan and you know she’s-“
“No!” Anti growls sitting up to spread out his tentacles in a defensive stance. “Don’t get any closer…”
JJ backs up, hands raised. We’ll stay back, he promises. He looks at the others. Won’t we?
Jackie looks up and nods. While this exchange has been going on he’s been describing the lab—and Jack—to Schneep. Now he looks at Anti warily. He doesn’t want to fight him, but if it comes down to it he’ll defend himself.
“Jack… is the one outside of the glass?” Schneep asks slowly. That soul feels strange. Like his Jack, but… there’s something about it. Like the magic he senses in JJ, Alt, and Bro. “A-and he speaks in your dreams? How? A-and… how are you going to get advice from him? You are not asleep.”
“He can hear us,” Anti says eerily. “If he’s as worried as I am… he’ll do something…”
“Like.. what exactly?” Alt says with a raised eyebrow. “Look I-if you let me closer I could talk to him for you- I could go into minds and-!” He attempts to swim a bit closer but Anti snaps his jaws and lunges forward. But not to attack just to keep Alt back. And Alt glitches back and Bro catches him.
“Don’t test me ya fucking fake humans! I’ll tear you to ribbons!” Anti growls. Jamie hugs his neck and tries to hold him back but- Anti is bigger and stronger than him.
Jackie tenses, glaring at Anti, the mandibles on his back instinctively snapping. JJ holds his hands out, a shield starting to form. Schneep backs up, scleras turning black, getting ready to leap out of the way of danger.
However before the situation can get anymore tense- the human-hybrids and Anti feel a sudden pull in their guts- and their eyes fill with cyan. And then… it’s like they’re pulled into sleep and they all sink to the floor as their consciousnesses get pulled somewhere else.
When they open their eyes, they seem to be in the deepest reaches of the ocean- almost pitch black around them. It still feels like water- and they’re still in their hybrid forms. But it also feels… floaty. Like a dream.
And… Schneep finds he can see.
A bit before them is… the hybrid they saw in the lab. But he’s awake now, staring at them with startling bright cyan eyes. He regards them with a neutral expression, tilting his head as he studies them.
“Huh?” Jackie looks around. “What? Huh?! Huh?!”
“W-Woah…” Alt whispers.
“T-The fuck is this place?” Bro asks.
JJ backs up. Is this an illusion?
“Ah!” Schneep presses his hands to his eyes, closing and opening them several times. He expects them to hurt from the sudden influx of imagery… but they don’t. Confused, he looks around.
Alt startles and goes over to Schneep, “A-Are you okay Schneep?”
Bro sees him seemingly looking around and gasps, “Can you see?”
“Oh! I can see! I can see!” Schneep laughs in amazement. 
“What?!” Alt and Bro both shout in delight.
Alt smiles. “This is the mind I guess… like you being able to see in dreams.”
Schneep looks at the others, starting with Alt and Bro. “Oh! I can see the resemblance, but you two look less like my friends than I was picturing.” 
Bro and Alt look at each other then laugh. “It’s the freckles I bet.” Alt snickers.
Then Schneep looks at JJ. “You look very much like my Jamie, though—except for the mouth of course.” Then he looks at Jackie. His eyes widen in shock for a moment. But he doesn’t say anything. He looks down at Jackie’s tail. “Oh—you have a lobster tail.”
“Wh—no I don’t!” Jackie protests.
JJ laughs. Lobster boy.
“Shut up!”
Bro laughs too, “Oh my god! He is a lobster!” Alt hides his laugh behind his hand.
Anti shakes out his head then gasps and spurs up towards Jack, “Jack!!”
The other hybrid smiles at Anti and open his arms and Anti hurries over and gives him a quick hug. Then he seems to protectively hang over Jack’s shoulder as he glares and growls at the visitors.  Jack keeps his face neutral but there’s a bit of warmth radiating from him.
“Sorry to just… pull you in. I didn’t want Anti to hurt you… if you’re as innocent as you claim.” He says with a bit of authority. 
“U-um…” Jackie stares at Jack. It’s a bit… strange… to hear his voice, so similar to the Jack he knows. When was the last time he heard Jack’s voice?
It’s fine, it seemed like an emergency, JJ says. 
Jack tilts his head, “Anti said you were …fake. And… I can sense you are not Alterans but also… so strange… were you really.. human?”
“We were indeed human,” Schneep says. “A-and we can be human again. It is unusual, I know, but it’s true. We mean you no harm. You or any of your family.”
JJ glances around. So… this isn’t an illusion. It must be some sort of… mental landscape.
Jack nods, “Yeah we’re… I dunno exactly where but I have like… telepathy I think it’s called. The hybrid part of me is sea emperor and they have that too… I think the doctors here think I can do a bit more cuz of you know- having a human mind.” He laughs. “It’s weird but… I can talk to people like this… least until they figure out how to wake me up.”
Jack separates himself from Anti, much to the younger brother’s dismay and appears in front of the group in a flash of blue. He studies them closer.
“Alt… Chase… Schneep… JJ and… Jackie huh?” He says slowly looking at all of them. He then smiles and nods. “…yeah I… I think you’re good.”
“What?! You trust them just like that?!” Anti yells.
“Mmm yeah. I can see… bits and pieces of where they come from. This isn’t their home… and it seems like they all have a lot to get back to… family and people they really love.” Jack smiles sadly and holds a hand over his chest. “…I know the feeling…”
Jackie backs up a little as Jack appears closer. “O-oh. You can like—read our minds?” he says. “Can you um—n-not do that? There are things in my brain that I-I don’t want people to see.”
“Not fully,” Jack laughs, answering Jackie, “I just get… feelings and snippets. Flashes of things that are important or like..  really strong feelings. I can talk in the mind more than see it. I won’t pry I promise…”
Jackie lets out a sigh of relief. "I-I know you won't. Still... thanks."
“You’re like… an enchanter almost…” Alt mutters.
Jack blinks, “…I dunno what that word means but… thank you?”
JJ also looks a bit uneasy, but he pushes through that, knowing Jack means no harm. We would very much like to get home, he says. I sort of left my friend waiting.
Jack looks to JJ with sympathy and nods, “Unfortunately me and my brothers don’t have the kinda powers you guys have… but I’m sure my brothers will do what they can to help. Even Anti.”
Anti makes a noise of protest but Jack gives him a look and Anti crosses his arms and grumbles. “…yer sure they’re not with Alterra?””
Jack nods, “I’m sure.”
There’s a beat of silence before Anti groans, “Finneeee!”
JJ laughs a little at Anti's attitude. He can't help but be reminded of his friend. Thank you, Anti. I'm sure there's a lot you could do to help us.
"You know, Jamie, if this is the mind, why are you still signing?" Schneep asks. "Shouldn't you be able to talk if I can see?"
JJ shrugs. I suppose I'm more used to this by now.
"Ah. Well, in any case, thank you, Jack." Schneep nods at him. "Now we have to figure a way out of here."
Jack laughs and shakes his head, “Don’t worry. I got that. It was… nice to meet you all. I wish it could have been in person but… keep my brothers safe if you can, okay?” He smiles sadly and then his eyes turn cyan before the space around the boys turns white.
"Bye Jack!" Jackie shouts, a bit desperately, as the space starts to fade.
"Nice to meet you too," Schneep adds.
Your brothers will help you, I know it, JJ says.
Jack smiles at them all before everything goes white.
Then, they’re back in the lab observatory. Alt shakes himself out and blinks as the merboys have surrounded the passed out visitors.
“Are you guys okay?!” Mer Jackie asks.
Anti pushes himself up and shakes his head out like a dog. Jamie hugs his head with Anti lets him do so begrudgingly.
Schneep blinks. "Ah, back to reality."
"We're okay." Jackie pats himself down. "Jack just wanted a word with us—well, kind of? He wanted Anti to know we were safe to trust."
Which we are! JJ says cheerfully.
Chase's eyes widen. "Y-You talked to Jack??"
"Yeah... and they're all good." Anti sighs.
"Now. Is Danan out here?" Schneep swims up to the wall of the tank, facing out. "I can tell there are people, is she one of them?" Anti lets Schneep pass with a huff. 
At the window, an older black woman with bouncy black hair and bright green eyes is writing notes on her own PDA. She blinks as Schneep comes forward and smiles. She touches a button on her jacket and her voice comes from a speaker on their side. "Oh Henrik I-!" Then, she blinks and takes notice of how different Schneep looks and seems confused.
Jackie chuckles. "I think you've been spotted, Schneep. And she looks really confused."
"Ha! I can imagine." Schneep grins.
"Yeah just- hang on-" Henrik says and goes to push the button for the comms as Alt and Bro come over to meet her. "Hello Danan? Is there a way for you to meet us in here? We have... many things to discuss with you."
Danan looks surprised but then she nods and touches the button again. "Of course. Lemme just get finished up in here."
It takes a few minutes but soon the door to the observatory opens and the woman swims in. She smiles at everyone but she can't hide her surprise. "Oh well! Hello there... I did not know we had so many new people on my base."
JJ waves at Danan. Hello! This must be very surprising. Well you're going to be even more surprised when we tell you where we came from.
"We're not from here," Jackie says. "To the point where we haven't even heard of Alterra. I'm Jackie, this is JJ, Schneep, Alt, and Chase. We're from another universe."
"Nice to meet you!" Schneep waves cheerfully. "The others speak highly of you."
“Do they now?” Danan says with a smirk. “I’m glad my reputation precedes me! Well I’m Dr. Kendra Danan and…I’m sorry did you say another universe?”
“Insane, right?” Zara laughs. “Have you ever heard of traveling to different universes?”
“Well… it was a theory I remember being vaguely interested in for a bit…” Danan says, crossing her arms.  “Alterra was very interested in the possiblity of it off planet but… not here.”
Alt deflates a bit, “Oh well… we were hoping you might know if it’s.. possible to maybe reprogram a… what were they called?”
Marvin’s eyes flicker pink, “Alien Arch.”
“yeah that!”
Danan hums and then thinks. “…I’m not sure we have the tools but..  if they were maybe connected to architect technology somehow…?” She looks at Marvin.
Marvin shakes out himself then looks at Danan with wide eyes. “M-Me?!”
“You are the only warper around that can possibly understand technology like that…” Danan says with an encouraging smile.
“Oh I.., I don’t k-know…”
“Well… it’s either we try this out or… we just wait for the rifts to find us again… which is not ideal…” Alt mutters.
Danan and Zara blink, “Rifts?” Danan asks.
"They're what sucked us here in the first place," Jackie explains. "See, the three of us—" He gestures at himself, Schneep, and JJ. "—were actually from a different universe than those two." And he gestures at Alt and Bro.
"Three separate universes, actually," Schneep says. "But then we were pulled to their world through these rifts, and all five of us were pulled from that one to this one some time later."
They look like black cracks or tears, JJ explains. Like the air itself has been ripped. And they pull at people nearby. Like... when you open an airlock and all the air goes rushing into the vacuum.
"How do you know what airlocks do? You've never been in space!" Jackie says. "H-have you?"
No, but I've seen movies! You ever seen a movie where someone got ejected into space?
"...I've played Sonic Adventure 2 and Sonic Unleashed, does that count?"
"Ayyy SBA2! That's me and Alt's favorite!" Bro says excitedly. Alt slaps his tail with his own. "Focus-"
JJ blinks. Sorry, I've never played a Sonic game.
"Really?" Schneep says. "Even I have played a Sonic game--the classic sidescrollers, though, none of the 3D games."
"We're getting so distracted." Jackie shakes his head. "God—I've probably missed my time to take my ADHD meds. Anyway. The point is. You really think that we might be able to mess with these alien gates to open up a way to another universe? That seems... complicated."
"... I'm sorry I don't know anything about these rifts...." Danan says.
"They also have like- magic and stuff." Mer Jackie says excitedly. "So- maybe that could help?"
"Well... what the architects could do was nothing short of magical... so- who knows? It's still a mystery to us but... maybe it just needs the right touch." Danan smiles. "Us scientists believe there's nothing wrong with trying something out. They should be safe to look at, at the very least."
Alt sighs, "... It at least gives us a goal for now... and if it works, great! If it doesn't then... gotta wait for the rifts then... honestly it could be worse."
Bro grins at the merboys, "You guys up for taking us on an adventure?"
"I wanna! I wanna!" Mer Jackie says excitedly. Jamie claps and swims around his brothers in a couple big loops. Henrik chuckles, "I am quite curious what we could find." Anti and Marvin grumble a bit but Chase nudges them and they get quieter. "If Jack trusts you all then... yeah. I'm willing to help you guys get home." Chase smiles.
"Awesome!" Jackie whoops. "Let's see more of this place! It's the strangest fucking place I've ever been, so might as well enjoy it while it lasts."
"I am getting better at swimming, I swear I am," Schneep says.
"Y'know, if might actually be better if you took off your shirt," Jackie suggests. "Less drag. More maneuverability. I mean--the fish'll still be there, but still."
"Huh. You might be right, actually," Schneep says, tilting his head thoughtfully. "Okay, might as well try. This is not time to be modest." He starts taking his shirt off.
JJ frowns at Jackie. Did you just want him to join the rest of us in some weird peer pressure thing?
"No, I don't care what he wears or doesn't," Jackie shrugs. "But I really do think it might help. Here, put it in the bundle. Also, do you guys have a bag or something for all our clothes?"
"Of course," Danan laughs. She swims over to the wall and there seems to be a fabricator in here too. After clicking a few buttons it starts to create a large flexible bag. She swims over and hands it to Jackie. "There! That should work right?"
"Ah sweet, thanks!" Jackie grins and takes the bag, putting all their clothes inside. "I hope one of you two know how to dry stuff for when we get out," he says, looking at Alt and JJ.
Oh, of course, that's easy, JJ says.
Then, Danan seems to think and looks over to Marvin, "Marvin... how did you know about the alien arches? Most of them are on land where you all can't reach..."
Marvin quickly looks away and holds his arms. "Um well... I... one it's this... f-fucking chip in my head... but um... I also found one in the lost river...? I... I think the forcefield that kept the water out got d-damaged by a Ghost Leviathan."
"The Lost River?!" Chase shouts, "T-That place with the brine that poisons you guys??"
"...I mean the new Schneep guy is a river prowler- he'll be fine." Marvin says shortly. "And JJ.. he's a ghost ray. And I-I can... self-repair... apparently."
"Ghost leviathan?" Jackie repeats, raising an eyebrow. If that reaper thing was also a leviathan—and there was poisonous brine— "This doesn't sound like a good place."
"Oh! I think there's another forcefield that got damaged in the one by the mushroom forest though!" Zara says happily. "I'm pretty sure I came across that recently but- wasn't really sure how to use those things still..."
"They need an ion cube to work usually," Danan explains. "Most of them that need ion cubes in the main gates are down in HQ but... I think those are still intact...? hm... the mountain base is probably one that needs one."
"...the Lost River one was active." Marvin says quietly.
"...that's really dangerous though! Last time you and me went there you nearly lost your arm and I got bitten to death by mesmers!" Mer-Jackie explains.
"We didn't die Jackie-" Marvin snaps at him. The two glare at each other the way siblings always do when they fight and want to be right.
"W-well, don't fight about it," Jackie says, voice trembling a little. "Don't—don't fight about it.” 
"What the fuck happened that nearly lost you an arm?" Schneep mutters.
And... what was that? Mesmers? JJ repeats, spelling out the word. He's visibly uncomfortable with the implications of that name.
Marvin looks to Schneep, "...a Ghost Leviathan attacked me and bit my arm. ...and it was just a baby too." He shudders and grabs his arm, where the others can see what looks like bite marks. "And uh.. m-mesmers are fish that can... pull you in with colors on their fins and they can s-speak in your mind."
"They majorly suck." Reaper Jackie says and Henrik nods in confirmation.
Hypnotizing fish, JJ comments. Great. He signs the word slowly, making the fish robot say it in a drawl that's clearly meant to be sarcastic.
Alt bursts into giggles. "Oh my god- that was great JJ. But also- mood."
"Also… uh, The brine is easy enough to avoid. It's only on the bottom of things and like... the falls and pools." Marvin mutters.
"Since when do you know so much about it?" Mer Jackie asks with a growl.
"Since I was trapped there for a month, asshole!" Marvin snaps back. Henrik quickly goes to push them aside. "Enough you two!"
Jackie cringes while looking at mer-Jackie and Marvin. He knows that they're siblings, bickering is probably normal, but—why is he thinking of fights with his Marvin? He doesn't like thinking about him— “We can—maybe we can grab one of those cube things from the lost river base and take it to the mushroom place?"
If we're going there anyway we might as well just stay there, JJ points out.
"Can you not make an ion cube with your machines?" Schneep asks, confused. "Or... do you need the design or something?"
"The ion cubes are architect tech so... we don't know how to make them." Danan explains, "They seem to grow in these places though and there's a self-replenishing supply in HQ. But that one is one you all cannot reach... or my boys can't at least."
"Plus uh- Alterra." Zara points out.
"Yes that too."
"Huh. I suppose even machines that can rearrange matter have a limit," Schneep says thoughtfully. "But that limit is not helping right now."
Alt looks at Jackie with a bit of concern and lightly touches his tail against his. Then he sighs and says, "... if the one in this lost river is the only one you all can take us to that's active... then we'll just have to take our chances."
When Alt touches him, Jackie jumps a little, then quickly shakes himself off. "Yeah. And we have safety in numbers, too."
"Besides! We got tons of natives here to help us!" Bro tries to say positively. The merboys either smiles at him or snort and look away.
Danan smiles and nods, "It shouldn't be a long trip. Marvin should just be able to warp you straight there. Unless you all are eager to explore. It is an eerily beautiful place down there."
JJ smiles at Danan. Perhaps we can explore a little bit, but we should do this quickly, I think. Messing with these arches might take a while.
"So we are leaving right now, then?" Schneep asks. "Or—should we prepare? I would be fine with leaving now, in either case."
The merboys all look at each other. Anti shrugs, "I say lets get this over with. I'm eager for things to... be less exciting." He grumbles.
Marvin nods and then opens up a warp gate in the middle of the room. "This should take us straight there." He says, "Everyone swim on through."
"Hmm. Swim through? So you open up a portal," Schneep muses. "Like a small wormhole. Or like a portal from the game Portal." He giggles to himself at the repetition of the word.
"Yeah, actually, it does look a bit like a portal," Jackie says. "But you can't see through to the other side and it's this swirling... pink and purple and blue—"
"Oooo, my favorite colors," Schneep says, grinning. "As my Jackie would say, bisexual lighting."
Jackie and JJ both burst into laughter at that. A little less intense, but you got the idea! JJ says.
Alt studies the warp gate curiously. "... I wonder what would happen if I tried to glitch through this..."
"I dunno if now is the time to play around like that Alt." Bro chuckles.
Marvin makes a face then shrugs, "If it's similar to warping... hm... I can't say I'm not curious too..."
Alt's eyes sparkle a bit and he grins and then glitches through. From their end- nothing seems to have happened- except a tiny spark of green across the surface. And a bit of green reflecting in Marvin's eyes and a barely noticeable twitch in his hands. Bro hurries after Alt.
JJ frowns as Alt glitches through. Not sure that was a good idea.
"Well, it's too late now." Jackie shrugs, making sure that he has the bag on securely. Then he swims on through.
Schneep frowns. He swims forward hesitantly, then passes on through.
JJ lingers nervously at the back. He probably shouldn't be worried. Probably nothing happened. But still, he can't stop the anxiety as he approaches and slowly goes through the warp gate.
Mer-Jackie doesn't look excited to go in the warp gate but Jamie grabs his hand and starts to lead him through. Henrik and Chase laugh a bit at this and follow after. Anti gives the others a neutral glance before he shuffles through.
Once everyone is through, Marvin follows and the gate closes. Zara and Danan wave goodbye. "You have your radios if you need us boys!"
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bubblybois · 6 years
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I drew some fanart for @septnautical!!! I loved their art of warper Marvin being forced to work with the white suits and I couldn't help but draw him!!! (I could've done better on some parts of him but tehehe I'm not very good at drawing tbh)
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septnautical · 5 months
“I’m sorry, Marvin… I’m not sure there’s anything I can do,” Dr. Danan said quietly. 
“W-What does that mean?!” Marvin squeaks in fear, holding his mask tight in his hands. “There’s nothing you can do?! I have fucking white suit words scrolling across my eyes!!” 
Danan sighs. She’s already taken Marvin to get x-rayed and to run some scans on him but… 
“It’s… architect technology, Marvin,” She says, turning to the panicked merman and his brothers. 
Jackie tilts his head, “…architects? Who are they?”
“Isn’t that like… a human word for someone who builds?” Chase asks. 
Marvin stiffens up, pink appearing in his eyes as he drones out, “Architects is the name given by Alterra to a species of highly advanced and ancient beings that arrived on Planet 4546B approximately one thousand years ago, searching for a cure for the Kharaa Bacterium. Most information surrounding them is currently unknown.” Then he shudders and curls up smaller, blinking the pink out of his eyes. 
Schneep looks at him sympathetically and then looks back at Danan desperately, “There must be something we can do for him… some way to stop uh- these fits of knowledge?” 
“…sounds like a PDA,” Jamie observes sheepishly. 
Marvin chokes on a quiet sob and curls his tails up to his chest. 
“It’s beyond anything that we know.” Danan says, looking at Marvin with worry. “We’ve been trying to study it for years but… all our attempts to replicate their technology falls short. I have…no idea how to even begin to approach this.” 
“I-If this is just architect stuff then… w-why do I suddenly have knowledge that Alterra has?” Marvin asks shakily. 
Anti nods, “Yeah… s-some of the stuff he’s been saying is stuff I used to hear back at HQ…didn’t remember it until he said it but…” 
Danan hums in thought, “Well… there was an attempt to make an Alteran Warper facility like the one in the lost river- where you just were, Marvin. Maybe… in an attempt to merge technologies… it’s not out of the question that they might have set up a data hub there that links our Alterran PDA database to the one the architects held there. There’s a very large power supply down in the depths…” She shakes her head, “I’m sorry boys… I’m a doctor- a Xeno-biologist. This is going into technology which is not my speciality.” 
“Zara is good with tech!” Jackie tries to add.
Dr. Danan just shakes her head again, “She wouldn’t know about this… I’m so sorry, Marvin.” 
She swims over to the x-Ray display and points to the place where Marvin’s warper chip is. “…on the bright side? It seems that your chip is no longer broken! So… you don’t need to wear your mask anymore or get into those warper fits…?” 
Marvin’s lip warbles, “But I finally was liking my mask…!” 
“You can still wear it Marv…” Chase tries to say encouragingly. “Everything’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure this all out.” 
Marvin looks up at his older brother with a warbling lip. Then he turns away and curls up smaller. “I… I need to clear my head…” and then in a quick burst of blue and purple ripples, he’s gone. 
“Wait Marvin!” Schneep tries to say then curses once he’s gone, “Damnit-! We have to find him! Being alone is how he got into all of this-!” 
Chase swims over and places a hand on Schneep’s shoulder, “…let him be Henrik… I… I think he just needs some space.” 
Jamie looks concerned, “…what if he gets hurt?” He whispers. 
“…We’re just gonna have to trust him…” Chase replies. 
Jackie looks very worried out the window of the lab… hoping his twin was okay. 
Marvin warps around for a bit, trying to find a place that could help him feel better. But… somehow- he ended up back in the lost river. This time though it is a completely different place. One he hadn’t seen before- with beautiful glowing trees and waterfalls of green glowing brine. He lets himself swim aimlessly, marveling at the sights. He even smiles as he sees the ghost rays swimming above, singing their ghostly wails. 
But, then- he hears a roar that has him stiffening. He turns around as sees the terrifying lavender glow of a ghost Leviathan-! He cries out then quickly swims as far away as he can- and finds himself in a very strange cave. He blinks, looking around the walls. There’s… bent metal right at the entrance… was this an Alteran site once? …if it was it might be abandoned now. They tend to avoid places that get filled with water. And based on the dents… seems like the ghost Leviathan wouldn’t bother him here. 
Marvin swallows shakily then goes to explore around- better than just… warping from place to place. He doesn’t want to tire himself out and be left in a bad spot. 
“…maybe this was dumb…” Marvin mumbles to himself, “I… what if I get in trouble and the others can’t find me?” He then shakes his head out and looks out in determination, “…I-i'll be fine though! I…I can handle myself. …mostly-“
Truthfully though- since reuniting with his brothers… there’s not a lot of time he spends completely by himself. And if he is- it’s usually within eye or earshot of one of the others. Maybe that’s why this was so scary… he hadn’t been truly on his own since… 
He shakes his head out again. This is fine- he’s a tough hybrid. He doesn’t need his brothers to baby him… Anti is already able to be on his own. He should be able to too! 
He swims for a while, following a winding path that seems to be made out of the roots of the ghost trees. It was kinda eerie… 
But then- at the end of the cave, there’s not an exit. Instead… There's a hollowed out cavern and- some kind of white suit machine. It’s a diamond frame on top of a triangle that’s sunk into the sand. And inside the frame is a glowing green field of energy.  
“What… is this thing…?” Marvin wonders. Then he stiffens as his eyes shine with pink, “An Alien Arch is a large construct used by the Architects. All auxiliary arches connect to the Primary Containment Facility.” 
Marvin quickly shakes off the trance and then backs up from the arch, shaking, “T-That’s where they had Jack…!” 
He starts to swim away but then finds himself pausing, looking back at the arch. …it was Architect technology, huh? And… the new things he can do are because of them. Is there some way… he could make this arch… go somewhere else? So it wouldn’t take him straight to the white suits. And then, Maybe… maybe it could help him find more answers about the architects and who they were- maybe he can find some way to stop what’s going on in his head! …maybe he could even find a way to help Jack! 
Narrowing his eyes in determination, Marvin swims towards the arch. He looks at its massive size and is momentarily intimidated before shaking himself out and touching the frame. He closes his eyes and tries to summon that weird feeling he felt when he got scared back in the cove- when he made his mask move! 
Slowly, the energy field starts to shimmer and shift as blue energy lights up over the frame. And then the field turns from green to a light shimmering blue. 
Marvin swims back and then looks down at his hands in wonder. “T-That worked?” He breathes. 
Then, he braces himself, going to tie his mask around his neck before he swims through the energy field. 
When he appears on the other side… he’s in another cave. With its own alien arch but the blue energy quickly dies down and leaves the frame empty. 
“…Strange,” Marvin says, holding his arms as a chill comes over him. 
it feels… colder here? He doesn’t usually feel the temperate changes too much but here it is very stark. He holds his arms then tries to look for any hint of sunlight- or someway out of here. He eventually looks up and sees a shimmer of light up further above. He ventures through the labyrinth of twisting rocks. Huh- this kinda felt like home. But… these rocks were darker and were… glowing? They look just like Jack’s tails! 
This gives Marvin hope that soars in his chest. He quickly swims faster- finally breaking into the light and-! 
This… isn’t even close to home. Those strange twisting rocks make up the landscape, strange plants he’s never seen growing along the shores of flat sandy plateaus. And there’s things that looks like creepvines flowing with the current, but they’re… yellow? And then- a fish swims by. Marvin thinks for a second that it’s a peeper but… it’s not! Or… maybe it is? It looks just like the ones back home but this one is glowing- with blue tips and it’s white and purple! 
“Where… the hell am I…?”
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huffle-dork · 4 months
Glitch into the Hufflverse Chapter 5: Septnautical
Read Swapboys | Read Crystal’s AUs | Read Septnautical
Read SITCV | Read SATCV | GITHV Masterpost
Diving under the water they see the murky yellow water under the aurora and the shapes of the hybrids swimming through it. Mer Jackie waves and then loops around to catch up with Henrik.
As they all swim after them, the water quickly starts to transition towards more of a green, rough rocks jutting out from the sea floor. Then, it turns a brilliant bright blue, the sun shining dream-like through the surface of the waves above.
Jackie and JJ both fumble for a while as they swim. This isn't like swimming as a person at all. Jackie figures it out first, moving his tail up and down. JJ takes a bit longer, but soon realizes how he has to use his new wings to help him glide along. It's a strange arms-out position.
Schneep, unfortunately, struggles for a while. His soul sensing abilities don't extend to all animals, only the bigger or smarter ones. And so, since there are a lot of alien fish in this alien ocean, he keeps bumping into them and slowing down. Eventually, JJ doubles back, reaching out and offering his arm. Schneep finds it and quickly clings onto JJ, looking a bit upset about how he can't swim as well as the others yet.
As they swim Henrik starts to explain, "Ah... we are obviously not fully human. But you cannot be... naturally born as this. And Alterra is a large company who has been given free reign to... experiment on this planet. And that is how... we all came to be. ...to them, we are not even known by our names. We all chose these names... but we are only letters and numbers to them- a result to be studied. They know me as... SH-003. The... third of the hybrids to be created."
Alt feels dread hit him like a punch in the gut. "... you all are... experiments...?" He asks quietly.
Mer-Jackie nods and holds his arms. "Yeah... I'm- uhhh RL-006-! But, we don't usually use those. Feels icky."
JJ sighs. He knew it wasn't good.
"Don't worry, if you do not like those titles, we will not use them," Schneep says.
"Yeah, I'd hate to call someone something that makes them feel icky," Jackie adds. "Uh... I'm uh... s-sorry if..." He clears his throat. "Well, I'm glad you were able to find your names."
"How many of you are there? If Jackie is six and he mentioned two others younger than him... eight?" Schneep is more talking to himself than anyone else.
"Oh! There's 7 actually- that fact makes it confusing." Reaper Jackie laughs, "Actually i think... right after I was born I... I technically died? But me and Marv were the only ones born outside of eggs and we were ready at around the same time so... I think putting us together saved me somehow?" He shrugs, "That's what Zara told me a PDA file said about me and him. But- that's why I'm technically older but he's the fifth- WH-005. The last one is Jamie- he's CH-007."
Henrik nods as if to confirm this. "Yes and other than them and me. There is RR-001, Chase- SE-002, Jack..." Henrik seems to linger on Jack's name before moving forward, "And... my near twin, Anti, SD-004."
“Died?" Jackie blinks, surprised. "I'm guessing you don't remember that. I hope you don't." He shakes his head. "I, uh... know someone named Marvin, too... But I can't imagine being paired with him." He hides a shudder.
"I can picture it all too well," Schneep mutters.
Reaper Jackie laughs, "Nah I don't remember- Marvin doesn't either! We were like... just a few days old i think." He swims back to look at Jackie and tilts his head at him. "Huh? Why...? Is your Marvin mean? ... I mean mine can be too but- I'm also kinda mean sometimes." He bares his teeth in a sharp grin and flexes his mandibles. "Then again I'm biased~ he's my twin!"
'You are not actually twins, Jackie." Henrik chuckles.
"It's close enough!" Mer-Jackie argues.
Jackie shakes his head. "The Marvin I know... isn't a good person..." he says slowly. "It's a long story." He wishes he could put his hoodie on over his new mandibles.
"What do all those Letters mean?" Bro asks, "I get the numbers just... the letters seem weird."
Henrik chuckles, "Those let the scientists know what species of hybrid we are. Like me- SH, stands for Stalker Hybrid."
"And I'm Reaper Levithian, RL!" Reaper Jackie adds with a grin, easily swimming circles around the others.
"You will understand better when you meet the rest." Henrik smirks. "Since it seems you are all not familiar with the fauna here."
"yeah- totally in the dark," Alt mutters. "... they're neat though I... I'd love to learn more."
JJ nods slowly. I vaguely remember hearing some of these names from my Anti, he says. While he uses his arms to sign, Schneep transfers his grip to JJ's waist, holding on via tendrils.
Mer-Jackie bllinks at JJ's signs and then looks to Alt. "What did mustache guy say?"
Alt laughs, "He said his friend Anti told him some of those names."
"Oh yeah! Cuz they said it was a game! Man- that's weird. Is it a naming game? Like- name all the fauna? That's nooo fun- that sounds like white suits drills." The reaper grumbles.
JJ chuckles at being called mustache man. I wish I had a spell that could let everyone understand me... but at least one person can.
"It is much more helpful than having someone translate for me," Schneep says. "Or the morse code system me and my JJ use. It is just a shame we found a wor—we found somewhere where most people do not know."
“I have a spell- but it’s still kinda iffy on non- spoken languages,” Alt sighs.
“It’s just that your signs are weird! But also cuz no one really uses them here much- ‘Cept Jamie now. And like- we didn’t really know how to read for a while so learning stuff like that is hard!” Mer Jackie chuckles.
“Imagine having to learn to read with your fingers," Schneep says. "I'm sure sign language is easier."
JJ looks back at him and frowns. Braille is an alphabet. BSL has individual words.
Schneep laughs. "You are right, you are right."
“We all have our struggles Schneep,” Alt laughs.
As they're swimming, they're now in a more colorful patch of ocean. Large tunnels of coral and weird looping structures of rocks. Colorful rays with bright blue and orange swim by, singing a sweet melody. The ocean is alive with schools of fish and colorful plumes of plant life.
JJ looks around with wide eyes. This place is beautiful! He waves at the rays as they swim by. Jackie can't help but duck through some of the rock loops.
The hybrids slow down a bit as the others take in the sea. Henrik smiles. "It is beautiful out here, is it not?"
"The shallows is one of the prettiest places! That's why our cove is over here! But also cuz it's the safest place!" Mer Jackie explains.
Bro sees Jackie swimming through some of the loops and laughs, trying it out himself. Man- it feels just like flying when he swims- just a bit more muscle work. Alt laughs at their antics.
"It is just a bit further to the forest," Henrik calls, spurring forward. "Careful you keep up- we have been building up our camouflage so you could get lost!"
The group speeds up as Henrik says to. Schneep bats angrily at the kelp strands as they pass. He makes a note to himself: never travel through forests. He doesn't want to hit his head on low-hanging branches. JJ squeezes his hand, reassuring him that he's there.
Henrik has taken to the kelp forest with ease- this is clearly his element and he has the way memorized well. They start to go a bit lower into the tall flowing strands of thick kelp. There’s even bundles of glowing seeds clustered together to make patches of bright light. Which helps since the ocean seems a bit… darker here amongst the swaying fronds.
Eventually they seem to come across a hole amongst the rocks and kelp and in it, surrounded by tall rocks is a white base. Most of it is covered in windows and… tubes? But there are some parts hidden amongst the twisted maze of hallways and rooms.
“Woahhh!” Bro laughs, “That’s so cool!”
Henrik grins. “Welcome to the Ocean’s Arms.”
"Whoa!" Jackie gasps. "Look at that scifi shit!"
JJ stares up in awe. His eyes are practically sparkling.
Schneep tilts his head to the side. He can sense nearby human souls... though none seem familiar. "What is it like?"
"Oh—well it's all white and glass," Jackie says. "Made of tube and round rooms—very round in general. It's all twisting and stuff."
"Ooooo. Sounds very nice." Schneep grins.
After Schneep is done getting the lay of the land- a black and white bundle speeds up and suddenly tackles mer-Jackie in a big tentacle-y hug. The reaper laughs and pats the new tinier merman that has attached himself to him. “Hi Jamie! We brought some new friends- you wanna meet them?”
A head of teal hair perks up away from Jackie’s chest and looks at the others. He has the same mustache as JJ’s except less maintained. He has black and white dots all over his face like freckles except one large patch that covers his left eye. And instead of the long singular tails the rest of the boys have- this tiny merman has 5 black and white spotted tentacles. He gasps quietly at seeing the others and then shakes mer-Jackie’s arm, pointing wildly.
Mer-Jackie laughs. “Yes I see them! Say hi! Show off your new thingy!”
Jamie nods and swims up closer to the others. Now that they are closer- it seems like he’s wearing… gloves of some kind? But with strange robotic-like finger attachments on the outside. He taps on a bag he has on his side and a strange robotic fish swims out, its body mostly consisting of a green and blue eye. Jamie makes a show of coughing in a somewhat dramatic manner like he’s gonna speak before- he starts to sign. And as he does- sound comes from the fish that sounds exactly like JJ from the few things they’ve heard him talk.
“Hello! I am Jamie! I’m still learning this so- forgive me if I am slow. My friend Ollie is teaching me trans-universal sign!” he beams once he’s done, flicking and swirling his tails, almost like a happy dance.
"Oh!" Jackie gasps. "Ohhhh that's so cool! Gloves that like—like translate sign language! That's so cool!"
JJ laughs. It would definitely be helpful—though it seems like sign language here is different.
"Yeah, no wonder they were calling BSL weird," Jackie agrees. "Anyway—it's nice to meet you, Jamie! You're like—some kind of black-and-white speckled octopus—pentapus? Cause there are only five tentacles?" He laughs and shakes his head. "This place is crazy."
Jamie tilts his head to the side. “What’s an octopus?” He whispers in a very quiet voice.
“Yeah or a pentapus- the fuck is that?” Reaper Jackie asks.
“Uh- creatures from our world.” Alt explains, “They’re helping us… take all this in better.”
“A pentapus isn’t even real,” Jackie laughs. “That was a joke.”
“Ah well here- he’s a cuddlefish!” Mer-Jackie grins. Jamie smiles shyly and twists his tails again.
"We should introduce ourselves," Schneep says. "Though... if you are anything like your brothers here, you will find it strange. My name is Schneep, and this is JJ—"
JJ waves.
"—and Jackie—"
"Hey!" Jackie grins.
"—and Alt and Chase."
Alt gives a two fingered salute to his name and Bro grins. “Yo! Nice to meet ya!”
Jamie blinks at all of them before pointing at the others and looking back to Henrik and mer-Jackie. “…they have your names.”
“Yes-“ Henrik nods.
“They look like you too!” Jamie tries to say a bit louder.
“Kinda freaky isn’t it?” Reaper Jackie laughs.
“Freaky? I can imagine,” Schneep says, amused.
Jamie swims up so he’s face to face with JJ. He blinks big blue eyes at him and tilts his head curiously. He signs and the robot fish says “You look like me! JJ… I like that!” Jamie smiles wide.
JJ blinks, then nods excitedly, matching Jamie’s enthusiasm. “I do look like you!” He says—though he then coughs and rubs his throat. Probably best to avoid that for a while.
Jamie’s expression turns into one of my sympathy and he floats towards JJ and lightly touches his neck. “…hurts?” He asks quietly. He then touches his own neck and nods like he relates. JJ can see a bit of scarring there.
JJ nods back, giving Jamie a small smile. He hopes the understanding comes across.
 Then, Jamie looks at Alt and Bro. He points at Bro. “…Chase-“ then at Alt, “Anti!”
Alt chuckles, “That’s one of my names yeah- but only Chase calls me that. You all can stick to calling me Alt.”
Jamie looks back at the hybrids and signs, “Anti came back here earlier. He looked mad. Said something about freaky new humans.”
“Oh? Did you see where he went?” Henrik asks.
“He went to go see Jack.”
“Oh. Well um…” Jackie squirms slightly, tail flicking. “We… might know something about those ‘freaky new humans’.”
“Surprise! It is us.” Schneep waves. “You are not going to believe hearing that, but it is true. You can ask your Jackie and Schneep.”
Jamie then blinks and looks at all the others and then mer-Jackie and Henrik. They laugh.
“Strange is it not? They have uh… magic I guess. To turn from human to hybrid.” Henrik says.
Jamie’s eyes sparkle with wonder as he swims excitedly all around the others and studies all their tails.
Jackie blinks. “…Jack, huh? He flipped out about him earlier. Sensitive subject, I take it.”
Jamie deflates as Jack is brought up. He looks back to his brothers as if asking for permission.
Reaper Jackie sighs “…we might as well tell them.”
Jamie looks back at the others and signs slowly, “Our older brother Jack is… asleep. He has been for a long time. The white suits did something to him and… Anti was used by Alterra to protect him… as a weapon. But, he still loves Jack so much- we all do. It makes us sad that he is still asleep.”
Bro’s eyes widen, “…woah that’s… that’s insane.”
Alt feels a bit in his stomach. “Anti.. he was used as a weapon…? How?”
The merboys all look a bit uncomfortable. Finally reaper Jackie says “… mind control. They erased Anti’s memories of us and put these weird chips in his ears that made him obey them. But he’s- he’s better now! We saved him from that.”
“Oh,” Jackie says quietly. “I-I’m um… I’m sorry about your brother.”
“Fucking mind control,” Schneep mutters. “I have dealt with a…similar situation with a friend of mine.”
JJ sighs. He nods. Me too. We’ve all had to deal with that in my home.
“Lotsa fucking mind control out there, isn’t there?” Jackie says.
Alt looks angry at hearing what happened to his counterpart, his tail flickering and a few zaps of electricity coming off him. Bro gets zapped and he yelps. “Ow Alt! careful!”
Alt blinks and then looks at his fins and tries to shake out the electricity. “ah sorry…”
“I-it is good that you are all past that, though,” Schneep says, smiling a little. “I suppose that makes sense why Anti was not trusting of us.”
Jackie pauses for a moment, giving the news the respect it deserves before moving on. “Well. Uh… This is where you guys live, then?” Jackie says, gesturing at the base. “Cool. I’m guessing you guys can’t actually go inside. Cause like… you’d need legs and stuff. But this is where those Ocean’s Arms guys live? They’re, uh… your friends?”
Mer-Jackie laughs, “We don’t live here! Our family has a cave together in the shallows! But, Henrik stays here mostly- he has a neat little cave he made for himself to hide all his scrap!”
Henrik blushes a little and flicks his tail. “… we all spilt up for a bit but we are… coming back together.”
Jamie smiles, “yes the base has our friends! The Ocean’s Arms saved my brothers from lots of things so now they make it so we feel safe here. They take care of Jack and! They made it so we can travel inside- in fact I think Marvin, Chase and Anti are inside if you’d like to meet them!”
“Coming back together, huh?” Jackie repeats. For a moment, he looks thoughtful. Then he shakes his head and smiles at the hybrids. “Yeah, we can go meet them.”
JJ nods excitedly. He wonders what the others will look like! The fish seem to have some crazy variations here!
Schneep chuckles. “I am glad of that. Everyone should have a place where they feel safe. We would love to meet your brothers. Ah, how do we get in?”
Reaper Jackie grins and flicks his tail. "Just follow us!" He dives down towards the base with Henrik and Jamie following closely after him. Alt and Bro follow after them.
Jackie quickly chases after the rest of the group, while JJ and Schneep are a bit slower.
As they approach the base, they suddenly notice the tubes have a couple entrances into the water, which the merboys slip easily inside. Alt looks a bit apprehensive about going inside but Bro helps him in.
"... these are a bit tight..." Alt mutters.
Henrik laughs, " A bit- you get used to them. These designs were made for tinier fish but they make it work!"
"Honestly I prefer this," Schneep mutters. "Less options for places to go--and nowhere for the fish to jump out at me—"
JJ laughs. You weren't hurt by running into all those fish, were you?
"I think the fish were more hurt, actually."
Jackie taps the tube walls as they go along—sometimes unintentionally hitting them with his mandibles. He wonders if people can hear that on the other side.
They swim for a bit in dizzying circles before stopping inside a larger aquarium tank that flanks an inner most hallway. There is another hybrid with bright yellow green hair, a large blue speckled tail with bright orange fins and even orange appendages that stick out from his back. He also has wings like JJ's attached to his arms with bright blue edges. He seems to be sitting in the sand, talking animatedly to... a couple kids?
Jamie swims over first and tackle hugs the new hybrid. He yelps in surprise and then laughs, hugging him back. "Oh hi Jamie! The kids were wondering where you went!"
Jamie beams and waves at the kids. There's a tiny brunette boy with- what looks like a prosthetic leg. And a tinier blonde girl with her hair in pig tails. And she's holding an almost holographic looking device in her hands. When she sees Jamie she lights up and starts rapidly typing on the pad. A robotic voice calls out, "Hello Jamie! Welcome back!" Jamie giggles and then tugs on the hybrid's arm to try to get him to get up. The older hybrid laughs, "What's got your tails twisted, Jay??"
The hybrid then looks up at the approaching group of new hybirds and freezes. Especially as he meets Bro's eyes. "oh... woah..."
The little boy gasps, "More hybrids?! I-I didn't know they were more!"
Mer Jackie laughs, "They're... kinda new? But also- kinda human? It's... super weird."
Henrik smiles, "Everyone, this is Chase. Our eldest brother."
Chase spurs up to look at the others higher in the water. "Uh... h-hello..." He stares at them apprehensively and a bit guarded, pushing Jamie behind him. The smaller merman huffs a bit. "Who... are all of you exactly...?"
"Uh... hi." Jackie waves a little at the kids. "And... hello to you, Chase."
JJ also waves, much more enthusiastically. How cute! The friendly blonde girl sort of reminds him of his Jackie's daughter—though they look nothing alike.
"This is going to sound very unbelievable," Schneep says. "But we have the same names as your group. I am Schneep, for example."
"And I'm Jackie," Jackie says. "This is JJ, Chase, and Anti—but he prefers Alt."
"You sound a bit nervous," Schneep mutters. "I... suppose that is understandable. But we are not here to do anything. It is a long story, how we even ended up here."
Bro waves awkwardly, "Uh yeah I... I'm also Chase..."
Chase stares at his copy. "...you look just like me..."
"Uh... yeah." Bro agrees. "Even got the same hair~"
Chase's eyes narrow and he bares surprisingly sharp teeth at the others, eyes flitting around a bit wildly. "S-So what is this? Is this a trick from Alterra?! D-Did they make you all t-to replace us?"
"H-Hey Chase calm down bro! I-It's not like that!" Reaper Jackie tries to say.
Jackie holds his arms up, showing that he has no intent to harm though—though he's aware that it might look like he's concealing something inside their bundle of clothes. "We're really not here to hurt you. We've never even heard of Alterra before we arrived here!"
"Y-Yes they are... they are human, but they are not Alterran!" Henrik adds.
Chase quiets down but still seems defensive. "...where did you all come from then? W-Why are you hybrids-"
Alt swims a bit forward, "Um... I know it doesn't make much sense to you but... I'm a magician! I can cause... strange things to happen by just- thinking about it and I... I knew a way to let us come underwater since there wasn't much for us on land."
"and if they are lost... I think Danan and Zara can help them find a way back to where they are from," Henrik adds.
Chase hums in thought, still warily looking at Bro but seems to relax a bit. "... okay uh... w-welcome then..." Jamie swims up and hugs Chase's middle, both to show the others he means no harm and to comfort Chase.
"Thank you for the welcome." Schneep smiles in Chase's direction. "It is nice to hear. Things were very confusing back when your brothers first met us. Hopefully we can take care of things quickly."
JJ nods. It's good to meet you—even if I know it might be confusing.
"JJ says it's good to meet you, even though it's probably confusing," Jackie relays.
Bro tries to smile encouragingly at Chase.
Chase seems to fully take in the way JJ signs and looks at Jamie behind him. "... he does the hand thing that Ollie taught you." Jamie nods excitedly. Chase seems to hum and then looks back at JJ. "... Henrik and another blue suit made the robot that Jamie is using to talk... maybe they can make one for you too? Just so we can understand you..."
Alt's eyes sparkle as he looks to Henrik, "You made that robot??"
Henrik flushes more and nods, "With some help... M-Marvin helped me to draw it and Tessie put the ideas i-into the fabricator... it can make anything so... w-we could make another..."
JJ’s eyes light up and he nods eagerly. That would be so helpful! Can they make one so fast? Well, this is supposed to be the future, isn’t it? That would make sense.
Schneep clears his throat. "Your Jackie and Henrik mentioned those two. Danan and Zara. They are... friends of yours?"
Mer Jackie swims up and nods excitedly to Schneep, "Yeah! They're our friends! Danan is a former scientist with the white suits but she left to form this place! Cuz she wanted to take care of us but also let us be free! And Zara- well... she realized she was doing bad stuff and left to help us too! Now she's like- one of my best friends."
Chase smirks, "More than friends, I'd say."
"Huh?? What's that supposed to mean??" The reaper screeches, face getting red.
Jamie looks up and then makes kissing faces at mer-Jackie. The reaper shrieks in response and tackles Jamie to the ground and the two start to wrestle. Henrik and Chase don't seem phased by this but they do laugh.
Jackie grins. “Ah… reminds me of a friend of mine who constantly teased me about my dating life. His name is Chase, too.” He shakes his head. “Still can’t believe he figured out Frederick was my boyfriend before we told him…”
JJ blinks at him. You know, in my world you’re married to a lovely person named Rama.
“Really? Never met anyone with that name. Glad he’s happy with them, though.”
Alt looks over at Jackie with wide eyes and then swims over, looking excited, "You guys got together?! Thank god! Dude you were sooo obvious the last time I was there!"
“Wh—sh-shut up, I was not!” Jackie protests.
JJ laughs. If you’re anything like my Jackie, you were.
“Oh yes, same,” Schneep says. “The Jackie I know is not dating anyone right now—the whole… situation kind of interfered with that—but in the past, when he did—”
“You all are so mean to me,” Jackie whines.
"You're one to talk Alt," Bro snickers, "Sounds like there's another doppelganger of your boyfriend here if I'm guessing right."
Alt shuts up as his face turns red. "y-you don't know that... m-maybe its just... similar names!"
Bro rolls his eyes and then looks at Mer Jackie. "In our world you- I mean... our Jackie is married to someone named Zara. They have 3 kids together."
Reaper Jackie seems to short circuit. "k-kids?!" His face becomes as red as his hood.
The rest of the merboys laugh. Alt and Bro also burst into laughter at the other boys' banter. 
Jackie laughs as well. “Yeah, I know, right? I can’t see it for myself, personally. Kids, I mean.”
"Anyways- Danan knows a lot about this kinda stuff. More than we would. If you guys... don't know Alterra and got lost here, she can probably help." Chase explains.
Schneep clears his throat. “In any case, yes, we would love to meet Danan. She sounds wonderful.”
Henrik swims up back towards the tubes, "Come- we can stop by the lab first to get a device for JJ. Maybe Danan will be nearby!"
“Ooo, ‘the lab,’” Schneep repeats, eyes lighting up—literally, irises turning turquoise. “That sounds fascinating. Well, lead the way, then! Ah, if you want to, of course.”
Henrik smiles, "Of course! Follow me." And he swims back up into the tubes. The others start to follow. Jackie follows after Henrik immediately, and Schneep isn't far behind. But JJ lingers, waiting for everyone. Chase swims down and meets back up with the kids. "I think my brothers need me anddd your mom is probably looking for you." He laughs and pokes the glass. "Don't get into more trouble, okay? "
"Awww okay Chase." The boy whines. Chase chuckles, "Don't be sad, Grayson. We'll catch up later okay?" The girl perks up and types out another message. "Bye Chase! Love you!" Chase blinks and blushes a bit before smiling warmly, "Yeah... bye Skylar..."
Grayson grabs Skylar's hand and starts to lead her back down the hall and Skye leans back to keep waving at Chase. Chase floats there for a second waving after them before sighing and following after the others.
JJ smiles as he sees Chase's interaction with the kids. He doesn't know a Chase in his world... but if he's anything like Bro and this Chase, he must be kind. And yet, as that thought comes to him, something bad lingers at the back of his mind. Why does he feel... dread? His smile fades and he shakes it off, following everyone else into the tube system.
The tubes lead into a few more confusing circles before they wind up in a green tinted room. It's filled to the brim with gadgets and materials, fabricators lining the walls and bigger machines in the corners. A workbench-like table is set up in the middle and even though this place looks like it’s made more for humans, it’s filled with water on the inside. Inside curled up in the corner is a bundle of purple.
"Oooo." Jackie looks around. More scifi shit.
Jamie seems excited and swims forward, "Marvin!" He quietly greets.
The purple thing jumps- and a bunch of metal starts to float around it, caught in a blue light that reflects in its eyes. Upon closer look- it's another hybrid! But this one seems closer to JJ- in which his tails are see-through, you can see his inner organs inside his chest and he has two tentacle-like legs. A purple armored cape hangs around his shoulders that end in tentacle-like tails too. He has bright green hair that is quite long compared to the others, pulled back into a ponytail by a bright blue ribbon. And most notable at all, he has a white cat mask on his face, a strange red symbol in the middle.
Reaper Jackie swims up next and grins, "Marv! I wondered where ya were!"
Schneep lingers near the wall, pressing a hand to the glass. There's someone else in here. He can feel them even before Reaper Jackie calls out his name. Marvin, huh?
JJ grins widely, flapping his arms and causing the attached wings to flutter. This place is so cool! Oh, and another Marvin! A nice one, he hopes--feels like he's the only one who has a nice Marvin. This one has cool powers!
"y-yeah h-hi...?" Marvin mumbles out nervously, "I was just... I..."
"You were trying out those new powers of yours, yes?" Henrik supplies. Marvin sheepishly nods. Then, he seems to notice the new people and he yells, throwing out a hand and sending bits of glowing metal junk hurtling towards through the water.
"Holy shit!" Jackie starts to dodge the junk but a big bit hits him in the stomach, sending him flying back. JJ isn't as fast and takes two blows, one to the chest and one to the tail. Schneep immediately tenses when he hears Marvin yell and the whoosh of water. He instinctively leaps to the side, but he doesn't quite get out of the way and a sharp bit of metal cuts his upper arm. "Motherfucker!" Schneep curses. "We mean you no harm!"
Alt and Bro try to dodge- But Bro gets hit across his cheek and he holds it with a yelp. "Ow! Jesus!" Alt almost manages to glitch out of the way- only to be disoriented by glitching in water which feels weird and actually kinda hurts! So he gets hit by another piece that hit him in the chest. He oomfs and tumbles back in a bit of somersault before he rights himself.
"Stay back!" Marvin hisses, holding out his hand as more objects lift up in the water, glowing like the blue light in his eyes that starts to shift to a hot pink. "I-I don't know who you guys are but-!" He gasps a bit as he sees Alt glitch though and the objects all float back down as the power dies down. He appears next to Alt in a circle of purple and blue magic and gets right up in his face. "Y-You... you warped! H-How?? How did you do that? Y-You're not a warper!"
"A-A what?!" Alt stammers out, nervous now that Marvin is in his face. That shade of purple is... luckily not like Mag's. But, it's too close for comfort.
Marvin swims back with wide panicked eyes and behind all the human-hybrids a pull is felt. But- it's not like the rifts- this one is glowing and swirling with pink and blue like a whirlpool. "I-I dunno what you are but! G-Get away from my brothers!" Marvin shouts.
"Really! We're not here to hurt you!" Jackie holds his hands up--then spins around as the pull appears behind them. JJ gasps in surprise. A whirlpool?! Schneep immediately latches onto the closest person—who turns out to be Jackie—and braces himself to be sucked in.
Then, Mer-Jackie tackles Marvin and the warp gate behind them bursts into bubbles as the concentration is broken. "M-Marv! It's okay! They're with us!"
JJ shakes his head, also raising his hands, and tries to look as harmless as possible.
"I said we're not here to hurt you," Jackie mutters.
The rest of the merboys come over and try to explain, kneeling down by Marvin.
"Friends!" Jamie emphasizes.
"I-I still don't get it but i-I Think they're harmless..." Chase adds.
"We are trying to help them, Marvin, but we will not let them hurt you...!" Henrik says gently.
Marvin still seems freaked as he looks up towards the human strangers. "W-Who are you?"
"um- I'm Alt, if that helps..." Alt speaks up. "And t-this is my brother... Chase."
Bro waves, "You guys can call me Bro though if you want... s'easier."
"I... think this will be very strange for you to hear," Schneep says slowly. "But I am Schneep, and this is Jackie and JJ."
"Hi." Jackie tries for a smile.
Marvin's eyes widen as he hears their names and looks at all his brothers with a bit of distress. Reaper Jackie gives him a tight smile. "Yeah... it's weird I know but... I just think they're lost. And they have like weird powers which is why they're hybrids too. Alterra didn't make em..."
JJ swims over towards Jackie and Schneep, holding onto Schneep's arm. A bit of blue magic wipes away the cut on his arm. Is anyone else hurt? he asks.
"I'm fine... just got my breath knocked out of me," Jackie says, looking down at his stomach where the junk hit him. He might have a bruise there later.
Marvin still looks a bit guarded but that goes out the window as he sees the blue magic and how JJ healed Schneep. He swims over and then pulls on Schneep's arm and then lifts it up like he can see where the cut went. He looks at JJ with wide eyes. "H-How did you do that??"
The other merboys also look fascinated by this and swim a bit closer.
Schneep stiffens a little, but he doesn't pull away as Marvin grabs his arm. JJ notices, though. He smiles at Marvin and gently pulls his hand away from Schneep. Magic, JJ says.
"He says it's magic," Jackie says. "That's some of those weird powers your Jackie mentioned."
Bro timidly raises his hand and points to his cheek, "...if you wanna show them more, J."
JJ looks at Bro and nods. He puts his hand on his face, next to the scrape, and similar blue magic heals it away. He then pulls away, shaking his head slightly. I can't do it forever. I have a limited amount of energy. So I think I'll save it for emergencies for now. Jackie repeats this for the hybrids.
Alt looks at JJ with worry. "Do you need anything to fuel your magic like I do? M-Maybe some food will help..."
JJ looks at Alt. Time and rest, is usually all I need. But food does help. I like thinking of it as a stamina bar in a video game. It recharges slowly but there are items to help fill it.
Alt laughs with JJ, "I like thinking of it that way too!"
"Magic?" Marvin's eyes shine a little bit then he giggles a bit shyly, "...i've always liked that word. .. it's how it feels to make my warp gates... you know? Making something out of nothing..."
Henrik notices the boys having to translate for JJ and hurries down to one of the fabricators, bringing up a hologram menu and clicking around on it. After finding the right plans he beams then swims around to collect the materials. He sets down the right ones and sets the machine to create. Two beams of light start to create the base of a fish robot like Jamie's. Henrik hurries over to another and makes the gloves that go with.
Schneep hears Henrik working around and swims closer, trying to figure out what's happening just by the sounds. He grins. This seems so interesting. Even just the noises are cool.
Alt can't help but be fascinated as he sees the machines create stuff- so much so that his tail starts sparking again. "Woah! Oh my god that's so fucking cool?! How is it doing that??"
"Oh uh... I dunno." Henrik says.
"Oh oh! Zara says it has something to do withhh rearranging maffer." Mer-Jackie says.
"It rearranges matter at the atomic level," Marvin says almost robotically, a bit of pink appearing in his eyes. "It was the catalyst behind the great expansion, and remains the backbone of the modern world." He shakes himself out. "It uh- makes stuff from other stuff."
The merboys look at Marvin weirdly.
Jackie frowns. "I'm guessing you didn't mean to say that," he mutters.
"...he's doing that fancy talking thing again," Reaper Jackie mutters. Chase laughs and ruffles Marvin's hair, "Kinda nice I'm not the know it all anymore!"
Marvin swats them with his tails. "I-I am not! Besides- Schneep is the know-it-all!"
"Yes, but I did not know that." Henrik laughs. He does give Marvin a look, something that holds a bit of concern.
Schneep turns his face towards Marvin again. "I am guessing you quoted something? It did not sound like your voice at all. Ah, I mean your personality—I assume, I mean." He tilts his head. "Rearrange matter at the atomic level... that must take an incredible amount of power. Yet this room does not seem so big. And I think the others would have mentioned it if you saw a huge power plant nearby. Oooo, how incredible it must be, then! The technology you could have that is possible but only limited by power—" He grins excitedly.
Jackie sighs. "All this science and magic stuff flies right by me. I mean... it's cool. But still." He rolls onto his back, floating with his hands behind his head.
Bro laughs with Jackie and nudges him, "dude me too- I don't get a lick of this stuff."
Marvin looks freaked out and backs up some. "I-I uh... I-I..." His eyes have a bit of pink in them again and he stiffens a bit, "T-There's multiple power sources on the planet. We are on top of a super volcano which provides thermal power the lower you go. Or Solar power which runs this base. Power Transmitters can use both solar and thermal power to power a single seabas-" He then shudders and swims backwards, holding his hands to his chest. He looks scared. "S-Sorry- sorry-" Jamie swims over and tries to hug Marvin- Marvin is stiff at first but slowly lets him.
Schneep faces Marvin again as he speaks some more. "N... no, I am sorry, for making that happen," he says quietly. He's curious, but he doesn't want Marvin to be seemingly taken over by whatever this is. Still, he's not the best at comfort, so he stays silent and lets Jamie take care of it.
"I-It's... fine." Marvin grumbles, "I'm t-trying to learn how to c-control it... sorry..." 
Henrik grabs the new objects and hands them to JJ. "Here- put on these gloves... and then try to sign something. The robot should translate out loud for you. I have it set to have the same voice as Jamie's."
JJ's eyes light up. He puts the gloves on, making sure they're secure, then signs, Thank you. Can you understand me now?
The robot fish powers on and swims around JJ, partially translating. "Thank- you understand?"
"Huh... guess it's still struggling with BSL..." Alt mumbles.
"BSL? I've heard of that!" A new figure appears in the lab, and she has black hair bundled back into a ponytail and- oh she's human! She's in a blue and black dive suit with a strange symbol on her shoulder glowing blue and white. She also has purple eyes. Bro and Alt seem to recognize her immediately and stare a bit in dumbfounded awe. She's... younger than the Zara they know but- definitely Zara.
Mer-Jackie perks up and swims over to throw his arms around the woman. "Zara!! Hi!!"
The others turn to look at Zara—or, Schneep faces her. She's not familiar to the three of them, but Jackie does blink in surprise. So the Jackieboy from Bro and Alt's world is married to someone like that? ...well she is cute. Maybe if he'd never met Frederick he would've found her cuter, but he can understand it. He laughs a bit at mer-Jackie's excitement.
Zara laughs and hugs Jackie back, "Hey you!" She then blinks and realizes how many hybirds are in the room. "Woahhh- I knew our scanners picked up new lifeforms in the system but... wasn't expecting this..." She then grins and goes to swim over to grab JJ's fish robot. "Lemme try to fix this for ya though before we do intros!" She takes out a tool from a small bag tied to her leg and opens up a panel on the side of the fish. A small hologram menu shows up again and she scrolls through the options before she beams. "ah ha! Here it is!" She selects it and closes the panel before gesturing for JJ to try again. "Give it another try!"
JJ looks down at his gloves and tries signing again. Hello! It's nice to meet you. All of you.
The robot repeats his words back perfectly. The merboys all perk up and smiles. "Yay! We can understand you now!!" Mer Jackie says excitedly. Jamie swims around JJ in circles, giggling. "New friend! New sign friend!" His robot says.
Alt and Bro look relieved too and smile at JJ. Zara giggles, "Sorry it's usually set to Trans-Universal- BSL is like ancient now but some people still use it!"
Alt smiles at Zara, "I'm Alt- this is Chase." Bro waves.
Schneep nods. "Nice to meet you, Zara. This is going to sound very strange, but I am Schneep, and this is Jackie, JJ, Chase, and Alt. We are... ah..."
"We're from another universe," Jackie says bluntly. The others turn to face him, surprised, and he shrugs. "What? I got tired of dancing around it. Technically we're from other universes, actually."
Zara starts to smile at first but her face falls a bit and her eyes widen. "What...? a... different universe? Different universes?" She emphasizes looking shocked. "you're... all not even from this star system?"
"We're not even from this... plane of existence." Alt answers, rubbing his arm. "Like... good example- what year is it here? For us... it's 2020. Or for me and Chase- I mean Bro at least."
"WHAT?!" Zara exclaims in pure shock.
JJ nods slowly. Well actually it's 2019 in my world.
"Oh same," Jackie says.
"In mine, too," Schneep says.
Really? What month is it for you? It's March for us.
"January," Schneep answers, and at the same time Jackie says, "June."
"Oh you all are a year behind us- huh." Bro comments.
JJ looks at the hybrids. Sorry for not saying all this earlier. We weren't sure you would believe or understand us.
"Hell, I barely understood it, at first," Jackie says.
Schneep sighs. "And yet, you were so eager to share it."
"Honestly, I think it was rude for us to hide it."
"Well...Anti was very aggressive for us even mentioning our friends called Jack," Schneep says carefully. "Based on that, I was a bit hesitant."
"I'm not even sure I understand it..." Mer-Jackie says as he scratches his head. "The fuck is a universe?"
The merboys do all look a bit confused about this. Marvin grips at his head a bit but bites his lip to keep from saying anything.
"If you don't even know what a universe is, then... I am not sure how to describe it," Schneep says. "Think of it like... you have a piece of paper with a drawing on it. You copy the drawing, and on one you add some more details, but on the other you add different ones? Does that make sense at all?"
The merboys look even more confused. Well- except Marvin. He seems to understand the drawing analogy and nods. “Okay… I guess that makes sense.”
“Does it?” Henrik asks, making a face.
Zara still looks shocked, "I.. I can't believe that... h-here it's... 2232-"
"2232?!" Jackie inhales sharply. "Whoa... I-I guess it makes sense that time wouldn't line up perfectly... and that some worlds would be way ahead or way behind of the others.”
Alt sputters, "What?! t-that's insane-"
"As insane as you saying you're from another universe!! That's like- not in ours-"
"It's... parallel actually." Alt explains, "...that's why we all look similar or have similar names... in a way- we are some of you. Just... from somewhere different."
Chase makes a face, "How does that work? I.. I'm me- I'm not- not that guy!" He points at Bro.
Bro laughs nervously. "It's... complicated. But there's always ah... trends- similarities that tell us we're the same. B-Besides you know... looking like each other and having the same name."
I think that in a lot of ways that matter, we're not like you, JJ says. So... if it's easier for you, you can just think of us as a group of people who are kind of similar to your little family.
Chase nods to JJ, “y-yeah… you’re just… g-guys that look like us… that’s all.” He hugs his arms. “I-I don’t wanna think of it more beyond that…”
JJ smiles back at Chase. We'll leave it at that, then.
"Are you okay Ms. Zara?" Schneep asks. "You sound very shocked." He chuckles. "Though... that is understandable. It is very shocking."
Zara blinks at Schneep and then waves her hand. “Y-Yeah I’m just… trying to process all of this… like there’s a world- m-multiple worlds where these guys… don’t grow up here. In the past… that’s so crazy.” She laughs, “Do I even have a parallel in your worlds?”
“Uh… not in theirs,” Bro gestures to JJ, Jackie and Schneep. “But in mine and Alt’s? … yeah. You… you’re… a mum. And married to our friend, Jackie. Jackie Mann. But I think… is your last name uh… Caley? Cuz that was her maiden name.”
Zara’s face turns dark red and she holds her cheeks. “W-woah… god I… I’m way too young to be a mum!”
“To be fair our Zara is more of Bro’s age,” Alt laughs nervously.
“…there’s a universe where I… I get to be with Jackie and… have a family…?” She whispers, slowly smiling to herself.
"Yeah—and the kids are very cute," Jackie says, grinning. "I saw them for a bit when I popped into Alt and Bro's world. But I didn't see you." He pauses, thinking about what Bro said about Zara and their worlds. "Actually, maybe you do exist in our worlds? Our three. Maybe you exist, but we just don't know you?" He guesses. "It's a big world, after all. A whole planet—oh! Wait a second, by the way, is there even a planet Earth in this universe? Or did humans evolve on a different planet?"
"Perhaps it does?" Schneep says. "Alterra—the company name has 'terra' in it, and that is a word for Earth. It could be a very big coincidence that Alterra was called that—but perhaps not?"
Zara laughs, getting over her blush even if she glances at reaper Jackie who looks equally as flushed, hiding his face in his hood. “No you’re actually spot on! A lot of companies who went off into the further reaches of space came from earth of course, but Alterra was the only one bold enough to take its name. This is a planet far from Earth though. I’ve never even been near Earth- I was born here.” She explains, “We’re around a star called 4546 in the Ariadne Arm. This planet was the first found around 4546 so we call it 4546B. It’s a bit far from federation space but it’s more habitable than it was when it was rediscovered by Alterra almost a century ago. Right now Alterra’s trying to find… use of it. There’s lots of good resources and… well- ample places to experiment.”
Schneep makes a little "ooo"ing sound as Zara talks, and JJ swims closer, fascinated. But she lost Jackie the moment she confirmed that Earth existed.
“Those are… so many big words.” Bro mutters.
Zara laughs, “That sounds like something Jackie would say!” Mer-Jackie flicks his tail a bit in annoyance.
“I… I can’t believe we’re on a completely different planet…” Alt whispers in awe. “We’ve never managed to do that before.”
Zara blinks, “You’ve been to… other universes before?”
“Yeah! A ton! Me and Alt are like regular multiverse travelers now!” Bro grins.
"Not us, though." Jackie gestures at himself, Schneep, and JJ. "This is the first time I've been sucked into multiverse travel. Though—I guess I can't speak for you guys."
JJ shrugs. I got snapped to Alt and Bro's world one time, alone with some friends. But nothing since then.
Schneep shakes his head. "No, it is the same for me, Jackie, you are right." He pauses. "Though... one time, when I was getting used to my powers, I... ended up somewhere very strange. It is hard to describe... but it might have been outside my world." After a moment, he shakes his head again. "Don't ask me to go back there, though, I do not think I can. It was a freak accident... and very confusing."
"Well... what do we do now that we know more about this world?" Jackie looks at the others—mainly Alt and Bro, the experienced travelers. "We have these cool mermaid forms—hybrid forms, I guess. So I guess we could go anywhere? But... just, what do we do?"
“I… I dunno-“ Alt admits. “Honestly I was hoping… if this was future tech then… maybe they’d have a TRVLR like IRIS but… I don’t think they do.”
“Yeah sorry… none of those are ringing a bell.” Zara says softly.
Marvin seems to stiffen again and then clasps hands over his mouth. The merboys all look at him with confusion. “…do you know of something, Marvin?” Henrik asks.
Marvin tries to shake his head but then blurts out, his eyes going a bit pink again. “Sector Zero has an interplanetary phase gate hidden for Architect use-“
Zara’s eyes widen, “What?! A… a phase gate?!”
“Uhh- what’s a phase gate?” Bro asks.
"Ooooo, a phase gate," Schneep repeats, interested. "It sounds like some sort of... man-made wormhole."
Like from that movie Stargate! JJ says. He looks at the others. If you guys know what that is.
"I've vaguely heard of it, but I've never seen it," Jackie says.
“Yeah same- never was big on sci-fi movies.” Bro laughs.
“Phase gates are used for travel between sectors of space- they’re huge things used to teleport whole space crafts to other worlds. Sector Zero has that??” Zara gasps.
“The fuck is sector zero?!” Mer Jackie asks. Marvin almost seems to pale.
“It’s the arctic part of this planet outside the crater where we are now… I know there used to be researchers there a while ago but… that place gets abandoned a lot. It’s too cold.” Zara laughs lightly. Then she perks up and seems to realize what Jackie is. “oh!! That’s why you look so strange! You’re not a species from this side of the planet you’re a- a… oh what are they called?”
“A chelicerate.” Marvin supplies robotically before clasping his mouth shut again.
“Yeah!! That!” Zara beams. She swims around Jackie to admire him. “yeah! They’re like… the equivalent of reapers over there! That’s what my dad said at least- I think he and Zeke studied there for a bit!”
Jackie looks down at himself. "Oh. Huh." The mandibles snap again. "So... guess it's fitting that I turned into one, if this Jackie is part reaper. Parallels and shit."
Are you okay, Marvin? JJ asks, concerned. Do you need us to stop asking questions?
Marvin shakes his head. “I… it’s fine I just- h-hate that this k-keeps happening. I-It’s like my head fills with words and they don’t go away until I… I say them.” 
“Danan did say it could be from your warper chip… warpers apparently are very smart.” Chase says. 
Marvin grumbles. “I don’t wanna be smart… I don’t like being a… computer thing that just s-spews stuff out…” Jamie frowns and hugs Marvin around his shoulders.
Schneep frowns at the implications. Did they put a chip in Marvin’s head? Sure, the guys are experiments in this world, but something about that seems a bit too far even by those standards. "Unfortunately, I have another question that seems important," Schneep continues. "What does this phase gate have to do with the TRVLR thing, and IRIS? I see the connection between traveling through space and traveling through worlds, but... it is a different thing with a different purpose. And apparently made by a different company."
"And who the hell is Zeke?" Jackie asks.
Zara sighs, “Unfortunately… Zeke is my older brother. He’s… not a good guy. He’s the reason I left to stay here and… he tried to turn Marvin into a…a full time warper for him to use. And uh here- warpers are a type of like- mix of biology and tech… they were made by an ancient group of aliens that lived here like… a thousand years ago I think?”  She shrugs, “The ones that live here are pretty harmless. Just- warping around, which is like teleporting. They’re Predators but they keep to themselves mostly. Not many are left cuz… they don’t reproduce and the Architects are gone So… Zeke thought Marvin was… fascinating.” Both Zara and Marvin shudder.
“Oh, so he’s an asshole,” Jackie says.
You can’t just call someone’s relative an asshole, even if they’re a bad person, JJ says.
“No no no, let him keep going,” Schneep says. See, that’s why he thought it was too far to put a chip in someone. Who knows how that could be taken advantage of? Even if these real warpers have tech, he can’t believe Alterra did that. Or—any of this, really.
Zara laughs, “No you’re right. He’s the biggest asshole. …but I think he just… got influenced by all the Alterans we worked with… I dunno. Part of me wants to… find some way to…” She shakes her head. “no… there’s no excusing what he did. But uh- speaking of the architects that brings me back to Schneep’s point. I.. I don’t know how a phase gate relates? I mean… they’re powerful… maybe there’s a way to set it to… different universes? I dunno… I don’t know many people here who work on that kinda tech. Most of us are like… Xeno-biologists or simple Alteran engineers.” Zara explains. “Besides I feel like if Alterra had that kind of knowledge they’d be advertising it like crazy. Those guys only care about research and money…”
“Hm… maybe Marvin simply got triggered to say that from hearing traveler?” Henrik suggests.
“Fuck if I know…” Marvin sighs, crossing his arms.
Alt hums, “…maybe we can try to see if we can like- work with a phase gate?”
“I dunno- those things are hugeee.” Zara says. “And still- no one here knows how to work them…”
“Hm… is there anything… smaller then? M-Maybe like- interacting with something like that could… I dunno- sense we’re not from here and send us home? Or like- I’m good with tech…maybe I could figure something out..”
Marvin stiffens again, “Similar technology is used in the Alien arches scattered across the crater. All connect to the Primary Containment facility.” He says robotically.
The merboys all gasp slightly. “T-That is where they had Jack and Anti…”
Alien technology… JJ repeats. It’d be exciting if the hybrids didn’t all have an immediate negative reaction to hearing about this containment facility. I’m going to guess the place is under the company’s control?
“Then it’s probably not safe to get too close,” Jackie says. “People like that would be fascinated with your guys’ magic.”
“But we still need to get home,” Schneep mutters.
“Yes but… the base there was also destroyed.” Henrik replies to JJ, adjusting his goggles. “I do not know if the containment was destroyed… but we also do not know if there are any… survivors down there.”
“It’s also not safe to go there cuz it’ll boil most of us alive.” Mer- Jackie says, “It’s down in the lava zone. Only Marvin and Anti can go down there without being fried.”
“Lava zone?!” Jackie gasps. “That would be so cool if it wasn’t able to kill us! Well—still kinda cool, I guess, but you know what I mean.”
Schneep frowns. He almost wants to ask what destroyed the base… but maybe later. He doesn’t want to get sidetracked.
Marvin’s eyes dim a bit and he answers a bit more quietly, “…I think A-Ant- Alt is onto something though… if similar tech exists in these arches then… t-they’re teleporters. Maybe there is a way to make the destination back towards your homes…”
“That is true… these humans do possess power that even the white suits do not have…” Henrik muses.
“And um… we don’t need to go to the lava zone… we can find one of the arches c-closer by I think…? I’ve… seen a few around.” Marvin says timidly.
“Oh yeah- isn’t there one in the mountains?” Chase says. “It’s that- freaky black diamond thing we sometimes race through.”
“Y-Yeah that’s it.”
I suppose it makes sense that there are closer ones, JJ says. If you have teleporting technology you would want to use it.
“…we should ask Danan,” Zara says. “She’s been researching on this planet longer than I have and might know more about this architect stuff.”
“Danan, right.” Jackie nods slowly. “If she’s in charge here, we should let her know we’re here, anyway.”
“Where is Danan?” Bro asks.
Zara sighs. “She’s taking care of Jack… which means well- you’ll be able to see Anti again because.. he’s there too. Doing his uh- guard thing.”
JJ tilts his head. You know, where I’m from, Jack is Anti’s cousin. They’re the only ones of us who are related.
“They’re pretty close where I’m from, too,” Jackie says. “I uh… don’t know how to describe it. They’re like best friends and family and a weird symbiotic relationship wrapped all into one.”
“Ha… weird. I got a friend named Jack back at home. He helps me make my music for shows.” Alt grins.
Schneep laughs nervously. “Well… that is fun to know. Anyway, should we head in that direction?” He doesn’t want to talk about his Jack and Anti.
The merboys shift a bit uncomfortably. “Jack and Anti have always been close… despite Jack being a bit older than him.” Chase says sadly. “But… now Anti hardly leaves Jack’s side… I think it’s cuz…”
“Cuz of what those white suit fucks did to him.” Reaper Jackie growls, digging his nails into his arms. “They made him their personal bodyguard to make sure Jack never escaped. But- heh, that backfired on them.” He grins.
The more I learn about Alterra the less I like them,” Schneep mutters. JJ and Jackie nod in agreement.
“Yeah just know he might be a bit… snippy, to put it lightly.” Zara says with a wince.
“Don’t worry though! We’ll protect ya!” Mer-Jackie says brightly.
Bro laughs, “I’m not worried dude- I think we can handle it. We’re all a pretty tough bunch.”
“Hey, I can handle a snippy Anti,” Jackie says. “The one I know is a dick. Good person, but a little mean.”
JJ chuckles. My Anti can be like that too. You have to get through the prickly outside.
“Yeah I think all Antis are like that- especially the good ones.” Bro laughs, nudging Alt. Alt glares a bit then flicks his tail at Bro giving him a tiny shock. Bro yelps then makes a face at Alt who only grins back. “What? You said I was prickly, prick.”
“Okay, I suppose that you should all go in front, then?” Schneep hurriedly says before anyone can notice him avoiding the topic of his Anti. “So that way he sees you first before us. I imagine we look quite shocking.”
“Your tail is transparent, by the way,” Jackie comments. “We can see the bones.”
“What?!” Schneep leans down and grabs onto his tail, but it feels like normal fish flesh to him.
The others all kinda hide their laughter. “Y-You didn’t know? You’re just like me actually.” Marvin tries to smile.
“Oh uh- Schneep is… blind.” Bro tells everyone. The ones who didn’t know eyes widen.
“Oh! Wow- you… don’t super act like it but that makes sense..” Zara says. “Good thing you got those tendrils though! I bet they help.”
“River Prowlers use their tendrils to lure in prey.” Marvin says with a twitch and then shudders.
“The extra limbs are helpful, yes,” Schneep says, one of the tendrils grabbing onto JJ’s arm. JJ looks at it a bit warily as Marvin makes that comment, but doesn’t pull away.
Mer-Jackie nods to Schneep, “Well you got the right idea other Schneep, we’ll head the group, c’mon!”
He quickly swims back up into the tubes, the rest of his brothers following after. Zara smiles at the rest of them before following.
“Oh, Zara’s coming with us?” Jackie says, surprised. “I, uh, hope we’re not interrupting anything.”
“I’m sure she knows what she’s doing,” Schneep says. “It will be nice to have someone to help explain.”
Thank you again for your help with the robot, by the way, JJ adds. Then they all follow the others, leaving in that order.
“Ha don’t worry! Hanging out with these guys is kinda my part time job now. ” Zara says with a wink. “Except better cuz I enjoy it! …and I don’t get paid regardless.” She laughs. “Plus it seems like you all need some more uh- human explanations. The boys are still- learning a bunch.”
Alt and Bro follow closely behind but Alt starts mumbling. “I wish I knew a spell that could like… I dunno… fix your vision or at least let you see temporary, Hen…”
“Hmm? Oh.” Schneep turns back towards him and smiles. “Thank you for the concern, Alt. It means a lot, truly. But you don’t have to go out of your way for me. There is a sadness that I lost my sight, but I have grown used to it. I have more accommodations than most blind people, since I can tell where people are, at least.  I am mostly satisfied with my situation. I don’t think I need anything more.”
“Wow Schneep you’ve taken losing a whole sense with a lot of grace.” Bro smiles.
Alt frowns and holds his arms. “…I can’t imagine losing my vision. Maybe it’s just cuz I’m an artist but… I just… that terrifies me. I dunno how you do it.”
“I do wish you could see all this though,” Bro says quietly, looking outside the base as they cross through the glass tunnels. “All of this is… just insane.”
“Oh, well, it has not been easy, of course,” Schneep says. “I had to leave my job—hard to be a surgeon when you cannot see the patient. And there are many inconveniences. Even something like buying food can be difficult. Cannot read the labels, yes? But I am lucky to have had support in adjusting. My friends are always willing to help.”
Jackie looks back at him for a moment, thinking. “You… I’m glad they’re there for you,” he says softly.
Schneep nods. “I am very thankful for them.” He presses a hand to the glass wall of the tube. “But I am sad to be missing out on the view.”
We could describe it for you? JJ suggests.
Schneep laughs. “Give me the colors, if anything. I can figure out the rest with my other senses.”
Bro sighs, “Damn… going to medical school for so long and then having to stop… that majorly sucks.”
“Your friends are good ones though,” Alt smiles. Then he blinks and looks out the windows. “Well here it’s- it’s kinda green but I think that’s cuz there’s these tall kelp vines. You probably felt those. Most of the leaves are at the top of the water though so it kinda makes a canopy? So it’s a bit darker here… and there’s like these glowing fruit things on the vines so it’s all- glowing and shit.”
“Glowing…” Schneep repeats. He smiles. “It must be beautiful.”
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