#hehehe these are my osaaka roots
fiendishpal · 3 years
halo fiendddd! i'm genuinely curious about how you got into osaaka, like what made you read swgp? (bc i am currently having an existential crisis abt my osaaka roots and i cant find the answer lol it's like i woke up one day and my brain went: omg osaaka and now i'm drowning on them hng i can't move on i love them sm wtf)
i was in another fandom but i was following along the famed last chapters of haikyuu.
and i was DYING to know where akaashi was bc he hadn't shown up yet and when he was finally reintroduced in the jackals vs adlers match this happened:
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like the bkak shipper i am, i was expecting his entrance to be bokuto-related. but im glad it wasn't bc i wouldnt enjoy osak like i am now lmao (real talk tho:) akaashi doesn't really always Have to be associated with bokuto All the time, like osamu with atsumu. but it cant be helped since they're brothers but osamu's doing his own thing now. (BUT JUST SO WE'RE CLEAR: akaashi and bokuto will always be in each other's lives, romantic OR platonic, and this is the hill i will die on.)
so when i saw this interaction in that update im like, "oh. that's cute." i was also a krak shipper back then so i was very much open to more akaashi ships hhahaah
so like the cultured man of the soil i am, i went to ao3 to see if they got any fics on them and surprise surprise (not really) there were only 13 fics.
i didn't mind it as much, bc i was like 'that makes sense. bkak 5ever' bc there were a lot of bkak break-ups/one-sided bkak in the osak tag back then and that honestly turned me off.
i read this one fic tho, by novocaine_sea called onigiri for the broken-hearted, it was v cute.
i left osak in a box for sometime, bc again, i was in a different fandom, as i was catching up with the new releases on haikyuu on viz.
and when haikyuu ended i ate up all the post-timeskip bkak fics that i could on ao3, jumped right back in hq fandom, and when that was exhausted i went back to osak bc i remembered how cute they were and i stumbled on "stay with me, go places" AND I LOVED IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!
just in time too! bc there was an osaaka week on twit as soon as i finished the chapters that were available with swmgp (which were 3 chapters back then) and i was like WHAT THE HELL, IMMA DO IT! i just wanted to give back on this rarepair bc that fic was so good. SO GOOD!!! the power it had over me was unreal i really loved it so much that i made my sister read it from how good it was (and she did read it and she agreed with me!)
i am a rarepair shipper through and through and im happy people were actually open to it when i posted my entries for osak week. it was really fun!!
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