teddybeartoji · 1 month
no but…. chuuya who’s never sucked dick before sat on his knees between your legs, staring nervously but hungrily at your hard on. having to coax him in and walk him thru every step while also trying your damndest to not let loose and fuck his throat relentlessly……. IM SORRY
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you tell him to kiss the tip and he just gulps. he's so unsure but at the same time he's so excited???? and he's so determined to be good for you!!!!!!!!!! he presses his lips to your leaking tip while keeping his eyes on you bc he needs to know that he's doing okay, that he's not doing anything wrong. and ohhhhh when he sees your eyes roll back into your head at the slightest touch, his own dick twitches.
but yeah no i don't think he'd really realize how much you're holding bsck lmao. the need to just hear him gag and slobber all over you with tears in his eyes is eating you alive but it's his first time:((((((( you don't wanna scare him:(((( you need to be gentle with him:((((((( but fret not he's the best little student ever though!!!!
also. he definitely cums untouched btw. like the sight of you unraveling right in front of him and from his own mouth and hands is just so fucking hot that he can't help it:(((( he feels very embarrassed abt it too:(((((( but then you're gonna kiss the wet patch on his pants aaaand you're gonna whisper how proud of him you are and then he doesn't feel as bad abt it anymore<33333333
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thebugcollector024 · 1 year
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charliedoyleloves · 4 years
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So @insertofalord and I were talking. While being spammed, I accidentally went "Royalty AU". While it was originally promoted by pictures to make me flustered. I flustered him.
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girl001 · 2 years
When i first met you, you were like a 8 or 9 intimidation wise, i was so scared of the cool nonbiney with the incredible fashion sense and funny posts. But now ur like a 2 :) i am no longer afraid, i know you :)
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drumcorpshero · 4 years
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hgfstreamchats · 7 years
Welcome to the 'highglossfinish' room. Jalaperilo: C'mon knock knock, no need to wait, I'm here now caffienatedconfetti: currently, it is a very obnoxious green caffienatedconfetti: my eyes are burning Jalaperilo: Thats what I'm going for. I'm not even a fan of green, but I always feel my names colur is green Jalaperilo: But i feel we compliment as we are so contrasting lol caffienatedconfetti: lel Jalaperilo: aw caffienatedconfetti: i had to reload, i always lag here for some reason Jalaperilo: same. brbr Error logging out. caffienatedconfetti: hello naughty children it's time for scawwy stowwies caffienatedconfetti: JESUS I TAB AWAY FOR 5 SECONDS thenightetc: Is that someone doing a Goofy voice caffienatedconfetti: WHAT IS THAT VOICE Thebes: Hello! Thebes: I look forward to the halloweens! caffienatedconfetti: my life is suffering Highglossfinish: I've done my job. Jalaperilo: thanks knocktagon thenightetc: Oh, it's a podcast, not a movie? Highglossfinish: It's a movie, I'm just playing this first. thenightetc: Ohhh Jalaperilo: If you like stuff like this, Richard Coyle's narration of The Shadow Over Innsmouth is good Highglossfinish: Oooh, sounds horrifying! Jalaperilo: Lovecraft is good, if full of 'unspeakable horror' caffienatedconfetti: fish people caffienatedconfetti: i haven't read it yet thenightetc: It's probably run by the Devil or something. caffienatedconfetti: but i read mountains of madness and it was SPOOPY AS HECK Jalaperilo: Dagon and Herbert West: Reanimator are very good stories of his Jalaperilo: The latter was made into one of my favourite horror films of all time thenightetc: I rather like The Nameless City Thebes: yeah, the movie Reanimator is a fun time! Jalaperilo: Thebes - Jeff Combs is AMAZING in it Jalaperilo: also, the nameless city is also good Thebes: Plus it's just so over the top without losing the spoopy thenightetc: ...How deep is this straw, exactly Jalaperilo: i cannot understand what that announcer said thenightetc: Something about a tunnel? thenightetc: gosh, what's with this lag Highglossfinish: Is anyone else having a problem with it? thenightetc: (Lag in the chat, not the video/audio) Highglossfinish: Oh, the chat room lag. Jalaperilo: i am. i blame it on being on the other side of the world to (probably) most of you thenightetc: ...Seems legit! caffienatedconfetti: owwww caffienatedconfetti: oh heck caffienatedconfetti: oh gosh caffienatedconfetti: how subtle thenightetc: Ssoooo they make the parents forget the kids?  And then eat the kids? thenightetc: I mean, they were in the process of leaving.  Without their kid. Jalaperilo: well, memory is unreliable Highglossfinish: Something's certainly eating them. Jalaperilo: *claps* caffienatedconfetti: om nom nom caffienatedconfetti: child meat caffienatedconfetti: 10/10 would cannabalize again Jalaperilo: hahha! Jalaperilo: that made me laugh so much caffienatedconfetti: hehehheheheeeee caffienatedconfetti: the sound sounds weird caffienatedconfetti: that girls face caffienatedconfetti: "i'm so high lol" Jalaperilo: does anyone else get angry at the sound of people chewing? Thebes: yeeeah thenightetc: And/or hide it in his pockets thenightetc: ...Why not eat it on the way home, then Jalaperilo: cause he's a little *** Jalaperilo: are they having sex on the sweets? thenightetc: This is stupid. caffienatedconfetti: ew caffienatedconfetti: eeeeeeewwwww thenightetc: They're adults.  They can buy candy for themselves. caffienatedconfetti: maybe they're just cheap as heck Highglossfinish: Well, clearly I've been lied to about this being a good movie. Jalaperilo: did a 15 year old write this? thenightetc: It must be the *point* that it's the kid's caffienatedconfetti: OH THERE IT IS Jalaperilo: did they mean good or so bad its good Jalaperilo: nooooo Highglossfinish: Dear sweet Unicron! thenightetc: Unrealistic, he would have eaten tons on the way home thenightetc: That would have occured to literally any child who went trick or treating and was forbidden from eating the candy afterwards caffienatedconfetti: ok the ending was cool at least Highglossfinish: "Carpenter bar." How subtle. thenightetc: And hey, bad movies are almost as fun!  We get to mock them Highglossfinish: This is very true! Thebes: indeed! Highglossfinish: And I spy a couple of young humans that are about to end up dead. caffienatedconfetti: a small  boy is gonna crawl thru ur window and eat candy outta ur stomach caffienatedconfetti: OOOOOOOH SHI WHADDUP Highglossfinish: Is candy that tempting? thenightetc: Uh oh. Highglossfinish: Because I like rust sticks. I don't know that I'd go rooting around someone's tank for them. caffienatedconfetti: O FUQ caffienatedconfetti: EWEWEWEWEW Jalaperilo: its more the bodies addiction to the sugar in it, mixed with the flavour receptors in the tonge enjoying the sugar vs. how much you hate yourself thenightetc: uhhhHHHHHH caffienatedconfetti: EWEWEWEWEEWEWEW\ caffienatedconfetti: OOHOHOHOHO caffienatedconfetti: HOLY MOTHER caffienatedconfetti: NONONOONONOON Jalaperilo: also, how questonable your morals are and whether you want to turn into a wendigo thenightetc: I don't like that thenightetc: uh caffienatedconfetti: that is caffienatedconfetti: a thing thenightetc: Kid, why did you imply YOU killed them caffienatedconfetti: because kids in horror are stupid as heck Highglossfinish: I might be convinced to go wendigo for a mercury roll from that place in northern Vos. thenightetc: ...ewww thenightetc: dump his *** caffienatedconfetti: they're gonna egg a haunted nhouse Jalaperilo: woah! r word! caffienatedconfetti: I KNEW IT Thebes: jeez caffienatedconfetti: CALLED IT thenightetc: HAHAHA caffienatedconfetti: OH THEY SCREWED HIM OVER caffienatedconfetti: he fuqqed Highglossfinish: The End. thenightetc: Oh boy, it's the Actual Devil caffienatedconfetti: HE PRANKED THE DEVIL Highglossfinish: I like the Actual Devil's style. caffienatedconfetti: creepy old guy thenightetc: How do you live next to the devil for years and not know it caffienatedconfetti: because he's actual satan Jalaperilo: if you read the bible, the devil was actually an ok guy Highglossfinish: And that escalated quickly! caffienatedconfetti: he's satan Jalaperilo: this is actually quite funny caffienatedconfetti: well yeah but caffienatedconfetti: so he's jaunting around with satan thenightetc: Ah, armed robbery, a classic jolly halloween prank Thebes: As y'do Jalaperilo: are they trying to remake The Mask? caffienatedconfetti: our hero, satan caffienatedconfetti: OH HECK Jalaperilo: hahaha! caffienatedconfetti: he's doomed caffienatedconfetti: OH MY GOD Jalaperilo: what the *** caffienatedconfetti: pervert satan thenightetc: This is extremely disproportionate Thebes: THIS TOOK A TURN Highglossfinish: This took many turns. thenightetc: Wait Highglossfinish: This is "cautionary tales for newbuilds" with an all interbuild writing staff. thenightetc: Was that demon's name "Mordenkainen"? thenightetc: (From the previous one) Jalaperilo: mordecai? thenightetc: Oh. Jalaperilo: i think thats an actual demons name? caffienatedconfetti: oh *** thenightetc: Haha, wow thenightetc: Yeah, I think you're right caffienatedconfetti: call the police caffienatedconfetti: CALL THE POLICE Jalaperilo: nice continuous tracking shot Jalaperilo: hitchcock would be proud caffienatedconfetti: jessus Jalaperilo: but....why? Jalaperilo: wheres the caution? caffienatedconfetti: EW thenightetc: It's like that bird movie caffienatedconfetti: holy caesar's ghost batman caffienatedconfetti: this escalated EXTREMELY quickly Jalaperilo: the interbuilds got lazy in their writing thenightetc: Uhhhh caffienatedconfetti: remember kids: have proper hygene when on a murder spree Jalaperilo: i am so lost thenightetc: W...what Jalaperilo: i dunno if i'm just tired and its 2:15am or if this is *** batcrap writing caffienatedconfetti: it's batcrap Jalaperilo: oh god, here comes the racism thenightetc: I understand nothing that just happened caffienatedconfetti: wait he isn't black thank jesus Jalaperilo: i heard 'wrong side of the tracks' and 'hoodrat' and assumed america at its best lol caffienatedconfetti: speaking of, everyone is white Highglossfinish: This is an utter trainwreck. caffienatedconfetti: knockout, you should try grabbing some japanese horror flicks next year caffienatedconfetti: their urban horror legens kick butt Jalaperilo: i'm not good with anything actually scary caffienatedconfetti: like the lady who's 8 feet tall and whose prescene is preceded by someone mimicking the sound of drums in an inhumanly deep voice caffienatedconfetti: also, she's a demon caffienatedconfetti: which is always fun Highglossfinish: I do have a promising zombie movie lined up... caffienatedconfetti: then the lady cut in half by a train who chops you i half and takes your legs Jalaperilo: or the demon with an eye in its butthole thenightetc: parkour~ caffienatedconfetti: and the lady with a scarred face who asks you if she's pretty, and she scars you like her if you say yes and kills you if you say no caffienatedconfetti: is he wearing a bunny costume thenightetc: What IS this caffienatedconfetti: so many child cults Jalaperilo: cause children are the c word caffienatedconfetti: yes thats how spelling works caffienatedconfetti: it's dat boi thenightetc: Ewwww. Jalaperilo: haha Jalaperilo: a boo from super mario thenightetc: Ha! Jalaperilo: thats the kinda talk that gets your car wrapped around a tree thenightetc: Little too on the nose there caffienatedconfetti: of course Highglossfinish: This is coming dangerously close to making me hate Halloween. Jalaperilo: welcome to the club! caffienatedconfetti: NO Highglossfinish: It's already the season where cars get egged; it doesn't need any more help. caffienatedconfetti: it's not that bad cheezy but nice thenightetc: I hate mirror scenes thenightetc: you just KNOW Highglossfinish: This one at least seems to have a sense of restraint. Sort of. caffienatedconfetti: DOG caffienatedconfetti: IT'S A PUPPER caffienatedconfetti: if they kill the dsog i will flip Jalaperilo: i think i'm meh about it cause we never really celebrated halloween as a country until the past few years, where it has become very americanised thenightetc: jeez Jalaperilo: steal a child thenightetc: Uhhhhhh thenightetc: What caffienatedconfetti: oh dear Jalaperilo: is this an analogy for domestic abuse? caffienatedconfetti: ew thenightetc: Maybe? thenightetc: Uhhh thenightetc: ...oh god thenightetc: the dog :( thenightetc: "please forget everything you just saw" Jalaperilo: knock out, thats you Highglossfinish: Don't even joke like that. caffienatedconfetti: um caffienatedconfetti: ew caffienatedconfetti: no please Highglossfinish: I'm liking how '"ew" is our word of the night. thenightetc: why does she keep adjusting her cleavage for an audience of children :| caffienatedconfetti: NO THANK YOU caffienatedconfetti: I AM VERY UNCOMFORTABLE caffienatedconfetti: ewwwwww thenightetc: Thank god they DON'T have a child, honestly caffienatedconfetti: ohoiohoho i dont like this Highglossfinish: I've actually muted it myself. Jalaperilo: no, ko, if we have to duffer, you have to caffienatedconfetti: nonohohoohohop caffienatedconfetti: YOU HAVE TO SUFFER WITH US Highglossfinish: Sorry? What's that? Can't hear you over the sound of the muted video! caffienatedconfetti: I SUFFERED YTHROUGH BIRDEMIC Jalaperilo: (it's still you) thenightetc: oh man thenightetc: poor guy caffienatedconfetti: OH GOd still a half hour Highglossfinish: This is profoundly unpleasant. Jalaperilo: is this all happening in the same town? caffienatedconfetti: i cant do it man, it was charming before but now it's just weird caffienatedconfetti: i'm tired thenightetc: We COULD watch something else caffienatedconfetti: hint hint Highglossfinish: If anyone has any alternative suggestions, please. By all means. caffienatedconfetti: lol jk im going to bed caffienatedconfetti: suffer thenightetc: Zombieland? caffienatedconfetti: SEE YA LATER SUCKERS Jalaperilo: From Beyond?> Jalaperilo: brain dead thenightetc: Idk, first thing that came to mind. Jalaperilo: buy confettinated coffe Highglossfinish: Goodnight, confetti human! Jalaperilo: *bye thenightetc: Goodnight! thenightetc: Oh, these are fun!  For a given value of "fun" Thebes: indeed Highglossfinish: Anything's an improvement over what we just watched. thenightetc: They're going on a bit, aren't they thenightetc: ...Yeah, that sounds like something someone would say thenightetc: I can't believe this woman is thirsty for Jesus Jalaperilo: if you like horror, a good series of 'The History of horror with Mark Gatiss'is very good. all about the early history of horror, inc. hammer horror and british horror. and mark gatiss is very cleaver Highglossfinish: I like! Jalaperilo: 'the behind me candles' haha Jalaperilo: i like diet dr pepper Thebes: thiss... wow Highglossfinish: I like the demon's Old Gregg voice. Jalaperilo: haha Jalaperilo: I'm old gregg! Jalaperilo: you ever drunk baileys out of a shoe? thenightetc: man, Chick definitely had the knack of writing Real Human Conversations thenightetc: "No, we're not afraid, you're just really *** annoying" Jalaperilo: remember that there are humans out there that believe tat the world is 4000 years old Highglossfinish: Hah! Highglossfinish: Ahhhh...humans are adorable. thenightetc: *long-suffering sigh* Jalaperilo: at 4000 you were probably still trying to eat paste Highglossfinish: At 4000, I still believed a razor snake lived in the washracks. Jalaperilo: aw Highglossfinish: And that it would bite me if I lied to my caretakers. Jalaperilo: when i was very little i believed that the taller you were the older you were so my dad, who was the tallest person i knew was 99 years old (he was 28 and 6'2") Highglossfinish: ...Wait, so humans don't just keep growing indefinitely? Jalaperilo: i also used to believe that if i wasnt asleep at night a man flew over each house and got you if you were still awake Jalaperilo: no one told me that, i came up with it on my own thenightetc: ...I think it's possible to have a disorder along those lines, but I think it tends to cause early death Highglossfinish: Huh! The things you learn at stream night! Jalaperilo: i used t believe some right crap. my cousins innocently told me toys came alive at night (this was back in 1989, before toy story Jalaperilo: ) Jalaperilo: and so i was convinced my stuffed tiger was going to eat me Jalaperilo: no wonder there were nights where i couldnt sleep lol Highglossfinish: That's adorable. Jalaperilo: i guess believing scary crap as a youngling is universal Highglossfinish: Naturally. It builds character. Jalaperilo: The Craft is also a good movie Highglossfinish: Goo. thenightetc: Goooooo. Jalaperilo: orgy goo Jalaperilo: dont HAVE to pair up in an orgy. threesomes exist i guess? thenightetc: So now JESUS is her familiar spirit, apparnetly Highglossfinish: Ugh, owls. Jalaperilo: he turned watcher into wine and fed 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread Jalaperilo: kif that aint magic.... Jalaperilo: i read the other day owls make no sound when flying so you'll never hear Yofuu coming hahaha Highglossfinish: I've yet to hear Yofuu coming in all the years I've known them. It's horrific. Jalaperilo: i love yofuu. they have beena source of entertainment for years, esp. their pestering of you thenightetc: Sadly accurate Highglossfinish: I've tried to expect them so that they can't strike when I'm not. Jalaperilo: but they always find their way to your head Highglossfinish: Sadly. Jalaperilo: ok. time for bed! mucho love to you all! x x x x thenightetc: Goodnight! Highglossfinish: Goodnight! Highglossfinish: I should pack things up as well. Highglossfinish: Good night, and apologies for subjecting you all to that drainage! thenightetc: Goodnight!  And, hey, it's fine, these are fun anyway. Thebes: goodnight!
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