#heir of fates the curse of ophelia
uljhasa · 2 years
Play 7 : The Curse of Hamlet
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Prince Hamlet is depressed. Having been summoned home to Denmark from school in Germany to attend his father's funeral, he is shocked to find his mother Gertrude already remarried. The Queen has wed Hamlet's Uncle Claudius, the dead king's brother. To Hamlet, the marriage is "foul incest." Worse still, Claudius has had himself crowned King despite the fact that Hamlet was his father's heir to the throne. Hamlet suspects foul play.
When his father's ghost visits the castle, Hamlet's suspicions are confirmed. The Ghost complains that he is unable to rest in peace because he was murdered. Claudius, says the Ghost, poured poison in King Hamlet's ear while the old king napped. Unable to confess and find salvation, King Hamlet is now consigned, for a time, to spend his days in Purgatory and walk the earth by night. He entreats Hamlet to avenge his death, but to spare Gertrude, to let Heaven decide her fate.
Hamlet vows to affect madness — puts "an antic disposition on" — to wear a mask that will enable him to observe the interactions in the castle, but finds himself more confused than ever. In his persistent confusion, he questions the Ghost's trustworthiness. What if the Ghost is not a true spirit, but rather an agent of the devil sent to tempt him? What if killing Claudius results in Hamlet's having to relive his memories for all eternity? Hamlet agonizes over what he perceives as his cowardice because he cannot stop himself from thinking. Words immobilize Hamlet, but the world he lives in prizes action.
In order to test the Ghost's sincerity, Hamlet enlists the help of a troupe of players who perform a play called The Murder of Gonzago to which Hamlet has added scenes that recreate the murder the Ghost described. Hamlet calls the revised play The Mousetrap, and the ploy proves a success. As Hamlet had hoped, Claudius' reaction to the staged murder reveals the King to be conscience-stricken. Claudius leaves the room because he cannot breathe, and his vision is dimmed for want of light. Convinced now that Claudius is a villain, Hamlet resolves to kill him. But, as Hamlet observes, "conscience doth make cowards of us all."
In his continued reluctance to dispatch Claudius, Hamlet actually causes six ancillary deaths. The first death belongs to Polonius, whom Hamlet stabs through a wallhanging as the old man spies on Hamlet and Gertrude in the Queen's private chamber. Claudius punishes Hamlet for Polonius' death by exiling him to England. He has brought Hamlet's school chums Rosencrantz and Guildenstern to Denmark from Germany to spy on his nephew, and now he instructs them to deliver Hamlet into the English king's hands for execution. Hamlet discovers the plot and arranges for the hanging of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern instead. Ophelia, distraught over her father's death and Hamlet's behavior, drowns while singing sad love songs bemoaning the fate of a spurned lover. Her brother, Laertes, falls next.
Laertes, returned to Denmark from France to avenge his father's death, witnesses Ophelia's descent into madness. After her funeral, where he and Hamlet come to blows over which of them loved Ophelia best, Laertes vows to punish Hamlet for her death as well.
Unencumbered by words, Laertes plots with Claudius to kill Hamlet. In the midst of the sword fight, however, Laertes drops his poisoned sword. Hamlet retrieves the sword and cuts Laertes. The lethal poison kills Laertes. Before he dies, Laertes tells Hamlet that because Hamlet has already been cut with the same sword, he too will shortly die. Horatio diverts Hamlet's attention from Laertes for a moment by pointing out that "The Queen falls."
Gertrude, believing that Hamlet's hitting Laertes means her son is winning the fencing match, has drunk a toast to her son from the poisoned cup Claudius had intended for Hamlet. The Queen dies.
As Laertes lies dying, he confesses to Hamlet his part in the plot and explains that Gertrude's death lies on Claudius' head. Finally enraged, Hamlet stabs Claudius with the poisoned sword and then pours the last of the poisoned wine down the King's throat. Before he dies, Hamlet declares that the throne should now pass to Prince Fortinbras of Norway, and he implores his true friend Horatio to accurately explain the events that have led to the bloodbath at Elsinore. With his last breath, he releases himself from the prison of his words: "The rest is silence."
The play ends as Prince Fortinbras, in his first act as King of Denmark, orders a funeral with full military honors for slain Prince Hamlet.
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robophantom · 4 years
Characters I’m Excited About But Don’t Have A Game For:
Adelaide Blackwood
Grave Cleric
A young noble woman who has heard the voice of the Raven Queen ever since she was a child. Unfortunately, no one else believes her, especially since she’s always been a bit odd even when she isn’t supposedly speaking to deities. This came to tragedy when her sister brought home her new fiancé and Adelaide insisted to the point of violence that the fiancé was a vampire, and wound up institutionalized. She was proven right several months later when her family was found murdered in their home.
Adelaide became an adventurer when she either escaped the institution or was turned out since there was no longer anyone left to pay for her care. Adventuring parties were much more forgiving of her quirks, and much more likely to believe her when she said there was an undead around.
Aster Crucis
Scourge Aasimar
Divine Soul Sorcerer
Absolute Baby Unlimited. He was raised to be a Pope-like figure as a direct messenger from his god, but he was really intended to be more of a figurehead. He is thus a very sweet, very naive person who is great at public appearances but knows next to nothing about the real world and struggles therein.
He becomes an adventurer due to a comedy of errors beginning with one of his caretakers leaving out a book that detailed a king going out to visit his kingdom and culminating with Aster slipping his guard and getting caught up with a group of adventurers.
Sir Augustus Lucian Fairwell
Protector Aasimar
Devotion Paladin
A big, beautiful man and absolute himbo from a family line that has long been favored by Lathander. The Fairwell have all served the god as clerics, paladins, or the odd celestial warlock or divine soul sorcerer and Auggie is no different. Unfortunately, he’s dumb as a brick, but he makes up for it by being attractive, charming, and just a generally nice guy. He loves his family very much, and will brag about his sister, Ophelia, at any given opportunity. His one major vice is that he’s quite vain and somewhat spoiled due to being the former heir to a noble house. But he’s trying.
Auggie became an adventurer after abdicating the position of family heir to his significantly more clever little sister. Nonetheless, he is committed to serve Lathander to the best of his abilities as a free agent of the people!
Curiosity “Curie” Magellan
Standard Tiefling
Transmutation Wizard
Curie is, much as her name implies, a very curious being. She comes from a large family of tieflings and had a very happy childhood before deciding to study magic. After her schooling was complete, she joined up with a research group working with transmutation magic: her specialty. However, things were always a little odd in the lab, and one day Curie’s curiosity got the better of her. She snuck into the senior researcher’s labs to take a look, and found out that there was some very horrifying and unethical research being conducted. In a panic, she stole or destroyed whatever research she could find and fled.
Curie thus became an adventurer because she’s technically a fugitive. As soon as her sabotage was discovered, she was labeled a criminal and thus doesn’t have a lot of options. She’s making the best of it, though!
Edie Everhardt
Hexblade Warlock
Edie is a simple country gal from a huge family. As the middle of nine siblings, she’s always tended to be overlooked, but she sort of enjoyed the anonymity within her own home, even if it could get lonely sometimes. This all changed when she found a weird sword while out exploring that pretty much begged her to make a pact and take it places because it was so f*cking bored.
Edie herself is very humble and sensible, and is an adventurer mostly to humor the spirit in the sword and raise money for her folks back home. She’s not really interested in the fame and prestige, but it’s an enjoyable enough way to spend her time and she likes the people.
Lady [Redacted] Greye
Protector Aasimar
Monster-Slayer Ranger
For centuries, the Greye family was famous for slaying even the most terrifying of monsters. If you had a problem and regular adventurers weren’t cutting it, you took it to the Greyes. They were duty bound to stand between the innocent public and creatures of the night, and did so gladly. It was thus an unimaginable tragedy (and horror) when one night the entire family was wiped out by an unknown enemy. Or so it seemed. The woman would would later style herself as Lady Greye was unexpectedly away from home that night and escaped the massacre. In her grief, she forswore her given name and dedicated herself to her family’s legacy.
Lady Greye is an adventurer because that’s what she’s always been. She’s just... not used to working with people who aren’t her family members yet. And if she maybe wants to discover the people or creatures who massacred her family and get revenge, well. That’s no one’s business but her own.
Mareille “Marley” Traith
High Elf
Arcane Trickster Rogue/War Mage Wizard
Mareille is the eldest—but illegitimate—daughter of the previous Duke Uthellon. She was born amidst a very juicy scandal involving broken engagements and a possible murder, and despite her father’s attempt to give her a good life the stigma has followed her. After her father married her stepmother and had her half-brother, Syril, Mareille began training to be her brother’s spymaster, though she kept as much of the traditional Uthellon’s magical teachings as she could.
Mareille became an adventurer following her father’s mysterious death and her younger brother’s premature ascension to Dukedom. She wants to use the profession as an excuse to snoop around and get to the bottom of the tragedies following her family and hopefully protect her little brother from sharing their father’s fate.
Nadya Thueban
Divination Wizard
Nadya comes from a long line of diviners in her home village. People came to her to inquire about the harvest, if their lover was cheating on them, how many children they would have, and other peaceful mundanities rural villagers concerned themselves with. Nadya also has a young daughter, age twelve, but was never interested in marrying, and a snake familiar that exists as a really dope tattoo when he isn’t summoned. But all the predictions in the world didn’t prepare her for the day when raiders attacked her village, killing dozens and kidnapping dozens more. Her daughter was among the missing, and it drove her to a grief so profound she still hadn’t clawed her was back out.
Nadya became an adventurer to find her daughter and the rest of the missing villagers. She’s also slowly learning to trust her divination again—although it keeps returning the strangest of messages about a plot she doesn’t understand...
Beast Master Ranger/Samurai Fighter
Shinobu is a quiet, melancholic woman in her thirties. She was actually already an adventurer about a decade ago, but after her party was wiped out, she retreated to the forest to live out her “retirement” surrounded by the wolves she always felt an affinity for. She still struggles with survivors guilt, and has difficulty forming attachments to people knowing they would be killed just as easily as her previous party.
Although somewhat out of practice, Shinobu is forced to leave her retirement by events relevant to the plot OR the resurgence of whatever creature or organization killed her party, necessitating her involvement. She is accompanied by the (grand?)daughter of her original Beast Companion, Kagami.
Shadow Monk/Assassin Rogue
A trained spy and assassin who was raised by a secretive organization. On a mission to assassinate an important noble, they were critically injured and subsequently abandoned by their parter. Luckily they were found by a local who nursed them back to health. Presumed dead and thus free of the organization, Shizuka has tried to adapt to a more civilian lifestyle with... mixed success, not helped by the fact that they are completely mute and very few people speak their version of sign language.
Shizuka becomes an adventurer when some of the noble’s agents come sniffing around and they flee rather than implicate their saviors in their crimes. They are now traveling doing mercenary work while still trying to learn how to become a person.
Protector Aasimar
Abjuration Wizard
Ulrike is a cheerful soul who has only ever wanted to help people. She was a member of an elite team of wizard who travelled about dealing with cursed artifacts and locations. Unfortunately, and their last mission Ulrike got trapped within the artifact they were dealing with. The next thing she knew, she was being released from her prison decades or even centuries later with no idea what happened to her former team. She is now forced to deal with the intense culture shock of finding herself all alone in a future she doesn’t understand with no way to return. She’s doing her best to stay positive, but even her persist any cheer has taken a hit by the circumstances.
Ulrike is an adventurer mostly because she has nowhere else to go. There are few alive who still remember her, and even the organizations she used to work with are long defunct or unrecognizable from when she last last active. She is thus relying on the kindness of the strangers who found her, and perhaps hoping that she might one day find out what happened to her team.
Gloomstalker Ranger/Scout Rogue
Úna was born with albinism and struggled to live in the sunlight. Other people found her creepy—even her own family—and so she grew up playing alone after dark. Over time she began to adapt to nighttime living, and travelled further and further into the woods each night. On one such night, she stumbled upon a bandit camp. They nearly killed her, but her lack of fear and straightforward way of speaking to them amused their leader enough that they decided to take her with them. Úna had little attachment to her previous living conditions and so followed without protest. She quickly proved invaluable for moving around at night and in dark places, and became a fixture of the group. However; one day they caught a little too much heat for their crimes, and it was decided that it would be best to part ways for a while. After all, a seven and a half foot tall white firbolg draws attention no matter how sneaky she is.
Úna is an adventurer because her skill set lends itself to little else. She finds working under the cover of darkness soothing, and isn’t squeamish about the moral quandaries that follow adventurers around.
Ysara Djimon
Wood Elf
Open Hand Monk
Ysara was a martial arts teacher at her home monastery. A strict but fair teacher, she enjoyed working with the acolytes who passed through the monastery. One of her students was particularly gifted and Ysara found training them to be particularly rewarding. However, many years later they returned to the monastery and nearly wiped it out before departing again. Ysara was left critically injured, but managed to survive.
Ysara set out to become an adventurer once she was recovered enough to walk on her own. Her other skills have been slower to come back to her, though she is confident that she will one day return to her former prime. She left to track down her former student and extract justice and maybe a reason for the massacre.
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books-save-lives · 5 years
My Reading List Of 2020
The Lightning Thief (book one) - Rick Riordan
The Sea of Monsters (book two) - Rick Riordan
The Titans Curse (book three) - Rick Riordan
The Battle of the Labyrinth (book four) - Rick Riordan
The Last Olympian (book five) - Rick Riordan
The Lost Hero (book one) - Rick Riordan
The Son of Neptune (book two) - Rick Riordan
The Mark of Athena (book three) - Rick Riordan
The House of Hades (book four) - Rick Riordan
The Blood of Olympus (book five) - Rick Riordan
The Hidden Oracle (book one) - Rick Riordan
The Dark Prophecy (book two) - Rick Riordan
The Burning Maze (book three) - Rick Riordan
The Tyrants Tomb (book four) - Rick Riordan
The Tower of Nero (book five) - Rick Riordan
Heart- Soseki Natsume
I Am A Cat - Soseki Natsume
The Woman in the Dunes - Kobo Abe
Norwegian Woods - Haruiki Marakami
Coin Locker Babies - Ryu Marakami
Kitchen - Banana Yoshimoto
Sleep - Banana Yoshimoto
Silence - Shusaku Endo
On The Come Up - Angie Thomas
With the Fire on High - Elizabeth Aceredo
I Wish You All the Best - Mason Deaver
Opposite of Always - Justin A. Reynolds
Love From A to Z - S.K. Ali
Four Dead Queens - Astrid Scholte
Magic For Liars - Sarah Gailey
The Grand Dark - Richard Kadrey
Middlegame - Seanan McGuire
Collision - J.S. Breukelaar
Inspection - Josh Malerman
Scythe (book one) - Neal Shuterman
Thunderhead (book two) - Neal Shuterman
The Toll (book three) - Neal Shuterman
The Grandmaster of Demonic Cultivation - Mo Xiang Tong Xiu
Falling Up (reread) - Shel Silverstein
The Merciful Crow - Margaret Owen
House of Earth and Blood (book club) - Sarah J. Maas
Shiver (book one) (reread) - Maggie Stiefvater
Linger (book two) - Maggie Stiefvater
Forever (book three) - Maggie Stiefvater
Sinner (book four) - Maggie Stiefvater
We Were Liars (reread) - E. Lockhart
Reason to Breathe (book one) (reread) - Rebecca Donovan
Barely Breathing (book two) - Rebecca Donovan
Out of Breath (book three) - Rebecca Donovan
The Poisonwood Bible (reread) - Barbara Kingsolver
Trickster's Choice (book one) (reread) - Tamora Pierce
Trickster's Queen (book two) - Tamora Pierce
Red Queen (book one) - Victoria Aveyard
Glass Sword (book two) - Victoria Aveyard
Kings Cage (book three) - Victoria Aveyard
War Stone (book four) - Victoria Aveyard
Broken Throne (book 4.5) - Victoria Aveyard
Throne of Glass (book one) (reread) - Sarah J. Maas
Crown of Midnight (book two) - Sarah J. Maas
Heir of Fire (book three) - Sarah J. Maas
Queen of Shadows (book four) - Sarah J. Maas
Empire of Storms (book five) - Sarah J. Maas
Tower of Dawn (book six) - Sarah J. Maas
Kingdom of Ash (book seven) - Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Thorns and Roses (book one) - Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Mist and Fury (book two) - Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Wings and Ruin (book three) - Sarah J. Maas
A Court of Frost and Starlight ( book four) - Sarah J. Maas
Cinder (book one) (reread) - Marissa Myers
Scarlet (book two) - Marissa Myers
Cress (book three) - Marissa Myers
Fairest (book four) - Marissa Myers
Winter (book five) - Marissa Myers
Stars Above (book six) Marissa Myers
Renegades (book one) (reread) - Marissa Myers
Archenemies (book two) (reread) - Marissa Myers
Supernova (book three) (reread) - Marissa Myers
Three Dark Crowns (book one) - Kendare Blake
One Dark Throne (book two) - Kendare Blake
Two Dark Reigns (book three) - Kendare Blake
Five Dark Fates (book four) - Kendare Blake
Poison Princess (book one) (reread) - Kresley Cole
Endless Knight (book two) - Kresley Cole
Dead of Winter (book three) - Kresley Cole
Day Zero (book four) - Kresley Cole
Arcana Rising (book five) - Kresley Cole
The Dark Calling (book six) - Kresley Cole
Jackaroo: A Novel of the Kingdom (reread) - Cynthia Voigt
Ophelia - Tara Brown
The Fault in Our Stars (reread) - John Green
Five Feet Apart - Rachael Lippincott
Carry On (book one) - Rainbow Rowell
Wayward Son (book two) - Rainbow Rowell
Dear Evan Hansen - Val Emmich
Tiger (book one) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Monkey (book two) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Snake (book three) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Crane (book four) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Eagle (book five) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Mouse (book six) (reread) - Jeff Stone
Dragon (book seven) (reread) - Jeff Stone
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