lostandloney · 2 years
AAAAAAHHHHH BATS HIYA! I saw you post, could I get a “massaging their shoulders when they clearly had a long day” along with your OC Bastille with Heisenberg please? I love them your honor, they deserve the world!
Heya Mish! I'll definitely write ya up something real nice for that prompt! Also gonna throw in this kinda being domestic them living in their little cabin, just for the *chefs kiss* flavour.
Normally, Bastille was the one providing Karl comfort- not saying that Karl never bothered, it was simply that Bastille rarely accepted it. He was stubborn. That was something that the lord both loved and hated about his mate, but it wasn't like he was any better-- once he had an idea in his head it was almost impossible to get him to change his mind.
Today seemed like one of the days the man would need to take control, however. Bastille had been working so incredibly hard trying to make sure that their private vegetable garden was properly tended to. There was something else he had been working on too, however he had refused to tell Karl what it was or permit him to go see no matter what was offered. Stubborn, see?
Karl walked calmly through the living room area of their little cabin, smiling a bit to himself as he looked around. He remembered how adamant Bastille had been when it came to making everything perfect. He had tried explaining that it already was perfect simply because they had built it themselves, but alas, the other needed things to be just right because "you deserve to live somewhere comfortable and perfect, Karl. You deserve it after everything." He loved his mate and all his silly quirks, but getting that need for perfection with the construction out of Bastille's head had been almost impossible.
Rounding a corner, he made his way down to the bedroom where he had heard the other man go after getting back inside, Karl popped the wooden door open with a soft squeak, though he had tried to be careful enough that the sound wouldn't interrupt Bastille as he stripped himself down to his... rather eccentric... boxers.
"I need to get oil for those hinges." The shorter man insisted, already halting his actions and putting back on his shirt with a drawn out sigh.
Nope. No way in hell.
Karl swiftly walked over to Bastille, and took the button up from him, tossing it right onto the carpeted floor-- much to the other man's chagrin. "That can wait. You've been busy since sun up. Sit down."
Turning swiftly, Bastille scowled and moved to grab the shirt once more. "It needs to be done now or I'll never get around to it." He argued, nearly hissing when he felt the man grab him by his forearm. "Karl."
Really? He really assumed that tone would work. "I said; sit." Karl ordered, tone taking a more forceful twist. He wouldn't be giving in so easily to the other this time.
Bastille stared the other man down with disbelief, scoffing slightly as he moved to the end of the bed and sat down. "You're an ass." He grumbled, crossing his arms and looking off to the side.
"Only to you, because you're special." Karl snarked, kicking his boots off before climbing onto the bed behind his lover and beginning to pull the muscle shirt he was wearing off of him.
Squirming, the lycan glanced over his shoulder at the other man, golden eyes narrowing. "What, you wanted me to sit down so you could take my clothes off and fuc-"
"Shut your fucking hole."
"Ouch, no need to get huffy."
"Says the one mouthing off."
Bastille let out a bitter laugh in response, though a growl left him when Karl forced him to raise his arms. He tried to hide the little wince of pain that came with the action. Truth was, his body was aching from all the hard work it had been through in the past few days.
Karl sighed, certainly having noticed the expression, let alone how tightly wound the other was-- after all, he may be one to be a little bitch, but it wasn't normally to this extent. Cracking his knuckles, the lord carefully started massaging Bastille's shoulders to the best of his ability.
The brunette grew even more tense immediately, almost fighting to get away from the action. "What in the- Karl- what are you doing?!" Bastille exclaimed, instincts telling him to thrust his head back to try and headbutt the other to make an escape. It wasn't like the man hadn't given him a massage before, but he had just... been a little too stressed and upset to actually fathom what was going on.
Sighing, Karl stopped what he was doing. He had hoped that perhaps a massage would help ease him down to at least rest, but apparently, he was wrong... "Alright. What's wrong, kid?" He inquired, speaking again as he watched the other with concern. "Talk to me." Karl wrapped his arms around Bastille's waist, noting how that action wasn't immediately rejected and then bringing the other firmly against the large expanse of his chest.
"I..." Bastille squeezed his eyes shut and let out a shaky breath. "You know how angry you get when you're trying to do something but no matter what angle you work at it from, you can't seem to get it right?" He inquired, allowing himself to sink back into the other.
"I'm familiar." He took on a softer tone now, recognizing that perhaps he shouldn't have been as assertive as he had been before.
Nodding, the younger man continued to speak, "Well that's what I'm dealing with. It's been nothing but fighting with a brick wall for weeks-"
"I think the expression is "screaming at a brick wall.""
Bastille glanced back at Karl with irritation for a moment, earning an immediate look of surrender from the grey haired man. "My point is, I'm just... stressed."
"This about that secret project of yours?"
"You really don't know when to not interrupt people, huh?"
"I thought you knew that already." Karl mused, shaking his head and sighing. "Look. In all seriousness, Bast... Working on any project for too long without taking breaks is like beating a dead horse."
"A truly fucked up thought?"
"You know what I mean, Bastille." Karl deadpanned, slowly laying them both down on the soft mattress. "Anyway, my point is, I don't understand why you want to work on it alone like that. Maybe having a second perspective on it would help?"
Bastille sighed quietly. "Because it was supposed to be a surprise for you. It's not really a surprise if I tell you-"
Well now, that made a lot of sense.
Karl shook his head, reaching his hand up to run through the shorter man's thick hair and massage his scalp, the action almost immediately drawing a low hum of appreciation from Bastille, causing Karl to smile softly. "I understand that, and I do appreciate it, but if you're making yourself this incredibly stressed over it, maybe it would be a good idea... Or at the very least, you could leave it for a few days and come back to it." He offered, rough hands still working at the other's scalp to relax him. "I've been at this crossroad a lot, it's usually about the point where I get you to check it out for me."
"Wait, that's why you get me to look at some of your half-finished projects?" Bastille asked in disbelief.
"You better believe it."
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lostandloney · 2 years
Bastille being very not big on his birthday and Karl trying in small ways to make it better for him every year and then he literally just---
Karl literally knows Bastille's favourite food is peaches (he gets them imported in for him enough after all) so he gets the people of the village to hand craft some fancy whiskey and a beautiful crystalline bottle that's shaped like a heart and puts the peaches into it for him.
Bastille absolutely loses his mind it's so touching and heartwarming. Cries while just holding the bottle to his chest because "literally this is the most thoughtful thing I have ever recieved."
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lostandloney · 3 years
I also have so much love for Karl and Bastille 💕 so you think those two ever have a date in the factory occasionally to just have a small break?
I wonder if they would just go out onto the roof at night with a blanket and some drinks, just sitting there talking and cuddling and being the cutest fucking shits lol
They constantly have little dates up on the roof or the space behind the factory. If they didn't Bastille would be VERY cranky. He demands at LEAST two dates a week and Karl always happily agrees.
Most of their dates are them being cute little bastards curled up together with the wine they have specifically for date night (probably a pinot noir cuz it's the only kinda wine Bast likes) also with like a basket full of snack like foods Bast made for them with Karl's help (karl cuts everything up cuz Bast and knife skills is non existent.)
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