#heket is a demonic poison frog
malwarechips · 2 years
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no way . four of them ?? thats so cool .
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cru5h-cascades · 1 year
Future Cult of the Lamb Campaign Concepts!
Hey everyone! Since Relics of the Old Faith added on more story elements and more story updates are coming soon, I thought I should share some ideas for new campaigns I had in mind! Anyways, here we go! Minor spoilers ahead so scroll away if you haven't finished the base game or Relics of the Old Faith.
Concept 1) Conquest of the Crowns
Since in Relics of the Old Faith we get to have the bishops (and Baal and Aym) as cult members (not to mention use some of the body parts the bishops lost as relics), what if in a future campaign we get to find the crowns the bishops wore? In each area of the game (Darkwood, Anura, Anchordeep, and the Silk Cradle) you get to use the crowns of each land's coresponding rulers. Each crown will have their own unique abilities, slightly different from the Red Crown. The Green Crown (Leshy) can allow the player to leave a trail of spikes when dodge rolling (causing poison damage to any enemies who get hit by the spikes) heavy attacks will cause plants to grow and damage enemies (daggers will wrap around enemies to imobilize them, axes will spread zombie fungus that will cause enemies who touch the fungus to attack other enemies for a few seconds; not as long as call of the crown-type curses though, hammers will spawn a venus flytrap that will attack nearby enemies for a few seconds before retreating, and gauntlets will cause explosive roses to grow around the player). The Yellow Crown (Heket) will allow the player to jump around the map instead of dodge roll (allowing the player to not take damage while dodging) and like Leshy, the Yellow Crown will alter the player's heavy attacks (daggers will spawn small flies that don't do much damage, axes will spawn a large demon who will stick out their tounge like a frog through a portal, gauntlets will pull in enemies and will allow the player to do an extra spin during the attack, and hammers will spawn in three angry bees that will take out 3 enemies and then unspawn afterwards). The Blue Crown (Kallamar) will allow the player to switch between weapons (with that being said being said a few extra weapons will spawn at the start of the level; the player can only carry 3) during dodge rolls and altered heavy attacks include axes creating a circle of energy bullets that will bounce around the room and then come back to the player, gauntlets cause a bunch of energy bullets to form around the player (all bullets that don't hit enemies will return to the player, imobilizing them for a bit; also unused bullets will give the player a little bit more fevor), daggers will swawn in some jellyfish bombs that'll float a round the map for a little bit before detonating (if an enemy doesn't end up touching them for a certain amount of time, and hammers will cause a tidal wave to form that'll push back enemies (it doesn't do that much damage though). And finally, the Purple Crown (Shaumura) allows players to ram into enemies to wrap them up into a web and altered heavy attacks include daggers that spawn in spider eggs that will hatch spiders (duh) that will attack other enemies but then will go against you after all of the enemies in the room are dead, axes will pull enemies closer to you with a web trail that will imobilize them until you hit them, gauntlets will allow you to charge at an enemy to unleash a strong attack that will leave you exposed to enemies for a second or two afterwards (since the player isn't as big as Shamura was prior to Relics of the Old Faith), and hammers will make it rain spiders that will latch onto all enemies in the room, causing them to take poison damage until the spiders despawn. Unlike the base game where you needed a specific amount of cult members to unlock Darkwood, Anura, Anchordeep, and the Silk Cradle and Relics of the Old Faith where you needed to sacrifice a cult member to open the doors to each area in the game, you need to beat all the bosses (minus the witnesses) in each world to keep moving forward (Darkwood will be open when you start the campaign). Instead of beating up the bishops a third time (since they're all members of your cult now), you get to take on mysterious doplegangers that appeared in each of their realms after the events of Relics.
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ligbi · 4 years
Hecate or Hekate
Usually a titan goddess daughter of perses and asreria, though sometimes of zeus by asreria, or zeus and demeter, goddess of crossroads and magic, sometimes the dark moon Has a pack of dogs, controls ghosts, can impart wisdom and magic but hell hath no fury like a goddess who does not believe you are deserving Hecate suppers are held by worshipers of black female lamb, Honey, and dog, and the leftover are left at crossroads on a full moon She is often times seen as a triplicate goddess, both the new moon with selene the full moon and artemis of the cresent moon, and the sky goddess with artemis's earth and persephone's underworld Hekate is associated with the underworld and saw persephone's capture by Hades from a cave Pre hellenistic time she may have come from an asia minor country before becoming a respected titan during the hellenistic era, and worship of her persisted through the medival era when she was villainized by the church
Source 1: early greek myth timothy gantz Daughter of Peres the ravenger titan (noted for his wisdom) and Asreria a titan of the stars, though sometimes zeus is stated to be the father, she is goddess of the crossroads Hesiod says she helps men in victory and success If She Wishes it, is honored by zeus, general helper of men, but no early association with the moon Usually ahows up in any given telling of the rape of persephone to tell demeter of what she saw when persephone was taken away by hades Homeric hymn to demeter ends with hecate becoming attendant of persephone, and shes been seen on pottery escorting persephone back from the underworld She is also associated with iphigenia the daughter who was being sacrificed at the start of the war with troy that was saved by artemis, as iphi is sometimes called artemis of the road or artemis einodia, an enoida by the 5th century was a title of hekate Some sources seem to link hecate and artemis in a one and the same capacity, like how she has been said to be the child of leto who is traditionally the mother of artemis and apollo Euripide's Medeia calls her a patronness of drugs and poisons A 5th century piece portrays her as a tripple goddess, but with herself not in the lunar triplicate we usually associate with her. Theres a suggestion of the triple form having her lower body turned into black dogs, much like scyllas lower half was transformed to, and in some sources she is the mother of scylla, and sometimes is hecate is deemed the child of nyx the primordial night goddess, though she is called a daughter of demeter in orphoc tradition Tl;DR for all this, crossroads goddess heavily associated with persephone and artemis, not the moon, yes poison, helps people when she wants to, lineage as with all gods a questionable mess Going back to source 1 for a moment-oops- iphengenia was a sacrifice for a fast expedition to the war at troy/because her dad agamemnon pissed off artemis through bragging,, and artemis swapped the girl for a deer last second, and in some tellings is made immortal, and the author pausanias says she was turned into hekate  The einodia term associated with hecakte is also used of demeter and persephone Hekate has long standing association with artemis but not as an aspect of Bonus the term hekatos means far darter is is sometimes applied to apollo 
Source 2 Guide to the gods- marjorie leach Goddess of underworld and the night, daughter of nyx and tatarus or asteria and peres, mother of scylla Magic powers and sorcerery bestows prosperity and wisdom, this cites her as an early thracian moon goddess A goddess whose powers extended to all regions ( heaven earth sea underworld), protective of doors and gates, crossroads and travelers, can be malevolent scares men w/ghosts and demons, can bestow honor victory fortune wealth but witholds them from the undeserving in her eyes Magic includes divination and oracles Source 3 dictionary of comparative religions s.g.f. brandon Cthonian and pre hellenic, 3 faced, associated with the uncanny and ghosts, worshiped at crossroads which are traditionallh haunted by the dead, hecate suppers are monthly offerings made at the crossroads usually included dog flesh Her cult survived till the middle ages It was mentioned in source 1 a woman(hekabe) during the fall of troy was turned into a dog and is sometimes said to belong to hekate
Source 4 the new book of goddesses and heroines patricia monaghan Crossroads, sacred dogs, bearing a torch, night, offerings left at three way crossroads, some say she has 3 heads serpent horse and dog While hecate walked, followers gathered insidd for their hekate suppers over which they swapped magic knowledge and secrets of sorcerery, sacrifices of dogs honey and black female lambs. This implies you had a meal and then offered leftovers at the crossroads Calling her a snake goddess Another mention of thracian origins, argument that she is a form of demeter, argument she is a form of persephone Sometimes a titan but still respected by zeus which basically never happens so shes a big deal Mention of worship into classical times, both hekate suppers and public sacrifices celevrated by great ones (caberioi) of honey black lady sheep, dogs, and oh yikes black human slaves Said to be the crone of persephone demeter trio or the dark moon in the artemis and selene trinity, rules spirits of the dead, powers of regeneration,can hold back ghosts, greek women evoked hecate for protection when they left their houses by putting up a threefold image at their door Trying to find more qbout caberioi but so far google only gives me this exact source as source. Look further into later....
Source 5 the women's encyclopedia of myths and secrets barbara g walker Trinity, deruved from the egyptian midwife goddess heqit/heket/hekat, who evolved from the tribal matriarch of pre dyanastic egypt heq, a wise woman in charge of mothers words of power Heqit delived the sun god every mornong from his mother hathor, her totem is the frog, symbol of the fetus, still associated with her when christians 4k years later declared her queen of witches Trinity crossroads underworld, hekate trevia or hecate of the three ways Offerings left on full moons Invoked by those setting out on journies Called the most lovely one, which is a lunar title, this says her triplicate is hecate selene of the moon, artemis the hunter on earth, and persephone the destroyer in the underworld Hecate selene the far shooting moon, mother of dionysus (who while eventually having the mortal mother semele, is a child of zeus and persephone zagreus which is a whole thing i like to yell about ) which is a wild pull but if you say hekate/selene/artemis/persephone are the same person then I Guess Here shes mentioned as the crone to hebe the virgin and hera the mother Symboyl of the new moon figure in white robes, golden sandals, torches lit, a basket of crops she made grow Middle ages queen of the ghostwprld or queen of witches, diabolized by catholics who hate midwives And now for anoter wild pull: hekate was helping a woman in labor, the gods feared magical contagion and put her in the river acheron to wash away birth mana, the river took her underground where she married hades. ...what also a mention that hecabe the queen of troy transformed into hekate's dog, a black female one names maera mara or moera (the destroying fate) Source 6 the new century classical handbook catherine b avery Triple goddess with persephone and artemis, persepbone attendant, powers over ssa eartj sky, gave riches and good fortunes, lead the souls of the dead, associated with ghosts magic and witcjcraft Invisible to mortals but dogs can see her, passes through the night with spectral hounds, dogs sacred to her, crossroads goddess, triple bodied back to back, romans call her trivia, also associated with demeter rhea and persephone Rhea of course being mother of zeus hades posideon hestia hera demeter Cult of rhea associated with fertility rites, has her own mysteries like dionysus, helped her persephone topside after the hades thing, associated with the asian mother goddess cybele, roman magna mater and ops Trivia: roman epitget of hecate and diana when shes associated with hecks Guide to gods called trivia goddess of crossroads streets and highways can be malicious
Source 7 Whos who in greek and roman mythology david kravitz Goddess of underworld, daughter of asteria and perses or zeus and demeter, taught magic to medea her priestess, pictured with torch, epithet for luna, diana, and persephone, other eputhetos enodia the wayside goddess, trioditis goddess of meeting of three routes, also possible crantaeis whose the mother of scylla Trivia is mentioned here as epithet of diana
Source uhhh 8? Dictionary of ancient deities patricia turner Underworld night darkness queen of ghosts and shades, controller of hidden things of nature, presides over birth life death streets and gates, taught medea her pristess magic, only worshiped at night by torchlight, dogs sacred, has a pack of hounds, sacrified to her are black lambs and dogs, shown sometimes with 3 heads: dog horse and Lion Possible moon goddess, standard perses are asteria and zeus and demeter maybe heritage May be the indian Ekata Associated with artemis and persephone and selene The name Brimo used for hekate persephone demeter and rhea Hekate used as epithet of luna/selene and diana and persephone Also known as akitiophi artemis brimo crantaeis diana enodia proerpina selene trioditis Crantaeis loops back to hekate, more redirects for brimo as with aktiophi No entry in here for ekata Just says trivia is name for artemis No mention of ekata in previously sourced books and my only indian myth books are stories and mythology of all races: 6 indian iranian which has no index and isnt a handy alphabetized list .....might have meant native americans let me cross check those Also naught India india has three water god brothers one names ekata Googling qnd saying a goddess from asia minor carian so says a guy whose book from 87 i dont have
Source 9 classical mythology mark p.o. morford Hekate put the fury tisiphone in charge of guarding the grove of avernus Hekate sometimes resembles the furies in appearance and character Medea met jadon at a shrine to hekate Source 10 lost goddesses of early greece charlene spretnak Dark moon cthonic associations gjosts, hekate suppers, food offered as a form of purification, image used above the house to ward off evil, mother of witches, some sites in greece her torches carried around freshly sown fields to promote fertility Zeus and hera kid (???) She gives heras rouge to europa and hides in a house where she midwifes which makes her impure (hey this story again) Standard stuff but covens await hekate near drooping willow trees where she appears and imparts magic knowledge, nest of snakes in her hair, her form became human and animal, favored herbs black poppy, smilax, mandragora, aconite Without death there is no life gonna skim a few more to see if anything else not already mentioned but... Nope.
Source 11 myths of the female divine goddess david leeming From the dark moon she brings soma, unwelcome truth Was in a cave when she saw persephone kidnapped She can heal and teaches magic, more snakes in hair, a necklace of testicles...... once showed up as a boat to kill her love /son and restored him on a new moon
Source 12 a guide to the gods richard carlyon Goddess of moon magic riches wisdom victory flocks and navigation Defends children, associated with regeneration, honored in asia minor and boetia, shows up as crossroads tombs and scene of crime
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annadominionpearl3 · 6 years
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Witches familiars Part 1: 🐸 Toads .... Frogs and toads have been associated with myths, folklore and magic for thousands of years.  They are portrayed as demons in some cultures, and as an omen of good fortune, protection, rain and fertility in others. 🐸 In Egyptian myth the frog or toad is associated with the goddess Heket, the goddess of fertility and childbirth who assisted Isis in her ritual to resurrect Osiris.  She is depicted as a frog-shaped goddess, whose priestesses trained as midwives.  Frog shaped knives were placed on to the bellies of pregnant women and newborn babies as protection. 🐸 In ancient China the toad was a trickster and a magician, a master of escapes, spells and the keeper of powerful secrets.  🐸 As frogs and toads go through major transformations during their lives (tadpole to adult, some shed their skins regularly as they grow). They therefore are symbolic of re-creation, and keepers of the secrets of life after death in some cultures .  🐸 Some European myths tell that it was bad luck to kill a frog for they housed the souls of dead children.  🐸 Throughout history the toad is associated with Witches, and thought to be their devoted magical animal used to carry out deeds. In the Witch trials at St. Osyth in England in 1582, Ursula Kempe's young son testified that one of her four familiars, a black toad named Pigin, had caused illness in a young boy.  Toads were popular as poisonous ingredients in potions and hallucinogens:  “the women-witches of ancient time which killed by poysoning, did much use toads in their confections”.  It was said that some witches could control the weather by concocting brews from frogs, toads and snakes, (Toad Soup). 🐸 In Cornwall the toad is said to have searching powers and relating to the object that the witches were casting their spell on through the toad's mental telepathy in spells of cursing but also of good fortune and happiness. 🐸 Limited amount of Taxidermy Australian Toads @musesofmystery #toad#witchesfamiliar#witchesfetch#toadmagick#protection#spell (at Muses Of Mystery)
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kemetic-esperay · 3 years
@hexandbalances (I couldn’t figure out how to respond on the original post srry 😅) I’ll break into couple different parts to
Hope this helps sorry super long winded
As a stated in the other post with some recs lady heket (heqet) is a frog goddess or frog headed, and there are 4 other goddess in kemet that are also frog headed, there’s is no deity that has association with toads (to my knowledge) frogs amulets were very common as well for protection, fertility etc.
Hekate is a more associated with being a goddess of magic, witchcraft, crossroads, necromancy, ghost and the moon. And she does has many links to animals even frogs and toads (that’s the key part here) she wouldn’t be viewed and worshiped with these animalistic aspects to her, as kemetics do their gods. Instead it’s view more as a symbol to her.
And the she-toad (epithet in my opinion) comes from the fact historical toads have been associated with disease, poisons, misfortune and generally view very negative, and got later an associated with witchcraft by the Christians and further demonized.
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